* @copyright 2007-2011 PrestaShop SA * @version Release: $Revision: 7889 $ * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php Academic Free License (AFL 3.0) * International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA */ class PrepaidServicesAPI { const DISPOSITION_CREATED = 'R'; const DISPOSITION_DISPOSED = 'S'; const DISPOSITION_DEBITED = 'E'; const DISPOSITION_CONSUMED = 'O'; const DISPOSITION_CANCELLED = 'L'; const DISPOSITION_INVALID = 'I'; const DISPOSITION_EXPIRED = 'X'; // Test & Production environment (shared between CT & PSC) private static $base_url = array('T' => array('create_disposition_url' => 'https://shops.test.at.paysafecard.com/pscmerchant/CreateDispositionServlet', 'get_disposition_state_url' => 'https://shops.test.at.paysafecard.com/pscmerchant/GetDispositionStateServlet', 'execute_debit_url' => 'https://shops.test.at.paysafecard.com/pscmerchant/DebitServlet', 'get_serial_number_url' => 'https://shops.test.at.paysafecard.com/pscmerchant/GetSerialNumbersServlet' ), 'P' => array('create_disposition_url' => 'https://shops.cc.at.paysafecard.com/pscmerchant/CreateDispositionServlet', 'get_disposition_state_url' => 'https://shops.cc.at.paysafecard.com/pscmerchant/GetDispositionStateServlet', 'execute_debit_url' => 'https://shops.cc.at.paysafecard.com/pscmerchant/DebitServlet', 'get_serial_number_url' => 'https://shops.cc.at.paysafecard.com/pscmerchant/GetSerialNumbersServlet' )); public static function getBaseUrl($key, $env) { $base_url = self::$base_url[$env]; if (array_key_exists($key, $base_url)) return $base_url[$key]; return ''; } public static function createDisposition($configuration, $mid, $mtid, $amount, $currency, $okurl, $nokurl, $businesstype, $reportingcriteria) { $language = 'en'; $params = 'currency='.$currency.'&mid='.$mid.'&mtid='.$mtid.'&amount='.$amount.'&businesstype='.$businesstype. '&reportingcriteria='.$reportingcriteria.'&okurl='.$okurl.'&nokurl='.$nokurl.'&language='.$language; list ($rc, $msg, $data) = self::_doHttpRequest(self::getBaseUrl('create_disposition_url', $configuration['env']), $params, $configuration['keyring_file'], $configuration['keyring_pw'], $configuration['keyring_prepaid']); if ($rc == 0) { $data_array = explode("\n", $data,7); $resultcode = trim($data_array[0]); $errorcode = trim($data_array[1]); //$errormessage = trim($data_array[2]); // Todo : Find a way to have translation $errormessage = 'Transaction could not be initiated due to connection problems. If the problem persists, please contact our support.'; return array($resultcode, $errorcode, $errormessage); } else { $resultcode = '9001'; $errorcode = $rc; $errormessage = 'libcurl error: '.$msg; return array($resultcode,$errorcode,$errormessage); } } public static function getDispositionState($configuration, $mid, $mtid, $currency_iso_code) { $language = 'en'; $params = 'mid='.$mid.'&mtid='.$mtid.'&language='.$language; list ($rc, $msg, $data) = self::_doHttpRequest(self::getBaseUrl('get_disposition_state_url', $configuration['env']), $params, $configuration['keyring_file'], $configuration['keyring_pw'], $configuration['keyring_prepaid']); if ($rc == 0) { $dataarray = explode("\n", $data,7); $resultcode = trim($dataarray[0]); $errorcode = trim($dataarray[1]); $errormessage = trim($dataarray[2]); $amount = trim($dataarray[3]); $currency = trim($dataarray[4]); $state = trim($dataarray[5]); return array($resultcode, $errorcode, $errormessage, $amount, $currency, $state); } else { $resultcode = '9001'; $errorcode = $rc; $errormessage = 'libcurl error: '.$msg; return array($resultcode, $errorcode, $errormessage); } } public static function getSerialNumbers($configuration, $mid, $mtid, $currency_iso_code) { $language = 'en'; $params = 'mid='.$mid.'&mtid='.$mtid.'&language='.$language; list ($rc, $msg, $data) = self::_doHttpRequest(self::getBaseUrl('get_serial_number_url', $configuration['env']), $params, $configuration['keyring_file'], $configuration['keyring_pw'], $configuration['keyring_prepaid']); if ($rc == 0) { /* read and return data from paysafecard server */ $dataarray = explode("\n", $data,7); $resultcode = trim($dataarray[0]); $errorcode = trim($dataarray[1]); $errormessage = trim($dataarray[2]); $amount = trim($dataarray[3]); $currency = trim($dataarray[4]); $state = trim($dataarray[5]); $snamount = trim($dataarray[6]); return array ($resultcode, $errorcode, $errormessage, $amount, $currency, $state, $snamount); } else { $resultcode = '9001'; $errorcode = $rc; $errormessage = 'libcurl error: '.$msg; return array ($resultcode, $errorcode, $errormessage); } } public static function executeDebit($configuration, $mid, $mtid, $amount, $currency, $close_flag = 1) { $language = 'en'; $params = 'currency='.$currency.'&mid='.$mid.'&mtid='.$mtid.'&amount='.$amount.'&close='.$close_flag.'&language='.$language; list ($rc, $msg, $data) = self::_doHttpRequest(self::getBaseUrl('execute_debit_url', $configuration['env']), $params, $configuration['keyring_file'], $configuration['keyring_pw'], $configuration['keyring_prepaid']); if ($rc == 0) { $dataarray=explode("\n", $data,7); $resultcode=trim($dataarray[0]); $errorcode=trim($dataarray[1]); //$errormessage=trim($dataarray[2]); $errormessage = 'The transaction could not be completed. This may have happened due to a temporary connection problem.'. ' Please press the "reload" button in your browser or the link below to reload this page to retry completing your transaction. '; return array ($resultcode, $errorcode, $errormessage); } else { $resultcode = '9001'; $errorcode = $rc; $errormessage = 'libcurl error: '.$msg; return array ($resultcode, $errorcode, $errormessage); } } private static function _doHttpRequest($url, $urlparam, $keyringfile, $keyringpw, $cakeyringfile) { /* some prerquisites for the connection */ $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); // a non-zero parameter tells the library to do a regular HTTP post. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $urlparam); // add POST fields curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 0); // don't allow redirects curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); // return into a variable curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 240); // maximum time, in seconds, that you'll allow the CURL functions to take curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSLCERT, $keyringfile); // filename of PEM formatted certificate curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSLCERTTYPE, "PEM"); // format of certificate, "PEM" or "DER" curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSLCERTPASSWD, $keyringpw); // password required to use the CURLOPT_SSLCERT certificate curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 1); // verify the peer's certificate curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2); // verify the Common name from the peer certificate curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CAINFO, $cakeyringfile); // file holding one or more certificates to verify the peer with $data = curl_exec($ch); $errno = curl_errno($ch); $errmsg = curl_error($ch); /* bug fix for PHP 4.1.0/4.1.2 (curl_errno() returns high negative * value in case of successful termination) */ if ($errno < 0) $errno = 0; curl_close($ch); return array ($errno,$errmsg,$data); } }