397 lines
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397 lines
11 KiB
* 2007-2011 PrestaShop
* This source file is subject to the Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
* http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
* obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
* to license@prestashop.com so we can send you a copy immediately.
* Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer
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* needs please refer to http://www.prestashop.com for more information.
* @author PrestaShop SA <contact@prestashop.com>
* @copyright 2007-2011 PrestaShop SA
* @version Release: $Revision: 9541 $
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
* International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA
class AdminInformation extends AdminTab
private function _getTestResultHtml()
$html = '';
// Functions list to test with 'test_system'
$funcs = array('fopen', 'fclose', 'fread', 'fwrite', 'rename', 'file_exists', 'unlink', 'rmdir', 'mkdir', 'getcwd', 'chdir', 'chmod');
// Test list to execute (function/args)
$tests = array(
'phpversion' => false,
'upload' => false,
'system' => $funcs,
'gd' => false,
'mysql_support' => false,
'config_dir' => PS_ADMIN_DIR.'/../config/',
'tools_dir' => PS_ADMIN_DIR.'/../tools/smarty/compile',
'cache_dir' => PS_ADMIN_DIR.'/../tools/smarty/cache/',
'sitemap' => PS_ADMIN_DIR.'/../sitemap.xml',
'img_dir' => PS_ADMIN_DIR.'/../img/',
'mails_dir' => PS_ADMIN_DIR.'/../mails/',
'module_dir' => PS_ADMIN_DIR.'/../modules/',
'theme_lang_dir' => PS_ADMIN_DIR.'/../themes/'._THEME_NAME_.'/lang/',
'translations_dir' => PS_ADMIN_DIR.'/../translations/',
'customizable_products_dir' => PS_ADMIN_DIR.'/../upload/',
'virtual_products_dir' => PS_ADMIN_DIR.'/../download/'
$tests_op = array(
'fopen' => false,
'register_globals' => false,
'gz' => false
$testsErrors = array(
'phpversion' => $this->l('Update your PHP version'),
'upload' => $this->l('Configure your server to allow the upload file'),
'system' => $this->l('Configure your server to allow the creation of directories and write to files'),
'gd' => $this->l('Enable the GD library on your server'),
'mysql_support' => $this->l('Enable the MySQL support on your server'),
'config_dir' => $this->l('Set write permissions for config folder'),
'tools_dir' => $this->l('Set write permissions for tools folder'),
'cache_dir' => $this->l('Set write permissions for cache folder'),
'sitemap' => $this->l('Set write permissions for sitemap.xml file'),
'img_dir' => $this->l('Set write permissions for img folder and subfolders/recursively'),
'mails_dir' => $this->l('Set write permissions for mails folder and subfolders/recursively'),
'module_dir' => $this->l('Set write permissions for modules folder and subfolders/recursively'),
'theme_lang_dir' => $this->l('Set write permissions for themes/')._THEME_NAME_.$this->l('/lang/ folder and subfolders/recursively'),
'translations_dir' => $this->l('Set write permissions for translations folder and subfolders/recursively'),
'customizable_products_dir' => $this->l('Set write permissions for upload folder and subfolders/recursively'),
'virtual_products_dir' => $this->l('Set write permissions for download folder and subfolders/recursively'),
'fopen' => $this->l('Enable fopen on your server'),
'register_globals' => $this->l('Set PHP register global option to off'),
'gz' => $this->l('Enable GZIP compression on your server')
$paramsRequiredResults = self::check($tests);
$paramsOptionalResults = self::check($tests_op);
$html .= '
<b>'.$this->l('Required parameters').':</b>';
if (!in_array('fail', $paramsRequiredResults))
$html .= ' <span style="color:green;font-weight:bold;">OK</span>
$html .= ' <span style="color:red">'.$this->l('Please consult the following error(s)').'</span>
foreach ($paramsRequiredResults AS $key => $value)
if ($value == 'fail')
$html .= '<li>'.$testsErrors[$key].'</li>';
$html .= '</ul>';
$html .= '
<b>'.$this->l('Optional parameters').':</b>';
if (!in_array('fail', $paramsOptionalResults))
$html .= ' <span style="color:green;font-weight:bold;">OK</span>
$html .= ' <span style="color:red">'.$this->l('Please consult the following error(s)').'</span>
foreach ($paramsOptionalResults AS $key => $value)
if ($value == 'fail')
$html .= '<li>'.$testsErrors[$key].'</li>';
$html .= '</ul>';
return $html;
public function postProcess()
/* PrestaShop demo mode */
$this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('This functionnality has been disabled.');
/* PrestaShop demo mode*/
public function display()
global $currentIndex;
/* PrestaShop demo mode */
/* PrestaShop demo mode*/
echo '
<legend><img src="../img/t/AdminInformation.gif" alt="" /> '.$this->l('Help').'</legend>
<p>'.$this->l('This information must be indicated when you report a bug on our bug tracker or if you report a problem on our forum.').'</p>
<br />
<legend><img src="../img/t/AdminInformation.gif" alt="" /> '.$this->l('Information about your configuration').'</legend>
<h3>'.$this->l('Server information').'</h3>
<b>'.$this->l('Prestashop Version').':</b>
if (function_exists('php_uname'))
echo '
<b>'.$this->l('Server information').':</b>
'.php_uname('s').' '.php_uname('v').' '.php_uname('m').'
echo '
<b>'.$this->l('Server software Version').':</b>
<b>'.$this->l('PHP Version').':</b>
<b>'.$this->l('MySQL Version').':</b>
if (function_exists('apache_get_modules') AND in_array('mod_instaweb', apache_get_modules()))
echo '<p style="color:red;font-weight:700">'.$this->l('PageSpeed module for Apache installed (mod_instaweb)').'</p>';
echo '
<hr />
<h3>'.$this->l('Store information').'</h3>
<b>'.$this->l('URL of your website').':</b>
<b>'.$this->l('Theme name used').':</b>
<hr />
<h3>'.$this->l('Mail information').'</h3>
<b>'.$this->l('Mail method').':</b>
if (Configuration::get('PS_MAIL_METHOD') == 1)
echo $this->l('You use PHP mail() function.').'</p>';
echo $this->l('You use your own SMTP parameters').'</p>';
echo '
<b>'.$this->l('SMTP server').':</b>
<b>'.$this->l('SMTP user').':</b>
'.(Configuration::get('PS_MAIL_USER') ? $this->l('Defined') : '<span style="color:red;">'.$this->l('Not defined').'</span>').'
<b>'.$this->l('SMTP password').':</b>
'.(Configuration::get('PS_MAIL_PASSWD') ? $this->l('Defined') : '<span style="color:red;">'.$this->l('Not defined').'</span>').'
echo '
<hr />
<h3>'.$this->l('Your information').'</h3>
<b>'.$this->l('Information from you').':</b>
<br />
<fieldset id="checkConfiguration">
<legend><img src="../img/t/AdminInformation.gif" alt="" /> '.$this->l('Check your configuration').'</legend>
static private function check($tests)
$res = array();
foreach ($tests AS $key => $test)
$res[$key] = self::run($key, $test);
return $res;
static private function run($ptr, $arg = 0)
if (call_user_func(array('self', 'test_'.$ptr), $arg))
return ('ok');
return ('fail');
// Misc functions
static private function test_phpversion()
return PHP_VERSION_ID >= 50000; /* PHP version > 5.0 */
static private function test_mysql_support()
return function_exists('mysql_connect');
static private function test_upload()
return ini_get('file_uploads');
static private function test_fopen()
return ini_get('allow_url_fopen');
static private function test_system($funcs)
foreach ($funcs AS $func)
if (!function_exists($func))
return false;
return true;
static private function test_gd()
return function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor');
static private function test_register_globals()
return !ini_get('register_globals');
static private function test_gz()
if (function_exists('gzencode'))
return !(@gzencode('dd') === false);
return false;
// is_writable dirs
static private function test_dir($dir, $recursive = false)
if (!is_writable($dir) OR !$dh = opendir($dir))
return false;
if ($recursive)
while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false)
if (is_dir($dir.$file) AND $file != '.' AND $file != '..')
if (!self::test_dir($dir.$file, true))
return false;
return true;
// is_writable files
static private function test_file($file)
return (file_exists($file) AND is_writable($file));
static private function test_config_dir($dir)
return self::test_dir($dir);
static private function test_sitemap($dir)
return self::test_file($dir);
static private function test_root_dir($dir)
return self::test_dir($dir);
static private function test_admin_dir($dir)
return self::test_dir($dir);
static private function test_img_dir($dir)
return self::test_dir($dir, true);
static private function test_module_dir($dir)
return self::test_dir($dir, true);
static private function test_tools_dir($dir)
return self::test_dir($dir);
static function test_cache_dir($dir)
return self::test_dir($dir);
static private function test_download_dir($dir)
return self::test_dir($dir);
static private function test_mails_dir($dir)
return self::test_dir($dir, true);
static private function test_translations_dir($dir)
return self::test_dir($dir, true);
static private function test_theme_lang_dir($dir)
return self::test_dir($dir, true);
static private function test_customizable_products_dir($dir)
return self::test_dir($dir);
static private function test_virtual_products_dir($dir)
return self::test_dir($dir);