* @copyright 2007-2011 PrestaShop SA * @version Release: $Revision: 9116 $ * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php Open Software License (OSL 3.0) * International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA */ class StoreCore extends ObjectModel { /** @var integer Country id */ public $id_country; /** @var integer State id */ public $id_state; /** @var string Store name */ public $name; /** @var string Address first line */ public $address1; /** @var string Address second line (optional) */ public $address2; /** @var string Postal code */ public $postcode; /** @var string City */ public $city; /** @var float Latitude */ public $latitude; /** @var float Longitude */ public $longitude; /** @var string Store hours (PHP serialized) */ public $hours; /** @var string Phone number */ public $phone; /** @var string Fax number */ public $fax; /** @var string Note */ public $note; /** @var string e-mail */ public $email; /** @var string Object creation date */ public $date_add; /** @var string Object last modification date */ public $date_upd; /** @var boolean Store status */ public $active = true; protected $fieldsRequired = array('id_country', 'name', 'address1', 'city', 'active'); protected $fieldsSize = array('name' => 128, 'address1' => 128, 'address2' => 128, 'postcode' => 12, 'city' => 64, 'latitude' => 12, 'longitude' => 12, 'hours' => 254, 'phone' => 16, 'fax' => 16, 'email' => 128, 'note' => 65000); protected $fieldsValidate = array('id_country' => 'isUnsignedId', 'id_state' => 'isNullOrUnsignedId', 'name' => 'isGenericName', 'address1' => 'isAddress', 'address2' => 'isAddress', 'city' => 'isCityName', 'latitude' => 'isCoordinate', 'longitude' => 'isCoordinate', 'hours' => 'isSerializedArray', 'phone' => 'isPhoneNumber', 'fax' => 'isPhoneNumber', 'note' => 'isCleanHtml', 'email' => 'isEmail', 'active' => 'isBool'); protected $table = 'store'; protected $identifier = 'id_store'; protected $webserviceParameters = array( 'fields' => array( 'id_country' => array('xlink_resource'=> 'countries'), 'id_state' => array('xlink_resource'=> 'states'), 'hours' => array('getter' => 'getWsHours', 'setter' => 'setWsHours'), ), ); public function getFields() { parent::validateFields(); $fields['id_country'] = (int)$this->id_country; $fields['id_state'] = (int)$this->id_state; $fields['name'] = pSQL($this->name); $fields['address1'] = pSQL($this->address1); $fields['address2'] = pSQL($this->address2); $fields['postcode'] = pSQL($this->postcode); $fields['city'] = pSQL($this->city); $fields['latitude'] = (float)$this->latitude; $fields['longitude'] = (float)$this->longitude; $fields['hours'] = pSQL($this->hours); $fields['phone'] = pSQL($this->phone); $fields['fax'] = pSQL($this->fax); $fields['note'] = pSQL($this->note); $fields['email'] = pSQL($this->email); $fields['date_add'] = pSQL($this->date_add); $fields['date_upd'] = pSQL($this->date_upd); $fields['active'] = (int)$this->active; return $fields; } public function __construct($id_store = NULL, $id_lang = NULL) { parent::__construct($id_store, $id_lang); $this->id_image = ($this->id AND file_exists(_PS_STORE_IMG_DIR_.(int)$this->id.'.jpg')) ? (int)$this->id : false; $this->image_dir = _PS_STORE_IMG_DIR_; } public function getWsHours() { return implode(';', unserialize($this->hours)); } public function setWsHours($hours) { $this->hours = serialize(explode(';', $hours)); return true; } }