2016-01-04 12:48:08 +01:00
< ? php
* 2007 - 2011 PrestaShop
* This source file is subject to the Open Software License ( OSL 3.0 )
* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE . txt .
* It is also available through the world - wide - web at this URL :
* http :// opensource . org / licenses / osl - 3.0 . php
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
* obtain it through the world - wide - web , please send an email
* to license @ prestashop . com so we can send you a copy immediately .
* Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer
* versions in the future . If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your
* needs please refer to http :// www . prestashop . com for more information .
* @ author PrestaShop SA < contact @ prestashop . com >
* @ copyright 2007 - 2011 PrestaShop SA
* @ version Release : $Revision : 9871 $
* @ license http :// opensource . org / licenses / osl - 3.0 . php Open Software License ( OSL 3.0 )
* International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA
abstract class AdminTabCore
/** @var integer Tab id */
public $id = - 1 ;
/** @var string Associated table name */
public $table ;
/** @var string Object identifier inside the associated table */
protected $identifier = false ;
/** @var string Tab name */
public $name ;
/** @var string Security token */
public $token ;
/** @var boolean Automatically join language table if true */
public $lang = false ;
/** @var boolean Tab Automatically displays edit/delete icons if true */
public $edit = false ;
/** @var boolean Tab Automatically displays view icon if true */
public $view = false ;
/** @var boolean Tab Automatically displays delete icon if true */
public $delete = false ;
/** @var boolean Table records are not deleted but marked as deleted */
public $deleted = false ;
/** @var boolean Tab Automatically displays duplicate icon if true */
public $duplicate = false ;
/** @var boolean Content line is clickable if true */
public $noLink = false ;
/** @var boolean select other required fields */
public $requiredDatabase = false ;
/** @var boolean Tab Automatically displays '$color' as background color on listing if true */
public $colorOnBackground = false ;
/** @var string Add fields into data query to display list */
protected $_select ;
/** @var string Join tables into data query to display list */
protected $_join ;
/** @var string Add conditions into data query to display list */
protected $_where ;
/** @var string Group rows into data query to display list */
protected $_group ;
/** @var string Having rows into data query to display list */
protected $_having ;
/** @var array Name and directory where class image are located */
public $fieldImageSettings = array ();
/** @var string Image type */
public $imageType = 'jpg' ;
/** @var array Fields to display in list */
public $fieldsDisplay = array ();
/** @var array Cache for query results */
protected $_list = array ();
/** @var integer Number of results in list */
protected $_listTotal = 0 ;
/** @var array WHERE clause determined by filter fields */
protected $_filter ;
/** @var array Temporary SQL table WHERE clause determinated by filter fields */
protected $_tmpTableFilter = '' ;
/** @var array Number of results in list per page (used in select field) */
protected $_pagination = array ( 20 , 50 , 100 , 300 );
/** @var string ORDER BY clause determined by field/arrows in list header */
protected $_orderBy ;
/** @var string Default ORDER BY clause when $_orderBy is not defined */
protected $_defaultOrderBy = false ;
/** @var string Order way (ASC, DESC) determined by arrows in list header */
protected $_orderWay ;
/** @var integer Max image size for upload */
protected $maxImageSize = 2000000 ;
/** @var array Errors displayed after post processing */
public $_errors = array ();
/** @var array Confirmations displayed after post processing */
protected $_conf ;
/** @var object Object corresponding to the tab */
protected $_object = false ;
/** @var array tabAccess */
public $tabAccess ;
/** @var string specificConfirmDelete */
public $specificConfirmDelete = NULL ;
protected $identifiersDnd = array ( 'id_product' => 'id_product' , 'id_category' => 'id_category_to_move' , 'id_cms_category' => 'id_cms_category_to_move' , 'id_cms' => 'id_cms' );
/** @var bool Redirect or not ater a creation */
protected $_redirect = true ;
protected $_languages = NULL ;
protected $_defaultFormLanguage = NULL ;
protected $_includeObj = array ();
protected $_includeVars = false ;
protected $_includeContainer = true ;
public $ajax = false ;
* if true , ajax - tab will not wait 1 sec
* @ var boolean
public $ignore_sleep = false ;
public static $tabParenting = array (
'AdminProducts' => 'AdminCatalog' ,
'AdminCategories' => 'AdminCatalog' ,
'AdminCMS' => 'AdminCMSContent' ,
'AdminCMSCategories' => 'AdminCMSContent' ,
'AdminOrdersStates' => 'AdminStatuses' ,
'AdminAttributeGenerator' => 'AdminProducts' ,
'AdminAttributes' => 'AdminAttributesGroups' ,
'AdminFeaturesValues' => 'AdminFeatures' ,
'AdminReturnStates' => 'AdminStatuses' ,
'AdminStatsTab' => 'AdminStats'
public function __construct ()
global $cookie ;
$this -> id = Tab :: getCurrentTabId ();
$this -> _conf = array (
1 => $this -> l ( 'Deletion successful' ), 2 => $this -> l ( 'Selection successfully deleted' ),
3 => $this -> l ( 'Creation successful' ), 4 => $this -> l ( 'Update successful' ),
5 => $this -> l ( 'Status update successful' ), 6 => $this -> l ( 'Settings update successful' ),
7 => $this -> l ( 'Image successfully deleted' ), 8 => $this -> l ( 'Module downloaded successfully' ),
9 => $this -> l ( 'Thumbnails successfully regenerated' ), 10 => $this -> l ( 'Message sent to the customer' ),
11 => $this -> l ( 'Comment added' ), 12 => $this -> l ( 'Module installed successfully' ),
13 => $this -> l ( 'Module uninstalled successfully' ), 14 => $this -> l ( 'Language successfully copied' ),
15 => $this -> l ( 'Translations successfully added' ), 16 => $this -> l ( 'Module transplanted successfully to hook' ),
17 => $this -> l ( 'Module removed successfully from hook' ), 18 => $this -> l ( 'Upload successful' ),
19 => $this -> l ( 'Duplication completed successfully' ), 20 => $this -> l ( 'Translation added successfully but the language has not been created' ),
21 => $this -> l ( 'Module reset successfully' ), 22 => $this -> l ( 'Module deleted successfully' ),
23 => $this -> l ( 'Localization pack imported successfully' ), 24 => $this -> l ( 'Refund Successful' ),
25 => $this -> l ( 'Images successfully moved' ));
if ( ! $this -> identifier ) $this -> identifier = 'id_' . $this -> table ;
if ( ! $this -> _defaultOrderBy ) $this -> _defaultOrderBy = $this -> identifier ;
$className = get_class ( $this );
if ( $className == 'AdminCategories' OR $className == 'AdminProducts' )
$className = 'AdminCatalog' ;
$this -> token = Tools :: getAdminToken ( $className . ( int ) $this -> id . ( int ) $cookie -> id_employee );
* use translations files to replace english expression .
* @ param mixed $string term or expression in english
* @ param string $class
2017-12-05 16:53:36 +01:00
* @ param boolean $addslashes if set to true , the return value will pass through addslashes () . Otherwise , stripslashes () .
2016-01-04 12:48:08 +01:00
* @ param boolean $htmlentities if set to true ( default ), the return value will pass through htmlentities ( $string , ENT_QUOTES , 'utf-8' )
* @ return string the translation if available , or the english default text .
protected function l ( $string , $class = 'AdminTab' , $addslashes = FALSE , $htmlentities = TRUE )
// if the class is extended by a module, use modules/[module_name]/xx.php lang file
$currentClass = get_class ( $this );
if ( Module :: getModuleNameFromClass ( $currentClass ))
$string = str_replace ( '\'' , '\\\'' , $string );
return Module :: findTranslation ( Module :: $classInModule [ $currentClass ], $string , $currentClass );
global $_LANGADM ;
if ( $class == __CLASS__ )
$class = 'AdminTab' ;
$key = md5 ( str_replace ( '\'' , '\\\'' , $string ));
$str = ( key_exists ( get_class ( $this ) . $key , $_LANGADM )) ? $_LANGADM [ get_class ( $this ) . $key ] : (( key_exists ( $class . $key , $_LANGADM )) ? $_LANGADM [ $class . $key ] : $string );
$str = $htmlentities ? htmlentities ( $str , ENT_QUOTES , 'utf-8' ) : $str ;
return str_replace ( '"' , '"' , ( $addslashes ? addslashes ( $str ) : stripslashes ( $str )));
2017-12-05 16:53:36 +01:00
* ajaxDisplay is the default ajax return sytem
2016-01-04 12:48:08 +01:00
* @ return void
public function displayAjax ()
* Manage page display ( form , list ... )
* @ global string $currentIndex Current URL in order to keep current Tab
public function display ()
global $currentIndex , $cookie ;
// Include other tab in current tab
if ( $this -> includeSubTab ( 'display' , array ( 'submitAdd2' , 'add' , 'update' , 'view' ))){}
// Include current tab
elseif (( Tools :: getValue ( 'submitAdd' . $this -> table ) AND sizeof ( $this -> _errors )) OR isset ( $_GET [ 'add' . $this -> table ]))
if ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'add' ] === '1' )
$this -> displayForm ();
if ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'view' ])
echo '<br /><br /><a href="' . (( Tools :: getValue ( 'back' )) ? Tools :: getValue ( 'back' ) : $currentIndex . '&token=' . $this -> token ) . '"><img src="../img/admin/arrow2.gif" /> ' . (( Tools :: getValue ( 'back' )) ? $this -> l ( 'Back' ) : $this -> l ( 'Back to list' )) . '</a><br />' ;
echo $this -> l ( 'You do not have permission to add here' );
elseif ( isset ( $_GET [ 'update' . $this -> table ]))
if ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'edit' ] === '1' OR ( $this -> table == 'employee' AND $cookie -> id_employee == Tools :: getValue ( 'id_employee' )))
$this -> displayForm ();
if ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'view' ])
echo '<br /><br /><a href="' . (( Tools :: getValue ( 'back' )) ? Tools :: getValue ( 'back' ) : $currentIndex . '&token=' . $this -> token ) . '"><img src="../img/admin/arrow2.gif" /> ' . (( Tools :: getValue ( 'back' )) ? $this -> l ( 'Back' ) : $this -> l ( 'Back to list' )) . '</a><br />' ;
echo $this -> l ( 'You do not have permission to edit here' );
elseif ( isset ( $_GET [ 'view' . $this -> table ]))
$this -> { 'view' . $this -> table }();
$this -> getList (( int )( $cookie -> id_lang ));
$this -> displayList ();
$this -> displayOptionsList ();
$this -> displayRequiredFields ();
$this -> includeSubTab ( 'display' );
public function displayRequiredFields ()
global $currentIndex ;
if ( ! $this -> tabAccess [ 'add' ] OR ! $this -> tabAccess [ 'delete' ] === '1' OR ! $this -> requiredDatabase )
return ;
$rules = call_user_func_array ( array ( $this -> className , 'getValidationRules' ), array ( $this -> className ));
$required_class_fields = array ( $this -> identifier );
foreach ( $rules [ 'required' ] AS $required )
$required_class_fields [] = $required ;
echo ' < br />
< p >< a href = " # " onclick = " if ( $ ( \ '.requiredFieldsParameters:visible \ ').length == 0) $ ( \ '.requiredFieldsParameters \ ').slideDown( \ 'slow \ '); else $ ( \ '.requiredFieldsParameters \ ').slideUp( \ 'slow \ '); return false; " >< img src = " ../img/admin/duplicate.gif " alt = " " /> '.$this->l(' Set required fields for this section ').' </ a ></ p >
< fieldset style = " display:none " class = " width1 requiredFieldsParameters " >
< legend > '.$this->l(' Required Fields ').' </ legend >
< form name = " updateFields " action = " '. $currentIndex .'&submitFields'. $this->table .'=1&token='. $this->token .' " method = " post " >
< p >< b > '.$this->l(' Select the fields you would like to be required for this section . ').' < br />
< table cellspacing = " 0 " cellpadding = " 0 " class = " table width1 clear " >
< tr >
< th >< input type = " checkbox " onclick = " checkDelBoxes(this.form, \ 'fieldsBox[] \ ', this.checked) " class = " noborder " name = " checkme " ></ th >
< th > '.$this->l(' Field Name ').' </ th >
</ tr > ' ;
$object = new $this -> className ();
$res = $object -> getFieldsRequiredDatabase ();
$required_fields = array ();
foreach ( $res AS $row )
$required_fields [( int ) $row [ 'id_required_field' ]] = $row [ 'field_name' ];
$table_fields = Db :: getInstance () -> ExecuteS ( 'SHOW COLUMNS FROM ' . pSQL ( _DB_PREFIX_ . $this -> table ));
$irow = 0 ;
foreach ( $table_fields AS $field )
if ( in_array ( $field [ 'Field' ], $required_class_fields ))
continue ;
echo '<tr class="' . ( $irow ++ % 2 ? 'alt_row' : '' ) . ' " >
< td class = " noborder " >< input type = " checkbox " name = " fieldsBox[] " value = " '. $field['Field'] .' " '.(in_array($field[' Field '], $required_fields) ? ' checked = " checked " ' : ' ').' /></ td >
< td > '.$field[' Field '].' </ td >
</ tr > ' ;
echo ' </ table >< br />
< center >< input style = " margin-left:15px; " class = " button " type = " submit " value = " '. $this->l (' Save ').' " name = " submitFields " /></ center >
</ fieldset > ' ;
public function includeSubTab ( $methodname , $actions = array ())
if ( ! isset ( $this -> _includeTab ) OR ! is_array ( $this -> _includeTab ))
return false ;
$key = 0 ;
$inc = false ;
foreach ( $this -> _includeTab as $subtab => $extraVars )
/* New tab loading */
$classname = 'Admin' . $subtab ;
if ( $module = Db :: getInstance () -> getValue ( 'SELECT `module` FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'tab` WHERE `class_name` = \'' . pSQL ( $classname ) . '\'' ) AND file_exists ( _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . '/' . $module . '/' . $classname . '.php' ))
include_once ( _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . '/' . $module . '/' . $classname . '.php' );
elseif ( file_exists ( PS_ADMIN_DIR . '/tabs/' . $classname . '.php' ))
include_once ( 'tabs/' . $classname . '.php' );
if ( ! isset ( $this -> _includeObj [ $key ]))
$this -> _includeObj [ $key ] = new $classname ;
$adminTab = $this -> _includeObj [ $key ];
$adminTab -> token = $this -> token ;
/* Extra variables addition */
if ( ! empty ( $extraVars ) AND is_array ( $extraVars ))
foreach ( $extraVars AS $varKey => $varValue )
$adminTab -> $varKey = $varValue ;
/* Actions management */
foreach ( $actions as $action )
switch ( $action )
case 'submitAdd1' :
if ( Tools :: getValue ( 'submitAdd' . $adminTab -> table ))
$ok_inc = true ;
break ;
case 'submitAdd2' :
if ( Tools :: getValue ( 'submitAdd' . $adminTab -> table ) AND sizeof ( $adminTab -> _errors ))
$ok_inc = true ;
break ;
case 'submitDel' :
if ( Tools :: getValue ( 'submitDel' . $adminTab -> table ))
$ok_inc = true ;
break ;
case 'submitFilter' :
if ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'submitFilter' . $adminTab -> table ))
$ok_inc = true ;
case 'submitReset' :
if ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'submitReset' . $adminTab -> table ))
$ok_inc = true ;
default :
if ( isset ( $_GET [ $action . $adminTab -> table ]))
$ok_inc = true ;
$inc = false ;
if (( isset ( $ok_inc ) AND $ok_inc ) OR ! sizeof ( $actions ))
if ( ! $adminTab -> viewAccess ())
echo Tools :: displayError ( 'Access denied' );
return false ;
if ( ! sizeof ( $actions ))
if (( $methodname == 'displayErrors' AND sizeof ( $adminTab -> _errors )) OR $methodname != 'displayErrors' )
echo ( isset ( $this -> _includeTabTitle [ $key ]) ? '<h2>' . $this -> _includeTabTitle [ $key ] . '</h2>' : '' );
if ( $adminTab -> _includeVars )
foreach ( $adminTab -> _includeVars AS $var => $value )
$adminTab -> $var = $this -> $value ;
$adminTab -> $methodname ();
$inc = true ;
$key ++ ;
return $inc ;
* Manage page display ( form , list ... )
* @ param string $className Allow to validate a different class than the current one
public function validateRules ( $className = false )
if ( ! $className )
$className = $this -> className ;
/* Class specific validation rules */
$rules = call_user_func ( array ( $className , 'getValidationRules' ), $className );
if (( sizeof ( $rules [ 'requiredLang' ]) OR sizeof ( $rules [ 'sizeLang' ]) OR sizeof ( $rules [ 'validateLang' ])))
/* Language() instance determined by default language */
$defaultLanguage = new Language (( int )( Configuration :: get ( 'PS_LANG_DEFAULT' )));
/* All availables languages */
$languages = Language :: getLanguages ( false );
/* Checking for required fields */
foreach ( $rules [ 'required' ] AS $field )
if (( $value = Tools :: getValue ( $field )) == false AND ( string ) $value != '0' )
if ( ! Tools :: getValue ( $this -> identifier ) OR ( $field != 'passwd' AND $field != 'no-picture' ))
$this -> _errors [] = $this -> l ( 'the field' ) . ' <b>' . call_user_func ( array ( $className , 'displayFieldName' ), $field , $className ) . '</b> ' . $this -> l ( 'is required' );
/* Checking for multilingual required fields */
foreach ( $rules [ 'requiredLang' ] AS $fieldLang )
if (( $empty = Tools :: getValue ( $fieldLang . '_' . $defaultLanguage -> id )) === false OR $empty !== '0' AND empty ( $empty ))
$this -> _errors [] = $this -> l ( 'the field' ) . ' <b>' . call_user_func ( array ( $className , 'displayFieldName' ), $fieldLang , $className ) . '</b> ' . $this -> l ( 'is required at least in' ) . ' ' . $defaultLanguage -> name ;
/* Checking for maximum fields sizes */
foreach ( $rules [ 'size' ] AS $field => $maxLength )
if ( Tools :: getValue ( $field ) !== false AND Tools :: strlen ( Tools :: getValue ( $field )) > $maxLength )
$this -> _errors [] = $this -> l ( 'the field' ) . ' <b>' . call_user_func ( array ( $className , 'displayFieldName' ), $field , $className ) . '</b> ' . $this -> l ( 'is too long' ) . ' (' . $maxLength . ' ' . $this -> l ( 'chars max' ) . ')' ;
/* Checking for maximum multilingual fields size */
foreach ( $rules [ 'sizeLang' ] AS $fieldLang => $maxLength )
foreach ( $languages AS $language )
if ( Tools :: getValue ( $fieldLang . '_' . $language [ 'id_lang' ]) !== false AND Tools :: strlen ( Tools :: getValue ( $fieldLang . '_' . $language [ 'id_lang' ])) > $maxLength )
$this -> _errors [] = $this -> l ( 'the field' ) . ' <b>' . call_user_func ( array ( $className , 'displayFieldName' ), $fieldLang , $className ) . ' (' . $language [ 'name' ] . ')</b> ' . $this -> l ( 'is too long' ) . ' (' . $maxLength . ' ' . $this -> l ( 'chars max, html chars including' ) . ')' ;
/* Overload this method for custom checking */
$this -> _childValidation ();
/* Checking for fields validity */
foreach ( $rules [ 'validate' ] AS $field => $function )
2017-12-05 16:53:36 +01:00
if (( $value = Tools :: getValue ( $field )) !== false AND ! empty ( $value ) AND ( $field != 'passwd' ))
2016-01-04 12:48:08 +01:00
if ( ! Validate :: $function ( $value ))
$this -> _errors [] = $this -> l ( 'the field' ) . ' <b>' . call_user_func ( array ( $className , 'displayFieldName' ), $field , $className ) . '</b> ' . $this -> l ( 'is invalid' );
/* Checking for passwd_old validity */
if (( $value = Tools :: getValue ( 'passwd' )) != false )
if ( $className == 'Employee' AND ! Validate :: isPasswdAdmin ( $value ))
$this -> _errors [] = $this -> l ( 'the field' ) . ' <b>' . call_user_func ( array ( $className , 'displayFieldName' ), 'passwd' , $className ) . '</b> ' . $this -> l ( 'is invalid' );
elseif ( $className == 'Customer' AND ! Validate :: isPasswd ( $value ))
$this -> _errors [] = $this -> l ( 'the field' ) . ' <b>' . call_user_func ( array ( $className , 'displayFieldName' ), 'passwd' , $className ) . '</b> ' . $this -> l ( 'is invalid' );
/* Checking for multilingual fields validity */
foreach ( $rules [ 'validateLang' ] AS $fieldLang => $function )
foreach ( $languages AS $language )
if (( $value = Tools :: getValue ( $fieldLang . '_' . $language [ 'id_lang' ])) !== false AND ! empty ( $value ))
if ( ! Validate :: $function ( $value ))
$this -> _errors [] = $this -> l ( 'the field' ) . ' <b>' . call_user_func ( array ( $className , 'displayFieldName' ), $fieldLang , $className ) . ' (' . $language [ 'name' ] . ')</b> ' . $this -> l ( 'is invalid' );
* Overload this method for custom checking
protected function _childValidation () { }
* Overload this method for custom checking
* @ param integer $id Object id used for deleting images
* TODO This function will soon be deprecated . Use ObjectModel -> deleteImage instead .
public function deleteImage ( $id )
$dir = null ;
/* Deleting object images and thumbnails (cache) */
if ( key_exists ( 'dir' , $this -> fieldImageSettings ))
$dir = $this -> fieldImageSettings [ 'dir' ] . '/' ;
if ( file_exists ( _PS_IMG_DIR_ . $dir . $id . '.' . $this -> imageType ) AND ! unlink ( _PS_IMG_DIR_ . $dir . $id . '.' . $this -> imageType ))
return false ;
if ( file_exists ( _PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_ . $this -> table . '_' . $id . '.' . $this -> imageType ) AND ! unlink ( _PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_ . $this -> table . '_' . $id . '.' . $this -> imageType ))
return false ;
if ( file_exists ( _PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_ . $this -> table . '_mini_' . $id . '.' . $this -> imageType ) AND ! unlink ( _PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_ . $this -> table . '_mini_' . $id . '.' . $this -> imageType ))
return false ;
$types = ImageType :: getImagesTypes ();
foreach ( $types AS $imageType )
if ( file_exists ( _PS_IMG_DIR_ . $dir . $id . '-' . stripslashes ( $imageType [ 'name' ]) . '.' . $this -> imageType ) AND ! unlink ( _PS_IMG_DIR_ . $dir . $id . '-' . stripslashes ( $imageType [ 'name' ]) . '.' . $this -> imageType ))
return false ;
return true ;
2017-12-05 16:53:36 +01:00
* ajaxPreProcess is a method called in ajax - tab . php before displayConf () .
2016-01-04 12:48:08 +01:00
* @ return void
public function ajaxPreProcess ()
* ajaxProcess is the default handle method for request with ajax - tab . php
2017-12-05 16:53:36 +01:00
2016-01-04 12:48:08 +01:00
* @ return void
public function ajaxProcess ()
* Manage page processing
* @ global string $currentIndex Current URL in order to keep current Tab
public function postProcess ()
global $currentIndex , $cookie ;
if ( ! isset ( $this -> table ))
return false ;
// set token
$token = Tools :: getValue ( 'token' ) ? Tools :: getValue ( 'token' ) : $this -> token ;
// Sub included tab postProcessing
$this -> includeSubTab ( 'postProcess' , array ( 'status' , 'submitAdd1' , 'submitDel' , 'delete' , 'submitFilter' , 'submitReset' ));
/* Delete object image */
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'deleteImage' ]))
if ( Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $object = $this -> loadObject ()))
if (( $object -> deleteImage ()))
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( $currentIndex . '&add' . $this -> table . '&' . $this -> identifier . '=' . Tools :: getValue ( $this -> identifier ) . '&conf=7&token=' . $token );
$this -> _errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'An error occurred during image deletion (cannot load object).' );
/* Delete object */
elseif ( isset ( $_GET [ 'delete' . $this -> table ]))
if ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'delete' ] === '1' )
if ( Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $object = $this -> loadObject ()) AND isset ( $this -> fieldImageSettings ))
// check if request at least one object with noZeroObject
if ( isset ( $object -> noZeroObject ) AND sizeof ( call_user_func ( array ( $this -> className , $object -> noZeroObject ))) <= 1 )
$this -> _errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'You need at least one object.' ) . ' <b>' . $this -> table . '</b><br />' . Tools :: displayError ( 'You cannot delete all of the items.' );
if ( $this -> deleted )
$object -> deleteImage ();
$object -> deleted = 1 ;
if ( $object -> update ())
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( $currentIndex . '&conf=1&token=' . $token );
elseif ( $object -> delete ())
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( $currentIndex . '&conf=1&token=' . $token );
$this -> _errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'An error occurred during deletion.' );
$this -> _errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'An error occurred while deleting object.' ) . ' <b>' . $this -> table . '</b> ' . Tools :: displayError ( '(cannot load object)' );
$this -> _errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'You do not have permission to delete here.' );
/* Change object statuts (active, inactive) */
elseif (( isset ( $_GET [ 'status' . $this -> table ]) OR isset ( $_GET [ 'status' ])) AND Tools :: getValue ( $this -> identifier ))
if ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'edit' ] === '1' )
if ( Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $object = $this -> loadObject ()))
if ( $object -> toggleStatus ())
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( $currentIndex . '&conf=5' . ((( $id_category = ( int )( Tools :: getValue ( 'id_category' ))) AND Tools :: getValue ( 'id_product' )) ? '&id_category=' . $id_category : '' ) . '&token=' . $token );
$this -> _errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'An error occurred while updating status.' );
$this -> _errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'An error occurred while updating status for object.' ) . ' <b>' . $this -> table . '</b> ' . Tools :: displayError ( '(cannot load object)' );
$this -> _errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'You do not have permission to edit here.' );
/* Move an object */
elseif ( isset ( $_GET [ 'position' ]))
if ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'edit' ] !== '1' )
$this -> _errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'You do not have permission to edit here.' );
elseif ( ! Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $object = $this -> loadObject ()))
$this -> _errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'An error occurred while updating status for object.' ) . ' <b>' . $this -> table . '</b> ' . Tools :: displayError ( '(cannot load object)' );
elseif ( ! $object -> updatePosition (( int )( Tools :: getValue ( 'way' )), ( int )( Tools :: getValue ( 'position' ))))
$this -> _errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'Failed to update the position.' );
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( $currentIndex . '&' . $this -> table . 'Orderby=position&' . $this -> table . 'Orderway=asc&conf=5' . (( $id_identifier = ( int )( Tools :: getValue ( $this -> identifier ))) ? ( '&' . $this -> identifier . '=' . $id_identifier ) : '' ) . '&token=' . $token );
/* Delete multiple objects */
elseif ( Tools :: getValue ( 'submitDel' . $this -> table ))
if ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'delete' ] === '1' )
if ( isset ( $_POST [ $this -> table . 'Box' ]))
$object = new $this -> className ();
if ( isset ( $object -> noZeroObject ) AND
// Check if all object will be deleted
( sizeof ( call_user_func ( array ( $this -> className , $object -> noZeroObject ))) <= 1 OR sizeof ( $_POST [ $this -> table . 'Box' ]) == sizeof ( call_user_func ( array ( $this -> className , $object -> noZeroObject )))))
$this -> _errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'You need at least one object.' ) . ' <b>' . $this -> table . '</b><br />' . Tools :: displayError ( 'You cannot delete all of the items.' );
$result = true ;
if ( $this -> deleted )
foreach ( Tools :: getValue ( $this -> table . 'Box' ) as $id )
$toDelete = new $this -> className ( $id );
$toDelete -> deleted = 1 ;
$result = $result AND $toDelete -> update ();
$result = $object -> deleteSelection ( Tools :: getValue ( $this -> table . 'Box' ));
if ( $result )
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( $currentIndex . '&conf=2&token=' . $token );
$this -> _errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'An error occurred while deleting selection.' );
$this -> _errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'You must select at least one element to delete.' );
$this -> _errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'You do not have permission to delete here.' );
/* Create or update an object */
elseif ( Tools :: getValue ( 'submitAdd' . $this -> table ))
/* Checking fields validity */
$this -> validateRules ();
if ( ! sizeof ( $this -> _errors ))
$id = ( int )( Tools :: getValue ( $this -> identifier ));
/* Object update */
if ( isset ( $id ) AND ! empty ( $id ))
if ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'edit' ] === '1' OR ( $this -> table == 'employee' AND $cookie -> id_employee == Tools :: getValue ( 'id_employee' ) AND Tools :: isSubmit ( 'updateemployee' )))
$object = new $this -> className ( $id );
if ( Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $object ))
/* Specific to objects which must not be deleted */
if ( $this -> deleted AND $this -> beforeDelete ( $object ))
// Create new one with old objet values
$objectNew = new $this -> className ( $object -> id );
$objectNew -> id = NULL ;
$objectNew -> date_add = '' ;
$objectNew -> date_upd = '' ;
// Update old object to deleted
$object -> deleted = 1 ;
$object -> update ();
// Update new object with post values
$this -> copyFromPost ( $objectNew , $this -> table );
$result = $objectNew -> add ();
if ( Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $objectNew ))
$this -> afterDelete ( $objectNew , $object -> id );
$this -> copyFromPost ( $object , $this -> table );
$result = $object -> update ();
$this -> afterUpdate ( $object );
if ( ! $result )
$this -> _errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'An error occurred while updating object.' ) . ' <b>' . $this -> table . '</b> (' . Db :: getInstance () -> getMsgError () . ')' ;
elseif ( $this -> postImage ( $object -> id ) AND ! sizeof ( $this -> _errors ))
$parent_id = ( int )( Tools :: getValue ( 'id_parent' , 1 ));
// Specific back redirect
if ( $back = Tools :: getValue ( 'back' ))
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( urldecode ( $back ) . '&conf=4' );
// Specific scene feature
if ( Tools :: getValue ( 'stay_here' ) == 'on' || Tools :: getValue ( 'stay_here' ) == 'true' || Tools :: getValue ( 'stay_here' ) == '1' )
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( $currentIndex . '&' . $this -> identifier . '=' . $object -> id . '&conf=4&updatescene&token=' . $token );
// Save and stay on same form
if ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'submitAdd' . $this -> table . 'AndStay' ))
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( $currentIndex . '&' . $this -> identifier . '=' . $object -> id . '&conf=4&update' . $this -> table . '&token=' . $token );
// Save and back to parent
if ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'submitAdd' . $this -> table . 'AndBackToParent' ))
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( $currentIndex . '&' . $this -> identifier . '=' . $parent_id . '&conf=4&token=' . $token );
// Default behavior (save and back)
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( $currentIndex . ( $parent_id ? '&' . $this -> identifier . '=' . $object -> id : '' ) . '&conf=4&token=' . $token );
$this -> _errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'An error occurred while updating object.' ) . ' <b>' . $this -> table . '</b> ' . Tools :: displayError ( '(cannot load object)' );
$this -> _errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'You do not have permission to edit here.' );
/* Object creation */
if ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'add' ] === '1' )
$object = new $this -> className ();
$this -> copyFromPost ( $object , $this -> table );
if ( ! $object -> add ())
$this -> _errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'An error occurred while creating object.' ) . ' <b>' . $this -> table . ' (' . mysql_error () . ')</b>' ;
elseif (( $_POST [ $this -> identifier ] = $object -> id /* voluntary */ ) AND $this -> postImage ( $object -> id ) AND ! sizeof ( $this -> _errors ) AND $this -> _redirect )
$parent_id = ( int )( Tools :: getValue ( 'id_parent' , 1 ));
$this -> afterAdd ( $object );
// Save and stay on same form
if ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'submitAdd' . $this -> table . 'AndStay' ))
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( $currentIndex . '&' . $this -> identifier . '=' . $object -> id . '&conf=3&update' . $this -> table . '&token=' . $token );
// Save and back to parent
if ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'submitAdd' . $this -> table . 'AndBackToParent' ))
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( $currentIndex . '&' . $this -> identifier . '=' . $parent_id . '&conf=3&token=' . $token );
// Default behavior (save and back)
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( $currentIndex . ( $parent_id ? '&' . $this -> identifier . '=' . $object -> id : '' ) . '&conf=3&token=' . $token );
$this -> _errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'You do not have permission to add here.' );
$this -> _errors = array_unique ( $this -> _errors );
/* Cancel all filters for this tab */
elseif ( isset ( $_POST [ 'submitReset' . $this -> table ]))
$filters = $cookie -> getFamily ( $this -> table . 'Filter_' );
foreach ( $filters AS $cookieKey => $filter )
if ( strncmp ( $cookieKey , $this -> table . 'Filter_' , 7 + Tools :: strlen ( $this -> table )) == 0 )
$key = substr ( $cookieKey , 7 + Tools :: strlen ( $this -> table ));
/* Table alias could be specified using a ! eg. alias!field */
$tmpTab = explode ( '!' , $key );
$key = ( count ( $tmpTab ) > 1 ? $tmpTab [ 1 ] : $tmpTab [ 0 ]);
if ( array_key_exists ( $key , $this -> fieldsDisplay ))
unset ( $cookie -> $cookieKey );
if ( isset ( $cookie -> { 'submitFilter' . $this -> table }))
unset ( $cookie -> { 'submitFilter' . $this -> table });
if ( isset ( $cookie -> { $this -> table . 'Orderby' }))
unset ( $cookie -> { $this -> table . 'Orderby' });
if ( isset ( $cookie -> { $this -> table . 'Orderway' }))
unset ( $cookie -> { $this -> table . 'Orderway' });
unset ( $_POST );
/* Submit options list */
elseif ( Tools :: getValue ( 'submitOptions' . $this -> table ))
$this -> updateOptions ( $token );
/* Manage list filtering */
elseif ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'submitFilter' . $this -> table ) OR $cookie -> { 'submitFilter' . $this -> table } !== false )
$_POST = array_merge ( $cookie -> getFamily ( $this -> table . 'Filter_' ), ( isset ( $_POST ) ? $_POST : array ()));
foreach ( $_POST AS $key => $value )
/* Extracting filters from $_POST on key filter_ */
if ( $value != NULL AND ! strncmp ( $key , $this -> table . 'Filter_' , 7 + Tools :: strlen ( $this -> table )))
$key = Tools :: substr ( $key , 7 + Tools :: strlen ( $this -> table ));
/* Table alias could be specified using a ! eg. alias!field */
$tmpTab = explode ( '!' , $key );
$filter = count ( $tmpTab ) > 1 ? $tmpTab [ 1 ] : $tmpTab [ 0 ];
if ( $field = $this -> filterToField ( $key , $filter ))
$type = ( array_key_exists ( 'filter_type' , $field ) ? $field [ 'filter_type' ] : ( array_key_exists ( 'type' , $field ) ? $field [ 'type' ] : false ));
if (( $type == 'date' OR $type == 'datetime' ) AND is_string ( $value ))
$value = unserialize ( $value );
$key = isset ( $tmpTab [ 1 ]) ? $tmpTab [ 0 ] . '.`' . bqSQL ( $tmpTab [ 1 ]) . '`' : '`' . bqSQL ( $tmpTab [ 0 ]) . '`' ;
if ( array_key_exists ( 'tmpTableFilter' , $field ))
$sqlFilter = & $this -> _tmpTableFilter ;
elseif ( array_key_exists ( 'havingFilter' , $field ))
$sqlFilter = & $this -> _filterHaving ;
$sqlFilter = & $this -> _filter ;
/* Only for date filtering (from, to) */
if ( is_array ( $value ))
if ( isset ( $value [ 0 ]) AND ! empty ( $value [ 0 ]))
if ( ! Validate :: isDate ( $value [ 0 ]))
$this -> _errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( '\'from:\' date format is invalid (YYYY-MM-DD)' );
$sqlFilter .= ' AND ' . $key . ' >= \'' . pSQL ( Tools :: dateFrom ( $value [ 0 ])) . '\'' ;
if ( isset ( $value [ 1 ]) AND ! empty ( $value [ 1 ]))
if ( ! Validate :: isDate ( $value [ 1 ]))
$this -> _errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( '\'to:\' date format is invalid (YYYY-MM-DD)' );
$sqlFilter .= ' AND ' . $key . ' <= \'' . pSQL ( Tools :: dateTo ( $value [ 1 ])) . '\'' ;
$sqlFilter .= ' AND ' ;
if ( $type == 'int' OR $type == 'bool' )
$sqlFilter .= (( $key == $this -> identifier OR $key == '`' . $this -> identifier . '`' OR $key == '`active`' ) ? 'a.' : '' ) . pSQL ( $key ) . ' = ' . ( int )( $value ) . ' ' ;
elseif ( $type == 'decimal' )
$sqlFilter .= (( $key == $this -> identifier OR $key == '`' . $this -> identifier . '`' ) ? 'a.' : '' ) . pSQL ( $key ) . ' = ' . ( float )( $value ) . ' ' ;
elseif ( $type == 'select' )
$sqlFilter .= (( $key == $this -> identifier OR $key == '`' . $this -> identifier . '`' ) ? 'a.' : '' ) . pSQL ( $key ) . ' = \'' . pSQL ( $value ) . '\' ' ;
$sqlFilter .= (( $key == $this -> identifier OR $key == '`' . $this -> identifier . '`' ) ? 'a.' : '' ) . pSQL ( $key ) . ' LIKE \'%' . pSQL ( $value ) . '%\' ' ;
elseif ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'submitFields' ) AND $this -> requiredDatabase AND $this -> tabAccess [ 'add' ] === '1' AND $this -> tabAccess [ 'delete' ] === '1' )
if ( ! is_array ( $fields = Tools :: getValue ( 'fieldsBox' )))
$fields = array ();
$object = new $this -> className ();
if ( ! $object -> addFieldsRequiredDatabase ( $fields ))
$this -> _errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'Error in updating required fields' );
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( $currentIndex . '&conf=4&token=' . $token );
protected function updateOptions ( $token )
global $currentIndex ;
if ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'edit' ] === '1' )
foreach ( $this -> _fieldsOptions as $key => $field )
if ( $this -> validateField ( Tools :: getValue ( $key ), $field ))
// check if a method updateOptionFieldName is available
$method_name = 'updateOption' . Tools :: toCamelCase ( $key , true );
if ( method_exists ( $this , $method_name ))
$this -> $method_name ( Tools :: getValue ( $key ));
elseif ( $field [ 'type' ] == 'textLang' OR $field [ 'type' ] == 'textareaLang' )
$languages = Language :: getLanguages ( false );
$list = array ();
foreach ( $languages as $language )
$val = ( isset ( $field [ 'cast' ]) ? $field [ 'cast' ]( Tools :: getValue ( $key . '_' . $language [ 'id_lang' ])) : Tools :: getValue ( $key . '_' . $language [ 'id_lang' ]));
if ( Validate :: isCleanHtml ( $val ))
$list [ $language [ 'id_lang' ]] = $val ;
$this -> _errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'Can not add configuration ' . $key . ' for lang ' . Language :: getIsoById (( int ) $language [ 'id_lang' ]));
Configuration :: updateValue ( $key , $list );
$val = ( isset ( $field [ 'cast' ]) ? $field [ 'cast' ]( Tools :: getValue ( $key )) : Tools :: getValue ( $key ));
if ( Validate :: isCleanHtml ( $val ))
Configuration :: updateValue ( $key , $val );
$this -> _errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'Can not add configuration ' . $key );
if ( count ( $this -> _errors ) <= 0 )
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( $currentIndex . '&conf=6&token=' . $token );
$this -> _errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'You do not have permission to edit here.' );
protected function validateField ( $value , $field )
if ( isset ( $field [ 'validation' ]))
$validate = new Validate ();
if ( method_exists ( $validate , $field [ 'validation' ]))
if ( ! Validate :: $field [ 'validation' ]( $value ))
$this -> _errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( $field [ 'title' ] . ' : Incorrect value' );
return false ;
return true ;
protected function uploadImage ( $id , $name , $dir , $ext = false )
if ( isset ( $_FILES [ $name ][ 'tmp_name' ]) AND ! empty ( $_FILES [ $name ][ 'tmp_name' ]))
// Delete old image
if ( Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $object = $this -> loadObject ()))
$object -> deleteImage ();
return false ;
// Check image validity
if ( $error = checkImage ( $_FILES [ $name ], $this -> maxImageSize ))
$this -> _errors [] = $error ;
elseif ( ! $tmpName = tempnam ( _PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_ , 'PS' ) OR ! move_uploaded_file ( $_FILES [ $name ][ 'tmp_name' ], $tmpName ))
return false ;
$_FILES [ $name ][ 'tmp_name' ] = $tmpName ;
// Copy new image
if ( ! imageResize ( $tmpName , _PS_IMG_DIR_ . $dir . $id . '.' . $this -> imageType , NULL , NULL , ( $ext ? $ext : $this -> imageType )))
$this -> _errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'An error occurred while uploading image.' );
if ( sizeof ( $this -> _errors ))
return false ;
if ( $this -> afterImageUpload ())
unlink ( $tmpName );
return true ;
return false ;
return true ;
protected function uploadIco ( $name , $dest )
if ( isset ( $_FILES [ $name ][ 'tmp_name' ]) AND ! empty ( $_FILES [ $name ][ 'tmp_name' ]))
/* Check ico validity */
if ( $error = checkIco ( $_FILES [ $name ], $this -> maxImageSize ))
$this -> _errors [] = $error ;
/* Copy new ico */
elseif ( ! copy ( $_FILES [ $name ][ 'tmp_name' ], $dest ))
$this -> _errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'an error occurred while uploading favicon: ' . $_FILES [ $name ][ 'tmp_name' ] . ' to ' . $dest );
return ! sizeof ( $this -> _errors ) ? true : false ;
* Overload this method for custom checking
* @ param integer $id Object id used for deleting images
* @ return boolean
protected function postImage ( $id )
if ( isset ( $this -> fieldImageSettings [ 'name' ]) AND isset ( $this -> fieldImageSettings [ 'dir' ]))
return $this -> uploadImage ( $id , $this -> fieldImageSettings [ 'name' ], $this -> fieldImageSettings [ 'dir' ] . '/' );
elseif ( ! empty ( $this -> fieldImageSettings ))
foreach ( $this -> fieldImageSettings AS $image )
if ( isset ( $image [ 'name' ]) AND isset ( $image [ 'dir' ]))
$this -> uploadImage ( $id , $image [ 'name' ], $image [ 'dir' ] . '/' );
return ! sizeof ( $this -> _errors ) ? true : false ;
* Copy datas from $_POST to object
* @ param object & $object Object
* @ param string $table Object table
protected function copyFromPost ( & $object , $table )
/* Classical fields */
foreach ( $_POST AS $key => $value )
if ( key_exists ( $key , $object ) AND $key != 'id_' . $table )
/* Do not take care of password field if empty */
if ( $key == 'passwd' AND Tools :: getValue ( 'id_' . $table ) AND empty ( $value ))
continue ;
/* Automatically encrypt password in MD5 */
if ( $key == 'passwd' AND ! empty ( $value ))
$value = Tools :: encrypt ( $value );
$object -> { $key } = $value ;
/* Multilingual fields */
$rules = call_user_func ( array ( get_class ( $object ), 'getValidationRules' ), get_class ( $object ));
if ( sizeof ( $rules [ 'validateLang' ]))
$languages = Language :: getLanguages ( false );
foreach ( $languages AS $language )
foreach ( array_keys ( $rules [ 'validateLang' ]) AS $field )
if ( isset ( $_POST [ $field . '_' . ( int )( $language [ 'id_lang' ])]))
$object -> { $field }[( int )( $language [ 'id_lang' ])] = $_POST [ $field . '_' . ( int )( $language [ 'id_lang' ])];
* Display errors
public function displayErrors ()
if ( $nbErrors = count ( $this -> _errors ) AND $this -> _includeContainer )
echo ' < script type = " text/javascript " >
$ ( document ) . ready ( function () {
$ ( \ ' #hideError\').unbind(\'click\').click(function(){
$ ( \ ' . error\ ' ) . hide ( \ ' slow\ ' , function (){
$ ( \ ' . error\ ' ) . remove ();
return false ;
</ script >
< div class = " error " >< span style = " float:right " >< a id = " hideError " href = " " >< img alt = " X " src = " ../img/admin/close.png " /></ a ></ span >< img src = " ../img/admin/error2.png " /> ' ;
if ( count ( $this -> _errors ) == 1 )
echo $this -> _errors [ 0 ];
echo $nbErrors . ' ' . $this -> l ( 'errors' ) . '<br /><ol>' ;
foreach ( $this -> _errors AS $error )
echo '<li>' . $error . '</li>' ;
echo '</ol>' ;
echo '</div>' ;
$this -> includeSubTab ( 'displayErrors' );
* Display a warning message
* @ param string $warn Warning message to display
public function displayWarning ( $warn )
$str_output = '' ;
if ( ! empty ( $warn ))
$str_output .= ' < script type = " text/javascript " >
$ ( document ) . ready ( function () {
$ ( \ ' #linkSeeMore\').unbind(\'click\').click(function(){
$ ( \ ' #seeMore\').show(\'slow\');
$ ( this ) . hide ();
$ ( \ ' #linkHide\').show();
return false ;
$ ( \ ' #linkHide\').unbind(\'click\').click(function(){
$ ( \ ' #seeMore\').hide(\'slow\');
$ ( this ) . hide ();
$ ( \ ' #linkSeeMore\').show();
return false ;
$ ( \ ' #hideWarn\').unbind(\'click\').click(function(){
$ ( \ ' . warn\ ' ) . hide ( \ ' slow\ ' , function (){
$ ( \ ' . warn\ ' ) . remove ();
return false ;
</ script >
< div class = " warn " > ' ;
if ( ! is_array ( $warn ))
$str_output .= '<img src="../img/admin/warn2.png" />' . $warn ;
{ $str_output .= '<span style="float:right"><a id="hideWarn" href=""><img alt="X" src="../img/admin/close.png" /></a></span><img src="../img/admin/warn2.png" />' .
( count ( $warn ) > 1 ? $this -> l ( 'There are' ) : $this -> l ( 'There is' )) . ' ' . count ( $warn ) . ' ' . ( count ( $warn ) > 1 ? $this -> l ( 'warnings' ) : $this -> l ( 'warning' ))
. ' < span style = " margin-left:20px; " id = " labelSeeMore " >
< a id = " linkSeeMore " href = " # " style = " text-decoration:underline " > '.$this->l(' Click here to see more ').' </ a >
< a id = " linkHide " href = " # " style = " text-decoration:underline;display:none " > '.$this->l(' Hide warning ').' </ a ></ span >< ul style = " display:none; " id = " seeMore " > ' ;
foreach ( $warn as $val )
$str_output .= '<li>' . $val . '</li>' ;
$str_output .= '</ul>' ;
$str_output .= '</div>' ;
echo $str_output ;
* Display confirmations
public function displayConf ()
if ( $conf = Tools :: getValue ( 'conf' ))
echo '
< div class = " conf " >
< img src = " ../img/admin/ok2.png " alt = " " /> '.$this->_conf[(int)($conf)].'
</ div > ' ;
* Get the current objects ' list form the database
* @ param integer $id_lang Language used for display
* @ param string $orderBy ORDER BY clause
* @ param string $_orderWay Order way ( ASC , DESC )
* @ param integer $start Offset in LIMIT clause
* @ param integer $limit Row count in LIMIT clause
public function getList ( $id_lang , $orderBy = NULL , $orderWay = NULL , $start = 0 , $limit = NULL )
global $cookie ;
/* Manage default params values */
if ( empty ( $limit ))
$limit = (( ! isset ( $cookie -> { $this -> table . '_pagination' })) ? $this -> _pagination [ 1 ] : $limit = $cookie -> { $this -> table . '_pagination' });
if ( ! Validate :: isTableOrIdentifier ( $this -> table ))
die ( Tools :: displayError ( 'Table name is invalid:' ) . ' "' . $this -> table . '"' );
if ( empty ( $orderBy ))
$orderBy = $cookie -> __get ( $this -> table . 'Orderby' ) ? $cookie -> __get ( $this -> table . 'Orderby' ) : $this -> _defaultOrderBy ;
if ( empty ( $orderWay ))
$orderWay = $cookie -> __get ( $this -> table . 'Orderway' ) ? $cookie -> __get ( $this -> table . 'Orderway' ) : 'ASC' ;
$limit = ( int )( Tools :: getValue ( 'pagination' , $limit ));
$cookie -> { $this -> table . '_pagination' } = $limit ;
/* Check params validity */
if ( ! Validate :: isOrderBy ( $orderBy ) OR ! Validate :: isOrderWay ( $orderWay )
OR ! is_numeric ( $start ) OR ! is_numeric ( $limit )
OR ! Validate :: isUnsignedId ( $id_lang ))
die ( Tools :: displayError ( 'get list params is not valid' ));
/* Determine offset from current page */
if (( isset ( $_POST [ 'submitFilter' . $this -> table ]) OR
isset ( $_POST [ 'submitFilter' . $this -> table . '_x' ]) OR
isset ( $_POST [ 'submitFilter' . $this -> table . '_y' ])) AND
! empty ( $_POST [ 'submitFilter' . $this -> table ]) AND
is_numeric ( $_POST [ 'submitFilter' . $this -> table ]))
$start = ( int )( $_POST [ 'submitFilter' . $this -> table ] - 1 ) * $limit ;
/* Cache */
$this -> _lang = ( int )( $id_lang );
$this -> _orderBy = $orderBy ;
$this -> _orderWay = Tools :: strtoupper ( $orderWay );
/* SQL table : orders, but class name is Order */
$sqlTable = $this -> table == 'order' ? 'orders' : $this -> table ;
if ( $this -> table == 'category'
&& ! Tools :: getIsset ( 'id_category' )) {
$orderWay = 'DESC' ;
/* Query in order to get results with all fields */
'.($this->_tmpTableFilter ? ' * FROM ( SELECT ' : ' ').'
'.($this->lang ? ' b .* , ' : ' ').' a .* '.(isset($this->_select) ? ' , '.$this->_select.' ' : ' ').'
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.$sqlTable.'` a
'.($this->lang ? ' LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.$this->table.'_lang` b ON ( b . `'.$this->identifier.'` = a . `'.$this->identifier.'` AND b . `id_lang` = '.(int)($id_lang).' ) ' : ' ').'
'.(isset($this->_join) ? $this->_join.' ' : ' ').'
WHERE 1 '.(isset($this->_where) ? $this->_where.' ' : ' ').($this->deleted ? ' AND a . `deleted` = 0 ' : ' ').(isset($this->_filter) ? $this->_filter : ' ').'
'.(isset($this->_group) ? $this->_group.' ' : ' ').'
'.((isset($this->_filterHaving) || isset($this->_having)) ? ' HAVING ' : ' ').(isset($this->_filterHaving) ? ltrim($this->_filterHaving, ' AND ') : ' ').(isset($this->_having) ? $this->_having.' ' : ' ').'
ORDER BY '.(($orderBy == $this->identifier) ? ' a . ' : ' ').' `'.pSQL($orderBy).'` ' . pSQL ( $orderWay ) .
( $this -> _tmpTableFilter ? ') tmpTable WHERE 1' . $this -> _tmpTableFilter : '' ) . '
LIMIT '.(int)($start).' , ' . ( int )( $limit );
$this -> _list = Db :: getInstance () -> ExecuteS ( $sql );
$this -> _listTotal = Db :: getInstance () -> getValue ( 'SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . $this -> table . '`' );
* Display image aside object form
* @ param integer $id Object id
* @ param string $image Local image filepath
* @ param integer $size Image width
* @ param integer $id_image Image id ( for products with several images )
* @ param string $token Employee token used in the image deletion link
* @ param boolean $disableCache When turned on a timestamp will be added to the image URI to disable the HTTP cache
* @ global string $currentIndex Current URL in order to keep current Tab
public function displayImage ( $id , $image , $size , $id_image = NULL , $token = NULL , $disableCache = false )
global $currentIndex ;
if ( ! isset ( $token ) OR empty ( $token ))
$token = $this -> token ;
if ( $id AND file_exists ( $image ))
echo '
< div id = " image " >
'.cacheImage($image, $this->table.' _ '.(int)($id).' . '.$this->imageType, $size, $this->imageType, $disableCache).'
< p align = " center " > '.$this->l(' File size ').' '.(filesize($image) / 1000).' kb </ p >
< a href = " '. $currentIndex .'&'. $this->identifier .'='.(int)( $id ).'&token='. $token .( $id_image ? '&id_image='.(int)( $id_image ) : '').'&deleteImage=1 " >
< img src = " ../img/admin/delete.gif " alt = " '. $this->l ('Delete').' " /> '.$this->l(' Delete ').' </ a >
</ div > ' ;
* Display list header ( filtering , pagination and column names )
* @ global string $currentIndex Current URL in order to keep current Tab
public function displayListHeader ( $token = NULL )
global $currentIndex , $cookie ;
$isCms = false ;
if ( preg_match ( '/cms/Ui' , $this -> identifier ))
$isCms = true ;
$id_cat = Tools :: getValue ( 'id_' . ( $isCms ? 'cms_' : '' ) . 'category' );
if ( ! isset ( $token ) OR empty ( $token ))
$token = $this -> token ;
/* Determine total page number */
$totalPages = ceil ( $this -> _listTotal / Tools :: getValue ( 'pagination' , ( isset ( $cookie -> { $this -> table . '_pagination' }) ? $cookie -> { $this -> table . '_pagination' } : $this -> _pagination [ 0 ])));
if ( ! $totalPages ) $totalPages = 1 ;
echo '<a name="' . $this -> table . '"> </a>' ;
echo '<form method="post" action="' . $currentIndex ;
if ( Tools :: getIsset ( $this -> identifier ))
echo '&' . $this -> identifier . '=' . ( int )( Tools :: getValue ( $this -> identifier ));
2017-12-05 16:53:36 +01:00
echo '&token=' . $token ;
2016-01-04 12:48:08 +01:00
if ( Tools :: getIsset ( $this -> table . 'Orderby' ))
echo '&' . $this -> table . 'Orderby=' . urlencode ( $this -> _orderBy ) . '&' . $this -> table . 'Orderway=' . urlencode ( strtolower ( $this -> _orderWay ));
echo '#' . $this -> table . ' " class= " form " >
< input type = " hidden " id = " submitFilter'. $this->table .' " name = " submitFilter'. $this->table .' " value = " 0 " >
< table >
< tr >
< td style = " vertical-align: bottom; " >
< span style = " float: left; " > ' ;
/* Determine current page number */
$page = ( int )( Tools :: getValue ( 'submitFilter' . $this -> table ));
if ( ! $page ) $page = 1 ;
if ( $page > 1 )
echo '
< input type = " image " src = " ../img/admin/list-prev2.gif " onclick = " getE( \ 'submitFilter'. $this->table .' \ ').value=1 " />
& nbsp ; < input type = " image " src = " ../img/admin/list-prev.gif " onclick = " getE( \ 'submitFilter'. $this->table .' \ ').value='.( $page - 1).' " /> ' ;
echo $this -> l ( 'Page' ) . ' <b>' . $page . '</b> / ' . $totalPages ;
if ( $page < $totalPages )
echo '
< input type = " image " src = " ../img/admin/list-next.gif " onclick = " getE( \ 'submitFilter'. $this->table .' \ ').value='.( $page + 1).' " />
& nbsp ; < input type = " image " src = " ../img/admin/list-next2.gif " onclick = " getE( \ 'submitFilter'. $this->table .' \ ').value='. $totalPages .' " /> ' ;
echo ' | ' . $this -> l ( 'Display' ) . '
< select name = " pagination " > ' ;
/* Choose number of results per page */
$selectedPagination = Tools :: getValue ( 'pagination' , ( isset ( $cookie -> { $this -> table . '_pagination' }) ? $cookie -> { $this -> table . '_pagination' } : NULL ));
foreach ( $this -> _pagination AS $value )
echo '<option value="' . ( int )( $value ) . '"' . ( $selectedPagination == $value ? ' selected="selected"' : (( $selectedPagination == NULL && $value == $this -> _pagination [ 1 ]) ? ' selected="selected2"' : '' )) . '>' . ( int )( $value ) . '</option>' ;
echo '
</ select >
/ '.(int)($this->_listTotal).' '.$this->l(' result ( s ) ').'
</ span >
< span style = " float: right; " >
< input type = " submit " name = " submitReset'. $this->table .' " value = " '. $this->l ('Reset').' " class = " button " />
< input type = " submit " id = " submitFilterButton_'. $this->table .' " name = " submitFilter " value = " '. $this->l ('Filter').' " class = " button " />
</ span >
< span class = " clear " ></ span >
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > ' ;
/* Display column names and arrows for ordering (ASC, DESC) */
if ( array_key_exists ( $this -> identifier , $this -> identifiersDnd ) AND $this -> _orderBy == 'position' )
echo '
< script type = " text/javascript " src = " ../js/jquery/jquery.tablednd_0_5.js " ></ script >
< script type = " text/javascript " >
var token = \ '' . ( $token != NULL ? $token : $this -> token ) . ' \ ' ;
var come_from = \ '' . $this -> table . ' \ ' ;
var alternate = \ '' . ( $this -> _orderWay == 'DESC' ? '1' : '0' ) . ' \ ' ;
</ script >
< script type = " text/javascript " src = " ../js/admin-dnd.js " ></ script >
' ;
echo '<table' . ( array_key_exists ( $this -> identifier , $this -> identifiersDnd ) ? ' id="' . ((( int )( Tools :: getValue ( $this -> identifiersDnd [ $this -> identifier ], 1 ))) ? substr ( $this -> identifier , 3 , strlen ( $this -> identifier )) : '' ) . '"' : '' ) . ' class="table' . (( array_key_exists ( $this -> identifier , $this -> identifiersDnd ) AND ( $this -> _orderBy != 'position ' AND $this -> _orderWay != 'DESC' )) ? ' tableDnD' : '' ) . ' " cellpadding= " 0 " cellspacing= " 0 " >
< thead >
< tr class = " nodrag nodrop " >
< th > ' ;
if ( $this -> delete )
echo ' <input type="checkbox" name="checkme" class="noborder" onclick="checkDelBoxes(this.form, \'' . $this -> table . 'Box[]\', this.checked)" />' ;
echo ' </th>' ;
foreach ( $this -> fieldsDisplay AS $key => $params )
echo ' <th ' . ( isset ( $params [ 'widthColumn' ]) ? 'style="width: ' . $params [ 'widthColumn' ] . 'px"' : '' ) . '>' . $params [ 'title' ];
if ( ! isset ( $params [ 'orderby' ]) OR $params [ 'orderby' ])
// Cleaning links
if ( Tools :: getValue ( $this -> table . 'Orderby' ) && Tools :: getValue ( $this -> table . 'Orderway' ))
$currentIndex = preg_replace ( '/&' . $this -> table . 'Orderby=([a-z _]*)&' . $this -> table . 'Orderway=([a-z]*)/i' , '' , $currentIndex );
echo ' < br />
< a href = " '. $currentIndex .'&'. $this->identifier .'='. $id_cat .'&'. $this->table .'Orderby='.urlencode( $key ).'&'. $this->table .'Orderway=desc&token='. $token .' " >< img border = " 0 " src = " ../img/admin/down'.((isset( $this->_orderBy ) AND ( $key == $this->_orderBy ) AND ( $this->_orderWay == 'DESC')) ? '_d' : '').'.gif " /></ a >
< a href = " '. $currentIndex .'&'. $this->identifier .'='. $id_cat .'&'. $this->table .'Orderby='.urlencode( $key ).'&'. $this->table .'Orderway=asc&token='. $token .' " >< img border = " 0 " src = " ../img/admin/up'.((isset( $this->_orderBy ) AND ( $key == $this->_orderBy ) AND ( $this->_orderWay == 'ASC')) ? '_d' : '').'.gif " /></ a > ' ;
echo ' </th>' ;
/* Check if object can be modified, deleted or detailed */
if ( $this -> edit OR $this -> delete OR ( $this -> view AND $this -> view !== 'noActionColumn' ))
echo ' <th style="width: 52px">' . $this -> l ( 'Actions' ) . '</th>' ;
echo ' </ tr >
< tr class = " nodrag nodrop " style = " height: 35px; " >
< td class = " center " > ' ;
if ( $this -> delete )
echo ' --' ;
echo ' </td>' ;
/* Javascript hack in order to catch ENTER keypress event */
$keyPress = 'onkeypress="formSubmit(event, \'submitFilterButton_' . $this -> table . '\');"' ;
/* Filters (input, select, date or bool) */
foreach ( $this -> fieldsDisplay AS $key => $params )
$width = ( isset ( $params [ 'width' ]) ? ' style="width: ' . ( int )( $params [ 'width' ]) . 'px;"' : '' );
echo '<td' . ( isset ( $params [ 'align' ]) ? ' class="' . $params [ 'align' ] . '"' : '' ) . '>' ;
if ( ! isset ( $params [ 'type' ]))
$params [ 'type' ] = 'text' ;
$value = Tools :: getValue ( $this -> table . 'Filter_' . ( array_key_exists ( 'filter_key' , $params ) ? $params [ 'filter_key' ] : $key ));
if ( isset ( $params [ 'search' ]) AND ! $params [ 'search' ])
echo '--</td>' ;
continue ;
switch ( $params [ 'type' ])
case 'bool' :
echo '
< select name = " '. $this->table .'Filter_'. $key .' " >
< option value = " " >--</ option >
< option value = " 1 " '.($value == 1 ? ' selected = " selected " ' : ' ').' > '.$this->l(' Yes ').' </ option >
< option value = " 0 " '.(($value == 0 AND $value != ' ') ? ' selected = " selected " ' : ' ').' > '.$this->l(' No ').' </ option >
</ select > ' ;
break ;
case 'date' :
case 'datetime' :
if ( is_string ( $value ))
$value = unserialize ( $value );
if ( ! Validate :: isCleanHtml ( $value [ 0 ]) OR ! Validate :: isCleanHtml ( $value [ 1 ]))
$value = '' ;
$name = $this -> table . 'Filter_' . ( isset ( $params [ 'filter_key' ]) ? $params [ 'filter_key' ] : $key );
$nameId = str_replace ( '!' , '__' , $name );
includeDatepicker ( array ( $nameId . '_0' , $nameId . '_1' ));
echo $this -> l ( 'From' ) . ' <input type="text" id="' . $nameId . '_0" name="' . $name . '[0]" value="' . ( isset ( $value [ 0 ]) ? $value [ 0 ] : '' ) . '"' . $width . ' ' . $keyPress . ' />< br />
'.$this->l(' To ').' < input type = " text " id = " '. $nameId .'_1 " name = " '. $name .'[1] " value = " '.(isset( $value[1] ) ? $value[1] : '').' " '.$width.' '.$keyPress.' /> ' ;
break ;
case 'select' :
if ( isset ( $params [ 'filter_key' ]))
echo '<select onchange="$(\'#submitFilter' . $this -> table . '\').focus();$(\'#submitFilter' . $this -> table . '\').click();" name="' . $this -> table . 'Filter_' . $params [ 'filter_key' ] . '" ' . ( isset ( $params [ 'width' ]) ? 'style="width: ' . $params [ 'width' ] . 'px"' : '' ) . ' >
< option value = " " '.(($value == 0 AND $value != ' ') ? ' selected = " selected " ' : ' ').' >--</ option > ' ;
if ( isset ( $params [ 'select' ]) AND is_array ( $params [ 'select' ]))
foreach ( $params [ 'select' ] AS $optionValue => $optionDisplay )
echo '<option value="' . $optionValue . '"' . (( isset ( $_POST [ $this -> table . 'Filter_' . $params [ 'filter_key' ]]) AND Tools :: getValue ( $this -> table . 'Filter_' . $params [ 'filter_key' ]) == $optionValue AND Tools :: getValue ( $this -> table . 'Filter_' . $params [ 'filter_key' ]) != '' ) ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ) . '>' . $optionDisplay . '</option>' ;
echo '</select>' ;
break ;
case 'text' :
default :
if ( ! Validate :: isCleanHtml ( $value ))
$value = '' ;
echo '<input type="text" name="' . $this -> table . 'Filter_' . ( isset ( $params [ 'filter_key' ]) ? $params [ 'filter_key' ] : $key ) . '" value="' . htmlentities ( $value , ENT_COMPAT , 'UTF-8' ) . '"' . $width . ' ' . $keyPress . ' />' ;
echo '</td>' ;
if ( $this -> edit OR $this -> delete OR ( $this -> view AND $this -> view !== 'noActionColumn' ))
echo '<td class="center">--</td>' ;
echo ' </ tr >
</ thead > ' ;
public function displayTop ()
* Display list
* @ global string $currentIndex Current URL in order to keep current Tab
public function displayList ()
global $currentIndex ;
$this -> displayTop ();
if ( $this -> edit AND ( ! isset ( $this -> noAdd ) OR ! $this -> noAdd ))
echo '<br /><a href="' . $currentIndex . '&add' . $this -> table . '&token=' . $this -> token . '"><img src="../img/admin/add.gif" border="0" /> ' . $this -> l ( 'Add new' ) . '</a><br /><br />' ;
/* Append when we get a syntax error in SQL query */
if ( $this -> _list === false )
$this -> displayWarning ( $this -> l ( 'Bad SQL query' ));
return false ;
/* Display list header (filtering, pagination and column names) */
$this -> displayListHeader ();
if ( ! sizeof ( $this -> _list ))
echo '<tr><td class="center" colspan="' . ( sizeof ( $this -> fieldsDisplay ) + 2 ) . '">' . $this -> l ( 'No items found' ) . '</td></tr>' ;
/* Show the content of the table */
$this -> displayListContent ();
/* Close list table and submit button */
$this -> displayListFooter ();
public function displayListContent ( $token = NULL )
/* Display results in a table
* align : determine value alignment
* prefix : displayed before value
* suffix : displayed after value
* image : object image
* icon : icon determined by values
* active : allow to toggle status
global $currentIndex , $cookie ;
$currency = new Currency ( Configuration :: get ( 'PS_CURRENCY_DEFAULT' ));
$id_category = 1 ; // default categ
$irow = 0 ;
if ( $this -> _list AND isset ( $this -> fieldsDisplay [ 'position' ]))
$positions = array_map ( create_function ( '$elem' , 'return (int)($elem[\'position\']);' ), $this -> _list );
sort ( $positions );
if ( $this -> _list )
$isCms = false ;
if ( preg_match ( '/cms/Ui' , $this -> identifier ))
$isCms = true ;
$keyToGet = 'id_' . ( $isCms ? 'cms_' : '' ) . 'category' . ( in_array ( $this -> identifier , array ( 'id_category' , 'id_cms_category' )) ? '_parent' : '' );
foreach ( $this -> _list AS $tr )
$id = $tr [ $this -> identifier ];
echo '<tr' . ( array_key_exists ( $this -> identifier , $this -> identifiersDnd ) ? ' id="tr_' . (( $id_category = ( int )( Tools :: getValue ( 'id_' . ( $isCms ? 'cms_' : '' ) . 'category' , '1' ))) ? $id_category : '' ) . '_' . $id . '_' . $tr [ 'position' ] . '"' : '' ) . ( $irow ++ % 2 ? ' class="alt_row"' : '' ) . ' ' . (( isset ( $tr [ 'color' ]) AND $this -> colorOnBackground ) ? 'style="background-color: ' . $tr [ 'color' ] . '"' : '' ) . ' >
< td class = " center " > ' ;
if ( $this -> delete AND ( ! isset ( $this -> _listSkipDelete ) OR ! in_array ( $id , $this -> _listSkipDelete )))
echo '<input type="checkbox" name="' . $this -> table . 'Box[]" value="' . $id . '" class="noborder" />' ;
echo '</td>' ;
foreach ( $this -> fieldsDisplay AS $key => $params )
$tmp = explode ( '!' , $key );
$key = isset ( $tmp [ 1 ]) ? $tmp [ 1 ] : $tmp [ 0 ];
echo '
< td '.(isset($params[' position ']) ? ' id = " td_'.(isset( $id_category ) AND $id_category ? $id_category : 0).'_'. $id .' " ' : ' ').' class = " '.((!isset( $this->noLink ) OR ! $this->noLink ) ? 'pointer' : '').((isset( $params['position'] ) AND $this->_orderBy == 'position')? ' dragHandle' : ''). (isset( $params['align'] ) ? ' '. $params['align'] : '').' " ' ;
if ( ! isset ( $params [ 'position' ]) AND ( ! isset ( $this -> noLink ) OR ! $this -> noLink ))
echo ' onclick="document.location = \'' . $currentIndex . '&' . $this -> identifier . '=' . $id . ( $this -> view ? '&view' : '&update' ) . $this -> table . '&token=' . ( $token != NULL ? $token : $this -> token ) . '\'">' . ( isset ( $params [ 'prefix' ]) ? $params [ 'prefix' ] : '' );
echo '>' ;
if ( isset ( $params [ 'active' ]) AND isset ( $tr [ $key ]))
$this -> _displayEnableLink ( $token , $id , $tr [ $key ], $params [ 'active' ], Tools :: getValue ( 'id_category' ), Tools :: getValue ( 'id_product' ));
elseif ( isset ( $params [ 'activeVisu' ]) AND isset ( $tr [ $key ]))
echo '<img src="../img/admin/' . ( $tr [ $key ] ? 'enabled.gif' : 'disabled.gif' ) . ' "
alt = " '.( $tr[$key] ? $this->l ('Enabled') : $this->l ('Disabled')).' " title = " '.( $tr[$key] ? $this->l ('Enabled') : $this->l ('Disabled')).' " /> ' ;
elseif ( isset ( $params [ 'position' ]))
if ( $this -> _orderBy == 'position' AND $this -> _orderWay != 'DESC' )
echo '<a' . ( ! ( $tr [ $key ] != $positions [ sizeof ( $positions ) - 1 ]) ? ' style="display: none;"' : '' ) . ' href="' . $currentIndex .
'&' . $keyToGet . '=' . ( int )( $id_category ) . '&' . $this -> identifiersDnd [ $this -> identifier ] . '=' . $id . '
& way = 1 & position = '.(int)($tr[' position '] + 1).' & token = '.($token!=NULL ? $token : $this->token).' " >
< img src = " ../img/admin/'.( $this->_orderWay == 'ASC' ? 'down' : 'up').'.gif "
alt = " '. $this->l ('Down').' " title = " '. $this->l ('Down').' " /></ a > ' ;
echo '<a' . ( ! ( $tr [ $key ] != $positions [ 0 ]) ? ' style="display: none;"' : '' ) . ' href="' . $currentIndex .
'&' . $keyToGet . '=' . ( int )( $id_category ) . '&' . $this -> identifiersDnd [ $this -> identifier ] . '=' . $id . '
& way = 0 & position = '.(int)($tr[' position '] - 1).' & token = '.($token!=NULL ? $token : $this->token).' " >
< img src = " ../img/admin/'.( $this->_orderWay == 'ASC' ? 'up' : 'down').'.gif "
alt = " '. $this->l ('Up').' " title = " '. $this->l ('Up').' " /></ a > ' ; }
echo ( int )( $tr [ $key ] + 1 );
elseif ( isset ( $params [ 'image' ]))
// item_id is the product id in a product image context, else it is the image id.
$item_id = isset ( $params [ 'image_id' ]) ? $tr [ $params [ 'image_id' ]] : $id ;
// If it's a product image
if ( isset ( $tr [ 'id_image' ]))
$image = new Image (( int ) $tr [ 'id_image' ]);
$path_to_image = _PS_IMG_DIR_ . $params [ 'image' ] . '/' . $image -> getExistingImgPath () . '.' . $this -> imageType ;
} else
$path_to_image = _PS_IMG_DIR_ . $params [ 'image' ] . '/' . $item_id . ( isset ( $tr [ 'id_image' ]) ? '-' . ( int )( $tr [ 'id_image' ]) : '' ) . '.' . $this -> imageType ;
echo cacheImage ( $path_to_image , $this -> table . '_mini_' . $item_id . '.' . $this -> imageType , 45 , $this -> imageType );
elseif ( isset ( $params [ 'icon' ]) AND ( isset ( $params [ 'icon' ][ $tr [ $key ]]) OR isset ( $params [ 'icon' ][ 'default' ])))
echo '<img src="../img/admin/' . ( isset ( $params [ 'icon' ][ $tr [ $key ]]) ? $params [ 'icon' ][ $tr [ $key ]] : $params [ 'icon' ][ 'default' ] . '" alt="' . $tr [ $key ]) . '" title="' . $tr [ $key ] . '" />' ;
elseif ( isset ( $params [ 'price' ]))
echo Tools :: displayPrice ( $tr [ $key ], ( isset ( $params [ 'currency' ]) ? Currency :: getCurrencyInstance (( int )( $tr [ 'id_currency' ])) : $currency ), false );
elseif ( isset ( $params [ 'float' ]))
echo rtrim ( rtrim ( $tr [ $key ], '0' ), '.' );
elseif ( isset ( $params [ 'type' ]) AND $params [ 'type' ] == 'date' )
echo Tools :: displayDate ( $tr [ $key ], ( int ) $cookie -> id_lang );
elseif ( isset ( $params [ 'type' ]) AND $params [ 'type' ] == 'datetime' )
echo Tools :: displayDate ( $tr [ $key ], ( int ) $cookie -> id_lang , true );
elseif ( isset ( $tr [ $key ]))
$echo = ( $key == 'price' ? round ( $tr [ $key ], 2 ) : isset ( $params [ 'maxlength' ]) ? Tools :: substr ( $tr [ $key ], 0 , $params [ 'maxlength' ]) . '...' : $tr [ $key ]);
echo isset ( $params [ 'callback' ]) ? call_user_func_array ( array ( $this -> className , $params [ 'callback' ]), array ( $echo , $tr )) : $echo ;
echo '--' ;
echo ( isset ( $params [ 'suffix' ]) ? $params [ 'suffix' ] : '' ) .
'</td>' ;
if ( $this -> edit OR $this -> delete OR ( $this -> view AND $this -> view !== 'noActionColumn' ))
echo '<td class="center" style="white-space: nowrap;">' ;
if ( $this -> view )
$this -> _displayViewLink ( $token , $id );
if ( $this -> edit )
$this -> _displayEditLink ( $token , $id );
if ( $this -> delete AND ( ! isset ( $this -> _listSkipDelete ) OR ! in_array ( $id , $this -> _listSkipDelete )))
$this -> _displayDeleteLink ( $token , $id );
if ( $this -> duplicate )
$this -> _displayDuplicate ( $token , $id );
echo '</td>' ;
echo '</tr>' ;
protected function _displayEnableLink ( $token , $id , $value , $active , $id_category = NULL , $id_product = NULL )
global $currentIndex ;
echo '<a href="' . $currentIndex . '&' . $this -> identifier . '=' . $id . '&' . $active . $this -> table .
(( int ) $id_category AND ( int ) $id_product ? '&id_category=' . $id_category : '' ) . '&token=' . ( $token != NULL ? $token : $this -> token ) . ' " >
< img src = " ../img/admin/'.( $value ? 'enabled.gif' : 'disabled.gif').' "
alt = " '.( $value ? $this->l ('Enabled') : $this->l ('Disabled')).' " title = " '.( $value ? $this->l ('Enabled') : $this->l ('Disabled')).' " /></ a > ' ;
protected function _displayDuplicate ( $token = NULL , $id )
global $currentIndex ;
$_cacheLang [ 'Duplicate' ] = $this -> l ( 'Duplicate' );
$_cacheLang [ 'Copy images too?' ] = $this -> l ( 'Copy images too?' , __CLASS__ , TRUE , FALSE );
$duplicate = $currentIndex . '&' . $this -> identifier . '=' . $id . '&duplicate' . $this -> table ;
echo '
< a class = " pointer " onclick = " if (confirm( \ ''. $_cacheLang ['Copy images too?'].' \ ')) document.location = \ ''. $duplicate .'&token='.( $token !=NULL ? $token : $this->token ).' \ '; else document.location = \ ''. $duplicate .'&noimage=1&token='.( $token ? $token : $this->token ).' \ '; " >
< img src = " ../img/admin/duplicate.png " alt = " '. $_cacheLang['Duplicate'] .' " title = " '. $_cacheLang['Duplicate'] .' " /></ a > ' ;
protected function _displayViewLink ( $token = NULL , $id )
global $currentIndex ;
$_cacheLang [ 'View' ] = $this -> l ( 'View' );
echo '
< a href = " '. $currentIndex .'&'. $this->identifier .'='. $id .'&view'. $this->table .'&token='.( $token !=NULL ? $token : $this->token ).' " >
< img src = " ../img/admin/details.gif " alt = " '. $_cacheLang['View'] .' " title = " '. $_cacheLang['View'] .' " /></ a > ' ;
protected function _displayEditLink ( $token = NULL , $id )
global $currentIndex ;
$_cacheLang [ 'Edit' ] = $this -> l ( 'Edit' );
echo '
< a href = " '. $currentIndex .'&'. $this->identifier .'='. $id .'&update'. $this->table .'&token='.( $token !=NULL ? $token : $this->token ).' " >
< img src = " ../img/admin/edit.gif " alt = " " title = " '. $_cacheLang['Edit'] .' " /></ a > ' ;
protected function _displayDeleteLink ( $token = NULL , $id )
global $currentIndex ;
$_cacheLang [ 'Delete' ] = $this -> l ( 'Delete' );
$_cacheLang [ 'DeleteItem' ] = $this -> l ( 'Delete item #' , __CLASS__ , TRUE , FALSE );
echo '
< a href = " '. $currentIndex .'&'. $this->identifier .'='. $id .'&delete'. $this->table .'&token='.( $token !=NULL ? $token : $this->token ).' " onclick = " return confirm( \ ''. $_cacheLang['DeleteItem'] . $id .' ?'.
( ! is_null ( $this -> specificConfirmDelete ) ? '\r' . $this -> specificConfirmDelete : '' ) . ' \ ' ); " >
< img src = " ../img/admin/delete.gif " alt = " '. $_cacheLang['Delete'] .' " title = " '. $_cacheLang['Delete'] .' " /></ a > ' ;
* Close list table and submit button
public function displayListFooter ( $token = NULL )
echo '</table>' ;
if ( $this -> delete )
echo '<p><input type="submit" class="button" name="submitDel' . $this -> table . '" value="' . $this -> l ( 'Delete selection' ) . '" onclick="return confirm(\'' . $this -> l ( 'Delete selected items?' , __CLASS__ , TRUE , FALSE ) . '\');" /></p>' ;
echo '
</ td >
</ tr >
</ table >
< input type = " hidden " name = " token " value = " '.( $token ? $token : $this->token ).' " />
</ form > ' ;
if ( isset ( $this -> _includeTab ) AND sizeof ( $this -> _includeTab ))
echo '<br /><br />' ;
* Options lists
public function displayOptionsList ()
global $currentIndex , $cookie , $tab ;
if ( ! isset ( $this -> _fieldsOptions ) OR ! sizeof ( $this -> _fieldsOptions ))
return false ;
$defaultLanguage = ( int ) Configuration :: get ( 'PS_LANG_DEFAULT' );
$this -> _languages = Language :: getLanguages ( false );
$tab = Tab :: getTab (( int ) $cookie -> id_lang , Tab :: getIdFromClassName ( $tab ));
echo '<br /><br />' ;
echo ( isset ( $this -> optionTitle ) ? '<h2>' . $this -> optionTitle . '</h2>' : '' );
echo '
< script type = " text/javascript " >
id_language = Number ( '.$defaultLanguage.' );
</ script >
< form action = " '. $currentIndex .' " id = " '. $tab['name'] .' " name = " '. $tab['name'] .' " method = " post " >
< fieldset > ' ;
echo ( isset ( $this -> optionTitle ) ? ' < legend >
< img src = " '.(!empty( $tab['module'] ) && file_exists( $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] ._MODULE_DIR_. $tab['module'] .'/'. $tab['class_name'] .'.gif') ? _MODULE_DIR_. $tab['module'] .'/' : '../img/t/'). $tab['class_name'] .'.gif " /> '
. $this -> optionTitle . '</legend>' : '' );
foreach ( $this -> _fieldsOptions AS $key => $field )
$val = Tools :: getValue ( $key , Configuration :: get ( $key ));
if ( $field [ 'type' ] != 'textLang' )
if ( ! Validate :: isCleanHtml ( $val ))
$val = Configuration :: get ( $key );
echo '<label>' . $field [ 'title' ] . ' </ label >
< div class = " margin-form " > ' ;
switch ( $field [ 'type' ])
case 'select' :
echo '<select name="' . $key . '">' ;
foreach ( $field [ 'list' ] AS $value )
echo ' < option
value = " '.(isset( $field['cast'] ) ? $field['cast'] ( $value[$field['identifier'] ]) : $value[$field['identifier'] ]).' " '.($val == $value[$field[' identifier ']] ? ' selected = " selected " ' : ' ').' > '.$value[' name '].' </ option > ' ;
echo '</select>' ;
break ;
case 'bool' :
echo '<label class="t" for="' . $key . '_on"><img src="../img/admin/enabled.gif" alt="' . $this -> l ( 'Yes' ) . '" title="' . $this -> l ( 'Yes' ) . ' " /></label>
< input type = " radio " name = " '. $key .' " id = " '. $key .'_on " value = " 1 " '.($val ? ' checked = " checked " ' : ' ').' />
< label class = " t " for = " '. $key .'_on " > '.$this->l(' Yes ').' </ label >
< label class = " t " for = " '. $key .'_off " >< img src = " ../img/admin/disabled.gif " alt = " '. $this->l ('No').' " title = " '. $this->l ('No').' " style = " margin-left: 10px; " /></ label >
< input type = " radio " name = " '. $key .' " id = " '. $key .'_off " value = " 0 " '.(!$val ? ' checked = " checked " ' : ' ').' />
< label class = " t " for = " '. $key .'_off " > '.$this->l(' No ').' </ label > ' ;
break ;
case 'textLang' :
foreach ( $this -> _languages as $language )
$val = Tools :: getValue ( $key . '_' . $language [ 'id_lang' ], Configuration :: get ( $key , $language [ 'id_lang' ]));
if ( ! Validate :: isCleanHtml ( $val ))
$val = Configuration :: get ( $key );
echo '
< div id = " '. $key .'_'. $language['id_lang'] .' " style = " display: '.( $language['id_lang'] == $defaultLanguage ? 'block' : 'none').'; float: left; " >
< input size = " '. $field['size'] .' " type = " text " name = " '. $key .'_'. $language['id_lang'] .' " value = " '. $val .' " />
</ div > ' ;
$this -> displayFlags ( $this -> _languages , $defaultLanguage , $key , $key );
echo '<br style="clear:both">' ;
break ;
case 'textareaLang' :
foreach ( $this -> _languages as $language )
$val = Configuration :: get ( $key , $language [ 'id_lang' ]);
echo '
< div id = " '. $key .'_'. $language['id_lang'] .' " style = " display: '.( $language['id_lang'] == $defaultLanguage ? 'block' : 'none').'; float: left; " >
< textarea rows = " '.(int)( $field['rows'] ).' " cols = " '.(int)( $field['cols'] ).' " name = " '. $key .'_'. $language['id_lang'] .' " > '.str_replace(' \r\n ', "\n", $val).' </ textarea >
</ div > ' ;
$this -> displayFlags ( $this -> _languages , $defaultLanguage , $key , $key );
echo '<br style="clear:both">' ;
break ;
case 'text' :
default :
echo '<input type="text" name="' . $key . '" value="' . $val . '" size="' . $field [ 'size' ] . '" />' . ( isset ( $field [ 'suffix' ]) ? $field [ 'suffix' ] : '' );
if ( isset ( $field [ 'required' ]) AND $field [ 'required' ])
echo ' <sup>*</sup>' ;
echo ( isset ( $field [ 'desc' ]) ? '<p>' . $field [ 'desc' ] . '</p>' : '' );
echo '</div>' ;
echo ' < div class = " margin-form " >
< input type = " submit " value = " '. $this->l (' Save ').' " name = " submitOptions'. $this->table .' " class = " button " />
</ div >
</ fieldset >
< input type = " hidden " name = " token " value = " '. $this->token .' " />
</ form > ' ;
* Load class object using identifier in $_GET ( if possible )
* otherwise return an empty object , or die
* @ param boolean $opt Return an empty object if load fail
* @ return object
protected function loadObject ( $opt = false )
if ( $id = ( int )( Tools :: getValue ( $this -> identifier )) AND Validate :: isUnsignedId ( $id ))
if ( ! $this -> _object )
$this -> _object = new $this -> className ( $id );
if ( Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $this -> _object ))
return $this -> _object ;
$this -> _errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'Object cannot be loaded (not found)' );
elseif ( $opt )
$this -> _object = new $this -> className ();
return $this -> _object ;
$this -> _errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'Object cannot be loaded (identifier missing or invalid)' );
$this -> displayErrors ();
* Return field value if possible ( both classical and multilingual fields )
* Case 1 : Return value if present in $_POST / $_GET
* Case 2 : Return object value
* @ param object $obj Object
* @ param string $key Field name
* @ param integer $id_lang Language id ( optional )
* @ return string
protected function getFieldValue ( $obj , $key , $id_lang = NULL )
if ( $id_lang )
$defaultValue = ( $obj -> id AND isset ( $obj -> { $key }[ $id_lang ])) ? $obj -> { $key }[ $id_lang ] : '' ;
$defaultValue = isset ( $obj -> { $key }) ? $obj -> { $key } : '' ;
return Tools :: getValue ( $key . ( $id_lang ? '_' . $id_lang : '' ), $defaultValue );
* Display form
* @ global string $currentIndex Current URL in order to keep current Tab
public function displayForm ( $firstCall = true )
global $cookie ;
$allowEmployeeFormLang = Configuration :: get ( 'PS_BO_ALLOW_EMPLOYEE_FORM_LANG' ) ? Configuration :: get ( 'PS_BO_ALLOW_EMPLOYEE_FORM_LANG' ) : 0 ;
if ( $allowEmployeeFormLang && ! $cookie -> employee_form_lang )
$cookie -> employee_form_lang = ( int )( Configuration :: get ( 'PS_LANG_DEFAULT' ));
$useLangFromCookie = false ;
$this -> _languages = Language :: getLanguages ( false );
if ( $allowEmployeeFormLang )
foreach ( $this -> _languages AS $lang )
if ( $cookie -> employee_form_lang == $lang [ 'id_lang' ])
$useLangFromCookie = true ;
if ( ! $useLangFromCookie )
$this -> _defaultFormLanguage = ( int )( Configuration :: get ( 'PS_LANG_DEFAULT' ));
$this -> _defaultFormLanguage = ( int )( $cookie -> employee_form_lang );
// Only if it is the first call to displayForm, otherwise it has already been defined
if ( $firstCall )
echo '
< script type = " text/javascript " >
$ ( document ) . ready ( function () {
id_language = '.$this->_defaultFormLanguage.' ;
languages = new Array (); ' ;
foreach ( $this -> _languages AS $k => $language )
echo '
languages [ '.$k.' ] = {
id_lang : '.(int)$language[' id_lang '].' ,
iso_code : \ '' . $language [ 'iso_code' ] . ' \ ' ,
name : \ '' . htmlentities ( $language [ 'name' ], ENT_COMPAT , 'UTF-8' ) . ' \ '
}; ' ;
echo '
displayFlags ( languages , id_language , '.$allowEmployeeFormLang.' );
</ script > ' ;
* Display object details
* @ global string $currentIndex Current URL in order to keep current Tab
public function viewDetails () { global $currentIndex ; }
* Called before deletion
* @ param object $object Object
* @ return boolean
protected function beforeDelete ( $object ) { return true ; }
* Called before deletion
* @ param object $object Object
* @ return boolean
protected function afterDelete ( $object , $oldId ) { return true ; }
protected function afterAdd ( $object ) { return true ; }
protected function afterUpdate ( $object ) { return true ; }
* Check rights to view the current tab
* @ return boolean
protected function afterImageUpload () {
return true ;
* Check rights to view the current tab
* @ return boolean
public function viewAccess ( $disable = false )
global $cookie ;
if ( $disable )
return true ;
$this -> tabAccess = Profile :: getProfileAccess ( $cookie -> profile , $this -> id );
if ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'view' ] === '1' )
return true ;
return false ;
* Check for security token
public function checkToken ()
$token = Tools :: getValue ( 'token' );
return ( ! empty ( $token ) AND $token === $this -> token );
* Display flags in forms for translations
* @ param array $languages All languages available
* @ param integer $default_language Default language id
* @ param string $ids Multilingual div ids in form
* @ param string $id Current div id ]
* @ param boolean $return define the return way : false for a display , true for a return
* @ param boolean $use_vars_instead_of_ids use an js vars instead of ids seperate by " ¤ "
public function displayFlags ( $languages , $default_language , $ids , $id , $return = false , $use_vars_instead_of_ids = false )
if ( sizeof ( $languages ) == 1 )
return false ;
$output = '
< div class = " displayed_flag " >
< img src = " ../img/l/'. $default_language .'.jpg " class = " pointer " id = " language_current_'. $id .' " onclick = " toggleLanguageFlags(this); " alt = " " />
</ div >
< div id = " languages_'. $id .' " class = " language_flags " >
'.$this->l(' Choose language : ').' < br />< br /> ' ;
foreach ( $languages as $language )
if ( $use_vars_instead_of_ids )
$output .= '<img src="../img/l/' . ( int )( $language [ 'id_lang' ]) . '.jpg" class="pointer" alt="' . $language [ 'name' ] . '" title="' . $language [ 'name' ] . '" onclick="changeLanguage(\'' . $id . '\', ' . $ids . ', ' . $language [ 'id_lang' ] . ', \'' . $language [ 'iso_code' ] . '\');" /> ' ;
$output .= '<img src="../img/l/' . ( int )( $language [ 'id_lang' ]) . '.jpg" class="pointer" alt="' . $language [ 'name' ] . '" title="' . $language [ 'name' ] . '" onclick="changeLanguage(\'' . $id . '\', \'' . $ids . '\', ' . $language [ 'id_lang' ] . ', \'' . $language [ 'iso_code' ] . '\');" /> ' ;
$output .= '</div>' ;
if ( $return )
return $output ;
echo $output ;
protected function filterToField ( $key , $filter )
foreach ( $this -> fieldsDisplay AS $field )
if ( array_key_exists ( 'filter_key' , $field ) AND $field [ 'filter_key' ] == $key )
return $field ;
if ( array_key_exists ( $filter , $this -> fieldsDisplay ))
return $this -> fieldsDisplay [ $filter ];
return false ;
protected function warnDomainName ()
if ( $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_HOST' ] != Configuration :: get ( 'PS_SHOP_DOMAIN' ) AND $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_HOST' ] != Configuration :: get ( 'PS_SHOP_DOMAIN_SSL' ))
$this -> displayWarning ( $this -> l ( 'Your are currently connected with the following domain name:' ) . ' <span style="color: #CC0000;">' . $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_HOST' ] . '</span><br />' .
$this -> l ( 'This one is different from the main shop domain name set in "Preferences > SEO & URLs":' ) . ' <span style="color: #CC0000;">' . Configuration :: get ( 'PS_SHOP_DOMAIN' ) . ' </ span >< br />
< a href = " index.php?tab=AdminMeta&token='.Tools::getAdminTokenLite('AdminMeta').'#SEO%20%26%20URLs " > ' .
$this -> l ( 'Click here if you want to modify the main shop domain name' ) . '</a>' );