- fix the number of products displayed in the 'best sales for family' case
- replace the slider by an adapted block with visuals differents from the best sales slider.
- adapt the show cart javascript in order to get the correct height of product blocks on which
the user click
- fix selection between accessories and best sales for family in hooks
- add a hook in order to display the correct label in the new tab
- restore olds methods for best sales product. Routines related to the best sales family products have their own methods.
- fix cache generation
In product detail page :
- show slider with product associated accessories if any, above the best selling products slider
- show product's family best selling instead of the accessories, if any
- show no slider if no accessories nor family best selling present
Cache slider templates for :
- associated accessories for each product for every language, if any
- family best selling for each family of the product for every language, if any
Fixes in javascript :
- missing globals variables in module expresscart would the express cart fail when out of stock
- change the express cart displaying when clicking on the cart icon in any footer sliders.
Css :
duplicate all css styles 'best-sellers_block_product' in 'privatesales_similarproduct' so that the latter slider can be adapted if required.