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2016-01-04 12:49:26 +01:00
* 2007-2011 PrestaShop
* This source file is subject to the Academic Free License (AFL 3.0)
* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
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* Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer
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* @author PrestaShop SA <>
* @copyright 2007-2011 PrestaShop SA
* @version Release: $Revision: 9538 $
* @license Academic Free License (AFL 3.0)
* International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA
class AdminMondialRelay extends AdminTab
private $mondialrelay = NULL;
public function __construct()
$this->table = 'mr_selected';
$this->className = 'MondialRelayClass';
private function displayOrdersTable()
global $cookie;
$mondialrelay = new MondialRelay();
$order_state = new OrderState((int)(Configuration::get('MONDIAL_RELAY_ORDER_STATE')), $cookie->id_lang);
$mr_weight_coef = (int)(Configuration::get('MR_WEIGHT_COEF'));
$html = '';
// Simulate a ticket generation
$MRCreateTicket = new MRCreateTickets(array(
'orderIdList' => NULL,
'totalOrder' => NULL,
'weightList' => NULL));
$errorListTicket = $MRCreateTicket->checkPreValidation();
$titleType = array(
'error' => $this->l('Thanks to kindly correct the following errors on ').
'<a href="index.php?tab=AdminContact&token='.Tools::getAdminToken('AdminContact'.
(int)(Tab::getIdFromClassName('AdminContact')).(int)($cookie->id_employee)).'" style="color:#f00;">&nbsp;'.
$this->l('the contact page').'</a>:<ul>',
'warn' => $this->l('Please take a look to this following warning, maybe the ticket won\'t be generated'));
foreach($errorListTicket as $errorType => $errorList)
if (count($errorList))
$html .= '<div class="MR_'.$errorType.'">'.$titleType[$errorType];
foreach($errorList as $type => $error)
$html .= '<li>'.$type.': '.$error.'</li>';
$html .= '</ul></div>';
$html .= '<p>'.$this->l('All orders which have the state').' "<b>'.$order_state->name.'</b>" '.
$this->l('will be available for sticker creation');
$html .= '.&nbsp;<a href="index.php?tab=AdminModules&configure=mondialrelay&token='.
(int)($cookie->id_employee)).'" class="green">' . $this->l('Change configuration') . '</a></p>
<div class="PS_MRErrorList error" id="otherErrors">
<img src="'._PS_IMG_.'admin/error2.png" alt="" />
$orders = MondialRelay::getOrders(array());
if (empty($orders))
$html.= '<h3 style="color:red;">' . $this->l('No orders with this state.') . '</h3>';
$html.= '<form method="post" action="'.Tools::safeOutput($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']).'">';
$html.= "\n<table class=\"table\" id='orders'>";
$html.= '<tr>';
$html.= '<th><input type="checkbox" id="toggleStatusOrderList" /></th>';
$html.= '<th>'.$this->l('Order ID').'</th>';
$html.= '<th>'.$this->l('Customer').'</th>';
$html.= '<th>'.$this->l('Total price').'</th>';
$html.= '<th>'.$this->l('Total shipping').'</th>';
$html.= '<th>'.$this->l('Date').'</th>';
$html.= '<th>'.$this->l('Put a Weight (grams)').'</th>';
$html.= '<th>'.$this->l('MR Number').'</th>';
$html.= '<th>'.$this->l('MR Country').'</th>';
$html.= '<th>'.$this->l('Exp Number').'</th>';
$html.= '<th>'.$this->l('Detail').'</th>';
$html.= '</tr>';
foreach ($orders as $order)
if ($order['weight'] == 0)
$result_weight = Db::getInstance()->getRow('
SELECT SUM(product_weight * product_quantity) as weight
FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'order_detail
WHERE id_order = '.(int)($order['id_order']));
$order['weight'] = round($mr_weight_coef * $result_weight['weight']);
$html .= '<tr id="PS_MRLineOrderInformation-'.$order['id_order'].'">';
$html .= '<td><input type="checkbox" class="order_id_list" name="order_id_list[]" id="order_id_list" value="'.$order['id_order'].'" /></td>';
$html .= '<td>'.$order['id_order'].'</td>';
$html .= '<td>'.$order['customer'].'</td>';
$html .= '<td>'.Tools::displayPrice($order['total'], new Currency($order['id_currency'])) . '</td>';
$html .= '<td>'.Tools::displayPrice($order['shipping'], new Currency($order['id_currency'])) . '</td>';
$html .= '<td>'.Tools::displayDate($order['date'], $order['id_lang']).'</td>';
$html .= '<td><input type="text" name="weight_'.$order['id_order'].'" id="weight_' . $order['id_order'] . '" size="7" value="'.$order['weight'].'" /></td>';
$html .= '<td>'.$order['MR_Selected_Num'].'</td>';
$html .= '<td>'.$order['MR_Selected_Pays'].'</td>';
$html .= '<td>'.$order['exp_number'].'</td>';
$html .= '
<td class="center">
<a href="index.php?tab=AdminOrders&id_order='.$order['id_order'].'&vieworder&token='.Tools::getAdminToken('AdminOrders'.(int)(Tab::getIdFromClassName('AdminOrders')).(int)($cookie->id_employee)).'">
<img border="0" title="'.$this->l('View').'" alt="'.$this->l('View').'" src="'._PS_IMG_.'admin/details.gif"/></a>
<tr class="PS_MRErrorList error" id="errorCreatingTicket_'.$order['id_order'].'" style="display:none;">
<td colspan="11" style="background:url('._PS_IMG_.'admin/error2.png) 10px 10px no-repeat;">
<tr class="PS_MRSuccessList" id="successCreatingTicket_'.$order['id_order'].'" style="display:none;">
<td colspan="10" style="background:url('._PS_IMG_.'admin/ok2.png) 10px 5px no-repeat #DFFAD3;">
'.$this->l('Operation successful').'
$html .= '
$html .= '
<div class="submit_button">
<div class="PS_MRSubmitButton" id="PS_MRSubmitButtonGenerateTicket">
<input type="button" name="generate" id="generate" value="' . $this->l('Generate') . '" class="button" />
<div class="PS_MRLoader" id="PS_MRSubmitGenerateLoader"><img src="'.MondialRelay::$moduleURL.'images/getTickets.gif"</div>
$html .= '</form>';
return $html;
public function displayhistoriqueForm()
$mondialrelay = new MondialRelay();
$_html = '';
$query = "SELECT * FROM `" . _DB_PREFIX_ ."mr_historique` ORDER BY `id` DESC ;";
$query = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($query);
$_html.= '
<legend>' . $this->l('History of labels creation') . '</legend>
<div style="overflow-x: auto;overflow-y: scroller; height: 300px; padding-top: 0.6em;" >
<form method="post" action="'.Tools::safeOutput($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']).'">
<table class="table" id="PS_MRHistoriqueTableList">
<th><input type="checkbox" id="toggleStatusHistoryList" /></th>
<th>' . $this->l('Order ID') . '</th>
<th>' . $this->l('Exp num') . '</th>
<th>' . $this->l('Print stick A4') . '</th>
<th>' . $this->l('Print stick A5') . '</th>
foreach ($query AS $k => $row)
$_html.= '
<tr id="detailHistory_'.$row['order'].'">
<input type="checkbox" id="PS_MRHistoryId_'.$row['id'].'" class="history_id_list" name="history_id_list[]" value="' . $row['id'] . '" />
<td id="expeditionNumber_'.$row['order'].'">'.$row['exp'].'</td>
<td id="URLA4_'.$row['order'].'">
<a href="'.$row['url_a4'].'" target="a4"><img width="20" src="'.MondialRelay::$moduleURL.'images/pdf_icon.jpg" /></a>
<td id="URLA5_'.$row['order'].'">
<a href="'.$row['url_a5'].'" target="a5"><img width="20" src="'.MondialRelay::$moduleURL.'images/pdf_icon.jpg" /></a>
$_html .= '
<div class="PS_MRSubmitButton">
<input type="button" id="PS_MRSubmitButtonDeleteHistories" name="deleteSelectedHistories" value="' . $this->l('Delete selected history') . '" class="button" />
<div class="PS_MRLoader" id="PS_MRSubmitDeleteHistoriesLoader">
<img src="'.MondialRelay::$moduleURL.'images/getTickets.gif"
return $_html;
public function display()
$html = '';
// Allow to override the older jquery to use a new one :)
// Added for the 1.3 compatibility to keep using the recent code
if (_PS_VERSION_ < '1.4')
$html .= MondialRelay::getjQueryCompatibility();
$html .= '
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
var _PS_MR_MODULE_DIR_ = "'.MondialRelay::$moduleURL.'";
$html .= $this->displayOrdersTable();
$html .= '<br/><br/>';
$html .= $this->displayhistoriqueForm();
echo $html;