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2016-01-04 12:49:26 +01:00
{if $pendingFriends AND $pendingFriends|@count > 0}
{if $reward_sponsor_on}
{l s='These friends have not yet placed an order on this Website since you sponsored them,' mod='invite'}
{l s='These friends have not yet registered on this Website since you sponsored them,' mod='invite'}
{l s='but you can try again! To do so, mark the checkboxes of the friend(s) you want to remind, then click on the button "Remind my friend(s)"' mod='invite'}
<form method="post" action="{$base_dir_ssl}modules/invite/invite-program.php" class="std">
<table class="std">
<th class="first_item">&nbsp;</th>
<th class="item">{l s='E-mail' mod='invite'}</th>
<th class="last_item"><b>{l s='Last invitation' mod='invite'}</b></th>
{foreach from=$pendingFriends item=pendingFriend name=myLoop}
<input type="checkbox" name="friendChecked[{$pendingFriend.id_invite}]" id="friendChecked[{$pendingFriend.id_invite}]" value="1" />
<td><label for="friendChecked[{$pendingFriend.id_invite}]">{$}</label></td>
<td>{dateFormat date=$pendingFriend.date_upd full=1}</td>
<p class="submit">
<input type="submit" value="{l s='Remind my friend(s)' mod='invite'}" name="revive" id="revive" class="button_large" />
<p class="warning">{l s='You don\'t have any pending sponsorship at the moment.' mod='invite'}</p>