preProcess(); if (!$cookie->isLogged()) Tools::redirect('authentication.php'); // verif if there's one order already then redirect to the order detail if ($id_order = (int)Order::getOrderByCartId($cart->id)) { // log $content = ''; if (file_exists('logs.txt')) { $content = file_get_contents('logs.txt'); } $line = 'SECONDE TENTATIVE ['.(int)$cart->id.'] '.date('Y-m-d H:i:s').': Redirect id_order='.$id_order."\n"; $content .= $line; file_put_contents('logs.txt', $content); // end log Tools::redirect('order-detail.php?id_order='.$id_order); } // verif if there's at least one order with this delivery address $orders_with_delivery_address = Db::getInstance()->getValue(' SELECT COUNT(`id_order`) FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'orders` WHERE `id_address_delivery` = '.(int)$cart->id_address_delivery.' AND `id_customer` = '.(int)$cart->id_customer.' '); if ($orders_with_delivery_address == 0) { Tools::redirect('order.php?step=3&cgv=1&paybox_error=1'); } $id_paybox_card = Tools::getValue('id_paybox_card', false); if ($id_paybox_card) { $paybox_card = Db::getInstance()->getRow(' SELECT * FROM `ps_paybox_customer_agreement` WHERE `id_customer` = '.(int)$cart->id_customer.' AND `id_paybox_card` = '.(int)$id_paybox_card.' '); if(empty($paybox_card) || (int)$paybox_card['id_customer']!=(int)$cart->id_customer) { Tools::redirect('order.php?step=3&cgv=1&paybox_error=1'); } } else { Tools::redirect('order.php?step=3&cgv=1&paybox_error=1'); } include(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../header.php'); if(Configuration::get('PBX_DEMO_MODE') == 0) { $curl = curl_init(''); } else { $curl = curl_init(''); } curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_COOKIESESSION, true); $pbx_site = trim(Configuration::get('PBX_SITE')); $pbx_rang = trim(Configuration::get('PBX_RANG')); $pbx_id = trim(Configuration::get('PBX_ID')); $num_question = Configuration::get('NUM_QUESTION_PAYBOX') + 1; Configuration::updateValue('NUM_QUESTION_PAYBOX', $num_question); $montant = "".(Tools::convertPrice($cart->getOrderTotal(), null, false) * 100).""; $devise = 978; $numbers = urldecode($paybox_card['handle']); $dateval = $paybox_card['date']; $customer = new Customer((int)$cart->id_customer); $refabonne = $paybox_card['refabonne']; $language = new Language((int)$cart->id_lang); switch ($language->iso_code) { case 'fr': $country = 'FRA'; break; case 'es': $country = 'ESP'; break; case 'de': $country = 'DEU'; break; case 'it': $country = 'ITA'; break; case 'nl': $country = 'NLD'; break; case 'sv': $country = 'SWE'; break; case 'en-us': default: $country = 'GBR'; break; } unset($language); $postfields = array( 'VERSION' => '00104', 'TYPE' => '00053', 'SITE' => $pbx_site, 'RANG' => $pbx_rang, 'CLE' => 'EFNLJKFB', 'NUMQUESTION' => $num_question, 'MONTANT' => str_pad($montant, 10, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT), 'DEVISE' => $devise, 'REFERENCE' => (int)$cart->id, 'REFABONNE' => $refabonne, 'PORTEUR' => $numbers, 'DATEVAL' => $dateval, 'ACTIVITE' => '027', 'PAYS' => $country, /*'CVV' => Configuration::get('PBX_DEMO_MODE') == 0 ?'000':$cvv,*/ 'DATEQ' => date('dmYHis') ); $authorized_ip = array( '', '', ); $trame = http_build_query($postfields, '', '&'); if (in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $authorized_ip)) { mail('', '[BBB] Envoi paybox direct', $trame); } // log $content = ''; if (file_exists('logs.txt')) { $content = file_get_contents('logs.txt'); } $line = 'SEND ['.(int)$cart->id.']['.$num_question.'] '.date('Y-m-d H:i:s').': '.$trame."\n"; $content .= $line; file_put_contents('logs.txt', $content); // end log curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded')); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $trame); $response = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); // log $content = ''; if (file_exists('logs.txt')) { $content = file_get_contents('logs.txt'); } $line = 'RESPONSE ['.(int)$cart->id.']['.$num_question.'] '.date('Y-m-d H:i:s').': '.$response."\n"; $content .= $line; file_put_contents('logs.txt', $content); // end log $data = explode('&', $response); foreach ($data as $d) { $d = explode('=', $d); if($d[0] == 'NUMTRANS') { $num_trans = $d[1]; } elseif($d[0] == 'NUMAPPEL') { $num_appel = $d[1]; } elseif($d[0] == 'AUTORISATION') { $autorisation = $d[1]; } elseif($d[0] == 'CODEREPONSE') { $code_reponse = $d[1]; } elseif($d[0] == 'COMMENTAIRE') { $commentaire = $d[1]; } elseif($d[0] == 'PAYS') { $pays = $d[1]; } } $data[7] = utf8_encode($data[7]); if (in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $authorized_ip)) { mail('', '[BBB] Reponse paybox direct', $response); } $error = ''; $paybox = new Paybox(); $test_mode = (int)Configuration::get('PBX_DEMO_MODE'); $values = array( 'm' => (int) $montant, 'r' => (int) $cart->id, 't' => (int) $num_appel, 'p' => $autorisation, 'c' => $paybox_card['payment_type'], 'a' => 'CARTE', 's' => (int) $num_trans, 'e' => $code_reponse, 'd' => $paybox_card['date'], 'i' => isset($pays)?$pays:null, 'saved' => 1 ); // payment success if ((!isset($autorisation) || empty($autorisation))) { if (in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $authorized_ip)) { mail('', '[BBB] ERREUR Reponse paybox direct', http_build_query($data, '', '&')); } Logger::addLog('No autorisation number', 4); die('No autorisation number'); } // Wrong authorization number in live mode if ($autorisation == 'XXXXXX' && $test_mode === 1) { $error .= '- error payment - wrong authorization number
'."\n"; } if ($id_order = (int)Order::getOrderByCartId($cart->id)) { // log $content = ''; if (file_exists('logs.txt')) { $content = file_get_contents('logs.txt'); } $line = 'SECONDE RESPONSE ['.(int)$cart->id.']['.$num_question.'] '.date('Y-m-d H:i:s').': '.$response."\n"; $content .= $line; file_put_contents('logs.txt', $content); // end log if (empty($error)) { $order = new Order($id_order); $order->valid = 1; $order->total_paid_real = $values['m'] / 100; $order->update(); if ($order->getCurrentState() != _PS_OS_PAYMENT_) { $products = $cart->getProducts(); foreach ($products as $product) { Product::updateQuantity($product); Hook::updateQuantity($product, $order); } } $history = new OrderHistory(); $history->id_order = $id_order; $history->changeIdOrderState((int)_PS_OS_PAYMENT_, $id_order); $history->addWithemail(true, array()); $order_message = ''; foreach ($values as $key => $value) { $order_message .= $key.': '.$value.'
'; } if (isset($order_message) && !empty($order_message)) { $msg = new Message(); $message = $order_message; if (Validate::isCleanHtml($order_message)) { $msg->message = $order_message; $msg->id_order = (int)$order->id; $msg->private = 1; $msg->add(); } } } die($error); } $total_paid = $values['m'] / 100; if ($test_mode === 0) { if (empty($error) && $code_reponse == '00000') { $error = '***TEST*** : Validated Payment
'."\n"; $statut = _PS_OS_PAYMENT_; } else { $error = '***TEST*** : Invalid Payment
'."\n".$error; $statut = _PS_OS_ERROR_; } } elseif ($test_mode === 1) { if ($code_reponse == '00000' && empty($error)){ $statut = _PS_OS_PAYMENT_; } else { $statut = _PS_OS_ERROR_; } } switch ($code_reponse) { case '00001': $error .= 'Connection to the authorization center failed or an internal error occurred
'."\n"; break; case '00003': $error .= 'Paybox error
'."\n"; break; case '00004': $error .= 'Card number invalid or visual cryptogram invalid
'."\n"; break; case '00006': $error .= 'Access refused or site/rank/identifier incorrect
'."\n"; break; case '00008': $error .= 'Incorrect expiry date.
'."\n"; break; case '00009': $error .= 'Error when during subscriber creation
'."\n"; break; case '00010': $error .= 'Unknown currency
'."\n"; break; case '00011': $error .= 'Amount incorrect
'."\n"; break; case '00015': $error .= 'Payment already done
'."\n"; break; case '00105': $error .= 'Error 00105
'."\n"; break; case '00016': $error .= 'Subscriber already exists
'."\n"; break; case '00021': $error .= 'Not authorized bin card
'."\n"; break; case '00029': $error .= 'Not the same card used for the first payment.
'."\n"; break; case '00030': $error .= 'Time-out > 15 mn before validation by the buyer when the buyer is on the page of payments of PAYBOX
'."\n"; break; case '00031': case '00032': $error .= 'Reserved
'."\n"; break; case '00033': $error .= 'Unauthorized country code of the IP address of the cardholder’s browser
'."\n"; break; case '00040': $error .= 'Operation without 3DSecure authentication, blocked by the fraud filter.
'."\n"; break; case '99999': $error .= 'Payment waiting confirmation from the issuer
'."\n"; break; case '00100': $error .= 'Transaction approved or successfully processed.
'."\n"; break; case '00101': case '00102': $error .= 'Contact the card issuer
'."\n"; break; case '00103': $error .= 'Invalid retailer
'."\n"; break; case '00104': $error .= 'Keep the card
'."\n"; break; case '00105': $error .= 'Do not honor
'."\n"; break; case '00107': $error .= 'Keep the card, special conditions
'."\n"; break; case '00108': $error .= 'Approve after holder identification
'."\n"; break; case '00112': $error .= 'Invalid transaction
'."\n"; break; case '00113': $error .= 'Invalid amount
'."\n"; break; case '00114': $error .= 'Invalid holder number
'."\n"; break; case '00115': $error .= 'Card issuer unknown
'."\n"; break; case '00117': $error .= 'Client cancellation
'."\n"; break; case '00119': $error .= 'Repeat the transaction later
'."\n"; break; case '00120': $error .= 'Error in reply (error in the server’s domain).
'."\n"; break; case '00124': $error .= 'File update not withstood
'."\n"; break; case '00125': $error .= 'Impossible to situate the record in the file
'."\n"; break; case '00126': $error .= 'Record duplicated, former record replaced
'."\n"; break; case '00127': $error .= 'Error in ‘edit’ in file update field
'."\n"; break; case '00128': $error .= 'Access to file denied
'."\n"; break; case '00129': $error .= 'File update impossible
'."\n"; break; case '00130': $error .= 'Error in format
'."\n"; break; case '00133': $error .= 'Expired card
'."\n"; break; case '00138': $error .= 'Too many attempts at secret code.
'."\n"; break; case '00151': $error .= 'provision insuffisante.
'."\n"; break; case '00159': $error .= 'Suspicion of fraud.
'."\n"; break; case '00000': default: $error .= 'Successful operation
'."\n\n"; break; } $error .= 'PayBox version: '.$paybox->version."\n".'
POST '.print_r($postfields, true)."\n".'
GET '.print_r($data, true)."\n"; $paybox->validateOrder((int)$cart->id, $statut, $total_paid, $paybox->displayName, $error, array(), NULL, false, $customer->secure_key, $values); // save info paiement BDD $paybox->saveInformationPaiement($values); if (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '') >= '0') { $order_id = Order::getOrderByCartId((int)$cart->id); $order = new Order((int)$order_id); if ($order_state == _PS_OS_PAYMENT_) { $order->valid = 1; $order->save(); } $id_order_payment = Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT id_order_payment FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'order_payment` WHERE `order_reference` LIKE \'%'.pSQL($order->reference).'%\''); if ($id_order_payment == false) $order->addOrderPayment($total_paid, null, trim($values['t'])); else { $order_payment = new OrderPayment((int)$id_order_payment); $order_payment->transaction_id = trim($values['t']); $order_payment->save(); } } Tools::redirect('order-confirmation.php?id_cart='.$cart->id.'&id_module='.$paybox->id.'&key='.$customer->secure_key); include(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../footer.php');