{if $pendingFriends AND $pendingFriends|@count > 0}

{if $reward_sponsor_on} {l s='These friends have not yet placed an order on this Website since you sponsored them,' mod='invite'} {else} {l s='These friends have not yet registered on this Website since you sponsored them,' mod='invite'} {/if} {l s='but you can try again! To do so, mark the checkboxes of the friend(s) you want to remind, then click on the button "Remind my friend(s)"' mod='invite'}

{foreach from=$pendingFriends item=pendingFriend name=myLoop} {/foreach}
  {l s='E-mail' mod='invite'} {l s='Last invitation' mod='invite'}
{dateFormat date=$pendingFriend.date_upd full=1}


{l s='You don\'t have any pending sponsorship at the moment.' mod='invite'}
