{capture name=path}{l s='My account' mod='loyalty'} {l s='My loyalty points' mod='loyalty'}{/capture} {include file="$tpl_dir./breadcrumb.tpl"}
{l s='Order' mod='loyalty'} | {l s='Date' mod='loyalty'} | {*{l s='Total' mod='loyalty'} | *}{l s='Discount' mod='loyalty'} | {l s='Points Status' mod='loyalty'} |
*} | {l s='Total discount available:' mod='loyalty'} | {Tools::displayPrice($voucher)} | ||
{l s='#' mod='loyalty'}{$order.id|string_format:"%06d"} | {dateFormat date=$order.date full=1} | {*{Tools::displayPrice($order.total_without_shipping)} | *}{Tools::displayPrice($order.discount_value)} | {$order.state|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'} |
{l s='You have not placed any orders.'}
{/if}{l s='Transform my discounts into a voucher of' mod='loyalty'} {convertPrice price=$voucher}.
{/if}{l s='Created' mod='loyalty'} | {l s='Value' mod='loyalty'} | {l s='Code' mod='loyalty'} | {l s='Valid from' mod='loyalty'} | {l s='Valid until' mod='loyalty'} | {l s='Status' mod='loyalty'} | {l s='Details' mod='loyalty'} |
{dateFormat date=$discount->date_add} | {if $discount->id_discount_type == 1} {$discount->value}% {elseif $discount->id_discount_type == 2} {displayPrice price=$discount->value currency=$discount->id_currency} {else} {l s='Free shipping' mod='loyalty'} {/if} | {$discount->name} | {dateFormat date=$discount->date_from} | {dateFormat date=$discount->date_to} | {if $discount->quantity > 0}{l s='To use' mod='loyalty'}{else}{l s='Used' mod='loyalty'}{/if} | {l s='more...' mod='loyalty'} |
{l s='The minimum order amount in order to use these vouchers is:'} {convertPrice price=$minimalLoyalty}
{/if} {else}{l s='No vouchers yet.' mod='loyalty'}
{/if} {else}{l s='No reward discounts yet.' mod='loyalty'}