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2016-01-04 12:48:08 +01:00
* 2007-2011 PrestaShop
* This source file is subject to the Academic Free License (AFL 3.0)
* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
* http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
* obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
* to license@prestashop.com so we can send you a copy immediately.
* Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer
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* needs please refer to http://www.prestashop.com for more information.
* @author PrestaShop SA <contact@prestashop.com>
* @copyright 2007-2011 PrestaShop SA
* @version Release: $Revision: 9780 $
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php Academic Free License (AFL 3.0)
* International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA
//global variables
var combinations = new Array();
var selectedCombination = new Array();
var globalQuantity = new Number;
var colors = new Array();
//check if a function exists
function function_exists(function_name)
if (typeof function_name == 'string')
return (typeof window[function_name] == 'function');
return (function_name instanceof Function);
//execute oosHook js code
function oosHookJsCode()
for (var i = 0; i < oosHookJsCodeFunctions.length; i++)
if (function_exists(oosHookJsCodeFunctions[i]))
setTimeout(oosHookJsCodeFunctions[i]+'()', 0);
//add a combination of attributes in the global JS sytem
function addCombination(idCombination, arrayOfIdAttributes, quantity, price, ecotax, id_image, reference, unit_price, minimal_quantity)
globalQuantity += quantity;
var combination = new Array();
combination['idCombination'] = idCombination;
combination['quantity'] = quantity;
combination['idsAttributes'] = arrayOfIdAttributes;
combination['price'] = price;
combination['ecotax'] = ecotax;
combination['image'] = id_image;
combination['reference'] = reference;
combination['unit_price'] = unit_price;
combination['minimal_quantity'] = minimal_quantity;
// search the combinations' case of attributes and update displaying of availability, prices, ecotax, and image
function findCombination(firstTime)
//create a temporary 'choice' array containing the choices of the customer
var choice = new Array();
$('div#attributes select').each(function(){
//testing every combination to find the conbination's attributes' case of the user
for (var combination = 0; combination < combinations.length; ++combination)
//verify if this combinaison is the same that the user's choice
var combinationMatchForm = true;
$.each(combinations[combination]['idsAttributes'], function(key, value)
if (!in_array(value, choice))
combinationMatchForm = false;
if (combinationMatchForm)
if (combinations[combination]['minimal_quantity'] > 1)
$('#quantity_wanted').bind('keyup', function() {checkMinimalQuantity(combinations[combination]['minimal_quantity'])});
//combination of the user has been found in our specifications of combinations (created in back office)
selectedCombination['unavailable'] = false;
selectedCombination['reference'] = combinations[combination]['reference'];
//get the data of product with these attributes
quantityAvailable = combinations[combination]['quantity'];
selectedCombination['price'] = combinations[combination]['price'];
selectedCombination['unit_price'] = combinations[combination]['unit_price'];
if (combinations[combination]['ecotax'])
selectedCombination['ecotax'] = combinations[combination]['ecotax'];
selectedCombination['ecotax'] = default_eco_tax;
//show the large image in relation to the selected combination
if (combinations[combination]['image'] && combinations[combination]['image'] != -1)
displayImage( $('#thumb_'+combinations[combination]['image']).parent() );
//update the display
if(typeof(firstTime) != 'undefined' && firstTime)
//leave the function because combination has been found
//this combination doesn't exist (not created in back office)
selectedCombination['unavailable'] = true;
function updateColorSelect(id_attribute)
if (id_attribute == 0)
return ;
// Visual effect
$('#color_'+id_attribute).fadeTo('fast', 1, function(){ $(this).fadeTo('slow', 0, function(){ $(this).fadeTo('slow', 1, function(){}); }); });
// Attribute selection
$('#group_'+id_color_default+' option[value='+id_attribute+']').attr('selected', 'selected');
$('#group_'+id_color_default+' option[value!='+id_attribute+']').removeAttr('selected');
//update display of the availability of the product AND the prices of the product
function updateDisplay()
if (!selectedCombination['unavailable'] && quantityAvailable > 0 && productAvailableForOrder == 1)
//show the choice of quantities
//show the "add to cart" button ONLY if it was hidden
//hide the hook out of stock
//availability value management
if (availableNowValue != '')
//update the availability statut of the product
//hide the availability value
//'last quantities' message management
if (!allowBuyWhenOutOfStock)
if (quantityAvailable <= maxQuantityToAllowDisplayOfLastQuantityMessage){
if(quantityAvailable == 1){
var t = quantityAvailableSentence.replace('X', quantityAvailable);
2016-01-04 12:48:08 +01:00
2016-01-04 12:48:08 +01:00
if (quantitiesDisplayAllowed)
if (quantityAvailable < 2) // we have 1 or less product in stock and need to show "item" instead of "items"
//show the hook out of stock
if (productAvailableForOrder == 1)
if ($('#oosHook').length > 0 && function_exists('oosHookJsCode'))
//hide 'last quantities' message if it was previously visible
//hide the quantity of pieces if it was previously visible
//hide the choice of quantities
if (!allowBuyWhenOutOfStock)
//display that the product is unavailable with theses attributes
if (!selectedCombination['unavailable'])
$('#availability_value').text(doesntExistNoMore + (globalQuantity > 0 ? ' ' + doesntExistNoMoreBut : '')).addClass('warning_inline');
//show the 'add to cart' button ONLY IF it's possible to buy when out of stock AND if it was previously invisible
if (allowBuyWhenOutOfStock && !selectedCombination['unavailable'] && productAvailableForOrder == 1)
if (availableLaterValue != '')
if (productAvailableForOrder == 0)
if (selectedCombination['reference'] || productReference)
if (selectedCombination['reference'])
$('#product_reference span').text(selectedCombination['reference']);
else if (productReference)
$('#product_reference span').text(productReference);
//update display of the the prices in relation to tax, discount, ecotax, and currency criteria
if (!selectedCombination['unavailable'] && productShowPrice == 1)
// retrieve price without group_reduction in order to compute the group reduction after
// the specific price discount (done in the JS in order to keep backward compatibility)
if (!displayPrice && !noTaxForThisProduct)
var priceTaxExclWithoutGroupReduction = ps_round(productPriceTaxExcluded, 6) * (1 / group_reduction);
} else {
var priceTaxExclWithoutGroupReduction = ps_round(productPriceTaxExcluded, 6) * (1 / group_reduction);
var combination_add_price = selectedCombination['price'] * group_reduction;
var tax = (taxRate / 100) + 1;
var taxExclPrice = (specific_price ? (specific_currency ? specific_price : specific_price * currencyRate) : priceTaxExclWithoutGroupReduction) + selectedCombination['price'] * currencyRate;
if (specific_price)
var productPriceWithoutReduction = priceTaxExclWithoutGroupReduction + selectedCombination['price'] * currencyRate;
if (!displayPrice && !noTaxForThisProduct)
var productPrice = taxExclPrice * tax;
if (specific_price)
productPriceWithoutReduction = ps_round(productPriceWithoutReduction * tax, 2);
var productPrice = ps_round(taxExclPrice, 2);
if (specific_price)
productPriceWithoutReduction = ps_round(productPriceWithoutReduction, 2);
var reduction = 0;
if (reduction_price || reduction_percent)
reduction_price = (specific_currency ? reduction_price : reduction_price * currencyRate);
reduction = productPrice * (parseFloat(reduction_percent) / 100) + reduction_price;
if (reduction_price && (displayPrice || noTaxForThisProduct))
reduction = ps_round(reduction / tax, 6);
if (!specific_price)
productPriceWithoutReduction = productPrice * group_reduction;
productPrice -= reduction;
var tmp = productPrice * group_reduction;
productPrice = ps_round(productPrice * group_reduction, 2);
var ecotaxAmount = !displayPrice ? ps_round(selectedCombination['ecotax'] * (1 + ecotaxTax_rate / 100), 2) : selectedCombination['ecotax'];
productPrice += ecotaxAmount;
productPriceWithoutReduction += ecotaxAmount;
//productPrice = ps_round(productPrice * currencyRate, 2);
if (productPrice > 0)
$('#our_price_display').text(formatCurrency(productPrice, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank));
$('#our_price_display').text(formatCurrency(0, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank));
$('#old_price_display').text(formatCurrency(productPriceWithoutReduction, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank));
/* Special feature: "Display product price tax excluded on product page" */
if (!noTaxForThisProduct)
var productPricePretaxed = productPrice / tax;
var productPricePretaxed = productPrice;
$('#pretaxe_price_display').text(formatCurrency(productPricePretaxed, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank));
/* Unit price */
productUnitPriceRatio = parseFloat(productUnitPriceRatio);
if (productUnitPriceRatio > 0 )
newUnitPrice = (productPrice / parseFloat(productUnitPriceRatio)) + selectedCombination['unit_price'];
$('#unit_price_display').text(formatCurrency(newUnitPrice, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank));
/* Ecotax */
var ecotaxAmount = !displayPrice ? ps_round(selectedCombination['ecotax'] * (1 + ecotaxTax_rate / 100), 2) : selectedCombination['ecotax'];
$('#ecotax_price_display').text(formatCurrency(ecotaxAmount, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank));
//update display of the large image
function displayImage(domAAroundImgThumb)
if (domAAroundImgThumb.attr('href'))
var newSrc = domAAroundImgThumb.attr('href').replace('thickbox','large');
if ($('#bigpic').attr('src') != newSrc)
$('#bigpic').fadeOut('fast', function(){
$(this).attr('src', newSrc).show();
if (typeof(jqZoomEnabled) != 'undefined' && jqZoomEnabled)
$(this).attr('alt', domAAroundImgThumb.attr('href'));
$('#views_block li a').removeClass('shown');
// Serialscroll exclude option bug ?
function serialScrollFixLock(event, targeted, scrolled, items, position)
serialScrollNbImages = $('#thumbs_list li:visible').length;
serialScrollNbImagesDisplayed = 3;
var leftArrow = position == 0 ? true : false;
var rightArrow = position + serialScrollNbImagesDisplayed >= serialScrollNbImages ? true : false;
$('a#view_scroll_left').css('cursor', leftArrow ? 'default' : 'pointer').css('display', leftArrow ? 'none' : 'block').fadeTo(0, leftArrow ? 0 : 1);
$('a#view_scroll_right').css('cursor', rightArrow ? 'default' : 'pointer').fadeTo(0, rightArrow ? 0 : 1).css('display', rightArrow ? 'none' : 'block');
return true;
// Change the current product images regarding the combination selected
function refreshProductImages(id_product_attribute)
if($('#thumbs_list').length > 0) {
$('#thumbs_list_frame').scrollTo('li:eq(0)', 700, {axis:'x'});
$('#thumbs_list li').hide();
id_product_attribute = parseInt(id_product_attribute);
if (typeof(combinationImages) != 'undefined' && typeof(combinationImages[id_product_attribute]) != 'undefined')
for (var i = 0; i < combinationImages[id_product_attribute].length; i++)
$('#thumbnail_' + parseInt(combinationImages[id_product_attribute][i])).show();
if (i > 0)
var thumb_width = $('#thumbs_list_frame >li').width()+parseInt($('#thumbs_list_frame >li').css('marginRight'));
$('#thumbs_list_frame').width((parseInt((thumb_width)* i) + 3) + 'px'); // Bug IE6, needs 3 pixels more ?
$('#thumbnail_' + idDefaultImage).show();
displayImage($('#thumbnail_'+ idDefaultImage +' a'));
$('#thumbs_list').trigger('goto', 0);
serialScrollFixLock('', '', '', '', 0);// SerialScroll Bug on goto 0 ?
//To do after loading HTML
//init the serialScroll for thumbs
if($('#thumbs_list').length > 0) {
step: 2,
lazy: true,
lock: false,
$('#thumbs_list').trigger('goto', 1);// SerialScroll Bug on goto 0 ?
$('#thumbs_list').trigger('goto', 0);
//hover 'other views' images management
$('#views_block li a').hover(
//set jqZoom parameters if needed
if (typeof(jqZoomEnabled) != 'undefined' && jqZoomEnabled)
xzoom: 560, //zooming div default width(default width value is 200)
yzoom: 520, //zooming div default width(default height value is 200)
offset: 419 //zooming div default offset(default offset value is 10)
//position: "right" //zooming div position(default position value is "right")
//add a link on the span 'view full size' and on the big image
$('span#view_full_size, div#image-block img').click(function(){
2017-05-10 11:15:04 +02:00
$('#views_block li a.shown').click().fancybox({
2017-05-10 09:48:13 +02:00
'hideOnContentClick': true,
'transitionIn' : 'elastic',
'transitionOut' : 'elastic',
'onComplete' : function(){$('#views_block li a.shown').unbind('click.fb');}
2016-01-04 12:48:08 +01:00
2017-05-10 09:48:13 +02:00
2016-01-04 12:48:08 +01:00
//catch the click on the "more infos" button at the top of the page
$('div#short_description_block p a.button').click(function(){
$.scrollTo( '#more_info_tabs', 1200 );
// Hide the customization submit button and display some message
$('p#customizedDatas input').click(function() {
$('p#customizedDatas input').hide();
//init the price in relation of the selected attributes
if (typeof productHasAttributes != 'undefined' && productHasAttributes)
else if (typeof productHasAttributes != 'undefined' && !productHasAttributes)
if($('a#resetImages').length > 0) {
$('a#resetImages').click(function() {
2017-05-10 09:48:13 +02:00
$('#product #thumbs_list_frame a').click(function(e) {
return false;
$('.tailles').click(function(e) {
'position' : 'fixed',
'top' : '50%',
'margin-top': -$('.box_info_size').outerHeight()/2
$('.info_tailles').stop(true, true).fadeIn();
var closeInfoSize = function() {
$('.box_info_size .close').click(closeInfoSize);
2016-01-04 12:48:08 +01:00
function saveCustomization()
customAction = $('#customizationForm').attr('action');
$('body select[id^="group_"]').each(function() {
customAction = customAction.replace(new RegExp(this.id + '=\\d+'), this.id +'='+this.value);
$('#customizationForm').attr('action', customAction);
function submitPublishProduct(url, redirect)
var id_product = $('#admin-action-product-id').val();
$.ajaxSetup({async: false});
$.post(url+'/ajax.php', { submitPublishProduct: '1', id_product: id_product, status: 1, redirect: redirect },
if (data.indexOf('error') === -1)
document.location.href = data;
return true;
function checkMinimalQuantity(minimal_quantity)
if ($('#quantity_wanted').val() < minimal_quantity)
$('#quantity_wanted').css('border', '1px solid red');
$('#minimal_quantity_wanted_p').css('color', 'red');
$('#quantity_wanted').css('border', '1px solid #BDC2C9');
$('#minimal_quantity_wanted_p').css('color', '#374853');