* @copyright 2007-2011 PrestaShop SA
* @version Release: $Revision: 9992 $
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php Academic Free License (AFL 3.0)
* International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA
* @see the technical doc for entire description.
* too long to set it here.
* @author Prestashop - Nans Pellicari
* @since prestashop 1.4
* @version 0.1
class TSBuyerProtection extends AbsTrustedShops
const PREFIX_TABLE = 'TS_TAB1_';
const ENV_TEST = 'test';
const ENV_PROD = 'production';
const DB_ITEMS = 'ts_buyerprotection_items';
const DB_APPLI = 'ts_application_id';
const WEBSERVICE_BO = 'administration';
const WEBSERVICE_FO = 'front-end';
* List of registration link, need to add parameters
* @see TSBuyerProtection::_getRegistrationLink()
* @var array
private $registration_link = array(
'DE' => 'http://www.trustedshops.de/shopbetreiber/mitgliedschaft.html',
'EN' => 'http://www.trustedshops.com/merchants/membership.html',
'FR' => 'http://www.trustedshops.com/marchands/affiliation.html',
'PL' => 'http://www.trustedshops.pl/handlowcy/cennik.html',
* Link to obtain the certificate about the shop.
* Use by seal of approval.
* @see TSBuyerProtection::hookRightColumn()
* @var array
private static $certificate_link = array(
'DE' => 'http://www.trustedshops.de/profil/#shop_name#_#shop_id#.html',
'EN' => 'http://www.trustedshops.com/profile/#shop_name#_#shop_id#.html',
'FR' => 'http://www.trustedshops.fr',
'PL' => 'http://www.trustedshops.de/profil/#shop_name#_#shop_id#.html',
* Available language for used TrustedShops Buyer Protection
* @see TSBuyerProtection::__construct()
* @var array
private $available_languages = array('EN'=>'', 'FR'=>'', 'DE'=>'', 'PL'=>'', );
* @todo : be sure : see TrustedShopsRating::__construct()
* @var array
public $limited_countries = array('PL', 'GB', 'US', 'FR', 'DE');
* Differents urls to call for Trusted Shops API
* @var array
private static $webservice_urls = array(
'administration' => array(
'test' => 'https://qa.trustedshops.de/ts/services/TsProtection?wsdl',
'production' => 'https://www.trustedshops.de/ts/services/TsProtection?wsdl',
'front-end' => array(
'test' => 'https://protection-qa.trustedshops.com/ts/protectionservices/ApplicationRequestService?wsdl',
'production' => 'https://protection.trustedshops.com/ts/protectionservices/ApplicationRequestService?wsdl',
// Configuration vars
private static $SHOPSW;
private static $ET_CID;
private static $ET_LID;
* Its must look like :
* array(
* 'lang_iso(ex: FR)' => array('stateEnum'=>'', 'typeEnum'=>'', 'url'=>'', 'tsID'=>'', 'user'=>'', 'password'=>''),
* ...
* )
* @var array
public static $CERTIFICATE;
private static $DEFAULT_LANG;
private static $CAT_ID;
private static $ENV_API;
* save shop url
* @var string
private $site_url;
* Payment type used by Trusted Shops.
* @var array
private static $payments_type;
public function __construct()
// need to set this in constructor to allow translation
TSBuyerProtection::$payments_type = array(
'DIRECT_DEBIT' => $this->l('Direct debit'),
'CREDIT_CARD' => $this->l('Credit Card'),
'INVOICE' => $this->l('Invoice'),
'CASH_ON_DELIVERY' => $this->l('Cash on delivery'),
'PREPAYMENT' => $this->l('Prepayment'),
'CHEQUE' => $this->l('Cheque'),
'PAYBOX' => $this->l('Paybox'),
'PAYPAL' => $this->l('PayPal'),
'CASH_ON_PICKUP' => $this->l('Cash on pickup'),
'FINANCING' => $this->l('Financing'),
'LEASING' => $this->l('Leasing'),
'T_PAY' => $this->l('T-Pay'),
'CLICKANDBUY' => $this->l('Click&Buy'),
'GIROPAY' => $this->l('Giropay'),
'GOOGLE_CHECKOUT' => $this->l('Google Checkout'),
'SHOP_CARD' => $this->l('Online shop payment card'),
'DIRECT_E_BANKING' => $this->l('DIRECTebanking.com'),
'MONEYBOOKERS' => $this->l('moneybookers.com'),
'OTHER' => $this->l('Other method of payment'),
$this->tab_name = $this->l('Trusted Shops quality seal and buyer protection');
$this->site_url = Tools::htmlentitiesutf8('http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].__PS_BASE_URI__);
if (!method_exists('Tools', 'jsonDecode') || !method_exists('Tools', 'jsonEncode'))
$this->warnings[] = $this->l('Json functions must be implemented in your php version');
foreach ($this->available_languages as $iso => $lang)
if ($lang === '')
$this->available_languages[$iso] = Language::getLanguage(Language::getIdByIso($iso));
TSBuyerProtection::$CERTIFICATE[strtoupper($iso)] = (array)Tools::jsonDecode(
if (TSBuyerProtection::$SHOPSW === NULL)
TSBuyerProtection::$SHOPSW = Configuration::get(TSBuyerProtection::PREFIX_TABLE.'SHOPSW');
TSBuyerProtection::$ET_CID = Configuration::get(TSBuyerProtection::PREFIX_TABLE.'ET_CID');
TSBuyerProtection::$ET_LID = Configuration::get(TSBuyerProtection::PREFIX_TABLE.'ET_LID');
TSBuyerProtection::$DEFAULT_LANG = (int)Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT');
TSBuyerProtection::$CAT_ID = (int)Configuration::get(TSBuyerProtection::PREFIX_TABLE.'CAT_ID');
TSBuyerProtection::$ENV_API = Configuration::get(TSBuyerProtection::PREFIX_TABLE.'ENV_API');
public function install()
if (!method_exists('Tools', 'jsonDecode') || !method_exists('Tools', 'jsonEncode'))
return false;
foreach ($this->available_languages as $iso=>$lang)
Tools::htmlentitiesUTF8(Tools::jsonEncode(array('stateEnum'=>'', 'typeEnum'=>'', 'url'=>'', 'tsID'=>'', 'user'=>'', 'password'=>''))));
Configuration::updateValue(TSBuyerProtection::PREFIX_TABLE.'SHOPSW', '');
Configuration::updateValue(TSBuyerProtection::PREFIX_TABLE.'ET_CID', '');
Configuration::updateValue(TSBuyerProtection::PREFIX_TABLE.'ET_LID', '');
Configuration::updateValue(TSBuyerProtection::PREFIX_TABLE.'ENV_API', TSBuyerProtection::ENV_PROD);
$req = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `'._DB_PREFIX_.TSBuyerProtection::DB_ITEMS.'` (
`id_product` INT NOT NULL,
`ts_id` VARCHAR( 33 ) NOT NULL,
`currency` VARCHAR( 3 ) NOT NULL ,
`gross_fee` DECIMAL( 20, 6 ) NOT NULL ,
`net_fee` DECIMAL( 20, 6 ) NOT NULL ,
`protected_amount_decimal` INT NOT NULL ,
`protection_duration_int` INT NOT NULL ,
`ts_product_id` TEXT NOT NULL ,
`creation_date` VARCHAR( 25 ) NOT NULL
$req = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `'._DB_PREFIX_.TSBuyerProtection::DB_APPLI.'` (
`id_application` INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
`ts_id` VARCHAR( 33 ) NOT NULL,
`id_order` INT NOT NULL,
`statut_number` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT \'0\',
`creation_date` DATETIME NOT NULL,
`last_update` DATETIME NOT NULL
//add hidden category
$category = new Category();
$languages = Language::getLanguages(true);
foreach ($this->available_languages as $iso=>$lang)
$category->name[Language::getIdByIso(strtolower($iso))] = 'Trustedshops';
$category->link_rewrite[Language::getIdByIso(strtolower($iso))] = 'trustedshops';
// If the default lang is different than available languages :
// (Bug occurred otherwise)
if (!array_key_exists(Language::getIsoById((int)Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT')), $this->available_languages))
$category->name[(int)Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT')] = 'Trustedshops';
$category->link_rewrite[(int)Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT')] = 'trustedshops';
$category->id_parent = 0;
$category->level_depth = 0;
$category->active = 0;
Configuration::updateValue(TSBuyerProtection::PREFIX_TABLE.'CAT_ID', intval($category->id));
Configuration::updateValue(TSBuyerProtection::PREFIX_TABLE.'SECURE_KEY', strtoupper(Tools::passwdGen(16)));
return true;
public function uninstall()
foreach ($this->available_languages as $iso=>$lang)
$category = new Category((int)TSBuyerProtection::$CAT_ID);
return true;
* Just for return the file path
* @return string
public function getCronFilePath()
return $this->site_url.'modules/'.self::$module_name.'/cron_garantee.php?secure_key='.Configuration::get(TSBuyerProtection::PREFIX_TABLE.'SECURE_KEY');
* This method is used to access of TrustedShops API
* from a SoapClient object.
* @uses TSBuyerProtection::$webservice_urls with TSBuyerProtection::$ENV_API
* To get the api url according to the environment (test or production)
* @param string $type
* @return SoapClient
private function _getClient($type = TSBuyerProtection::WEBSERVICE_BO)
$url = TSBuyerProtection::$webservice_urls[$type][TSBuyerProtection::$ENV_API];
$client = new SoapClient($url);
return $client;
* Checks the Trusted Shops IDs entered in the shop administration
* and returns the characteristics of the corresponding certificate.
* @uses TSBuyerProtection::_getClient()
* @param string $certificate certificate code already send by Trusted Shops
private function _checkCertificate($certificate)
$array_state = array(
'PRODUCTION' => $this->l('The certificate is valid'),
'CANCELLED' => $this->l('The certificate has expired'),
'DISABLED' => $this->l('The certificate has been disabled'),
'INTEGRATION' => $this->l('The shop is currently being certified'),
'INVALID_TS_ID' => $this->l('No certificate has been allocated to the Trusted Shops ID'),
'TEST' => $this->l('Test certificate'),
$client = $this->_getClient();
$validation = false;
try {
$validation = $client->checkCertificate($certificate);
} catch (SoapFault $fault) {
$this->errors[] = $this->l('Code #').$fault->faultcode.',
if (is_int($validation))
throw new TSBPException($validation, TSBPException::ADMINISTRATION);
if (!$validation OR array_key_exists($validation->stateEnum, $array_state))
if ($validation->stateEnum === 'TEST' || $validation->stateEnum === 'PRODUCTION' || $validation->stateEnum === 'INTEGRATION')
$this->confirmations[] = $array_state[$validation->stateEnum];
return $validation;
$this->errors[] = $array_state[$validation->stateEnum];
return false;
$this->errors[] = $this->l('Unknown error.');
* Checks the shop's web service access credentials.
* @uses TSBuyerProtection::_getClient()
* @param string $ts_id
* @param string $user
* @param string $password
private function _checkLogin($ts_id, $user, $password)
$client = $this->_getClient();
$return = 0;
try {
$return = $client->checkLogin($ts_id, $user, $password);
} catch (SoapClient $fault) {
$this->errors[] = $this->l('Code #').$fault->faultcode.',
if ($return < 0)
throw new TSBPException($return, TSBPException::ADMINISTRATION);
return true;
* Returns the characteristics of the buyer protection products
* that are allocated individually to each certificate by Trusted Shops.
* @uses TSBuyerProtection::_getClient()
* @param string $ts_id
private function _getProtectionItems($ts_id)
$client = $this->_getClient();
try {
$items = $client->getProtectionItems($ts_id);
} catch (SoapFault $fault) {
$this->errors[] = $this->l('Code #').$fault->faultcode.',
if (isset($items->item))
return $items->item;
return false;
* Check validity for params required for TSBuyerProtection::_requestForProtectionV2()
* @param array $params
private function _requestForProtectionV2ParamsValidator($params)
$bool_flag = true;
$mandatory_keys = array(
array('name'=>'tsID', 'validator'=>array('isCleanHtml'),),
array('name'=>'tsProductID', 'validator'=>array('isCleanHtml'),),
array('name'=>'amount', 'validator'=>array('isFloat'),),
array('name'=>'currency', 'length'=>3, 'validator'=>array('isString'),),
array('name'=>'paymentType', 'validator'=>array('isString'),),
array('name'=>'buyerEmail', 'validator'=>array('isEmail'),),
array('name'=>'shopCustomerID', 'validator'=>array('isInt'),),
array('name'=>'shopOrderID', 'validator'=>array('isInt'),),
array('name'=>'orderDate', 'ereg'=>'#[0-9]{4}\-[0-9]{2}\-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}#',),
array('name'=>'wsPassword', 'validator'=>array('isCleanHtml'),),
foreach ($mandatory_keys as $key)
$bool_flag = (!array_key_exists($key['name'], $params)) ? false : $bool_flag;
if ($bool_flag)
if (isset($key['length']))
$bool_flag = strlen((string)$params[$key['name']]) === $key['length'];
if (isset($key['length-min']))
$bool_flag = strlen((string)$params[$key['name']]) > $key['length-min'];
if (isset($key['length-max']))
$bool_flag = strlen((string)$params[$key['name']]) < $key['length-max'];
if (isset($key['validator']))
foreach ($key['validator'] as $validator)
if (method_exists('Validate', $validator))
$bool_flag = !Validate::$validator((string)$params[$key['name']]) ? false : $bool_flag;
if (isset($key['ereg']))
$bool_flag = !preg_match($key['ereg'], $params[$key['name']]) ? false : $bool_flag ;
if (!$bool_flag)
$this->errors[] = sprintf($this->l('The field %s is wrong, please ensure it was correctly filled.'), $key['name']);
return $bool_flag;
* Create the Buyer Protection application by the web service.
* Applications are saved by Trusted Shops and are processed at regular intervals.
* @uses TSBuyerProtection::_getClient()
* @uses TSBuyerProtection::_requestForProtectionV2ParamsValidator()
* to check required params
* @see TSBuyerProtection::cronTasks()
* @param array $params
private function _requestForProtectionV2($params)
$client = $this->_getClient(TSBuyerProtection::WEBSERVICE_FO);
$testing_params = $this->_requestForProtectionV2ParamsValidator($params);
$code = 0;
$sql = '
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.TSBuyerProtection::DB_APPLI.'`
WHERE `id_order` = "'.(int)$params['shopOrderID'].'"
$order = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($sql);
// If an order was already added, no need to continue.
// Otherwise a new application is created by TrustedShops.
// this can occurred when order confirmation page is reload.
if (isset($order[0]))
return false;
if ($testing_params)
try {
$code = $client->requestForProtectionV2($params['tsID'], $params['tsProductID'], $params['amount'], $params['currency'], $params['paymentType'], $params['buyerEmail'], $params['shopCustomerID'], $params['shopOrderID'], $params['orderDate'], $params['shopSystemVersion'], $params['wsUser'], $params['wsPassword']);
if ($code < 0)
throw new TSBPException($code, TSBPException::FRONT_END);
} catch (SoapFault $fault) {
$this->errors[] = $this->l('Code #').$fault->faultcode.',
} catch (TSBPException $e) {
$this->errors[] = $e->getMessage();
if ($code > 0)
$date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$sql = '
// To reset product quantity in database.
$sql = '
SELECT `id_product`
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.TSBuyerProtection::DB_ITEMS.'`
WHERE `ts_product_id` = "'.(int)$params['tsProductID'].'"
$ts_product = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($sql);
$product = new Product($ts_product[0]['id_product']);
$product->quantity = 1000;
$this->errors[] = $this->l('Some parameters sending to "requestForProtectionV2" method are wrong or missing.');
* With the getRequestState() method,
* the status of a guarantee application is requested
* and in the event of a successful transaction,
* the guarantee number is returned.
* @uses TSBuyerProtection::_getClient()
* @param array $params
* @throws TSBPException
private function _getRequestState($params)
$client = $this->_getClient(TSBuyerProtection::WEBSERVICE_FO);
$code = 0;
try {
$code = $client->getRequestState($params['tsID'], $params['applicationID']);
if ($code < 0)
throw new TSBPException($code, TSBPException::FRONT_END);
} catch (SoapFault $fault) {
$this->errors[] = $this->l('Code #').$fault->faultcode.',
} catch (TSBPException $e) {
$this->errors[] = $e->getMessage();
return $code;
* Check statut of last applications
* saved with TSBuyerProtection::_requestForProtectionV2()
* Negative value means an error occurred.
* Error code are managed in TSBPException.
* @see (exception) TSBPException::_getFrontEndMessage() method
* Trusted Shops recommends that the request
* should be automated by a cronjob with an interval of 10 minutes.
* @see /../cron_garantee.php
* A message is added to the sheet order in Back-office,
* @see Message class
* @uses TSBuyerProtection::_getRequestState()
* @uses Message class
* @return void
public function cronTask()
// get the last 20min to get the api number (to be sure)
$mktime = mktime(date('H'), date('i')-20, date('s'), date('m'), date('d'), date('Y'));
$date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $mktime);
$db_name = _DB_PREFIX_.TSBuyerProtection::DB_APPLI;
$sql = '
FROM `'.$db_name.'`
WHERE `last_update` >= "'.$date.'" OR `statut_number` <= 0
$to_check = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($sql);
foreach ($to_check as $application)
$code = $this->_getRequestState(array('tsID'=>$application['ts_id'], 'applicationID'=>$application['id_application']));
if (!empty($this->errors))
$return_message = '
'.$this->l('Trusted Shops API returns an error concerning the application #').$application['id_application'].':
', $this->errors).'
Jetzt bei Trusted Shops anmelden!
'.$this->l('Trusted Shops is the well-known internet Seal of Approval for online shops which also offers customers a Buyer Protection. During the audit, your online shop is subjected to extensive and thorough tests. This audit, consisting of over 100 individual criteria, is based on the requirements of consumer protection, national and European laws.').'
'.$this->l('The Trusted Shops seal of approval is the optimal way to increase the trust of your online customers. Trust increases customers\' willingness to buy from you.').'
'.$this->l('Give your online customers a strong reason to buy with the Trusted Shops Buyer Protection. This additional security leads to less shopping basket abandonment').'
'.$this->l('For many online shoppers, the Trusted Shops Seal of Approval with Buyer Protection is an effective sign of quality for safe shopping on the internet. One-time buyers become regular customers.').'
'.$this->l('You are currently using the mode :').' '.TSBuyerProtection::$ENV_API.'
.$this->l('The Trusted Shop Buyer Protection needs a login to succeed. Please contact the shop administrator.')
.$this->l('Problem occurred with your language:').' "'.$lang
', $this->errors).'
'.$this->l('You will receive an e-mail by Trusted Shops about your guarantee number.').'
'; return $return; } /** * Trusted Shops Buyer Protection is integrated at the end of the checkout * as a form on the order confirmation page. * At the moment the customer clicks the registration button, * the order data is processed to Trusted Shops. * The customer confirms the Buyer Protection on the Trusted Shops site. * The guarantee is then booked and the customer receives an email by Trusted Shops. * * @param array $params * @param string $lang * @return string tpl content */ private function _orderConfirmationClassic($params, $lang) { $customer = new Customer($params['objOrder']->id_customer); $currency = new Currency((int)$params['objOrder']->id_currency); $arr_params = array(); $arr_params['charset'] = 'UTF-8'; $arr_params['shop_id'] = TSBuyerProtection::$CERTIFICATE[$lang]['tsID']; $arr_params['buyer_email'] = $customer->email; $arr_params['amount'] = $params['total_to_pay']; $arr_params['currency'] = $currency->iso_code; $arr_params['payment_type'] = 'CHEQUE';//$params['objOrder']->module; $arr_params['customer_id'] = $customer->id; $arr_params['order_id'] = $params['objOrder']->id; TSBuyerProtection::$smarty->assign( array( 'tax_label' => 'TTC', 'buyer_protection' => $arr_params ) ); return $this->display(TSBuyerProtection::$module_name, 'order-confirmation-tsbp-classic.tpl'); } /** * Order confirmation displaying and actions depend on the certificate type. * * @uses TSBuyerProtection::_orderConfirmationClassic() for Classic certificate * @uses TSBuyerProtection::_orderConfirmationExcellence for Excellence certificate. * @param array $params * @return string depend on which certificate is used. */ public function hookOrderConfirmation($params) { $lang = Language::getIsoById($params['objOrder']->id_lang); $lang = strtoupper($lang); // If certificate is a classic type or certificate login parameters missing if (((TSBuyerProtection::$CERTIFICATE[$lang]['user'] == '' OR TSBuyerProtection::$CERTIFICATE[$lang]['password'] == '') AND TSBuyerProtection::$CERTIFICATE[$lang]['typeEnum'] == 'EXCELLENCE') OR (TSBuyerProtection::$CERTIFICATE[$lang]['stateEnum'] !== 'INTEGRATION' AND TSBuyerProtection::$CERTIFICATE[$lang]['stateEnum'] !== 'PRODUCTION' AND TSBuyerProtection::$CERTIFICATE[$lang]['stateEnum'] !== 'TEST')) return ''; if (TSBuyerProtection::$CERTIFICATE[$lang]['typeEnum'] == 'CLASSIC') return $this->_orderConfirmationClassic($params, $lang); else return $this->_orderConfirmationExcellence($params, $lang); } }