{capture name=path}{l s='My account' mod='invite'} {l s='Referral Program' mod='invite'}{/capture} {include file="$tpl_dir./breadcrumb.tpl"}
{if $error == 'conditions not valided'} {l s='You need to agree to the conditions of the referral program!' mod='invite'} {elseif $error == 'email invalid'} {l s='At least one e-mail address is invalid!' mod='invite'} {elseif $error == 'email exists'} {l s='Someone with this e-mail address has already been sponsored!' mod='invite'}: {foreach from=$mails_exists item=mail}{$mail} {/foreach} {elseif $error == 'no revive checked'} {l s='Please mark at least one checkbox' mod='invite'} {elseif $error == 'cannot add friends'} {l s='Cannot add friends to database' mod='invite'} {/if}
{/if} {if $invitation_sent}{if $nbInvitation > 1} {l s='E-mails have been sent to your friends!' mod='invite'} {else} {l s='An e-mail has been sent to your friend!' mod='invite'} {/if}
{/if} {if $revive_sent}{if $nbRevive > 1} {l s='Reminder e-mails have been sent to your friends!' mod='invite'} {else} {l s='A reminder e-mail has been sent to your friend!' mod='invite'} {/if}
{/if} {if $canSendInvitations && $showInviteLink}