2016-01-04 12:49:26 +01:00
< ? php
* To change this template , choose Tools | Templates
* and open the template in the editor .
include_once ( _PS_ROOT_DIR_ . '/modules/privatesales_logistique/classes/OrderForm.php' );
include_once ( _PS_ROOT_DIR_ . '/modules/privatesales_logistique/classes/DateManager.php' );
include_once ( _PS_ROOT_DIR_ . '/modules/privatesales_logistique/classes/MakeStats.php' );
include_once ( _PS_ROOT_DIR_ . '/modules/privatesales_logistique/classes/SaleStats.php' );
* Description of AdminPrivateSalesLogistique
* @ author Pierre
class AdminPrivateSalesLogistique extends AdminTab {
public $category ;
public $html = '' ;
public function __construct ()
parent :: __construct ();
public function _postProcess ()
if ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'changeCategory' ))
$this -> category = new Category ( Tools :: getValue ( " id " ));
if ( Tools :: getValue ( " actionform " ) == 'delete' )
if ( Tools :: getValue ( 'idorderform' ) !== false && Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $order_form = new OrderForm (( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'idorderform' ))))
if ( $order_form -> delete ())
echo 'Suppression effectuée' ;
echo 'Erreur durant la suppression' ;
echo 'Mauvais id de bon de commande' ;
exit ;
public function _displayHeader ()
global $currentIndex ;
$this -> html .= '
< link rel = " stylesheet " type = " text/css " href = " '.__PS_BASE_URI__.'modules/privatesales_logistique/css/privatesales_logistique.css " />
< script type = " text/javascript " src = " '.__PS_BASE_URI__.'modules/privatesales_logistique/js/jquery-ui-1.8.20.custom.min.js " ></ script >
< script type = " text/javascript " src = " '.__PS_BASE_URI__.'modules/privatesales_logistique/js/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.js " ></ script >
< script type = " text/javascript " src = " '.__PS_BASE_URI__.'modules/privatesales_logistique/js/filtre.js " ></ script >
< style type = " text/css " >
@ import url ( " '.__PS_BASE_URI__.'modules/privatesales/jquery-ui-1.8.20.custom.css " );
#exportorderform { line-height:25px; }
</ style > ' ;
$this -> html .= ' < script >
jQuery ( function () {
$ ( " #category " ) . change ( function (){
current_location = " '. $currentIndex .'&token='.Tools::getAdminTokenLite('AdminPrivateSalesLogistique').' " ;
document . location . href = current_location + " &changeCategory&id= " + $ ( " #category " ) . val ();
$ ( document ) . ready ( function (){
$ ( " #hasDatepicker_1, #hasDatepicker_2 " ) . datetimepicker ({
prevText : " " ,
nextText : " " ,
showSecond : true ,
timeFormat : " hh:mm:ss " ,
dateFormat : " dd/mm/yy " ,
addSliderAccess : true ,
showButtonPanel : false
$ ( " #exportorderform " ) . click ( function (){
var export_last = $ ( " #export_last " ) . is ( " :checked " ), req ;
req = " &id= " + $ ( " #category " ) . val ();
if ( export_last ) {
req += " &last "
else {
var from = $ ( " #hasDatepicker_1 " ) . val ();
var to = $ ( " #hasDatepicker_2 " ) . val ();
req += " &from= " + from + " &to= " + to ;
var type = $ ( " #export_form input[name=export_type]:checked " ) . val ();
2016-04-06 13:09:54 +02:00
if ( type == 1 || type == 2 || type == 4 ) {
2016-01-04 12:49:26 +01:00
req += " &type= " + type ;
req += " &lang= " + $ ( " input[name=lang]:checked " ) . val ();
$ ( this )
. attr ( " href " , " ../modules/privatesales_logistique/exportOrderForm.php?action=getOrderForm " + req )
. attr ( " target " , " _blank " );
return true ;
} else {
var from = $ ( " #hasDatepicker_1 " ) . val ();
var to = $ ( " #hasDatepicker_2 " ) . val ();
req += " &from= " + from + " &to= " + to ;
req += " &type= " + type ;
var url_dest = " '. $currentIndex .'&token='.Tools::getAdminTokenLite('AdminPrivateSalesLogistique').'&action=getStats " ;
$ ( this )
. attr ( " href " , url_dest + req )
. attr ( " target " , " _blank " );
return true ;
$ ( " #toggle_form_infos " ) . click ( function (){
$ ( " #form_infos " ) . toggle ();
</ script > ' ;
public function _displayContent ()
global $cookie ;
//$categories = CategoryCore::getCategories($cookie->id_lang,FALSE);
$categories = Category :: getCategories ( $cookie -> id_lang , FALSE , true , ' AND c.id_parent = 1' , ' ORDER BY c.id_category DESC ' , ' LIMIT 500' );
$ids = array ();
foreach ( $categories as $key => $category ) {
foreach ( $category as $key => $data ) {
$ids [] = $data [ 'infos' ][ 'id_category' ];
$extrafields = Category :: getSalesInfos ( $ids );
krsort ( $categories [ 1 ]);
$this -> html .= ' < fieldset >
< legend >< img src = " ../img/admin/tab-tools.gif " alt = " " /> '.$this->l(' Inventory Tracking ').' </ legend >
< h3 > Ventes :</ h3 > ' ;
if ( count ( $categories ) > 0 )
$this -> html .= '<select id="category" name="category" size="5" style="width:400px;height:150px;vertical-align:top;">' ;
foreach ( $categories [ 1 ] as $categorie )
$select = " " ;
if ( $this -> category -> id == $categorie [ 'infos' ][ 'id_category' ])
$select = " selected='selected' " ;
$this -> html .= " <option " . $select . " value=' " . $categorie [ 'infos' ][ 'id_category' ] . " '> " . $categorie [ 'infos' ][ 'name' ] . " - " . $extrafields [ $categorie [ 'infos' ][ 'id_category' ]][ 'sales' ][ 1 ] . ' - ' . $categorie [ 'infos' ][ 'id_category' ] . " </option> " ;
$this -> html .= '</select> - Filtre : <input type="text" value="" id="filter_sale" size="50"><br/><br/>' ;
$this -> html .= 'Aucune vente' ;
if ( ! empty ( $this -> category ))
$this -> html .= $this -> getFormOrderForm ( $this -> category );
$this -> html .= '<br/><br/>' ;
if ( Tools :: getIsset ( 'action' )
&& Tools :: getValue ( 'action' ) == 'getStats' )
$this -> html .= $this -> getStatsArray ();
$this -> html .= '<br/><br/>' ;
public function display ()
global $currentIndex ;
$this -> _postProcess ();
$this -> _displayHeader ();
$this -> _displayContent ();
echo $this -> html ;
public function getStatsArray ()
global $cookie ;
if ( ! Tools :: getIsset ( 'id' )) {
return false ;
$date_from = new DateManager ( Tools :: getValue ( 'from' ));
$date_to = new DateManager ( Tools :: getValue ( 'to' ));
$date_from -> setLangue ( strtoupper ( $lang_id ));
$date_to -> setLangue ( strtoupper ( $lang_id ));
$id_category = Tools :: getValue ( 'id' );
$sale = Sale :: getSaleFromCategory ( $id_category );
$category = new Category ( $id_category , $cookie -> id_lang );
$products = MakeStats :: getProductsByCat ( $id_category );
$arrayProduct = array ();
foreach ( $products as $product )
$array_product [ $product [ 'id_product' ]] = $arrayProduct [ $product [ 'id_product' ]] = new Product ( $product [ 'id_product' ]);
$order_states = explode ( ',' , Configuration :: get ( 'PS_IT_OF_ORDER_STATES' ));
$lines = MakeStats :: getOrdersByIdsProduct ( array_keys ( $arrayProduct ), $order_states , $date_from -> getDate ( 'SQL' ), $date_to -> getDate ( 'SQL' ));
// for stats
$lines_tmp = $lines ;
$lines = MakeStats :: getArrayLines ( $lines );
$stats = new SaleStats ( $sale , $category );
$stats -> loadData ();
$total_sale_product = array ();
$total_bdc_ht = 0 ;
foreach ( $lines_tmp as $key => $order_line ) {
$id_product = $order_line [ 'product_id' ];
$id_product_attribute = $order_line [ 'product_attribute_id' ];
$current_product = $array_product [ $id_product ];
if ( $id_product_attribute != 0 ) {
$combination = new Combination ( $id_product_attribute );
if ( $combination -> wholesale_price == 0 ) {
$wholesale_price = $current_product -> wholesale_price ;
} else {
$wholesale_price = $combination -> wholesale_price ;
} else {
$wholesale_price = $current_product -> wholesale_price ;
$quantity_to_cmd = $order_line [ 'product_quantity' ] - $order_line [ 'product_quantity_reinjected' ];
$total_sale_ht += $quantity_to_cmd * $wholesale_price ;
if ( ! is_array ( $total_sale_product [( int ) $id_product ]) ){
$total_sale_product [( int ) $id_product ] = array ();
$total_sale_product [( int ) $id_product ][ 'total_ht' ] = 0 ;
$total_sale_product [( int ) $id_product ][ 'quantiy' ] = 0 ;
$total_sale_product [( int ) $id_product ][ 'name' ] = $current_product -> name [ 2 ];
$total_sale_product [( int ) $id_product ][ 'total_ht' ] += ( $wholesale_price * $quantity_to_cmd );
$total_sale_product [( int ) $id_product ][ 'quantiy' ] += $quantity_to_cmd ;
$stats -> addToStats ( 'total_bdc_ht' , $total_sale_ht );
$bestsales = MakeStats :: orderMultiArray ( $total_sale_product , 'total_ht' );
$bestsales_extract = array_slice ( $bestsales , 0 , 3 );
$i = 1 ;
foreach ( $bestsales_extract as $key => $bestsalesProduct ) {
$stats -> addToStats ( 'bestsale_' . $i . '_product' , $bestsalesProduct [ 'name' ]);
$stats -> addToStats ( 'bestsale_' . $i . '_quantity' , $bestsalesProduct [ 'quantiy' ]);
$stats -> addToStats ( 'bestsale_' . $i . '_ca' , $bestsalesProduct [ 'total_ht' ]);
$i ++ ;
$stats -> loadDataForSubCategory ();
$html = '
< style >
. red {
color : red
. stats td {
padding : 5 px 10 px ;
. stats tr . grey {
background : #f1f1f1
. stats tr . blue {
background : #81c4f3;
color : #fff;
</ style >
< fieldset style = " font-size:1em; " >
< legend > '.$this->l(' Stats ').' :</ legend > ' ;
$html .= '<h2>Rapport de vente : ' . $stats -> data_stats [ 'name' ] . '</h2>' ;
$html .= '<table class="stats" style="width:45%; float:left">' ;
$html .= '<tr>' ;
$html .= '<td>' . $stats -> lang [ 'date_start' ] . '</td>' ;
$html .= '<td align="right">' . $stats -> data_stats [ 'date_start' ] . '</td>' ;
$html .= '</tr>' ;
$html .= '<tr>' ;
$html .= '<td>' . $stats -> lang [ 'date_end' ] . '</b></td>' ;
$html .= '<td align="right">' . $stats -> data_stats [ 'date_end' ] . '</td>' ;
$html .= '</tr>' ;
$html .= '<tr class="grey">' ;
$html .= '<td>' . $stats -> lang [ 'duration' ] . '</b></td>' ;
$html .= '<td align="right">' . $stats -> data_stats [ 'duration' ] . '</td>' ;
$html .= '</tr>' ;
$html .= ' < tr class = " blue " >
< td colspan = 2 > STATS VENTES </ td >
</ tr > ' ;
$html .= '<tr>' ;
$html .= '<td>' . $stats -> lang [ 'nb_ref' ] . '</td>' ;
$html .= '<td align="right">' . $stats -> data_stats [ 'nb_ref' ] . '</td>' ;
$html .= '</tr>' ;
$html .= '<tr>' ;
$html .= '<td>' . $stats -> lang [ 'nb_quantity_start' ] . '</td>' ;
$html .= '<td align="right">' . $stats -> data_stats [ 'nb_quantity_start' ] . '</td>' ;
$html .= '</tr>' ;
$html .= '<tr class="grey">' ;
$html .= '<td>' . $stats -> lang [ 'nb_order_simple' ] . '</td>' ;
$html .= '<td align="right">' . $stats -> data_stats [ 'nb_order_simple' ] . '</td>' ;
$html .= '</tr>' ;
$html .= '<tr class="grey">' ;
$html .= '<td>' . $stats -> lang [ 'nb_order_multi' ] . '</td>' ;
$html .= '<td align="right">' . $stats -> data_stats [ 'nb_order_multi' ] . '</td>' ;
$html .= '</tr>' ;
$html .= '<tr>' ;
$html .= '<td>' . $stats -> lang [ 'nb_order_total' ] . '</td>' ;
$html .= '<td align="right">' . $stats -> data_stats [ 'nb_order_total' ] . '</td>' ;
$html .= '</tr>' ;
$html .= '<tr>' ;
$html .= '<td>' . $stats -> lang [ 'taux_multi' ] . '</td>' ;
$html .= '<td align="right">' . $stats -> data_stats [ 'taux_multi' ] . '</td>' ;
$html .= '</tr>' ;
$html .= '<tr>' ;
$html .= '<td class="red">' . $stats -> lang [ 'quantity_sale' ] . '</td>' ;
$html .= '<td class="red" align="right">' . $stats -> data_stats [ 'quantity_sale' ] . '</td>' ;
$html .= '<tr class="grey">' ;
$html .= '<td class="red">' . $stats -> lang [ 'percent_sale' ] . '</td>' ;
$html .= '<td class="red" align="right">' . $stats -> data_stats [ 'percent_sale' ] . '</td>' ;
$html .= '</tr>' ;
$html .= '</tr>' ;
$html .= '<tr>' ;
$html .= '<td class="red">' . $stats -> lang [ 'percent_out_of_stock' ] . '</td>' ;
$html .= '<td class="red" align="right">' . $stats -> data_stats [ 'percent_out_of_stock' ] . '</td>' ;
$html .= '</tr>' ;
$html .= '<tr>' ;
$html .= '<td>' . $stats -> lang [ 'ca_ttc' ] . '</td>' ;
$html .= '<td align="right">' . Tools :: displayPrice ( $stats -> data_stats [ 'ca_ttc' ]) . '</td>' ;
$html .= '</tr>' ;
$html .= '<tr>' ;
$html .= '<tr>' ;
$html .= '<td class="red">' . $stats -> lang [ 'total_bdc_ht' ] . '</td>' ;
$html .= '<td class="red" align="right">' . Tools :: displayPrice ( $stats -> data_stats [ 'total_bdc_ht' ]) . '</td>' ;
$html .= '</tr>' ;
$html .= '<tr class="grey">' ;
$html .= '<td>' . $stats -> lang [ 'marge' ] . '</td>' ;
$html .= '<td align="right">' . $stats -> data_stats [ 'marge' ] . '</td>' ;
$html .= '</tr>' ;
$html .= ' < tr class = " blue " >
< td colspan = 2 > BEST SELLERS </ td >
</ tr > ' ;
for ( $i = 1 ; $i <= 3 ; $i ++ ) {
$html .= '<tr class="grey">' ;
$html .= '<td>' . $stats -> lang [ 'bestsale_' . $i . '_product' ] . '</td>' ;
$html .= '<td align="right">' . $stats -> data_stats [ 'bestsale_' . $i . '_product' ] . '</td>' ;
$html .= '</tr>' ;
$html .= '<tr>' ;
$html .= '<td>' . $stats -> lang [ 'bestsale_' . $i . '_quantity' ] . '</td>' ;
$html .= '<td align="right">' . $stats -> data_stats [ 'bestsale_' . $i . '_quantity' ] . '</td>' ;
$html .= '</tr>' ;
$html .= '<tr>' ;
$html .= '<td>' . $stats -> lang [ 'bestsale_' . $i . '_ca' ] . '</td>' ;
$html .= '<td align="right">' . Tools :: displayPrice ( $stats -> data_stats [ 'bestsale_' . $i . '_ca' ]) . '</td>' ;
$html .= '</tr>' ;
$html .= '</table>' ;
$html .= '<table class="stats" style="width:45%; float:right">' ;
$html .= '<tr class="blue">' ;
$html .= '<td colspan="2">SOUS CATEGORIES</td>' ;
$html .= '</tr>' ;
$i = 0 ;
foreach ( $stats -> data_subcategories as $key => $subcategories ) {
foreach ( $subcategories as $key_2 => $subcategory ) {
if ( $i % 4 == 0 ) {
$html .= '<tr class="grey">' ;
} else {
$html .= '<tr>' ;
$html .= '<td>' . $stats -> lang [ $key_2 ] . '</td>' ;
if ( $key_2 == 'total_amount_wholesale_price' ) {
$html .= '<td>' . Tools :: displayPrice ( $subcategory ) . '</td>' ;
} else {
$html .= '<td>' . $subcategory . '</td>' ;
$html .= '</tr>' ;
$i ++ ;
$html .= ' </ table >
</ fieldset > ' ;
return $html ;
public function getFormOrderForm ( $category )
global $link , $cookie ;
require_once ( _PS_ROOT_DIR_ . '/modules/privatesales/Sale.php' );
$sale = Sale :: getSaleFromCategory ( $category -> id );
$date = new DateTime ( $sale -> date_start );
$date_end = new DateTime ( $sale -> date_end );
$date_end -> modify ( '+2 hour' );
$date_first_of_month = $date -> format ( 'd/m/Y H:i:s' );
$date_now = $date_end -> format ( 'd/m/Y H:i:s' );
$export_list = OrderForm :: getByCategorie ( $category -> id );
if ( $export_list && count ( $export_list ) > 0 )
$old_date = OrderForm :: getLastByCategory ( $category -> id );
$old_date = new DateManager ( $old_date );
$html = '
< script type = " text/javascript " >
$ ( function (){
$ ( document ) . ready ( function (){
$ ( " .deleteOrderForm " ) . click ( function (){
var elem = $ ( this );
var id_order_form = $ ( this ) . attr ( " data-order-form " );
if ( confirm ( " '. $this->l ('Êtes vous sur de vouloir supprimer ce bon de commande ?').' " )) {
var link = " '.html_entity_decode(urldecode( $link->getLanguageLinkAdmin ( $cookie->id_lang ))).'&actionform=delete&idorderform= " + id_order_form ;
var popupnow = window . open ( link , " deleteOrderForm " + id_order_form , " height=500, width=500, toolbar=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=no, resizable=no, location=no, directories=no, status=no " );
elem . parents ( " tr " ) . first () . remove ();
setTimeout ( function (){
popupnow . close ();
}, 1000 );
return false ;
</ script >
< fieldset style = " font-size:1em; " id = " export_form " >
< legend > '.$this->l(' Export ').' :</ legend >
< div style = " width:450px;float:left; " >
< div >
< h4 > '.$this->l(' Date d\ 'import' ) . ' </ h4 >
Du < input type = " text " value = " '. $date_first_of_month .' " size = " 20 " id = " hasDatepicker_1 " style = " text-align:center; " >
< br />
Au < input type = " text " value = " '. $date_now .' " size = " 20 " id = " hasDatepicker_2 " style = " text-align:center; " >
'.( count($export_list) > 0 ? ' < br />
< br />
< input type = " checkbox " id = " export_last " value = " 1 " > '.$this->l(' depuis la génération du dernier bon ').' : '.$old_date->getDate(' STR ') : ' ').'
< br />
< h4 > '.$this->l(' Selection du type de fichier ').' </ h4 >
< input type = " radio " name = " export_type " value = " 1 " checked > '.$this->l(' Bon de commande ').'
< br />
< input type = " radio " name = " export_type " value = " 2 " > '.$this->l(' Etat de la vente ').'
< br />
< input type = " radio " name = " export_type " value = " 3 " > '.$this->l(' Stats de la vente ').'
2016-04-04 17:23:15 +02:00
< br />
< input type = " radio " name = " export_type " value = " 4 " > '.$this->l(' BDC Logistique ').'
2016-01-04 12:49:26 +01:00
< h4 > '.$this->l(' Selection de la langue ').' </ h4 >
< input type = " radio " name = " lang " value = " fr " checked > '.$this->l(' Français ').'
< br />
< input type = " radio " name = " lang " value = " en " > '.$this->l(' Anglais ').'
' ;
$html .= ' < br />< br />
< a href = " " class = " button " id = " exportorderform " > '.$this->l(' Obtenir le fichier ').' </ a >
</ div > ' ;
$html .= '
</ div >
< div style = " width:300px;float:left;padding-left:30px " > ' ;
$html .= $this -> getFormOrderFormInfo ( $category );
$html .= '
</ div >
< div class = " clear " >
< br />< br /> ' ;
if ( $export_list && count ( $export_list ) > 0 )
$html .= '
< table class = " table " cellspacing = " 0 " cellpadding = " 0 " >
< thead >< tr >< th > '.$this->l(' ID ').' </ th >< th > '.$this->l(' Date de d\ 'export' ) . '</th><th>' . $this -> l ( 'A partir de' ) . '</th><th>' . $this -> l ( 'Jusqu\'a' ) . '</th><th style="text-align:center;">' . $this -> l ( 'Exporter à nouveau' ) . ' </ th ></ tr ></ thead >
< tbody > ' ;
foreach ( $export_list as $export )
$html .= ' < tr >
< td > '.$export[' id_order_form '].' </ td >
< td > '.$export[' date_add '].' </ td >
< td > '.$export[' from '].' </ td >< td > '.$export[' to '].' </ td >
< td style = " text-align:center; " > ' ;
// <a href="../modules/privatesales_logistique/exportOrderForm.php?action=getOrderForm&id_exportorderform='.$export['id_order_form'].'&type=1" title="'.$this->l('Exporter le bon de commande').'"><img src="../img/tmp/tab_mini_AdminSuppliers.gif"></a>
$html .= '
< a href = " ../modules/privatesales_logistique/exportOrderForm.php?action=getOrderForm&id_exportorderform='. $export['id_order_form'] .'&type=1&lang=fr " title = " '. $this->l ('Exporter le bon de commande').' FR " > FR < img src = " ../img/admin/delivery.gif " ></ a >
< a href = " ../modules/privatesales_logistique/exportOrderForm.php?action=getOrderForm&id_exportorderform='. $export['id_order_form'] .'&type=1&lang=en " title = " '. $this->l ('Exporter le bon de commande').' EN " > EN < img src = " ../img/admin/delivery.gif " ></ a >
< a href = " # " title = " '. $this->l ('Supprimer cette extraction').' " class = " deleteOrderForm " data - order - form = " '. $export['id_order_form'] .' " >< img src = " /img/admin/delete.gif " ></ a >
</ td ></ tr > ' ;
$html .= ' </ tbody >
</ table > ' ;
$html .= '<br /><br />' . $this -> l ( 'Il n\'y a pas d\'anciens exports de bon de commande' );
$html .= '
</ div >
</ fieldset > ' ;
return $html ;
public function getFormOrderFormInfo ()
global $cookie ;
$html = '
< div id = " toggle_form_infos " style = " cursor:pointer;text-align:center; " class = " button " > Informations sur le bon de commande </ div > ' ;
$array_lang = array (
'fr' , 'en'
$array = array (
'PS_IT_OF_ORGANISATION' => array ( 'form_organisation' , 'Organisation :' ),
'PS_IT_OF_SLOGAN' => array ( 'form_slogan' , 'Slogan :' ),
'PS_IT_OF_EMAIL' => array ( 'form_email' , 'Email :' ),
'PS_IT_OF_TVA' => array ( 'form_tva' , 'TVA :' ),
'PS_IT_OF_ADDRESS' => array ( 'form_address' , 'Adresse partie 1 :' ),
'PS_IT_OF_ADDRESS_2' => array ( 'form_address_2' , 'Adresse partie 2 :' ),
'PS_IT_OF_CP_CITY' => array ( 'form_cp_city' , 'CP et Ville :' ),
'PS_IT_OF_NUMBER_PHONE' => array ( 'form_numero_tel' , 'Numéro de téléphone :' ),
'PS_IT_OF_BAS_PAGE' => array ( 'form_bas_page' , 'Informations bas de page :' , true ),
'PS_IT_OF_BAS_PAGE_BIS' => array ( 'form_bas_page_bis' , 'Informations bas de page Bis:' , true ),
if ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'submitFormInfos' ))
foreach ( $array_lang as $lang )
foreach ( $array as $k => $arr )
if ( isset ( $arr [ 2 ]))
$html_ = true ;
else $html_ = false ;
Configuration :: updateValue ( $k . '_' . $lang , Tools :: getValue ( $arr [ 0 ] . '_' . $lang ), $html_ );
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'PS_IT_OF_ORDER_STATES' , implode ( ',' , Tools :: getValue ( 'states' , array () )) );
$html .= '<div class="conf">' . $this -> l ( 'Informations Sauvegardé' ) . '</div>' ;
$html .= '
< form method = " post " action = " # " id = " form_infos " style = " display:none; " > ' ;
foreach ( $array_lang as $lang )
$html .= '<div><strong>' . $lang . ' :</strong></div>' ;
foreach ( $array as $k => $arr )
$ { $arr [ 0 ] . '_' . $lang } = Configuration :: get ( $k . '_' . $lang );
$html .= '
< br />
< div >
'.$arr[1].' < br />
' . ( isset ( $arr [ 2 ])
? '<textarea name="' . $arr [ 0 ] . '_' . $lang . '" size="50">' . $ { $arr [ 0 ] . '_' . $lang } . '</textarea>'
: '<input type="text" value="' . $ { $arr [ 0 ] . '_' . $lang } . '" name="' . $arr [ 0 ] . '_' . $lang . '" size="50">' ) . '
</ div > ' ;
$order_state = OrderState :: getOrderStates ( $cookie -> id_lang );
$order_state_selected = explode ( ',' , Configuration :: get ( 'PS_IT_OF_ORDER_STATES' ));
$html .= '
< br />
< div >
'.$this->l(' Statut des commandes que vous souhaitez traiter ').' : < br />< br />
' ;
foreach ( $order_state as $state )
$html .= '<label for="order_state_' . $state [ 'id_order_state' ] . ' " style= " float : none ; padding : 0 ; font - weight : normal ; display : block ; cursor : pointer ; text - align : left ; width : auto ; " >
< input type = " checkbox " value = " '. $state['id_order_state'] .' " '.(in_array($state[' id_order_state '], $order_state_selected) ? ' checked ' : ' ').' id = " order_state_'. $state['id_order_state'] .' " name = " states[] " > '.$state[' name '].'
</ label > ' ;
$html .= '
</ div >
< br />
< input type = " submit " value = " '. $this->l ('Sauvegarder').' " name = " submitFormInfos " class = " button " >
</ form > ' ;
return $html ;