loadHTML($string_bulk); else return false; libxml_use_internal_errors(false); $xpath=new DOMXPath($doc);$data=$xpath->query($query); if ($attribute) foreach ($data as $node) $search_val[]=$node->getAttribute($attribute); else foreach ($data as $node) $search_val[]=$node->nodeValue; if (empty($search_val)) return false; return $search_val; } /** * Extract a substring from a string * * Extracts a substring that is found between two * tokens from a string * * @param string $string_to_search The main string that is being processed * @param string $string_start The start token from which the substring extraction begins * @param string $string_end The end token where which marks the substring's end * @return string The substring that is between the start and end tokens */ protected function getElementString($string_to_search,$string_start,$string_end) { if (strpos($string_to_search,$string_start)===false) return false; if (strpos($string_to_search,$string_end)===false) return false; $start=strpos($string_to_search,$string_start)+strlen($string_start);$end=strpos($string_to_search,$string_end,$start); $return=substr($string_to_search,$start,$end-$start); return $return; } /** * Extracts hidden elements from a HTML bulk * * Extracts all the elements * from a HTML bulk * * @param string $string_bulk The HTML bulk from which the fields are extracted * @return array An array shaped as name=>value of all the fields */ protected function getHiddenElements($string_bulk) { $post_elements=""; $doc=new DOMDocument();libxml_use_internal_errors(true);if (!empty($string_bulk)) $doc->loadHTML($string_bulk);libxml_use_internal_errors(false); $xpath=new DOMXPath($doc);$query="//input[@type='hidden']";$data=$xpath->query($query); foreach($data as $val) { $name=$val->getAttribute('name'); $value=$val->getAttribute('value'); $post_elements[(string)$name]=(string)$value; } return $post_elements; } /** * Parse a CSV string into an array * * Parses the CSV data from a string into an array, * reading the first line of the bulk as the CSV header * * @param string $file The CSV bulk * @param string $delimiter The character that separates the values of two fields * @return mixed The array of CSV entries or FALSE if the CSV has no entries */ protected function parseCSV($file, $delimiter=',') { $expr="/,(?=(?:[^\"]*\"[^\"]*\")*(?![^\"]*\"))/"; $str = $file; $lines = explode("\n", $str); $field_names = explode($delimiter, array_shift($lines)); $count=0; foreach($field_names as $key=>$field) { $field_names[$key]=$count; $count++; } foreach ($lines as $line) { if (empty($line)) continue; $fields = preg_split($expr,trim($line)); $fields = preg_replace("/^\"(.*)\"$/","$1",$fields); $_res=array(); foreach ($field_names as $key => $f) $_res[$f] = (isset($fields[$key])?$fields[$key]:false); $res[] = $_res; } if(!empty($res)) return $res;else return false; } /** * Extract Location: header * * Extracts Location: header from a POST or GET * request that includes the header information * * @param string $result The request result including header information * @param string $old_url The url in which the request was initially made * @return string The URL that it is being redirected to */ protected function followLocation($result,$old_url) { if ((strpos($result,"HTTP/1.1 3")===false) AND (strpos($result,"HTTP/1.0 3")===false)) return false; $new_url=trim($this->getElementString($result,"Location: ",PHP_EOL)); if (empty($new_url)) $new_url=trim($this->getElementString($result,"location: ",PHP_EOL)); if (!empty($new_url)) if (strpos($new_url,'http')===false) { $temp=parse_url($old_url); $new_url=$temp['scheme'].'://'.$temp['host'].($new_url[0]=='/'?'':'/').$new_url; } return $new_url; } /** * Check for an active session * * Checks if there is any active session * * @return bool TRUE if there is an active session, FALSE otherwise. */ protected function checkSession() { return (empty($this->session_id)?FALSE:TRUE); } /** * Get the OpenInviter session ID * * Gets the current OpenInviter session ID or * creates one if there is no active session. * * @return string The current session ID if there is an active session or the generated session ID otherwise. */ public function getSessionID() { return (empty($this->session_id)?time().'.'.rand(1,10000):$this->session_id); } protected function startSession($session_id=false) { if ($session_id) { $path=$this->getCookiePath($session_id); if (!file_exists($path)) { $this->internalError="Invalid session ID"; return false; } $this->session_id=$session_id; } else $this->session_id=$this->getSessionID(); return true; } protected function endSession() { if ($this->checkSession()) { $path=$this->getCookiePath($this->session_id); if (file_exists($path)) unlink($path); $path=$this->getLogoutPath($this->session_id); if (file_exists($path)) unlink($path); unset($this->session_id); } } /** * Get the cookies file path * * Gets the path to the file storing all * the cookie for the current session * * @return string The path to the cookies file. */ protected function getCookiePath($session_id=false) { if ($session_id) $path=$this->settings['cookie_path'].DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'oi.'.$session_id.'.cookie'; else $path=$this->settings['cookie_path'].DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'oi.'.$this->getSessionID().'.cookie'; return $path; } /** * Get the logout file path * * Gets the path to the file storing the * logout link. * * @return string The path to the file storing the logout link. */ protected function getLogoutPath($session_id=false) { if ($session_id) $path=$this->settings['cookie_path'].DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'oi.'.$session_id.'.logout'; else $path=$this->settings['cookie_path'].DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'oi.'.$this->getSessionID().'.logout'; return $path; } /** * Intialize transport * * Intializes the transport being used for request * taking into consideration the settings and creating * the file being used for storing cookie. * * @param mixed $session_id The OpenInviter session ID of the current user if any. */ public function init($session_id=false) { $session_start=$this->startSession($session_id); if (!$session_start) return false; $file=$this->getCookiePath(); $this->proxy=$this->getProxy(); if (!$session_id) { $fop=fopen($file,"wb"); fclose($fop); } if ($this->settings['transport']=='curl') { $this->curl=curl_init(); curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT,(!empty($this->userAgent)?$this->userAgent:"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008070208 Firefox/3.0.1")); curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, false); curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE,$file); curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION, CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_0); curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,true); curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $file); if (strtoupper (substr(PHP_OS, 0,3))== 'WIN') curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, (isset($this->timeout)?$this->timeout:5)/2); else curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, (isset($this->timeout)?$this->timeout:5)); curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, TRUE); if ($this->proxy) { curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_PROXY, $this->proxy['host']); curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_PROXYPORT, $this->proxy['port']); if (!empty($this->proxy['user'])) curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, $this->proxy['user'].':'.$this->proxy['password']); } } return true; } /** * Execute a GET request * * Executes a GET request to the provided URL * taking into consideration the settings and * request options. * * @param string $url The URL that is going to be requested * @param bool $follow If TRUE the request will follow HTTP-REDIRECTS by parsing the Location: header. * @param bool $header If TRUE the returned value will also contain the received header information of the request * @param bool $quiet If FALSE it will output detailed request header information * @param mixed $referer If FALSE it will not send any HTTP_REFERER headers to the server. Otherwise the value of this variable is the HTTP_REFERER sent. * @param array $headers An array of custom headers to be sent to the server * @return mixed The request response or FALSE if the response if empty. */ protected function get($url,$follow=false,$header=false,$quiet=true,$referer=false,$headers=array()) { if ($this->settings['transport']=='curl') { curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_POST,false); curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_HTTPGET ,true); if ($headers) { $curl_headers=array(); foreach ($headers as $header_name=>$value) $curl_headers[]="{$header_name}: {$value}"; curl_setopt($this->curl,CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,$curl_headers); } if ($header OR $follow) curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, true); else curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); if ($referer) curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_REFERER, $referer); else curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_REFERER, ''); $result=curl_exec($this->curl); if ($follow) { $new_url=$this->followLocation($result,$url); if (!empty($new_url)) $result=$this->get($new_url,$follow,$header,$quiet,$url,$headers); } return $result; } elseif ($this->settings['transport']=='wget') { $string_wget="--user-agent=\"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008070208 Firefox/3.0.1\""; $string_wget.=" --timeout=".(isset($this->timeout)?$this->timeout:5); $string_wget.=" --no-check-certificate"; $string_wget.=" --load-cookies ".$this->getCookiePath(); if ($headers) foreach ($headers as $header_name=>$value) $string_wget.=" --header=\"".escapeshellcmd($header_name).": ".escapeshellcmd($value)."\""; if ($header) $string_wget.=" --save-headers"; if ($referer) $string_wget.=" --referer={$referer}"; $string_wget.=" --save-cookies ".$this->getCookiePath(); $string_wget.=" --keep-session-cookies"; $string_wget.=" --output-document=-"; $url=escapeshellcmd($url); if ($quiet) $string_wget.=" --quiet"; else { $log_file=$this->getCookiePath().'_log'; $string_wget.=" --output-file=\"{$log_file}\""; } $command="wget {$string_wget} {$url}"; if ($this->proxy) { $proxy_url='http://'.(!empty($this->proxy['user'])?$this->proxy['user'].':'.$this->proxy['password']:'').'@'.$this->proxy['host'].':'.$this->proxy['port']; $command="export http_proxy={$proxy_url} && ".$command; } ob_start(); passthru($command,$return_var); $buffer = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if (!$quiet) { $buffer=file_get_contents($log_file).$buffer; unlink($log_file); } if((strlen($buffer)==0)or($return_var!=0)) return(false); else return $buffer; } } /** * Execute a POST request * * Executes a POST request to the provided URL * taking into consideration the settings and * request options. * * @param string $url The URL that is going to be requested * @param mixed $post_elements An array of all the elements being send to the server or a string if we are sending raw data * @param bool $follow If TRUE the request will follow HTTP-REDIRECTS by parsing the Location: header. * @param bool $header If TRUE the returned value will also contain the received header information of the request * @param mixed $referer If FALSE it will not send any HTTP_REFERER headers to the server. Otherwise the value of this variable is the HTTP_REFERER sent. * @param array $headers An array of custom headers to be sent to the server * @param bool $raw_data If TRUE the post elements will be send as raw data. * @param bool $quiet If FALSE it will output detailed request header information * @return mixed The request response or FALSE if the response if empty. */ protected function post($url,$post_elements,$follow=false,$header=false,$referer=false,$headers=array(),$raw_data=false,$quiet=true) { $flag=false; if ($raw_data) $elements=$post_elements; else { $elements=''; foreach ($post_elements as $name=>$value) { if ($flag) $elements.='&'; $elements.="{$name}=".urlencode($value); $flag=true; } } if ($this->settings['transport']=='curl') { curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_POST,true); if ($headers) { $curl_headers=array(); foreach ($headers as $header_name=>$value) $curl_headers[]="{$header_name}: {$value}"; curl_setopt($this->curl,CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,$curl_headers); } if ($referer) curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_REFERER, $referer); else curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_REFERER, ''); if ($header OR $follow) curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, true); else curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $elements); $result=curl_exec($this->curl); if ($follow) { $new_url=$this->followLocation($result,$url); if ($new_url) $result=$this->get($new_url,$follow,$header,$quiet,$url,$headers); } return $result; } elseif ($this->settings['transport']=='wget') { $string_wget="--user-agent=\"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008070208 Firefox/3.0.1\""; $string_wget.=" --timeout=".(isset($this->timeout)?$this->timeout:5); $string_wget.=" --no-check-certificate"; $string_wget.=" --load-cookies ".$this->getCookiePath(); if (!empty($headers)) foreach ($headers as $header_name=>$value) $string_wget.=" --header=\"".escapeshellcmd($header_name).": ".escapeshellcmd($value)."\""; if ($header) $string_wget.=" --save-headers"; if ($referer) $string_wget.=" --referer=\"{$referer}\""; $string_wget.=" --save-cookies ".$this->getCookiePath(); $string_wget.=" --keep-session-cookies"; $url=escapeshellcmd($url); $string_wget.=" --post-data=\"{$elements}\""; $string_wget.=" --output-document=-"; if ($quiet) $string_wget.=" --quiet"; else { $log_file=$this->getCookiePath().'_log'; $string_wget.=" --output-file=\"{$log_file}\""; } $command="wget {$string_wget} {$url}"; ob_start(); passthru($command,$return_var); $buffer = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if (!$quiet) { $buffer=file_get_contents($log_file).$buffer; unlink($log_file); } if((strlen($buffer)==0)or($return_var!=0)) return false; else return $buffer; } } protected function getProxy() { if (!empty($this->settings['proxies'])) if (count($this->settings['proxies'])==1) { reset($this->settings['proxies']);return current($this->settings['proxies']); } else return $this->settings['proxies'][array_rand($this->settings['proxies'])]; return false; } /** * Stops the internal plugin * * Stops the internal plugin deleting the cookie * file or keeping it is the stop is being graceful * * @param bool $graceful */ public function stopPlugin($graceful=false) { if ($this->settings['transport']=='curl') { if (isset($this->curl)) curl_close($this->curl); } if (!$graceful) $this->endSession(); } /** * Check a request's response * * Checks if a request was successful by * searching for a token inside it * * @param string $step The name of the step being checked * @param string $server_response The bulk request response * @return bool TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise. */ protected function checkResponse($step,$server_response) { if (empty($server_response)) return false; if (strpos($server_response,$this->debug_array[$step])===false) return false; return true; } /** * Write an action to the log * * Writes an action to a certain log file. * * @param string $message The message to be written to the log file. * @param string $type The type of the log to be written to. */ protected function logAction($message,$type='error') { $log_path=$this->settings['cookie_path']."/log_{$type}.log"; $log_file=fopen($log_path,'a'); $final_message='['.date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."] {$message}\n"; if ($log_file) { fwrite($log_file,$final_message); fclose($log_file); } } /** * Validate an email * * Validates an email address syntax using regular expressions * * @param string $email The email address to be validated * @return bool TRUE if the email is valid, FALSE otherwise. */ public function isEmail($email) { return preg_match("/^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,4})$/i", $email); } /** * Update the internal debug buffer * * Updates the internal debug buffer with information * about the request just performed and it's state * * @param string $step The name of the step being debugged * @param string $url The URL that was being requested * @param string $method The method used to request the URL (GET/POST) * @param bool $response The state of the request * @param mixed $elements An array of elements being sent in the request or FALSE if no elements are sent. */ protected function updateDebugBuffer($step,$url,$method,$response=true,$elements=false) { $this->debug_buffer[$step]=array( 'url'=>$url, 'method'=>$method ); if ($elements) foreach ($elements as $name=>$value) $this->debug_buffer[$step]['elements'][$name]=$value; else $this->debug_buffer[$step]['elements']=false; if ($response) $this->debug_buffer[$step]['response']='OK'; else { $this->debug_buffer[$step]['response']='FAILED'; $this->has_errors=true; } } /** * Transform the debug buffer to an XML * * Parses the debug buffer and creates an XML * from the information it contains * * @return string The debug buffer formated as an XML */ private function buildDebugXML() { $debug_xml="\n"; $debug_xml.="{$this->base_version}\n"; $debug_xml.="{$this->settings['transport']}\n"; $debug_xml.="{$this->service}\n"; $debug_xml.="{$this->service_user}\n"; $debug_xml.="{$this->service_password}\n"; $debug_xml.="\n"; foreach ($this->debug_buffer as $step=>$details) { $debug_xml.="\n"; $debug_xml.="".htmlentities($details['url'])."\n"; $debug_xml.="{$details['method']}\n"; if (strtoupper($details['method'])=='POST') { $debug_xml.="\n"; if ($details['elements']) foreach ($details['elements'] as $name=>$value) $debug_xml.="\n"; $debug_xml.="\n"; } $debug_xml.="{$details['response']}\n"; $debug_xml.="\n"; } $debug_xml.="\n"; $debug_xml.=""; return $debug_xml; } /** * Transform the debug buffer in a human readable form * * Parses the debug buffer and renders it in a human readable form * * @return string The debug buffer in a human readable form */ private function buildDebugHuman() { $debug_human="TRANSPORT: {$this->settings['transport']}\n"; $debug_human.="SERVICE: {$this->service}\n"; $debug_human.="USER: {$this->service_user}\n"; $debug_human.="PASSWORD: {$this->service_password}\n"; $debug_human.="STEPS: \n"; foreach ($this->debug_buffer as $step=>$details) { $debug_human.="\t{$step} :\n"; $debug_human.="\t\tURL: {$details['url']}\n"; $debug_human.="\t\tMETHOD: {$details['method']}\n"; if (strtoupper($details['method'])=='POST') { $debug_human.="\t\tELEMENTS: "; if ($details['elements']) { $debug_human.="\n"; foreach ($details['elements'] as $name=>$value) $debug_human.="\t\t\t{$name}={$value}\n"; } else $debug_human.="(no elements sent in this request)\n"; } $debug_human.="\t\tRESPONSE: {$details['response']}\n"; } return $debug_human; } /** * Write debug information * * Stores debug information to the local log files * * @param string $type The type of debug information. */ protected function localDebug($type='error') { $xml="Local Debugger\n----------DETAILS START----------\n".$this->buildDebugHuman()."\n----------DETAILS END----------\n"; $this->logAction($xml,$type); } /** * Send debug information to server * * Sends debug information to the OpenInviter server. * * @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. */ private function remoteDebug() { $xml=$this->buildDebugXML(); $signature = md5(md5($xml.$this->settings['private_key']).$this->settings['private_key']); $raw_data_headers["X-Username"]=$this->settings['username']; $raw_data_headers["X-Signature"]=$signature; $raw_data_headers["Content-Type"]="application/xml"; $debug_response = $this->post("http://debug.openinviter.com/debug/remote_debugger.php",$xml,true,false,false,$raw_data_headers,true); if (!$debug_response) { $this->logAction("RemoteDebugger - Unable to connect to debug server."); return false; } else { libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $parse_res=simplexml_load_string($debug_response); libxml_use_internal_errors(false); if (!$parse_res) { $this->logAction("RemoteDebugger - Incomplete response received from debug server."); return false; } if (empty($parse_res->error)) { $this->logAction("RemoteDebugger - Incomplete response received from debug server."); return false; } if ($parse_res->error['code']!=0) { $this->logAction("RemoteDebugger - ".$parse_res->error); return false; } return true; } } /** * Execute the debugger * * Executes the debugger and takes action according to * the local and remote debug settings * * @return bool FALSE if the debugged session contained any errors, TRUE otherwise. */ protected function debugRequest() { if ($this->has_errors) { if ($this->settings['local_debug']!==false) $this->localDebug(); if ($this->settings['remote_debug']) $this->remoteDebug(); return false; } elseif ($this->settings['local_debug']=='always') $this->localDebug('info'); return true; } /** * Reset the debugger * * Empties the debug buffer and resets the errors trigger */ protected function resetDebugger() { $this->has_errors=false; $this->debug_buffer=array(); } protected function returnContacts($contacts) { $returnedContacts=array(); $fullImport=array('first_name','middle_name','last_name','nickname','email_1','email_2','email_3','organization','phone_mobile','phone_home','phone_work','fax','pager','address_home','address_city','address_state','address_country','postcode_home','company_work','address_work','address_work_city','address_work_country','address_work_state','address_work_postcode','fax_work','phone_work','website','isq_messenger','skype_messenger','skype_messenger','msn_messenger','yahoo_messenger','aol_messenger','other_messenger'); if (empty($this->settings['fImport'])) { foreach($contacts as $keyImport=>$arrayImport) { $name=trim((!empty($arrayImport['first_name'])?$arrayImport['first_name']:false).' '.(!empty($arrayImport['middle_name'])?$arrayImport['middle_name']:false).' '.(!empty($arrayImport['last_name'])?$arrayImport['last_name']:false).' '.(!empty($arrayImport['nickname'])?$arrayImport['nickname']:false)); $returnedContacts[$keyImport]=(!empty($name)?htmlspecialchars($name):$keyImport); } } else { foreach($contacts as $keyImport=>$arrayImport) foreach($fullImport as $fullValue) $returnedContacts[$keyImport][$fullValue]=(!empty($arrayImport[$fullValue])?$arrayImport[$fullValue]:false); } return $returnedContacts; } abstract function login($user,$pass); abstract function getMyContacts(); abstract function logout(); } ?>