* @copyright 2007-2011 PrestaShop SA * @version Release: $Revision: 9067 $ * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php Academic Free License (AFL 3.0) * International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA */ if (!defined('_PS_VERSION_')) exit; class Followup extends Module { function __construct() { $this->name = 'followup'; $this->tab = 'advertising_marketing'; $this->version = '1.0'; $this->author = 'PrestaShop'; $this->need_instance = 0; $this->confKeys = array( 'PS_FOLLOW_UP_ENABLE_1', 'PS_FOLLOW_UP_ENABLE_2', 'PS_FOLLOW_UP_ENABLE_3', 'PS_FOLLOW_UP_ENABLE_4', 'PS_FOLLOW_UP_AMOUNT_1', 'PS_FOLLOW_UP_AMOUNT_2', 'PS_FOLLOW_UP_AMOUNT_3', 'PS_FOLLOW_UP_AMOUNT_4', 'PS_FOLLOW_UP_DAYS_1', 'PS_FOLLOW_UP_DAYS_2', 'PS_FOLLOW_UP_DAYS_3', 'PS_FOLLOW_UP_DAYS_4', 'PS_FOLLOW_UP_THRESHOLD_3', 'PS_FOLLOW_UP_DAYS_THRESHOLD_4', 'PS_FOLLOW_UP_CLEAN_DB'); parent::__construct(); $this->displayName = $this->l('Customer follow-up'); $this->description = $this->l('Follow-up with your customers with daily customized e-mails.'); $this->confirmUninstall = $this->l('Are you sure you want to delete all settings and your logs?'); } public function install() { $logEmailTable = Db::getInstance()->Execute(' CREATE TABLE '._DB_PREFIX_.'log_email ( `id_log_email` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY , `id_email_type` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL , `id_discount` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL , `id_customer` INT UNSIGNED NULL , `id_cart` INT UNSIGNED NULL , `date_add` DATETIME NOT NULL, INDEX `date_add`(`date_add`), INDEX `id_cart`(`id_cart`) ) ENGINE='._MYSQL_ENGINE_); foreach ($this->confKeys AS $key) Configuration::updateValue($key, 0); Configuration::updateValue('PS_FOLLOWUP_SECURE_KEY', strtoupper(Tools::passwdGen(16))); return parent::install(); } public function uninstall() { foreach ($this->confKeys AS $key) Configuration::deleteByName($key); Configuration::deleteByName('PS_FOLLOWUP_SECURE_KEY'); Db::getInstance()->Execute('DROP TABLE '._DB_PREFIX_.'log_email'); return parent::uninstall(); } public function getContent() { /* Save settings */ if (Tools::isSubmit('submitFollowUp')) foreach ($this->confKeys AS $c) Configuration::updateValue($c, (float)(Tools::getValue($c))); /* Init */ $conf = Configuration::getMultiple($this->confKeys); foreach ($this->confKeys AS $k) if (!isset($conf[$k])) $conf[$k] = ''; $currency = new Currency((int)(Configuration::get('PS_CURRENCY_DEFAULT'))); $n1 = $this->cancelledCart(true); $n2 = $this->reOrder(true); $n3 = $this->bestCustomer(true); $n4 = $this->badCustomer(true); echo '

'.$this->l('Customer follow-up').'


'.$this->l('Four kinds of e-mail alerts available in order to stay in touch with your customers!').'

'.$this->l('Define settings and place this URL in crontab or call it manually daily:').'
'.Tools::getShopDomain(true, true).__PS_BASE_URI__.'modules/followup/cron.php?secure_key='.Configuration::get('PS_FOLLOWUP_SECURE_KEY').'

1. '.$this->l('Cancelled carts').'

'.$this->l('For each cancelled cart (with no order), generate a discount and send it to the customer.').'


'.$this->l('Next process will send:').' '.(int)($n1).' '.($n1 > 1 ? $this->l('e-mails') : $this->l('e-mail')).'

2. '.$this->l('Re-order').'

'.$this->l('For each validated order, generate a discount and send it to the customer.').'


'.$this->l('Next process will send:').' '.(int)($n2).' '.($n2 > 1 ? $this->l('e-mails') : $this->l('e-mail')).'

3. '.$this->l('Best customers').'

'.$this->l('For each customer raising a threshold, generate a discount and send it to the customer.').'

'.($currency->format == 1 ? ' '.$currency->sign.' ' : '').' '.($currency->format == 2 ? ' '.$currency->sign : '').'

'.$this->l('Next process will send:').' '.(int)($n3).' '.($n3 > 1 ? $this->l('e-mails') : $this->l('e-mail')).'

4. '.$this->l('Bad customers').'

'.$this->l('For each customer who has already passed at least one order and with no orders since a given duration, generate a discount and send it to the customer.').'


'.$this->l('Next process will send:').' '.(int)($n4).' '.($n4 > 1 ? $this->l('e-mails') : $this->l('e-mail')).'

'.$this->l('Delete outdated discounts during each launch to clean database.').'
'.$this->l('Statistics').' '.$this->l('Detailed statistics for last 30 days:').'

'.$this->l('S = Number of sent e-mails').'
'.$this->l('U = Number of discounts used (valid orders only)').'
'.$this->l('% = Conversion rate').'

'; $stats = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->ExecuteS(' SELECT DATE_FORMAT(l.date_add, \'%Y-%m-%d\') date_stat, l.id_email_type, COUNT(l.id_log_email) nb, (SELECT COUNT(l2.id_discount) FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'log_email l2 LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'order_discount od ON (od.id_discount = l2.id_discount) LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'orders o ON (o.id_order = od.id_order) WHERE l2.id_email_type = l.id_email_type AND l2.date_add = l.date_add AND od.id_order IS NOT NULL AND o.valid = 1) nb_used FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'log_email l WHERE l.date_add >= DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 30 DAY) GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(l.date_add, \'%Y-%m-%d\'), l.id_email_type'); $statsArray = array(); foreach ($stats AS $stat) { $statsArray[$stat['date_stat']][$stat['id_email_type']]['nb'] = (int)($stat['nb']); $statsArray[$stat['date_stat']][$stat['id_email_type']]['nb_used'] = (int)($stat['nb_used']); } echo ' '; if (!sizeof($statsArray)) echo ''; foreach ($statsArray AS $date_stat => $array) { $rates = array(); for ($i = 1; $i != 5; $i++) if (isset($statsArray[$date_stat][$i]['nb']) AND isset($statsArray[$date_stat][$i]['nb_used']) AND $statsArray[$date_stat][$i]['nb_used'] > 0) $rates[$i] = number_format(($statsArray[$date_stat][$i]['nb_used'] / $statsArray[$date_stat][$i]['nb'])*100, 2, '.', ''); echo ' '; for ($i = 1; $i != 5; $i++) { echo ' '; } echo ' '; } echo '
'.$this->l('Date').' '.$this->l('Cancelled carts').' '.$this->l('Re-order').' '.$this->l('Best cust.').' '.$this->l('Bad cust.').'
'.$this->l('S').' '.$this->l('U').' % '.$this->l('S').' '.$this->l('U').' % '.$this->l('S').' '.$this->l('U').' % '.$this->l('S').' '.$this->l('U').' %
'.$this->l('No statistics at this time.').'
'.$date_stat.''.(isset($statsArray[$date_stat][$i]['nb']) ? (int)($statsArray[$date_stat][$i]['nb']) : 0).' '.(isset($statsArray[$date_stat][$i]['nb_used']) ? (int)($statsArray[$date_stat][$i]['nb_used']) : 0).' '.(isset($rates[$i]) ? ''.$rates[$i].'' : '0.00').'
'; } /* Log each sent e-mail */ private function logEmail($id_email_type, $id_discount, $id_customer = NULL, $id_cart = NULL) { $values = array('id_email_type' => (int)($id_email_type), 'id_discount' => (int)($id_discount), 'date_add' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); if (!empty($id_cart)) $values['id_cart'] = (int)($id_cart); if (!empty($id_customer)) $values['id_customer'] = (int)($id_customer); Db::getInstance()->autoExecute(_DB_PREFIX_.'log_email', $values, 'INSERT'); } /* Each cart which wasn't transformed into an order */ private function cancelledCart($count = false) { $emailLogs = $this->getLogsEmail(1); $sql = ' SELECT c.id_cart, c.id_lang, cu.id_customer, cu.firstname, cu.lastname, cu.email FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'cart c LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'orders o ON (o.id_cart = c.id_cart) LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'customer cu ON (cu.id_customer = c.id_customer) WHERE DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 7 DAY) <= c.date_add AND cu.id_customer IS NOT NULL AND o.id_order IS NULL'; if (!empty($emailLogs)) $sql .= ' AND c.id_cart NOT IN ('.join(',', $emailLogs).')'; $emails = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($sql); if ($count OR !sizeof($emails)) return sizeof($emails); $conf = Configuration::getMultiple(array('PS_FOLLOW_UP_AMOUNT_1', 'PS_FOLLOW_UP_DAYS_1')); foreach ($emails AS $email) { $voucher = $this->createDiscount(1, (float)($conf['PS_FOLLOW_UP_AMOUNT_1']), (int)($email['id_customer']), strftime('%Y-%m-%d', strtotime('+'.(int)($conf['PS_FOLLOW_UP_DAYS_1']).' day')), $this->l('Discount for your cancelled cart')); if ($voucher !== false) { $templateVars = array('{email}' => $email['email'], '{lastname}' => $email['lastname'], '{firstname}' => $email['firstname'], '{amount}' => $conf['PS_FOLLOW_UP_AMOUNT_1'], '{days}' => $conf['PS_FOLLOW_UP_DAYS_1'], '{voucher_num}' => $voucher->name); $result = Mail::Send((int)($email['id_lang']), 'followup_1', Mail::l('Your cart and your discount', $email['id_lang']), $templateVars, $email['email'], $email['firstname'].' '.$email['lastname'], NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, dirname(__FILE__).'/mails/'); $this->logEmail(1, (int)($voucher->id), (int)($email['id_customer']), (int)($email['id_cart'])); } } } private function getLogsEmail($emailType) { static $idList = array( '1' => array(), '2' => array(), '3' => array(), '4' => array(), ); static $executed = false; if (!$executed) { $query = ' SELECT id_cart, id_customer, id_email_type FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'log_email WHERE id_email_type <> 4 OR date_add >= DATE_SUB(date_add,INTERVAL '.(int)(Configuration::get('PS_FOLLOW_UP_DAYS_THRESHOLD_4')).' DAY)'; $results = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($query); foreach ($results as $line) { switch ($line['id_email_type']) { case 1: $idList['1'][] = $line['id_cart']; break; case 2: $idList['2'][] = $line['id_cart']; break; case 3: $idList['3'][] = $line['id_customer']; break; case 4: $idList['4'][] = $line['id_customer']; break; } } $executed = true; } return $idList[$emailType]; } /* For all validated orders, a discount if re-ordering before x days */ private function reOrder($count = false) { $emailLogs = $this->getLogsEmail(2); $sql = ' SELECT o.id_order, c.id_cart, c.id_lang, cu.id_customer, cu.firstname, cu.lastname, cu.email FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'orders o LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'customer cu ON (cu.id_customer = o.id_customer) LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'cart c ON (c.id_cart = o.id_cart) WHERE o.valid = 1 AND c.date_add >= DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 7 DAY) AND o.id_cart'; if (!empty($emailLogs)) $sql .= ' NOT IN ('.join(',', $emailLogs).')'; $emails = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($sql); if ($count OR !sizeof($emails)) return sizeof($emails); $conf = Configuration::getMultiple(array('PS_FOLLOW_UP_AMOUNT_2', 'PS_FOLLOW_UP_DAYS_2')); foreach ($emails AS $email) { $voucher = $this->createDiscount(2, (float)($conf['PS_FOLLOW_UP_AMOUNT_2']), (int)($email['id_customer']), strftime('%Y-%m-%d', strtotime('+'.(int)($conf['PS_FOLLOW_UP_DAYS_2']).' day')), $this->l('Thank you for your order.')); if ($voucher !== false) { $templateVars = array('{email}' => $email['email'], '{lastname}' => $email['lastname'], '{firstname}' => $email['firstname'], '{amount}' => $conf['PS_FOLLOW_UP_AMOUNT_2'], '{days}' => $conf['PS_FOLLOW_UP_DAYS_2'], '{voucher_num}' => $voucher->name); $result = Mail::Send((int)($email['id_lang']), 'followup_2', Mail::l('Thanks for your order', $email['id_lang']), $templateVars, $email['email'], $email['firstname'].' '.$email['lastname'], NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, dirname(__FILE__).'/mails/'); $this->logEmail(2, (int)($voucher->id), (int)($email['id_customer']), (int)($email['id_cart'])); } } } /* For all customers with more than x euros in 90 days */ private function bestCustomer($count = false) { $emailLogs = $this->getLogsEmail(3); $sql = ' SELECT SUM(o.total_paid) total, c.id_cart, c.id_lang, cu.id_customer, cu.firstname, cu.lastname, cu.email FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'orders o LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'customer cu ON (cu.id_customer = o.id_customer) LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'cart c ON (c.id_cart = o.id_cart) WHERE o.valid = 1 AND DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 90 DAY) <= o.date_add AND cu.id_customer'; if (!empty($emailLogs)) $sql .= ' NOT IN ('.join(',', $emailLogs).')'; $sql .= ' GROUP BY o.id_customer HAVING total >= '.(float)(Configuration::get('PS_FOLLOW_UP_THRESHOLD_3')); $emails = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($sql); if ($count OR !sizeof($emails)) return sizeof($emails); $conf = Configuration::getMultiple(array('PS_FOLLOW_UP_AMOUNT_3', 'PS_FOLLOW_UP_DAYS_3')); foreach ($emails AS $email) { $voucher = $this->createDiscount(3, (float)($conf['PS_FOLLOW_UP_AMOUNT_3']), (int)($email['id_customer']), strftime('%Y-%m-%d', strtotime('+'.(int)($conf['PS_FOLLOW_UP_DAYS_3']).' day')), $this->l('You are one of our best customers!')); if ($voucher !== false) { $templateVars = array('{email}' => $email['email'], '{lastname}' => $email['lastname'], '{firstname}' => $email['firstname'], '{amount}' => $conf['PS_FOLLOW_UP_AMOUNT_3'], '{days}' => $conf['PS_FOLLOW_UP_DAYS_3'], '{voucher_num}' => $voucher->name); $result = Mail::Send((int)($email['id_lang']), 'followup_3', Mail::l('You are one of our best customers', $email['id_lang']), $templateVars, $email['email'], $email['firstname'].' '.$email['lastname'], NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, dirname(__FILE__).'/mails/'); $this->logEmail(3, (int)($voucher->id), (int)($email['id_customer']), (int)($email['id_cart'])); } } } /* For all customers with no orders since more than x days */ /** * badCustomer send mails to all customers with no orders since more than x days, * with at least one valid order in history * * @param boolean $count if set to true, will return number of customer (default : false, will send mails, no return value) * @return void */ private function badCustomer($count = false) { $emailLogs = $this->getLogsEmail(4); $sql = ' SELECT c.id_lang, c.id_cart, cu.id_customer, cu.firstname, cu.lastname, cu.email, (SELECT COUNT(o.id_order) FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'orders o WHERE o.id_customer = cu.id_customer and o.valid = 1) nb_orders FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'customer cu LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'orders o ON (o.id_customer = cu.id_customer) LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'cart c ON (c.id_cart = o.id_cart) WHERE cu.id_customer NOT IN (SELECT o.id_customer FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'orders o WHERE DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL '.(int)(Configuration::get('PS_FOLLOW_UP_DAYS_THRESHOLD_4')).' DAY) <= o.date_add)'; if (!empty($emailLogs)) $sql .= 'AND cu.id_customer NOT IN ('.join(',', $emailLogs).')'; $sql .= 'GROUP BY cu.id_customer HAVING nb_orders >= 1'; $emails = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($sql); if ($count OR !sizeof($emails)) return sizeof($emails); $conf = Configuration::getMultiple(array('PS_FOLLOW_UP_AMOUNT_4', 'PS_FOLLOW_UP_DAYS_4')); foreach ($emails AS $email) { $voucher = $this->createDiscount(4, (float)($conf['PS_FOLLOW_UP_AMOUNT_4']), (int)($email['id_customer']), strftime('%Y-%m-%d', strtotime('+'.(int)($conf['PS_FOLLOW_UP_DAYS_4']).' day')), $this->l('We miss you!')); if ($voucher !== false) { $templateVars = array('{email}' => $email['email'], '{lastname}' => $email['lastname'], '{firstname}' => $email['firstname'], '{amount}' => $conf['PS_FOLLOW_UP_AMOUNT_4'], '{days}' => $conf['PS_FOLLOW_UP_DAYS_4'], '{days_threshold}' => (int)(Configuration::get('PS_FOLLOW_UP_DAYS_THRESHOLD_4')), '{voucher_num}' => $voucher->name); $result = Mail::Send((int)($email['id_lang']), 'followup_4', Mail::l('We miss you', $email['id_lang']), $templateVars, $email['email'], $email['firstname'].' '.$email['lastname'], NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, dirname(__FILE__).'/mails/'); $this->logEmail(4, (int)($voucher->id), (int)($email['id_customer']), (int)($email['id_cart'])); } } } private function createDiscount($id_email_type, $amount, $id_customer, $dateValidity, $description) { $discount = new Discount(); $discount->id_discount_type = 1; $discount->value = (float)($amount); $discount->id_customer = (int)($id_customer); $discount->date_to = $dateValidity; $discount->date_from = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $discount->quantity = 1; $discount->quantity_per_user = 1; $discount->cumulable = 0; $discount->cumulable_reduction = 1; $discount->minimal = 0; $languages = Language::getLanguages(true); foreach ($languages AS $language) $discount->description[(int)($language['id_lang'])] = $description; $name = 'FLW-'.(int)($id_email_type).'-'.strtoupper(Tools::passwdGen(10)); $discount->name = $name; $discount->active = 1; $result = $discount->add(); if (!$result) return false; return $discount; } public function cronTask() { $conf = Configuration::getMultiple(array('PS_FOLLOW_UP_ENABLE_1', 'PS_FOLLOW_UP_ENABLE_2', 'PS_FOLLOW_UP_ENABLE_3', 'PS_FOLLOW_UP_ENABLE_4', 'PS_FOLLOW_UP_CLEAN_DB')); if ($conf['PS_FOLLOW_UP_ENABLE_1']) $this->cancelledCart(); if ($conf['PS_FOLLOW_UP_ENABLE_2']) $this->reOrder(); if ($conf['PS_FOLLOW_UP_ENABLE_3']) $this->bestCustomer(); if ($conf['PS_FOLLOW_UP_ENABLE_4']) $this->badCustomer(); /* Clean-up database by deleting all outdated discounts */ if ($conf['PS_FOLLOW_UP_CLEAN_DB'] == 1) { $outdatedDiscounts = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('SELECT id_discount FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'discount WHERE date_to < NOW()'); foreach ($outdatedDiscounts AS $outdatedDiscount) { $discount = new Discount((int)($outdatedDiscount['id_discount'])); if (Validate::isLoadedObject($discount)) $discount->delete(); } } } }