ExecuteS(' SELECT * FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'privatesale_module` '); echo '
'.$this->l('Frais de port par marque').'

'; echo '
'.$this->l('EMARSYS - Titre newsletter').'

'; echo '
'.$this->l('Available Modules').'

'; echo '
'.$this->l('Private Sales Configuration').'

'.$this->l('No').' '.$this->l('Yes').' *

'.$this->l('No').' '.$this->l('Yes').' *

'.$this->l('WARNING: Changing this parameter may require some modifications in your theme.').'

'.$this->l('No').' '.$this->l('Yes').' *

'.$this->l('No').' '.$this->l('Yes').' *

'.$this->l('days').' *

'.$this->l('Sales starting within this limit will be displayed.').'
'.$this->l('Set to 0 to show all future sales.').'

'.$this->l('No').' '.$this->l('Yes').' *

'.$this->l('No').' '.$this->l('Yes').' *

'.$this->l('No').' '.$this->l('Yes').' *

'.$this->l('No').' '.$this->l('Yes').' *


'; if(Configuration::get('PS_REWRITING_SETTINGS')) { $langs = Language::getLanguages(); echo '

'.$this->l('URL Rewriting settings').'

'.$this->l('Add the following text to the custom rewriting rules (Tools > Generators):').'

'; } } }