* @copyright 2007-2011 PrestaShop SA
* @version Release: $Revision: 9188 $
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
* International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA
if (Configuration::get('VATNUMBER_MANAGEMENT') AND file_exists(_PS_MODULE_DIR_.'vatnumber/vatnumber.php'))
class AdminAddresses extends AdminTab
/** @var array countries list */
private $countriesArray = array();
public function __construct()
global $cookie;
$this->table = 'address';
$this->className = 'Address';
$this->lang = false;
$this->edit = true;
$this->delete = true;
$this->requiredDatabase = true;
$this->addressType = 'customer';
if (!Tools::getValue('realedit'))
$this->deleted = true;
$this->_select = 'cl.`name` as country';
$this->_join = 'LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'country_lang` cl ON
(cl.`id_country` = a.`id_country` AND cl.`id_lang` = '.(int)($cookie->id_lang).')';
$countries = Country::getCountries((int)($cookie->id_lang));
foreach ($countries AS $country)
$this->countriesArray[$country['id_country']] = $country['name'];
$this->fieldsDisplay = array(
'id_address' => array('title' => $this->l('ID'), 'align' => 'center', 'width' => 25),
'firstname' => array('title' => $this->l('First name'), 'width' => 80, 'filter_key' => 'a!firstname'),
'lastname' => array('title' => $this->l('Last name'), 'width' => 100, 'filter_key' => 'a!lastname'),
'address1' => array('title' => $this->l('Address'), 'width' => 200),
'postcode' => array('title' => $this->l('Postcode/ Zip Code'), 'align' => 'right', 'width' => 50),
'city' => array('title' => $this->l('City'), 'width' => 150),
'country' => array('title' => $this->l('Country'), 'width' => 100, 'type' => 'select', 'select' => $this->countriesArray, 'filter_key' => 'cl!id_country'));
public function postProcess()
if (isset($_POST['submitAdd'.$this->table]))
// Transform e-mail in id_customer for parent processing
if ($this->addressType == 'customer')
if (Validate::isEmail(Tools::getValue('email')))
$customer = new Customer();
if (Validate::isLoadedObject($customer))
$_POST['id_customer'] = $customer->id;
$this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('This e-mail address is not registered.');
elseif ($id_customer = Tools::getValue('id_customer'))
$customer = new Customer((int)$id_customer);
if (Validate::isLoadedObject($customer))
$_POST['id_customer'] = $customer->id;
$this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('Unknown customer');
$this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('Unknown customer');
if (Country::isNeedDniByCountryId(Tools::getValue('id_country')) AND !Tools::getValue('dni'))
$this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('Identification number is incorrect or has already been used.');
// Check manufacturer selected
if ($this->addressType == 'manufacturer')
$manufacturer = new Manufacturer((int)(Tools::getValue('id_manufacturer')));
if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($manufacturer))
$this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('Manufacturer selected is not valid.');
/* If the selected country does not contain states */
$id_state = (int)(Tools::getValue('id_state'));
if ($id_country = Tools::getValue('id_country') AND $country = new Country((int)($id_country)) AND !(int)($country->contains_states) AND $id_state)
$this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('You have selected a state for a country that does not contain states.');
/* If the selected country contains states, then a state have to be selected */
if ((int)($country->contains_states) AND !$id_state)
$this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('An address located in a country containing states must have a state selected.');
/* Check zip code */
if ($country->need_zip_code)
$zip_code_format = $country->zip_code_format;
if (($postcode = Tools::getValue('postcode')) AND $zip_code_format)
$zip_regexp = '/^'.$zip_code_format.'$/ui';
$zip_regexp = str_replace(' ', '( |)', $zip_regexp);
$zip_regexp = str_replace('-', '(-|)', $zip_regexp);
$zip_regexp = str_replace('N', '[0-9]', $zip_regexp);
$zip_regexp = str_replace('L', '[a-zA-Z]', $zip_regexp);
$zip_regexp = str_replace('C', $country->iso_code, $zip_regexp);
if (!preg_match($zip_regexp, $postcode))
$this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('Your zip/postal code is incorrect.').'
'.Tools::displayError('Must be typed as follows:').' '.str_replace('C', $country->iso_code, str_replace('N', '0', str_replace('L', 'A', $zip_code_format)));
elseif ($zip_code_format)
$this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('Postcode required.');
elseif ($postcode AND !preg_match('/^[0-9a-zA-Z -]{4,9}$/ui', $postcode))
$this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('Your zip/postal code is incorrect.');
* If this address come from order's edition and is the same as the other one
* (invoice or delivery one)
* we delete its id_address to force the creation of a new one
if ((int)(Tools::getValue('id_order'))) {
$this->_redirect = false;
if (isset($_POST['address_type'])) {
$_POST['id_address'] = '';
if (!sizeof($this->_errors)) {
/* Reassignation of the order's new (invoice or delivery) address */
$address_type = ((int)(Tools::getValue('address_type')) == 2 ? 'invoice' : ((int)(Tools::getValue('address_type')) == 1 ? 'delivery' : ''));
if (isset($_POST['submitAdd'.$this->table]) AND ($id_order = (int)(Tools::getValue('id_order'))) AND !sizeof($this->_errors) AND !empty($address_type))
if (!Db::getInstance()->Execute('UPDATE '._DB_PREFIX_.'orders SET `id_address_'.$address_type.'` = '.Db::getInstance()->Insert_ID().' WHERE `id_order` = '.$id_order)) {
$this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while linking this address to its order.');
else {
protected function afterAdd($object)
protected function afterUpdate($object)
if (isset($_POST['submitAdd'.$this->table]) &&
($id_order = (int)(Tools::getValue('id_order'))) && !sizeof($this->_errors)) {
$address_type = ((int)(Tools::getValue('address_type')) == 2 ? 'invoice' : ((int)(Tools::getValue('address_type')) == 1 ? 'delivery' : ''));
if ($address_type == 'invoice') {
// If socol AND delivery to DOM AND address change, update ps_socolissimo_delivery_info
$cart = Cart::getCartByOrderId($id_order);
if ((int)$cart->id_carrier == (int)Configuration::get('ANT_CARRIER_DOM')) {
$socol = Db::getInstance()->getRow('
SELECT * FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'socolissimo_delivery_info`
WHERE `id_cart` = '.(int)$cart->id.'
AND `cecountry` IN ("FR","BE","ES") AND `delivery_mode`="DOM"
AND (`pradress1`!="" OR `pradress2`!="" OR `pradress3`!="" OR `pradress4`!="")
if ($socol) {
// Get address
$delivery = new Address($object->id);
// Update So Colissimo Address - for printing label
Db::getInstance()->Execute('UPDATE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'socolissimo_delivery_info` SET
prname = "'.$delivery->lastname.'",
prfirstname = "'.$delivery->firstname.'",
cecompanyname = "'.$delivery->company.'",
cename = "'.$delivery->lastname.'",
cefirstname = "'.$delivery->firstname.'",
prcompladress = "",
pradress1 = "",
pradress2 = "",
pradress3 = "'.$delivery->address1.'",
pradress4 = "'.$delivery->address2.'",
przipcode = "'.$delivery->postcode.'",
prtown = "'.$delivery->city.'",
cephonenumber = "'.($delivery->phone_mobile ?
$delivery->phone_mobile : ($delivery->phone ? $delivery->phone : '')).'"
WHERE id_cart = '.(int)$cart->id
return true;
public function getList($id_lang, $orderBy = NULL, $orderWay = NULL, $start = 0, $limit = NULL)
parent::getList($id_lang, $orderBy, $orderWay, $start, $limit);
global $cookie;
/* Manage default params values */
if (empty($limit))
$limit = ((!isset($cookie->{$this->table.'_pagination'})) ? $this->_pagination[0] : $limit = $cookie->{$this->table.'_pagination'});
if (!Validate::isTableOrIdentifier($this->table))
die('filter is corrupted');
if (empty($orderBy))
$orderBy = Tools::getValue($this->table.'Orderby', 'id_'.$this->table);
if (empty($orderWay))
$orderWay = Tools::getValue($this->table.'Orderway', 'ASC');
$limit = (int)(Tools::getValue('pagination', $limit));
$cookie->{$this->table.'_pagination'} = $limit;
/* Check params validity */
if (!Validate::isOrderBy($orderBy) OR !Validate::isOrderWay($orderWay)
OR !is_numeric($start) OR !is_numeric($limit)
OR !Validate::isUnsignedId($id_lang))
die(Tools::displayError('get list params is not valid'));
/* Determine offset from current page */
if ((isset($_POST['submitFilter'.$this->table]) OR
isset($_POST['submitFilter'.$this->table.'_x']) OR
isset($_POST['submitFilter'.$this->table.'_y'])) AND
!empty($_POST['submitFilter'.$this->table]) AND
$start = (int)($_POST['submitFilter'.$this->table] - 1) * $limit;
/* Cache */
$this->_lang = (int)($id_lang);
$this->_orderBy = $orderBy;
$this->_orderWay = Tools::strtoupper($orderWay);
/* SQL table : orders, but class name is Order */
$sqlTable = $this->table == 'order' ? 'orders' : $this->table;
/* Query in order to get results number */
$queryTotal = Db::getInstance()->getRow('
SELECT COUNT(a.`id_'.$this->table.'`) AS total
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.$sqlTable.'` a
'.($this->lang ? 'LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.$this->table.'_lang` b ON (b.`id_'.$this->table.'` = a.`id_'.$this->table.'` AND b.`id_lang` = '.(int)($id_lang).')' : '').'
'.(isset($this->_join) ? $this->_join.' ' : '').'
WHERE 1 '.(isset($this->_where) ? $this->_where.' ' : '').(($this->deleted OR $this->table == 'currency') ? 'AND a.`deleted` = 0 ' : '').$this->_filter.'
'.(isset($this->_group) ? $this->_group.' ' : '').'
'.(isset($this->addressType) ? 'AND a.id_'.strval($this->addressType).' != 0' : ''));
$this->_listTotal = (int)($queryTotal['total']);
/* Query in order to get results with all fields */
$this->_list = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('
SELECT a.*'.($this->lang ? ', b.*' : '').(isset($this->_select) ? ', '.$this->_select.' ' : '').'
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.$sqlTable.'` a
'.($this->lang ? 'LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.$this->table.'_lang` b ON (b.`id_'.$this->table.'` = a.`id_'.$this->table.'` AND b.`id_lang` = '.(int)($id_lang).')' : '').'
'.(isset($this->_join) ? $this->_join.' ' : '').'
WHERE 1 '.(isset($this->_where) ? $this->_where.' ' : '').(($this->deleted OR $this->table == 'currency') ? 'AND a.`deleted` = 0 ' : '').$this->_filter.'
'.(isset($this->_group) ? $this->_group.' ' : '').'
'.(isset($this->addressType) ? 'AND a.id_'.strval($this->addressType).' != 0' : '').'
ORDER BY '.(($orderBy == 'id_'.$this->table) ? 'a.' : '').'`'.bqSQL($orderBy).'` '.bqSQL($orderWay).'
LIMIT '.(int)($start).','.(int)($limit));
public function displayForm($isMainTab = true)
global $currentIndex, $cookie;
if (!($obj = $this->loadObject(true)))
echo '