2016-01-04 12:49:26 +01:00
< ? php
* 2007 - 2014 PrestaShop
* This source file is subject to the Academic Free License ( AFL 3.0 )
* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE . txt .
* It is also available through the world - wide - web at this URL :
* http :// opensource . org / licenses / afl - 3.0 . php
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
* obtain it through the world - wide - web , please send an email
* to license @ prestashop . com so we can send you a copy immediately .
* Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer
* versions in the future . If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your
* needs please refer to http :// www . prestashop . com for more information .
* @ author PrestaShop SA < contact @ prestashop . com >
* @ copyright 2007 - 2014 PrestaShop SA
* @ license http :// opensource . org / licenses / afl - 3.0 . php Academic Free License ( AFL 3.0 )
* International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA
if ( ! defined ( '_PS_VERSION_' ))
exit ;
include_once ( _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . '/paypal/api/paypal_lib.php' );
include_once ( _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . '/paypal/paypal_logos.php' );
include_once ( _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . '/paypal/paypal_orders.php' );
include_once ( _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . '/paypal/paypal_tools.php' );
include_once ( _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . '/paypal/paypal_login/paypal_login.php' );
include_once ( _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . '/paypal/paypal_login/PayPalLoginUser.php' );
define ( 'WPS' , 1 ); //Paypal Integral
define ( 'HSS' , 2 ); //Paypal Integral Evolution
define ( 'ECS' , 4 ); //Paypal Option +
define ( 'PAYPAL_HSS_REDIRECTION' , 0 );
define ( 'PAYPAL_HSS_IFRAME' , 1 );
define ( 'SMARTPHONE_TRACKING_CODE' , 'Prestashop_Cart_smartphone_EC' );
define ( 'TABLET_TRACKING_CODE' , 'Prestashop_Cart_tablet_EC' );
define ( '_PAYPAL_LOGO_XML_' , 'logos.xml' );
define ( '_PAYPAL_MODULE_DIRNAME_' , 'paypal' );
define ( '_PAYPAL_TRANSLATIONS_XML_' , 'translations.xml' );
class PayPal extends PaymentModule
protected $_html = '' ;
public $_errors = array ();
public $context ;
public $iso_code ;
public $default_country ;
public $paypal_logos ;
public $module_key = '646dcec2b7ca20c4e9a5aebbbad98d7e' ;
const ONLY_PRODUCTS = 1 ;
const ONLY_DISCOUNTS = 2 ;
const BOTH = 3 ;
const ONLY_SHIPPING = 5 ;
const ONLY_WRAPPING = 6 ;
public function __construct ()
$this -> name = 'paypal' ;
$this -> tab = 'payments_gateways' ;
$this -> version = '3.8.0' ;
$this -> author = 'PrestaShop' ;
$this -> currencies = true ;
$this -> currencies_mode = 'radio' ;
parent :: __construct ();
$this -> displayName = $this -> l ( 'PayPal' );
$this -> description = $this -> l ( 'Accepts payments by credit cards (CB, Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Aurore, Cofinoga, 4 stars) with PayPal.' );
$this -> confirmUninstall = $this -> l ( 'Are you sure you want to delete your details?' );
$this -> page = basename ( __FILE__ , '.php' );
if ( version_compare ( _PS_VERSION_ , '1.5' , '<' ))
$mobile_enabled = ( int ) Configuration :: get ( 'PS_MOBILE_DEVICE' );
require ( _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . $this -> name . '/backward_compatibility/backward.php' );
$mobile_enabled = ( int ) Configuration :: get ( 'PS_ALLOW_MOBILE_DEVICE' );
if ( self :: isInstalled ( $this -> name ))
2016-10-17 17:37:23 +02:00
$this -> loadDefaults ();
2016-01-04 12:49:26 +01:00
if ( $mobile_enabled && $this -> active )
$this -> checkMobileCredentials ();
elseif ( $mobile_enabled && ! $this -> active )
$this -> checkMobileNeeds ();
$this -> checkMobileNeeds ();
public function install ()
if ( ! parent :: install () || ! $this -> registerHook ( 'payment' ) || ! $this -> registerHook ( 'paymentReturn' ) ||
! $this -> registerHook ( 'shoppingCartExtra' ) || ! $this -> registerHook ( 'backBeforePayment' ) || ! $this -> registerHook ( 'rightColumn' ) ||
! $this -> registerHook ( 'cancelProduct' ) || ! $this -> registerHook ( 'productFooter' ) || ! $this -> registerHook ( 'header' ) ||
! $this -> registerHook ( 'adminOrder' ) || ! $this -> registerHook ( 'backOfficeHeader' ))
return false ;
if (( _PS_VERSION_ >= '1.5' ) && ( ! $this -> registerHook ( 'displayMobileHeader' ) ||
! $this -> registerHook ( 'displayMobileShoppingCartTop' ) || ! $this -> registerHook ( 'displayMobileAddToCartTop' )))
return false ;
include_once ( _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . '/' . $this -> name . '/paypal_install.php' );
$paypal_install = new PayPalInstall ();
$paypal_install -> createTables ();
$paypal_install -> updateConfiguration ( $this -> version );
$paypal_install -> createOrderState ();
$paypal_tools = new PayPalTools ( $this -> name );
$paypal_tools -> moveTopPayments ( 1 );
$paypal_tools -> moveRightColumn ( 3 );
$this -> runUpgrades ( true );
return true ;
public function uninstall ()
include_once ( _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . '/' . $this -> name . '/paypal_install.php' );
$paypal_install = new PayPalInstall ();
$paypal_install -> deleteConfiguration ();
return parent :: uninstall ();
* Launch upgrade process
public function runUpgrades ( $install = false )
if ( version_compare ( _PS_VERSION_ , '1.5' , '<' ))
foreach ( array ( '2.8' , '3.0' , '3.7' ) as $version )
$file = dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/upgrade/install-' . $version . '.php' ;
if ( Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_VERSION' ) < $version && file_exists ( $file ))
include_once ( $file );
call_user_func ( 'upgrade_module_' . str_replace ( '.' , '_' , $version ), $this , $install );
private function compatibilityCheck ()
if ( file_exists ( _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . '/paypalapi/paypalapi.php' ) && $this -> active )
$this -> warning = $this -> l ( 'All features of Paypal API module are included in the new Paypal module. In order to do not have any conflict, please do not use and remove PayPalAPI module.' ) . '<br />' ;
/* For 1.4.3 and less compatibility */
$update_config = array ( 'PS_OS_CHEQUE' => 1 , 'PS_OS_PAYMENT' => 2 , 'PS_OS_PREPARATION' => 3 , 'PS_OS_SHIPPING' => 4 ,
'PS_OS_DELIVERED' => 5 , 'PS_OS_CANCELED' => 6 , 'PS_OS_REFUND' => 7 , 'PS_OS_ERROR' => 8 , 'PS_OS_OUTOFSTOCK' => 9 ,
'PS_OS_BANKWIRE' => 10 , 'PS_OS_PAYPAL' => 11 , 'PS_OS_WS_PAYMENT' => 12 );
foreach ( $update_config as $key => $value )
if ( ! Configuration :: get ( $key ) || ( int ) Configuration :: get ( $key ) < 1 )
if ( defined ( '_' . $key . '_' ) && ( int ) constant ( '_' . $key . '_' ) > 0 )
Configuration :: updateValue ( $key , constant ( '_' . $key . '_' ));
Configuration :: updateValue ( $key , $value );
public function isPayPalAPIAvailable ()
$payment_method = Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_PAYMENT_METHOD' );
if ( $payment_method != HSS && ! is_null ( Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_API_USER' )) &&
! is_null ( Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_API_PASSWORD' )) && ! is_null ( Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_API_SIGNATURE' )))
return true ;
elseif ( $payment_method == HSS && ! is_null ( Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_BUSINESS_ACCOUNT' )))
return true ;
return false ;
* Initialize default values
protected function loadDefaults ()
$this -> loadLangDefault ();
$this -> paypal_logos = new PayPalLogos ( $this -> iso_code );
$payment_method = Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_PAYMENT_METHOD' );
$order_process_type = ( int ) Configuration :: get ( 'PS_ORDER_PROCESS_TYPE' );
if ( Tools :: getValue ( 'paypal_ec_canceled' ) || $this -> context -> cart === false )
unset ( $this -> context -> cookie -> express_checkout );
if ( version_compare ( _PS_VERSION_ , '' , '>=' ))
$version = Db :: getInstance () -> getValue ( 'SELECT version FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'module` WHERE name = \'' . $this -> name . '\'' );
if ( empty ( $version ) === true )
Db :: getInstance () -> execute ( '
UPDATE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'module` m
SET m . version = \ '' . bqSQL ( $this -> version ) . ' \ '
WHERE m . name = \ '' . bqSQL ( $this -> name ) . '\'' );
if ( defined ( '_PS_ADMIN_DIR_' ))
/* Backward compatibility */
if ( version_compare ( _PS_VERSION_ , '1.5' , '<' ))
$this -> backwardCompatibilityChecks ();
/* Upgrade and compatibility checks */
$this -> runUpgrades ();
$this -> compatibilityCheck ();
$this -> warningsCheck ();
if ( isset ( $this -> context -> cookie -> express_checkout ))
$this -> context -> smarty -> assign ( 'paypal_authorization' , true );
if (( $order_process_type == 1 ) && (( int ) $payment_method == HSS ) && ! $this -> useMobile ())
$this -> context -> smarty -> assign ( 'paypal_order_opc' , true );
elseif (( $order_process_type == 1 ) && (( bool ) Tools :: getValue ( 'isPaymentStep' ) == true ))
$shop_url = PayPal :: getShopDomainSsl ( true , true );
if ( version_compare ( _PS_VERSION_ , '1.5' , '<' ))
$link = $shop_url . _MODULE_DIR_ . $this -> name . '/express_checkout/payment.php' ;
$this -> context -> smarty -> assign ( 'paypal_confirmation' , $link . '?' . http_build_query ( array ( 'get_confirmation' => true ), '' , '&' ));
$values = array ( 'fc' => 'module' , 'module' => 'paypal' , 'controller' => 'confirm' , 'get_confirmation' => true );
$this -> context -> smarty -> assign ( 'paypal_confirmation' , $shop_url . __PS_BASE_URI__ . '?' . http_build_query ( $values ));
protected function checkMobileCredentials ()
$payment_method = Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_PAYMENT_METHOD' );
if ((( int ) $payment_method == HSS ) && (
( ! ( bool ) Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_API_USER' )) &&
( ! ( bool ) Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_API_PASSWORD' )) &&
( ! ( bool ) Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_API_SIGNATURE' ))))
$this -> warning .= $this -> l ( 'You must set your PayPal Integral credentials in order to have the mobile theme work correctly.' ) . '<br />' ;
protected function checkMobileNeeds ()
$iso_code = Country :: getIsoById (( int ) Configuration :: get ( 'PS_COUNTRY_DEFAULT' ));
$paypal_countries = array ( 'ES' , 'FR' , 'PL' , 'IT' );
if ( method_exists ( $this -> context -> shop , 'getTheme' ))
if (( $this -> context -> shop -> getTheme () == 'default' ) && in_array ( $iso_code , $paypal_countries ))
$this -> warning .= $this -> l ( 'The mobile theme only works with the PayPal\'s payment module at this time. Please activate the module to enable payments.' ) . '<br />' ;
$this -> warning .= $this -> l ( 'In order to use the module you need to install the backward compatibility.' ) . '<br />' ;
/* Check status of backward compatibility module*/
protected function backwardCompatibilityChecks ()
if ( Module :: isInstalled ( 'backwardcompatibility' ))
$backward_module = Module :: getInstanceByName ( 'backwardcompatibility' );
if ( ! $backward_module -> active )
$this -> warning .= $this -> l ( 'To work properly the module requires the backward compatibility module enabled' ) . '<br />' ;
elseif ( $backward_module -> version < PayPal :: BACKWARD_REQUIREMENT )
$this -> warning .= $this -> l ( 'To work properly the module requires at least the backward compatibility module v' ) . PayPal :: BACKWARD_REQUIREMENT . '.<br />' ;
$this -> warning .= $this -> l ( 'In order to use the module you need to install the backward compatibility.' ) . '<br />' ;
public function getContent ()
$this -> _postProcess ();
if (( $id_lang = Language :: getIdByIso ( 'EN' )) == 0 )
$english_language_id = ( int ) $this -> context -> employee -> id_lang ;
$english_language_id = ( int ) $id_lang ;
$this -> context -> smarty -> assign ( array (
'PayPal_WPS' => ( int ) WPS ,
'PayPal_HSS' => ( int ) HSS ,
'PayPal_ECS' => ( int ) ECS ,
'PP_errors' => $this -> _errors ,
'PayPal_logo' => $this -> paypal_logos -> getLogos (),
'PayPal_allowed_methods' => $this -> getPaymentMethods (),
'PayPal_country' => Country :: getNameById (( int ) $english_language_id , ( int ) $this -> default_country ),
'PayPal_country_id' => ( int ) $this -> default_country ,
'PayPal_business' => Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_BUSINESS' ),
'PayPal_payment_method' => ( int ) Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_PAYMENT_METHOD' ),
'PayPal_api_username' => Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_API_USER' ),
'PayPal_api_password' => Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_API_PASSWORD' ),
'PayPal_api_signature' => Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_API_SIGNATURE' ),
'PayPal_api_business_account' => Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_BUSINESS_ACCOUNT' ),
'PayPal_express_checkout_shortcut' => ( int ) Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_EXPRESS_CHECKOUT_SHORTCUT' ),
'PayPal_sandbox_mode' => ( int ) Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_SANDBOX' ),
'PayPal_payment_capture' => ( int ) Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_CAPTURE' ),
'PayPal_country_default' => ( int ) $this -> default_country ,
'PayPal_change_country_url' => 'index.php?tab=AdminCountries&token=' . Tools :: getAdminTokenLite ( 'AdminCountries' ) . '#footer' ,
'Countries' => Country :: getCountries ( $english_language_id ),
'One_Page_Checkout' => ( int ) Configuration :: get ( 'PS_ORDER_PROCESS_TYPE' ),
'PayPal_integral_evolution_template' => Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_HSS_TEMPLATE' ),
'PayPal_integral_evolution_solution' => Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_HSS_SOLUTION' ),
'PayPal_login' => ( int ) Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_LOGIN' ),
'PayPal_login_client_id' => Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_LOGIN_CLIENT_ID' ),
'PayPal_login_secret' => Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_LOGIN_SECRET' ),
'PayPal_login_tpl' => ( int ) Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_LOGIN_TPL' ),
'default_lang_iso' => Language :: getIsoById ( $this -> context -> employee -> id_lang ),
$this -> getTranslations ();
$output = $this -> fetchTemplate ( '/views/templates/admin/back_office.tpl' );
if ( $this -> active == false )
return $output . $this -> hookBackOfficeHeader ();
return $output ;
* Hooks methods
public function hookHeader ()
if ( $this -> useMobile ())
$id_hook = ( int ) Configuration :: get ( 'PS_MOBILE_HOOK_HEADER_ID' );
if ( $id_hook > 0 )
$module = Hook :: getModulesFromHook ( $id_hook , $this -> id );
if ( ! $module )
$this -> registerHook ( 'displayMobileHeader' );
if ( isset ( $this -> context -> cart ) && $this -> context -> cart -> id )
$this -> context -> smarty -> assign ( 'id_cart' , ( int ) $this -> context -> cart -> id );
/* Added for PrestaBox */
if ( method_exists ( $this -> context -> controller , 'addCSS' ))
$this -> context -> controller -> addCSS ( _MODULE_DIR_ . $this -> name . '/css/paypal.css' );
Tools :: addCSS ( _MODULE_DIR_ . $this -> name . '/css/paypal.css' );
$process = '<script type="text/javascript">' . $this -> fetchTemplate ( 'js/paypal.js' ) . '</script>' ;
$smarty = $this -> context -> smarty ;
if ((
( method_exists ( $smarty , 'getTemplateVars' ) && ( $smarty -> getTemplateVars ( 'page_name' ) == 'authentication' || $smarty -> getTemplateVars ( 'page_name' ) == 'order-opc' ))
|| ( isset ( $smarty -> _tpl_vars ) && ( $smarty -> _tpl_vars [ 'page_name' ] == 'authentication' || $smarty -> _tpl_vars [ 'page_name' ] == 'order-opc' )))
( int ) Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_LOGIN' ) == 1 )
$this -> context -> smarty -> assign ( array (
'paypal_locale' => $this -> getLocale (),
'PAYPAL_LOGIN_CLIENT_ID' => Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_LOGIN_CLIENT_ID' ),
'PAYPAL_SANDBOX' => Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_SANDBOX' ),
'PAYPAL_LOGIN_TPL' => Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_LOGIN_TPL' ),
'PAYPAL_RETURN_LINK' => PayPalLogin :: getReturnLink (),
$process .= '
< script src = " https://www.paypalobjects.com/js/external/api.js " ></ script >
< script > '.$this->fetchTemplate(' js / paypal_login . js ').' </ script > ' ;
return $process ;
public function getLocale ()
switch ( Language :: getIsoById ( $this -> context -> language -> id ))
case 'fr' :
return 'fr-fr' ;
case 'hk' :
return 'zh-hk' ;
case 'cn' :
return 'zh-cn' ;
case 'tw' :
return 'zh-tw' ;
case 'xc' :
return 'zh-xc' ;
case 'dk' :
return 'da-dk' ;
case 'nl' :
return 'nl-nl' ;
case 'gb' :
return 'en-gb' ;
case 'de' :
return 'de-de' ;
case 'il' :
return 'he-il' ;
case 'id' :
return 'id-id' ;
case 'il' :
return 'it-il' ;
case 'jp' :
return 'ja-jp' ;
case 'no' :
return 'no-no' ;
case 'pt' :
return 'pt-pt' ;
case 'pl' :
return 'pl-pl' ;
case 'ru' :
return 'ru-ru' ;
case 'es' :
return 'es-es' ;
case 'se' :
return 'sv-se' ;
case 'th' :
return 'th-th' ;
case 'tr' :
return 'tr-tr' ;
default :
return 'en-gb' ;
public function hookDisplayMobileHeader ()
return $this -> hookHeader ();
public function hookDisplayMobileShoppingCartTop ()
return $this -> renderExpressCheckoutButton ( 'cart' ) . $this -> renderExpressCheckoutForm ( 'cart' );
public function hookDisplayMobileAddToCartTop ()
return $this -> renderExpressCheckoutButton ( 'cart' );
public function hookProductFooter ()
$content = ( ! $this -> useMobile ()) ? $this -> renderExpressCheckoutButton ( 'product' ) : null ;
return $content . $this -> renderExpressCheckoutForm ( 'product' );
public function hookPayment ( $params )
if ( ! $this -> active )
return ;
$use_mobile = $this -> useMobile ();
if ( $use_mobile )
$method = ECS ;
$method = ( int ) Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_PAYMENT_METHOD' );
if ( isset ( $this -> context -> cookie -> express_checkout ))
$this -> redirectToConfirmation ();
$this -> context -> smarty -> assign ( array (
'logos' => $this -> paypal_logos -> getLogos (),
'sandbox_mode' => Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_SANDBOX' ),
'use_mobile' => $use_mobile ,
'PayPal_lang_code' => ( isset ( $iso_lang [ $this -> context -> language -> iso_code ])) ? $iso_lang [ $this -> context -> language -> iso_code ] : 'en_US'
if ( $method == HSS )
$billing_address = new Address ( $this -> context -> cart -> id_address_invoice );
$delivery_address = new Address ( $this -> context -> cart -> id_address_delivery );
$billing_address -> country = new Country ( $billing_address -> id_country );
$delivery_address -> country = new Country ( $delivery_address -> id_country );
$billing_address -> state = new State ( $billing_address -> id_state );
$delivery_address -> state = new State ( $delivery_address -> id_state );
$cart = $this -> context -> cart ;
$cart_details = $cart -> getSummaryDetails ( null , true );
if (( int ) Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_SANDBOX' ) == 1 )
$action_url = 'https://securepayments.sandbox.paypal.com/acquiringweb' ;
$action_url = 'https://securepayments.paypal.com/acquiringweb' ;
$shop_url = PayPal :: getShopDomainSsl ( true , true );
$this -> context -> smarty -> assign ( array (
'action_url' => $action_url ,
'cart' => $cart ,
'cart_details' => $cart_details ,
'currency' => new Currency (( int ) $cart -> id_currency ),
'customer' => $this -> context -> customer ,
'business_account' => Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_BUSINESS_ACCOUNT' ),
'custom' => Tools :: jsonEncode ( array ( 'id_cart' => $cart -> id , 'hash' => sha1 ( serialize ( $cart -> nbProducts ())))),
'gift_price' => ( float ) $this -> getGiftWrappingPrice (),
'billing_address' => $billing_address ,
'delivery_address' => $delivery_address ,
'shipping' => $cart_details [ 'total_shipping_tax_exc' ],
'subtotal' => $cart_details [ 'total_price_without_tax' ] - $cart_details [ 'total_shipping_tax_exc' ],
'time' => time (),
'cancel_return' => $this -> context -> link -> getPageLink ( 'order.php' ),
'notify_url' => $shop_url . _MODULE_DIR_ . $this -> name . '/ipn.php' ,
'return_url' => $shop_url . _MODULE_DIR_ . $this -> name . '/integral_evolution/submit.php?id_cart=' . ( int ) $cart -> id ,
'tracking_code' => $this -> getTrackingCode ( $method ),
'iso_code' => Tools :: strtoupper ( $this -> context -> language -> iso_code ),
'payment_hss_solution' => Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_HSS_SOLUTION' ),
'payment_hss_template' => Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_HSS_TEMPLATE' ),
$this -> getTranslations ();
return $this -> fetchTemplate ( 'integral_evolution_payment.tpl' );
elseif ( $method == WPS || $method == ECS )
$cart = $this -> context -> cart ;
2016-10-18 12:59:37 +02:00
$this -> context -> smarty -> assign ( 'accounts' , $this -> getBillingAgreement ( $cart -> id_customer ));
2016-01-04 12:49:26 +01:00
$this -> getTranslations ();
$this -> context -> smarty -> assign ( array (
'custom' => Tools :: jsonEncode ( array ( 'id_cart' => $cart -> id , 'hash' => sha1 ( serialize ( $cart -> nbProducts ())))),
'PayPal_integral' => WPS ,
'PayPal_express_checkout' => ECS ,
'PayPal_payment_method' => $method ,
'PayPal_payment_type' => 'payment_cart' ,
'PayPal_current_page' => $this -> getCurrentUrl (),
'PayPal_tracking_code' => $this -> getTrackingCode ( $method )));
return $this -> fetchTemplate ( 'express_checkout_payment.tpl' );
return null ;
public function hookShoppingCartExtra ()
// No active
if ( ! $this -> active || ((( int ) Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_PAYMENT_METHOD' ) == HSS ) && ! $this -> context -> getMobileDevice ()) ||
! Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_EXPRESS_CHECKOUT_SHORTCUT' ) || ! in_array ( ECS , $this -> getPaymentMethods ()) || isset ( $this -> context -> cookie -> express_checkout ))
return null ;
$values = array ( 'en' => 'en_US' , 'fr' => 'fr_FR' );
$this -> context -> smarty -> assign ( array (
'PayPal_payment_type' => 'cart' ,
'PayPal_current_page' => $this -> getCurrentUrl (),
'PayPal_lang_code' => ( isset ( $values [ $this -> context -> language -> iso_code ]) ? $values [ $this -> context -> language -> iso_code ] : 'en_US' ),
'PayPal_tracking_code' => $this -> getTrackingCode (( int ) Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_PAYMENT_METHOD' )),
'include_form' => true ,
'template_dir' => dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/views/templates/hook/' ));
return $this -> fetchTemplate ( 'express_checkout_shortcut_button.tpl' );
public function hookPaymentReturn ()
if ( ! $this -> active )
return null ;
public function hookRightColumn ()
$this -> context -> smarty -> assign ( 'logo' , $this -> paypal_logos -> getCardsLogo ( true ));
return $this -> fetchTemplate ( 'column.tpl' );
public function hookLeftColumn ()
return $this -> hookRightColumn ();
public function hookBackBeforePayment ( $params )
if ( ! $this -> active )
return null ;
/* Only execute if you use PayPal API for payment */
if ((( int ) Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_PAYMENT_METHOD' ) != HSS ) && $this -> isPayPalAPIAvailable ())
if ( $params [ 'module' ] != $this -> name || ! $this -> context -> cookie -> paypal_token || ! $this -> context -> cookie -> paypal_payer_id )
return false ;
Tools :: redirect ( 'modules/' . $this -> name . '/express_checkout/submit.php?confirm=1&token=' . $this -> context -> cookie -> paypal_token . '&payerID=' . $this -> context -> cookie -> paypal_payer_id );
public function setPayPalAsConfigured ()
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'PAYPAL_CONFIGURATION_OK' , true );
public function hookAdminOrder ( $params )
if ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'submitPayPalCapture' ))
$this -> _doCapture ( $params [ 'id_order' ]);
elseif ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'submitPayPalRefund' ))
$this -> _doTotalRefund ( $params [ 'id_order' ]);
$admin_templates = array ();
if ( $this -> isPayPalAPIAvailable ())
if ( $this -> _needValidation (( int ) $params [ 'id_order' ]))
$admin_templates [] = 'validation' ;
if ( $this -> _needCapture (( int ) $params [ 'id_order' ]))
$admin_templates [] = 'capture' ;
if ( $this -> _canRefund (( int ) $params [ 'id_order' ]))
$admin_templates [] = 'refund' ;
2016-10-17 17:37:23 +02:00
2016-01-04 12:49:26 +01:00
if ( count ( $admin_templates ) > 0 )
$sql = " SELECT `id_transaction`FROM ` " . _DB_PREFIX_ . " paypal_order` WHERE id_order = " . $params [ 'id_order' ];
$id_transaction = Db :: getInstance () -> getValue ( $sql );
if ( empty ( $id_transaction )){
2016-10-17 17:37:23 +02:00
$id_transaction = " " ;
2016-01-04 12:49:26 +01:00
$order = new Order (( int ) $params [ 'id_order' ]);
if ( version_compare ( _PS_VERSION_ , '1.5' , '>=' ))
$order_state = $order -> current_state ;
$order_state = OrderHistory :: getLastOrderState ( $order -> id );
$this -> context -> smarty -> assign (
array (
'authorization' => ( int ) Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_OS_AUTHORIZATION' ),
'base_url' => _PS_BASE_URL_ . __PS_BASE_URI__ ,
'module_name' => $this -> name ,
'order_state' => $order_state ,
'params' => $params ,
'id_transaction' => $id_transaction ,
'ps_version' => _PS_VERSION_
foreach ( $admin_templates as $admin_template )
$this -> _html .= $this -> fetchTemplate ( '/views/templates/admin/admin_order/' . $admin_template . '.tpl' );
$this -> _postProcess ();
$this -> _html .= '</fieldset>' ;
return $this -> _html ;
2017-11-20 11:11:18 +01:00
public function hookAdminOrderNew ( $params )
if ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'submitPayPalRefund' )){
$this -> _doTotalRefund ( $params [ 'id_order' ]);
2018-01-29 16:47:51 +01:00
* Refund shipping
* @ param array $params
* @ return void | boolean
public function hookCancelShipping ( $params )
global $cookie ;
if ( Tools :: getValue ( 'noCancelHook' )) {
return ;
2018-02-02 17:46:57 +01:00
if ( ! in_array ( $cookie -> profile , array ( 1 , 7 , 14 , 11 ))) {
return false ;
2018-01-29 16:47:51 +01:00
if ( ! $this -> isPayPalAPIAvailable ()) {
return false ;
2018-02-02 17:46:57 +01:00
if ( ! ( $order = $params [ 'order' ]) || ! Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $order )) {
return false ;
if ( $order -> module != $this -> name ) {
return false ;
2018-01-29 16:47:51 +01:00
2018-02-02 17:46:57 +01:00
if ( strtolower ( $order -> payment ) != " paypal " ) {
2018-01-29 16:47:51 +01:00
return false ;
2018-02-02 17:46:57 +01:00
if ( ! $order -> hasBeenPaid ()) {
mail ( 'karen@bebeboutik.com' , 'Erreur remboursement' , 'Erreur de remboursement sur la commande ' . $order_detail -> id_order . ' la commande n\'a pas été payée.' );
mail ( 'doreen@bebeboutik.com' , 'Erreur remboursement' , 'Erreur de remboursement sur la commande ' . $order_detail -> id_order . ' la commande n\'a pas été payée.' );
mail ( 'contact@bebeboutik.com' , 'Erreur remboursement' , 'Erreur de remboursement sur la commande ' . $order_detail -> id_order . ' la commande n\'a pas été payée.' );
2018-01-29 16:47:51 +01:00
2018-02-02 17:46:57 +01:00
return false ;
2018-01-29 16:47:51 +01:00
$paypal_order = PayPalOrder :: getOrderById (( int ) $order -> id );
if ( ! $paypal_order ) {
return false ;
2018-02-02 17:46:57 +01:00
// Get product amount to refund
$amount = $order -> total_shipping ;
if ( $amount > 0 ){
$refund = $this -> _makeRefund ( $paypal_order [ 'id_transaction' ], ( int ) $order -> id , $amount );
if ( ! $refund ) {
mail ( 'karen@bebeboutik.com' , 'Erreur dans le remboursement' , 'Erreur remboursement échoué pour la commande ' . $order_detail -> id_order );
mail ( 'doreen@bebeboutik.com' , 'Erreur dans le remboursement' , 'Erreur remboursement échoué pour la commande ' . $order_detail -> id_order );
mail ( 'contact@bebeboutik.com' , 'Erreur dans le remboursement' , 'Erreur remboursement échoué pour la commande ' . $order_detail -> id_order );
} else {
$this -> refundSave ( $order -> id , 0 , $amount , $cookie -> id_employee );
2018-01-29 16:47:51 +01:00
2016-01-04 12:49:26 +01:00
public function hookCancelProduct ( $params )
2018-02-02 17:46:57 +01:00
global $cookie ;
if ( ! in_array ( $cookie -> profile , array ( 1 , 7 , 14 , 11 ))) {
return false ;
if ( ! $this -> isPayPalAPIAvailable ()) {
return false ;
if ( ! ( $order = $params [ 'order' ]) || ! Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $order )) {
return false ;
if ( $order -> module != $this -> name ) {
return false ;
if ( strtolower ( $order -> payment ) != " paypal " ) {
return false ;
if ( ! $order -> hasBeenPaid ()) {
2018-01-26 10:50:02 +01:00
return false ;
2016-01-04 12:49:26 +01:00
$paypal_order = PayPalOrder :: getOrderById (( int ) $order -> id );
2018-01-26 10:50:02 +01:00
if ( ! $paypal_order ) {
return false ;
2018-02-02 17:46:57 +01:00
$order_detail = new OrderDetail (( int ) $params [ 'id_order_detail' ]);
if ( ! $order_detail || ! Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $order_detail )) {
return false ;
2016-01-04 12:49:26 +01:00
$products = $order -> getProducts ();
$cancel_quantity = Tools :: getValue ( 'cancelQuantity' );
$message = $this -> l ( 'Cancel products result:' ) . '<br>' ;
2018-01-26 10:50:02 +01:00
2018-02-02 17:46:57 +01:00
// Get product amount to refund
2016-01-04 12:49:26 +01:00
$amount = ( float )( $products [( int ) $order_detail -> id ][ 'product_price_wt' ] * ( int ) $cancel_quantity [( int ) $order_detail -> id ]);
2018-01-26 10:50:02 +01:00
if ( $amount > 0 ){
2017-09-27 12:03:07 +02:00
$refund = $this -> _makeRefund ( $paypal_order [ 'id_transaction' ], ( int ) $order -> id , $amount );
2018-02-02 17:46:57 +01:00
if ( ! $refund ) {
mail ( 'karen@bebeboutik.com' , 'Erreur dans le remboursement' , 'Erreur remboursement échoué pour la commande ' . $order_detail -> id_order );
mail ( 'doreen@bebeboutik.com' , 'Erreur dans le remboursement' , 'Erreur remboursement échoué pour la commande ' . $order_detail -> id_order );
mail ( 'contact@bebeboutik.com' , 'Erreur dans le remboursement' , 'Erreur remboursement échoué pour la commande ' . $order_detail -> id_order );
} else {
$this -> refundSave ( $order_detail -> id_order , $order_detail -> id , $amount , $cookie -> id_employee );
2017-09-27 12:03:07 +02:00
} else {
$refund = array ();
$message .= $this -> l ( 'Transaction error because of the amount of the cancel product!' ) . '<br>' ;
2018-01-26 10:50:02 +01:00
2016-01-04 12:49:26 +01:00
$this -> formatMessage ( $refund , $message );
$this -> _addNewPrivateMessage (( int ) $order -> id , $message );
2018-01-26 11:56:03 +01:00
2018-02-02 17:46:57 +01:00
* Save refund transaction in BDD when its OK
* @ param int $id_order
* @ param int $id_order_detail
* @ param int $montant
* @ param int $id_employee
protected function refundSave ( $id_order , $id_order_detail = 0 , $montant , $id_employee )
Db :: getInstance () -> execute ( '
INSERT INTO `'._DB_PREFIX_.'refund_transaction`
( `id_order` , `id_order_detail` , `amount` , `date` , `id_employee` )
'. (int)$id_order .' ,
'. (int)$id_order_detail .' ,
'. $montant * 100 .' ,
" '. date('Y-m-d H:i:s') .' " ,
'. (int)$id_employee .'
) '
2016-01-04 12:49:26 +01:00
public function hookBackOfficeHeader ()
if (( strcmp ( Tools :: getValue ( 'configure' ), $this -> name ) === 0 ) ||
( strcmp ( Tools :: getValue ( 'module_name' ), $this -> name ) === 0 ))
if ( version_compare ( _PS_VERSION_ , '1.5' , '<' ))
$output = '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . __PS_BASE_URI__ . ' js / jquery / jquery - ui - 1.8 . 10. custom . min . js " ></script>
< script type = " text/javascript " src = " '.__PS_BASE_URI__.'js/jquery/jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.js " ></ script >
< link type = " text/css " rel = " stylesheet " href = " '.__PS_BASE_URI__.'css/jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.css " />
< link type = " text/css " rel = " stylesheet " href = " '._MODULE_DIR_. $this->name .'/css/paypal.css " /> ' ;
$this -> context -> controller -> addJquery ();
$this -> context -> controller -> addJQueryPlugin ( 'fancybox' );
$this -> context -> controller -> addCSS ( _MODULE_DIR_ . $this -> name . '/css/paypal.css' );
$this -> context -> smarty -> assign ( array (
'PayPal_module_dir' => _MODULE_DIR_ . $this -> name ,
'PayPal_WPS' => ( int ) WPS ,
'PayPal_HSS' => ( int ) HSS ,
'PayPal_ECS' => ( int ) ECS
return ( isset ( $output ) ? $output : null ) . $this -> fetchTemplate ( '/views/templates/admin/header.tpl' );
return null ;
public function renderExpressCheckoutButton ( $type )
if (( ! Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_EXPRESS_CHECKOUT_SHORTCUT' ) && ! $this -> useMobile ()))
return null ;
if ( ! in_array ( ECS , $this -> getPaymentMethods ()) || ((( int ) Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_BUSINESS' ) == 1 ) &&
( int ) Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_PAYMENT_METHOD' ) == HSS ) && ! $this -> useMobile ())
return null ;
$iso_lang = array (
'en' => 'en_US' ,
'fr' => 'fr_FR'
$this -> context -> smarty -> assign ( array (
'use_mobile' => ( bool ) $this -> useMobile (),
'PayPal_payment_type' => $type ,
'PayPal_current_page' => $this -> getCurrentUrl (),
'PayPal_lang_code' => ( isset ( $iso_lang [ $this -> context -> language -> iso_code ])) ? $iso_lang [ $this -> context -> language -> iso_code ] : 'en_US' ,
'PayPal_tracking_code' => $this -> getTrackingCode (( int ) Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_PAYMENT_METHOD' )))
return $this -> fetchTemplate ( 'express_checkout_shortcut_button.tpl' );
public function renderExpressCheckoutForm ( $type )
if (( ! Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_EXPRESS_CHECKOUT_SHORTCUT' ) && ! $this -> useMobile ()) || ! in_array ( ECS , $this -> getPaymentMethods ()) ||
((( int ) Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_BUSINESS' ) == 1 ) && (( int ) Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_PAYMENT_METHOD' ) == HSS ) && ! $this -> useMobile ()))
return ;
$this -> context -> smarty -> assign ( array (
'PayPal_payment_type' => $type ,
'PayPal_current_page' => $this -> getCurrentUrl (),
'PayPal_tracking_code' => $this -> getTrackingCode (( int ) Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_PAYMENT_METHOD' )))
return $this -> fetchTemplate ( 'express_checkout_shortcut_form.tpl' );
public function useMobile ()
if (( method_exists ( $this -> context , 'getMobileDevice' ) && $this -> context -> getMobileDevice ()) || Tools :: getValue ( 'ps_mobile_site' ))
return true ;
return false ;
public function getTrackingCode ( $method )
if (( _PS_VERSION_ < '1.5' ) && ( _THEME_NAME_ == 'prestashop_mobile' || ( isset ( $_GET [ 'ps_mobile_site' ]) && $_GET [ 'ps_mobile_site' ] == 1 )))
elseif ( _PS_MOBILE_PHONE_ )
//Get Seamless checkout
$login_user = PaypalLoginUser :: getByIdCustomer (( int ) $this -> context -> customer -> id );
if ( $login_user && $login_user -> expires_in <= time ())
$obj = new PayPalLogin ();
$login_user = $obj -> getRefreshToken ();
if ( $method == WPS )
if ( $login_user )
if ( $method == HSS )
if ( $method == ECS )
if ( $login_user )
public function getTranslations ()
$file = dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/' . _PAYPAL_TRANSLATIONS_XML_ ;
if ( file_exists ( $file ))
$xml = simplexml_load_file ( $file );
if ( isset ( $xml ) && $xml )
$index = - 1 ;
$content = $default = array ();
while ( isset ( $xml -> country [ ++ $index ]))
$country = $xml -> country [ $index ];
$country_iso = $country -> attributes () -> iso_code ;
if (( $this -> iso_code != 'default' ) && ( $country_iso == $this -> iso_code ))
$content = ( array ) $country ;
elseif ( $country_iso == 'default' )
$default = ( array ) $country ;
$content += $default ;
$this -> context -> smarty -> assign ( 'PayPal_content' , $content );
return true ;
return false ;
public function getPayPalURL ()
return 'www' . ( Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_SANDBOX' ) ? '.sandbox' : '' ) . '.paypal.com' ;
public function getPaypalIntegralEvolutionUrl ()
if ( Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_SANDBOX' ))
return 'https://' . $this -> getPayPalURL () . '/cgi-bin/acquiringweb' ;
return 'https://securepayments.paypal.com/acquiringweb?cmd=_hosted-payment' ;
public function getPaypalStandardUrl ()
return 'https://' . $this -> getPayPalURL () . '/cgi-bin/webscr' ;
public function getAPIURL ()
return 'api-3t' . ( Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_SANDBOX' ) ? '.sandbox' : '' ) . '.paypal.com' ;
public function getAPIScript ()
return '/nvp' ;
public function getCountryDependency ( $iso_code )
$localizations = array (
'AU' => array ( 'AU' ), 'BE' => array ( 'BE' ), 'CN' => array ( 'CN' , 'MO' ), 'CZ' => array ( 'CZ' ), 'DE' => array ( 'DE' ), 'ES' => array ( 'ES' ),
'FR' => array ( 'FR' ), 'GB' => array ( 'GB' ), 'HK' => array ( 'HK' ), 'IL' => array ( 'IL' ), 'IN' => array ( 'IN' ), 'IT' => array ( 'IT' , 'VA' ),
'JP' => array ( 'JP' ), 'MY' => array ( 'MY' ), 'NL' => array ( 'AN' , 'NL' ), 'NZ' => array ( 'NZ' ), 'PL' => array ( 'PL' ), 'PT' => array ( 'PT' , 'BR' ),
'RA' => array ( 'AF' , 'AS' , 'BD' , 'BN' , 'BT' , 'CC' , 'CK' , 'CX' , 'FM' , 'HM' , 'ID' , 'KH' , 'KI' , 'KN' , 'KP' , 'KR' , 'KZ' , 'LA' , 'LK' , 'MH' ,
'MM' , 'MN' , 'MV' , 'MX' , 'NF' , 'NP' , 'NU' , 'OM' , 'PG' , 'PH' , 'PW' , 'QA' , 'SB' , 'TJ' , 'TK' , 'TL' , 'TM' , 'TO' , 'TV' , 'TZ' , 'UZ' , 'VN' ,
'VU' , 'WF' , 'WS' ),
'RE' => array ( 'IE' , 'ZA' , 'GP' , 'GG' , 'JE' , 'MC' , 'MS' , 'MP' , 'PA' , 'PY' , 'PE' , 'PN' , 'PR' , 'LC' , 'SR' , 'TT' ,
'UY' , 'VE' , 'VI' , 'AG' , 'AR' , 'CA' , 'BO' , 'BS' , 'BB' , 'BZ' , 'CL' , 'CO' , 'CR' , 'CU' , 'SV' , 'GD' , 'GT' , 'HN' , 'JM' , 'NI' , 'AD' , 'AE' ,
'AI' , 'AL' , 'AM' , 'AO' , 'AQ' , 'AT' , 'AW' , 'AX' , 'AZ' , 'BA' , 'BF' , 'BG' , 'BH' , 'BI' , 'BJ' , 'BL' , 'BM' , 'BV' , 'BW' , 'BY' , 'CD' , 'CF' , 'CG' ,
'CH' , 'CI' , 'CM' , 'CV' , 'CY' , 'DJ' , 'DK' , 'DM' , 'DO' , 'DZ' , 'EC' , 'EE' , 'EG' , 'EH' , 'ER' , 'ET' , 'FI' , 'FJ' , 'FK' , 'FO' , 'GA' , 'GE' , 'GF' ,
'GH' , 'GI' , 'GL' , 'GM' , 'GN' , 'GQ' , 'GR' , 'GS' , 'GU' , 'GW' , 'GY' , 'HR' , 'HT' , 'HU' , 'IM' , 'IO' , 'IQ' , 'IR' , 'IS' , 'JO' , 'KE' , 'KM' , 'KW' ,
'KY' , 'LB' , 'LI' , 'LR' , 'LS' , 'LT' , 'LU' , 'LV' , 'LY' , 'MA' , 'MD' , 'ME' , 'MF' , 'MG' , 'MK' , 'ML' , 'MQ' , 'MR' , 'MT' , 'MU' , 'MW' , 'MZ' , 'NA' ,
'NC' , 'NE' , 'NG' , 'NO' , 'NR' , 'PF' , 'PK' , 'PM' , 'PS' , 'RE' , 'RO' , 'RS' , 'RU' , 'RW' , 'SA' , 'SC' , 'SD' , 'SE' , 'SI' , 'SJ' , 'SK' , 'SL' ,
'SM' , 'SN' , 'SO' , 'ST' , 'SY' , 'SZ' , 'TC' , 'TD' , 'TF' , 'TG' , 'TN' , 'UA' , 'UG' , 'VC' , 'VG' , 'YE' , 'YT' , 'ZM' , 'ZW' ),
'SG' => array ( 'SG' ), 'TH' => array ( 'TH' ), 'TR' => array ( 'TR' ), 'TW' => array ( 'TW' ), 'US' => array ( 'US' ));
foreach ( $localizations as $key => $value )
if ( in_array ( $iso_code , $value ))
return $key ;
return $this -> getCountryDependency ( self :: DEFAULT_COUNTRY_ISO );
public function getPaymentMethods ()
// WPS -> Web Payment Standard
// HSS -> Web Payment Pro / Integral Evolution
// ECS -> Express Checkout Solution
$payment_method = array ( 'AU' => array ( WPS , HSS , ECS ), 'BE' => array ( WPS , ECS ), 'CN' => array ( WPS , ECS ), 'CZ' => array (), 'DE' => array ( WPS ),
'ES' => array ( WPS , HSS , ECS ), 'FR' => array ( WPS , HSS , ECS ), 'GB' => array ( WPS , HSS , ECS ), 'HK' => array ( WPS , HSS , ECS ),
'IL' => array ( WPS , ECS ), 'IN' => array ( WPS , ECS ), 'IT' => array ( WPS , HSS , ECS ), 'JP' => array ( WPS , HSS , ECS ), 'MY' => array ( WPS , ECS ),
'NL' => array ( WPS , ECS ), 'NZ' => array ( WPS , ECS ), 'PL' => array ( WPS , ECS ), 'PT' => array ( WPS , ECS ), 'RA' => array ( WPS , ECS ), 'RE' => array ( WPS , ECS ),
'SG' => array ( WPS , ECS ), 'TH' => array ( WPS , ECS ), 'TR' => array ( WPS , ECS ), 'TW' => array ( WPS , ECS ), 'US' => array ( WPS , ECS ),
'ZA' => array ( WPS , ECS ));
return isset ( $payment_method [ $this -> iso_code ]) ? $payment_method [ $this -> iso_code ] : $payment_method [ self :: DEFAULT_COUNTRY_ISO ];
public function getCountryCode ()
$cart = new Cart (( int ) $this -> context -> cookie -> id_cart );
$address = new Address (( int ) $cart -> id_address_invoice );
$country = new Country (( int ) $address -> id_country );
return $country -> iso_code ;
public function displayPayPalAPIError ( $message , $log = false )
$send = true ;
// Sanitize log
foreach ( $log as $key => $string )
if ( $string == 'ACK -> Success' )
$send = false ;
elseif ( Tools :: substr ( $string , 0 , 6 ) == 'METHOD' )
$values = explode ( '&' , $string );
foreach ( $values as $key2 => $value )
$values2 = explode ( '=' , $value );
foreach ( $values2 as $key3 => $value2 )
if ( $value2 == 'PWD' || $value2 == 'SIGNATURE' )
$values2 [ $key3 + 1 ] = '*********' ;
$values [ $key2 ] = implode ( '=' , $values2 );
$log [ $key ] = implode ( '&' , $values );
$this -> context -> smarty -> assign ( array ( 'message' => $message , 'logs' => $log ));
if ( $send )
$id_lang = ( int ) $this -> context -> language -> id ;
$iso_lang = Language :: getIsoById ( $id_lang );
if ( ! is_dir ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/mails/' . Tools :: strtolower ( $iso_lang )))
$id_lang = Language :: getIdByIso ( 'en' );
Mail :: Send ( $id_lang , 'error_reporting' , Mail :: l ( 'Error reporting from your PayPal module' ,
( int ) $this -> context -> language -> id ), array ( '{logs}' => implode ( '<br />' , $log )), Configuration :: get ( 'PS_SHOP_EMAIL' ),
null , null , null , null , null , _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . $this -> name . '/mails/' );
return $this -> fetchTemplate ( 'error.tpl' );
private function _canRefund ( $id_order )
if ( ! ( bool ) $id_order )
return false ;
$paypal_order = Db :: getInstance () -> getRow ( '
SELECT `payment_status` , `capture`
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'paypal_order`
WHERE `id_order` = ' . ( int ) $id_order );
return $paypal_order && $paypal_order [ 'payment_status' ] == 'Completed' && $paypal_order [ 'capture' ] == 0 ;
private function _needValidation ( $id_order )
if ( ! ( int ) $id_order )
return false ;
$order = Db :: getInstance () -> getRow ( '
SELECT `payment_method` , `payment_status`
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'paypal_order`
WHERE `id_order` = ' . ( int ) $id_order );
return $order && $order [ 'payment_method' ] != HSS && $order [ 'payment_status' ] == 'Pending_validation' ;
private function _needCapture ( $id_order )
if ( ! ( int ) $id_order )
return false ;
$result = Db :: getInstance () -> getRow ( '
SELECT `payment_method` , `payment_status`
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'paypal_order`
WHERE `id_order` = '.(int)$id_order.' AND `capture` = 1 ' );
return $result && $result [ 'payment_method' ] != HSS && $result [ 'payment_status' ] == 'Pending_capture' ;
private function _preProcess ()
if ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'submitPaypal' ))
$business = Tools :: getValue ( 'business' ) !== false ? ( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'business' ) : false ;
$payment_method = Tools :: getValue ( 'paypal_payment_method' ) !== false ? ( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'paypal_payment_method' ) : false ;
$payment_capture = Tools :: getValue ( 'payment_capture' ) !== false ? ( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'payment_capture' ) : false ;
$sandbox_mode = Tools :: getValue ( 'sandbox_mode' ) !== false ? ( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'sandbox_mode' ) : false ;
if ( $this -> default_country === false || $sandbox_mode === false || $payment_capture === false || $business === false || $payment_method === false )
$this -> _errors [] = $this -> l ( 'Some fields are empty.' );
elseif (( $business == 0 || ( $business == 1 && $payment_method != HSS )) && ( ! Tools :: getValue ( 'api_username' ) || ! Tools :: getValue ( 'api_password' ) || ! Tools :: getValue ( 'api_signature' )))
$this -> _errors [] = $this -> l ( 'Credentials fields cannot be empty' );
elseif ( $business == 1 && $payment_method == HSS && ! Tools :: getValue ( 'api_business_account' ))
$this -> _errors [] = $this -> l ( 'Business e-mail field cannot be empty' );
return ! count ( $this -> _errors );
private function _postProcess ()
if ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'submitPaypal' ))
if ( Tools :: getValue ( 'paypal_country_only' ))
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'PAYPAL_COUNTRY_DEFAULT' , ( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'paypal_country_only' ));
elseif ( $this -> _preProcess ())
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'PAYPAL_BUSINESS' , ( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'business' ));
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'PAYPAL_PAYMENT_METHOD' , ( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'paypal_payment_method' ));
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'PAYPAL_API_USER' , trim ( Tools :: getValue ( 'api_username' )));
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'PAYPAL_API_PASSWORD' , trim ( Tools :: getValue ( 'api_password' )));
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'PAYPAL_API_SIGNATURE' , trim ( Tools :: getValue ( 'api_signature' )));
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'PAYPAL_BUSINESS_ACCOUNT' , trim ( Tools :: getValue ( 'api_business_account' )));
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'PAYPAL_EXPRESS_CHECKOUT_SHORTCUT' , ( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'express_checkout_shortcut' ));
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'PAYPAL_SANDBOX' , ( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'sandbox_mode' ));
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'PAYPAL_CAPTURE' , ( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'payment_capture' ));
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'PAYPAL_LOGIN' , ( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'paypal_login' ));
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'PAYPAL_LOGIN_CLIENT_ID' , Tools :: getValue ( 'paypal_login_client_id' ));
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'PAYPAL_LOGIN_SECRET' , Tools :: getValue ( 'paypal_login_client_secret' ));
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'PAYPAL_LOGIN_TPL' , ( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'paypal_login_client_template' ));
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'PAYPAL_HSS_SOLUTION' , ( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'integral_evolution_solution' ));
if ( Tools :: getValue ( 'integral_evolution_solution' ) == PAYPAL_HSS_IFRAME )
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'PAYPAL_HSS_TEMPLATE' , 'D' );
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'PAYPAL_HSS_TEMPLATE' , Tools :: getValue ( 'integral_evolution_template' ));
$this -> context -> smarty -> assign ( 'PayPal_save_success' , true );
$this -> _html = $this -> displayError ( implode ( '<br />' , $this -> _errors )); // Not displayed at this time
$this -> context -> smarty -> assign ( 'PayPal_save_failure' , true );
return $this -> loadLangDefault ();
private function _makeRefund ( $id_transaction , $id_order , $amt = false )
2018-01-26 10:50:02 +01:00
if ( ! $this -> isPayPalAPIAvailable ()) {
die ( Tools :: displayError ( 'Fatal Error: no API Credentials are available' ));
elseif ( ! $id_transaction ) {
die ( Tools :: displayError ( 'Fatal Error: id_transaction is null' ));
2016-01-04 12:49:26 +01:00
2018-01-26 10:50:02 +01:00
// No amount make a total refund
if ( ! $amt ) {
$params = array (
'TRANSACTIONID' => $id_transaction ,
'REFUNDTYPE' => 'Full'
else {
2016-01-04 12:49:26 +01:00
$iso_currency = Db :: getInstance () -> getValue ( '
SELECT `iso_code`
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'orders` o
LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'currency` c ON ( o . `id_currency` = c . `id_currency` )
WHERE o . `id_order` = ' . ( int ) $id_order );
2018-01-26 10:50:02 +01:00
$params = array (
'TRANSACTIONID' => $id_transaction ,
'REFUNDTYPE' => 'Partial' ,
'AMT' => ( float ) $amt ,
'CURRENCYCODE' => Tools :: strtoupper ( $iso_currency )
2016-01-04 12:49:26 +01:00
$paypal_lib = new PaypalLib ();
return $paypal_lib -> makeCall ( $this -> getAPIURL (), $this -> getAPIScript (), 'RefundTransaction' , '&' . http_build_query ( $params , '' , '&' ));
public function _addNewPrivateMessage ( $id_order , $message )
if ( ! ( bool ) $id_order )
return false ;
$new_message = new Message ();
$message = strip_tags ( $message , '<br>' );
if ( ! Validate :: isCleanHtml ( $message ))
$message = $this -> l ( 'Payment message is not valid, please check your module.' );
$new_message -> message = $message ;
$new_message -> id_order = ( int ) $id_order ;
$new_message -> private = 1 ;
return $new_message -> add ();
2018-01-26 10:50:02 +01:00
public function generateTotalRefund ( $id_order )
2017-06-26 11:52:56 +02:00
$this -> _doTotalRefund ( $id_order );
2016-01-04 12:49:26 +01:00
private function _doTotalRefund ( $id_order )
$paypal_order = PayPalOrder :: getOrderById (( int ) $id_order );
2018-01-26 10:50:02 +01:00
if ( ! $this -> isPayPalAPIAvailable () || ! $paypal_order ) {
return false ;
2016-01-04 12:49:26 +01:00
$order = new Order (( int ) $id_order );
2018-01-26 10:50:02 +01:00
if ( ! Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $order )) {
return false ;
2016-01-04 12:49:26 +01:00
$products = $order -> getProducts ();
$currency = new Currency (( int ) $order -> id_currency );
2018-01-26 10:50:02 +01:00
if ( ! Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $currency )) {
$this -> _errors [] = $this -> l ( 'Not a valid currency' );
2016-01-04 12:49:26 +01:00
2018-01-26 10:50:02 +01:00
if ( count ( $this -> _errors )) {
return false ;
2016-01-04 12:49:26 +01:00
$decimals = ( is_array ( $currency ) ? ( int ) $currency [ 'decimals' ] : ( int ) $currency -> decimals ) * _PS_PRICE_DISPLAY_PRECISION_ ;
// Amount for refund
$amt = 0.00 ;
2018-01-26 10:50:02 +01:00
// Add product price * ( quantity total - quantity already refunded )
foreach ( $products as $product ) {
$amt += ( float )( $product [ 'product_price_wt' ]) * ( $product [ 'product_quantity' ] - $product [ 'product_quantity_refunded' ]);
// Add shipping, add wrapping, remove discount
2016-01-04 12:49:26 +01:00
$amt += ( float )( $order -> total_shipping ) + ( float )( $order -> total_wrapping ) - ( float )( $order -> total_discounts );
2018-01-26 10:50:02 +01:00
if ( $amt > 0 ) {
2017-09-27 12:03:07 +02:00
// check if total or partial
2018-01-26 10:50:02 +01:00
if ( Tools :: ps_round ( $order -> total_paid_real , $decimals ) == Tools :: ps_round ( $amt , $decimals )) {
$response = $this -> _makeRefund ( $paypal_order [ 'id_transaction' ], $id_order );
else {
$response = $this -> _makeRefund ( $paypal_order [ 'id_transaction' ], $id_order , ( float )( $amt ));
2016-01-04 12:49:26 +01:00
2017-09-27 12:03:07 +02:00
$message = $this -> l ( 'Refund operation result:' ) . '<br>' ;
2018-01-26 10:50:02 +01:00
foreach ( $response as $key => $value ) {
$message .= $key . ': ' . $value . '<br>' ;
2016-01-04 12:49:26 +01:00
2017-09-27 12:03:07 +02:00
if ( array_key_exists ( 'ACK' , $response ) && $response [ 'ACK' ] == 'Success' && $response [ 'REFUNDTRANSACTIONID' ] != '' )
$message .= $this -> l ( 'PayPal refund successful!' );
2018-01-26 10:50:02 +01:00
if ( ! Db :: getInstance () -> Execute (
'UPDATE `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . ' paypal_order ` SET ` payment_status ` = \ ' Refunded\ '
WHERE `id_order` = ' . ( int ) $id_order )) {
die ( Tools :: displayError ( 'Error when updating PayPal database' ));
2016-01-04 12:49:26 +01:00
2017-09-27 12:03:07 +02:00
$history = new OrderHistory ();
$history -> id_order = ( int ) $id_order ;
$history -> changeIdOrderState (( int ) Configuration :: get ( 'PS_OS_REFUND' ), $history -> id_order );
$history -> addWithemail ();
$history -> save ();
2018-01-26 10:50:02 +01:00
else {
$message .= $this -> l ( 'Transaction error!' );
2017-09-27 12:03:07 +02:00
} else {
$message = $this -> l ( 'Refund operation result:' ) . '<br>' ;
$message .= $this -> l ( 'Transaction error because of the amount (amt)!' );
2016-01-04 12:49:26 +01:00
$this -> _addNewPrivateMessage (( int ) $id_order , $message );
Tools :: redirect ( $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_REFERER' ]);
private function _doCapture ( $id_order )
$paypal_order = PayPalOrder :: getOrderById (( int ) $id_order );
if ( ! $this -> isPayPalAPIAvailable () || ! $paypal_order )
return false ;
$order = new Order (( int ) $id_order );
$currency = new Currency (( int ) $order -> id_currency );
2017-09-27 12:03:07 +02:00
if (( float ) $order -> total_paid > 0 ){
$paypal_lib = new PaypalLib ();
$response = $paypal_lib -> makeCall ( $this -> getAPIURL (), $this -> getAPIScript (), 'DoCapture' ,
'&' . http_build_query ( array ( 'AMT' => ( float ) $order -> total_paid , 'AUTHORIZATIONID' => $paypal_order [ 'id_transaction' ],
'CURRENCYCODE' => $currency -> iso_code , 'COMPLETETYPE' => 'Complete' ), '' , '&' ));
$message = $this -> l ( 'Capture operation result:' ) . '<br>' ;
2016-01-04 12:49:26 +01:00
2017-09-27 12:03:07 +02:00
foreach ( $response as $key => $value )
$message .= $key . ': ' . $value . '<br>' ;
2016-01-04 12:49:26 +01:00
2017-09-27 12:03:07 +02:00
if (( array_key_exists ( 'ACK' , $response )) && ( $response [ 'ACK' ] == 'Success' ) && ( $response [ 'PAYMENTSTATUS' ] == 'Completed' ))
$order_history = new OrderHistory ();
$order_history -> id_order = ( int ) $id_order ;
2016-01-04 12:49:26 +01:00
2017-09-27 12:03:07 +02:00
if ( version_compare ( _PS_VERSION_ , '1.5' , '<' ))
$order_history -> changeIdOrderState ( Configuration :: get ( 'PS_OS_WS_PAYMENT' ), ( int ) $id_order );
$order_history -> changeIdOrderState ( Configuration :: get ( 'PS_OS_WS_PAYMENT' ), $order );
$order_history -> addWithemail ();
$message .= $this -> l ( 'Order finished with PayPal!' );
elseif ( isset ( $response [ 'PAYMENTSTATUS' ]))
$message .= $this -> l ( 'Transaction error!' );
if ( ! Db :: getInstance () -> Execute ( '
UPDATE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'paypal_order`
SET `capture` = 0 , `payment_status` = \ '' . pSQL ( $response [ 'PAYMENTSTATUS' ]) . '\', `id_transaction` = \'' . pSQL ( $response [ 'TRANSACTIONID' ]) . ' \ '
WHERE `id_order` = ' . ( int ) $id_order ))
die ( Tools :: displayError ( 'Error when updating PayPal database' ));
} else {
$message = $this -> l ( 'Capture operation result:' ) . '<br>' ;
$message .= $this -> l ( 'Transaction error because of the amount (amt)!' );
2016-01-04 12:49:26 +01:00
$this -> _addNewPrivateMessage (( int ) $id_order , $message );
Tools :: redirect ( $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_REFERER' ]);
private function _updatePaymentStatusOfOrder ( $id_order )
if ( ! ( bool ) $id_order || ! $this -> isPayPalAPIAvailable ())
return false ;
$paypal_order = PayPalOrder :: getOrderById (( int ) $id_order );
if ( ! $paypal_order )
return false ;
$paypal_lib = new PaypalLib ();
$response = $paypal_lib -> makeCall ( $this -> getAPIURL (), $this -> getAPIScript (), 'GetTransactionDetails' ,
'&' . http_build_query ( array ( 'TRANSACTIONID' => $paypal_order [ 'id_transaction' ]), '' , '&' ));
if ( array_key_exists ( 'ACK' , $response ))
if ( $response [ 'ACK' ] == 'Success' && isset ( $response [ 'PAYMENTSTATUS' ]))
$history = new OrderHistory ();
$history -> id_order = ( int ) $id_order ;
if ( $response [ 'PAYMENTSTATUS' ] == 'Completed' )
$history -> changeIdOrderState ( Configuration :: get ( 'PS_OS_PAYMENT' ), ( int ) $id_order );
elseif (( $response [ 'PAYMENTSTATUS' ] == 'Pending' ) && ( $response [ 'PENDINGREASON' ] == 'authorization' ))
$history -> changeIdOrderState (( int )( Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_OS_AUTHORIZATION' )), ( int ) $id_order );
elseif ( $response [ 'PAYMENTSTATUS' ] == 'Reversed' )
$history -> changeIdOrderState ( Configuration :: get ( 'PS_OS_ERROR' ), ( int ) $id_order );
$history -> addWithemail ();
if ( ! Db :: getInstance () -> Execute ( '
UPDATE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'paypal_order`
SET `payment_status` = \ '' . pSQL ( $response [ 'PAYMENTSTATUS' ]) . ( $response [ 'PENDINGREASON' ] == 'authorization' ? '_authorization' : '' ) . ' \ '
WHERE `id_order` = ' . ( int ) $id_order ))
die ( Tools :: displayError ( 'Error when updating PayPal database' ));
$message = $this -> l ( 'Verification status :' ) . '<br>' ;
$this -> formatMessage ( $response , $message );
$this -> _addNewPrivateMessage (( int ) $id_order , $message );
return $response ;
return false ;
public function fetchTemplate ( $name )
if ( version_compare ( _PS_VERSION_ , '1.4' , '<' ))
$this -> context -> smarty -> currentTemplate = $name ;
elseif ( version_compare ( _PS_VERSION_ , '1.5' , '<' ))
$views = 'views/templates/' ;
if ( @ filemtime ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/' . $name ))
return $this -> display ( __FILE__ , $name );
elseif ( @ filemtime ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/' . $views . 'hook/' . $name ))
return $this -> display ( __FILE__ , $views . 'hook/' . $name );
elseif ( @ filemtime ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/' . $views . 'front/' . $name ))
return $this -> display ( __FILE__ , $views . 'front/' . $name );
elseif ( @ filemtime ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/' . $views . 'admin/' . $name ))
return $this -> display ( __FILE__ , $views . 'admin/' . $name );
return $this -> display ( __FILE__ , $name );
public static function getPayPalCustomerIdByEmail ( $email )
return Db :: getInstance () -> getValue ( '
SELECT `id_customer`
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'paypal_customer`
WHERE paypal_email = \ '' . pSQL ( $email ) . '\'' );
public static function getPayPalEmailByIdCustomer ( $id_customer )
return Db :: getInstance () -> getValue ( '
SELECT `paypal_email`
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'paypal_customer`
WHERE `id_customer` = ' . ( int ) $id_customer );
public static function addPayPalCustomer ( $id_customer , $email )
if ( ! PayPal :: getPayPalEmailByIdCustomer ( $id_customer ))
Db :: getInstance () -> Execute ( '
INSERT INTO `'._DB_PREFIX_.'paypal_customer` ( `id_customer` , `paypal_email` )
VALUES ( '.(int)$id_customer.' , \ '' . pSQL ( $email ) . '\')' );
return Db :: getInstance () -> Insert_ID ();
return false ;
private function warningsCheck ()
if ( Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_PAYMENT_METHOD' ) == HSS && Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_BUSINESS_ACCOUNT' ) == 'paypal@prestashop.com' )
$this -> warning = $this -> l ( 'You are currently using the default PayPal e-mail address, please enter your own e-mail address.' ) . '<br />' ;
/* Check preactivation warning */
if ( Configuration :: get ( 'PS_PREACTIVATION_PAYPAL_WARNING' ))
$this -> warning .= ( ! empty ( $this -> warning )) ? ', ' : Configuration :: get ( 'PS_PREACTIVATION_PAYPAL_WARNING' ) . '<br />' ;
if ( ! function_exists ( 'curl_init' ))
$this -> warning .= $this -> l ( 'In order to use your module, please activate cURL (PHP extension)' );
private function loadLangDefault ()
$paypal_country_default = ( int ) Configuration :: get ( 'PAYPAL_COUNTRY_DEFAULT' );
$this -> default_country = ( $paypal_country_default ? ( int ) $paypal_country_default : ( int ) Configuration :: get ( 'PS_COUNTRY_DEFAULT' ));
$this -> iso_code = $this -> getCountryDependency ( Tools :: strtoupper ( $this -> context -> language -> iso_code ));
public function formatMessage ( $response , & $message )
foreach ( $response as $key => $value )
$message .= $key . ': ' . $value . '<br>' ;
private function checkCurrency ( $cart )
$currency_module = $this -> getCurrency (( int ) $cart -> id_currency );
if (( int ) $cart -> id_currency == ( int ) $currency_module -> id )
return true ;
return false ;
public static function getShopDomainSsl ( $http = false , $entities = false )
if ( method_exists ( 'Tools' , 'getShopDomainSsl' ))
return Tools :: getShopDomainSsl ( $http , $entities );
if ( ! ( $domain = Configuration :: get ( 'PS_SHOP_DOMAIN_SSL' )))
$domain = self :: getHttpHost ();
if ( $entities )
$domain = htmlspecialchars ( $domain , ENT_COMPAT , 'UTF-8' );
if ( $http )
$domain = ( Configuration :: get ( 'PS_SSL_ENABLED' ) ? 'https://' : 'http://' ) . $domain ;
return $domain ;
2016-10-17 17:37:23 +02:00
public function getBillingAgreement ( $id_customer )
2016-04-06 15:52:14 +02:00
return Db :: getInstance () -> executeS ( '
SELECT `id_paypal_agreement` , `email` , `name` , `city` , `address`
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'paypal_customer_agreement`
WHERE `id_customer` = ' . ( int ) $id_customer
public function getCustomerInfos ()
global $cookie ;
// Making request
$request = '&TOKEN=' . urlencode ( strval ( $cookie -> paypal_token ));
$ppAPI = new PaypalLib ();
$result = $ppAPI -> makeCall ( $this -> getAPIURL (), $this -> getAPIScript (), 'GetExpressCheckoutDetails' , $request );
$this -> _logs = array_merge ( $this -> _logs , $ppAPI -> getLogs ());
return $result ;
public function validateOrder ( $id_cart , $id_order_state , $amount_paid , $payment_method = 'Unknown' , $message = null , $transaction = array (), $currency_special = null , $dont_touch_amount = false , $secure_key = false , Shop $shop = null , $is_billing = 0 )
2016-01-04 12:49:26 +01:00
if ( $this -> active )
// Set transaction details if pcc is defined in PaymentModule class_exists
if ( isset ( $this -> pcc ))
$this -> pcc -> transaction_id = ( isset ( $transaction [ 'transaction_id' ]) ? $transaction [ 'transaction_id' ] : '' );
2016-10-17 17:37:23 +02:00
if ( version_compare ( _PS_VERSION_ , '1.5' , '<' ))
2016-01-04 12:49:26 +01:00
parent :: validateOrder (( int ) $id_cart , ( int ) $id_order_state , ( float ) $amount_paid , $payment_method , $message , $transaction , $currency_special , $dont_touch_amount , $secure_key );
parent :: validateOrder (( int ) $id_cart , ( int ) $id_order_state , ( float ) $amount_paid , $payment_method , $message , $transaction , $currency_special , $dont_touch_amount , $secure_key , $shop );
if ( count ( $transaction ) > 0 )
2016-04-06 15:52:14 +02:00
PayPalOrder :: saveOrder (( int ) $this -> currentOrder , $transaction , $is_billing );
2016-01-04 12:49:26 +01:00
2016-05-02 15:30:12 +02:00
if ( ! class_exists ( 'Fraud' )) {
include_once _MODULE_DIR_ . 'fraud/fraud.php' ;
$fraud = new Fraud ();
$fraud -> testPaypalBilling ( $this -> currentOrder );
2016-01-04 12:49:26 +01:00
$this -> setPayPalAsConfigured ();
2016-04-06 15:52:14 +02:00
2016-01-04 12:49:26 +01:00
protected function getGiftWrappingPrice ()
if ( version_compare ( _PS_VERSION_ , '' , '>=' ))
$wrapping_fees_tax_inc = $this -> context -> cart -> getGiftWrappingPrice ();
$wrapping_fees = ( float )( Configuration :: get ( 'PS_GIFT_WRAPPING_PRICE' ));
$wrapping_fees_tax = new Tax (( int )( Configuration :: get ( 'PS_GIFT_WRAPPING_TAX' )));
$wrapping_fees_tax_inc = $wrapping_fees * ( 1 + ((( float )( $wrapping_fees_tax -> rate ) / 100 )));
return ( float ) Tools :: convertPrice ( $wrapping_fees_tax_inc , $this -> context -> currency );
public function redirectToConfirmation ()
$shop_url = PayPal :: getShopDomainSsl ( true , true );
// Check if user went through the payment preparation detail and completed it
$detail = unserialize ( $this -> context -> cookie -> express_checkout );
if ( ! empty ( $detail [ 'payer_id' ]) && ! empty ( $detail [ 'token' ]))
$values = array ( 'get_confirmation' => true );
$link = $shop_url . _MODULE_DIR_ . $this -> name . '/express_checkout/payment.php' ;
if ( version_compare ( _PS_VERSION_ , '1.5' , '<' ))
Tools :: redirectLink ( $link . '?' . http_build_query ( $values , '' , '&' ));
Tools :: redirect ( Context :: getContext () -> link -> getModuleLink ( 'paypal' , 'confirm' , $values ));
* Check if the current page use SSL connection on not
* @ return bool uses SSL
public function usingSecureMode ()
if ( isset ( $_SERVER [ 'HTTPS' ]))
return ( $_SERVER [ 'HTTPS' ] == 1 || Tools :: strtolower ( $_SERVER [ 'HTTPS' ]) == 'on' );
// $_SERVER['SSL'] exists only in some specific configuration
if ( isset ( $_SERVER [ 'SSL' ]))
return ( $_SERVER [ 'SSL' ] == 1 || Tools :: strtolower ( $_SERVER [ 'SSL' ]) == 'on' );
return false ;
protected function getCurrentUrl ()
$protocol_link = $this -> usingSecureMode () ? 'https://' : 'http://' ;
$request = $_SERVER [ 'REQUEST_URI' ];
$pos = strpos ( $request , '?' );
if (( $pos !== false ) && ( $pos >= 0 ))
$request = Tools :: substr ( $request , 0 , $pos );
$params = urlencode ( $_SERVER [ 'QUERY_STRING' ]);
return $protocol_link . Tools :: getShopDomainSsl () . $request . '?' . $params ;
* Use $this -> comp instead of bccomp which is not added in all versions of PHP
* @ param float $num1 number 1 to compare
* @ param float $num2 number 2 to compare
* @ param [ type ] $scale [ description ]
public function comp ( $num1 , $num2 , $scale = null )
// check if they're valid positive numbers, extract the whole numbers and decimals
if ( ! preg_match ( " /^ \ +?( \ d+)( \ . \ d+)? $ / " , $num1 , $tmp1 ) || ! preg_match ( " /^ \ +?( \ d+)( \ . \ d+)? $ / " , $num2 , $tmp2 ))
return ( '0' );
// remove leading zeroes from whole numbers
$num1 = ltrim ( $tmp1 [ 1 ], '0' );
$num2 = ltrim ( $tmp2 [ 1 ], '0' );
// first, we can just check the lengths of the numbers, this can help save processing time
// if $num1 is longer than $num2, return 1.. vice versa with the next step.
if ( Tools :: strlen ( $num1 ) > Tools :: strlen ( $num2 ))
return 1 ;
if ( Tools :: strlen ( $num1 ) < Tools :: strlen ( $num2 ))
return - 1 ;
// if the two numbers are of equal length, we check digit-by-digit
// remove ending zeroes from decimals and remove point
$dec1 = isset ( $tmp1 [ 2 ]) ? rtrim ( substr ( $tmp1 [ 2 ], 1 ), '0' ) : '' ;
$dec2 = isset ( $tmp2 [ 2 ]) ? rtrim ( substr ( $tmp2 [ 2 ], 1 ), '0' ) : '' ;
// if the user defined $scale, then make sure we use that only
if ( $scale != null )
$dec1 = substr ( $dec1 , 0 , $scale );
$dec2 = substr ( $dec2 , 0 , $scale );
// calculate the longest length of decimals
$dLen = max ( Tools :: strlen ( $dec1 ), Tools :: strlen ( $dec2 ));
// append the padded decimals onto the end of the whole numbers
$num1 .= str_pad ( $dec1 , $d_len , '0' );
$num2 .= str_pad ( $dec2 , $d_len , '0' );
// check digit-by-digit, if they have a difference, return 1 or -1 (greater/lower than)
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < Tools :: strlen ( $num1 ); $i ++ )
if (( int ) $num1 { $i } > ( int ) $num2 { $i })
return 1 ;
elseif (( int ) $num1 { $i } < ( int ) $num2 { $i })
return - 1 ;
// if the two numbers have no difference (they're the same).. return 0
return 0 ;