* @copyright 2007-2011 PrestaShop SA * @version Release: $Revision: 9145 $ * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php Open Software License (OSL 3.0) * International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA */ // @since // add the following comment in a module file to skip it in translations // IGNORE_THIS_FILE_FOR_TRANSLATION abstract class AdminSelfTab { /** @var integer Tab id */ public $id = -1; /** @var string Associated table name */ public $table; /** @var string Object identifier inside the associated table */ protected $identifier = false; /** @var string Tab name */ public $name; /** @var string Security token */ public $token; /** @var boolean Automatically join language table if true */ public $lang = false; /** @var boolean Tab Automatically displays edit/delete icons if true */ public $edit = false; /** @var boolean Tab Automatically displays view icon if true */ public $view = false; /** @var boolean Tab Automatically displays delete icon if true */ public $delete = false; /** @var boolean Table records are not deleted but marked as deleted */ public $deleted = false; /** @var boolean Tab Automatically displays duplicate icon if true */ public $duplicate = false; /** @var boolean Content line is clickable if true */ public $noLink = false; /** @var boolean select other required fields */ public $requiredDatabase = false; /** @var boolean Tab Automatically displays '$color' as background color on listing if true */ public $colorOnBackground = false; /** @var string Add fields into data query to display list */ protected $_select; /** @var string Join tables into data query to display list */ protected $_join; /** @var string Add conditions into data query to display list */ protected $_where; /** @var string Group rows into data query to display list */ protected $_group; /** @var string Having rows into data query to display list */ protected $_having; /** @var array Name and directory where class image are located */ public $fieldImageSettings = array(); /** @var string Image type */ public $imageType = 'jpg'; /** @var array Fields to display in list */ public $fieldsDisplay = array(); /** @var array Cache for query results */ protected $_list = array(); /** @var integer Number of results in list */ protected $_listTotal = 0; /** @var array WHERE clause determined by filter fields */ protected $_filter; /** @var array Temporary SQL table WHERE clause determinated by filter fields */ protected $_tmpTableFilter = ''; /** @var array Number of results in list per page (used in select field) */ protected $_pagination = array(20, 50, 100, 300); /** @var string ORDER BY clause determined by field/arrows in list header */ protected $_orderBy; /** @var string Default ORDER BY clause when $_orderBy is not defined */ protected $_defaultOrderBy = false; /** @var string Order way (ASC, DESC) determined by arrows in list header */ protected $_orderWay; /** @var integer Max image size for upload */ protected $maxImageSize = 2000000; /** @var array Errors displayed after post processing */ public $_errors = array(); /** @var array Confirmations displayed after post processing */ protected $_conf; /** @var object Object corresponding to the tab */ protected $_object = false; /** @var array tabAccess */ public $tabAccess; /** @var string specificConfirmDelete */ public $specificConfirmDelete = NULL; protected $identifiersDnd = array('id_product' => 'id_product', 'id_category' => 'id_category_to_move','id_cms_category' => 'id_cms_category_to_move', 'id_cms' => 'id_cms'); /** @var bool Redirect or not ater a creation */ protected $_redirect = true; protected $_languages = NULL; protected $_defaultFormLanguage = NULL; protected $_includeObj = array(); protected $_includeVars = false; protected $_includeContainer = true; public $ajax = false; public static $tabParenting = array( 'AdminProducts' => 'AdminCatalog', 'AdminCategories' => 'AdminCatalog', 'AdminCMS' => 'AdminCMSContent', 'AdminCMSCategories' => 'AdminCMSContent', 'AdminOrdersStates' => 'AdminStatuses', 'AdminAttributeGenerator' => 'AdminProducts', 'AdminAttributes' => 'AdminAttributesGroups', 'AdminFeaturesValues' => 'AdminFeatures', 'AdminReturnStates' => 'AdminStatuses', 'AdminStatsTab' => 'AdminStats' ); public function __construct() { global $cookie; $this->id = Tab::getCurrentTabId(); $this->_conf = array( 1 => $this->l('Deletion successful'), 2 => $this->l('Selection successfully deleted'), 3 => $this->l('Creation successful'), 4 => $this->l('Update successful'), 5 => $this->l('Status update successful'), 6 => $this->l('Settings update successful'), 7 => $this->l('Image successfully deleted'), 8 => $this->l('Module downloaded successfully'), 9 => $this->l('Thumbnails successfully regenerated'), 10 => $this->l('Message sent to the customer'), 11 => $this->l('Comment added'), 12 => $this->l('Module installed successfully'), 13 => $this->l('Module uninstalled successfully'), 14 => $this->l('Language successfully copied'), 15 => $this->l('Translations successfully added'), 16 => $this->l('Module transplanted successfully to hook'), 17 => $this->l('Module removed successfully from hook'), 18 => $this->l('Upload successful'), 19 => $this->l('Duplication completed successfully'), 20 => $this->l('Translation added successfully but the language has not been created'), 21 => $this->l('Module reset successfully'), 22 => $this->l('Module deleted successfully'), 23 => $this->l('Localization pack imported successfully'), 24 => $this->l('Refund Successful'), 25 => $this->l('Images successfully moved')); if (!$this->identifier) $this->identifier = 'id_'.$this->table; if (!$this->_defaultOrderBy) $this->_defaultOrderBy = $this->identifier; $className = get_class($this); if ($className == 'AdminCategories' OR $className == 'AdminProducts') $className = 'AdminCatalog'; $this->token = Tools14::getAdminToken($className.(int)$this->id.(int)$cookie->id_employee); } private function getConf($fields, $languages) { foreach ($fields AS $key => $field) { if ($field['type'] == 'textLang') foreach ($languages as $language) $tab[$key.'_'.$language['id_lang']] = Tools14::getValue($key.'_'.$language['id_lang'], Configuration::get($key, $language['id_lang'])); else $tab[$key] = Tools14::getValue($key, Configuration::get($key)); } $tab['__PS_BASE_URI__'] = __PS_BASE_URI__; $tab['_MEDIA_SERVER_1_'] = defined('_MEDIA_SERVER_1_')?_MEDIA_SERVER_1_:''; $tab['_MEDIA_SERVER_2_'] = defined('_MEDIA_SERVER_2_')?_MEDIA_SERVER_2_:''; $tab['_MEDIA_SERVER_3_'] = defined('_MEDIA_SERVER_3_')?_MEDIA_SERVER_3_:''; $tab['PS_THEME'] = _THEME_NAME_; $tab['db_type'] = _DB_TYPE_; $tab['db_server'] = _DB_SERVER_; $tab['db_name'] = _DB_NAME_; $tab['db_prefix'] = _DB_PREFIX_; $tab['db_user'] = _DB_USER_; $tab['db_passwd'] = ''; return $tab; } private function getDivLang($fields) { $tab = array(); foreach ($fields AS $key => $field) if ($field['type'] == 'textLang' || $field['type'] == 'selectLang') $tab[] = $key; return implode('ยค', $tab); } private function getVal($conf, $key) { return Tools14::getValue($key, (isset($conf[$key]) ? $conf[$key] : '')); } protected function _displayForm($name, $fields, $tabname, $size, $icon) { global $currentIndex; $defaultLanguage = (int)(Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT')); $languages = Language::getLanguages(false); $confValues = $this->getConf($fields, $languages); $divLangName = $this->getDivLang($fields); $required = false; echo '
'.$tabname.''; foreach ($fields AS $key => $field) { /* Specific line for e-mails settings */ if (get_class($this) == 'Adminemails' AND $key == 'PS_MAIL_SERVER') echo '
'; if (isset($field['required']) AND $field['required']) $required = true; $val = $this->getVal($confValues, $key); if (!in_array($field['type'], array('image', 'radio', 'container', 'container_end')) OR isset($field['show'])) echo '
'.($field['title'] ? '' : '').'
'; /* Display the appropriate input type for each field */ switch ($field['type']) { case 'disabled': echo $field['disabled'];break; case 'select': echo ' '; break; case 'selectLang': foreach ($languages as $language) { echo '
'; } $this->displayFlags($languages, $defaultLanguage, $divLangName, $key); break; case 'bool': echo ' '; break; case 'radio': foreach ($field['choices'] AS $cValue => $cKey) echo '
'; echo '
'; break; case 'image': echo ' '; if ($name == 'themes') echo ' '; $i = 0; foreach ($field['list'] AS $theme) { echo ''; if (isset($field['max']) AND ($i+1) % $field['max'] == 0) echo ''; $i++; } echo '
'.$this->l('In order to use a new theme, please follow these steps:', get_class()).'

'; break; case 'price': $default_currency = new Currency((int)(Configuration::get("PS_CURRENCY_DEFAULT"))); echo $default_currency->getSign('left').''.$default_currency->getSign('right').' '.$this->l('(tax excl.)'); break; case 'textLang': foreach ($languages as $language) echo '
'; $this->displayFlags($languages, $defaultLanguage, $divLangName, $key); break; case 'file': if (isset($field['thumb']) AND $field['thumb'] AND $field['thumb']['pos'] == 'before') echo ''.$field['title'].'
'; echo ''; break; case 'textarea': echo ''; break; case 'container': echo '
'; break; case 'container_end': echo (isset($field['content']) === true ? $field['content'] : '').'
'; break; case 'maintenance_ip': echo ''.(isset($field['next']) ? ' '.strval($field['next']) : '').'  '.$this->l('Add my IP').''; break; case 'text': default: echo ''.(isset($field['next']) ? ' '.strval($field['next']) : ''); } echo ((isset($field['required']) AND $field['required'] AND !in_array($field['type'], array('image', 'radio'))) ? ' *' : ''); echo (isset($field['desc']) ? '

'.((isset($field['thumb']) AND $field['thumb'] AND $field['thumb']['pos'] == 'after') ? ''.$field['title'].'' : '' ).$field['desc'].'

' : ''); if (!in_array($field['type'], array('image', 'radio', 'container', 'container_end')) OR isset($field['show'])) echo '
'; } /* End of specific div for e-mails settings */ if (get_class($this) == 'Adminemails') echo '
'; if (!is_writable(PS_ADMIN_DIR.'/../config/settings.inc.php') AND $name == 'themes') echo '

'.$this->l('if you change the theme, the settings.inc.php file must be writable (CHMOD 755 / 777)').'

'; echo '
'.($required ? '
* '.$this->l('Required field', 'AdminPreferences').'
' : '').'
'; if (get_class($this) == 'AdminPreferences') echo ''; } /** * use translations files to replace english expression. * * @param mixed $string term or expression in english * @param string $class * @param boolan $addslashes if set to true, the return value will pass through addslashes(). Otherwise, stripslashes(). * @param boolean $htmlentities if set to true(default), the return value will pass through htmlentities($string, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8') * @return string the translation if available, or the english default text. */ protected function l($string, $class = 'AdminTab', $addslashes = FALSE, $htmlentities = TRUE) { global $_LANGADM; if(empty($_LANGADM)) $_LANGADM = array(); // if the class is extended by a module, use modules/[module_name]/xx.php lang file $currentClass = get_class($this); if (class_exists('Module') AND method_exists('Module','getModuleNameFromClass')) if (Module::getModuleNameFromClass($currentClass)) { $string = str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $string); return Module::findTranslation(Module::$classInModule[$currentClass], $string, $currentClass); } if ($class == __CLASS__) $class = 'AdminTab'; $key = md5(str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $string)); $str = (key_exists(get_class($this).$key, $_LANGADM)) ? $_LANGADM[get_class($this).$key] : ((key_exists($class.$key, $_LANGADM)) ? $_LANGADM[$class.$key] : $string); $str = $htmlentities ? htmlentities($str, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8') : $str; return str_replace('"', '"', ($addslashes ? addslashes($str) : stripslashes($str))); } /** * ajaxDisplay is the default ajax return sytem * * @return void */ public function displayAjax() { } /** * Manage page display (form, list...) * * @global string $currentIndex Current URL in order to keep current Tab */ public function display() { global $currentIndex, $cookie; // Include other tab in current tab if ($this->includeSubTab('display', array('submitAdd2', 'add', 'update', 'view'))){} // Include current tab elseif ((Tools::getValue('submitAdd'.$this->table) AND sizeof($this->_errors)) OR isset($_GET['add'.$this->table])) { if ($this->tabAccess['add'] === '1') { $this->displayForm(); if ($this->tabAccess['view']) echo '

'.((Tools::getValue('back')) ? $this->l('Back') : $this->l('Back to list')).'
'; } else echo $this->l('You do not have permission to add here'); } elseif (isset($_GET['update'.$this->table])) { if ($this->tabAccess['edit'] === '1' OR ($this->table == 'employee' AND $cookie->id_employee == Tools::getValue('id_employee'))) { $this->displayForm(); if ($this->tabAccess['view']) echo '

'.((Tools::getValue('back')) ? $this->l('Back') : $this->l('Back to list')).'
'; } else echo $this->l('You do not have permission to edit here'); } elseif (isset($_GET['view'.$this->table])) $this->{'view'.$this->table}(); else { $this->getList((int)($cookie->id_lang)); $this->displayList(); $this->displayOptionsList(); $this->displayRequiredFields(); $this->includeSubTab('display'); } } public function displayRequiredFields() { global $currentIndex; if (!$this->tabAccess['add'] OR !$this->tabAccess['delete'] === '1' OR !$this->requiredDatabase) return; $rules = call_user_func_array(array($this->className, 'getValidationRules'), array($this->className)); $required_class_fields = array($this->identifier); foreach ($rules['required'] AS $required) $required_class_fields[] = $required; echo '

'.$this->l('Set required fields for this section').'

'; } public function includeSubTab($methodname, $actions = array()) { if (!isset($this->_includeTab) OR !is_array($this->_includeTab)) return false; $key = 0; $inc = false; foreach ($this->_includeTab as $subtab => $extraVars) { /* New tab loading */ $classname = 'Admin'.$subtab; if ($module = Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT `module` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'tab` WHERE `class_name` = \''.pSQL($classname).'\'') AND file_exists(_PS_MODULE_DIR_.'/'.$module.'/'.$classname.'.php')) include_once(_PS_MODULE_DIR_.'/'.$module.'/'.$classname.'.php'); elseif (file_exists(PS_ADMIN_DIR.'/tabs/'.$classname.'.php')) include_once('tabs/'.$classname.'.php'); if (!isset($this->_includeObj[$key])) $this->_includeObj[$key] = new $classname; $adminTab = $this->_includeObj[$key]; $adminTab->token = $this->token; /* Extra variables addition */ if (!empty($extraVars) AND is_array($extraVars)) foreach ($extraVars AS $varKey => $varValue) $adminTab->$varKey = $varValue; /* Actions management */ foreach ($actions as $action) { switch ($action) { case 'submitAdd1': if (Tools::getValue('submitAdd'.$adminTab->table)) $ok_inc = true; break; case 'submitAdd2': if (Tools::getValue('submitAdd'.$adminTab->table) AND sizeof($adminTab->_errors)) $ok_inc = true; break; case 'submitDel': if (Tools::getValue('submitDel'.$adminTab->table)) $ok_inc = true; break; case 'submitFilter': if (Tools::isSubmit('submitFilter'.$adminTab->table)) $ok_inc = true; case 'submitReset': if (Tools::isSubmit('submitReset'.$adminTab->table)) $ok_inc = true; default: if (isset($_GET[$action.$adminTab->table])) $ok_inc = true; } } $inc = false; if ((isset($ok_inc) AND $ok_inc) OR !sizeof($actions)) { if (!$adminTab->viewAccess()) { echo Tools::displayError('Access denied'); return false; } if (!sizeof($actions)) if (($methodname == 'displayErrors' AND sizeof($adminTab->_errors)) OR $methodname != 'displayErrors') echo (isset($this->_includeTabTitle[$key]) ? '


' : ''); if ($adminTab->_includeVars) foreach ($adminTab->_includeVars AS $var => $value) $adminTab->$var = $this->$value; $adminTab->$methodname(); $inc = true; } $key++; } return $inc; } /** * Manage page display (form, list...) * * @param string $className Allow to validate a different class than the current one */ public function validateRules($className = false) { if (!$className) $className = $this->className; /* Class specific validation rules */ $rules = call_user_func(array($className, 'getValidationRules'), $className); if ((sizeof($rules['requiredLang']) OR sizeof($rules['sizeLang']) OR sizeof($rules['validateLang']))) { /* Language() instance determined by default language */ $defaultLanguage = new Language((int)(Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT'))); /* All availables languages */ $languages = Language::getLanguages(false); } /* Checking for required fields */ foreach ($rules['required'] AS $field) if (($value = Tools::getValue($field)) == false AND (string)$value != '0') if (!Tools::getValue($this->identifier) OR ($field != 'passwd' AND $field != 'no-picture')) $this->_errors[] = $this->l('the field').' '.call_user_func(array($className, 'displayFieldName'), $field, $className).' '.$this->l('is required'); /* Checking for multilingual required fields */ foreach ($rules['requiredLang'] AS $fieldLang) if (($empty = Tools::getValue($fieldLang.'_'.$defaultLanguage->id)) === false OR $empty !== '0' AND empty($empty)) $this->_errors[] = $this->l('the field').' '.call_user_func(array($className, 'displayFieldName'), $fieldLang, $className).' '.$this->l('is required at least in').' '.$defaultLanguage->name; /* Checking for maximum fields sizes */ foreach ($rules['size'] AS $field => $maxLength) if (Tools::getValue($field) !== false AND Tools::strlen(Tools::getValue($field)) > $maxLength) $this->_errors[] = $this->l('the field').' '.call_user_func(array($className, 'displayFieldName'), $field, $className).' '.$this->l('is too long').' ('.$maxLength.' '.$this->l('chars max').')'; /* Checking for maximum multilingual fields size */ foreach ($rules['sizeLang'] AS $fieldLang => $maxLength) foreach ($languages AS $language) if (Tools::getValue($fieldLang.'_'.$language['id_lang']) !== false AND Tools::strlen(Tools::getValue($fieldLang.'_'.$language['id_lang'])) > $maxLength) $this->_errors[] = $this->l('the field').' '.call_user_func(array($className, 'displayFieldName'), $fieldLang, $className).' ('.$language['name'].') '.$this->l('is too long').' ('.$maxLength.' '.$this->l('chars max, html chars including').')'; /* Overload this method for custom checking */ $this->_childValidation(); /* Checking for fields validity */ foreach ($rules['validate'] AS $field => $function) if (($value = Tools::getValue($field)) !== false AND ($field != 'passwd')) if (!Validate::$function($value)) $this->_errors[] = $this->l('the field').' '.call_user_func(array($className, 'displayFieldName'), $field, $className).' '.$this->l('is invalid'); /* Checking for passwd_old validity */ if (($value = Tools::getValue('passwd')) != false) { if ($className == 'Employee' AND !Validate::isPasswdAdmin($value)) $this->_errors[] = $this->l('the field').' '.call_user_func(array($className, 'displayFieldName'), 'passwd', $className).' '.$this->l('is invalid'); elseif ($className == 'Customer' AND !Validate::isPasswd($value)) $this->_errors[] = $this->l('the field').' '.call_user_func(array($className, 'displayFieldName'), 'passwd', $className).' '.$this->l('is invalid'); } /* Checking for multilingual fields validity */ foreach ($rules['validateLang'] AS $fieldLang => $function) foreach ($languages AS $language) if (($value = Tools::getValue($fieldLang.'_'.$language['id_lang'])) !== false AND !empty($value)) if (!Validate::$function($value)) $this->_errors[] = $this->l('the field').' '.call_user_func(array($className, 'displayFieldName'), $fieldLang, $className).' ('.$language['name'].') '.$this->l('is invalid'); } /** * Overload this method for custom checking */ protected function _childValidation() { } /** * Overload this method for custom checking * * @param integer $id Object id used for deleting images * TODO This function will soon be deprecated. Use ObjectModel->deleteImage instead. */ public function deleteImage($id) { $dir = null; /* Deleting object images and thumbnails (cache) */ if (key_exists('dir', $this->fieldImageSettings)) { $dir = $this->fieldImageSettings['dir'].'/'; if (file_exists(_PS_IMG_DIR_.$dir.$id.'.'.$this->imageType) AND !unlink(_PS_IMG_DIR_.$dir.$id.'.'.$this->imageType)) return false; } if (file_exists(_PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_.$this->table.'_'.$id.'.'.$this->imageType) AND !unlink(_PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_.$this->table.'_'.$id.'.'.$this->imageType)) return false; if (file_exists(_PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_.$this->table.'_mini_'.$id.'.'.$this->imageType) AND !unlink(_PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_.$this->table.'_mini_'.$id.'.'.$this->imageType)) return false; $types = ImageType::getImagesTypes(); foreach ($types AS $imageType) if (file_exists(_PS_IMG_DIR_.$dir.$id.'-'.stripslashes($imageType['name']).'.'.$this->imageType) AND !unlink(_PS_IMG_DIR_.$dir.$id.'-'.stripslashes($imageType['name']).'.'.$this->imageType)) return false; return true; } /** * ajaxPreProcess is a method called in ajax-tab.php before displayConf(). * * @return void */ public function ajaxPreProcess() { } /** * ajaxProcess is the default handle method for request with ajax-tab.php * * @return void */ public function ajaxProcess() { } /** * Manage page processing * * @global string $currentIndex Current URL in order to keep current Tab */ public function postProcess() { global $currentIndex, $cookie; if (!isset($this->table)) return false; // set token $token = Tools::getValue('token') ? Tools::getValue('token') : $this->token; // Sub included tab postProcessing $this->includeSubTab('postProcess', array('status', 'submitAdd1', 'submitDel', 'delete', 'submitFilter', 'submitReset')); /* Delete object image */ if (isset($_GET['deleteImage'])) { if (Validate::isLoadedObject($object = $this->loadObject())) if (($object->deleteImage())) Tools::redirectAdmin($currentIndex.'&add'.$this->table.'&'.$this->identifier.'='.Tools::getValue($this->identifier).'&conf=7&token='.$token); $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred during image deletion (cannot load object).'); } /* Delete object */ elseif (isset($_GET['delete'.$this->table])) { if ($this->tabAccess['delete'] === '1') { if (Validate::isLoadedObject($object = $this->loadObject()) AND isset($this->fieldImageSettings)) { // check if request at least one object with noZeroObject if (isset($object->noZeroObject) AND sizeof(call_user_func(array($this->className, $object->noZeroObject))) <= 1) $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('You need at least one object.').' '.$this->table.'
'.Tools::displayError('You cannot delete all of the items.'); else { if ($this->deleted) { $object->deleteImage(); $object->deleted = 1; if ($object->update()) Tools::redirectAdmin($currentIndex.'&conf=1&token='.$token); } elseif ($object->delete()) Tools::redirectAdmin($currentIndex.'&conf=1&token='.$token); $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred during deletion.'); } } else $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while deleting object.').' '.$this->table.' '.Tools::displayError('(cannot load object)'); } else $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('You do not have permission to delete here.'); } /* Change object statuts (active, inactive) */ elseif ((isset($_GET['status'.$this->table]) OR isset($_GET['status'])) AND Tools::getValue($this->identifier)) { if ($this->tabAccess['edit'] === '1') { if (Validate::isLoadedObject($object = $this->loadObject())) { if ($object->toggleStatus()) Tools::redirectAdmin($currentIndex.'&conf=5'.((($id_category = (int)(Tools::getValue('id_category'))) AND Tools::getValue('id_product')) ? '&id_category='.$id_category : '').'&token='.$token); else $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while updating status.'); } else $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while updating status for object.').' '.$this->table.' '.Tools::displayError('(cannot load object)'); } else $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('You do not have permission to edit here.'); } /* Move an object */ elseif (isset($_GET['position'])) { if ($this->tabAccess['edit'] !== '1') $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('You do not have permission to edit here.'); elseif (!Validate::isLoadedObject($object = $this->loadObject())) $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while updating status for object.').' '.$this->table.' '.Tools::displayError('(cannot load object)'); elseif (!$object->updatePosition((int)(Tools::getValue('way')), (int)(Tools::getValue('position')))) $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('Failed to update the position.'); else Tools::redirectAdmin($currentIndex.'&'.$this->table.'Orderby=position&'.$this->table.'Orderway=asc&conf=5'.(($id_category = (int)(Tools::getValue($this->identifier))) ? ('&'.$this->identifier.'='.$id_category) : '').'&token='.$token); Tools::redirectAdmin($currentIndex.'&'.$this->table.'Orderby=position&'.$this->table.'Orderway=asc&conf=5'.((($id_category = (int)(Tools::getValue('id_category'))) AND Tools::getValue('id_product')) ? '&id_category='.$id_category : '').'&token='.$token); } /* Delete multiple objects */ elseif (Tools::getValue('submitDel'.$this->table)) { if ($this->tabAccess['delete'] === '1') { if (isset($_POST[$this->table.'Box'])) { $object = new $this->className(); if (isset($object->noZeroObject) AND // Check if all object will be deleted (sizeof(call_user_func(array($this->className, $object->noZeroObject))) <= 1 OR sizeof($_POST[$this->table.'Box']) == sizeof(call_user_func(array($this->className, $object->noZeroObject))))) $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('You need at least one object.').' '.$this->table.'
'.Tools::displayError('You cannot delete all of the items.'); else { $result = true; if ($this->deleted) { foreach(Tools::getValue($this->table.'Box') as $id) { $toDelete = new $this->className($id); $toDelete->deleted = 1; $result = $result AND $toDelete->update(); } } else $result = $object->deleteSelection(Tools::getValue($this->table.'Box')); if ($result) Tools::redirectAdmin($currentIndex.'&conf=2&token='.$token); $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while deleting selection.'); } } else $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('You must select at least one element to delete.'); } else $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('You do not have permission to delete here.'); } /* Create or update an object */ elseif (Tools::getValue('submitAdd'.$this->table)) { /* Checking fields validity */ $this->validateRules(); if (!sizeof($this->_errors)) { $id = (int)(Tools::getValue($this->identifier)); /* Object update */ if (isset($id) AND !empty($id)) { if ($this->tabAccess['edit'] === '1' OR ($this->table == 'employee' AND $cookie->id_employee == Tools::getValue('id_employee') AND Tools::isSubmit('updateemployee'))) { $object = new $this->className($id); if (Validate::isLoadedObject($object)) { /* Specific to objects which must not be deleted */ if ($this->deleted AND $this->beforeDelete($object)) { // Create new one with old objet values $objectNew = new $this->className($object->id); $objectNew->id = NULL; $objectNew->date_add = ''; $objectNew->date_upd = ''; // Update old object to deleted $object->deleted = 1; $object->update(); // Update new object with post values $this->copyFromPost($objectNew, $this->table); $result = $objectNew->add(); if (Validate::isLoadedObject($objectNew)) $this->afterDelete($objectNew, $object->id); } else { $this->copyFromPost($object, $this->table); $result = $object->update(); $this->afterUpdate($object); } if (!$result) $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while updating object.').' '.$this->table.' ('.Db::getInstance()->getMsgError().')'; elseif ($this->postImage($object->id) AND !sizeof($this->_errors)) { $parent_id = (int)(Tools::getValue('id_parent', 1)); // Specific back redirect if ($back = Tools::getValue('back')) Tools::redirectAdmin(urldecode($back).'&conf=4'); // Specific scene feature if (Tools::getValue('stay_here') == 'on' || Tools::getValue('stay_here') == 'true' || Tools::getValue('stay_here') == '1') Tools::redirectAdmin($currentIndex.'&'.$this->identifier.'='.$object->id.'&conf=4&updatescene&token='.$token); // Save and stay on same form if (Tools::isSubmit('submitAdd'.$this->table.'AndStay')) Tools::redirectAdmin($currentIndex.'&'.$this->identifier.'='.$object->id.'&conf=4&update'.$this->table.'&token='.$token); // Save and back to parent if (Tools::isSubmit('submitAdd'.$this->table.'AndBackToParent')) Tools::redirectAdmin($currentIndex.'&'.$this->identifier.'='.$parent_id.'&conf=4&token='.$token); // Default behavior (save and back) Tools::redirectAdmin($currentIndex.($parent_id ? '&'.$this->identifier.'='.$object->id : '').'&conf=4&token='.$token); } } else $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while updating object.').' '.$this->table.' '.Tools::displayError('(cannot load object)'); } else $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('You do not have permission to edit here.'); } /* Object creation */ else { if ($this->tabAccess['add'] === '1') { $object = new $this->className(); $this->copyFromPost($object, $this->table); if (!$object->add()) $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while creating object.').' '.$this->table.' ('.mysql_error().')'; elseif (($_POST[$this->identifier] = $object->id /* voluntary */) AND $this->postImage($object->id) AND !sizeof($this->_errors) AND $this->_redirect) { $parent_id = (int)(Tools::getValue('id_parent', 1)); $this->afterAdd($object); // Save and stay on same form if (Tools::isSubmit('submitAdd'.$this->table.'AndStay')) Tools::redirectAdmin($currentIndex.'&'.$this->identifier.'='.$object->id.'&conf=3&update'.$this->table.'&token='.$token); // Save and back to parent if (Tools::isSubmit('submitAdd'.$this->table.'AndBackToParent')) Tools::redirectAdmin($currentIndex.'&'.$this->identifier.'='.$parent_id.'&conf=3&token='.$token); // Default behavior (save and back) Tools::redirectAdmin($currentIndex.($parent_id ? '&'.$this->identifier.'='.$object->id : '').'&conf=3&token='.$token); } } else $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('You do not have permission to add here.'); } } $this->_errors = array_unique($this->_errors); } /* Cancel all filters for this tab */ elseif (isset($_POST['submitReset'.$this->table])) { $filters = $cookie->getFamily($this->table.'Filter_'); foreach ($filters AS $cookieKey => $filter) if (strncmp($cookieKey, $this->table.'Filter_', 7 + Tools::strlen($this->table)) == 0) { $key = substr($cookieKey, 7 + Tools::strlen($this->table)); /* Table alias could be specified using a ! eg. alias!field */ $tmpTab = explode('!', $key); $key = (count($tmpTab) > 1 ? $tmpTab[1] : $tmpTab[0]); if (array_key_exists($key, $this->fieldsDisplay)) unset($cookie->$cookieKey); } if (isset($cookie->{'submitFilter'.$this->table})) unset($cookie->{'submitFilter'.$this->table}); if (isset($cookie->{$this->table.'Orderby'})) unset($cookie->{$this->table.'Orderby'}); if (isset($cookie->{$this->table.'Orderway'})) unset($cookie->{$this->table.'Orderway'}); unset($_POST); } /* Submit options list */ elseif (Tools::getValue('submitOptions'.$this->table)) { $this->updateOptions($token); } /* Manage list filtering */ elseif (Tools::isSubmit('submitFilter'.$this->table) OR $cookie->{'submitFilter'.$this->table} !== false) { $_POST = array_merge($cookie->getFamily($this->table.'Filter_'), (isset($_POST) ? $_POST : array())); foreach ($_POST AS $key => $value) { /* Extracting filters from $_POST on key filter_ */ if ($value != NULL AND !strncmp($key, $this->table.'Filter_', 7 + Tools::strlen($this->table))) { $key = Tools::substr($key, 7 + Tools::strlen($this->table)); /* Table alias could be specified using a ! eg. alias!field */ $tmpTab = explode('!', $key); $filter = count($tmpTab) > 1 ? $tmpTab[1] : $tmpTab[0]; if ($field = $this->filterToField($key, $filter)) { $type = (array_key_exists('filter_type', $field) ? $field['filter_type'] : (array_key_exists('type', $field) ? $field['type'] : false)); if (($type == 'date' OR $type == 'datetime') AND is_string($value)) $value = unserialize($value); $key = isset($tmpTab[1]) ? $tmpTab[0].'.`'.$tmpTab[1].'`' : '`'.$tmpTab[0].'`'; if (array_key_exists('tmpTableFilter', $field)) $sqlFilter = & $this->_tmpTableFilter; elseif (array_key_exists('havingFilter', $field)) $sqlFilter = & $this->_filterHaving; else $sqlFilter = & $this->_filter; /* Only for date filtering (from, to) */ if (is_array($value)) { if (isset($value[0]) AND !empty($value[0])) { if (!Validate::isDate($value[0])) $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('\'from:\' date format is invalid (YYYY-MM-DD)'); else $sqlFilter .= ' AND '.pSQL($key).' >= \''.pSQL(Tools::dateFrom($value[0])).'\''; } if (isset($value[1]) AND !empty($value[1])) { if (!Validate::isDate($value[1])) $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('\'to:\' date format is invalid (YYYY-MM-DD)'); else $sqlFilter .= ' AND '.pSQL($key).' <= \''.pSQL(Tools::dateTo($value[1])).'\''; } } else { $sqlFilter .= ' AND '; if ($type == 'int' OR $type == 'bool') $sqlFilter .= (($key == $this->identifier OR $key == '`'.$this->identifier.'`' OR $key == '`active`') ? 'a.' : '').pSQL($key).' = '.(int)($value).' '; elseif ($type == 'decimal') $sqlFilter .= (($key == $this->identifier OR $key == '`'.$this->identifier.'`') ? 'a.' : '').pSQL($key).' = '.(float)($value).' '; elseif ($type == 'select') $sqlFilter .= (($key == $this->identifier OR $key == '`'.$this->identifier.'`') ? 'a.' : '').pSQL($key).' = \''.pSQL($value).'\' '; else $sqlFilter .= (($key == $this->identifier OR $key == '`'.$this->identifier.'`') ? 'a.' : '').pSQL($key).' LIKE \'%'.pSQL($value).'%\' '; } } } } } elseif (Tools::isSubmit('submitFields') AND $this->requiredDatabase AND $this->tabAccess['add'] === '1' AND $this->tabAccess['delete'] === '1') { if (!is_array($fields = Tools::getValue('fieldsBox'))) $fields = array(); $object = new $this->className(); if (!$object->addFieldsRequiredDatabase($fields)) $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('Error in updating required fields'); else Tools::redirectAdmin($currentIndex.'&conf=4&token='.$token); } } protected function updateOptions($token) { global $currentIndex; if ($this->tabAccess['edit'] === '1') { foreach ($this->_fieldsOptions as $key => $field) { if ($this->validateField(Tools::getValue($key), $field)) { // check if a method updateOptionFieldName is available $method_name = 'updateOption'.Tools::toCamelCase($key, true); if (method_exists($this, $method_name)) $this->$method_name(Tools::getValue($key)); elseif ($field['type'] == 'textLang' OR $field['type'] == 'textareaLang') { $languages = Language::getLanguages(false); $list = array(); foreach ($languages as $language) { $val = (isset($field['cast']) ? $field['cast'](Tools::getValue($key.'_'.$language['id_lang'])) : Tools::getValue($key.'_'.$language['id_lang'])); if (Validate::isCleanHtml($val)) $list[$language['id_lang']] = $val; else $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('Can not add configuration '.$key.' for lang '.Language::getIsoById((int)$language['id_lang'])); } Configuration::updateValue($key, $list); } else { $val = (isset($field['cast']) ? $field['cast'](Tools::getValue($key)) : Tools::getValue($key)); if (Validate::isCleanHtml($val)) Configuration::updateValue($key, $val); else $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('Can not add configuration '.$key); } } } if (count($this->_errors) <= 0) Tools::redirectAdmin($currentIndex.'&conf=6&token='.$token); } else $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('You do not have permission to edit here.'); } protected function validateField($value, $field) { if (isset($field['validation'])) { $validate = new Validate(); if (method_exists($validate, $field['validation'])) { if (!Validate::$field['validation']($value)) { $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError($field['title'].' : Incorrect value'); return false; } } } return true; } protected function uploadImage($id, $name, $dir, $ext = false) { if (isset($_FILES[$name]['tmp_name']) AND !empty($_FILES[$name]['tmp_name'])) { // Delete old image if (Validate::isLoadedObject($object = $this->loadObject())) $object->deleteImage(); else return false; // Check image validity if ($error = checkImage($_FILES[$name], $this->maxImageSize)) $this->_errors[] = $error; elseif (!$tmpName = tempnam(_PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_, 'PS') OR !move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$name]['tmp_name'], $tmpName)) return false; else { $_FILES[$name]['tmp_name'] = $tmpName; // Copy new image if (!imageResize($tmpName, _PS_IMG_DIR_.$dir.$id.'.'.$this->imageType, NULL, NULL, ($ext ? $ext : $this->imageType))) $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while uploading image.'); if (sizeof($this->_errors)) return false; if ($this->afterImageUpload()) { unlink($tmpName); return true; } return false; } } return true; } protected function uploadIco($name, $dest) { if (isset($_FILES[$name]['tmp_name']) AND !empty($_FILES[$name]['tmp_name'])) { /* Check ico validity */ if ($error = checkIco($_FILES[$name], $this->maxImageSize)) $this->_errors[] = $error; /* Copy new ico */ elseif (!copy($_FILES[$name]['tmp_name'], $dest)) $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('an error occurred while uploading favicon: '.$_FILES[$name]['tmp_name'].' to '.$dest); } return !sizeof($this->_errors) ? true : false; } /** * Overload this method for custom checking * * @param integer $id Object id used for deleting images * @return boolean */ protected function postImage($id) { if (isset($this->fieldImageSettings['name']) AND isset($this->fieldImageSettings['dir'])) return $this->uploadImage($id, $this->fieldImageSettings['name'], $this->fieldImageSettings['dir'].'/'); elseif (!empty($this->fieldImageSettings)) foreach ($this->fieldImageSettings AS $image) if (isset($image['name']) AND isset($image['dir'])) $this->uploadImage($id, $image['name'], $image['dir'].'/'); return !sizeof($this->_errors) ? true : false; } /** * Copy datas from $_POST to object * * @param object &$object Object * @param string $table Object table */ protected function copyFromPost(&$object, $table) { /* Classical fields */ foreach ($_POST AS $key => $value) if (key_exists($key, $object) AND $key != 'id_'.$table) { /* Do not take care of password field if empty */ if ($key == 'passwd' AND Tools::getValue('id_'.$table) AND empty($value)) continue; /* Automatically encrypt password in MD5 */ if ($key == 'passwd' AND !empty($value)) $value = Tools::encrypt($value); $object->{$key} = $value; } /* Multilingual fields */ $rules = call_user_func(array(get_class($object), 'getValidationRules'), get_class($object)); if (sizeof($rules['validateLang'])) { $languages = Language::getLanguages(false); foreach ($languages AS $language) foreach (array_keys($rules['validateLang']) AS $field) if (isset($_POST[$field.'_'.(int)($language['id_lang'])])) $object->{$field}[(int)($language['id_lang'])] = $_POST[$field.'_'.(int)($language['id_lang'])]; } } /** * Display errors */ public function displayErrors() { if ($nbErrors = count($this->_errors) AND $this->_includeContainer) { echo '
X'; if (count($this->_errors) == 1) echo $this->_errors[0]; else { echo $nbErrors.' '.$this->l('errors').'
    '; foreach ($this->_errors AS $error) echo '
  1. '.$error.'
  2. '; echo '
'; } echo '
'; } $this->includeSubTab('displayErrors'); } /** * Display a warning message * * @param string $warn Warning message to display */ public function displayWarning($warn) { $str_output = ''; if (!empty($warn)) { $str_output .= '
'; if (!is_array($warn)) { if (file_exists(__PS_BASE_URI__.'img/admin/warn2.png')) $str_output .= ''; else $str_output .= ''; $str_output .= $warn; } else { $str_output .= 'X'. (count($warn) > 1 ? $this->l('There are') : $this->l('There is')).' '.count($warn).' '.(count($warn) > 1 ? $this->l('warnings') : $this->l('warning')) .' '.$this->l('Click here to see more').' '; } $str_output .= '
'; } echo $str_output; } /** * Display confirmations */ public function displayConf() { if ($conf = Tools::getValue('conf')) echo '
'; } /** * Get the current objects' list form the database * * @param integer $id_lang Language used for display * @param string $orderBy ORDER BY clause * @param string $_orderWay Order way (ASC, DESC) * @param integer $start Offset in LIMIT clause * @param integer $limit Row count in LIMIT clause */ public function getList($id_lang, $orderBy = NULL, $orderWay = NULL, $start = 0, $limit = NULL) { global $cookie; /* Manage default params values */ if (empty($limit)) $limit = ((!isset($cookie->{$this->table.'_pagination'})) ? $this->_pagination[1] : $limit = $cookie->{$this->table.'_pagination'}); if (!Validate::isTableOrIdentifier($this->table)) die (Tools::displayError('Table name is invalid:').' "'.$this->table.'"'); if (empty($orderBy)) $orderBy = $cookie->__get($this->table.'Orderby') ? $cookie->__get($this->table.'Orderby') : $this->_defaultOrderBy; if (empty($orderWay)) $orderWay = $cookie->__get($this->table.'Orderway') ? $cookie->__get($this->table.'Orderway') : 'ASC'; $limit = (int)(Tools::getValue('pagination', $limit)); $cookie->{$this->table.'_pagination'} = $limit; /* Check params validity */ if (!Validate::isOrderBy($orderBy) OR !Validate::isOrderWay($orderWay) OR !is_numeric($start) OR !is_numeric($limit) OR !Validate::isUnsignedId($id_lang)) die(Tools::displayError('get list params is not valid')); /* Determine offset from current page */ if ((isset($_POST['submitFilter'.$this->table]) OR isset($_POST['submitFilter'.$this->table.'_x']) OR isset($_POST['submitFilter'.$this->table.'_y'])) AND !empty($_POST['submitFilter'.$this->table]) AND is_numeric($_POST['submitFilter'.$this->table])) $start = (int)($_POST['submitFilter'.$this->table] - 1) * $limit; /* Cache */ $this->_lang = (int)($id_lang); $this->_orderBy = $orderBy; $this->_orderWay = Tools::strtoupper($orderWay); /* SQL table : orders, but class name is Order */ $sqlTable = $this->table == 'order' ? 'orders' : $this->table; /* Query in order to get results with all fields */ $sql = 'SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS '.($this->_tmpTableFilter ? ' * FROM (SELECT ' : '').' '.($this->lang ? 'b.*, ' : '').'a.*'.(isset($this->_select) ? ', '.$this->_select.' ' : '').' FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.$sqlTable.'` a '.($this->lang ? 'LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.$this->table.'_lang` b ON (b.`'.$this->identifier.'` = a.`'.$this->identifier.'` AND b.`id_lang` = '.(int)($id_lang).')' : '').' '.(isset($this->_join) ? $this->_join.' ' : '').' WHERE 1 '.(isset($this->_where) ? $this->_where.' ' : '').($this->deleted ? 'AND a.`deleted` = 0 ' : '').(isset($this->_filter) ? $this->_filter : '').' '.(isset($this->_group) ? $this->_group.' ' : '').' '.((isset($this->_filterHaving) || isset($this->_having)) ? 'HAVING ' : '').(isset($this->_filterHaving) ? ltrim($this->_filterHaving, ' AND ') : '').(isset($this->_having) ? $this->_having.' ' : '').' ORDER BY '.(($orderBy == $this->identifier) ? 'a.' : '').'`'.pSQL($orderBy).'` '.pSQL($orderWay). ($this->_tmpTableFilter ? ') tmpTable WHERE 1'.$this->_tmpTableFilter : '').' LIMIT '.(int)($start).','.(int)($limit); $this->_list = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($sql); $this->_listTotal = Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS `'._DB_PREFIX_.$this->table.'`'); } /** * Display image aside object form * * @param integer $id Object id * @param string $image Local image filepath * @param integer $size Image width * @param integer $id_image Image id (for products with several images) * @param string $token Employee token used in the image deletion link * @param boolean $disableCache When turned on a timestamp will be added to the image URI to disable the HTTP cache * * @global string $currentIndex Current URL in order to keep current Tab */ public function displayImage($id, $image, $size, $id_image = NULL, $token = NULL, $disableCache = false) { global $currentIndex; if (!isset($token) OR empty($token)) $token = $this->token; if ($id AND file_exists($image)) echo '
'.cacheImage($image, $this->table.'_'.(int)($id).'.'.$this->imageType, $size, $this->imageType, $disableCache).'

'.$this->l('File size').' '.(filesize($image) / 1000).'kb

'.$this->l('Delete').' '.$this->l('Delete').'
'; } /** * Display list header (filtering, pagination and column names) * * @global string $currentIndex Current URL in order to keep current Tab */ public function displayListHeader($token = NULL) { global $currentIndex, $cookie; $isCms = false; if (preg_match('/cms/Ui', $this->identifier)) $isCms = true; $id_cat = Tools::getValue('id_'.($isCms ? 'cms_' : '').'category'); if (!isset($token) OR empty($token)) $token = $this->token; /* Determine total page number */ $totalPages = ceil($this->_listTotal / Tools::getValue('pagination', (isset($cookie->{$this->table.'_pagination'}) ? $cookie->{$this->table.'_pagination'} : $this->_pagination[0]))); if (!$totalPages) $totalPages = 1; echo ' '; echo ' '; foreach ($this->fieldsDisplay AS $key => $params) { echo ' '; } /* Check if object can be modified, deleted or detailed */ if ($this->edit OR $this->delete OR ($this->view AND $this->view !== 'noActionColumn')) echo ' '; echo ' '; /* Javascript hack in order to catch ENTER keypress event */ $keyPress = 'onkeypress="formSubmit(event, \'submitFilterButton_'.$this->table.'\');"'; /* Filters (input, select, date or bool) */ foreach ($this->fieldsDisplay AS $key => $params) { $width = (isset($params['width']) ? ' style="width: '.(int)($params['width']).'px;"' : ''); echo ''; if (!isset($params['type'])) $params['type'] = 'text'; $value = Tools::getValue($this->table.'Filter_'.(array_key_exists('filter_key', $params) ? $params['filter_key'] : $key)); if (isset($params['search']) AND !$params['search']) { echo '--'; continue; } switch ($params['type']) { case 'bool': echo ' '; break; case 'date': case 'datetime': if (is_string($value)) $value = unserialize($value); if (!Validate::isCleanHtml($value[0]) OR !Validate::isCleanHtml($value[1])) $value = ''; $name = $this->table.'Filter_'.(isset($params['filter_key']) ? $params['filter_key'] : $key); $nameId = str_replace('!', '__', $name); includeDatepicker(array($nameId.'_0', $nameId.'_1')); echo $this->l('From').'
'.$this->l('To').' '; break; case 'select': if (isset($params['filter_key'])) { echo ''; break; } case 'text': default: if (!Validate::isCleanHtml($value)) $value = ''; echo ''; } echo ''; } if ($this->edit OR $this->delete OR ($this->view AND $this->view !== 'noActionColumn')) echo '
'; echo ''; } public function displayTop() { } /** * Display list * * @global string $currentIndex Current URL in order to keep current Tab */ public function displayList() { global $currentIndex; $this->displayTop(); if ($this->edit AND (!isset($this->noAdd) OR !$this->noAdd)) echo '
'.$this->l('Add new').'

'; /* Append when we get a syntax error in SQL query */ if ($this->_list === false) { $this->displayWarning($this->l('Bad SQL query')); return false; } /* Display list header (filtering, pagination and column names) */ $this->displayListHeader(); if (!sizeof($this->_list)) echo ''; /* Show the content of the table */ $this->displayListContent(); /* Close list table and submit button */ $this->displayListFooter(); } public function displayListContent($token = NULL) { /* Display results in a table * * align : determine value alignment * prefix : displayed before value * suffix : displayed after value * image : object image * icon : icon determined by values * active : allow to toggle status */ global $currentIndex, $cookie; $currency = new Currency(Configuration::get('PS_CURRENCY_DEFAULT')); $id_category = 1; // default categ $irow = 0; if ($this->_list AND isset($this->fieldsDisplay['position'])) { $positions = array_map(create_function('$elem', 'return (int)($elem[\'position\']);'), $this->_list); sort($positions); } if ($this->_list) { $isCms = false; if (preg_match('/cms/Ui', $this->identifier)) $isCms = true; $keyToGet = 'id_'.($isCms ? 'cms_' : '').'category'.(in_array($this->identifier, array('id_category', 'id_cms_category')) ? '_parent' : ''); foreach ($this->_list AS $tr) { $id = $tr[$this->identifier]; echo 'identifier,$this->identifiersDnd) ? ' id="tr_'.(($id_category = (int)(Tools::getValue('id_'.($isCms ? 'cms_' : '').'category', '1'))) ? $id_category : '').'_'.$id.'_'.$tr['position'].'"' : '').($irow++ % 2 ? ' class="alt_row"' : '').' '.((isset($tr['color']) AND $this->colorOnBackground) ? 'style="background-color: '.$tr['color'].'"' : '').'> '; foreach ($this->fieldsDisplay AS $key => $params) { $tmp = explode('!', $key); $key = isset($tmp[1]) ? $tmp[1] : $tmp[0]; echo ' '; } if ($this->edit OR $this->delete OR ($this->view AND $this->view !== 'noActionColumn')) { echo ''; } echo ''; } } } protected function _displayEnableLink($token, $id, $value, $active, $id_category = NULL, $id_product = NULL) { global $currentIndex; echo ' '.($value ? $this->l('Enabled') : $this->l('Disabled')).''; } protected function _displayDuplicate($token = NULL, $id) { global $currentIndex; $_cacheLang['Duplicate'] = $this->l('Duplicate'); $_cacheLang['Copy images too?'] = $this->l('Copy images too?', __CLASS__, TRUE, FALSE); $duplicate = $currentIndex.'&'.$this->identifier.'='.$id.'&duplicate'.$this->table; echo ' '.$_cacheLang['Duplicate'].''; } protected function _displayViewLink($token = NULL, $id) { global $currentIndex; $_cacheLang['View'] = $this->l('View'); echo ' '.$_cacheLang['View'].''; } protected function _displayEditLink($token = NULL, $id) { global $currentIndex; $_cacheLang['Edit'] = $this->l('Edit'); echo ' '; } protected function _displayDeleteLink($token = NULL, $id) { global $currentIndex; $_cacheLang['Delete'] = $this->l('Delete'); $_cacheLang['DeleteItem'] = $this->l('Delete item #', __CLASS__, TRUE, FALSE); echo ' '.$_cacheLang['Delete'].''; } /** * Close list table and submit button */ public function displayListFooter($token = NULL) { echo '
'; /* Determine current page number */ $page = (int)(Tools::getValue('submitFilter'.$this->table)); if (!$page) $page = 1; if ($page > 1) echo '   '; echo $this->l('Page').' '.$page.' / '.$totalPages; if ($page < $totalPages) echo '  '; echo ' | '.$this->l('Display').' / '.(int)($this->_listTotal).' '.$this->l('result(s)').'
'; /* Display column names and arrows for ordering (ASC, DESC) */ if (array_key_exists($this->identifier,$this->identifiersDnd) AND $this->_orderBy == 'position') { echo ' '; } echo 'identifier,$this->identifiersDnd) ? ' id="'.(((int)(Tools::getValue($this->identifiersDnd[$this->identifier], 1))) ? substr($this->identifier,3,strlen($this->identifier)) : '').'"' : '' ).' class="table'.((array_key_exists($this->identifier,$this->identifiersDnd) AND ($this->_orderBy != 'position 'AND $this->_orderWay != 'DESC')) ? ' tableDnD' : '' ).'" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
'; if ($this->delete) echo ' '; echo ' '.$params['title']; if (!isset($params['orderby']) OR $params['orderby']) { // Cleaning links if (Tools::getValue($this->table.'Orderby') && Tools::getValue($this->table.'Orderway')) $currentIndex = preg_replace('/&'.$this->table.'Orderby=([a-z _]*)&'.$this->table.'Orderway=([a-z]*)/i', '', $currentIndex); echo '
'; } echo '
'; if ($this->delete) echo ' --'; echo ' --
'.$this->l('No items found').'
'; if ($this->delete AND (!isset($this->_listSkipDelete) OR !in_array($id, $this->_listSkipDelete))) echo ''; echo 'noLink) OR !$this->noLink)) echo ' onclick="document.location = \''.$currentIndex.'&'.$this->identifier.'='.$id.($this->view? '&view' : '&update').$this->table.'&token='.($token!=NULL ? $token : $this->token).'\'">'.(isset($params['prefix']) ? $params['prefix'] : ''); else echo '>'; if (isset($params['active']) AND isset($tr[$key])) $this->_displayEnableLink($token, $id, $tr[$key], $params['active'], Tools::getValue('id_category'), Tools::getValue('id_product')); elseif (isset($params['activeVisu']) AND isset($tr[$key])) echo ''.($tr[$key] ? $this->l('Enabled') : $this->l('Disabled')).''; elseif (isset($params['position'])) { if ($this->_orderBy == 'position' AND $this->_orderWay != 'DESC') { echo ' '.$this->l('Down').''; echo ' '.$this->l('Up').''; } else echo (int)($tr[$key] + 1); } elseif (isset($params['image'])) { // item_id is the product id in a product image context, else it is the image id. $item_id = isset($params['image_id']) ? $tr[$params['image_id']] : $id; // If it's a product image if (isset($tr['id_image'])) { $image = new Image((int)$tr['id_image']); $path_to_image = _PS_IMG_DIR_.$params['image'].'/'.$image->getExistingImgPath().'.'.$this->imageType; }else $path_to_image = _PS_IMG_DIR_.$params['image'].'/'.$item_id.(isset($tr['id_image']) ? '-'.(int)($tr['id_image']) : '').'.'.$this->imageType; echo cacheImage($path_to_image, $this->table.'_mini_'.$item_id.'.'.$this->imageType, 45, $this->imageType); } elseif (isset($params['icon']) AND (isset($params['icon'][$tr[$key]]) OR isset($params['icon']['default']))) echo ''.$tr[$key]).''; elseif (isset($params['price'])) echo Tools::displayPrice($tr[$key], (isset($params['currency']) ? Currency::getCurrencyInstance((int)($tr['id_currency'])) : $currency), false); elseif (isset($params['float'])) echo rtrim(rtrim($tr[$key], '0'), '.'); elseif (isset($params['type']) AND $params['type'] == 'date') echo Tools::displayDate($tr[$key], (int)$cookie->id_lang); elseif (isset($params['type']) AND $params['type'] == 'datetime') echo Tools::displayDate($tr[$key], (int)$cookie->id_lang, true); elseif (isset($tr[$key])) { $echo = ($key == 'price' ? round($tr[$key], 2) : isset($params['maxlength']) ? Tools::substr($tr[$key], 0, $params['maxlength']).'...' : $tr[$key]); echo isset($params['callback']) ? call_user_func_array(array($this->className, $params['callback']), array($echo, $tr)) : $echo; } else echo '--'; echo (isset($params['suffix']) ? $params['suffix'] : ''). ''; if ($this->view) $this->_displayViewLink($token, $id); if ($this->edit) $this->_displayEditLink($token, $id); if ($this->delete AND (!isset($this->_listSkipDelete) OR !in_array($id, $this->_listSkipDelete))) $this->_displayDeleteLink($token, $id); if ($this->duplicate) $this->_displayDuplicate($token, $id); echo '
'; if ($this->delete) echo '

'; echo ' '; if (isset($this->_includeTab) AND sizeof($this->_includeTab)) echo '

'; } /** * Options lists */ public function displayOptionsList() { global $currentIndex, $cookie, $tab; if (!isset($this->_fieldsOptions) OR !sizeof($this->_fieldsOptions)) return false; $defaultLanguage = (int)Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT'); $this->_languages = Language::getLanguages(false); $tab = Tab::getTab((int)$cookie->id_lang, Tab::getIdFromClassName($tab)); echo '

'; echo (isset($this->optionTitle) ? '


' : ''); echo '
'; echo (isset($this->optionTitle) ? ' ' .$this->optionTitle.'' : ''); foreach ($this->_fieldsOptions AS $key => $field) { $val = Tools::getValue($key, Configuration::get($key)); if ($field['type'] != 'textLang') if (!Validate::isCleanHtml($val)) $val = Configuration::get($key); echo '
'; switch ($field['type']) { case 'select': echo ''; break; case 'bool': echo ' '; break; case 'textLang': foreach ($this->_languages as $language) { $val = Tools::getValue($key.'_'.$language['id_lang'], Configuration::get($key, $language['id_lang'])); if (!Validate::isCleanHtml($val)) $val = Configuration::get($key); echo '
'; } $this->displayFlags($this->_languages, $defaultLanguage, $key, $key); echo '
'; break; case 'textareaLang': foreach ($this->_languages as $language) { $val = Configuration::get($key, $language['id_lang']); echo '
'; } $this->displayFlags($this->_languages, $defaultLanguage, $key, $key); echo '
'; break; case 'text': default: echo ''.(isset($field['suffix']) ? $field['suffix'] : ''); } if (isset($field['required']) AND $field['required']) echo ' *'; echo (isset($field['desc']) ? '


' : ''); echo '
'; } echo '
'; } /** * Load class object using identifier in $_GET (if possible) * otherwise return an empty object, or die * * @param boolean $opt Return an empty object if load fail * @return object */ protected function loadObject($opt = false) { if ($id = (int)(Tools::getValue($this->identifier)) AND Validate::isUnsignedId($id)) { if (!$this->_object) $this->_object = new $this->className($id); if (Validate::isLoadedObject($this->_object)) return $this->_object; $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('Object cannot be loaded (not found)'); } elseif ($opt) { $this->_object = new $this->className(); return $this->_object; } else $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('Object cannot be loaded (identifier missing or invalid)'); $this->displayErrors(); } /** * Return field value if possible (both classical and multilingual fields) * * Case 1 : Return value if present in $_POST / $_GET * Case 2 : Return object value * * @param object $obj Object * @param string $key Field name * @param integer $id_lang Language id (optional) * @return string */ protected function getFieldValue($obj, $key, $id_lang = NULL) { if ($id_lang) $defaultValue = ($obj->id AND isset($obj->{$key}[$id_lang])) ? $obj->{$key}[$id_lang] : ''; else $defaultValue = isset($obj->{$key}) ? $obj->{$key} : ''; return Tools::getValue($key.($id_lang ? '_'.$id_lang : ''), $defaultValue); } /** * Display form * * @global string $currentIndex Current URL in order to keep current Tab */ public function displayForm($firstCall = true) { global $cookie; $allowEmployeeFormLang = Configuration::get('PS_BO_ALLOW_EMPLOYEE_FORM_LANG') ? Configuration::get('PS_BO_ALLOW_EMPLOYEE_FORM_LANG') : 0; if ($allowEmployeeFormLang && !$cookie->employee_form_lang) $cookie->employee_form_lang = (int)(Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT')); $useLangFromCookie = false; $this->_languages = Language::getLanguages(false); if ($allowEmployeeFormLang) foreach ($this->_languages AS $lang) if ($cookie->employee_form_lang == $lang['id_lang']) $useLangFromCookie = true; if (!$useLangFromCookie) $this->_defaultFormLanguage = (int)(Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT')); else $this->_defaultFormLanguage = (int)($cookie->employee_form_lang); // Only if it is the first call to displayForm, otherwise it has already been defined if ($firstCall) { echo ' '; } } /** * Display object details * * @global string $currentIndex Current URL in order to keep current Tab */ public function viewDetails() { global $currentIndex; } /** * Called before deletion * * @param object $object Object * @return boolean */ protected function beforeDelete($object) { return true; } /** * Called before deletion * * @param object $object Object * @return boolean */ protected function afterDelete($object, $oldId) { return true; } protected function afterAdd($object) { return true; } protected function afterUpdate($object) { return true; } /** * Check rights to view the current tab * * @return boolean */ protected function afterImageUpload() { return true; } /** * Check rights to view the current tab * * @return boolean */ public function viewAccess($disable = false) { global $cookie; if ($disable) return true; $this->tabAccess = Profile::getProfileAccess($cookie->profile, $this->id); if ($this->tabAccess['view'] === '1') return true; return false; } /** * Check for security token */ public function checkToken() { $token = Tools::getValue('token'); return (!empty($token) AND $token === $this->token); } /** * Display flags in forms for translations * * @param array $languages All languages available * @param integer $defaultLanguage Default language id * @param string $ids Multilingual div ids in form * @param string $id Current div id] * #param boolean $return define the return way : false for a display, true for a return */ public function displayFlags($languages, $defaultLanguage, $ids, $id, $return = false) { if (sizeof($languages) == 1) return false; $output = '
'.$this->l('Choose language:').'

'; foreach ($languages as $language) $output .= ''.$language['name'].' '; $output .= '
'; if ($return) return $output; echo $output; } protected function filterToField($key, $filter) { foreach ($this->fieldsDisplay AS $field) if (array_key_exists('filter_key', $field) AND $field['filter_key'] == $key) return $field; if (array_key_exists($filter, $this->fieldsDisplay)) return $this->fieldsDisplay[$filter]; return false; } protected function warnDomainName() { if ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] != Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_DOMAIN') AND $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] != Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_DOMAIN_SSL')) $this->displayWarning($this->l('Your are currently connected with the following domain name:').' '.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'
'. $this->l('This one is different from the main shop domain name set in "Preferences > SEO & URLs":').' '.Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_DOMAIN').'
'. $this->l('Click here if you want to modify the main shop domain name').''); } /* * from 1.4 AdminPreferences */ protected function _postConfig($fields) { global $currentIndex, $smarty; $languages = Language::getLanguages(false); if (method_exists('Tools','clearCache')) Tools::clearCache($smarty); /* Check required fields */ foreach ($fields AS $field => $values) if (isset($values['required']) AND $values['required']) if (isset($values['type']) AND $values['type'] == 'textLang') { foreach ($languages as $language) if (($value = Tools::getValue($field.'_'.$language['id_lang'])) == false AND (string)$value != '0') $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('field').' '.$values['title'].' '.Tools::displayError('is required.'); } elseif (($value = Tools::getValue($field)) == false AND (string)$value != '0') $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('field').' '.$values['title'].' '.Tools::displayError('is required.'); /* Check fields validity */ foreach ($fields AS $field => $values) if (isset($values['type']) AND $values['type'] == 'textLang') { foreach ($languages as $language) if (Tools::getValue($field.'_'.$language['id_lang']) AND isset($values['validation'])) if (!Validate::$values['validation'](Tools::getValue($field.'_'.$language['id_lang']))) $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('field').' '.$values['title'].' '.Tools::displayError('is invalid.'); } elseif (Tools::getValue($field) AND isset($values['validation'])) if (!Validate::$values['validation'](Tools::getValue($field))) $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('field').' '.$values['title'].' '.Tools::displayError('is invalid.'); /* Default value if null */ foreach ($fields AS $field => $values) if (!Tools::getValue($field) AND isset($values['default'])) $_POST[$field] = $values['default']; /* Save process */ if (!sizeof($this->_errors)) { if (Tools::isSubmit('submitAppearanceconfiguration')) { if (isset($_FILES['PS_LOGO']['tmp_name']) AND $_FILES['PS_LOGO']['tmp_name']) { if ($error = checkImage($_FILES['PS_LOGO'], 300000)) $this->_errors[] = $error; if (!$tmpName = tempnam(_PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_, 'PS') OR !move_uploaded_file($_FILES['PS_LOGO']['tmp_name'], $tmpName)) return false; elseif (!@imageResize($tmpName, _PS_IMG_DIR_.'logo.jpg')) $this->_errors[] = 'an error occurred during logo copy'; unlink($tmpName); } if (isset($_FILES['PS_LOGO_MAIL']['tmp_name']) AND $_FILES['PS_LOGO_MAIL']['tmp_name']) { if ($error = checkImage($_FILES['PS_LOGO_MAIL'], 300000)) $this->_errors[] = $error; if (!$tmpName = tempnam(_PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_, 'PS_MAIL') OR !move_uploaded_file($_FILES['PS_LOGO_MAIL']['tmp_name'], $tmpName)) return false; elseif (!@imageResize($tmpName, _PS_IMG_DIR_.'logo_mail.jpg')) $this->_errors[] = 'an error occurred during logo copy'; unlink($tmpName); } if (isset($_FILES['PS_LOGO_INVOICE']['tmp_name']) AND $_FILES['PS_LOGO_INVOICE']['tmp_name']) { if ($error = checkImage($_FILES['PS_LOGO_INVOICE'], 300000)) $this->_errors[] = $error; if (!$tmpName = tempnam(_PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_, 'PS_INVOICE') OR !move_uploaded_file($_FILES['PS_LOGO_INVOICE']['tmp_name'], $tmpName)) return false; elseif (!@imageResize($tmpName, _PS_IMG_DIR_.'logo_invoice.jpg')) $this->_errors[] = 'an error occurred during logo copy'; unlink($tmpName); } if (isset($_FILES['PS_STORES_ICON']['tmp_name']) AND $_FILES['PS_STORES_ICON']['tmp_name']) { if ($error = checkImage($_FILES['PS_STORES_ICON'], 300000)) $this->_errors[] = $error; if (!$tmpName = tempnam(_PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_, 'PS_STORES_ICON') OR !move_uploaded_file($_FILES['PS_STORES_ICON']['tmp_name'], $tmpName)) return false; elseif (!@imageResize($tmpName, _PS_IMG_DIR_.'logo_stores.gif')) $this->_errors[] = 'an error occurred during logo copy'; unlink($tmpName); } $this->uploadIco('PS_FAVICON', _PS_IMG_DIR_.'favicon.ico'); } /* Update settings in database */ if (!sizeof($this->_errors)) { foreach ($fields AS $field => $values) { unset($val); if (isset($values['type']) AND $values['type'] == 'textLang') foreach ($languages as $language) $val[$language['id_lang']] = isset($values['cast']) ? $values['cast'](Tools::getValue($field.'_'.$language['id_lang'])) : Tools::getValue($field.'_'.$language['id_lang']); else $val = isset($values['cast']) ? $values['cast'](Tools::getValue($field)) : Tools::getValue($field); Configuration::updateValue($field, $val); } Tools::redirectAdmin($currentIndex.'&conf=6'.'&token='.$this->token); } } } }