* @copyright 2007-2011 PrestaShop SA : 6 rue lacepede, 75005 PARIS
* @version Release: $Revision: 9506 $
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php Academic Free License (AFL 3.0)
* International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA
* Twenga module allow to use the Twenga API to :
* 1. subscribe to their Ready to Sell engine,
* 2. activate a tracking for order process if user has been used twenga engine,
* 3. submit a xml feed of shop products to Twenga.
* @version 1.3
if (!defined('_PS_VERSION_'))
class Twenga extends PaymentModule
* path to load each needed files
* @var string
private static $base_dir;
* Url path to access of module file.
* @var string
private static $base_path;
* @var TwengaObj
private static $obj_twenga;
* @var PrestashopStats
private static $obj_ps_stats;
* @var string url used for the subscription to Twenga and prestashop
private $site_url;
* @var string url to acces of the product list for Twenga
private $feed_url;
* @var string url returned by Twenga API
private $inscription_url;
* @var string used for displaying html
private $_html;
* @var string
private $current_index;
* @var string
private $token;
* Countries where Twenga works.
* need to be in lowercase
* @var array
public $limited_countries = array('fr', 'de', 'gb', 'uk', 'it', 'es', 'nl');
private $_allowToWork = true;
private $_currentIsoCodeCountry = NULL;
const ONLY_PRODUCTS = 1;
const BOTH = 3;
const ONLY_SHIPPING = 5;
const ONLY_WRAPPING = 6;
* The current country iso code for the shop.
* @var string
private static $shop_country;
public function __construct()
// Basic vars
global $currentIndex;
$this->current_index = $currentIndex;
$this->token = Tools::getValue('token');
$this->name = 'twenga';
$this->tab = 'smart_shopping';
$this->version = '1.8';
$this->displayName = $this->l('Twenga API');
$this->description = $this->l('Module role: export of your products on Twenga and installation of the sales tracking brought by Twenga (requires sign up to Twenga)');
// For Twenga subscription
$protocol = 'http://';
if (isset($_SERVER['https']) && $_SERVER['https'] != 'off')
$protocol = 'https://';
$this->site_url = Tools::htmlentitiesutf8($protocol.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].__PS_BASE_URI__);
self::$base_dir = _PS_ROOT_DIR_.'/modules/twenga/';
self::$base_path = $this->site_url.'/modules/twenga/';
$this->feed_url = self::$base_path.'export.php?twenga_token='.sha1(Configuration::get('TWENGA_TOKEN')._COOKIE_KEY_);
self::$shop_country = Country::getIsoById(Configuration::get('PS_COUNTRY_DEFAULT'));
require_once realpath(self::$base_dir.'/lib/PrestashopStats.php');
require_once realpath(self::$base_dir.'/lib/TwengaObj.php');
// set the base dir to load files needed for the TwengaObj class
TwengaObj::$base_dir = self::$base_dir.'/lib';
if (!in_array(strtolower(self::$shop_country), $this->limited_countries))
$this->_allowToWork = false;
$this->warning = $this->l('Twenga module works only in specific countries (iso code list:').' '.implode(', ',$this->limited_countries).').';;
return false;
// instanciate (just once) the TwengaObj and PrestashopStats
if (self::$obj_twenga === NULL)
self::$obj_twenga = new TwengaObj();
if (self::$obj_ps_stats === NULL)
self::$obj_ps_stats = new PrestashopStats($this->site_url);
public function install()
if (Configuration::updateValue('TWENGA_TOKEN', Tools::passwdGen()))
return parent::install();
return false;
* For uninstall just need to delete the Merchant Login.
* @return bool see parent class.
public function uninstall()
if (!parent::uninstall()
OR !self::$obj_twenga->deleteMerchantLogin())
return false;
return true;
private function _initCurrentIsoCodeCountry()
global $cookie;
$country = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('
SELECT c.iso_code as iso
FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'country as c
LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'country_lang as c_l
ON c_l.id_country = c.id_country
WHERE c_l.id_lang = '.(int)$cookie->id_lang.'
AND c.id_country = '. Configuration::get('PS_COUNTRY_DEFAULT'));
if (isset($country[0]['iso']))
$this->_currentIsoCodeCountry = $country[0]['iso'];
public function ajaxRequestType()
if (isset($_POST) && isset($_POST['type']) && isset($_POST['base']))
$link = 'http://addons.prestashop.com/'.Language::getIsoById($_POST['id_lang']).
$type = (($_POST['type'] == 'desactive') ? $this->l('Disable') :
(($_POST['type'] == 'reset') ? $this->l('Reset') :
(($_POST['type'] == 'uninstall') ? $this->l('Uninstall') : $this->l('Delete'))));
if ($_POST['type'] == 'delete')
$_POST['type'] = 'deleteModule';
$url = $_POST['base'].'&token='.$_POST['token'].'&module_name='.
$msg = '
'.$this->l('If you subscribe on Twenga, the activation of this module is mandatory.').
' '.$this->l('If there\'s a problem, uninstall this module, install the newer version here and enter the Twenga hashkey again and log in.').'
'.$this->l('To unsubscribe or for any question, please contact Twenga on your account.').'
echo $msg;
** Get the javascript code to fetch a distant file
** href will be automatically split cause of its '&'
private function _getAjaxScript($file, $type, $href, $displayMsg = true)
global $cookie;
return '
type: \'POST\',
url: \''._MODULE_DIR_.'twenga/'.$file.'\',
data: \'type='.$type.'&base='.$href.'&twenga_token='.sha1(Configuration::get('TWENGA_TOKEN')._COOKIE_KEY_).'&id_lang='.(int)$cookie->id_lang.'\',
success: function(msg) {
'.(($displayMsg) ? '
$.fancybox(msg, {
\'autoDimensions\' : false,
\'width\' : 450,
\'height\' : \'auto\',
\'transitionIn\' : \'none\',
\'transitionOut\' : \'none\' });'
: '') . '
return false;';
public function onclickOption($type, $href = false)
$content = '';
case 'desactive':
$content = $this->_getAjaxScript('infos_update.php', $type, $href);
case 'reset':
$content = $this->_getAjaxScript('infos_update.php', $type, $href);
case 'delete':
$content = $this->_getAjaxScript('infos_update.php', $type, $href);
case 'uninstall':
$content = $this->_getAjaxScript('infos_update.php', $type, $href);
return $content;
* Method for beeing redirected to Twenga subscription
private static function redirectTwengaSubscription($link)
echo '';
private function submitTwengaSubscription()
$params = array_filter($_POST);
$return = '';
try {
$return = self::$obj_twenga->getSubscriptionLink($params);
$this->inscription_url = $return['message'];
} catch (TwengaFieldsException $e) {
$this->_errors[] = $this->l('Params are not allowed (see details) : ').'
} catch (TwengaException $e) {
$this->_errors[] = $this->l('Error occurred with the Twenga API method (see details) : ').'
private function submitTwengaLogin()
if (!self::$obj_twenga->setHashkey($_POST['twenga_hashkey']))
$this->_errors[] = $this->l('Your hashkey is invalid. Please check the e-mail already sent by Twenga.');
if (!self::$obj_twenga->setUserName($_POST['twenga_user_name']))
$this->_errors[] = $this->l('Your user name is invalid. Please check the e-mail already sent by Twenga.');
if (!self::$obj_twenga->setPassword($_POST['twenga_password']))
$this->_errors[] = $this->l('Your password is invalid. Please check the e-mail already sent by Twenga.');
if (empty($this->_errors))
$bool_save = false;
$bool_save = self::$obj_twenga->saveMerchantLogin();
if (!$bool_save)
$this->_errors[] = $this->l('Authentication failed.')."
.$this->l('Please review the e-mail sent by Twenga after subscription. If error still occurred, contact Twenga service.');
self::$obj_twenga->addFeed(array('feed_url' => $this->feed_url));
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->_errors[] = nl2br($e->getMessage());
private function submitTwengaActivateTracking()
$activate = false;
// Use TwengaObj::siteActivate() method to activate tracking.
try {
$activate = self::$obj_twenga->siteActivate();
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->_errors[] = $e->getMessage();
if ($activate)
private function submitTwengaDisableTracking()
$return = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('SELECT `id_hook` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'hook_module` WHERE `id_module` = \''.pSQL($this->id).'\'');
foreach ($return as $hook)
public function preProcess()
if (isset($_POST['submitTwengaSubscription']))
if (isset($_POST['submitTwengaLogin']))
if (isset($_POST['submitTwengaActivateTracking']))
if (isset($_POST['submitTwengaDisableTracking']))
public function hookCancelProduct($params)
if ($this->_allowToWork == false)
if ((float)$params['order']->total_products_wt <= 0)
$cart = new Cart($params['order']->id_cart);
$customer = new Customer($params['order']->id_customer);
$params_to_twenga = array();
// @todo delete or not ??
// $params_to_twenga['order_id'] = (string)$params['order']->id;
// $params_to_twenga['user_id'] = (string)$customer->id;
// $params_to_twenga['cli_email'] = (string)$customer->email;
$params_to_twenga['basket_id'] = (string)$params['order']->id_cart;
try {
if (self::$obj_twenga->orderExist($params_to_twenga))
$bool = self::$obj_twenga->orderCancel($params_to_twenga);
} catch (Exception $e) {
// die($e->getMessage());
public function hookUpdateOrderStatus($params)
if ($this->_allowToWork == false)
if ( (int)$params['newOrderStatus']->unremovable === 1
&& (int)$params['newOrderStatus']->logable === 1
&& (int)$params['newOrderStatus']->delivery === 0)
$obj_order = new Order($params['id_order']);
$customer = new Customer($obj_order->id_customer);
$params_to_twenga = array();
// @todo delete or not ??
// $params_to_twenga['order_id'] = (int)$params['id_order'];
// $params_to_twenga['user_id'] = (int)$customer->id;
// $params_to_twenga['cli_email'] = (string)$customer->email;
$params_to_twenga['basket_id'] = (int)$obj_order->id_cart;
$bool = false;
try {
if (($params_to_twenga))
$cart = new Cart($params_to_twenga['basket_id']);
$bool = self::$obj_twenga->orderValidate($params_to_twenga);
self::$obj_ps_stats->validateOrder($obj_order->total_products_wt, $obj_order->total_paid);
} catch (Exception $e) {
// die($e->getMessage());
public function hookPayment($params)
if ($this->_allowToWork == false)
// One page Checkout cause problem with event and document.write use by twenga script
// (page completely deleted
if (Configuration::get('PS_ORDER_PROCESS_TYPE') == 1)
return ;
$customer = new Customer($params['cart']->id_customer);
$currency = new Currency($params['cart']->id_currency);
$address = $customer->getAddresses($params['cart']->id_lang);
$address = $address[0];
// for 1.3 compatibility
$type_both = 3;
$type_only_shipping = 5;
/* const ONLY_PRODUCTS = 1;
const BOTH = 3;
const ONLY_SHIPPING = 5;
const ONLY_WRAPPING = 6;
$tva = $params['cart']->getOrderTotal(true, $type_both)-$params['cart']->getOrderTotal(false, $type_both);
$tax = ($tva * 100) / $params['cart']->getOrderTotal(true, $type_both);
$params_to_twenga = array();
// @todo delete or not ??
// $params_to_twenga['user_id'] = $customer->id;
// $params_to_twenga['cli_email'] = $customer->email;
$params_to_twenga['total_ht'] = $params['cart']->getOrderTotal(false, Twenga::ONLY_PRODUCTS_WITHOUT_SHIPPING);
$params_to_twenga['basket_id'] = $params['cart']->id;
$params_to_twenga['currency'] = $currency->iso_code;
$params_to_twenga['total_ttc'] = $params['cart']->getOrderTotal(true, Twenga::BOTH);
$params_to_twenga['shipping'] = $params['cart']->getOrderTotal(true, Twenga::ONLY_SHIPPING);
$params_to_twenga['tax'] = Tools::ps_round($tax, 2);
$params_to_twenga['tva'] = $tva;
$params_to_twenga['cli_firstname'] = $customer->firstname;
$params_to_twenga['cli_lastname'] = $customer->lastname;
$params_to_twenga['cli_city'] = $address['city'];
$params_to_twenga['cli_state'] = $address['state'];
$params_to_twenga['cli_country'] = $address['country'];
$params_to_twenga['items'] = array();
foreach ($params['cart']->getProducts() as $product)
$arr_item = array();
if ($product['total']!= '') $arr_item['total_ht'] = (float)$product['total'];
if ($product['cart_quantity'] != '') $arr_item['quantity'] = (int)$product['cart_quantity'];
if ($product['reference'] != '') $arr_item['sku'] = (string)$product['reference'];
if ($product['name'] != '') $arr_item['name'] = (string)$product['name'];
if ($product['category']) $arr_item['category_name'] = (string)$product['category'];
$params_to_twenga['items'][] = $arr_item;
$params_to_twenga = array_filter($params_to_twenga);
try {
// twenga don't saved double orders with the same id,
// so don't need to use TwengaObj::orderExist() method.
$tracking_code = self::$obj_twenga->getTrackingScript($params_to_twenga);
return $tracking_code;
} catch (TwengaFieldsException $e) {
return $this->l('Error occurred when params passed in Twenga API').' :
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
** Get the current country name used literaly
public static function getCurrentCountryName()
global $cookie;
$id_lang = ((isset($cookie->id_lang)) ? (int)$cookie->id_lang :
((isset($_POST['id_lang'])) ? (int)$_POST['id_lang'] : NULL));
if ($id_lang === NULL)
return 'Undefined id_lang';
$country = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('
SELECT c.name as name
FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'country_lang as c
WHERE c.id_lang = '.(int)$id_lang.'
AND c.id_country = '.(int)Configuration::get('PS_COUNTRY_DEFAULT'));
if (!isset($country[0]['name']))
$country[0]['name'] = 'Undefined';
return $country[0]['name'];
** Check if the default country if available with the restricted ones
private function _checkCurrentCountrie()
global $cookie;
if (!in_array(strtolower($this->_currentIsoCodeCountry), $this->limited_countries))
$query = '
SELECT c_l.name as name
FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'country_lang as c_l
LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'country as c
ON c_l.id_country = c.id_country
WHERE c_l.id_lang = '.(int)$cookie->id_lang.'
AND c.iso_code IN (';
foreach($this->limited_countries as $iso)
$query .= "'".strtoupper($iso)."', ";
$query = rtrim($query, ', ').')';
$countriesName = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($query);
$htmlError = '
'.$this->l('Your default country is').' : '.Twenga::getCurrentCountryName().'
'.$this->l('Please select one of these available countries approved by Twenga').' :
foreach($countriesName as $c)
$htmlError .= ''.$c['name'].' ';
$url = Tools::getShopDomain(true).$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?tab=AdminCountries&token='.
$htmlError .= '
'.$this->l('Follow this link to change the country').
' :
throw new Exception($htmlError);
public function getContent()
try {
if (Configuration::get('PS_ORDER_PROCESS_TYPE') == 1)
$this->_html .= '
'.$this->l('Twenga can\'t work under the one page checkout process').'
catch (Exception $e)
return $e->getMessage();
// API can't be call if curl extension is not installed on PHP config.
if (!extension_loaded('curl'))
$this->_errors[] = $this->l('Please activate the PHP extension \'curl\' to allow use of Twenga webservice library.');
return $this->displayErrors();
$this->_html .= '
'.$this->displayName.' ';
$this->_html .= $this->displayTwengaIntro();
$this->_html .= $this->displayTwengaLogin();
if ((self::$obj_twenga->getHashKey() === NULL || self::$obj_twenga->getHashKey() === '')
|| (self::$obj_twenga->getUserName() === NULL || self::$obj_twenga->getUserName() === '')
|| (self::$obj_twenga->getPassword() === NULL || self::$obj_twenga->getPassword() === '')
$this->_html .= $this->displaySubscription();
$this->_html .= $this->displayActivate();
return $this->displayErrors().$this->_html;
public function displayTwengaIntro()
$errors = array();
try {
$return = self::$obj_twenga->getSubscriptionLink(array('site_url' => $this->site_url, 'feed_url' => $this->feed_url, 'country' => self::$shop_country));
$this->inscription_url = $return['message'];
} catch (TwengaFieldsException $e) {
$errors[] = $e->getMessage();
} catch (TwengaException $e) {
$errors[] = $e->getMessage();
if (!empty($errors))
$str_error = $this->l('Errors occurred with the Twenga API subscription link:');
$str_error .= '
foreach ($errors as $error)
$str_error .= ''.$error.' ';
$str_error .= ' ';
$this->_errors[] = $str_error;
$defaultIsoCountry = strtolower($this->_currentIsoCodeCountry);
if ($defaultIsoCountry == 'gb')
$tarifs_link = 'https://rts.twenga.com/media/prices_uk.jpg';
$tarifs_link = 'https://rts.twenga.com/media/prices_'.$defaultIsoCountry.'.jpg';
global $cookie;
$isoUser = strtolower(Language::getIsoById(intval($cookie->id_lang)));
$tarif_arr = array(950, 565);
if (file_exists($tarifs_link))
$tarif_arr = @getimagesize($tarifs_link);
$str_return = '
'.$this->l('Get your products listed on Twenga.co.uk and follow the sales generated by Twenga').' '
.''.$this->l('You have already signed up to Twenga Ready to Sell ?').'
.''.$this->l('Step 1: Retrieve your Twenga hashkey from your Twenga Ready to Sell account (tools>tracking>hashkey). Also click on "Test the tracking".');
$str_return .='
'.$this->l('Step 2: Come back here and paste it in the "hash key" field. Click on Save and Activate.').'
'.$this->l('You want to sign up to Twenga Ready to Sell ?').'
'.$this->l('How to list your product on Twenga.co.uk:').'
'.''.$this->l('Step 1: Click on this link to sign up to Twenga Ready to Sell ');
if ($this->inscription_url !== NULL)
$str_return .= ' »'.$this->l('Subscribe').'« '.' ';
$str_return .= ' '.$this->l('Error(s) occurred: please contact Twenga').' ';
$str_return .='
'.$this->l('Step 2: Fill in the Twenga sign up form').'
'.$this->l('Step 3: When you receive the Twenga hash-key by e-mail, come back here and paste it in the "hash key" field. Click on Save and Activate.').'
if ($isoUser == 'fr')
$str_return .= '
$str_return .= '
'.$this->l('Get your products listed on Twenga for free : only pay when you sell !').'
'.$this->l('Twenga Prices').'
return $str_return;
* @return string html form for log to Twenga API.
private function displayTwengaLogin()
global $cookie;
$isoUser = strtolower(Language::getIsoById(intval($cookie->id_lang)));
if ($isoUser == 'en')
$lost_link = 'https://rts.twenga.co.uk/lost_password';
$lost_link = 'https://rts.twenga.'.$isoUser.'/lost_password';
return '
* Subscription form need to be pre-filled.
* @return string the html form for subscription
private function displaySubscription()
$site_name = Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_NAME');
$employee = new Employee(1);
$email = Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_EMAIL');
$phone = (Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_PHONE') !== FALSE) ? Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_PHONE') : '';
$legaltype = (Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_DETAILS') !== FALSE) ? Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_DETAILS') : '';
$address = ((Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_ADDR1') !== FALSE) ? Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_ADDR1')."\n" : '').((Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_ADDR2') !== FALSE) ? Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_ADDR2') : '');
$postal_code = (Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_CODE') !== FALSE) ? Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_CODE') : '';
$city = (Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_CITY') !== FALSE) ? Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_CITY') : '';
return '
* @return string html form for activate or disable the Twenga tracking
private function displayActivate()
$str = '
if ($this->isRegisteredInHook('payment')
&& $this->isRegisteredInHook('updateOrderStatus')
&& $this->isRegisteredInHook('cancelProduct'))
$str = sprintf($str, $this->l('Disable Tracking'), $this->l('To disable tracking, click on the following button :'), 'submitTwengaDisableTracking', $this->l('Disable'));
$str = sprintf($str, $this->l('Activate Tracking'), $this->l('To activate tracking, click on the following button :'), 'submitTwengaActivateTracking', $this->l('Activate'));
return $str;
* Just set in one method the displaying error message in Prestashop back-office.
private function displayErrors()
$string = '';
if (!empty($this->_errors))
foreach ($this->_errors as $error)
$string .= $this->displayError($error);
return $string;
* Used by export.php to build the feed required by Twenga.
* See detailed comments in the body of the method
* @see Twenga::preparedValues() to see how needed tags for feed are filled
public function buildXML()
// this check if the module is installed and if the site is registered at Twenga
$bool_site_exists = true;
if (self::$obj_twenga->getHashkey() === NULL)
$this->_errors[] = $this->l('The hash key must be set for used Twenga API.');
$bool_site_exists = false;
if ($bool_site_exists)
try {
$bool_site_exists = self::$obj_twenga->siteExist();
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->_errors[] = $e->getMessage().$this->l('Some parameters missing, or the site doesn\'t exist');
$bool_site_exists = false;
if (!$bool_site_exists)
return $this->displayErrors();
// Now method build the XML
$xmlstr = '
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xmlstr);
$lang = (int)$parameters['PS_LANG_DEFAULT'];
$language = new Language($lang);
$carrier = new Carrier(Configuration::get('PS_CARRIER_DEFAULT'), $language->id);
$defaultCountry = new Country(Configuration::get('PS_COUNTRY_DEFAULT'), $language->id);
$link = new Link();
$result = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('
SELECT `id_product` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product` WHERE `active` = 1');
foreach ($result AS $k => $row)
$product = new Product((int)$row['id_product']);
if (Validate::isLoadedObject($product) AND $product->active)
// Check if product declinations exist.
$combinations = $this->getCombinations($product, $lang);
// Set an empty value even no combinations was found to make foreach usable.
if (empty($combinations))
$combinations[] = array();
foreach ($combinations as $combination)
// prepared values before insert it in node structure.
// In this way we can structure code with checking method and displaying method for more lisibility.
$product_values = $this->preparedValues($product, $combination, $lang, $link, $carrier);
// create the product node for each products and declinations
$product_node = $xml->addChild('product', '');
// required Fields
$product_node->addChild('product_url', $product_values['product_url']);
$product_node->addChild('designation', '');
$product_node->addChild('price', $product_values['price']);
$product_node->addChild('category', '');
$product_node->addChild('image_url', $product_values['image_url']);
$product_node->addChild('description', '');
$product_node->addChild('brand', $product_values['brand']);
// optionnals fields
$product_node->addChild('merchant_id', $product_values['merchant_id']);
$product_node->addChild('manufacturer_id', $product_values['manufacturer_id']);
$product_node->addChild('shipping_cost', $product_values['shipping_cost']);
$product_node->addChild('in_stock', $product_values['in_stock']);
$product_node->addChild('stock_detail', $product_values['stock_detail']);
$product_node->addChild('condition', $product_values['condition']);
$product_node->addChild('upc_ean', $product_values['upc_ean']);
$product_node->addChild('product_type', $product_values['product_type']);
$product_node->addChild('isbn', $product_values['isbn']);
$product_node->addChild('eco_tax', $product_values['eco_tax']);
$str_xml = $xml->asXML();
$str_xml = str_replace(array('<![CDATA[', ']]>', '
'), array('', ''), $str_xml);
return $str_xml;
* @param Product $product to get the product properties
* @param array $combination to get particular properties from a declination
* @param int $lang id lang to take all text in good language
* @param Link $link to set the link of the product and its images.
* @param Carrier $carrier not used now, but usable for next version, needed for calculate the shipping cost,
* But for now it's not sure enough.
* @return array with good value for the XML.
private function preparedValues(Product $product, $combination, $lang, Link $link, Carrier $carrier)
$arr_return = array();
$str_features = array();
$model = array();
$version = str_replace('.', '', _PS_VERSION_);
// To build description and model tags.
if (isset($combination['attributes']))
foreach ($combination['attributes'] as $attribut)
$str_features[] = $attribut['group_name'].' : '.$attribut['name'];
$model[] = $attribut['name'];
if (isset($combination['weight']) && (int)$combination['weight'] !== 0)
$str_features[] = 'weight : '.$combination['weight'];
elseif ($product->weight !== 0)
$str_features[] = 'weight : '.$product->weight;
$features = $product->getFrontFeatures($lang);
foreach ($features as $feature)
$str_features[] = $feature['name'].' : '.$feature['value'];
// Category tag
$category = new Category((int)$product->id_category_default, $lang);
$category_path = ((isset($category->id) AND $category->id) ? Tools::getFullPath((int)($category->id), $product->name[$lang]) : Tools::getFullPath((int)($product->id_category_default), $product->name[$lang]));
$category_path = (Configuration::get('PS_NAVIGATION_PIPE') != false && Configuration::get('PS_NAVIGATION_PIPE') !== '>' ) ? str_replace(Configuration::get('PS_NAVIGATION_PIPE'), '>', $category_path) : $category_path;
// image tag
$id_image = (isset($combination['id_image'])) ? $combination['id_image'] : 0;
if ($id_image === 0 || $id_image < 0)
$image = $product->getCover((int)$product->id);
$id_image = $image['id_image'];
$quantity = Product::getQuantity($product->id, (isset($combination['id_combination']) ? $combination['id_combination'] : NULL));
$condition = '';
if (strlen((string)$version) < 2)
$version = (string)$version.'0';
if ((int)substr($version, 0, 2) >= 14)
$condition = (($product->condition === 'new') ? 0 : 1);
$price = $product->getPrice(true, (isset($combination['id_combination']) ? $combination['id_combination'] : NULL), 2);
$upc_ean = strlen((string)$product->ean13) == 13 ? $product->ean13 : '';
$arr_return['product_url'] = $link->getProductLink((int)$product->id, $product->link_rewrite[$lang], $product->ean13, $lang);
$arr_return['designation'] = Tools::htmlentitiesUTF8($product->name[$lang].' '.Manufacturer::getNameById($product->id_manufacturer).' '.implode(' ', $model));
$arr_return['price'] = $price;
$arr_return['category'] = Tools::htmlentitiesUTF8(strip_tags($category_path));
if (substr(_PS_VERSION_, 0, 3) == '1.3')
if (!Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_DOMAIN'))
Configuration::updateValue('PS_SHOP_DOMAIN', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
$prefix = 'http://'.Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_DOMAIN').'/';
$arr_return['image_url'] = $prefix.$link->getImageLink('', $product->id.'-'.$id_image, 'large');
$arr_return['image_url'] = $link->getImageLink($product->link_rewrite[$lang], $product->id.'-'.$id_image, 'large');
// Must description added since Twenga-module v1.1
$arr_return['description'] = is_array($product->description) ? strip_tags($product->description[$lang]) : strip_tags($product->description);
$arr_return['description'] = trim($arr_return['description'].' '.strip_tags(implode(', ', $str_features)));
$arr_return['description'] = Tools::htmlentitiesUTF8($arr_return['description']);
$arr_return['brand'] = Manufacturer::getNameById($product->id_manufacturer);
$arr_return['merchant_id'] = $product->id;
$arr_return['manufacturer_id'] = $product->id_manufacturer;
$arr_return['shipping_cost'] = 'NC';
$arr_return['in_stock'] = $quantity > 0 ? 'Y' : 'N';
$arr_return['stock_detail'] = $quantity;
$arr_return['condition'] = $condition;
$arr_return['upc_ean'] = $upc_ean;
$arr_return['eco_tax'] = $product->ecotax;
// for prestashop 1.4 and previous version these fields are not managed.
// So default values are set.
$arr_return['product_type'] = '1';
$arr_return['isbn'] = '';
return $arr_return;
* @param Product $product
* @param int $lang id of a language
* @return array of a product declinations.
private function getCombinations(Product $product, $lang)
$attributesGroups = $product->getAttributesGroups((int)$lang);
$combinations = array();
if ($attributesGroups && is_array($attributesGroups))
$combinationImages = $product->getCombinationImages((int)$lang);
foreach ($attributesGroups AS $k => $row)
$combinations[$row['id_product_attribute']]['id_combination'] = $row['id_product_attribute'];
$combinations[$row['id_product_attribute']]['attributes'][$row['id_attribute_group']] = array('name'=>$row['attribute_name'], 'group_name'=>$row['public_group_name'], 'id_attribute'=>(int)$row['id_attribute']);
$combinations[$row['id_product_attribute']]['price'] = (float)($row['price']);
$combinations[$row['id_product_attribute']]['ecotax'] = (float)($row['ecotax']);
$combinations[$row['id_product_attribute']]['weight'] = (float)($row['weight']);
$combinations[$row['id_product_attribute']]['quantity'] = (int)($row['quantity']);
$combinations[$row['id_product_attribute']]['reference'] = $row['reference'];
if (isset($row['unit_price_impact']))
$combinations[$row['id_product_attribute']]['unit_impact'] = $row['unit_price_impact'];
$combinations[$row['id_product_attribute']]['id_image'] = isset($combinationImages[$row['id_product_attribute']][0]['id_image']) ? $combinationImages[$row['id_product_attribute']][0]['id_image'] : -1;
return $combinations;