* @copyright 2007-2011 PrestaShop SA * @version Release: $Revision: 1.4 $ * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php Academic Free License (AFL 3.0) * International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA */ class eBayRequest { public $response; public $token; public $expiration; public $runame; public $username; public $session; public $itemID; public $fees; public $error; public $errorCode; private $devID; private $appID; private $certID; private $siteID; private $apiUrl; private $apiCall; private $loginUrl; private $findingUrl; private $findingVersion; private $compatibilityLevel; private $debug = false; /******************************************************************/ /** Constructor And Request Methods *******************************/ /******************************************************************/ public function __construct($apiCall = '') { /*** SAND BOX PARAMS ***/ /* $this->devID = '1db92af1-2824-4c45-8343-dfe68faa0280'; $this->appID = 'Prestash-2629-4880-ba43-368352aecc86'; $this->certID = '6bd3f4bd-3e21-41e8-8164-7ac733218122'; $this->siteID = 71; $this->apiUrl = 'https://api.sandbox.ebay.com/ws/api.dll'; $this->apiCall = $apiCall; $this->compatibilityLevel = 719; $this->runame = 'Prestashop-Prestash-2629-4-hpehxegu'; $this->loginURL = 'https://signin.sandbox.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll'; */ $this->devID = '1db92af1-2824-4c45-8343-dfe68faa0280'; $this->appID = 'Prestash-70a5-419b-ae96-f03295c4581d'; $this->certID = '71d26dc9-b36b-4568-9bdb-7cb8af16ac9b'; $this->siteID = 71; $this->apiUrl = 'https://api.ebay.com/ws/api.dll'; $this->apiCall = $apiCall; $this->compatibilityLevel = 741; $this->runame = 'Prestashop-Prestash-70a5-4-pepwa'; $this->loginURL = 'https://signin.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll'; } public function makeRequest($request) { // Init $connection = curl_init(); curl_setopt($connection, CURLOPT_URL, $this->apiUrl); // Stop CURL from verifying the peer's certificate curl_setopt($connection, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); curl_setopt($connection, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0); // Set the headers curl_setopt($connection, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $this->buildHeaders()); // Set method as POST curl_setopt($connection, CURLOPT_POST, 1); // Set the XML body of the request curl_setopt($connection, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $request); // Set it to return the transfer as a string from curl_exec curl_setopt($connection, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); // Send the Request $response = curl_exec($connection); // Close the connection curl_close($connection); // Debug if ($this->debug == true) { if (!file_exists(dirname(__FILE__).'/log/request.php')) file_put_contents(dirname(__FILE__).'/log/request.php', "compatibilityLevel, // Set the keys 'X-EBAY-API-DEV-NAME: '.$this->devID, 'X-EBAY-API-APP-NAME: '.$this->appID, 'X-EBAY-API-CERT-NAME: '.$this->certID, // The name of the call we are requesting 'X-EBAY-API-CALL-NAME: '.$this->apiCall, //SiteID must also be set in the Request's XML //SiteID = 0 (US) - UK = 3, Canada = 2, Australia = 15, .... //SiteID Indicates the eBay site to associate the call with 'X-EBAY-API-SITEID: '.$this->siteID, ); return $headers; } /******************************************************************/ /** Authentication Methods ****************************************/ /******************************************************************/ function fetchToken() { // Set Api Call $this->apiCall = 'FetchToken'; $requestXml = ''; $requestXml .= ''; $requestXml .= ''.$this->username.''; $requestXml .= ''.$this->session.''; $requestXml .= ''; // Send the request and get response $responseXml = $this->makeRequest($requestXml); if (stristr($responseXml, 'HTTP 404') || $responseXml == '') { $this->error = 'Error sending '.$this->apiCall.' request'; return false; } // Saving Datas // Need to cast token var to string (not SimpleXML element) to persist in SESSION $this->response = simplexml_load_string($responseXml); $this->token = (string)$this->response->eBayAuthToken; $this->expiration = $this->response->HardExpirationTime; } function getLoginUrl() { return $this->loginURL; } function login() { // Set Api Call $this->apiCall = 'GetSessionID'; ///Build the request Xml string $requestXml = ''; $requestXml .= ''; $requestXml .= ''.$this->compatibilityLevel.''; $requestXml .= ''.$this->runame.''; $requestXml .= ''; // Send the request and get response $responseXml = $this->makeRequest($requestXml); if (stristr($responseXml, 'HTTP 404') || $responseXml == '') { $this->error = 'Error sending '.$this->apiCall.' request'; return false; } $this->response = simplexml_load_string($responseXml); $this->session = (string)$this->response->SessionID; } /******************************************************************/ /** Retrieve Categories Methods ***********************************/ /******************************************************************/ function saveCategories() { // Set Api Call $this->apiCall = 'GetCategories'; ///Build the request Xml string $requestXml = ''; $requestXml .= ''; $requestXml .= ''.$this->compatibilityLevel.''; $requestXml .= ''; $requestXml .= ''.Configuration::get('EBAY_API_TOKEN').''; $requestXml .= ''; $requestXml .= ''.$this->siteID.''; $requestXml .= 'ReturnAll'; $requestXml .= '5'; $requestXml .= 'true'; $requestXml .= ''; // Send the request and get response $responseXml = $this->makeRequest($requestXml); if (stristr($responseXml, 'HTTP 404') || $responseXml == '') { $this->error = 'Error sending '.$this->apiCall.' request'; return false; } // Load xml in array $this->response = simplexml_load_string($responseXml); // Load categories multi sku compliant $categoriesMultiSkuCompliant = $this->GetCategoryFeatures('VariationsEnabled'); // Save categories foreach ($this->response->CategoryArray->Category as $cat) { $category = array(); foreach ($cat as $key => $value) $category[(string)$key] = (string)$value; $category['IsMultiSku'] = 0; if (isset($categoriesMultiSkuCompliant[$category['CategoryID']])) $category['IsMultiSku'] = 1; Db::getInstance()->autoExecute(_DB_PREFIX_.'ebay_category', array('id_category_ref' => pSQL($category['CategoryID']), 'id_category_ref_parent' => pSQL($category['CategoryParentID']), 'id_country' => '8', 'level' => pSQL($category['CategoryLevel']), 'is_multi_sku' => pSQL($category['IsMultiSku']), 'name' => pSQL($category['CategoryName'])), 'INSERT'); } // Return return true; } function GetCategoryFeatures($featureID) { // Set Api Call $this->apiCall = 'GetCategoryFeatures'; ///Build the request Xml string $requestXml = ''."\n"; $requestXml .= ''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.Configuration::get('EBAY_API_TOKEN').''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' ReturnAll'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.$featureID.''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' fr_FR'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.$this->compatibilityLevel.''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' High'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' true'."\n"; $requestXml .= ''."\n"; // Send the request and get response $responseXml = $this->makeRequest($requestXml); if (stristr($responseXml, 'HTTP 404') || $responseXml == '') { $this->error = 'Error sending '.$this->apiCall.' request'; return false; } // Load xml in array $categoriesFeatures = array(); $response = simplexml_load_string($responseXml); if ($featureID == 'VariationsEnabled') { foreach ($response->Category as $cat) if ($cat->VariationsEnabled == true) $categoriesFeatures[(string)$cat->CategoryID] = true; } else return array(); return $categoriesFeatures; } function getSuggestedCategories($query) { // Set Api Call $this->apiCall = 'GetSuggestedCategories'; ///Build the request Xml string $requestXml = ''."\n"; $requestXml .= ''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.Configuration::get('EBAY_API_TOKEN').''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' fr_FR'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.$this->compatibilityLevel.''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' High'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.substr(strtolower($query), 0, 350).''."\n"; $requestXml .= ''."\n"; // Send the request and get response $responseXml = $this->makeRequest($requestXml); if (stristr($responseXml, 'HTTP 404') || $responseXml == '') { $this->error = 'Error sending '.$this->apiCall.' request'; return false; } // Load xml in array $response = simplexml_load_string($responseXml); if (stristr($responseXml, 'HTTP 404') || $responseXml == '') { $this->error = 'Error sending '.$this->apiCall.' request'; return false; } if (isset($response->SuggestedCategoryArray->SuggestedCategory[0]->Category->CategoryID)) return (int)$response->SuggestedCategoryArray->SuggestedCategory[0]->Category->CategoryID; return 0; } /******************************************************************/ /** Add / Update / End Product Methods ****************************/ /******************************************************************/ function addFixedPriceItem($datas = array()) { // Check data if (!$datas) return false; // Set Api Call $this->apiCall = 'AddFixedPriceItem'; // Without variations $requestXml = ''."\n"; $requestXml .= ''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' fr_FR'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' High'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' prestashop-'.$datas['id_product'].''; $requestXml .= ' '.substr($datas['name'], 0, 55).''."\n"; if (isset($datas['pictures'])) { $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' Gallery'."\n"; foreach ($datas['pictures'] as $picture) $requestXml .= ' '.$picture.''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; } $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.$datas['categoryId'].''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' 1000'."\n"; if (!isset($datas['noPriceUpdate'])) $requestXml .= ' '.$datas['price'].''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' true'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' FR'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' EUR'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' 3'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' GTC'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' FixedPriceItem'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' PayPal'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.Configuration::get('EBAY_PAYPAL_EMAIL').''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.Configuration::get('EBAY_SHOP_POSTALCODE').''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.$datas['quantity'].''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' Etat'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' Neuf'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' Marque'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.$datas['brand'].''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; if (isset($datas['attributes'])) foreach ($datas['attributes'] as $name => $value) { $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.$name.''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.$value.''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; } $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' 1'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.$datas['shippingService'].''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' false'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.$datas['shippingCost'].''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' France'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.Configuration::get('EBAY_API_TOKEN').''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ''."\n"; // Send the request and get response $responseXml = $this->makeRequest($requestXml); if (stristr($responseXml, 'HTTP 404') || $responseXml == '') { $this->error = 'Error sending '.$this->apiCall.' request'; return false; } // Loading XML tree in array $this->response = simplexml_load_string($responseXml); // Checking Errors $this->error = ''; $this->errorCode = ''; if (isset($this->response->Errors) && isset($this->response->Ack) && (string)$this->response->Ack != 'Success' && (string)$this->response->Ack != 'Warning') foreach ($this->response->Errors as $e) { // if product no longer on eBay, we log the error code if ((int)$e->ErrorCode == 291) $this->errorCode = (int)$e->ErrorCode; // We log error message if ($e->SeverityCode == 'Error') { if ($this->error != '') $this->error .= '
'; $this->error .= (string)$e->LongMessage; if (isset($e->ErrorParameters->Value)) $this->error .= '
'.(string)$e->ErrorParameters->Value; } } // Checking Success $this->itemID = 0; if (isset($this->response->Ack) && ((string)$this->response->Ack == 'Success' || (string)$this->response->Ack == 'Warning')) { $this->fees = 0; $this->itemID = (string)$this->response->ItemID; if (isset($this->response->Fees->Fee)) foreach ($this->response->Fees->Fee as $f) $this->fees += (float)$f->Fee; } elseif ($this->error == '') $this->error = 'Sorry, technical problem, try again later.'; if (!empty($this->error)) return false; return true; } function reviseFixedPriceItem($datas = array()) { // Check data if (!$datas) return false; // Set Api Call $this->apiCall = 'ReviseFixedPriceItem'; // Build the request Xml string $requestXml = ''."\n"; $requestXml .= ''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' fr_FR'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' High'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.$datas['itemID'].''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' prestashop-'.$datas['id_product'].''; $requestXml .= ' '.$datas['quantity'].''."\n"; if (!isset($datas['noPriceUpdate'])) $requestXml .= ' '.$datas['price'].''."\n"; if (Configuration::get('EBAY_SYNC_OPTION_RESYNC') != 1) { $requestXml .= ' '.substr($datas['name'], 0, 55).''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' 1'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.$datas['shippingService'].''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' false'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.$datas['shippingCost'].''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; } $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.Configuration::get('EBAY_API_TOKEN').''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' High'."\n"; $requestXml .= ''."\n"; // Send the request and get response $responseXml = $this->makeRequest($requestXml); if (stristr($responseXml, 'HTTP 404') || $responseXml == '') { $this->error = 'Error sending '.$this->apiCall.' request'; return false; } // Loading XML tree in array $this->response = simplexml_load_string($responseXml); // Checking Errors $this->error = ''; $this->errorCode = ''; if (isset($this->response->Errors) && isset($this->response->Ack) && (string)$this->response->Ack != 'Success' && (string)$this->response->Ack != 'Warning') foreach ($this->response->Errors as $e) { // if product no longer on eBay, we log the error code if ((int)$e->ErrorCode == 291) $this->errorCode = (int)$e->ErrorCode; // We log error message if ($e->SeverityCode == 'Error') { if ($this->error != '') $this->error .= '
'; $this->error .= (string)$e->LongMessage; if (isset($e->ErrorParameters->Value)) $this->error .= '
'.(string)$e->ErrorParameters->Value; } } // Checking Success $this->itemID = 0; if (isset($this->response->Ack) && ((string)$this->response->Ack == 'Success' || (string)$this->response->Ack == 'Warning')) { $this->fees = 0; $this->itemID = (string)$this->response->ItemID; if (isset($this->response->Fees->Fee)) foreach ($this->response->Fees->Fee as $f) $this->fees += (float)$f->Fee; } elseif ($this->error == '') $this->error = 'Sorry, technical problem, try again later.'; if (!empty($this->error)) return false; return true; } function endFixedPriceItem($datas = array()) { // Check data if (!$datas) return false; // Set Api Call $this->apiCall = 'EndFixedPriceItem'; // Build the request Xml string $requestXml = ''."\n"; $requestXml .= ''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' fr_FR'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' High'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.$datas['itemID'].''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' prestashop-'.$datas['id_product'].''; $requestXml .= ' NotAvailable'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.Configuration::get('EBAY_API_TOKEN').''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' High'."\n"; $requestXml .= ''."\n"; // Send the request and get response $responseXml = $this->makeRequest($requestXml); if (stristr($responseXml, 'HTTP 404') || $responseXml == '') { $this->error = 'Error sending '.$this->apiCall.' request'; return false; } // Loading XML tree in array $this->response = simplexml_load_string($responseXml); // Checking Errors $this->error = ''; $this->errorCode = ''; if (isset($this->response->Errors) && isset($this->response->Ack) && (string)$this->response->Ack != 'Success' && (string)$this->response->Ack != 'Warning') foreach ($this->response->Errors as $e) { // if product no longer on eBay, we log the error code if ((int)$e->ErrorCode == 291) $this->errorCode = (int)$e->ErrorCode; // We log error message if ($e->SeverityCode == 'Error') { if ($this->error != '') $this->error .= '
'; $this->error .= (string)$e->LongMessage; if (isset($e->ErrorParameters->Value)) $this->error .= '
'.(string)$e->ErrorParameters->Value; } } // Checking Success $this->itemID = 0; if (isset($this->response->Ack) && ((string)$this->response->Ack == 'Success' || (string)$this->response->Ack == 'Warning')) { $this->fees = 0; $this->itemID = (string)$this->response->ItemID; if (isset($this->response->Fees->Fee)) foreach ($this->response->Fees->Fee as $f) $this->fees += (float)$f->Fee; } elseif ($this->error == '') $this->error = 'Sorry, technical problem, try again later.'; if (!empty($this->error)) return false; return true; } function addFixedPriceItemMultiSku($datas = array()) { // Check data if (!$datas) return false; // Set Api Call $this->apiCall = 'AddFixedPriceItem'; // Build the request Xml string $requestXml = ''."\n"; $requestXml .= ''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' fr_FR'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' High'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' FR'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' EUR'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' 1000'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' 3'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' GTC'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' FixedPriceItem'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' PayPal'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.Configuration::get('EBAY_PAYPAL_EMAIL').''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.Configuration::get('EBAY_SHOP_POSTALCODE').''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.$datas['categoryId'].''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.substr($datas['name'], 0, 55).''."\n"; if (isset($datas['pictures'])) { $requestXml .= ''; foreach ($datas['pictures'] as $picture) $requestXml .= ''.$picture.''."\n"; $requestXml .= ''; } $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' Etat'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' Neuf'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' Marque'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.$datas['brand'].''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; if (isset($datas['variations'])) { // Generate Variations Set $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; foreach ($datas['variationsList'] as $group => $v) { $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.$group.''."\n"; foreach ($v as $attr => $val) $requestXml .= ' '.$attr.''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; } $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; // Generate Variations foreach ($datas['variations'] as $key => $variation) { $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' prestashop-'.$key.''."\n"; if (!isset($datas['noPriceUpdate'])) $requestXml .= ' '.$variation['price'].''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.$variation['quantity'].''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; foreach ($variation['variations'] as $v) { $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.$v['name'].''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.$v['value'].''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; } $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; } // Generate Pictures Variations $lastSpecificName = ''; $attributeUsed = array(); $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; foreach ($datas['variations'] as $key => $variation) foreach ($variation['variations'] as $kv => $v) if (!isset($attributeUsed[md5($v['name'].$v['value'])]) && isset($variation['pictures'][$kv])) { if ($lastSpecificName != $v['name']) $requestXml .= ' '.$v['name'].''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.$v['value'].''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.$variation['pictures'][$kv].''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $attributeUsed[md5($v['name'].$v['value'])] = true; $lastSpecificName = $v['name']; } $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; } $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' 1'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.$datas['shippingService'].''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' false'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.$datas['shippingCost'].''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' France'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.Configuration::get('EBAY_API_TOKEN').''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' High'."\n"; $requestXml .= ''."\n"; // Send the request and get response $responseXml = $this->makeRequest($requestXml); if (stristr($responseXml, 'HTTP 404') || $responseXml == '') { $this->error = 'Error sending '.$this->apiCall.' request'; return false; } // Loading XML tree in array $this->response = simplexml_load_string($responseXml); // Checking Errors $this->error = ''; $this->errorCode = ''; if (isset($this->response->Errors) && isset($this->response->Ack) && (string)$this->response->Ack != 'Success' && (string)$this->response->Ack != 'Warning') foreach ($this->response->Errors as $e) { // if product no longer on eBay, we log the error code if ((int)$e->ErrorCode == 291) $this->errorCode = (int)$e->ErrorCode; // We log error message if ($e->SeverityCode == 'Error') { if ($this->error != '') $this->error .= '
'; $this->error .= (string)$e->LongMessage; if (isset($e->ErrorParameters->Value)) $this->error .= '
'.(string)$e->ErrorParameters->Value; } } // Checking Success $this->itemID = 0; if (isset($this->response->Ack) && ((string)$this->response->Ack == 'Success' || (string)$this->response->Ack == 'Warning')) { $this->fees = 0; $this->itemID = (string)$this->response->ItemID; if (isset($this->response->Fees->Fee)) foreach ($this->response->Fees->Fee as $f) $this->fees += (float)$f->Fee; } elseif ($this->error == '') $this->error = 'Sorry, technical problem, try again later.'; if (!empty($this->error)) return false; return true; } function reviseFixedPriceItemMultiSku($datas = array()) { // Check data if (!$datas) return false; // Set Api Call $this->apiCall = 'ReviseFixedPriceItem'; // Build the request Xml string $requestXml = ''."\n"; $requestXml .= ''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' fr_FR'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' High'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.$datas['itemID'].''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' FR'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' EUR'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' 1000'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' 3'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' GTC'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' FixedPriceItem'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' PayPal'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.Configuration::get('EBAY_PAYPAL_EMAIL').''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.Configuration::get('EBAY_SHOP_POSTALCODE').''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.$datas['categoryId'].''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; if (isset($datas['pictures'])) { $requestXml .= ''; foreach ($datas['pictures'] as $picture) $requestXml .= ''.$picture.''."\n"; $requestXml .= ''; } $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' Etat'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' Neuf'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' Marque'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.$datas['brand'].''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; if (isset($datas['variations'])) { // Generate Variations Set $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; foreach ($datas['variationsList'] as $group => $v) if (isset($group) && !empty($group)) { $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.$group.''."\n"; foreach ($v as $attr => $val) $requestXml .= ' '.$attr.''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; } $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; // Generate Variations foreach ($datas['variations'] as $key => $variation) { $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' prestashop-'.$key.''."\n"; if (!isset($datas['noPriceUpdate'])) $requestXml .= ' '.$variation['price'].''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.$variation['quantity'].''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; foreach ($variation['variations'] as $v) { $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.$v['name'].''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.$v['value'].''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; } $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; } // Generate Pictures Variations $lastSpecificName = ''; $attributeUsed = array(); $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; foreach ($datas['variations'] as $key => $variation) foreach ($variation['variations'] as $kv => $v) if (!isset($attributeUsed[md5($v['name'].$v['value'])]) && isset($variation['pictures'][$kv])) { if ($lastSpecificName != $v['name']) $requestXml .= ' '.$v['name'].''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.$v['value'].''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.$variation['pictures'][$kv].''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $attributeUsed[md5($v['name'].$v['value'])] = true; $lastSpecificName = $v['name']; } $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; } $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; if (Configuration::get('EBAY_SYNC_OPTION_RESYNC') != 1) { $requestXml .= ' '.substr($datas['name'], 0, 55).''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' 1'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.$datas['shippingService'].''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' false'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.$datas['shippingCost'].''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; } $requestXml .= ' France'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.Configuration::get('EBAY_API_TOKEN').''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' High'."\n"; $requestXml .= ''."\n"; // Send the request and get response $responseXml = $this->makeRequest($requestXml); if (stristr($responseXml, 'HTTP 404') || $responseXml == '') { $this->error = 'Error sending '.$this->apiCall.' request'; return false; } // Loading XML tree in array $this->response = simplexml_load_string($responseXml); // Checking Errors $this->error = ''; $this->errorCode = ''; if (isset($this->response->Errors) && isset($this->response->Ack) && (string)$this->response->Ack != 'Success' && (string)$this->response->Ack != 'Warning') foreach ($this->response->Errors as $e) { // if product no longer on eBay, we log the error code if ((int)$e->ErrorCode == 291) $this->errorCode = (int)$e->ErrorCode; // We log error message if ($e->SeverityCode == 'Error') { if ($this->error != '') $this->error .= '
'; $this->error .= (string)$e->LongMessage; if (isset($e->ErrorParameters->Value)) $this->error .= '
'.(string)$e->ErrorParameters->Value; } } // Checking Success $this->itemID = 0; if (isset($this->response->Ack) && ((string)$this->response->Ack == 'Success' || (string)$this->response->Ack == 'Warning')) { $this->fees = 0; $this->itemID = (string)$this->response->ItemID; if (isset($this->response->Fees->Fee)) foreach ($this->response->Fees->Fee as $f) $this->fees += (float)$f->Fee; } elseif ($this->error == '') $this->error = 'Sorry, technical problem, try again later.'; if (!empty($this->error)) return false; return true; } /******************************************************************/ /** Order Methods *************************************************/ /******************************************************************/ function getOrders($CreateTimeFrom, $CreateTimeTo, $page) { // Check data if (!$CreateTimeFrom || !$CreateTimeTo) return false; // Set Api Call $this->apiCall = 'GetOrders'; // Without variations $requestXml = ''."\n"; $requestXml .= ''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' ReturnAll'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' fr_FR'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' High'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.$CreateTimeFrom.''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.$CreateTimeTo.''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' Seller'."\n"; //$requestXml .= ' Completed'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' 100'."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.$page.''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '.Configuration::get('EBAY_API_TOKEN').''."\n"; $requestXml .= ' '."\n"; $requestXml .= ''."\n"; // Send the request and get response $responseXml = $this->makeRequest($requestXml); if (stristr($responseXml, 'HTTP 404') || $responseXml == '') { $this->error = 'Error sending '.$this->apiCall.' request'; return false; } // Loading XML tree in array $this->response = simplexml_load_string($responseXml); // Checking Errors $this->error = ''; if (isset($this->response->Errors) && isset($this->response->Ack) && (string)$this->response->Ack != 'Success' && (string)$this->response->Ack != 'Warning') foreach ($this->response->Errors as $e) { if ($this->error != '') $this->error .= '
'; $this->error .= (string)$e->LongMessage; } // Checking Success $orderList = array(); if (isset($this->response->OrderArray)) foreach ($this->response->OrderArray->Order as $order) { $name = str_replace(array('_', ',', ' '), array('', '', ' '), (string)$order->ShippingAddress->Name); $name = preg_replace('/\-?\d+/', '', $name); $name = explode(' ', $name, 2); $itemList = array(); for ($i = 0; isset($order->TransactionArray->Transaction[$i]); $i++) { $transaction = $order->TransactionArray->Transaction[$i]; $id_product = 0; $id_product_attribute = 0; $quantity = (string)$transaction->QuantityPurchased; if (isset($transaction->Item->SKU)) { $tmp = explode('-', (string)$transaction->Item->SKU); if (isset($tmp[1])) $id_product = $tmp[1]; if (isset($tmp[2])) $id_product_attribute = $tmp[2]; } if (isset($transaction->Variation->SKU)) { $tmp = explode('-', (string)$transaction->Variation->SKU); if (isset($tmp[1])) $id_product = $tmp[1]; if (isset($tmp[2])) $id_product_attribute = $tmp[2]; } $id_product = (int)Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT `id_product` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product` WHERE `id_product` = '.(int)$id_product); $id_product_attribute = (int)Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT `id_product_attribute` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_attribute` WHERE `id_product` = '.(int)$id_product.' AND `id_product_attribute` = '.(int)$id_product_attribute); if ($id_product > 0) $itemList[] = array('id_product' => $id_product, 'id_product_attribute' => $id_product_attribute, 'quantity' => $quantity, 'price' => (string)$transaction->TransactionPrice); else { $reference = '-----------------------'; $skuItem = (string)$transaction->Item->SKU; $skuVariation = (string)$transaction->Variation->SKU; $customLabel = (string)$transaction->SellingManagerProductDetails->CustomLabel; if ($customLabel != '') $reference = $customLabel; else { if ($skuVariation != '') $reference = $skuVariation; else $reference = $skuItem; } $id_product = Db::getInstance()->getValue(' SELECT `id_product` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product` WHERE `reference` = \''.pSQL($reference).'\''); if ((int)$id_product > 0) $itemList[] = array('id_product' => $id_product, 'id_product_attribute' => 0, 'quantity' => $quantity, 'price' => (string)$transaction->TransactionPrice); else { $row = Db::getInstance()->getValue(' SELECT `id_product`, `id_product_attribute` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_attribute` WHERE `reference` = \''.pSQL($reference).'\''); if ((int)$row['id_product'] > 0) $itemList[] = array('id_product' => $row['id_product'], 'id_product_attribute' => $row['id_product_attribute'], 'quantity' => $quantity, 'price' => (string)$transaction->TransactionPrice); } } } $orderList[] = array( 'id_order_ref' => (string)$order->OrderID, 'amount' => (string)$order->AmountPaid, 'status' => (string)$order->CheckoutStatus->Status, 'date' => substr((string)$order->CreatedTime, 0, 10).' '.substr((string)$order->CreatedTime, 11, 8), 'name' => (string)$order->ShippingAddress->Name, 'firstname' => substr(trim($name[0]), 0, 32), 'familyname' => (isset($name[1]) ? substr(trim($name[1]), 0, 32) : substr(trim($name[0]), 0, 32)), 'address1' => (string)$order->ShippingAddress->Street1, 'address2' => (string)$order->ShippingAddress->Street2, 'city' => (string)$order->ShippingAddress->CityName, 'state' => (string)$order->ShippingAddress->StateOrProvince, 'country_iso_code' => (string)$order->ShippingAddress->Country, 'country_name' => (string)$order->ShippingAddress->CountryName, 'phone' => (string)$order->ShippingAddress->Phone, 'postalcode' => (string)$order->ShippingAddress->PostalCode, 'shippingService' => (string)$order->ShippingServiceSelected->ShippingService, 'shippingServiceCost' => (string)$order->ShippingServiceSelected->ShippingServiceCost, 'email' => (string)$order->TransactionArray->Transaction[0]->Buyer->Email, 'product_list' => $itemList, 'payment_method' => (string)$order->CheckoutStatus->PaymentMethod, 'id_order_seller' => (string)$order->ShippingDetails->SellingManagerSalesRecordNumber, 'date_add' => substr((string)$order->CreatedTime, 0, 10).' '.substr((string)$order->CreatedTime, 11, 8), //'object' => $order ); } return $orderList; } } class eBayPayment extends PaymentModule { }