/* * 2007-2011 PrestaShop * * NOTICE OF LICENSE * * This source file is subject to the Open Software License (OSL 3.0) * that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt. * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL: * http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email * to license@prestashop.com so we can send you a copy immediately. * * DISCLAIMER * * Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer * versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your * needs please refer to http://www.prestashop.com for more information. * * @author PrestaShop SA * @copyright 2007-2011 PrestaShop SA * @version Release: $Revision: 7160 $ * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php Open Software License (OSL 3.0) * International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA */ if (!id_language) var id_language = Number(1); function str2url(str,encoding,ucfirst) { str = str.toUpperCase(); str = str.toLowerCase(); str = str.replace(/[\u0105\u0104\u00E0\u00E1\u00E2\u00E3\u00E4\u00E5]/g,'a'); str = str.replace(/[\u00E7\u010D\u0107\u0106]/g,'c'); str = str.replace(/[\u010F]/g,'d'); str = str.replace(/[\u00E8\u00E9\u00EA\u00EB\u011B\u0119\u0118]/g,'e'); str = str.replace(/[\u00EC\u00ED\u00EE\u00EF]/g,'i'); str = str.replace(/[\u0142\u0141]/g,'l'); str = str.replace(/[\u00F1\u0148]/g,'n'); str = str.replace(/[\u00F2\u00F3\u00F4\u00F5\u00F6\u00F8\u00D3]/g,'o'); str = str.replace(/[\u0159]/g,'r'); str = str.replace(/[\u015B\u015A\u0161]/g,'s'); str = str.replace(/[\u00DF]/g,'ss'); str = str.replace(/[\u0165]/g,'t'); str = str.replace(/[\u00F9\u00FA\u00FB\u00FC\u016F]/g,'u'); str = str.replace(/[\u00FD\u00FF]/g,'y'); str = str.replace(/[\u017C\u017A\u017B\u0179\u017E]/g,'z'); str = str.replace(/[\u00E6]/g,'ae'); str = str.replace(/[\u0153]/g,'oe'); str = str.replace(/[\u013E\u013A]/g,'l'); str = str.replace(/[\u0155]/g,'r'); str = str.replace(/[^a-z0-9\s\'\:\/\[\]-]/g,''); str = str.replace(/[\s\'\:\/\[\]-]+/g,' '); str = str.replace(/[ ]/g,'-'); str = str.replace(/[\/]/g,'-'); if (ucfirst == 1) { c = str.charAt(0); str = c.toUpperCase()+str.slice(1); } return str; } function str2urlName(str,encoding,ucfirst) { str = str.toUpperCase(); str = str.toLowerCase(); str = str.replace(/[\u0105\u0104\u00E0\u00E1\u00E2\u00E3\u00E4\u00E5]/g,'a'); str = str.replace(/[\u00E7\u010D\u0107\u0106]/g,'c'); str = str.replace(/[\u010F]/g,'d'); str = str.replace(/[\u00E8\u00E9\u00EA\u00EB\u011B\u0119\u0118]/g,'e'); str = str.replace(/[\u00EC\u00ED\u00EE\u00EF]/g,'i'); str = str.replace(/[\u0142\u0141]/g,'l'); str = str.replace(/[\u00F1\u0148]/g,'n'); str = str.replace(/[\u00F2\u00F3\u00F4\u00F5\u00F6\u00F8\u00D3]/g,'o'); str = str.replace(/[\u0159]/g,'r'); str = str.replace(/[\u015B\u015A\u0161]/g,'s'); str = str.replace(/[\u00DF]/g,'ss'); str = str.replace(/[\u0165]/g,'t'); str = str.replace(/[\u00F9\u00FA\u00FB\u00FC\u016F]/g,'u'); str = str.replace(/[\u00FD\u00FF]/g,'y'); str = str.replace(/[\u017C\u017A\u017B\u0179\u017E]/g,'z'); str = str.replace(/[\u00E6]/g,'ae'); str = str.replace(/[\u0153]/g,'oe'); str = str.replace(/[\u013E\u013A]/g,'l'); str = str.replace(/[\u0155]/g,'r'); str = str.replace(/[^a-z0-9\s\'\:\/\[\]-]/g,''); str = str.replace(/[\s\'\:\/\[\]-]+/g,' '); str = str.replace(/[\/]/g,'-'); if (ucfirst == 1) { c = str.charAt(0); str = c.toUpperCase()+str.slice(1); } return str; } function strToAltImgAttr(str,encoding,ucfirst) { str = str.replace(/[\u0105\u0104\u00E0\u00E1\u00E2\u00E3\u00E4\u00E5]/g,'a'); str = str.replace(/[\u00E7\u010D\u0107\u0106]/g,'c'); str = str.replace(/[\u010F]/g,'d'); str = str.replace(/[\u00E8\u00E9\u00EA\u00EB\u011B\u0119\u0118]/g,'e'); str = str.replace(/[\u00EC\u00ED\u00EE\u00EF]/g,'i'); str = str.replace(/[\u0142\u0141]/g,'l'); str = str.replace(/[\u00F1\u0148]/g,'n'); str = str.replace(/[\u00F2\u00F3\u00F4\u00F5\u00F6\u00F8\u00D3]/g,'o'); str = str.replace(/[\u0159]/g,'r'); str = str.replace(/[\u015B\u015A\u0161]/g,'s'); str = str.replace(/[\u00DF]/g,'ss'); str = str.replace(/[\u0165]/g,'t'); str = str.replace(/[\u00F9\u00FA\u00FB\u00FC\u016F]/g,'u'); str = str.replace(/[\u00FD\u00FF]/g,'y'); str = str.replace(/[\u017C\u017A\u017B\u0179\u017E]/g,'z'); str = str.replace(/[\u00E6]/g,'ae'); str = str.replace(/[\u0153]/g,'oe'); str = str.replace(/[\u013E\u013A]/g,'l'); str = str.replace(/[\u0155]/g,'r'); str = str.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9\s\'\:\/\[\]-]/g,''); str = str.replace(/[\s\'\:\/\[\]-]+/g,' '); if (ucfirst == 1) { c = str.charAt(0); str = c.toUpperCase()+str.slice(1); } return str; } function copy2friendlyURL() { $('#link_rewrite_' + id_language).val(str2url($('#name_' + id_language).val().replace(/^[0-9]+\./, ''), 'UTF-8')); } function copy2friendlyURLCategory() { $('#link_rewrite_' + id_language).val(str2url($('#name_' + id_language).val().replace(/^[0-9]+\./, ''), 'UTF-8')); $('#meta_keywords_' + id_language).val('Vente privée ' + str2urlName($('#name_' + id_language).val().replace(/^[0-9]+\./, ''), 'UTF-8')); $('#meta_title_' + id_language).val('Vente privée ' +str2urlName($('#name_' + id_language).val().replace(/^[0-9]+\./, ''), 'UTF-8')); $('#meta_description_' + id_language).val('Vente privée ' + str2urlName($('#name_' + id_language).val().replace(/^[0-9]+\./, ''), 'UTF-8')); } function copyMeta2friendlyURL() { $('#input_link_rewrite_' + id_language).val(str2url($('#name_' + id_language).val().replace(/^[0-9]+\./, ''), 'UTF-8')); } function updateCurrentText() { $('#current_product').html($('#name_' + id_language).val()); } function updateFriendlyURLByName() { $('#link_rewrite_' + id_language).val(str2url($('#name_' + id_language).val(), 'UTF-8')); $('#friendly-url').html($('#link_rewrite_' + id_language).val()); } function updateFriendlyURL() { $('#link_rewrite_' + id_language).val(str2url($('#link_rewrite_' + id_language).val(), 'UTF-8')); $('#seo #friendly-url').text($('#link_rewrite_' + id_language).val()); } function toggleLanguageFlags(elt) { $(elt).parents('.displayed_flag').siblings('.language_flags').toggle(); } // Kept for retrocompatibility only (out of AdminProducts & AdminCategories) function changeLanguage(field, fieldsString, id_language_new, iso_code) { var fields = fieldsString.split('¤'); for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; ++i) { getE(fields[i] + '_' + id_language).style.display = 'none'; getE(fields[i] + '_' + id_language_new).style.display = 'block'; getE('language_current_' + fields[i]).src = '../img/l/' + id_language_new + '.jpg'; } getE('languages_' + field).style.display = 'none'; id_language = id_language_new; } function changeFormLanguage(id_language_new, iso_code, employee_cookie) { $('.translatable').each(function() { $(this).find('.lang_' + id_language_new) .show() .siblings('div:not(.displayed_flag):not(.clear)').hide(); $('.language_current').attr('src', '../img/l/' + id_language_new + '.jpg'); }); $('.language_flags').hide(); if (employee_cookie) $.post("ajax.php", { form_language_id: id_language_new }); id_language = id_language_new; updateFriendlyURL(); updateCurrentText(); } function displayFlags(languages, defaultLanguageID, employee_cookie) { if ($('.translatable')) { $('.translatable').each(function() { if (!$(this).find('.displayed_flag').length > 0) { $.each(languages, function(key, language) { if (language['id_lang'] == defaultLanguageID) { defaultLanguage = language; return false; } }); var displayFlags = $('
') .addClass('displayed_flag') .append($('') .addClass('language_current') .addClass('pointer') .attr('src', '../img/l/' + defaultLanguage['id_lang'] + '.jpg') .attr('alt', defaultLanguage['name']) .click(function() { toggleLanguageFlags(this); }) ); var languagesFlags = $('
') .addClass('language_flags') .html('Choose language:

'); $.each(languages, function(key, language) { var img = $('') .addClass('pointer') .css('margin', '0 2px') .attr('src', '../img/l/' + language['id_lang'] + '.jpg') .attr('alt', language['name']) .click(function() { changeFormLanguage(language['id_lang'], language['iso_code'], employee_cookie); }); languagesFlags.append(img); }); if ($(this).find('p:last-child').hasClass('clear')) $(this).find('p:last-child').before(displayFlags).before(languagesFlags); else $(this).append(displayFlags).append(languagesFlags); } }); } } function checkAll(pForm) { for (i = 0, n = pForm.elements.length; i < n; i++) { var objName = pForm.elements[i].name; var objType = pForm.elements[i].type; if (objType = 'checkbox' && objName != 'checkme') { box = eval(pForm.elements[i]); box.checked = !box.checked; } } } function checkDelBoxes(pForm, boxName, parent) { for (i = 0; i < pForm.elements.length; i++) if (pForm.elements[i].name == boxName) pForm.elements[i].checked = parent; } function checkPaymentBoxes(name, module) { setPaymentBoxes(name, module); current = $('input#checkedBox_'+ name +'_'+ module + '[type=hidden]'); $('form#form_'+ name +' input[type=checkbox]').each( function() { if ($(this).attr('name') == module + '_' + name + '[]') $(this).attr("checked", ((current.val() == 'checked') ? true : false)); } ); current.val() == 'checked' ? current.val('unchecked') : current.val('checked'); } function setPaymentBoxes(name, module) { current = $('input#checkedBox_'+ name +'_'+ module + '[type=hidden]'); total = 0; checked = 0; $('form#form_'+ name +' input[type=checkbox]').each( function() { if ($(this).attr('name') == module + '_' + name + '[]') { ($(this).attr("checked") ? checked++ : ''); total++; } } ); (checked == total) ? current.val('unchecked') : current.val('checked'); } function getE(name) { if (document.getElementById) var elem = document.getElementById(name); else if (document.all) var elem = document.all[name]; else if (document.layers) var elem = document.layers[name]; return elem; } function changeFormParam(pForm, url, gid) { pForm.action = url; pForm.elements["groupid"].value = gid; } function addAccessory(event, data, formatted) { if (data == null) return false; var productId = data[1]; var productName = data[0]; var $divAccessories = $('#divAccessories'); var $inputAccessories = $('#inputAccessories'); var $nameAccessories = $('#nameAccessories'); /* delete product from select + add product line to the div, input_name, input_ids elements */ $divAccessories.html($divAccessories.html() + productName + '
'); $nameAccessories.val($nameAccessories.val() + productName + '¤'); $inputAccessories.val($inputAccessories.val() + productId + '-'); $('#product_autocomplete_input').val(''); $('#product_autocomplete_input').setOptions({ extraParams: {excludeIds : getAccessorieIds()} }); } function delAccessory(id) { var div = getE('divAccessories'); var input = getE('inputAccessories'); var name = getE('nameAccessories'); // Cut hidden fields in array var inputCut = input.value.split('-'); var nameCut = name.value.split('¤'); if (inputCut.length != nameCut.length) return alert('Bad size'); // Reset all hidden fields input.value = ''; name.value = ''; div.innerHTML = ''; for (i in inputCut) { // If empty, error, next if (!inputCut[i] || !nameCut[i]) continue ; // Add to hidden fields no selected products OR add to select field selected product if (inputCut[i] != id) { input.value += inputCut[i] + '-'; name.value += nameCut[i] + '¤'; div.innerHTML += nameCut[i] + '
'; } else $('#selectAccessories').append(''); } $('#product_autocomplete_input').setOptions({ extraParams: {excludeIds : getAccessorieIds()} }); } function dontChange(srcText) { if (srcText == '') return false; if (window.search_texts) for (var i in search_texts) if (srcText == search_texts[i]) return false; return true; } function queryType() { var search_type = getE('bo_search_type').value; var bo_query = getE('bo_query'); if (!dontChange(bo_query.value)) bo_query.value = search_texts[search_type]; } function formSubmit(e, button) { var key; key = window.event ? window.event.keyCode : e.which; if (key == 13) { getE(button).focus(); getE(button).click(); } } function noComma(elem) { getE(elem).value = getE(elem).value.replace(new RegExp(',', 'g'), '.'); } /* Help boxes */ function addLoadEvent(func) { var oldonload = window.onload; if (typeof window.onload != 'function') { window.onload = func; } else { window.onload = function() { oldonload(); func(); } } } function helpboxParser(current) { // While the span exists and we didn't find the right one, for each attribute, if attribute is "name" and has value == "help_box" for (var j = 0; j < current.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('span').length; j++) for(var k = 0; k < current.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('span')[j].attributes.length; k++) if (current.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('span')[j].attributes[k].name === 'name' && current.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('span')[j].attributes[k].nodeValue === 'help_box') return j; return -1; } if (helpboxes) { $(function() { if ($('input')) { $('input').focus(function() { $(this).parent().find('.hint:first').css('display', 'block'); }); $('input').blur(function() { $(this).parent().find('.hint:first').css('display', 'none'); }); } }); } /** * Deprecated * * @param id_product * @param id_image */ function changePic(id_product, id_image) { if (id_image == -1) { getE('pic').style.display = 'none'; return; } getE('pic').style.display = 'block'; getE('pic').src = '../img/p/'+parseInt(id_product)+'-'+parseInt(id_image)+'.jpg'; } /* Code generator for Affiliation and vourchers */ function gencode(size) { getE('code').value = ''; var chars = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; for (var i = 1; i <= size; ++i) getE('code').value += chars.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length)); } function free_shipping() { if (getE('id_discount_type').value == 3 && getE('discount_value').value == '') getE('discount_value').value = '0'; } var newWin = null; function closeWin () { if (newWin != null) if (!newWin.closed) newWin.close(); } function openWin(url, title, width, height, top, left) { var options; var sizes; closeWin(); options = 'toolbar=0, location=0, directories=0, statfr=no, menubar=0, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes'; sizes = 'width='+width+', height='+height+', top='+top+', left='+left+''; newWin = window.open(url, title, options+', '+sizes); newWin.focus(); } function viewTemplates(id_select, id_lang, prefix, ext) { var id_list = document.getElementById(id_select); var loc = id_list.options[id_list.selectedIndex].value; if (loc != 0) openWin (prefix+loc+ext, 'tpl_viewing', '520', '400', '50', '300'); return ; } function validateImportation(mandatory) { var type_value = []; var seted_value = []; var elem; var col = 'unknow'; toggle(getE('error_duplicate_type'), false); toggle(getE('required_column'), false); for (i = 0; elem = getE('type_value['+i+']'); i++) { if (seted_value[elem.options[elem.selectedIndex].value]) { scroll(0,0); toggle(getE('error_duplicate_type'), true); return false; } else if (elem.options[elem.selectedIndex].value != 'no') seted_value[elem.options[elem.selectedIndex].value] = true; } for (needed in mandatory) if (!seted_value[mandatory[needed]]) { scroll(0,0); toggle(getE('required_column'), true); getE('missing_column').innerHTML = mandatory[needed]; elem = getE('type_value[0]'); for (i = 0; i < elem.length; ++i) { if (elem.options[i].value == mandatory[needed]) { getE('missing_column').innerHTML = elem.options[i].innerHTML; break ; } } return false } } function askFeatureName(selected, selector) { var elem; if (selected.value == 'feature') { $('#features_' + selector).show(); $('#feature_name_' + selector).attr('name', selected.name); } } function replaceFeature(toReplace, selector) { var elem; if ($('#feature_name_' + selector).val() == '') return false; elem = getE(toReplace); elem.options[elem.selectedIndex].text = $('#feature_name_' + selector).val(); elem.options[elem.selectedIndex].value = '#F_' + $('#feature_name_' + selector).val(); $('#features_' + selector).toggle(); $('#feature_name_' + selector).val(''); $('#feature_name_' + selector).attr('name', ''); } /* Manage default category on page: edit product */ function checkDefaultCategory(category_id) { var oldCheckbox = $('.id_category_default'); oldCheckbox.removeClass('id_category_default'); var checkbox = $('#categoryBox_'+category_id); checkbox.attr('checked', 'checked'); checkbox.addClass('id_category_default'); } function checkDefaultGroup(group_id) { var oldCheckbox = $('.id_group_default'); oldCheckbox.removeClass('id_group_default'); var checkbox = $('#groupBox_'+group_id); checkbox.attr('checked', 'checked'); checkbox.addClass('id_group_default'); } function chooseTypeTranslation(id_lang) { getE('translation_lang').value = id_lang; document.getElementById('typeTranslationForm').submit(); } function showDiv(select_id, while_id, dest) { var select = document.getElementById(select_id); if (select.options[select.selectedIndex].value == while_id) return toggle(getE(dest), true); return toggle(getE(dest)); } function orderDeleteProduct(txtConfirm, txtExplain) { ret = true; $('table#cancelProducts input[type=checkbox]:checked').each( function() { totalCancel = parseInt($(this).parent().parent().find('td.cancelQuantity input[type=text]').val()); totalQty = parseInt($(this).parent().find('input#totalQty[type=hidden]').val()); totalQtyReturn = parseInt($(this).parent().find('input#totalQtyReturn[type=hidden]').val()); productName = $(this).parent().find('input#productName[type=hidden]').val(); totalAvailable = totalQty - totalQtyReturn; if (totalCancel > totalAvailable) { alert(txtConfirm + ' : \'' + ' ' + productName + '\' ! \n\n' + txtExplain + ' ('+ totalCancel + ' > ' + totalAvailable +')' + '\n '); ret = false; } } ); return ret; } function selectCheckbox(obj) { $(obj).parent().parent().find('td.cancelCheck input[type=checkbox]').attr("checked", true); } function toogleShippingCost(obj) { generateDiscount = $(obj).parent().find('#generateDiscount').attr("checked"); generateCreditSlip = $(obj).parent().find('#generateCreditSlip').attr("checked"); if (generateDiscount != true && generateCreditSlip != true) { $(obj).parent().find('#spanShippingBack input[type=checkbox]').attr("checked", false); $(obj).parent().find('#spanShippingBack').css('display', 'none'); } else $(obj).parent().find('#spanShippingBack').css('display', 'block'); } function removeLabel(label, fieldType, type) { $(label).remove(); if (fieldType == 0) { if (type == 0) customizationUploadableFileNumber--; else uploadableFileLabel--; } else { if (type == 0) customizationTextFieldNumber--; else textFieldLabel--; } } function browseAndRemoveLabels(newCustomizationFieldNumber, customizationFieldNumber, fieldType, type) { var $current = $('body').find('div[id^="' + (type == 0 ? 'label' : 'newLabel') + 'Container_' + fieldType + '_"]'); var ids = new Array(); var pos = $current.length - 1; $current.each(function() { ids[pos--] = $(this).attr('id'); }); for (var i = 0; i < $current.length; i++) if (customizationFieldNumber > newCustomizationFieldNumber) { removeLabel($('#'+ids[i]), fieldType, type); customizationFieldNumber--; } return customizationFieldNumber; } function displayCustomizationProperties(type, force) { var newCustomizationFieldNumber = Math.abs(type == 0 ? parseInt($('#uploadable_files').val()) : parseInt($('#text_fields').val())); var customizationFieldNumber = Math.abs(type == 0 ? (parseInt(customizationUploadableFileNumber) + parseInt(uploadableFileLabel)) : (parseInt(customizationTextFieldNumber) + parseInt(textFieldLabel))); var label = type == 0 ? parseInt(uploadableFileLabel) : parseInt(textFieldLabel); var target = type == 0 ? '#customizationFileProperties' : '#customizationTextFieldProperties'; /* Add some fields */ if (newCustomizationFieldNumber > customizationFieldNumber || force) { var content = ''; var j = label; for (var i = 0; i < newCustomizationFieldNumber - customizationFieldNumber; i++, j++) { var fieldsName = 'newLabel_' + type + '_' + j; var fieldsContainerName = 'newLabelContainer_' + type + '_' + j; content += '
'; /* Generates input field */ for (k = 0; k < languages.length; k++) content += '
' + newLabel + ' #' + (j + 1) + '
'; /* Generates language selector & require checkbox */ content += '
' + required + '
' + choose_language + '

'; /* Generate language flags */ for (k = 0; k < languages.length; k++) content += '' + languages[k][2] + ''; content += '
'; if (type == 0) uploadableFileLabel++; else textFieldLabel++; } $(target).append(content); } /* Remove */ else { customizationFieldNumber = browseAndRemoveLabels(newCustomizationFieldNumber, customizationFieldNumber, type, 1); browseAndRemoveLabels(newCustomizationFieldNumber, customizationFieldNumber, type, 0); } } function showAttributeColorGroup(name, container) { var id_list; var value; id_list = document.getElementById(name); value = id_list.options[id_list.selectedIndex].value; if (attributesGroups[value]) $('#colorAttributeProperties').fadeIn(); else $('#colorAttributeProperties').fadeOut(); } function orderOverwriteMessage(sl, text) { var $zone = $('#txt_msg'); var sl_value = sl.options[sl.selectedIndex].value; if (sl_value != '0') { if ($zone.val().length > 0 && !confirm(text)) return ; $zone.val(sl_value); } } function setCancelQuantity(itself, id_order_detail, quantity) { $('#cancelQuantity_' + id_order_detail).val($(itself).attr('checked') ? quantity : ''); } function stockManagementActivationAuthorization() { if (getE('PS_STOCK_MANAGEMENT_on').checked) { getE('PS_ORDER_OUT_OF_STOCK_on').disabled = false; getE('PS_ORDER_OUT_OF_STOCK_off').disabled = false; getE('PS_DISPLAY_QTIES_on').disabled = false; getE('PS_DISPLAY_QTIES_off').disabled = false; } else { getE('PS_DISPLAY_QTIES_off').checked = true; getE('PS_DISPLAY_QTIES_on').disabled = 'disabled'; getE('PS_DISPLAY_QTIES_off').disabled = 'disabled'; getE('PS_ORDER_OUT_OF_STOCK_on').checked = true; getE('PS_ORDER_OUT_OF_STOCK_on').disabled = 'disabled'; getE('PS_ORDER_OUT_OF_STOCK_off').disabled = 'disabled'; } } function hookCheckboxes(id, opt, champ) { if (opt == 1 && champ.checked == false) $('#Ghook'+id).attr('checked', false); else if (opt == 0) { if (champ.checked) $('.hook'+id).attr('checked', "checked"); else $('.hook'+id).attr('checked', false); } } function changeCMSActivationAuthorization() { if (getE('PS_CONDITIONS_on').checked) getE('PS_CONDITIONS_CMS_ID').disabled = false; else getE('PS_CONDITIONS_CMS_ID').disabled = 'disabled'; } function disableZipFormat() { if ($('#need_zip_code_on').attr('checked') == false) { $('.zip_code_format').hide(); $('#zip_code_format').val(''); } else $('.zip_code_format').show(); } function spreadFees(id_range) { newVal = $('#fees_all_'+id_range).val().replace(/,/g, '.'); $('.fees_'+id_range).val(newVal); } function clearAllFees(id_range) { $('#fees_all_'+id_range).val(''); } function toggleDraftWarning(show) { if (show) $('.draft').slideDown('slow'); else $('.draft').slideUp('slow'); } function showOptions(show) { if (show) $('tr#product_options').slideDown('slow'); else $('tr#product_options').slideUp('slow'); } function submitAddProductAndPreview() { $('#fakeSubmitAddProductAndPreview').attr('name','submitAddProductAndPreview'); $('#product').submit(); } function submitAddcmsAndPreview() { $('#previewSubmitAddcmsAndPreview').attr('name','submitAddcmsAndPreview'); $('#cms').submit(); } function showHelp(url, label, iso_lang, ps_version, doc_version, country) { trackClickOnHelp(label, doc_version); $('#help-'+label).attr('src','../img/admin/help2.png'); window.open(url +'/'+iso_lang+'/doc/'+label+'?version='+ps_version+'&country='+country+'#', '_blank', 'scrollbars=yes,menubar=no,toolbar=no,location=no,width=517,height=600'); return false; } function trackClickOnHelp(label, doc_version) { $.ajax({ url: 'ajax.php', data: 'submitTrackClickOnHelp&label='+ label +'&version='+doc_version }); }