l('Configurations mises à jour')); } elseif(Tools::isSubmit('submitProductSaleCache')) { $fileName = 'cron_sale_cache.php'; $output = shell_exec("ps -ax | grep $fileName | wc -l"); $hour = (int) date('H'); $min = (int) date('i'); if($output > 2){ HelperFormBootstrap::displayErrors($this->l('Association automatique en cours, réessayez plus tard')); }elseif ($hour%3 == 0 && $min <= 20 && $min >= 10 ){ HelperFormBootstrap::displayErrors($this->l('Association automatique en cours, réessayez plus tard')); } else { $min_id_product = Db::getInstance()->getValue(' SELECT MIN(`id_product`) FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product` WHERE `date_add` > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 10 DAY) '); if ($min_id_product) { Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS(' DELETE FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_ps_cache` WHERE `id_product` >= '.$min_id_product.' '); Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS(' INSERT IGNORE INTO `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_ps_cache` ( SELECT p.id_product, IFNULL( ( SELECT s.id_sale FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'privatesale_category` s WHERE s.`id_category` = p.`id_category_default` LIMIT 1) , 0 ) FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product` p WHERE p.`id_product` >= '.$min_id_product.' ) '); // LOG ACTION Db::getInstance()->execute(' INSERT INTO `'._DB_PREFIX_.'ant_log` VALUES ( DEFAULT, '.(int) $cookie->id_employee.', "'.pSQL('Association manuelle product_ps_cache via Configuration').'", NOW() ) '); HelperFormBootstrap::displaySuccess($this->l('Produits associés aux ventes depuis le produit #').$min_id_product); } else { HelperFormBootstrap::displayWarning($this->l('Pas de produit ajouté depuis 10 jours')); } } } elseif(Tools::isSubmit('submitCategorySaleCache')) { $id_sale = Tools::getValue('id_sale'); if($id_sale) { $sale = new Sale((int)$id_sale); $sale->buildCategoryCache(); // LOG ACTION Db::getInstance()->execute(' INSERT INTO `'._DB_PREFIX_.'ant_log` VALUES ( DEFAULT, '.(int) $cookie->id_employee.', "'.pSQL('Association manuelle categories via Configuration, sale: '.$id_sale).'", NOW() ) '); HelperFormBootstrap::displaySuccess($this->l('Categories associés à la vente ').$id_sale); } else { HelperFormBootstrap::displayErrors($this->l('Veuillez choisir une vente')); } } elseif(Tools::isSubmit('submitUpdateLoyaltyOrders') && $cookie->id_employee == 1) { $nb_credits = $this->updateLoyaltyOrders(); HelperFormBootstrap::displaySuccess($this->l('Credit fidélité mis à jour : ').$nb_credits); } elseif(Tools::isSubmit('submitCleanMenuCache') && $cookie->id_employee == 1) { $this->cleanMenuCache(); HelperFormBootstrap::displaySuccess($this->l('Cache du menu regénéré')); } elseif( (Tools::isSubmit('submitUpdateCacheSale') || Tools::isSubmit('submitShowProductCacheSale')) && $cookie->id_employee == 1) { $id_category = Tools::getValue('id_category'); if($id_category) { $products_ids = array(); foreach(Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS(' SELECT p.id_product FROM `ps_product` p WHERE p.`id_category_default` = '.$id_category.' ') as $row) { $products_ids[(int)$row['id_product']] = (int)$row['id_product']; } if(count($products_ids)>0) { if(Tools::isSubmit('submitShowProductCacheSale')) { // show product $result = implode(', ',$products_ids); HelperFormBootstrap::displaySuccess($this->l('Produits concernés ').'('.count($products_ids).') :
'.wordwrap($result, 100, "
")); } elseif(Tools::isSubmit('submitUpdateCacheSale')) { // update product_ps_cache Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS(' DELETE FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_ps_cache` WHERE `id_product` IN ('.implode(',',$products_ids).') '); Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS(' INSERT IGNORE INTO `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_ps_cache` ( SELECT p.id_product, IFNULL( ( SELECT s.id_sale FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'privatesale_category` s WHERE s.`id_category` = p.`id_category_default` LIMIT 1) , 0 ) FROM `ps_product` p WHERE p.`id_category_default` = '.$id_category.' ) '); HelperFormBootstrap::displaySuccess($this->l('Association vente produit mise à jour: #').$id_category); } } else{ HelperFormBootstrap::displayErrors($this->l('Pas de produits trouvés dans cette catégorie :#').$id_category); } } else { HelperFormBootstrap::displayErrors($this->l('Veuillez choisir une categorie')); } } elseif(Tools::isSubmit('submitExportDiscount')){ ini_set('memory_limit', '4G'); $from = Tools::getValue('date_from'); $to = Tools::getValue('date_to'); $results = DB::getInstance()->ExecuteS(' SELECT dh.`id_customer`, dh.`date_add` as `date_generate`,od.`id_order`, dh.`code`, od.`value`, o.`total_paid_real`,o.`date_add` as `date_order` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'ant_discount_history` dh LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'order_discount` od ON (od.`id_discount` = dh.`id_discount`) LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'orders` o ON (o.`id_order` = od.`id_order`) WHERE 1 '.($from && !empty($from)?' AND dh.`date_add` > "'.$from.' 00:00:00"':'').' '.($to && !empty($to)?' AND dh.`date_add` < "'.$to.' 00:00:00"':'').' '); if($results) { $row_definition = array( 'id_customer' => 'Client ID', 'id_order' => 'Commande ID', 'code' => 'Bon de réduction', 'value' => 'Valeur Bon', 'total_paid_real' => 'Total Commande', 'date_generate' => 'Date création du bon', 'date_order' => 'Date Commande', ); header("Content-Type: text/csv; charset=UTF-8"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=export-".date('dmYHi').".csv;"); $this->exportCsv($results, $row_definition); die(); } else { HelperFormBootstrap::displayWarning($this->l('Aucun résultat trouvé')); } } elseif (Tools::isSubmit('submitExportLoyalty')){ if(!Tools::getValue('date_from') && !Tools::getValue('date_to')) { HelperFormBootstrap::displayWarning($this->l('Vous devez choisir une période !')); } else { $from = Tools::getValue('date_from'); $to = Tools::getValue('date_to'); $results = DB::getInstance()->ExecuteS(' SELECT l.`id_customer`, ( SELECT c.`iso_code` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'country` c LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'address` a ON (a.`id_country` = c.`id_country`) LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'orders` o ON (o.`id_address_invoice` = a.`id_address`) WHERE o.`id_order` = l.`id_order` ) as `nationality`, CASE WHEN l.`id_discount` = 0 OR l.`id_discount` IS NULL THEN "Non transforme" ELSE l.id_discount END as `discount`, l.`discount_value` as `credit`, DATE_FORMAT(l.`date_add`,"%d/%m/%Y") as `date_generated`, IFNULL( ( SELECT DATE_FORMAT(o2.`date_add`,"%d/%m/%Y") FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'orders` o2 LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'order_discount` od ON (od.`id_order` = o2.`id_order`) WHERE od.`id_discount` = l.`id_discount` AND DATE(o2.`date_add`) >= "'.$from.'" AND DATE(o2.`date_add`) <= "'.$to.'" ) , "Non utilise dans cette periode") as `date_used_in_period`, IFNULL( ( SELECT DATE_FORMAT(o3.`date_add`,"%d/%m/%Y") FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'orders` o3 LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'order_discount` od ON (od.`id_order` = o3.`id_order`) WHERE od.`id_discount` = l.`id_discount` ) , "Non utilise") as `date_used` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'loyalty` l WHERE DATE(l.`date_add`) >= "'.$from.'" AND DATE(l.`date_add`) <= "'.$to.'" ORDER BY `nationality` '); if($results) { $row_definition = array( 'id_customer' => 'Client ID', 'nationality' => 'Nationalité', 'discount' => 'Bon de réduction', 'credit' => 'Valeur crédit', 'date_generated' => 'Date de génération crédit', 'date_used_in_period' => 'Date utilisation (dans la période)', 'date_used' => 'Date utilisation', ); header("Content-Type: text/csv; charset=UTF-8"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=export-credit-".date('dmYHi').".csv;"); $this->exportCsv($results, $row_definition); die(); } else { HelperFormBootstrap::displayWarning($this->l('Aucun résultat pour cette période')); } } }elseif(Tools::isSubmit('submitOrderPdf')){ if(isset($_FILES['csvfile']) && $_FILES['csvfile']['name'] != '') { $f = fopen($_FILES['csvfile']['tmp_name'], 'r'); fgetcsv($f, 0, ';'); $i = 1; $orders = array(); while($line = fgetcsv($f, 0, ';')) { $i++; $orders[] = (int) $line[0]; } if(!empty($orders)) { session_start(); $_SESSION['id_orders'] = $orders; Tools::redirectAdmin('pdf.php?privatesalesManyOrders&gift=1&token='.$this->token); //PDF::multipleInvoices($orders, false, true, false, true); } } } } public function display() { global $cookie, $currentIndex; $base_link = $currentIndex . '&token='.Tools::getAdminTokenLite('AdminAntConfigurations'); $form = ''; $id_sale_options = array(); $id_category_options = array(); foreach(Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS(' SELECT p.`id_sale`, c.`name`, c.`id_category` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'privatesale` p LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_lang` c ON (c.`id_category` = p.`id_category`) WHERE c.`id_lang` = '.$cookie->id_lang.' AND p.`date_start` > "2017-01-01 00:00:00" ORDER BY p.`id_sale` DESC LIMIT 1200 ') as $row) { $extrafields = Category::getSalesInfos(array((int) $row['id_category'])); $id_sale_options[] = array( 'label' => (int) $row['id_sale'].' - '.$row['name'].(empty($extrafields[(int) $row['id_category']]['sales'][1])?'':' - '.$extrafields[(int) $row['id_category']]['sales'][1]) , 'value' => (int) $row['id_sale'] ); $id_category_options[] = array( 'label' => (int) $row['id_sale'].' (#'.(int) $row['id_category'].') - '.$row['name'].(empty($extrafields[(int) $row['id_category']]['sales'][1])?'':' - '.$extrafields[(int) $row['id_category']]['sales'][1]) , 'value' => (int) $row['id_category'] ); } $helperForm = new HelperFormBootstrap(); $helperForm->_select2 = true; $helperForm->_inputMask = true; $form .= $helperForm->renderStyle(); $form .= '

'.$this->l('Outils utiles').'

'.$this->l('Association Catégories/Ventes').'

'; $input = $input = array( 'type' => 'select2', 'label' => $this->l('Vente à associer :'), 'label-class' => 'col-md-12', 'input-class' => 'col-md-12', 'select-class' => 'col-md-12', 'name' => 'id_sale', 'options' => $id_sale_options, ); $form .= $helperForm->generateInput($input). '

'.$this->l('Association Produit/Ventes').'

'.$this->l('Permet d\'associer les produits aux ventes lorsque le cron n\'est pas encore passé.').'

'.$this->l('Passage du cron toutes les 3h : 6h12, 9H12, 12h12 ...').'

'.$this->l('Suivi Code Promo').'

'.$this->l('Export des codes promos générés et de leur utilisations.').'
'.$this->l('Préférer de courtes périodes (se base sur la date de génération du bon).').'

'; $input = array( 'type' => 'simpleDate', 'period' => true, 'class-from' => 'col-md-6', 'class-to' => 'col-md-6', 'label' => 'De :', 'label-to' => 'A :', 'id' => 'date_from', 'id-to' => 'date_to', 'name' => 'date_from', 'name-to' => 'date_to', 'before' => '', 'before-to' => '', ); $form .= $helperForm->generateInput($input). '

'.$this->l('Suivi Crédit Fidélité').'

'.$this->l('Choisir de préférence des plages d\'1 mois').'
'.$this->l('(Les dates renseignées sont comprises dans la période demandée)').'

'; $input = array( 'type' => 'simpleDate', 'period' => true, 'class-from' => 'col-md-6', 'class-to' => 'col-md-6', 'label' => 'De :', 'label-to' => 'A :', 'id' => 'date_from_2', 'id-to' => 'date_to_2', 'name' => 'date_from', 'name-to' => 'date_to', 'before' => '', 'before-to' => '', ); $form .= $helperForm->generateInput($input). '

'.$this->l('Générer un PDF de plusieurs commandes').'

'; $help = '

'.$this->l('Format: id_order').'

'.$this->l('The subsequent columns and the first line are ignored.').'

'; $input = array( 'type' => 'file', 'label' => $this->l('File:'), 'name' => 'csvfile', 'html' => $help ); $form .= $helperForm->generateInput($input); $form .= '
'; if($cookie->id_employee == 1) { $nb_credits = $this->getNbOrderToUpdate(); $helperForm->_forms[] = array( 'action' => $base_link, 'title' => ' '.$this->l('Section Antadis'), 'class' => 'form-horizontal', 'class_div' => 'col-md-12', 'sections' => array( array( 'class' => 'col-md-6', 'title' => $this->l('Actions diverses'), 'inputs' => array( array( 'type' => 'submit', 'class' => 'btn-default', 'label-class' => 'col-md-6', 'input-class' => 'col-md-4', 'name' => 'submitUpdateLoyaltyOrders', 'label' => $this->l('Credit fidélité ').($nb_credits>0?'('.$nb_credits.')':'').' : ', 'value' => $this->l('Mettre à jour'), ), array( 'type' => 'simpleText', 'name' => 'carrier_dropshipping', 'label-class' => 'col-md-6', 'input-class' => 'col-md-4', 'label' => $this->l('Transporteur Dropshipping :'), 'default' => Configuration::get('ANT_CARRIER_DROP') ), array( 'type' => 'simpleText', 'name' => 'carrier_domicile', 'label-class' => 'col-md-6', 'input-class' => 'col-md-4', 'label' => $this->l('Transporteur domicile :'), 'default' => Configuration::get('ANT_CARRIER_DOM') ), array( 'type' => 'simpleText', 'name' => 'carriers_socol', 'label-class' => 'col-md-6', 'input-class' => 'col-md-4', 'label' => $this->l('Transporteur socol :'), 'default' => Configuration::get('ANT_CARRIERS_SOCOL') ), array( 'type' => 'simpleText', 'name' => 'carriers_mr', 'label-class' => 'col-md-6', 'input-class' => 'col-md-4', 'label' => $this->l('Transporteur MR :'), 'default' => Configuration::get('ANT_CARRIERS_MR') ), array( 'type' => 'simpleText', 'name' => 'carriers_ooh', 'label-class' => 'col-md-6', 'input-class' => 'col-md-4', 'label' => $this->l('Transporteur OOH :'), 'default' => Configuration::get('ANT_CARRIERS_OOH') ), array( 'type' => 'simpleText', 'name' => 'carriers_special', 'label-class' => 'col-md-6', 'input-class' => 'col-md-4', 'label' => $this->l('Transporteur speciaux :'), 'default' => Configuration::get('ANT_CARRIERS_SPECIAL') ), ), ), array( 'class' => 'col-md-6', 'title' => $this->l('Mettre à jour PS Cache'), 'inputs' => array( array( 'label' => $this->l('PS Cache : '), 'type' => 'select2', 'class-select' => '', 'name' => 'id_category', 'options' => $id_category_options, ), ), 'actions' => array( array( 'type' => 'submit', 'class' => 'btn-default', 'name' => 'submitShowProductCacheSale', 'value' => $this->l('Voir'), ), array( 'type' => 'submit', 'class' => 'btn-primary', 'name' => 'submitUpdateCacheSale', 'value' => $this->l('Ré-Associer'), ), ), 'actions-class' => 'text-right', ), ), 'actions' => array( array( 'type' => 'submit', 'class' => 'btn-primary', 'name' => 'submitUpdateConfigurations', 'value' => $this->l('Mettre à jour les configurations') ) ), 'actions-class' => 'text-center', ); } $helperForm->_js .= ' '; $form .= '
'.$helperForm->renderForm(false, NULL, NULL, true).'
'; $form .= $helperForm->renderScript(); echo $form; } public function updateLoyaltyOrders() { include_once(_PS_ROOT_DIR_.'/modules/loyalty/LoyaltyStateModule.php'); include_once(_PS_ROOT_DIR_.'/modules/loyalty/LoyaltyModule.php'); $loyaltyStateValidation = new LoyaltyStateModule(LoyaltyStateModule::getValidationId()); $count_orders = 0; foreach (Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS(' SELECT lo.`id_order`, oh.`id_order_state` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'loyalty` lo LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'order_history` oh ON (oh.`id_order` = lo.`id_order`) WHERE oh.`id_order_history` = (SELECT MAX(`id_order_history`) FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'order_history` moh WHERE moh.`id_order` = lo.`id_order` GROUP BY moh.`id_order`) AND oh.`id_order_state` = 4 AND lo.`id_loyalty_state` NOT IN (2,4) ') as $order) { if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($loyalty = new LoyaltyModule(LoyaltyModule::getByOrderId((int)$order['id_order'])))) { continue; } if ((int)Configuration::get('PS_LOYALTY_NONE_AWARD') AND $loyalty->id_loyalty_state == LoyaltyStateModule::getNoneAwardId()) { continue; } if ((int)$order['id_order_state'] == $loyaltyStateValidation->id_order_state) { $loyalty->id_loyalty_state = LoyaltyStateModule::getValidationId(); if ((float)($loyalty->discount_value) == 0) { $loyalty->discount_value = LoyaltyModule::getOrderDiscountValue($order); } } if($loyalty->save()) { $count_orders++; } } return $count_orders; } public function getNbOrderToUpdate() { return Db::getInstance()->getValue(' SELECT COUNT(lo.`id_order`) FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'loyalty` lo LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'order_history` oh ON (oh.`id_order` = lo.`id_order`) WHERE oh.`id_order_history` = (SELECT MAX(`id_order_history`) FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'order_history` moh WHERE moh.`id_order` = lo.`id_order` GROUP BY moh.`id_order`) AND oh.`id_order_state` = 4 AND lo.`id_loyalty_state` NOT IN (2,4) '); } public function exportCsv($items, $row_definition) { ob_clean(); $fp = fopen('php://output', 'w'); $delim = ';'; // first row $data=array(); foreach ($row_definition as $col_name ) { $data[]=Tools::htmlentitiesDecodeUTF8($col_name); } fputcsv ($fp,$data,$delim); foreach ($items as $item) { $data = array(); foreach ($row_definition as $key => $col) { $data[] = (isset($item[$key]) ? $item[$key] : ''); } fputcsv ($fp,array_map('utf8_decode',array_values($data)),$delim); } fclose($fp); } public function cleanMenuCache() { $id_langs = array(2,3); foreach ($id_langs as $key => $id_lang) { $filename = _PS_ROOT_DIR_.'/modules/privatesales_family_menu/menu_'.$id_lang.'.txt'; if(file_exists($filename)) { unlink($filename); } } } }