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2016-01-04 12:48:08 +01:00
* 2007-2011 PrestaShop
* This source file is subject to the Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
* obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
* to so we can send you a copy immediately.
* Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer
* versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your
* needs please refer to for more information.
* @author PrestaShop SA <>
* @copyright 2007-2011 PrestaShop SA
* @version Release: $Revision: 9079 $
* @license Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
* International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA
* @todo : Create typed exception for more finer errors check
class WebserviceOutputBuilderCore
* @var int constant
const VIEW_LIST = 1;
const VIEW_DETAILS = 2;
protected $wsUrl;
protected $output;
public $objectRender;
protected $wsResource;
protected $depth = 0;
protected $schemaToDisplay;
protected $fieldsToDisplay;
protected $specificFields = array();
protected $virtualFields = array();
protected $statusInt;
protected $wsParamOverrides;
// Header properties
protected $headerParams = array(
'Access-Time' => 0,
'X-Powered-By' => 0,
'PSWS-Version' => 0,
'Content-Type' => 0,
* @var string Status header sent at return
protected $status;
public function __construct($ws_url)
$this->statusInt = 200;
$this->status = $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'].' 200 OK';
$this->wsUrl = $ws_url;
$this->wsParamOverrides = array();
* Set the render object for set the output format.
* Set the Content-type for the http header.
* @param WebserviceOutputInterface $obj_render
* @throw WebserviceException if the object render is not an instance of WebserviceOutputInterface
* @return $this
public function setObjectRender(WebserviceOutputInterface $obj_render)
if (!$obj_render instanceof WebserviceOutputInterface)
throw new WebserviceException('Obj_render param must be an WebserviceOutputInterface object type', array(83, 500));
$this->objectRender = $obj_render;
if ($this->objectRender->getContentType())
$this->setHeaderParams('Content-Type', $this->objectRender->getContentType());
return $this;
* getter
* @return WebserviceOutputInterface
public function getObjectRender()
return $this->objectRender;
* Need to have the resource list to get the class name for an entity,
* To build
* @param array $resources
* @return $this
public function setWsResources($resources)
$this->wsResource = $resources;
return $this;
* This method return an array with each http header params for a content.
* This check each required params.
* If this method is overrided don't forget to check required specific params (for xml etc...)
* @return array
public function buildHeader()
$return = array();
$return[] = $this->status;
foreach ($this->headerParams as $key => $param)
$return[] = trim($key).': '.$param;
return $return;
* @param $key The normalized key expected for an http response
* @param $value
* @throw WebserviceException if the key or the value are corrupted
* (use Validate::isCleanHtml method)
* @return $this
public function setHeaderParams($key, $value)
if (!Validate::isCleanHtml($key) OR !Validate::isCleanHtml($value))
throw new WebserviceException('the key or your value is corrupted.', array(94, 500));
$this->headerParams[$key] = $value;
return $this;
* @param null|string $key if null get all header params otherwise the params specified by the key
* @throw WebserviceException if the key is corrupted (use Validate::isCleanHtml method)
* @throw WebserviceException if the asked key does'nt exists.
* @return array|string
public function getHeaderParams($key = null)
$return = '';
if (!is_null($key))
if (!Validate::isCleanHtml($key))
throw new WebserviceException('the key you write is a corrupted text.', array(95, 500));
if (!array_key_exists($key, $this->headerParams))
throw new WebserviceException(sprintf('The key %s does\'nt exist', $key), array(96, 500));
$return = $this->headerParams[$key];
$return = $this->headerParams;
return $return;
* Delete all Header parameters previously set.
* @return $this
public function resetHeaderParams()
$this->headerParams = array();
return $this;
* @return string the normalized status for http request
public function getStatus()
return $this->status;
public function getStatusInt()
return $this->statusInt;
* Set the return header status
* @param int $num the Http status code
* @return void
public function setStatus($num)
$this->statusInt = (int)$num;
switch ($num)
case 200 :
$this->status = $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'].' 200 OK';
case 201 :
$this->status = $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'].' 201 Created';
case 204 :
$this->status = $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'].' 204 No Content';
case 304 :
$this->status = $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'].' 304 Not Modified';
case 400 :
$this->status = $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'].' 400 Bad Request';
case 401 :
$this->status = $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'].' 401 Unauthorized';
case 403 :
$this->status = $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'].' 403 Forbidden';
case 404 :
$this->status = $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'].' 404 Not Found';
case 405 :
$this->status = $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'].' 405 Method Not Allowed';
case 500 :
$this->status = $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'].' 500 Internal Server Error';
case 501 :
$this->status = $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'].' 501 Not Implemented';
case 503 :
$this->status = $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'].' 503 Service Unavailable';
* Build errors output using an error array
* @param array $errors
* @return string output in the format specified by WebserviceOutputBuilder::objectRender
public function getErrors($errors)
if (!empty($errors))
if (isset($this->objectRender))
$str_output = $this->objectRender->renderErrorsHeader();
foreach ($errors as $error)
if (is_array($error))
$str_output .= $this->objectRender->renderErrors($error[1], $error[0]);
$str_output .= $this->objectRender->renderErrors($error);
$str_output .= $this->objectRender->renderErrorsFooter();
$str_output = $this->objectRender->overrideContent($str_output);
$str_output = '<pre>'.print_r($errors, true).'</pre>';
return $str_output;
* Build the resource list in the output format specified by WebserviceOutputBuilder::objectRender
* @param $key_permissions
* @return string
public function getResourcesList($key_permissions)
if (is_null($this->wsResource))
throw new WebserviceException ('You must set web service resource for get the resources list.', array(82, 500));
$output = '';
$more_attr = array('shop_name' => Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_NAME'));
$output .= $this->objectRender->renderNodeHeader('api', array(), $more_attr);
foreach ($this->wsResource as $resourceName => $resource)
if (in_array($resourceName, array_keys($key_permissions)))
$more_attr = array(
'xlink_resource' => $this->wsUrl.$resourceName,
'get' => (in_array('GET', $key_permissions[$resourceName]) ? 'true' : 'false'),
'put' => (in_array('PUT', $key_permissions[$resourceName]) ? 'true' : 'false'),
'post' => (in_array('POST', $key_permissions[$resourceName]) ? 'true' : 'false'),
'delete' => (in_array('DELETE', $key_permissions[$resourceName]) ? 'true' : 'false'),
'head' => (in_array('HEAD', $key_permissions[$resourceName]) ? 'true' : 'false'),
$output .= $this->objectRender->renderNodeHeader($resourceName, array(), $more_attr);
$output .= $this->objectRender->renderNodeHeader('description', array(), $more_attr);
$output .= $resource['description'];
$output .= $this->objectRender->renderNodeFooter('description', array());
if (!isset($resource['specific_management']) || !$resource['specific_management'])
$more_attr_schema = array(
'xlink_resource' => $this->wsUrl.$resourceName.'?schema=blank',
'type' => 'blank',
$output .= $this->objectRender->renderNodeHeader('schema', array(), $more_attr_schema, false);
$more_attr_schema = array(
'xlink_resource' => $this->wsUrl.$resourceName.'?schema=synopsis',
'type' => 'synopsis',
$output .= $this->objectRender->renderNodeHeader('schema', array(), $more_attr_schema, false);
$output .= $this->objectRender->renderNodeFooter($resourceName, array());
$output .= $this->objectRender->renderNodeFooter('api', array());
$output = $this->objectRender->overrideContent($output);
return $output;
public function registerOverrideWSParameters($wsrObject, $method)
$this->wsParamOverrides[] = array('object' => $wsrObject, 'method' => $method);
* Method is used for each content type
* Different content types are :
* - list of entities,
* - tree diagram of entity details (full or minimum),
* - schema (synopsis & blank),
* @param array $objects each object created by entity asked
* @see WebserviceOutputBuilder::executeEntityGetAndHead
* @param null|string $schema_to_display if null display the entities list or entity details.
* @param string|array $fields_to_display the fields allow for the output
* @param int $depth depth for the tree diagram output.
* @param int $type_of_view use the 2 constants WebserviceOutputBuilder::VIEW_LIST WebserviceOutputBuilder::VIEW_DETAILS
* @return string in the output format specified by WebserviceOutputBuilder::objectRender
public function getContent($objects, $schema_to_display = null, $fields_to_display = 'minimum', $depth = 0, $type_of_view = self::VIEW_LIST, $override = true)
$this->fieldsToDisplay = $fields_to_display;
$this->depth = $depth;
$output = '';
if ($schema_to_display != null)
$this->schemaToDisplay = $schema_to_display;
// If a shema is asked the view must be an details type
$type_of_view = self::VIEW_DETAILS;
$ws_params = $objects['empty']->getWebserviceParameters();
foreach ($this->wsParamOverrides AS $p)
$object = $p['object'];
$ws_params = $object->{$p['method']}($ws_params);
// If a list is asked, need to wrap with a plural node
if ($type_of_view === self::VIEW_LIST)
$output .= $this->setIndent($depth).$this->objectRender->renderNodeHeader($ws_params['objectsNodeName'], $ws_params);
if (is_null($this->schemaToDisplay))
foreach ($objects as $key => $object)
if ($key !== 'empty')
if ($this->fieldsToDisplay === 'minimum')
$output .= $this->renderEntityMinimum($object, $depth);
$output .= $this->renderEntity($object, $depth);
$output .= $this->renderSchema($objects['empty'], $ws_params);
// If a list is asked, need to wrap with a plural node
if ($type_of_view === self::VIEW_LIST)
$output .= $this->setIndent($depth).$this->objectRender->renderNodeFooter($ws_params['objectsNodeName'], $ws_params);
if ($override)
$output = $this->objectRender->overrideContent($output);
return $output;
* Create the tree diagram with no details
* @param $object create by the entity
* @param $depth the depth for the tree diagram
* @return string
public function renderEntityMinimum($object, $depth)
$ws_params = $object->getWebserviceParameters();
$more_attr['id'] = $object->id;
$more_attr['xlink_resource'] = $this->wsUrl.$ws_params['objectsNodeName'].'/'.$object->id;
$output = $this->setIndent($depth).$this->objectRender->renderNodeHeader($ws_params['objectNodeName'], $ws_params, $more_attr, false);
return $output;
* Build a schema blank or synopsis
* @param $object create by the entity
* @param $ws_params webserviceParams from the entity
* @return string
private function renderSchema($object, $ws_params)
$output = $this->objectRender->renderNodeHeader($ws_params['objectNodeName'], $ws_params);
foreach ($ws_params['fields'] as $field_name => $field)
$output .= $this->renderField($object, $ws_params, $field_name, $field, 0);
if (isset($ws_params['associations']) && count($ws_params['associations']) > 0)
$this->fieldsToDisplay = 'full';
$output .= $this->renderAssociations($object, 0, $ws_params['associations'], $ws_params);
$output .= $this->objectRender->renderNodeFooter($ws_params['objectNodeName'], $ws_params);
return $output;
* Build the entity detail.
* @param ObjectModel $object create by the entity
* @param int $depth the depth for the tree diagram
* @return string
public function renderEntity($object, $depth)
$output = '';
$ws_params = $object->getWebserviceParameters();
foreach ($this->wsParamOverrides AS $p)
$o = $p['object'];
$ws_params = $o->{$p['method']}($ws_params);
$output .= $this->setIndent($depth).$this->objectRender->renderNodeHeader($ws_params['objectNodeName'], $ws_params);
if ($object->id != 0)
// This to add virtual Fields for a particular entity.
$virtual_fields = $this->addVirtualFields($ws_params['objectsNodeName'], $object);
if (!empty($virtual_fields))
$ws_params['fields'] = array_merge($ws_params['fields'], $virtual_fields);
foreach ($ws_params['fields'] as $field_name => $field)
if ($this->fieldsToDisplay === 'full' || array_key_exists($field_name, $this->fieldsToDisplay))
$field['object_id'] = $object->id;
$field['entity_name'] = $ws_params['objectNodeName'];
$field['entities_name'] = $ws_params['objectsNodeName'];
$output .= $this->renderField($object, $ws_params, $field_name, $field, $depth);
$subexists = false;
if (is_array($this->fieldsToDisplay))
foreach ($this->fieldsToDisplay as $fields)
if (is_array($fields))
$subexists = true;
if (isset($ws_params['associations'])
&& ($this->fieldsToDisplay == 'full'
|| $subexists))
$output .= $this->renderAssociations($object, $depth, $ws_params['associations'], $ws_params);
$output .= $this->setIndent($depth).$this->objectRender->renderNodeFooter($ws_params['objectNodeName'], $ws_params);
return $output;
* Build a field and use recursivity depend on the depth parameter.
* @param ObjectModel $object create by the entity
* @param array $ws_params webserviceParams from the entity
* @param string $field_name
* @param array $field
* @param int $depth
* @return string
private function renderField($object, $ws_params, $field_name, $field, $depth)
$output = '';
$show_field = true;
if (isset($ws_params['hidden_fields']) && in_array($field_name, $ws_params['hidden_fields']))
if ($this->schemaToDisplay === 'synopsis')
$field['synopsis_details'] = $this->getSynopsisDetails($field);
if ($field_name === 'id')
$show_field = false;
if ($this->schemaToDisplay === 'blank')
if (isset($field['setter']) && !$field['setter'])
$show_field = false;
// don't set any value for a schema
if (isset($field['synopsis_details']) || $this->schemaToDisplay === 'blank')
$field['value'] = '';
if (isset($field['xlink_resource']))
elseif (isset($field['getter']) && $object != null && method_exists($object, $field['getter']))
$field['value'] = $object->$field['getter']();
elseif (!isset($field['value']))
$field['value'] = $object->$field_name;
// this apply specific function for a particular field on a choosen entity
$field = $this->overrideSpecificField($ws_params['objectsNodeName'], $field_name, $field, $object, $ws_params);
// don't display informations for a not existant id
if (substr($field['sqlId'], 0, 3) == 'id_' && $field['value'] == 0)
$field['value'] = '';
// delete the xlink except for schemas
if (isset($field['xlink_resource']) && is_null($this->schemaToDisplay))
// set "id" for each node name which display the id of the entity
if ($field_name === 'id')
$field['sqlId'] = 'id';
// don't display the node id for a synopsis schema
if ($show_field)
$output .= $this->setIndent($depth-1).$this->objectRender->renderField($field);
return $output;
* @param $object
* @param $depth
* @param $associations
* @param $ws_params
* @return string
private function renderAssociations($object, $depth, $associations, $ws_params)
$output = $this->objectRender->renderAssociationWrapperHeader();
foreach ($associations as $assoc_name => $association)
if ($this->fieldsToDisplay == 'full' || is_array($this->fieldsToDisplay) && array_key_exists($assoc_name, $this->fieldsToDisplay))
$getter = $association['getter'];
$objects_assoc = array();
$fields_assoc = array();
if (isset($association['fields']))
$fields_assoc = $association['fields'];
$parent_details = array(
'object_id' => $object->id,
'entity_name' => $ws_params['objectNodeName'],
'entities_name' => $ws_params['objectsNodeName'],
if (method_exists($object, $getter) && is_null($this->schemaToDisplay))
$association_resources = $object->$getter();
if (is_array($association_resources) && !empty($association_resources))
foreach ($association_resources as $association_resource)
$objects_assoc[] = $association_resource;
$objects_assoc[] = '';
$class_name = null;
if (isset($this->wsResource[$assoc_name]['class']) && class_exists($this->wsResource[$assoc_name]['class'], true))
$class_name = $this->wsResource[$assoc_name]['class'];
$output_details = '';
foreach ($objects_assoc as $object_assoc)
if ($depth == 0 || $class_name === null)
$value = null;
if (!empty($object_assoc))
$value = $object_assoc;
if (empty($fields_assoc))
$fields_assoc = array(array('id' => $value['id']));
$output_details .= $this->renderFlatAssociation($object, $depth, $assoc_name, $association['resource'], $fields_assoc, $value, $parent_details);
foreach ($object_assoc as $id)
if ($class_name !== null)
$child_object = new $class_name($id);
$output_details .= $this->renderEntity($child_object, ($depth-2 ? 0 : $depth-2));
if ($output_details != '')
$output .= $this->setIndent($depth).$this->objectRender->renderAssociationHeader($object, $ws_params, $assoc_name);
$output .= $output_details;
$output .= $this->setIndent($depth).$this->objectRender->renderAssociationFooter($object, $ws_params, $assoc_name);
$output .= $this->setIndent($depth).$this->objectRender->renderAssociationHeader($object, $ws_params, $assoc_name, true);
$output .= $this->objectRender->renderAssociationWrapperFooter();
return $output;
private function renderFlatAssociation($object, $depth, $assoc_name, $resource_name, $fields_assoc, $object_assoc, $parent_details)
$output = '';
$more_attr = array();
if (isset($this->wsResource[$assoc_name]) && is_null($this->schemaToDisplay))
if ($assoc_name == 'images')
$more_attr['xlink_resource'] = $this->wsUrl.$assoc_name.'/'.$parent_details['entities_name'].'/'.$parent_details['object_id'].'/'.$object_assoc['id'];
$more_attr['xlink_resource'] = $this->wsUrl.$assoc_name.'/'.$object_assoc['id'];
$output .= $this->setIndent($depth-1).$this->objectRender->renderNodeHeader($resource_name, array(), $more_attr);
foreach ($fields_assoc as $field_name=>$field)
if (!is_array($this->fieldsToDisplay) || in_array($field_name, $this->fieldsToDisplay[$assoc_name]))
if ($field_name == 'id' && !isset($field['sqlId']))
$field['sqlId'] = 'id';
$field['value'] = $object_assoc['id'];
elseif (!isset($field['sqlId']))
$field['sqlId'] = $field_name;
$field['value'] = $object_assoc[$field_name];
$field['entities_name'] = $assoc_name;
$field['entity_name'] = $resource_name;
if (!is_null($this->schemaToDisplay))
$field['synopsis_details'] = $this->getSynopsisDetails($field);
$output .= $this->setIndent($depth-1).$this->objectRender->renderField($field);
$output .= $this->setIndent($depth-1).$this->objectRender->renderNodeFooter($resource_name, array());
return $output;
public function setIndent($depth)
$string = '';
$number_of_tabs = $this->depth - $depth;
for ($i = 0; $i < $number_of_tabs; $i++)
$string .= "\t";
return $string;
public function getSynopsisDetails($field)
$arr_details = '';
if (array_key_exists('required', $field) && $field['required'])
$arr_details['required'] = 'true';
if (array_key_exists('maxSize', $field) && $field['maxSize'])
$arr_details['maxSize'] = $field['maxSize'];
if (array_key_exists('validateMethod', $field) && $field['validateMethod'])
$arr_details['format'] = $field['validateMethod'];
return $arr_details;
* @param string|object $object
* @param string $method
* @return $this
public function setSpecificField($object, $method, $field_name, $entity_name)
try {
$this->validateObjectAndMethod($object, $method);
} catch (WebserviceException $e) {
throw $e;
$this->specificFields[$field_name] = array('entity'=>$entity_name, 'object' => $object, 'method' => $method, 'type' => gettype($object));
return $this;
private function validateObjectAndMethod($object, $method)
if (is_string($object) && !class_exists($object))
throw new WebserviceException ('The object you want to set in '.__METHOD__.' is not allowed.', array(98, 500));
if (!method_exists($object, $method))
throw new WebserviceException ('The method you want to set in '.__METHOD__.' is not allowed.', array(99, 500));
public function getSpecificField()
return $this->specificFields;
private function overrideSpecificField($entity_name, $field_name, $field, $entity_object, $ws_params)
if (array_key_exists($field_name, $this->specificFields) && $this->specificFields[$field_name]['entity'] == $entity_name)
if ($this->specificFields[$field_name]['type'] == 'string')
$object = new $this->specificFields[$field_name]['object']();
elseif ($this->specificFields[$field_name]['type'] == 'object')
$object= $this->specificFields[$field_name]['object'];
$field = $object->{$this->specificFields[$field_name]['method']}($field, $entity_object, $ws_params);
return $field;
public function setVirtualField($object, $method, $entity_name, $parameters)
try {
$this->validateObjectAndMethod($object, $method);
} catch (WebserviceException $e) {
throw $e;
$this->virtualFields[$entity_name][] = array('parameters' => $parameters, 'object' => $object, 'method' => $method, 'type' => gettype($object));
public function getVirtualFields()
return $this->virtualFields;
public function addVirtualFields($entity_name, $entity_object)
$arr_return = array();
$virtual_fields = $this->getVirtualFields();
if (array_key_exists($entity_name, $virtual_fields))
foreach ($virtual_fields[$entity_name] as $function_infos)
if ($function_infos['type'] == 'string')
$object = new $function_infos['object']();
elseif ($function_infos['type'] == 'object')
$object= $function_infos['object'];
$return_fields = $object->{$function_infos['method']}($entity_object, $function_infos['parameters']);
foreach ($return_fields as $field_name => $value)
if (Validate::isConfigName($field_name))
$arr_return[$field_name] = $value;
throw new WebserviceException('Name for the virtual field is not allow', array(128, 400));
return $arr_return;
public function setFieldsToDisplay($fields)
$this->fieldsToDisplay = $fields;