'.$this->l('Summary of my order' ).' (#'.(int)$params['order']->id.')
'.$this->l('Order Status').'
'; if(count($shipping_numbers) > 0 || count($shipping_numbers2) > 0) { echo ''.$this->l('Shipping numbers').'
'; if(count($shipping_numbers) > 0){ foreach ($shipping_numbers as $key => $number) { $date = new DateTime($number['date_add']); echo ''. $number['shipping_number'] .' ajouté le '. $date->format('d/m/Y') .'
'; } } if(count($shipping_numbers2) > 0){ foreach ($shipping_numbers2 as $key => $number) { $date = new DateTime($number['date_add']); echo ''. $number['shipping_number'] .' ajouté le '. $date->format('d/m/Y') .'
'; } } } echo ''.$this->l('Paiement').'
'.$this->l('My Cart').'
- ';
foreach ($cart->getProducts() as $key => $product) {
echo '
- '.$product['quantity'].' x '.mb_strimwidth($product['name'], 0, 35, "...").' '.Tools::displayPrice($product['total_wt'],$currency).' '; } echo '
'.$this->l('Products total').' '.Tools::displayPrice($cart->getOrderTotal(TRUE,1),$currency).'
'; if ($cart->getOrderTotal(TRUE, 2) != 0){ echo ''.$this->l('Discounts total').' '.Tools::displayPrice($cart->getOrderTotal(TRUE,2),$currency).'
'; } echo ''.$this->l('Shipping').'
'.$data['carrier_name'].' '.Tools::displayPrice($cart->getOrderTotal(TRUE, 5),$currency).'
'.$this->l('Delivery delays').'
'; if(isset($data['delivery_date'])){ foreach($data['delivery_date'] as $k => $date) { echo ''.$data['delay_name'][$k].'
'; if($k == 1) { echo ''.$this->l('Date de réception prévue entre le').' '.$date['date_start']->format('d/m/Y').' '.$this->l('et le').' '.$date['date_end']->format('d/m/Y').'
'; } elseif ($k == 5){ echo ''.$this->l('Livraison prévue avant le').' '.$this->l('24/12').'
'; } elseif ($k == 8){ echo ''.$this->l('Envoi en 48h').'
'; } elseif ($k == 9){ echo ''.$this->l('Delai indiqué sur la fiche produit').'
'; } } } echo ''.$this->l('My shipping address').' '. ( ($currentState->id != 8 && $currentState->id != 18 && in_array((int)$params['order']->id_carrier, $carrier_socol)) ?'' :( ($currentState->id != 8 && $currentState->id != 18 && !in_array((int)$params['order']->id_carrier, $carrier_socol)) ?'' :'' ) ). '
'.$this->l('My payment').'
'.$this->l('Total to pay').' '.Tools::displayPrice($cart->getOrderTotal(TRUE),$currency).'