2016-01-04 12:48:08 +01:00
{ *
* 2007-2011 PrestaShop
* This source file is subject to the Academic Free License (AFL 3.0)
* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
* http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php
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* @author PrestaShop SA <contact@prestashop.com>
* @copyright 2007-2011 PrestaShop SA
* @version Release: $Revision: 8290 $
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php Academic Free License (AFL 3.0)
* International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA
{ if isset ( $products ) }
<!-- Products list -->
<ul id="product_list" class="clear">
{ foreach from = $products item = product name = products }
<li class="ajax_block_product { if $smarty.foreach.products.first } first_item { elseif $smarty.foreach.products.last } last_item { /if } { if ( $smarty.foreach.products.index + 1 ) % 2 = = 0 } alternate_item { else } item { /if } clearfix">
<div class="center_block">
{ if $product.online_only }
<div class="coeur">
<img src=" { $img_dir } coup_de_coeur_ { $cookie - > id_lang } .png" alt=" { l s = 'Coup de coeur' } ">
2017-02-21 11:49:55 +01:00
{ /if }
{ if $product.is_random }
<div class="random">
<img src=" { $img_dir } random.png" alt=" { l s = 'Random' } ">
2017-02-23 15:21:42 +01:00
<div class="info_random">
2017-02-23 15:37:06 +01:00
<p> { l s = 'Bébé Boutik vous propose ce produit de façon aléatoire !' } </p>
2017-02-23 15:21:42 +01:00
2016-01-04 12:48:08 +01:00
{ /if }
<h3> { if isset ( $product.new ) & & $product.new = = 1 } <span class="new"> { l s = 'New' } </span> { /if } <a href=" { $product.link | escape : 'htmlall' : 'UTF-8' } " title=" { $product.name | escape : 'htmlall' : 'UTF-8' } "> { $product.name | truncate : 6 4 : '...' | escape : 'htmlall' : 'UTF-8' } </a></h3>
2016-06-14 10:40:57 +02:00
{ if ( ! $PS_CATALOG_MODE AND ( ( isset ( $product.show_price ) & & $product.show_price ) | | ( isset ( $product.av3ailable_for_order ) & & $product.available_for_order ) ) ) }
2016-01-04 12:48:08 +01:00
{ if isset ( $product.show_price ) & & $product.show_price & & ! isset ( $restricted_country_mode ) }
<span class="price"> { if ! $priceDisplay } { convertPrice price = $product.price } { else } { convertPrice price = $product.price_tax_exc } { /if } </span>
{ if $product.price_without_reduction | round : 2 ! = $product.price | round : 2 } <span class="old_price"> { l s = 'au lieu de' } { convertPrice price = $product.price_without_reduction } </span> { /if }
{ assign var = product_reduction value = ( $product.reduction * ( 1 + $product.rate / 1 0 0 ) * 1 0 0 / $product.price_without_reduction ) }
{ if $product_reduction > 0 }
<span class="reduction">- { $product_reduction | round | string_format : '%d' } %</span>
{ /if }
{ /if }
{ /if }
2017-02-21 11:49:55 +01:00
2016-01-04 12:48:08 +01:00
{ if isset ( $images [ $product.id_product ] ) & & count ( $images [ $product.id_product ] ) > 1 }
<div class="flexslider">
<ul class="slides">
{ foreach from = $images [ $product.id_product ] item = image }
2017-02-21 11:49:55 +01:00
<a href=" { $product.link | escape : 'htmlall' : 'UTF-8' } " class="product_img_link" title=" { $product.name | escape : 'htmlall' : 'UTF-8' } "><img src=" { $link - > getImageLink ( $product.link_rewrite , $image.id_image , 'home' ) } " { if isset ( $homeSize ) } height=" { $homeSize.height } " { /if } /></a>
2016-01-04 12:48:08 +01:00
{ /foreach }
{ else }
<a href=" { $product.link | escape : 'htmlall' : 'UTF-8' } " class="product_img_link" title=" { $product.name | escape : 'htmlall' : 'UTF-8' } "><img src=" { $link - > getImageLink ( $product.link_rewrite , $product.id_image , 'home' ) } " alt=" { $product.legend | escape : 'htmlall' : 'UTF-8' } " { if isset ( $homeSize ) } height=" { $homeSize.height } " { /if } /></a>
{ /if }
2016-08-26 17:08:28 +02:00
{ if isset ( $product.quantity_all_versions ) & & $product.quantity_all_versions < = $last_qties & & $product.quantity_all_versions > 0 }
2016-06-14 10:40:57 +02:00
<div class="productQuantityAlert">
2016-06-27 12:25:22 +02:00
{ if $product.quantity_all_versions = = 1 }
2016-06-14 10:40:57 +02:00
<p> { l s = 'Warning: 1 item in stock!' } </p>
{ else }
2016-06-27 12:25:22 +02:00
<p> { l s = 'Warning :' } { $product.quantity_all_versions } { l s = 'items in stock' } </p>
2016-06-14 10:40:57 +02:00
{ /if }
2016-08-31 12:18:17 +02:00
{ elseif ! isset ( $product.quantity_all_versions ) & & $product.quantity < = $last_qties & & $product.quantity > 0 }
2016-08-26 17:08:28 +02:00
<div class="productQuantityAlert">
{ if $product.quantity = = 1 }
<p> { l s = 'Warning: 1 item in stock!' } </p>
{ else }
<p> { l s = 'Warning :' } { $product.quantity } { l s = 'items in stock' } </p>
{ /if }
2016-06-14 10:40:57 +02:00
{ /if }
2016-01-04 12:48:08 +01:00
{ *<p class="product_desc"><a href="{$product.link|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" title="{$product.description_short|truncate:360:'...'|strip_tags:'UTF-8'|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}">{$product.description_short|truncate:360:'...'|strip_tags:'UTF-8'}</a></p>* }
<div class="right_block">
{ if isset ( $product.on_sale ) & & $product.on_sale & & isset ( $product.show_price ) & & $product.show_price & & ! $PS_CATALOG_MODE } <span class="on_sale"> { l s = 'On sale!' } </span>
{ *{elseif isset($product.reduction) && $product.reduction && isset($product.show_price) && $product.show_price && !$PS_CATALOG_MODE}<span class="discount">{l s='Reduced price!'}</span>* } { /if }
{ *{if isset($product.online_only) && $product.online_only}<span class="online_only">{l s='Online only!'}</span>{/if}* }
{ * { if ( $product.id_product_attribute = = 0 | | ( isset ( $add_prod_display ) & & ( $add_prod_display = = 1 ) ) ) & & $product.available_for_order & & ! isset ( $restricted_country_mode ) & & $product.minimal_quantity < = 1 & & $product.customizable ! = 2 & & ! $PS_CATALOG_MODE }
{ if ( $product.allow_oosp | | $product.quantity > 0 ) }
<a class="button ajax_add_to_cart_button exclusive" rel="ajax_id_product_ { $product.id_product | intval } " href=" { $link - > getPageLink ( 'cart.php' ) } ?add&id_product= { $product.id_product | intval } { if isset ( $static_token ) } &token= { $static_token } { /if } " title=" { l s = 'Add to cart' } "> { l s = 'Add to cart' } </a>
{ else }
<span class="exclusive"> { l s = 'Add to cart' } </span>
{ /if }
{ /if } *}
{ * { if isset ( $product.quantity_all_versions ) & & $product.quantity_all_versions < = 0 & & $product.quantity < = 0 }
<span class="oos"> { l s = 'Out of stock' } </span>
{ else }
<span class="avail"> { l s = 'Available' } </span>
{ /if } *}
{ if isset ( $categoryProductAttributes ) & & isset ( $categoryProductAttributes [ $product.id_product ] ) }
<div class="attr_info">
{ foreach $categoryProductAttributes [ $product.id_product ] as $attr_k = > $attr_v }
<strong> { $attr_k } </strong>
{ foreach $attr_v as $attr_value }
<span> { $attr_value.name } </span>
{ /foreach }
{ /foreach }
{ /if }
<div class="express_buy" onclick="window.location.href=' { $product.link | escape : 'htmlall' : 'UTF-8' } ';">
<div class="button">
{ if isset ( $product.on_sale ) & & $product.on_sale & & isset ( $product.show_price ) & & $product.show_price & & ! $PS_CATALOG_MODE }
<span class="on_sale"> { l s = 'On sale!' } </span>
{ * { elseif isset ( $product.reduction ) & & $product.reduction & & isset ( $product.show_price ) & & $product.show_price & & ! $PS_CATALOG_MODE }
<span class="discount"> { l s = 'Reduced price!' } </span>*}
{ /if }
{ * { if isset ( $product.online_only ) & & $product.online_only }
<span class="online_only"> { l s = 'Online only!' } </span>
{ /if } *}
{ * { if ( $product.id_product_attribute = = 0 | | ( isset ( $add_prod_display ) & & ( $add_prod_display = = 1 ) ) ) & & $product.available_for_order & & ! isset ( $restricted_country_mode ) & & $product.minimal_quantity < = 1 & & $product.customizable ! = 2 & & ! $PS_CATALOG_MODE }
{ if ( $product.allow_oosp | | $product.quantity > 0 ) }
<a class="button ajax_add_to_cart_button exclusive" rel="ajax_id_product_ { $product.id_product | intval } " href=" { $link - > getPageLink ( 'cart.php' ) } ?add&id_product= { $product.id_product | intval } { if isset ( $static_token ) } &token= { $static_token } { /if } " title=" { l s = 'Add to cart' } "> { l s = 'Add to cart' } </a>
{ else }
<span class="exclusive"> { l s = 'Add to cart' } </span>
{ /if }
{ /if } *}
{ if isset ( $product.quantity_all_versions ) }
{ if $product.quantity_all_versions < = 0 & & $product.quantity < = 0 }
{ * < a href = "{$product.link|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" class = "enter" title = "{l s='View'}" >
{ l s = 'View' }
<a class="button exclusive button_oos" title=" { l s = 'Produit épuisé' } ">
{ l s = 'Produit épuisé' }
{ else }
{ * < a href = "{$product.link|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" class = "enter" title = "{l s='View'}" >
{ l s = 'View' }
<a class="button ajax_add_to_cart_button exclusive" rel="ajax_id_product_ { $product.id_product | intval } " href=" { $link - > getPageLink ( 'cart.php' ) } ?add&id_product= { $product.id_product | intval } { if isset ( $static_token ) } &token= { $static_token } { /if } " title=" { l s = 'Express buy' } ">
{ l s = 'Express buy' }
{ /if }
{ else }
{ if $product.quantity < = 0 }
{ * < a href = "{$product.link|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" class = "enter" title = "{l s='View'}" >
{ l s = 'View' }
<a class="button exclusive button_oos" href="#" title=" { l s = 'Produit épuisé' } ">
{ l s = 'Produit épuisé' }
{ else }
{ * < a href = "{$product.link|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" class = "enter" title = "{l s='View'}" >
{ l s = 'View' }
<a class="button ajax_add_to_cart_button exclusive" rel="ajax_id_product_ { $product.id_product | intval } " href=" { $link - > getPageLink ( 'cart.php' ) } ?add&id_product= { $product.id_product | intval } { if isset ( $static_token ) } &token= { $static_token } { /if } " title=" { l s = 'Express buy' } ">
{ l s = 'Express buy' }
{ /if }
{ /if }
<a href=" { $product.link | escape : 'htmlall' : 'UTF-8' } " class="button view_button" title=" { l s = 'View' } ">
{ l s = 'View' }
{ if isset ( $comparator_max_item ) & & $comparator_max_item }
<p class="compare"><input type="checkbox" class="comparator" id="comparator_item_ { $product.id_product } " value="comparator_item_ { $product.id_product } " { if isset ( $compareProducts ) & & in_array ( $product.id_product , $compareProducts ) } checked { /if } /> <label for="comparator_item_ { $product.id_product } "> { l s = 'Select to compare' } </label></p>
{ /if }
{ /foreach }
<!-- /Products list -->
{ /if }