* @copyright 2007-2011 PrestaShop SA * @version Release: $Revision: 10010 $ * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php Academic Free License (AFL 3.0) * International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA */ if (!defined('_PS_VERSION_')) exit; class importerosc extends ImportModule { public function __construct() { global $cookie; $this->name = 'importerosc'; $this->tab = 'migration_tools'; $this->version = '1.0'; $this->author = 'PrestaShop'; $this->theImporter = 1; $this->need_instance = 1; parent::__construct (); $this->displayName = $this->l('Importer osCommerce'); $this->description = $this->l('This module allows you to import from osCommerce to Prestashop.'); } public function install() { if (!parent::install() || !$this->registerHook('beforeAuthentication')) return false; return true; } public function uninstall() { if (!parent::uninstall()) return false; return true; } public function displaySpecificOptions() { $html = ''; if (!$this->checkCategoriesLevel()) $html .= $this->displayCategoriesLevelConf(); $langagues = $this->ExecuteS('SELECT * FROM `'.bqSQL($this->prefix).'languages`'); $curencies = $this->ExecuteS('SELECT * FROM `'.bqSQL($this->prefix).'currencies`'); $html .= '
'; $html .= '

'.$this->l('Specify the root URL of your site oscommerce').'

'; return $html; } public function validateSpecificOptions() { $errors = array(); if (Tools::getValue('defaultOscLang') == 0) $errors[] = $this->l('Please select a default language'); if (Tools::getValue('defaultOscCurrency') == 0) $errors[] = $this->l('Please select a default currency'); if (Tools::getValue('shop_url') == '') $errors[] = $this->l('Please set your shop url'); if (!sizeof($errors)) die('{"hasError" : false, "error" : []}'); else die('{"hasError" : true, "error" : '.Tools::jsonEncode($errors).'}'); } public function getDefaultIdLang () { return Tools::getValue('defaultOscLang'); } public function getDefaultIdCurrency () { return Tools::getValue('defaultOscCurrency'); } public function getLangagues($limit = 0, $nrb_import = 100) { $identifier = 'id_lang'; $langagues = $this->ExecuteS(' SELECT languages_id as id_lang, name as name, code as iso_code, 1 as active, (\'m/j/Y\') as date_format_lite, (\'m/j/Y H:i:s\') as date_format_full FROM `'.bqSQL($this->prefix).'languages` LIMIT '.(int)($limit).' , '.(int)$nrb_import); return $this->autoFormat($langagues, $identifier); } public function getCurrencies($limit = 0, $nrb_import = 100) { $identifier = 'id_currency'; $currencies = $this->ExecuteS(' SELECT currencies_id as id_currency, title as name, code as iso_code, 0 as format, 999 as iso_code_num, 1 as decimals, CONCAT(`symbol_left`, `symbol_right`) as sign, value as conversion_rate FROM `'.bqSQL($this->prefix).'currencies` LIMIT '.(int)($limit).' , '.(int)$nrb_import ); return $this->autoFormat($currencies, $identifier); } public function getZones($limit = 0, $nrb_import = 100) { $identifier = 'id_zone'; $zones = $this->ExecuteS('SELECT geo_zone_id as id_zone, geo_zone_name as name, 1 as active FROM `'.bqSQL($this->prefix).'geo_zones` LIMIT '.(int)($limit).' , '.(int)$nrb_import); return $this->autoFormat($zones, $identifier); } public function getCountries($limit = 0, $nrb_import = 100) { $multiLangFields = array('name'); $keyLanguage = 'id_lang'; $identifier = 'id_country'; $defaultIdLang = $this->getDefaultIdLang(); $countries = $this->ExecuteS(' SELECT countries_id as id_country, countries_name as name, countries_iso_code_2 as iso_code, '.(int)$defaultIdLang.' as id_lang, 1 as id_zone, 0 as id_currency, 1 as contains_states, 1 as need_identification_number, 1 as active, 1 as display_tax_label FROM `'.bqSQL($this->prefix).'countries` as c LIMIT '.(int)($limit).' , '.(int)$nrb_import); return $this->autoFormat($countries, $identifier, $keyLanguage, $multiLangFields); } public function getStates($limit = 0, $nrb_import = 100) { $identifier = 'id_state'; $states = array( 0 => array( 'id_state' => 0, 'id_country' => 0, 'id_zone' => 0, 'iso_code' => 999, 'name' => 'osc', 'active' => 0 ) ); return $this->autoFormat($states, $identifier); } public function getGroups() { $idLang = $this->getDefaultIdLang(); return array( 1 => array( 'id_group' => 1, 'price_display_method' => 0, 'name' => array($idLang => $this->l('Default osCommerce Group')) ) ); } public function getCustomers($limit = 0, $nrb_import = 100) { $genderMatch = array('m' => 1,'f' => 2); $identifier = 'id_customer'; $customers = $this->ExecuteS(' SELECT c.`customers_id` as id_customer, 1 as id_default_group, c.`customers_gender` as id_gender, c.`customers_firstname` as firstname, IFNULL( STRCMP(c.`customers_newsletter`, \'\') , 0 ) as newsletter, c.`customers_lastname` as lastname, DATE(c.`customers_dob`) as birthday, c.`customers_email_address` as email, c.`customers_password` as passwd, 1 as active, ci.`customers_info_date_account_created` as date_add FROM `'.bqSQL($this->prefix).'customers` c LEFT JOIN `'.bqSQL($this->prefix).'customers_info` ci ON (c.`customers_id` = ci.`customers_info_id`) LIMIT '.(int)($limit).' , '.(int)$nrb_import ); foreach($customers AS &$customer) if (isset($customer['id_gender']) && array_key_exists($customer['id_gender'], $genderMatch)) $customer['id_gender'] = $genderMatch[$customer['id_gender']]; else $customer['id_gender'] = 9; return $this->autoFormat($customers, $identifier); } public function getAddresses($limit = 0, $nrb_import = 100) { $identifier = 'id_address'; $addresses = $this->ExecuteS(' SELECT address_book_id as id_address, customers_id as id_customer, CONCAT(customers_id, \'_address\') as alias, entry_company as company, entry_firstname as firstname, entry_lastname as lastname, entry_street_address as address1, entry_postcode as postcode, entry_city as city, entry_country_id as id_country, 0 as id_state FROM `'.bqSQL($this->prefix).'address_book` LIMIT '.(int)($limit).' , '.(int)$nrb_import); return $this->autoFormat($addresses, $identifier); } public function getCategories($limit = 0, $nrb_import = 100) { $multiLangFields = array('name', 'link_rewrite'); $keyLanguage = 'id_lang'; $identifier = 'id_category'; $categories = $this->ExecuteS(' SELECT c.categories_id as id_category, c.parent_id as id_parent, level as level_depth, cd.language_id as id_lang, cd.categories_name as name , 1 as active, categories_image as images FROM `'.bqSQL($this->prefix).'categories` c LEFT JOIN `'.bqSQL($this->prefix).'categories_description` cd ON (c.categories_id = cd.categories_id) WHERE cd.categories_name IS NOT NULL AND cd.language_id IS NOT NULL ORDER BY c.level ASC , c.`categories_id` LIMIT '.(int)($limit).' , '.(int)$nrb_import); foreach($categories as& $cat) { $cat['link_rewrite'] = Tools::link_rewrite($cat['name']); $cat['images'] = array(Tools::getProtocol().Tools::getValue('shop_url').'/images/'.$cat['images']); } return $this->autoFormat($categories, $identifier, $keyLanguage, $multiLangFields); } public function getAttributesGroups($limit = 0, $nrb_import = 100) { $multiLangFields = array('name', 'public_name'); $keyLanguage = 'id_lang'; $identifier = 'id_attribute_group'; $countries = $this->ExecuteS(' SELECT products_options_id as id_attribute_group, products_options_name as name , products_options_name as public_name, language_id as id_lang, 0 as is_color_group FROM `'.bqSQL($this->prefix).'products_options` LIMIT '.(int)($limit).' , '.(int)$nrb_import); return $this->autoFormat($countries, $identifier, $keyLanguage, $multiLangFields); } public function getAttributes($limit = 0, $nrb_import = 100) { $multiLangFields = array('name'); $keyLanguage = 'id_lang'; $identifier = 'id_attribute'; $countries = $this->ExecuteS(' SELECT p.`products_options_values_id` as id_attribute, p.`products_options_values_name` as name, p.`language_id` as id_lang , po.`products_options_id` as id_attribute_group FROM `'.bqSQL($this->prefix).'products_options_values` p LEFT JOIN `'.bqSQL($this->prefix).'products_options_values_to_products_options` po ON (po.products_options_values_id = p.products_options_values_id) ORDER BY p.`products_options_values_id` LIMIT '.(int)($limit).' , '.(int)$nrb_import); return $this->autoFormat($countries, $identifier, $keyLanguage, $multiLangFields); } public function getProducts($limit = 0, $nrb_import = 100) { $multiLangFields = array('name', 'link_rewrite', 'description'); $keyLanguage = 'id_lang'; $identifier = 'id_product'; $products = $this->ExecuteS(' SELECT p.`products_id` as id_product, p.`products_quantity` as quantity, p.`products_model` as reference, p.`products_price` as price, p.`products_weight` as weight, IFNULL(STRCMP(p.`products_status`, \'\') , 0 ) as active, p.`manufacturers_id` as id_manufacturer, pd.language_id as id_lang, pd.products_name as name, pd.products_description as description, CONCAT(\''.pSQL(Tools::getProtocol()).pSQL(Tools::getValue('shop_url')).'\/images/\',p.`products_image`) as images, (SELECT ptc.categories_id FROM `'.bqSQL($this->prefix).'products_to_categories` ptc WHERE ptc.`products_id` = p.`products_id` LIMIT 1) as id_category_default, p.`products_date_added` as date_add FROM `'.bqSQL($this->prefix).'products` p LEFT JOIN `'.bqSQL($this->prefix).'products_description` pd ON (p.products_id = pd.products_id) WHERE pd.products_name IS NOT NULL AND pd.language_id IS NOT NULL ORDER BY p.`products_id` LIMIT '.(int)($limit).' , '.(int)$nrb_import); $this->Execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS`products_images` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `products_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `image` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL, `htmlcontent` text, `sort_order` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `products_images_prodid` (`products_id`) )'); foreach($products as& $product) { $result = $this->ExecuteS('SELECT `image` FROM `'.bqSQL($this->prefix).'products_images` WHERE products_id = '.(int)$product['id_product']); $images = array(); foreach($result as $res) $images[] = Tools::getProtocol().Tools::getValue('shop_url').'/images/'.$res['image']; $product['images'] = array_merge(array($product['images']), $images); $product['link_rewrite'] = Tools::link_rewrite($product['name']); $result = $this->ExecuteS('SELECT `categories_id` FROM `'.bqSQL($this->prefix).'products_to_categories` WHERE products_id = '.(int)$product['id_product']); $category_product = array('category_product' => array($product['id_category_default'] => $product['id_product'])); foreach($result as $res) $category_product['category_product'][$res['categories_id']] = $product['id_product']; $product['association'] = $category_product; } return $this->autoFormat($products, $identifier, $keyLanguage, $multiLangFields); } public function getProductsCombination($limit = 0, $nrb_import = 100) { $identifier = 'id_product_attribute'; $combinations = $this->ExecuteS(' SELECT products_attributes_id as id_product_attribute, products_id as id_product, options_values_price as price, options_values_id FROM `'.bqSQL($this->prefix).'products_attributes` LIMIT '.(int)($limit).' , '.(int)$nrb_import); foreach($combinations as& $combination) { $combination['association'] = array('product_attribute_combination' => array($combination['options_values_id'] => $combination['id_product_attribute'])); unset($combination['options_values_id']); } return $this->autoFormat($combinations, $identifier); } public function getManufacturers($limit = 0, $nrb_import = 100) { $identifier = 'id_manufacturer'; $manufacturers = $this->ExecuteS(' SELECT manufacturers_id as id_manufacturer, manufacturers_name as name, 1 as active, manufacturers_image as images FROM `'.bqSQL($this->prefix).'manufacturers` LIMIT '.(int)($limit).' , '.(int)$nrb_import); foreach($manufacturers as& $manufacturer) $manufacturer['images'] = array(Tools::getProtocol().Tools::getValue('shop_url').'/images/'.$manufacturer['images']); return $this->autoFormat($manufacturers, $identifier); } public function getOrdersStates($limit = 0, $nrb_import = 100) { $multiLangFields = array('name'); $keyLanguage = 'id_lang'; $identifier = 'id_order_state'; $ordersStates = $this->ExecuteS(' SELECT `orders_status_id` as id_order_state, `language_id` as id_lang, `orders_status_name` as name , 1 as hidden FROM `'.bqSQL($this->prefix).'orders_status` LIMIT '.(int)($limit).' , '.(int)$nrb_import);//IF(`public_flag` = 0, 1, 0) as hidden return $this->autoFormat($ordersStates, $identifier, $keyLanguage, $multiLangFields); } public function getOrders($limit = 0, $nrb_import = 100) { $orders = array(); $addresses = $this->ExecuteS('SELECT customers_id as id_customer, address_book_id as id_address FROM `'.bqSQL($this->prefix).'address_book` GROUP BY customers_id'); $matchAddresses = array(); foreach($addresses as $address) $matchAddresses[$address['id_customer']] = $address['id_address']; $psCarrierDefault = (int)Configuration::get('PS_CARRIER_DEFAULT'); $psCurrency = Currency::getCurrencies(); foreach($psCurrency as $key => $currency) { $psCurrency[$currency['iso_code']] = $currency['id_currency']; unset($psCurrency[$key]); } $orders = $this->ExecuteS(' SELECT orders_id as id_cart, '.$psCarrierDefault.' as id_carrier, 1 as id_lang, currency as id_currency, customers_id as id_customer, payment_method as payment, 1 as valid, date_purchased as date_add, last_modified as date_upd FROM `'.bqSQL($this->prefix).'orders` LIMIT '.(int)($limit).' , '.(int)$nrb_import); foreach($orders as $key => $order) { $orders[$key]['id_currency'] = (array_key_exists($order['id_currency'], $psCurrency) ? $psCurrency[$order['id_currency']] : 0); $orders[$key]['id_address_delivery'] = (array_key_exists($order['id_customer'], $matchAddresses) ? $matchAddresses[$order['id_customer']] : 0); $orders[$key]['id_address_invoice'] = (array_key_exists($order['id_customer'], $matchAddresses) ? $matchAddresses[$order['id_customer']] : 0); $orders[$key]['total_paid'] = $this->getValue('SELECT value FROM `'.bqSQL($this->prefix).'orders_total` WHERE `orders_id` = '.(int)$order['id_cart'].' AND class=\'ot_total\''); $orders[$key]['total_paid_real'] = $this->getValue('SELECT value FROM `'.bqSQL($this->prefix).'orders_total` WHERE `orders_id` = '.(int)$order['id_cart'].' AND class=\'ot_total\''); $orders[$key]['total_products'] = $this->getValue('SELECT value FROM `'.bqSQL($this->prefix).'orders_total` WHERE `orders_id` = '.(int)$order['id_cart'].' AND class=\'ot_shipping\''); $tax = $this->getValue('SELECT value FROM `'.bqSQL($this->prefix).'orders_total` WHERE `orders_id` = '.(int)$order['id_cart'].' AND class=\'ot_tax\''); $orders[$key]['total_products_wt'] = $this->getValue('SELECT value FROM `'.bqSQL($this->prefix).'orders_total` WHERE `orders_id` = '.(int)$order['id_cart'].' AND class=\'ot_total\'') - $tax; $orders[$key]['total_shipping'] = $this->getValue('SELECT value FROM `'.bqSQL($this->prefix).'orders_total` WHERE `orders_id` = '.(int)$order['id_cart'].' AND class=\'ot_shipping\''); $orders[$key]['total_discounts'] = 0; $orders[$key]['total_wrapping'] = 0; $orders[$key]['cart_products'] = $this->ExecuteS(' SELECT `orders_id` as id_cart, `products_id` as id_product, 0 as id_product_attribute, `products_quantity` as quantity FROM `'.bqSQL($this->prefix).'orders_products` WHERE `orders_id` = '.(int)$order['id_cart']); $orders[$key]['order_products'] = $this->ExecuteS(' SELECT `orders_id` as id_order, `products_id` as product_id, 0 as product_attribute_id, `products_name` as product_name, `products_quantity` as product_quantity, `final_price` as product_price, 0 as product_weight FROM `'.bqSQL($this->prefix).'orders_products` WHERE `orders_id` = '.(int)$order['id_cart']); $orders[$key]['order_history'] = $this->ExecuteS(' SELECT `orders_status_history_id` as id_order_history, 0 as id_employee, `orders_id` as id_order, `orders_status_id` as id_order_state, `date_added` as date_add FROM `'.bqSQL($this->prefix).'orders_status_history` WHERE `orders_id` = '.(int)$order['id_cart']); } return $orders; } private function autoFormat($items, $identifier, $keyLanguage = NULL, $multiLangFields = array()) { $array = array(); foreach ($items AS $item) if (sizeof($multiLangFields) && is_array($multiLangFields) && isset($array[$item[$identifier]][$multiLangFields[0]])) foreach ($multiLangFields AS $key) $array[$item[$identifier]][$key][$item[$keyLanguage]] = $item[$key]; else foreach ($item AS $key => $value) if (sizeof($multiLangFields) AND in_array($key, $multiLangFields)) $array[$item[$identifier]][$key] = array($item[$keyLanguage] => $value); elseif (sizeof($multiLangFields) AND $key == $keyLanguage) continue; else $array[$item[$identifier]][$key] = $value; return $array; } public function hookbeforeAuthentication($params) { $passwd = trim(Tools::getValue('passwd')); $email = trim(Tools::getValue('email')); $result = Db::getInstance()->GetRow(' SELECT * FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_ .'customer` WHERE `active` = 1 AND `email` = \''.pSQL($email).'\''); if ($result && !empty($result['passwd_'.$this->name])) { if ($this->checkPwd($passwd, $result['passwd_'.pSQL($this->name)])) { $ps_passwd = md5(pSQL(_COOKIE_KEY_.$passwd)); Db::getInstance()->Execute(' UPDATE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'customer` SET `passwd` = \''.pSQL($ps_passwd).'\', `passwd_'.bqSQL($this->name).'` = \'\' WHERE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'customer`.`id_customer` ='.(int)$result['id_customer'].' LIMIT 1'); } } } private function checkPwd($passwd, $encrypt_pwd) { //checks the type of encryption password if (preg_match('/^[A-Z0-9]{32}\:[A-Z0-9]{2}$/i', $encrypt_pwd) === 1) { //salt $stack = explode(':', $encrypt_pwd); if (sizeof($stack) != 2) return false; if (md5($stack[1] . $passwd) == $stack[0]) return true; else return false; } else { //phpass if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__).'/passwordhash.php')) { include(dirname(__FILE__).'/passwordhash.php'); $hasher = new PasswordHash(10, true); return $hasher->CheckPassword($passwd, $encrypt_pwd); } else return false; } } public function displayConfigConnector() { $content = '

'.$this->l('(eg : mysql.mydomain.com)').'

'.$this->l('(password can be empty)').'

'.$this->l('(The prefix is optional. If all of your database tables start with "pref_", your prefix is "pref_")').'

'; return $content; } public function checkCategoriesLevel() { $columns = $this->ExecuteS('SHOW COLUMNS FROM `'.bqSQL($this->prefix).'categories` '); foreach($columns as $field) if ($field['Field'] == 'level') return true; return false; } public function displayCategoriesLevelConf() { $html = ' '; $html .= ' '; return $html; } public function createLevelAndCalculate() { if ($this->checkCategoriesLevel()) die('{"hasError" : false}'); if ($this->createLevel()) $this->calculateLevel(); else die('{"hasError" : true, "error" : "'.$this->l('Can not ALTER TABLE').'"}'); } public function createLevel() { return $this->Execute('ALTER TABLE `'.bqSQL($this->prefix).'categories` ADD `level` INT NOT NULL'); } public function calculateLevel() { $this->updateLevel($this->getSubCat(0), 1); die('{"hasError" : false}'); } public function updateLevel($ids_cat, $level = 1) { $this->Execute(' UPDATE `'.bqSQL($this->prefix).'categories` SET level = '.(int)$level.' WHERE categories_id IN ('.implode(',', $ids_cat).')'); foreach($ids_cat as $id) if ($sub_cat = $this->getSubCat($id)) $this->updateLevel($sub_cat, $level + 1); } public function getSubCat($id_parent) { $result = $this->ExecuteS('SELECT `categories_id` FROM `'.bqSQL($this->prefix).'categories` WHERE `parent_id`='.(int)$id_parent); if (!is_array($result) OR empty($result)) return false; return $this->formatCategoriesIds($result); } public function formatCategoriesIds($result) { $return = array(); foreach($result as $key => $val) $return[] = $val['categories_id']; return $return; } } ?>