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2016-01-04 12:48:08 +01:00
* 2007-2011 PrestaShop
* This source file is subject to the Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
* obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
* to so we can send you a copy immediately.
* Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer
* versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your
* needs please refer to for more information.
* @author PrestaShop SA <>
* @copyright 2007-2011 PrestaShop SA
* @version Release: $Revision: 9050 $
* @license Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
* International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA
class AdminLanguages extends AdminTab
public function __construct()
$this->table = 'lang';
$this->className = 'Language';
$this->lang = false;
$this->edit = true;
$this->delete = true;
$this->fieldImageSettings = array(array('name' => 'flag', 'dir' => 'l'), array('name' => 'no-picture', 'dir' => 'p'));
$this->fieldsDisplay = array(
'id_lang' => array('title' => $this->l('ID'), 'align' => 'center', 'width' => 25),
'flag' => array('title' => $this->l('Logo'), 'align' => 'center', 'image' => 'l', 'orderby' => false, 'search' => false),
'name' => array('title' => $this->l('Name'), 'width' => 120),
'iso_code' => array('title' => $this->l('ISO code'), 'width' => 70, 'align' => 'center'),
'language_code' => array('title' => $this->l('Language code'), 'width' => 70, 'align' => 'center'),
'date_format_lite' => array('title' => $this->l('Date format')),
'date_format_full' => array('title' => $this->l('Date format (full)')),
'active' => array('title' => $this->l('Enabled'), 'align' => 'center', 'active' => 'status', 'type' => 'bool'));
$this->optionTitle = $this->l('Languages options');
$this->_fieldsOptions = array(
'PS_LANG_DEFAULT' => array('title' => $this->l('Default language:'), 'desc' => $this->l('The default language used in shop'), 'cast' => 'intval', 'type' => 'select', 'identifier' => 'id_lang', 'list' => Language::getlanguages(false)),
* Copy a no-product image
* @param string $language Language iso_code for no-picture image filename
public function copyNoPictureImage($language)
if (isset($_FILES['no-picture']) and $_FILES['no-picture']['error'] === 0)
if ($error = checkImage($_FILES['no-picture'], $this->maxImageSize))
$this->_errors[] = $error;
if (!$tmpName = tempnam(_PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_, 'PS') OR !move_uploaded_file($_FILES['no-picture']['tmp_name'], $tmpName))
return false;
if (!imageResize($tmpName, _PS_IMG_DIR_.'p/'.$language.'.jpg'))
$this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while copying no-picture image to your product folder.');
if (!imageResize($tmpName, _PS_IMG_DIR_.'c/'.$language.'.jpg'))
$this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while copying no-picture image to your category folder.');
if (!imageResize($tmpName, _PS_IMG_DIR_.'m/'.$language.'.jpg'))
$this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while copying no-picture image to your manufacturer folder');
$imagesTypes = ImageType::getImagesTypes('products');
foreach ($imagesTypes AS $k => $imageType)
if (!imageResize($tmpName, _PS_IMG_DIR_.'p/'.$language.'-default-'.stripslashes($imageType['name']).'.jpg', $imageType['width'], $imageType['height']))
$this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while resizing no-picture image to your product directory.');
if (!imageResize($tmpName, _PS_IMG_DIR_.'c/'.$language.'-default-'.stripslashes($imageType['name']).'.jpg', $imageType['width'], $imageType['height']))
$this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while resizing no-picture image to your category directory.');
if (!imageResize($tmpName, _PS_IMG_DIR_.'m/'.$language.'-default-'.stripslashes($imageType['name']).'.jpg', $imageType['width'], $imageType['height']))
$this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while resizing no-picture image to your manufacturer directory.');
* deleteNoPictureImages will delete all default image created for the language id_language
* @param string $id_language
* @return boolean true if no error
private function deleteNoPictureImages($id_language)
$language = Language::getIsoById($id_language);
$imagesTypes = ImageType::getImagesTypes('products');
foreach ($dirs AS $dir)
foreach ($imagesTypes AS $k => $imageType)
if (file_exists($dir.$language.'-default-'.stripslashes($imageType['name']).'.jpg'))
if (!unlink($dir.$language.'-default-'.stripslashes($imageType['name']).'.jpg'))
$this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred during image deletion.');
if (file_exists($dir.$language.'.jpg'))
if (!unlink($dir.$language.'.jpg'))
$this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred during image deletion.');
return !sizeof($this->_errors) ? true : false;
protected function copyFromPost(&$object, $table)
if($object->id AND ($object->iso_code != $_POST['iso_code']))
parent::copyFromPost($object, $table);
public function postProcess()
global $currentIndex, $cookie;
if (isset($_GET['delete'.$this->table]))
if ($this->tabAccess['delete'] === '1')
if (Validate::isLoadedObject($object = $this->loadObject()) AND isset($this->fieldImageSettings))
// English is needed by the system (ex. translations)
if ($object->id == Language::getIdByIso('en'))
$this->_errors[] = $this->l('You cannot delete the English language as it is a system requirement, you can only deactivate it.');
if ($object->id == Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT'))
$this->_errors[] = $this->l('you cannot delete the default language');
elseif ($object->id == $cookie->id_lang)
$this->_errors[] = $this->l('You cannot delete the language currently in use. Please change languages before deleting.');
elseif ($this->deleteNoPictureImages((int)(Tools::getValue('id_lang'))) AND $object->delete())
$this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while deleting object.').' <b>'.$this->table.'</b> '.Tools::displayError('(cannot load object)');
$this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('You do not have permission to delete here.');
elseif (Tools::getValue('submitDel'.$this->table) AND isset($_POST[$this->table.'Box']))
if ($this->tabAccess['delete'] === '1')
if (in_array(Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT'), $_POST[$this->table.'Box']))
$this->_errors[] = $this->l('you cannot delete the default language');
elseif (in_array($cookie->id_lang, $_POST[$this->table.'Box']))
$this->_errors[] = $this->l('you cannot delete the language currently in use, please change languages before deleting');
foreach ($_POST[$this->table.'Box'] AS $language)
$this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('You do not have permission to delete here.');
elseif (Tools::isSubmit('submitAddlang'))
/* New language */
if ((int)(Tools::getValue('id_'.$this->table)) == 0)
if ($this->tabAccess['add'] === '1')
if (isset($_POST['iso_code']) AND !empty($_POST['iso_code']) AND Validate::isLanguageIsoCode(Tools::getValue('iso_code')) AND Language::getIdByIso($_POST['iso_code']))
$this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('This ISO code is already linked to another language.');
if ((!empty($_FILES['no-picture']['tmp_name']) OR !empty($_FILES['flag']['tmp_name'])) AND Validate::isLanguageIsoCode(Tools::getValue('iso_code')))
if ($_FILES['no-picture']['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK)
// class AdminTab deal with every $_FILES content, don't do that for no-picture
$this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('Flag and No-Picture image fields are required.');
$this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('You do not have permission to add here.');
/* Language edition */
if ($this->tabAccess['edit'] === '1')
if (( isset($_FILES['no-picture']) AND !$_FILES['no-picture']['error'] OR isset($_FILES['flag']) AND !$_FILES['flag']['error'])
AND Validate::isLanguageIsoCode(Tools::getValue('iso_code')))
if ($_FILES['no-picture']['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK)
// class AdminTab deal with every $_FILES content, don't do that for no-picture
if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($object = $this->loadObject()))
if ((int)($object->id) == (int)(Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT')) AND (int)($_POST['active']) != (int)($object->active))
$this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('You cannot change the status of the default language.');
$this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('You do not have permission to edit here.');
elseif (isset($_GET['status']) AND isset($_GET['id_lang']))
if ($this->tabAccess['edit'] === '1')
if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($object = $this->loadObject()))
if ((int)($object->id) == (int)(Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT')))
$this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('You cannot change the status of the default language.');
return parent::postProcess();
$this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('You do not have permission to edit here.');
elseif (Tools::isSubmit('submitOptions'.$this->table))
$lang = new Language((int)Tools::getValue('PS_LANG_DEFAULT'));
if (!$lang->active)
$this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('You cannot set this language as default language because it\'s disabled');
return parent::postProcess();
return parent::postProcess();
public function displayList()
global $currentIndex;
$this->displayWarning($this->l('When you delete a language, all related translations in the database will be deleted.'));
$languages = Language::getLanguages(false);
public function displayListContent($token=NULL)
global $currentIndex;
$irow = 0;
if ($this->_list)
foreach ($this->_list AS $tr)
$id = $tr[$this->identifier];
if ($tr['active'])
$active['title'] = "Enabled";
$active['img'] = "enabled";
if (!Language::checkFilesWithIsoCode($tr['iso_code']))
$active['title'] = "Warning, some translations files are missing for that iso-code";
$active['img'] = "warning";
$active['title'] = "Disabled";
$active['img'] = "disabled";
echo '<tr'.($irow++ % 2 ? ' class="alt_row"' : '').' '.((isset($tr['color']) AND $this->colorOnBackground) ? 'style="background-color: '.$tr['color'].'"' : '').'>';
echo '<td class="center"><input type="checkbox" name="'.$this->table.'Box[]" value="'.$id.'" class="noborder" /></td>';
foreach ($this->fieldsDisplay AS $key => $params)
$tmp = explode('!', $key);
$key = isset($tmp[1]) ? $tmp[1] : $tmp[0];
echo '<td class="pointer '.(isset($params['align']) ? $params['align'] : '').'" onclick="document.location = \''.$currentIndex.'&'.$this->identifier.'='.$id.'&update'.$this->table.'&token='.($token!=NULL ? $token : $this->token).'\'">';
if (isset($params['active']) AND isset($tr[$key]))
echo '<a href="'.$currentIndex.'&'.$this->identifier.'='.$id.'&'.$params['active'].'&token='.($token != NULL ? $token : $this->token).'"><img src="../img/admin/'.$active['img'].'.gif" alt="active" title="'.$active['title'].'" /></a>';
elseif (isset($params['image']))
echo cacheImage(_PS_IMG_DIR_.$params['image'].'/'.$id.(isset($tr['id_image']) ? '-'.(int)($tr['id_image']) : '').'.'.$this->imageType, $this->table.'_mini_'.$id.'.'.$this->imageType, 45, $this->imageType);
elseif (isset($tr[$key]))
echo $tr[$key];
echo '--';
if ($this->edit OR $this->delete OR ($this->view AND $this->view !== 'noActionColumn'))
echo '<td class="center">';
if ($this->edit)
echo '
<a href="'.$currentIndex.'&'.$this->identifier.'='.$id.'&update'.$this->table.'&token='.($token != NULL ? $token : $this->token).'">
<img src="../img/admin/edit.gif" border="0" alt="'.$this->l('Edit').'" title="'.$this->l('Edit').'" /></a>';
if ($this->delete)
echo '
<a href="'.$currentIndex.'&'.$this->identifier.'='.$id.'&delete'.$this->table.'&token='.($token != NULL ? $token : $this->token).'" onclick="return confirm(\''.$this->l('When you delete a language, ALL RELATED TRANSLATIONS IN THE DATABASE WILL BE DELETED, are you sure you want to delete this language?', __CLASS__, true, false).'\');">
<img src="../img/admin/delete.gif" border="0" alt="'.$this->l('Delete').'" title="'.$this->l('Delete').'" /></a>';
echo '</td>';
echo '</tr>';
public function displayForm($isMainTab = true)
global $currentIndex;
if (!($obj = $this->loadObject(true)))
echo '
<script type="text/javascript">
var langPackOk = "<img src=\"'._PS_IMG_.'admin/information.png\" alt=\"\" /> '.$this->l('A language pack is available for this ISO (name is').'";
var langPackVersion = "'.$this->l('The compatible Prestashop version for this language and your system is: ').'";
var langPackInfo = "'.$this->l('After creating the language, you can import the content of the language pack, which you can download above under "Tools - Translations"').'";
var noLangPack = "<img src=\"'._PS_IMG_.'admin/information.png\" alt=\"\" /> '.$this->l('No language pack available on for this ISO code').'";
var download = "'.$this->l('Download').'";
<script type="text/javascript" src="'._PS_JS_DIR_.'checkLangPack.js"></script>
<form action="'.$currentIndex.'&submitAdd'.$this->table.'=1&token='.$this->token.'" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
'.($obj->id ? '<input type="hidden" name="id_'.$this->table.'" value="'.$obj->id.'" />' : '').'
<fieldset><legend><img src="../img/admin/world.gif" />'.$this->l('Languages').'</legend>
<input type="hidden" value="'._PS_VERSION_.'" name="ps_version" id="ps_version" />
<label>'.$this->l('Name:').' </label>
<div class="margin-form">
<input type="text" size="8" maxlength="32" name="name" value="'.Tools::htmlentitiesUTF8($this->getFieldValue($obj, 'name')).'" /> <sup>*</sup>
<label>'.$this->l('ISO code:').' </label>
<div class="margin-form">
<input type="text" size="4" maxlength="2" name="iso_code" id="iso_code" value="'.Tools::htmlentitiesUTF8($this->getFieldValue($obj, 'iso_code')).'" onKeyUp="checkLangPack();" /> <sup>*</sup>
<p>'.$this->l('2-letter ISO code (e.g., fr, en, de)').'</p>
<label>'.$this->l('Language code:').' </label>
<div class="margin-form">
<input type="text" size="10" maxlength="5" name="language_code" id="language_code" value="'.Tools::htmlentitiesUTF8($this->getFieldValue($obj, 'language_code')).'"/> <sup>*</sup>
<p>'.$this->l('Full language code (e.g., en-us, pt-br)').'</p>
<label>'.$this->l('Date format:').' </label>
<div class="margin-form">
<input type="text" size="15" name="date_format_lite" id="date_format_lite" value="'.Tools::htmlentitiesUTF8($this->getFieldValue($obj, 'date_format_lite')).'"/> <sup>*</sup>
<p>'.$this->l('Date format, lite (e.g., Y-m-d, d/m/Y)').'</p>
<label>'.$this->l('Date format (full):').' </label>
<div class="margin-form">
<input type="text" size="25" name="date_format_full" id="date_format_full" value="'.Tools::htmlentitiesUTF8($this->getFieldValue($obj, 'date_format_full')).'"/> <sup>*</sup>
<p>'.$this->l('Date format, full (e.g., Y-m-d H:i:s, d/m/Y H:i)').'</p>
<label>'.$this->l('Flag:').' </label>
<div class="margin-form">
<input type="file" name="flag" /> <sup>*</sup>
<p>'.$this->l('Upload country flag from your computer').'</p>
<label>'.$this->l('"No-picture" image:').' </label>
<div class="margin-form">
<input type="file" name="no-picture" /> <sup>*</sup>
<p>'.$this->l('Image displayed when "no picture found"').'</p>
<label>'.$this->l('Is RTL language:').' </label>
<div class="margin-form">
<input type="radio" name="is_rtl" id="is_rtl_on" value="1" '.(($this->getFieldValue($obj, 'is_rtl')) ? 'checked="checked" ' : '').'/>
<label class="t" for="is_rtl_on"> <img src="../img/admin/enabled.gif" alt="'.$this->l('Enabled').'" title="'.$this->l('Yes').'" /></label>
<input type="radio" name="is_rtl" id="active_off" value="0" '.((!$this->getFieldValue($obj, 'is_rtl')) ? 'checked="checked" ' : '').'/>
<label class="t" for="is_rtl_off"> <img src="../img/admin/disabled.gif" alt="'.$this->l('Disabled').'" title="'.$this->l('No').'" /></label>
<p>'.$this->l('To active if this language is a right to left language').' '.$this->l('(Experimental: your theme must be compliant with RTL language)').'</p>
<label>'.$this->l('Status:').' </label>
<div class="margin-form">
<input type="radio" name="active" id="active_on" value="1" '.((!$obj->id OR $this->getFieldValue($obj, 'active')) ? 'checked="checked" ' : '').'/>
<label class="t" for="active_on"> <img src="../img/admin/enabled.gif" alt="'.$this->l('Enabled').'" title="'.$this->l('Enabled').'" /></label>
<input type="radio" name="active" id="active_off" value="0" '.((!$this->getFieldValue($obj, 'active') AND $obj->id) ? 'checked="checked" ' : '').'/>
<label class="t" for="active_off"> <img src="../img/admin/disabled.gif" alt="'.$this->l('Disabled').'" title="'.$this->l('Disabled').'" /></label>
<p>'.$this->l('Allow or disallow this language to be selected by the customer').'</p>
<p id="resultCheckLangPack"><img src="'._PS_IMG_.'admin/ajax-loader.gif" alt="" /> '.$this->l('Check if a language pack is available for this ISO code...').'</p>
<div class="margin-form">
<input type="submit" value="'.$this->l(' Save ').'" name="submitAdd'.$this->table.'" class="button" />
<div class="small"><sup>*</sup> '.$this->l('Required field').'</div>
if ($obj->id AND !$obj->checkFiles())
echo '
<br /><br />
<fieldset style="width:572px;"><legend><img src="../img/admin/warning.gif" />'.$this->l('Warning').'</legend>
<p>'.$this->l('This language is NOT complete and cannot be used in the Front or Back Office because some files are missing.').'</p>
<br />
<label>'.$this->l('Translations files:').' </label>
<div class="margin-form" style="margin-top:4px;">';
$files = Language::getFilesList($obj->iso_code, _THEME_NAME_, false, false, 'tr', true);
echo '
</div><br style="clear:both;" />
<label>'.$this->l('Theme files:').' </label>
<div class="margin-form" style="margin-top:4px;">';
$files = Language::getFilesList($obj->iso_code, _THEME_NAME_, false, false, 'theme', true);
echo '
</div><br style="clear:both;" />
<label>'.$this->l('Mail files:').' </label>
<div class="margin-form" style="margin-top:4px;">';
$files = Language::getFilesList($obj->iso_code, _THEME_NAME_, false, false, 'mail', true);
echo '
<br />
<div class="small">'.$this->l('Missing files are marked in red').'</div>
public function displayFilesList($files)
foreach ($files as $key => $file)
if (!file_exists($key))
echo '<font color="red">';
echo $key;
if (!file_exists($key))
echo '</font>';
echo '<br />';