2016-01-04 12:49:26 +01:00
{ if $reward_sponsor | | $reward_sponsored }
<p class="bold">
{ l s = 'Get a reward for you and your friends by recommending this Website.' mod = 'invite' }
{ /if }
{ if $canSendInvitations }
{ if $reward_sponsor | | $reward_sponsored }
{ l s = 'It\'s quick and it\'s easy. Just fill in the e-mail address(es) of your friend(s) in the fields below.' mod = 'invite' }
{ if $reward_sponsor_on }
{ l s = 'When one of them makes his first order,' mod = 'invite' }
{ else }
{ l s = 'When one of them registers,' mod = 'invite' }
{ /if }
{ if $reward_sponsor }
{ l s = 'you will receive' mod = 'invite' }
{ if $reward_sponsor = = 1 }
{ $reward_sponsor_value } { l s = 'credit points' mod = 'invite' }
{ elseif $reward_sponsor = = 2 }
{ $reward_sponsor_value } { l s = 'loyalty points' mod = 'invite' }
{ elseif $reward_sponsor = = 3 }
{ l s = 'a' mod = 'invite' } { $reward_sponsor_value } % { l s = 'voucher' mod = 'invite' }
{ elseif $reward_sponsor = = 4 }
{ l s = 'a' mod = 'invite' } { $reward_sponsor_value } { $currency } { l s = 'voucher' mod = 'invite' }
{ elseif $reward_sponsor = = 5 }
{ l s = 'a free shipping voucher' mod = 'invite' }
{ /if }
{ /if }
{ if $reward_sponsored }
{ if $reward_sponsor }
{ l s = 'and' mod = 'invite' }
{ /if }
{ l s = 'he or she will receive' mod = 'invite' }
{ if $reward_sponsored = = 1 }
{ $reward_sponsored_value } { l s = 'credit points' mod = 'invite' }
{ elseif $reward_sponsored = = 2 }
{ $reward_sponsored_value } { l s = 'loyalty points' mod = 'invite' }
{ elseif $reward_sponsored = = 3 }
{ l s = 'a' mod = 'invite' } { $reward_sponsored_value } % { l s = 'voucher' mod = 'invite' }
{ elseif $reward_sponsored = = 4 }
{ l s = 'a' mod = 'invite' } { $reward_sponsored_value } { $currency } { l s = 'voucher' mod = 'invite' }
{ elseif $reward_sponsored = = 5 }
{ l s = 'a free shipping voucher' mod = 'invite' }
{ /if }
{ if $reward_sponsored_on }
{ l s = 'when he or she will make his or her first order' mod = 'invite' }
{ else }
{ l s = 'when he or she will register' mod = 'invite' }
{ /if }
{ /if } .
{ /if }
{ if $oi_enable }
{ include file = "./openinviter.tpl" }
{ /if }
<form method="post" action=" { $base_dir_ssl } modules/invite/invite-program.php" class="std">
<input type="hidden" name="when_invite" value="2">
<table class="std" id="invite_list">
<th class="first_item"> </th>
{ if $askName }
<th class="item"> { l s = 'Firstname' mod = 'invite' } </th>
<th class="item"> { l s = 'Lastname' mod = 'invite' } </th>
{ /if }
<th class="last_item"> { l s = 'E-mail' mod = 'invite' } </th>
{ section name = friends start = 0 loop = $nbFriends step = 1 }
<tr class=" { if $smarty.section.friends.index % 2 } item { else } alternate_item { /if } ">
<td class="align_right"> { $smarty.section.friends.iteration } </td>
{ if $askName }
2016-09-14 12:37:07 +02:00
<td><input type="text" class="text firstname" name="friendsFirstname[ { $smarty.section.friends.index } ]" size="20" value=" { if isset ( $smarty.post.friendsFirstname [ $smarty.section.friends.index ] ) } { $smarty.post.friendsFirstname [ $smarty.section.friends.index ] | escape : 'htmlall' : 'utf-8' } { /if } " /></td>
<td><input type="text" class="text lastname" name="friendsFLastname[ { $smarty.section.friends.index } ]" size="20" value=" { if isset ( $smarty.post.friendsFLastname [ $smarty.section.friends.index ] ) } { $smarty.post.friendsFLastname [ $smarty.section.friends.index ] | escape : 'htmlall' : 'utf-8' } { /if } " /></td>
2016-01-04 12:49:26 +01:00
{ /if }
2016-09-14 12:37:07 +02:00
<td><input type="text" class="text email" name="friendsEmail[ { $smarty.section.friends.index } ]" size="20" value=" { if isset ( $smarty.post.friendsEmail [ $smarty.section.friends.index ] ) } { $smarty.post.friendsEmail [ $smarty.section.friends.index ] | escape : 'htmlall' : 'utf-8' } { /if } " /></td>
2016-01-04 12:49:26 +01:00
{ /section }
<p class="bold">
{ l s = 'Important: Your friends\' e-mail addresses will only be used in the referral program. They will never be used for other purposes.' mod = 'invite' }
<p class="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" name="conditionsValided" id="conditionsValided" value="1" { if isset ( $smarty.post.conditionsValided ) & & $smarty.post.conditionsValided = = 1 } checked="checked" { /if } />
<label for="conditionsValided"> { l s = 'I agree to the terms of service and adhere to them unconditionally.' mod = 'invite' } </label>
<a href=" { $base_dir_ssl } modules/invite/invite-rules.php" title=" { l s = 'Conditions of the referral program' mod = 'invite' } " onclick="window.open(this.href); return false;"> { l s = 'Read conditions.' mod = 'invite' } </a>
<p class="submit">
<input type="submit" id="submitSponsorFriends" name="submitSponsorFriends" class="exclusive" value=" { l s = 'Validate' mod = 'invite' } " />
{ else }
<p class="warning">
{ l s = 'To become a sponsor, you need to have completed at least' mod = 'invite' } { $orderQuantity } { if $orderQuantity > 1 } { l s = 'orders' mod = 'invite' } { else } { l s = 'order' mod = 'invite' } { /if } .
{ /if }