{* * 2007-2011 PrestaShop * * NOTICE OF LICENSE * * This source file is subject to the Academic Free License (AFL 3.0) * that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt. * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL: * http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email * to license@prestashop.com so we can send you a copy immediately. * * DISCLAIMER * * Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer * versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your * needs please refer to http://www.prestashop.com for more information. * * @author PrestaShop SA * @copyright 2007-2011 PrestaShop SA * @version Release: $Revision: 8910 $ * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php Academic Free License (AFL 3.0) * International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA *} {include file="$tpl_dir./errors.tpl"} {if $errors|@count == 0} {if !$content_only} {include file="$tpl_dir./breadcrumb.tpl"} {/if}


{if $sale}
{if isset($smarty.server.HTTP_REFERER) && preg_replace('#^https?://[^/]+/#', '/', $smarty.server.HTTP_REFERER) != $request_uri} {l s='Back'} {/if} {$HOOK_PRIVATESALES_PRODUCT}
{if isset($adminActionDisplay) && $adminActionDisplay}

{l s='This product is not visible to your customers.'}

{/if} {if isset($confirmation) && $confirmation}


{if $have_image} {$product->name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'} {else} {/if}
{if isset($images) && count($images) > 1}
    {if isset($images)} {foreach from=$images item=image name=thumbnails} {if $smarty.foreach.thumbnails.index < 4} {assign var=imageIds value="`$product->id`-`$image.id_image`"}
  • {$image.legend|htmlspecialchars}
  • {/if} {/foreach} {/if}
{if isset($images) && count($images) > 1}

{/if} {**} {if isset($colors) && $colors}

{l s='Pick a color:' js=1}

{if $product->show_price AND !isset($restricted_country_mode) AND !$PS_CATALOG_MODE}

{if !$priceDisplay || $priceDisplay == 2} {assign var='productPrice' value=$product->getPrice(true, $smarty.const.NULL, 2)} {assign var='productPriceWithoutRedution' value=$product->getPriceWithoutReduct(false, $smarty.const.NULL)} {elseif $priceDisplay == 1} {assign var='productPrice' value=$product->getPrice(false, $smarty.const.NULL, 2)} {assign var='productPriceWithoutRedution' value=$product->getPriceWithoutReduct(true, $smarty.const.NULL)} {/if} {if $product->on_sale} {l s='On sale'} {l s='On sale!'} {*{elseif $product->specificPrice AND $product->specificPrice.reduction AND $productPriceWithoutRedution > $productPrice} {l s='Reduced price!'}*} {/if} {if $priceDisplay >= 0 && $priceDisplay <= 2} {convertPrice price=$productPrice} {* {if $tax_enabled && ((isset($display_tax_label) && $display_tax_label == 1) OR !isset($display_tax_label))} {if $priceDisplay == 1}{l s='tax excl.'}{else}{l s='tax incl.'}{/if} {/if} *} {/if} {if $priceDisplay == 2} {convertPrice price=$product->getPrice(false, $smarty.const.NULL, 2)} {l s='tax excl.'} {/if}

{if $product->specificPrice AND $product->specificPrice.reduction}

{l s='Instead of'} {if $priceDisplay >= 0 && $priceDisplay <= 2} {if $productPriceWithoutRedution > $productPrice} {convertPrice price=$productPriceWithoutRedution} {if $tax_enabled && $display_tax_label == 1} {if $priceDisplay == 1} {l s='tax excl.'} {else} {l s='tax incl.'}{/if} {/if} {/if} {/if} {if $product->specificPrice AND $product->specificPrice.reduction_type == 'percentage'} {l s='(-'} {($product->specificPrice.reduction*100)|round|string_format:'%d'}%{l s=')'} {/if}

{/if} {if $packItems|@count}

{l s='instead of'} {convertPrice price=$product->getNoPackPrice()}

{/if} {if $product->ecotax != 0}

{l s='include'} {if $priceDisplay == 2}{$ecotax_tax_exc|convertAndFormatPrice}{else}{$ecotax_tax_inc|convertAndFormatPrice}{/if} {l s='for green tax'} {if $product->specificPrice AND $product->specificPrice.reduction} {l s='(not impacted by the discount)'} {/if}

{/if} {if !empty($product->unity) && $product->unit_price_ratio > 0.000000} {math equation="pprice / punit_price" pprice=$productPrice punit_price=$product->unit_price_ratio assign=unit_price}

{convertPrice price=$unit_price} {l s='per'} {$product->unity|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}

{/if} {*close if for show price*} {/if}
{if ($product->show_price AND !isset($restricted_country_mode)) OR isset($groups) OR $product->reference OR (isset($HOOK_PRODUCT_ACTIONS) && $HOOK_PRODUCT_ACTIONS)}
quantity > 0}class="hidden"{/if} action="{$link->getPageLink('cart.php')}" method="post"> {if isset($groups)}
{foreach from=$groups key=id_attribute_group item=group} {if $group.attributes|@count}

{if $id_attribute_group == '795' || $id_attribute_group == '75'}

{/if} {assign var="groupName" value="group_$id_attribute_group"}

{/if} {/foreach}
{/if} {*

reference}style="display: none;"{/if}>{$product->reference|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}


quantity <= 0) OR $virtual OR !$product->available_for_order OR $PS_CATALOG_MODE} style="display: none;"{/if}> minimal_quantity > 1}onkeyup="checkMinimalQuantity({$product->minimal_quantity});"{/if} />

+ -


minimal_quantity <= 1 OR !$product->available_for_order OR $PS_CATALOG_MODE} style="display: none;"{/if}>{l s='You must add '} {$product->minimal_quantity} {l s=' as a minimum quantity to buy this product.'}

{if $product->minimal_quantity > 1} {/if}*}

quantity <= 0) OR !$product->available_for_order OR (isset($restricted_country_mode) AND $restricted_country_mode) OR $PS_CATALOG_MODE} style="display: none;"{/if} id="add_to_cart" class="buttons_bottom_block">

quantity <= 0 && !$product->available_later && $allow_oosp) OR ($product->quantity > 0 && !$product->available_now) OR !$product->available_for_order OR $PS_CATALOG_MODE} style="display: none;"{/if}> {l s='Availability:'} quantity <= 0} class="warning_inline"{/if}> {if $product->quantity <= 0}{if $allow_oosp}{$product->available_later}{else}{l s='This product is no longer in stock'}{/if}{else}{$product->available_now}{/if}

{if ($display_qties == 1 && !$PS_CATALOG_MODE && $product->available_for_order)}

quantity <= 0} style="display: none;"{/if}> {$product->quantity|intval} quantity > 1} style="display: none;"{/if} id="quantityAvailableTxt">{l s='item in stock'} quantity == 1} style="display: none;"{/if} id="quantityAvailableTxtMultiple">{l s='items in stock'}

{/if} {if !$allow_oosp}

quantity > 0} style="display: none;"{/if}> {$HOOK_PRODUCT_OOS}


quantity > $last_qties OR $product->quantity <= 0) OR $allow_oosp OR !$product->available_for_order OR $PS_CATALOG_MODE} style='display: none;'{/if} >{l s='Warning :'} {$product->quantity} {l s='items in stock'}

{if $product->description_short OR $packItems|@count > 0}
{*if $product->description_short}
{/if*} {*{if $product->description}

{l s='More details'}

{/if}*} {*{if $packItems|@count > 0}

{l s='Pack content'}

{foreach from=$packItems item=packItem}
{$packItem.pack_quantity} x {$packItem.name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}


{/foreach} {/if}*}
{/if} {if $HOOK_EXTRA_RIGHT}{$HOOK_EXTRA_RIGHT}{/if} {if $product->description_more || $product->videos || $product->description_short || $product->description || $features || $accessories || $HOOK_PRODUCT_TAB || $attachments}
{if $product->description_short}
{if $product->description_more}
{/if} {if $product->description}
{/if} {if $product->videos}
{/if} {if $product->description_delivery}
{/if} {if $features}
    {foreach from=$features item=feature}
  • {$feature.name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'} {$feature.value|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}
  • {/foreach}
{/if} {if $attachments} {/if} {if isset($accessories) AND $accessories}
      {foreach from=$accessories item=accessory name=accessories_list} {assign var='accessoryLink' value=$link->getProductLink($accessory.id_product, $accessory.link_rewrite, $accessory.category)}
    • {$accessory.name|truncate:22:'...':true|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}

      {if $accessory.show_price AND !isset($restricted_country_mode) AND !$PS_CATALOG_MODE}{if $priceDisplay != 1}{displayWtPrice p=$accessory.price}{else}{displayWtPrice p=$accessory.price_tax_exc}{/if}{/if} {l s='View'} {if ($accessory.allow_oosp || $accessory.quantity > 0) AND $accessory.available_for_order AND !isset($restricted_country_mode) AND !$PS_CATALOG_MODE} {l s='Add to cart'} {else} {l s='Add to cart'} {if (isset($accessory.quantity_all_versions) && $accessory.quantity_all_versions > 0)}{l s='Product available with different options'}{else}{l s='Out of stock'}{/if} {/if}

    • {/foreach}
{/if} {if $sale}
{if $is_thumb_vp} {$sale->title[$cookie->id_lang]} {else} {$sale->title[$cookie->id_lang]} {/if}
{if $quantity_discounts}
{foreach from=$quantity_discounts item='quantity_discount' name='quantity_discounts'} {/foreach} {foreach from=$quantity_discounts item='quantity_discount' name='quantity_discounts'} {/foreach}
{$quantity_discount.quantity|intval} {if $quantity_discount.quantity|intval > 1} {l s='quantities'} {else} {l s='quantity'} {/if}
{if $quantity_discount.price != 0 OR $quantity_discount.reduction_type == 'amount'} -{convertPrice price=$quantity_discount.real_value|floatval} {else} -{$quantity_discount.real_value|floatval}% {/if}
{/if} {$HOOK_PRODUCT_FOOTER} {*{if $product->customizable}

Informations {l s='After saving your customized product, remember to add it to your cart.'} {if $product->uploadable_files}
{l s='Allowed file formats are: GIF, JPG, PNG'}{/if}

{if $product->uploadable_files|intval}

{l s='Pictures'}

    {counter start=0 assign='customizationField'} {foreach from=$customizationFields item='field' name='customizationFields'} {if $field.type == 0}
  • {assign var='key' value='pictures_'|cat:$product->id|cat:'_'|cat:$field.id_customization_field} {if isset($pictures.$key)}{/if}
    {if $field.required}*{/if}
    {if !empty($field.name)}{$field.name}{else}{l s='Please select an image file from your hard drive'}{/if}
  • {counter} {/if} {/foreach}
{if $product->text_fields|intval}

{l s='Texts'}

    {counter start=0 assign='customizationField'} {foreach from=$customizationFields item='field' name='customizationFields'} {if $field.type == 1}
  • {assign var='key' value='textFields_'|cat:$product->id|cat:'_'|cat:$field.id_customization_field} {if !empty($field.name)}{$field.name}{/if}{if $field.required}*{/if}
  • {counter} {/if} {/foreach}

* {l s='required fields'}

{/if}*} {*{if $packItems|@count > 0}

{l s='Pack content'}

{include file="$tpl_dir./product-list.tpl" products=$packItems}
{/if}*} {/if} {include file="$tpl_dir./product-add_to_cart.tpl" product=$product}