2016-08-30 18:10:44 +02:00
< ? php
class GuidePost extends ObjectModel
public $id ;
public $id_guide_post ;
public $id_guide_category ;
public $position ;
public $active ;
public $meta_title ;
public $meta_description ;
public $meta_keywords ;
public $content ;
public $link_rewrite ;
protected $fieldsValidate = array ( 'id_guide_category' => 'isUnsignedInt' );
protected $fieldsRequiredLang = array ( 'meta_title' , 'link_rewrite' );
protected $fieldsSizeLang = array ( 'meta_description' => 255 , 'meta_keywords' => 255 , 'meta_title' => 128 , 'link_rewrite' => 128 , 'content' => 3999999999999 );
protected $fieldsValidateLang = array ( 'meta_description' => 'isGenericName' , 'meta_keywords' => 'isGenericName' , 'meta_title' => 'isGenericName' , 'link_rewrite' => 'isLinkRewrite' , 'content' => 'isString' );
protected $table = 'guide_post' ;
protected $identifier = 'id_guide_post' ;
protected $webserviceParameters = array (
'objectNodeName' => 'content' ,
'objectsNodeName' => 'content_management_system' ,
public function getFields ()
parent :: validateFields ();
$fields [ 'id_guide_post' ] = ( int )( $this -> id );
$fields [ 'id_guide_category' ] = ( int )( $this -> id_guide_category );
$fields [ 'position' ] = ( int )( $this -> position );
$fields [ 'active' ] = ( int )( $this -> active );
return $fields ;
public function getTranslationsFieldsChild ()
parent :: validateFieldsLang ();
$fieldsArray = array ( 'meta_title' , 'meta_description' , 'meta_keywords' , 'link_rewrite' );
$fields = array ();
$languages = Language :: getLanguages ( false );
$defaultLanguage = ( int )( Configuration :: get ( 'PS_LANG_DEFAULT' ));
foreach ( $languages as $language )
$fields [ $language [ 'id_lang' ]][ 'id_lang' ] = ( int )( $language [ 'id_lang' ]);
$fields [ $language [ 'id_lang' ]][ $this -> identifier ] = ( int )( $this -> id );
$fields [ $language [ 'id_lang' ]][ 'content' ] = ( isset ( $this -> content [ $language [ 'id_lang' ]])) ? pSQL ( $this -> content [ $language [ 'id_lang' ]], true ) : '' ;
foreach ( $fieldsArray as $field )
if ( ! Validate :: isTableOrIdentifier ( $field ))
die ( Tools :: displayError ());
if ( isset ( $this -> { $field }[ $language [ 'id_lang' ]]) AND ! empty ( $this -> { $field }[ $language [ 'id_lang' ]]))
$fields [ $language [ 'id_lang' ]][ $field ] = pSQL ( $this -> { $field }[ $language [ 'id_lang' ]]);
elseif ( in_array ( $field , $this -> fieldsRequiredLang ))
$fields [ $language [ 'id_lang' ]][ $field ] = pSQL ( $this -> { $field }[ $defaultLanguage ]);
$fields [ $language [ 'id_lang' ]][ $field ] = '' ;
return $fields ;
public function updatePosition ( $way , $position )
if ( ! $res = Db :: getInstance () -> ExecuteS ( '
SELECT cp . `id_guide_post` , cp . `position` , cp . `id_guide_category`
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'guide_post` cp
WHERE cp . `id_guide_category` = '.(int)$this->id_guide_category.'
ORDER BY cp . `position` ASC '
return false ;
foreach ( $res AS $guide_post )
if (( int )( $guide_post [ 'id_guide_post' ]) == ( int )( $this -> id ))
$movedPost = $guide_post ;
if ( ! isset ( $movedPost ) || ! isset ( $position ))
return false ;
// < and > statements rather than BETWEEN operator
// since BETWEEN is treated differently according to databases
return ( Db :: getInstance () -> Execute ( '
UPDATE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'guide_post`
SET `position` = `position` '.($way ? ' - 1 ' : ' + 1 ').'
WHERE `position`
' . ( $way
? '> ' . ( int )( $movedPost [ 'position' ]) . ' AND `position` <= ' . ( int )( $position )
: '< ' . ( int )( $movedPost [ 'position' ]) . ' AND `position` >= ' . ( int )( $position )) . '
AND `id_guide_category` = '.(int)($movedPost[' id_guide_category ' ]))
AND Db :: getInstance () -> Execute ( '
UPDATE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'guide_post`
SET `position` = '.(int)($position).'
WHERE `id_guide_post` = '.(int)($movedPost[' id_guide_post ']).'
AND `id_guide_category` = '.(int)($movedPost[' id_guide_category ' ])));
public function add ( $autodate = true , $nullValues = false )
$this -> position = self :: getLastPosition (( int ) $this -> id_guide_category );
return parent :: add ( $autodate , $nullValues );
public function update ( $autodate = true , $nullValues = false )
$this -> position = self :: cleanupPositions (( int ) $this -> id_guide_category );
return parent :: update ( $autodate , $nullValues );
2016-08-31 12:01:31 +02:00
public function delete ()
$id_guide_category = $this -> id_guide_category ;
if ( ! parent :: delete ()) {
return false ;
$this -> cleanupPositions ( $id_guide_category );
return true ;
2016-08-30 18:10:44 +02:00
public static function getLastPosition ( $id_guide_category )
$position = Db :: getInstance () -> getValue ( 'SELECT MAX(position)+1 FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'guide_post` WHERE `id_guide_category` = ' . ( int )( $id_guide_category ));
return $position ? : 1 ;
private function cleanupPositions ( $id_guide_category )
$sql = ' SELECT `id_guide_post`
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'guide_post`
WHERE `id_guide_category` = '.intval($id_guide_category).'
ORDER BY `position` ASC ' ;
$rows = Db :: getInstance () -> ExecuteS ( $sql );
$position = 1 ;
foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
$sql = 'UPDATE `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . ' guide_post `
SET `position` = '.$position.'
WHERE `id_guide_post` = '.$row[' id_guide_post ' ];
Db :: getInstance () -> Execute ( $sql );
$position ++ ;
return $position ;