Payment mean: '.$resultArray[7].'
Payment has began at: '.$resultArray[8].'
Payment received at: '.$resultArray[10].' '.$resultArray[9].'
Authorization ID: '.$resultArray[13].'
Currency: '.$resultArray[14].'
Customer IP address: '.$resultArray[29].'
'; $orderState = _PS_OS_PAYMENT_; /* We need to perform some checks */ /* Checking whether merchant ID is OK */ $merchantId = Configuration::get('ATOS_MERCHANT_ID'); if(Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT `id_customer` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'cart` WHERE `id_cart` = '.(int) $resultArray[6]) == 2 || Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT `id_customer` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'cart` WHERE `id_cart` = '.(int) $resultArray[6]) == 286342) { //$merchantId = '082584341411111'; $merchantId = '075028916700025'; } if ($resultArray[3] != $merchantId) { $orderState = _PS_OS_ERROR_; $message .= 'Merchant ID is not valid ('.$resultArray[3].' should be '.$merchantId.')'; } /* Checking for cur rency */ if ($orderState == _PS_OS_PAYMENT_) { $cart = new Cart($resultArray[6]); $currencies = array(1 => '978'); if (isset($currencies[$cart->id_currency])) { if ($currencies[$cart->id_currency] != strtoupper($resultArray[14])) { $orderState = _PS_OS_ERROR_; $message .= 'Currency is not the right one (should be '.$currencies[$cart->id_currency].')'; } } } /* Checking for bank code response */ if ($orderState == _PS_OS_PAYMENT_) { $responseCode = intval($resultArray[11]); switch ($responseCode) { case 3: $message .= 'Merchand ID is not valid'; $orderState = _PS_OS_ERROR_; break; case 5: $message .= 'Bank has rejected payment'; $orderState = _PS_OS_ERROR_; break; case 12: $message .= 'Customer has canceled its order'; $orderState = _PS_OS_CANCELED_; break; case 17: $message .= 'Customer has canceled its order'; $orderState = _PS_OS_CANCELED_; break; case 30: $message .= 'Format error'; $orderState = _PS_OS_ERROR_; break; case 34: $message .= 'Bank said that transaction might be fraudulous'; $orderState = _PS_OS_ERROR_; break; case 75: $message .= 'Customer has exceeded max tries for its card number'; $orderState = _PS_OS_ERROR_; break; case 90: $message .= 'Bank server was unavailable'; $orderState = _PS_OS_ERROR_; break; } } if($orderState == _PS_OS_PAYMENT_) { // Fraud detection $count_orders = Db::getInstance()->getRow(' SELECT COUNT(*) AS `total` FROM `ps_orders` WHERE `id_customer` = '.(int) $cart->id_customer.' AND `date_add` >= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 7 DAY) '); $count_products = Db::getInstance()->getRow(' SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ps_cart_product` WHERE `id_cart` = '.(int) $cart->id.' '); $count_total_paid = $cart->getOrderTotal(); $count_order_ip = Db::getInstance()->getRow(' SELECT COUNT(*) AS `total` FROM `ps_payment_iplog` WHERE `ipaddr` = "'.pSQL($resultArray[29]).'" AND `date_add` >= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 7 DAY) '); $reason = ''; if($count_orders['total'] + 1 > 3) { $reason .= 'le client a passé plus de 3 commandes sur 7 jours'."\n"; } if($count_products['total'] > 7 && $count_total_paid > 500.0) { $reason .= 'la commande contient plus de 7 produits et est de plus de 500€'."\n"; } if($count_order_ip['total'] > 3) { $reason .= 'l\'ip a passé plus de 3 commandes sur 7 jours'."\n"; } if($reason != '') { @mail('', '[BEBEBOUTIK] Suspicion de fraude', 'Une commande suspecte a été détectée. Détails de la commande : - client : '.(int) $cart->id_customer.' - panier : '.(int) $cart->id.' - raison de l\'alerte : '.$reason.' ', 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"'."\r\n".'From:'."\r\n".'Reply-To:'."\r\n".'Return-Path:'."\r\n"); } Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS(' INSERT INTO `'._DB_PREFIX_.'payment_iplog` VALUES ( '.(int) $cart->id_customer.', '.(int) $cart->id.', "'.pSQL($resultArray[29]).'", NOW() ) '); // } $atos = new Atos_cyberplus(); $atos->validateOrder($resultArray[6], $orderState, ($resultArray[5] / 100), $atos->displayName, $message); } } ?>