2016-01-04 12:48:08 +01:00
{ *
* 2007-2011 PrestaShop
* This source file is subject to the Academic Free License (AFL 3.0)
* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
* http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
* obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
* to license@prestashop.com so we can send you a copy immediately.
* Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer
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* needs please refer to http://www.prestashop.com for more information.
* @author PrestaShop SA <contact@prestashop.com>
* @copyright 2007-2011 PrestaShop SA
* @version Release: $Revision: 9025 $
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php Academic Free License (AFL 3.0)
* International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA
{ if ! isset ( $smarty.get.ajax ) }
{ capture name = path } { l s = 'Order detail' } { /capture }
{ include file = "$tpl_dir./breadcrumb.tpl" }
<h1 class="title"><span> { l s = 'Order placed on' } { dateFormat date = $order - > date_add full = 0 } </span></h1>
<div class="block-center" id="block-history">
<div id="block-order-detail">
{ /if }
<form action=" { if isset ( $opc ) & & $opc } { $link - > getPageLink ( 'order-opc.php' , true ) } { else } { $link - > getPageLink ( 'order.php' , true ) } { /if } " method="post" class="submit">
<input type="hidden" value=" { $order - > id } " name="id_order"/>
{ * < h4 >
{ l s = 'Order placed on' } { dateFormat date = $order - > date_add full = 0 }
<input type="submit" value=" { l s = 'Reorder' } " name="submitReorder" class="button exclusive" style="float:right"/>
{ if count ( $order_history ) }
{ *<p class="bold">{l s='Follow your order step by step'}</p>* }
<div class="table_block">
<table class="detail_step_by_step std">
{ * < thead >
<th class="first_item"> { l s = 'Date' } </th>
<th class="last_item"> { l s = 'Status' } </th>
{ foreach from = $order_history item = state name = orderStates }
{ if $smarty.foreach.orderStates.first }
<tr class=" { if $smarty.foreach.orderStates.first } first_item { elseif $smarty.foreach.orderStates.last } last_item { /if } { if $smarty.foreach.orderStates.index % 2 } alternate_item { else } item { /if } ">
<td class="history_link bold">
{ l s = '#' } { $order - > id | string_format : "%06d" } </a>
<td class="history_price">
<span class="price"> { displayWtPriceWithCurrency price = $order - > total_paid currency = $currency } </span>
<td class="order_pdf" rowspan="2">
{ if $invoice AND $invoiceAllowed }
<a href=" { $link - > getPageLink ( 'pdf-invoice.php' , true ) } ?id_order= { $order - > id | intval } { if $is_guest } &secure_key= { $order - > secure_key } { /if } ">
{ l s = 'PDF' } <img src=" { $img_dir } icon/pdf.gif" alt=" { l s = 'Invoice' } " class="icon" />
{ else } - { /if }
<td class="history_date bold"> { dateFormat date = $state.date_add full = 0 } </td>
<td class="history_state"> { $state.ostate_name | escape : 'htmlall' : 'UTF-8' } </td>
{ /if }
{ /foreach }
{ /if }
<div class="history_carrier">
{ if $carrier - > id }
<p class="logo">
<img src="img/s/ { $carrier - > id } .jpg" alt=" { $carrier - > name | escape : 'htmlall' : 'UTF-8' } "/>
{ $carrier - > delay }
<span class="price">
{ displayWtPriceWithCurrency price = $order - > total_shipping currency = $currency }
{ /if }
<div class="clearfix"></div>
{ if count ( $numbers ) > 0 }
<h4 class="order_shipping"> { l s = 'Numero de suivi' } </h4>
<ul class="shipping_numbers">
{ foreach from = $numbers item = number }
{ l s = 'Numero de suivi' } <b> { $number.shipping_number } </b> <a target="_blank" href="http://www.colissimo.fr/portail_colissimo/suivreResultat.do?parcelnumber= { $number.shipping_number } ">( { l s = 'Suivre le colis' } )</a>
2017-08-18 11:18:06 +02:00
{ /foreach }
{ /if }
{ if count ( $numbers2 ) > 0 }
<h4 class="order_shipping"> { l s = 'Numero de suivi' } </h4>
<ul class="shipping_numbers">
{ foreach from = $numbers2 item = number }
{ l s = 'Numero de suivi' } <b> { $number.shipping_number } </b> <a target="_blank" href="https://www.mondialrelay.fr/suivi-de-colis?numeroExpedition= { $number.shipping_number } ">( { l s = 'Suivre le colis' } )</a>
2016-01-04 12:48:08 +01:00
{ /foreach }
{ /if }
{ * < p class = "bold" > { l s = 'Order:' } < span class = "color-myaccount" > { l s = '#' } { $order - > id | string_format : "%06d" } < / span > < / p >
{ if $carrier - > id } <p class="bold"> { l s = 'Carrier:' } { if $carrier - > name = = "0" } { $shop_name | escape : 'htmlall' : 'UTF-8' } { else } { $carrier - > name | escape : 'htmlall' : 'UTF-8' } { /if } </p> { /if }
<p class="bold"> { l s = 'Payment method:' } <span class="color-myaccount"> { $order - > payment | escape : 'htmlall' : 'UTF-8' } </span></p>
{ if $invoice AND $invoiceAllowed }
<img src=" { $img_dir } icon/pdf.gif" alt="" class="icon" />
<a href=" { $link - > getPageLink ( 'pdf-invoice.php' , true ) } ?id_order= { $order - > id | intval } { if $is_guest } &secure_key= { $order - > secure_key } { /if } "> { l s = 'Download your invoice as a .PDF file' } </a>
{ /if }
{ if $order - > recyclable & & isset ( $isRecyclable ) & & $isRecyclable }
<p><img src=" { $img_dir } icon/recyclable.gif" alt="" class="icon" /> { l s = 'You have given permission to receive your order in recycled packaging.' } </p>
{ /if }
{ if $order - > gift }
<p><img src=" { $img_dir } icon/gift.gif" alt="" class="icon" /> { l s = 'You requested gift-wrapping for your order.' } </p>
<p> { l s = 'Message:' } { $order - > gift_message | nl2br } </p>
{ /if }
<br />*}
{ if $order - > valid & & isset ( $delivery_date ) }
<div class="order_delay">
<h4 class="order_shipping"> { l s = 'Delivery Delay' } </h4>
2016-11-25 10:49:10 +01:00
{ foreach from = $delivery_date key = k item = date }
{ if $k = = 1 }
2016-01-04 12:48:08 +01:00
<b style="color: #e26ea2;"> { $date.name } </b> : { l s = 'Date de réception prévue entre le' } <b> { $date.date_start | date_format : '%d/%m/%Y' } </b> { l s = 'et le' } <b> { $date.date_end | date_format : '%d/%m/%Y' } </b>
2016-11-25 10:49:10 +01:00
{ elseif $k = = 5 }
2016-11-25 10:52:50 +01:00
<b style="color: #e26ea2;"> { $date.name } </b> : { l s = 'Date de réception prévue avant le' } <b> { l s = '24/12' } </b>
2016-11-25 10:49:10 +01:00
{ elseif $k = = 8 }
2016-11-25 10:56:23 +01:00
<b style="color: #e26ea2;"> { l s = 'Livraison avant Noel' } </b> : { l s = 'Envoi en 48h' }
2016-11-25 10:49:10 +01:00
{ else }
<b style="color: #e26ea2;"> { $date.name } </b>
{ /if }
2016-01-04 12:48:08 +01:00
{ /foreach }
{ /if }
{ if ! $is_guest } <form action=" { $link - > getPageLink ( 'order-follow.php' , true ) } " method="post"> { /if }
<div id="order-detail-content" class="table_block">
<table class="std" id="order-product">
{ * < thead >
{ if $return_allowed } <th class="first_item"><input type="checkbox" /></th> { /if }
<th class=" { if $return_allowed } item { else } first_item { /if } "> { l s = 'Reference' } </th>
<th class="item"> { l s = 'Product' } </th>
<th class="item"> { l s = 'Quantity' } </th>
<th class="item"> { l s = 'Unit price' } </th>
<th class="last_item"> { l s = 'Total price' } </th>
{ if $priceDisplay & & $use_tax }
<tr class="item">
<td colspan=" { if $return_allowed } 6 { else } 5 { /if } ">
{ l s = 'Total products (tax excl.):' } <span class="price"> { displayWtPriceWithCurrency price = $order - > getTotalProductsWithoutTaxes ( ) currency = $currency } </span>
{ /if }
<tr class="item">
<td colspan=" { if $return_allowed } 6 { else } 5 { /if } ">
{ l s = 'Total products' } { if $use_tax } { l s = '(tax incl.)' } { /if } : <span class="price"> { displayWtPriceWithCurrency price = $order - > getTotalProductsWithTaxes ( ) currency = $currency } </span>
{ if $order - > total_discounts > 0 }
<tr class="item">
<td colspan=" { if $return_allowed } 6 { else } 5 { /if } ">
{ l s = 'Total vouchers:' } <span class="price-discount"> { displayWtPriceWithCurrency price = $order - > total_discounts currency = $currency } </span>
{ /if }
{ if $order - > total_wrapping > 0 }
<tr class="item">
<td colspan=" { if $return_allowed } 6 { else } 5 { /if } ">
{ l s = 'Total gift-wrapping:' } <span class="price-wrapping"> { displayWtPriceWithCurrency price = $order - > total_wrapping currency = $currency } </span>
{ /if }
<tr class="item preend">
<td colspan=" { if $return_allowed } 6 { else } 5 { /if } ">
{ l s = 'Total shipping' } { if $use_tax } { l s = '(tax incl.)' } { /if } : <span class="price-shipping"> { displayWtPriceWithCurrency price = $order - > total_shipping currency = $currency } </span>
<tr class="item endline">
<td colspan=" { if $return_allowed } 6 { else } 5 { /if } ">
{ l s = 'Total:' } <span class="price"> { displayWtPriceWithCurrency price = $order - > total_paid currency = $currency } </span>
{ foreach from = $products item = details }
<tr style="height:10px;">
<td colspan="5" style="border:none"></td>
<tr style="background:#e1e1e1; ">
<td colspan="5">
<h4> { $details.title } </h4>
<tr style="height:10px;">
<td colspan="5" style="border:none"></td>
{ foreach from = $details.products item = product name = products }
{ if ! isset ( $product.deleted ) }
{ assign var = 'productId' value = $product.product_id }
{ assign var = 'productAttributeId' value = $product.product_attribute_id }
{ if isset ( $customizedDatas . $productId . $productAttributeId ) } { assign var = 'productQuantity' value = $product.product_quantity - $product.customizationQuantityTotal } { else } { assign var = 'productQuantity' value = $product.product_quantity } { /if }
<!-- Customized products -->
{ if isset ( $customizedDatas . $productId . $productAttributeId ) }
<tr class="item">
{ if $return_allowed } <td class="order_cb"></td> { /if }
<td><label for="cb_ { $product.id_order_detail | intval } "> { if $product.product_reference } { $product.product_reference | escape : 'htmlall' : 'UTF-8' } { else } -- { /if } </label></td>
<td class="bold">
<label for="cb_ { $product.id_order_detail | intval } "> { $product.product_name | escape : 'htmlall' : 'UTF-8' } </label>
<td class="aright"><input class="order_qte_input" name="order_qte_input[ { $smarty.foreach.products.index } ]" type="text" size="2" value=" { $product.customizationQuantityTotal | intval } " /><label for="cb_ { $product.id_order_detail | intval } "><span class="order_qte_span editable"> { $product.customizationQuantityTotal | intval } </span></label></td>
<td class="aright">
<label for="cb_ { $product.id_order_detail | intval } ">
{ if $group_use_tax }
{ convertPriceWithCurrency price = $product.product_price_wt currency = $currency convert = 0 }
{ else }
{ convertPriceWithCurrency price = $product.product_price currency = $currency convert = 0 }
{ /if }
<td class="aright">
<label for="cb_ { $product.id_order_detail | intval } ">
{ if isset ( $customizedDatas . $productId . $productAttributeId ) }
{ if $group_use_tax }
{ convertPriceWithCurrency price = $product.total_customization_wt currency = $currency convert = 0 }
{ else }
{ convertPriceWithCurrency price = $product.total_customization currency = $currency convert = 0 }
{ /if }
{ else }
{ if $group_use_tax }
{ convertPriceWithCurrency price = $product.total_wt currency = $currency convert = 0 }
{ else }
{ convertPriceWithCurrency price = $product.total_price currency = $currency convert = 0 }
{ /if }
{ /if }
{ foreach from = $customizedDatas . $productId . $productAttributeId item = 'customization' key = 'customizationId' }
<tr class="alternate_item">
{ if $return_allowed } <td class="order_cb"><input type="checkbox" id="cb_ { $product.id_order_detail | intval } " name="customization_ids[ { $product.id_order_detail | intval } ][]" value=" { $customizationId | intval } " /></td> { /if }
<td colspan="2">
{ foreach from = $customization.datas key = 'type' item = 'datas' }
{ if $type = = $CUSTOMIZE_FILE }
<ul class="customizationUploaded">
{ foreach from = $datas item = 'data' }
<li><img src=" { $pic_dir } { $data.value } _small" alt="" class="customizationUploaded" /></li>
{ /foreach }
{ elseif $type = = $CUSTOMIZE_TEXTFIELD }
<ul class="typedText"> { counter start = 0 print = false }
{ foreach from = $datas item = 'data' }
{ assign var = 'customizationFieldName' value = "Text #" | cat : $data.id_customization_field }
<li> { $data.name | default : $customizationFieldName } { l s = ':' } { $data.value } </li>
{ /foreach }
{ /if }
{ /foreach }
<td class="aright">
{ if $return_allowed } <input class="order_qte_input" name="customization_qty_input[ { $customizationId | intval } ]" type="text" size="2" value=" { $customization.quantity | intval } " /> { /if } <label { if $return_allowed } for="cb_ { $product.id_order_detail | intval } " { /if } ><span class="order_qte_span editable"> { $customization.quantity | intval } </span></label>
<td colspan="2"></td>
{ /foreach }
{ /if }
<!-- Classic products -->
{ if $product.product_quantity > $product.customizationQuantityTotal }
<tr class="item">
2016-11-25 10:49:10 +01:00
2016-11-25 18:45:07 +01:00
{ * < td class = "cart_product" >
2016-01-04 12:48:08 +01:00
<a href=" { $link - > getProductLink ( $product.id_product , $product.link_rewrite , $product.category ) | escape : 'htmlall' : 'UTF-8' } ">
<img src=" { $link - > getImageLink ( $product.link_rewrite , $product.id_image , 'large' ) } " alt=" { $product.name | escape : 'htmlall' : 'UTF-8' } " { if isset ( $smallSize ) } width=" { $smallSize.width } " height=" { $smallSize.height } " { /if } />
2016-11-25 18:45:07 +01:00
2016-01-04 12:48:08 +01:00
<td class="cart_description">
<tr class="title">
2017-10-13 11:17:27 +02:00
<td width="15%">
{ if isset ( $customizedDatas . $productId . $productAttributeId ) AND $quantityDisplayed = = 0 }
<span id="cart_quantity_custom_ { $product.product_id } _ { $product.product_attribute_id } " > { $product.customizationQuantityTotal } </span>
{ /if }
{ if ! isset ( $customizedDatas . $productId . $productAttributeId ) OR $quantityDisplayed > 0 }
<span class="quantity"> { $productQuantity | intval } x</span>
{ /if }
2016-01-04 12:48:08 +01:00
2016-11-25 18:50:38 +01:00
{ *<a href="{$link->getPageLink('get-file.php', true)}?key={$product.filename|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}-{$product.download_hash|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}{if isset($is_guest) && $is_guest}&id_order={$order->id}&secure_key={$order->secure_key}{/if}" title="{l s='download this product'}">* }
2016-01-04 12:48:08 +01:00
{ $product.product_name | escape : 'htmlall' : 'UTF-9' }
2017-10-13 11:17:27 +02:00
{ if isset ( $product.attributes ) & & $product.attributes }
<br> { $product.attributes | escape : 'htmlall' : 'UTF-8' }
{ /if }
2016-11-25 18:50:38 +01:00
{ *</a>* }
2016-01-04 12:48:08 +01:00
2017-10-13 11:17:27 +02:00
<td width="25%" style="text-align: right;">
<span class="price" id="product_price_ { $product.product_id } _ { $product.product_attribute_id } ">
{ if $group_use_tax }
{ convertPriceWithCurrency price = $product.total_wt currency = $currency convert = 0 }
{ else }
{ convertPriceWithCurrency price = $product.total_price currency = $currency convert = 0 }
{ /if }
2016-01-04 12:48:08 +01:00
2017-10-13 11:17:27 +02:00
{ * < tr class = "attribute" >
2016-01-04 12:48:08 +01:00
{ if isset ( $product.attributes ) & & $product.attributes }
2016-11-25 18:50:38 +01:00
<a href=" { $link - > getProductLink ( $product.product_id , $product.link_rewrite , $product.category ) | escape : 'htmlall' : 'UTF-8' } "> { $product.attributes | escape : 'htmlall' : 'UTF-8' } </a>
2016-01-04 12:48:08 +01:00
{ /if }
2017-10-13 11:17:27 +02:00
</tr> *}
{ * < tr class = "price" >
2016-01-04 12:48:08 +01:00
<div class="cart_unit">
2016-11-25 18:50:38 +01:00
<span class="price" id="product_price_ { $product.product_id } _ { $product.product_attribute_id } ">
2016-01-04 12:48:08 +01:00
{ if $group_use_tax }
{ convertPriceWithCurrency price = $product.total_wt currency = $currency convert = 0 }
{ else }
{ convertPriceWithCurrency price = $product.total_price currency = $currency convert = 0 }
{ /if }
<tr class="quantity">
<div class="desc_content">
<label> { l s = 'Quantity' } </label>
<div class="cart_quantity" { if isset ( $customizedDatas . $productId . $productAttributeId ) AND $quantityDisplayed = = 0 } style="text-align: center;" { /if } >
{ if isset ( $customizedDatas . $productId . $productAttributeId ) AND $quantityDisplayed = = 0 }
2016-11-25 18:50:38 +01:00
<span id="cart_quantity_custom_ { $product.product_id } _ { $product.product_attribute_id } " > { $product.customizationQuantityTotal } </span>
2016-01-04 12:48:08 +01:00
{ /if }
{ if ! isset ( $customizedDatas . $productId . $productAttributeId ) OR $quantityDisplayed > 0 }
2016-11-25 18:50:38 +01:00
<input type="hidden" value=" { if $quantityDisplayed = = 0 AND isset ( $customizedDatas . $productId . $productAttributeId ) } { $customizedDatas . $productId . $productAttributeId | @ count } { else } { $product.cart_quantity - $quantityDisplayed } { /if } " name="quantity_ { $product.product_id } _ { $product.product_attribute_id } _hidden" />
<input size="2" maxlength="3" type="text" class="cart_quantity_input" value=" { $productQuantity | intval } " name="quantity_ { $product.product_id } _ { $product.product_attribute_id } " />
2016-01-04 12:48:08 +01:00
{ /if }
2017-10-13 11:17:27 +02:00
</tr> *}
2016-01-04 12:48:08 +01:00
{ * < tr class = "delete" >
<div class="gradient">
<a rel="nofollow" class="cart_quantity_delete" id=" { $product.id_product } _ { $product.id_product_attribute } " href=" { $link - > getPageLink ( 'cart.php' , true ) } ?delete&id_product= { $product.id_product | intval } &ipa= { $product.id_product_attribute | intval } &token= { $token_cart } " title=" { l s = 'Delete' } ">X</a>
{ * < div class = "desc_content" >
<h5><a href=" { $link - > getProductLink ( $product.id_product , $product.link_rewrite , $product.category ) | escape : 'htmlall' : 'UTF-8' } "> { $product.name | escape : 'htmlall' : 'UTF-8' } </a></h5>
{ if isset ( $product.attributes ) & & $product.attributes } <a href=" { $link - > getProductLink ( $product.id_product , $product.link_rewrite , $product.category ) | escape : 'htmlall' : 'UTF-8' } "> { $product.attributes | escape : 'htmlall' : 'UTF-8' } </a> { /if }
<div class="cart_unit">
<span class="price" id="product_price_ { $product.id_product } _ { $product.id_product_attribute } ">
{ if ! $priceDisplay } { convertPrice price = $product.price_wt } { else } { convertPrice price = $product.price } { /if }
<div class="cart_quantity" { if isset ( $customizedDatas . $productId . $productAttributeId ) AND $quantityDisplayed = = 0 } style="text-align: center;" { /if } >
{ if isset ( $customizedDatas . $productId . $productAttributeId ) AND $quantityDisplayed = = 0 }
<span id="cart_quantity_custom_ { $product.id_product } _ { $product.id_product_attribute } " > { $product.customizationQuantityTotal } </span>
{ /if }
{ if ! isset ( $customizedDatas . $productId . $productAttributeId ) OR $quantityDisplayed > 0 }
<input type="hidden" value=" { if $quantityDisplayed = = 0 AND isset ( $customizedDatas . $productId . $productAttributeId ) } { $customizedDatas . $productId . $productAttributeId | @ count } { else } { $product.cart_quantity - $quantityDisplayed } { /if } " name="quantity_ { $product.id_product } _ { $product.id_product_attribute } _hidden" />
2016-11-25 10:49:10 +01:00
<input size="2" maxlength="3" type="text" class="cart_quantity_input" value=" { if $quantityDisplayed = = 0 AND isset ( $customizedDatas . $productId . $productAttributeId ) } { $customizedDatas . $productId . $productAttributeId | @ count } { else } { $product.cart_quantity - $quantityDisplayed } { /if } " name="quantity_ { $product.id_product } _ { $product.id_product_attribute } " />
2016-01-04 12:48:08 +01:00
{ /if }
<div class="gradient">
<a rel="nofollow" class="cart_quantity_delete" id=" { $product.id_product } _ { $product.id_product_attribute } " href=" { $link - > getPageLink ( 'cart.php' , true ) } ?delete&id_product= { $product.id_product | intval } &ipa= { $product.id_product_attribute | intval } &token= { $token_cart } " title=" { l s = 'Delete' } ">X</a>
{ * { if $return_allowed } < td class = "order_cb" > < input type = "checkbox" id = "cb_{$product.id_order_detail|intval}" name = "ids_order_detail[{$product.id_order_detail|intval}]" value = "{$product.id_order_detail|intval}" / > < / td > { / if }
<td><label for="cb_ { $product.id_order_detail | intval } "> { if $product.product_reference } { $product.product_reference | escape : 'htmlall' : 'UTF-8' } { else } -- { /if } </label></td>
<td class="bold">
<label for="cb_ { $product.id_order_detail | intval } ">
{ if $product.download_hash & & $invoice }
<a href=" { $link - > getPageLink ( 'get-file.php' , true ) } ?key= { $product.filename | escape : 'htmlall' : 'UTF-8' } - { $product.download_hash | escape : 'htmlall' : 'UTF-8' } { if isset ( $is_guest ) & & $is_guest } &id_order= { $order - > id } &secure_key= { $order - > secure_key } { /if } " title=" { l s = 'download this product' } ">
<img src=" { $img_dir } icon/download_product.gif" class="icon" alt=" { l s = 'Download product' } " />
<a href=" { $link - > getPageLink ( 'get-file.php' , true ) } ?key= { $product.filename | escape : 'htmlall' : 'UTF-8' } - { $product.download_hash | escape : 'htmlall' : 'UTF-8' } { if isset ( $is_guest ) & & $is_guest } &id_order= { $order - > id } &secure_key= { $order - > secure_key } { /if } " title=" { l s = 'download this product' } ">
{ $product.product_name | escape : 'htmlall' : 'UTF-8' }
{ else }
{ $product.product_name | escape : 'htmlall' : 'UTF-8' }
{ /if }
<td class="aright"><input class="order_qte_input" name="order_qte_input[ { $product.id_order_detail | intval } ]" type="text" size="2" value=" { $productQuantity | intval } " /><label for="cb_ { $product.id_order_detail | intval } "><span class="order_qte_span editable"> { $productQuantity | intval } </span></label></td>
<td class="aright">
<label for="cb_ { $product.id_order_detail | intval } ">
{ if $group_use_tax }
{ convertPriceWithCurrency price = $product.product_price_wt currency = $currency convert = 0 }
{ else }
{ convertPriceWithCurrency price = $product.product_price currency = $currency convert = 0 }
{ /if }
<td class="aright">
<label for="cb_ { $product.id_order_detail | intval } ">
{ if $group_use_tax }
{ convertPriceWithCurrency price = $product.total_wt currency = $currency convert = 0 }
{ else }
{ convertPriceWithCurrency price = $product.total_price currency = $currency convert = 0 }
{ /if }
{ /if }
{ /if }
{ /foreach }
{ /foreach }
{ foreach from = $discounts item = discount }
<tr class="item cart_discount">
{ *<td>{$discount.name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</td>* }
<td class="cart_discount_description"> { l s = 'Voucher' } <span class="name"> { l s = 'Code' } : { $discount.name | escape : 'htmlall' : 'UTF-8' } </span></td>
{ *<td><span class="order_qte_span editable">1</span></td>* }
{ *<td> </td>* }
<td class="cart_discount_price">
{ if $discount.value ! = 0.00 } { l s = '-' } { /if } { convertPriceWithCurrency price = $discount.value currency = $currency convert = 0 }
{ /foreach }
<div class="addresses">
<ul class="address item" id="address_invoice" { if $order - > isVirtual ( ) } style="display:none;" { /if } >
<li class="address_title"> { l s = 'Invoice' } </li>
{ foreach from = $inv_adr_fields name = inv_loop item = field_item }
{ if $field_item eq "company" & & isset ( $address_invoice - > company ) } <li class="address_company"> { $address_invoice - > company | escape : 'htmlall' : 'UTF-8' } </li>
{ elseif $field_item eq "address2" & & $address_invoice - > address2 } <li class="address_address2"> { $address_invoice - > address2 | escape : 'htmlall' : 'UTF-8' } </li>
{ elseif $field_item eq "phone_mobile" & & $address_invoice - > phone_mobile } <li class="address_phone_mobile"> { $address_invoice - > phone_mobile | escape : 'htmlall' : 'UTF-8' } </li>
{ else }
{ assign var = address_words value = " " | explode : $field_item }
<li class="address_ { $field_item } "> { foreach from = $address_words item = word_item name = "word_loop" } { if ! $smarty.foreach.word_loop.first } { /if } <span class="address_ { $word_item } "> { $invoiceAddressFormatedValues [ $word_item ] | escape : 'htmlall' : 'UTF-8' } </span> { /foreach } </li>
{ /if }
{ /foreach }
<ul id="address_delivery" class="address alternate_item { if $order - > isVirtual ( ) } full_width { /if } ">
<li class="address_title"> { l s = 'Delivery' } </li>
{ foreach from = $dlv_adr_fields name = dlv_loop item = field_item }
{ if $field_item eq "company" & & isset ( $address_delivery - > company ) } <li class="address_company"> { $address_delivery - > company | escape : 'htmlall' : 'UTF-8' } </li>
{ elseif $field_item eq "address2" & & $address_delivery - > address2 } <li class="address_address2"> { $address_delivery - > address2 | escape : 'htmlall' : 'UTF-8' } </li>
{ elseif $field_item eq "phone_mobile" & & $address_delivery - > phone_mobile } <li class="address_phone_mobile"> { $address_delivery - > phone_mobile | escape : 'htmlall' : 'UTF-8' } </li>
{ else }
{ assign var = address_words value = " " | explode : $field_item }
<li class="address_ { $field_item } "> { foreach from = $address_words item = word_item name = "word_loop" } { if ! $smarty.foreach.word_loop.first } { /if } <span class="address_ { $word_item } "> { $deliveryAddressFormatedValues [ $word_item ] | escape : 'htmlall' : 'UTF-8' } </span> { /foreach } </li>
{ /if }
{ /foreach }
{ if ! $is_guest }
{ * { if $return_allowed }
<p class="bold"> { l s = 'Merchandise return' } </p>
<p> { l s = 'If you wish to return one or more products, please mark the corresponding boxes and provide an explanation for the return. Then click the button below.' } </p>
<p class="textarea">
<textarea cols="67" rows="3" name="returnText"></textarea>
<p class="submit">
<input type="submit" value=" { l s = 'Make a RMA slip' } " name="submitReturnMerchandise" class="button_large" />
<input type="hidden" class="hidden" value=" { $order - > id | intval } " name="id_order" />
<br />
{ /if } *}
{ if count ( $messages ) }
<p class="bold"> { l s = 'Messages' } </p>
<div class="table_block">
<table class="detail_step_by_step std">
<th class="first_item" style="width:150px;"> { l s = 'From' } </th>
<th class="last_item"> { l s = 'Message' } </th>
{ foreach from = $messages item = message name = "messageList" }
<tr class=" { if $smarty.foreach.messageList.first } first_item { elseif $smarty.foreach.messageList.last } last_item { /if } { if $smarty.foreach.messageList.index % 2 } alternate_item { else } item { /if } ">
{ if isset ( $message.ename ) & & $message.ename }
{ $message.efirstname | escape : 'htmlall' : 'UTF-8' } { $message.elastname | escape : 'htmlall' : 'UTF-8' }
{ elseif $message.clastname }
{ $message.cfirstname | escape : 'htmlall' : 'UTF-8' } { $message.clastname | escape : 'htmlall' : 'UTF-8' }
{ else }
<b> { $shop_name | escape : 'htmlall' : 'UTF-8' } </b>
{ /if }
<br />
{ dateFormat date = $message.date_add full = 1 }
<td> { $message.message | nl2br } </td>
{ /foreach }
{ /if }
{ if isset ( $errors ) & & $errors }
<div class="error">
<p> { if $errors | @ count > 1 } { l s = 'There are' } { else } { l s = 'There is' } { /if } { $errors | @ count } { if $errors | @ count > 1 } { l s = 'errors' } { else } { l s = 'error' } { /if } :</p>
{ foreach from = $errors key = k item = error }
<li> { $error } </li>
{ /foreach }
{ /if }
{ * < form action = "{$link->getPageLink('order-detail.php', true)}" method = "post" class = "std" id = "sendOrderMessage" >
<p class="bold"> { l s = 'Add a message:' } </p>
<p> { l s = 'If you would like to add a comment about your order, please write it below.' } </p>
<p class="textarea">
<textarea cols="67" rows="3" name="msgText"></textarea>
<p class="submit">
<input type="hidden" name="id_order" value=" { $order - > id | intval } " />
<input type="submit" class="button" name="submitMessage" value=" { l s = 'Send' } "/>
{ else }
<p><img src=" { $img_dir } icon/infos.gif" alt="" class="icon" /> { l s = 'You can\'t make a merchandise return with a guest account' } </p>
{ /if }
{ if ! isset ( $smarty.get.ajax ) }
<script type="text/javascript"> { literal }
$(document).ready(function() {
if ($('div#order-detail-content table td.order_cb').length > 0) {
//return slip : check or uncheck every checkboxes
$('form div#order-detail-content th input[type=checkbox]').click(function()
$('form div#order-detail-content td input[type=checkbox]').each(function()
this.checked = $('form div#order-detail-content th input[type=checkbox]').is(':checked');
//return slip : enable or disable 'global' quantity editing
$('form div#order-detail-content td input[type=checkbox]').click(function()
//return slip : limit quantities
$('form div#order-detail-content td input.order_qte_input').keyup(function()
var maxQuantity = parseInt($(this).parent().find('span.order_qte_span').text());
var quantity = parseInt($(this).val());
if (isNaN($(this).val()) && $(this).val() != '')
if (quantity > maxQuantity)
else if (quantity < 1)
//catch the submit event of sendOrderMessage form
$('form#sendOrderMessage').submit(function() {
return sendOrderMessage();
if(typeof(resizeAddressesBox) == 'function')
{ /literal } </script>
{ /if }
<p class="footer_links">
<a class="back_account" href=" { $link - > getPageLink ( 'my-account.php' , true ) } " class="button">
<i class="icon-user"></i><span> { l s = 'Back to my account' } </span>
2016-11-25 10:49:10 +01:00
2016-01-04 12:48:08 +01:00