* @copyright 2007-2010 Prestashop SA * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php Academic Free License (AFL 3.0) * International Registred Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA */ require_once('../../config/config.inc.php'); require_once(_PS_ROOT_DIR_.'/init.php'); require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/classes/SCFields.php'); $so = new SCfields('API'); $fields = $so->getFields(); // Build back the fields list for SoColissimo, gift infos are send using the JS $inputs = array(); foreach($_GET as $key => $value) if (in_array($key, $fields)) $inputs[$key] = Tools::getValue($key); $param_plus = array( // Get the data set before Tools::getValue('trParamPlus'), Tools::getValue('gift'), Tools::getValue('gift_message') ); $inputs['trParamPlus'] = implode('|', $param_plus); // Add signature to get the gift and gift message in the trParamPlus $inputs['signature'] = $so->generateKey($inputs); $onload_script = 'parent.$.fancybox.close();'; if (Tools::isSubmit('first_call')) $onload_script = 'document.getElementById(\'socoForm\').submit();'; ?>