/** * NOTICE OF LICENSE * * This source file is subject to a commercial license from Common-Services Co., Ltd. * Use, copy, modification or distribution of this source file without written * license agreement from the SARL SMC is strictly forbidden. * In order to obtain a license, please contact us: contact@common-services.com * ........................................................................... * INFORMATION SUR LA LICENCE D'UTILISATION * * L'utilisation de ce fichier source est soumise a une licence commerciale * concedee par la societe Common-Services Co., Ltd. * Toute utilisation, reproduction, modification ou distribution du present * fichier source sans contrat de licence ecrit de la part de la Common-Services Co. Ltd. est * expressement interdite. * Pour obtenir une licence, veuillez contacter Common-Services Co., Ltd. a l'adresse: contact@common-services.com * ........................................................................... * * @package So Colissimo Flexibilite * @author Alexandre D. * @copyright Copyright (c) 2011-2015 Common Services Co Ltd - 90/25 Sukhumvit 81 - 10260 Bangkok - Thailand * @license Commercial license * Support by mail : support.soflexibilite@common-services.com */ $(document).ready(function() { function DisplayPrice(obj) { var price = obj.val(); if (price <= 0 || !price) return; price = parseFloat(price.replace(',', '.')); if (isNaN(price)) price = 0; price = price.toFixed(2); obj.val(price); } $('.insurrance_conf').blur(function() { DisplayPrice($(this)); }); $('#soflex_ws_checker').click(function() { if (window.console) console.log('Checking Web Service'); $('#wsFail, #wsSuccess').hide(); $('#soflex_ws_checker span').hide(); $('#soflex_ws_checker img').show(); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: $('#soflexibilite_point_list_url').val(), dataType: 'jsonp', data: { login : $('#user_login').val(), pwd : $('#user_pwd').val(), ws : $('#soflex_ws').val() }, success: function(data) { /*if (window.console) console.log(data);*/ if ( data.status === true ) $('#wsSuccess').fadeIn('slow'); else { $('#wsFail').fadeIn('slow'); $('#ws_error_code').text(data.error_id); $('#ws_error_msg').text(data.error); } $('#soflex_ws_checker span').show(); $('#soflex_ws_checker img').hide(); }, error: function(data) { /*if (window.console) console.log(data);*/ $('#wsFail').fadeIn('slow').prepend(data.responseText); $('#soflex_ws_checker span').show(); $('#soflex_ws_checker img').hide(); } }); }); $('#set_shipping_cost').click(function() { if (!$('#soflexibilite_set_shiiping_cost_modal').length && confirm($('#soflexibilite_set_shiiping_cost_warning').val())) setShippingCost(); }); $('#set_shipping_cost_modal_action').click(function () { $('#soflexibilite_set_shiiping_cost_modal').modal('hide'); setShippingCost(); }); function setShippingCost() { $('#set_shipping_yes, #set_shipping_no').hide(); $('#set_shipping_cost span').hide(); $('#set_shipping_cost img').show(); var set_shipping_cost_url = $('#soflexibilite_set_shiiping_cost_url').val(); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: set_shipping_cost_url, dataType: 'jsonp', success: function(data) { window.console && console.log(data); $('#set_shipping_cost span').show(); $('#set_shipping_cost img').hide(); if (data.status === true) $('#set_shipping_yes').fadeIn('slow'); else $('#set_shipping_no').fadeIn('slow').find('pre').html(data.output ? data.output : 'N/A'); }, error: function(data) { window.console && console.log(data); $('#set_shipping_cost span').show(); $('#set_shipping_cost img').hide(); $('#set_shipping_no').fadeIn('slow').find('pre').html(data.responseText ? data.responseText : 'N/A'); } }); } if ($.fn.jquery === '1.11.0' && $('#conf-informations .alert-warning, #conf-informations .alert-danger, #conf-informations .warn, #conf-informations .error').length) { $('#menu-informations a').css({ "color": "red", "font-weight": "bold" }).find('span').append(' !'); setTimeout(function(){$('#menu-informations').click();}, 800); } $('#psinfo').unbind('click').click(function() { $('#phpinfo_div').hide(); $('#psinfo_div').toggle(); }); $('#phpinfo').unbind('click').click(function() { $('#psinfo_div').hide(); $('#phpinfo_div').toggle(); }); // qTip if (typeof(jQuery.qtip) === 'function') { $('label[rel]').each(function () { var target_glossary_key = $(this).attr('rel'); var target_glossary_div = $('#glossary div.' + target_glossary_key); if (target_glossary_div && target_glossary_div.length) { var title = $(this).text() || null; var content = target_glossary_div.html().trim() || 'N/A'; $(this).addClass('tip').html('' + title + '').find('span').qtip({ content: { text: content, title: title }, hide: { fixed: true, delay: 300 } }); } }); } $('#conf-carriers sup') });