* @copyright 2007-2011 PrestaShop SA * @version Release: $Revision: 8424 $ * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php Open Software License (OSL 3.0) * International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA */ class ImageCore extends ObjectModel { public $id; /** @var integer Image ID */ public $id_image; /** @var integer Product ID */ public $id_product; /** @var string HTML title and alt attributes */ public $legend; /** @var integer Position used to order images of the same product */ public $position; /** @var boolean Image is cover */ public $cover; /** @var string image extension */ public $image_format = 'jpg'; /** @var string path to index.php file to be copied to new image folders */ public $source_index; /** @var string image folder */ protected $folder; /** @var string image path without extension */ protected $existing_path; protected $tables = array ('image', 'image_lang'); protected $fieldsRequired = array('id_product'); protected $fieldsValidate = array('id_product' => 'isUnsignedId', 'position' => 'isUnsignedInt', 'cover' => 'isBool'); protected $fieldsRequiredLang = array('legend'); protected $fieldsSizeLang = array('legend' => 128); protected $fieldsValidateLang = array('legend' => 'isGenericName'); protected $table = 'image'; protected $identifier = 'id_image'; protected static $_cacheGetSize = array(); public function __construct($id = NULL, $id_lang = NULL) { parent::__construct($id, $id_lang); $this->image_dir = _PS_PROD_IMG_DIR_; $this->source_index = _PS_PROD_IMG_DIR_.'index.php'; } public function getFields() { parent::validateFields(); $fields['id_product'] = (int)($this->id_product); $fields['position'] = (int)($this->position); $fields['cover'] = (int)($this->cover); return $fields; } public function getTranslationsFieldsChild() { parent::validateFieldsLang(); return parent::getTranslationsFields(array('legend')); } public function delete() { if (!parent::delete() || !$this->deleteProductAttributeImage() || !$this->deleteImage()) return false; // update positions $result = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS(' SELECT * FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'image` WHERE `id_product` = '.(int)$this->id_product.' ORDER BY `position`'); $i = 1; if ($result) foreach ($result AS $row) { $row['position'] = $i++; Db::getInstance()->AutoExecute(_DB_PREFIX_.$this->table, $row, 'UPDATE', '`id_image` = '.(int)($row['id_image']), 1); } return true; } /** * Return available images for a product * * @param integer $id_lang Language ID * @param integer $id_product Product ID * @return array Images */ public static function getImages($id_lang, $id_product) { return Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS(' SELECT * FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'image` i LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'image_lang` il ON (i.`id_image` = il.`id_image`) WHERE i.`id_product` = '.(int)$id_product.' AND il.`id_lang` = '.(int)$id_lang.' ORDER BY i.`position` ASC'); } /** * Return Images * * @return array Images */ public static function getAllImages() { return Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS(' SELECT `id_image`, `id_product` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'image` ORDER BY `id_image` ASC'); } /** * Return number of images for a product * * @param integer $id_product Product ID * @return integer number of images */ public static function getImagesTotal($id_product) { $result = Db::getInstance()->getRow(' SELECT COUNT(`id_image`) AS total FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'image` WHERE `id_product` = '.(int)($id_product)); return $result['total']; } /** * Return highest position of images for a product * * @param integer $id_product Product ID * @return integer highest position of images */ public static function getHighestPosition($id_product) { $result = Db::getInstance()->getRow(' SELECT MAX(`position`) AS max FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'image` WHERE `id_product` = '.(int)($id_product)); return $result['max']; } /** * Delete product cover * * @param integer $id_product Product ID * @return boolean result */ public static function deleteCover($id_product) { if (!Validate::isUnsignedId($id_product)) die(Tools::displayError()); if (file_exists(_PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_.'product_'.$id_product.'.jpg')) unlink(_PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_.'product_'.$id_product.'.jpg'); return Db::getInstance()->Execute(' UPDATE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'image` SET `cover` = 0 WHERE `id_product` = '.(int)($id_product)); } /** *Get product cover * * @param integer $id_product Product ID * @return boolean result */ public static function getCover($id_product) { return Db::getInstance()->getRow(' SELECT * FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'image` WHERE `id_product` = '.(int)($id_product).' AND `cover`= 1'); } /** * Copy images from a product to another * * @param integer $id_product_old Source product ID * @param boolean $id_product_new Destination product ID */ public static function duplicateProductImages($id_product_old, $id_product_new, $combinationImages) { $imagesTypes = ImageType::getImagesTypes('products'); $result = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS(' SELECT `id_image` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'image` WHERE `id_product` = '.(int)($id_product_old)); foreach ($result as $row) { $imageOld = new Image($row['id_image']); $imageNew = clone $imageOld; $imageNew->id_product = (int)($id_product_new); // A new id is generated for the cloned image when calling add() if ($imageNew->add()) { $new_path = $imageNew->getPathForCreation(); foreach ($imagesTypes AS $imageType) { if (file_exists(_PS_PROD_IMG_DIR_.$imageOld->getExistingImgPath().'-'.$imageType['name'].'.jpg')) { if (!Configuration::get('PS_LEGACY_IMAGES')) $imageNew->createImgFolder(); copy(_PS_PROD_IMG_DIR_.$imageOld->getExistingImgPath().'-'.$imageType['name'].'.jpg', $new_path.'-'.$imageType['name'].'.jpg'); } } if (file_exists(_PS_PROD_IMG_DIR_.$imageOld->getExistingImgPath().'.jpg')) copy(_PS_PROD_IMG_DIR_.$imageOld->getExistingImgPath().'.jpg', $new_path.'.jpg'); self::replaceAttributeImageAssociationId($combinationImages, (int)($imageOld->id), (int)($imageNew->id)); } else return false; } return self::duplicateAttributeImageAssociations($combinationImages); } static protected function replaceAttributeImageAssociationId(&$combinationImages, $saved_id, $id_image) { if (!isset($combinationImages['new']) OR !is_array($combinationImages['new'])) return ; foreach ($combinationImages['new'] AS $id_product_attribute => $imageIds) foreach ($imageIds AS $key => $imageId) if ((int)($imageId) == (int)($saved_id)) $combinationImages['new'][$id_product_attribute][$key] = (int)($id_image); } /** * Duplicate product attribute image associations * @param integer $id_product_attribute_old * @return boolean */ public static function duplicateAttributeImageAssociations($combinationImages) { if (!isset($combinationImages['new']) OR !is_array($combinationImages['new'])) return true; $query = 'INSERT INTO `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_attribute_image` (`id_product_attribute`, `id_image`) VALUES '; foreach ($combinationImages['new'] AS $id_product_attribute => $imageIds) foreach ($imageIds AS $imageId) $query .= '('.(int)($id_product_attribute).', '.(int)($imageId).'), '; $query = rtrim($query, ', '); return DB::getInstance()->Execute($query); } /** * Reposition image * * @param integer $position Position * @param boolean $direction Direction */ public function positionImage($position, $direction) { $position = (int)($position); $direction = (int)($direction); // temporary position $high_position = Image::getHighestPosition($this->id_product) + 1; Db::getInstance()->Execute(' UPDATE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'image` SET `position` = '.(int)($high_position).' WHERE `id_product` = '.(int)($this->id_product).' AND `position` = '.($direction ? $position - 1 : $position + 1)); Db::getInstance()->Execute(' UPDATE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'image` SET `position` = `position`'.($direction ? '-1' : '+1').' WHERE `id_image` = '.(int)($this->id)); Db::getInstance()->Execute(' UPDATE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'image` SET `position` = '.$this->position.' WHERE `id_product` = '.(int)($this->id_product).' AND `position` = '.(int)($high_position)); } public static function getSize($type) { if (!isset(self::$_cacheGetSize[$type]) OR self::$_cacheGetSize[$type] === NULL) self::$_cacheGetSize[$type] = Db::getInstance()->getRow('SELECT `width`, `height` FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'image_type WHERE `name` = \''.pSQL($type).'\''); return self::$_cacheGetSize[$type]; } /** * Clear all images in tmp dir */ public static function clearTmpDir() { foreach (scandir(_PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_) AS $d) if (preg_match('/(.*)\.jpg$/', $d)) unlink(_PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_.$d); } /** * Delete Image - Product attribute associations for this image */ public function deleteProductAttributeImage() { return Db::getInstance()->Execute(' DELETE FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_attribute_image` WHERE `id_image` = '.(int)($this->id) ); } /** * Delete the product image from disk and remove the containing folder if empty * Handles both legacy and new image filesystems */ public function deleteImage() { if (!$this->id) return false; // Delete base image if (file_exists($this->image_dir.$this->getExistingImgPath().'.'.$this->image_format)) unlink($this->image_dir.$this->getExistingImgPath().'.'.$this->image_format); else return false; $files_to_delete = array(); // Delete auto-generated images $imageTypes = ImageType::getImagesTypes(); foreach ($imageTypes AS $imageType) $files_to_delete[] = $this->image_dir.$this->getExistingImgPath().'-'.$imageType['name'].'.'.$this->image_format; // Delete watermark image $files_to_delete[] = $this->image_dir.$this->getExistingImgPath().'-watermark.'.$this->image_format; // delete index.php $files_to_delete[] = $this->image_dir.$this->getImgFolder().'index.php'; // Delete tmp images $files_to_delete[] = _PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_.'product_'.$this->id_product.'.'.$this->image_format; $files_to_delete[] = _PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_.'product_mini_'.$this->id_product.'.'.$this->image_format; foreach ($files_to_delete as $file) if (file_exists($file) && !@unlink($file)) return false; // Can we delete the image folder? if (is_dir($this->image_dir.$this->getImgFolder())) { $delete_folder = true; foreach (scandir($this->image_dir.$this->getImgFolder()) as $file) if (($file != '.' && $file != '..')) { $delete_folder = false; break; } } if (isset($delete_folder) && $delete_folder) @rmdir($this->image_dir.$this->getImgFolder()); return true; } /** * Recursively deletes all product images in the given folder tree and removes empty folders. * * @param string $path folder containing the product images to delete * @param string $format image format * @return bool success */ public static function deleteAllImages($path, $format='jpg') { if (!$path || !$format || !is_dir($path)) return false; foreach (scandir($path) as $file) { if (preg_match('/^[0-9]+(\-(.*))?\.'.$format.'$/', $file)) unlink($path.$file); elseif (is_dir($path.$file) && (preg_match('/^[0-9]$/', $file))) self::deleteAllImages($path.$file.'/', $format); } // Can we remove the image folder? $remove_folder = true; foreach (scandir($path) as $file) if (($file != '.' && $file != '..'&& $file != 'index.php')) { $remove_folder = false; break; } if ($remove_folder) { // we're only removing index.php if it's a folder we want to delete if (file_exists($path.'index.php')) @unlink ($path.'index.php'); @rmdir($path); } return true; } /** * Returns image path in the old or in the new filesystem * * @ returns string image path */ public function getExistingImgPath() { if (!$this->id) return false; if (!$this->existing_path) { if (Configuration::get('PS_LEGACY_IMAGES') && file_exists(_PS_PROD_IMG_DIR_.$this->id_product.'-'.$this->id.'.'.$this->image_format)) $this->existing_path = $this->id_product.'-'.$this->id; else $this->existing_path = $this->getImgPath(); } return $this->existing_path; } /** * Returns the path to the folder containing the image in the new filesystem * * @return string path to folder */ public function getImgFolder() { if (!$this->id) return false; if (!$this->folder) $this->folder = self::getImgFolderStatic($this->id); return $this->folder; } /** * Create parent folders for the image in the new filesystem * * @return bool success */ public function createImgFolder() { if (!$this->id) return false; if (!file_exists(_PS_PROD_IMG_DIR_.$this->getImgFolder())) { // Apparently sometimes mkdir cannot set the rights, and sometimes chmod can't. Trying both. $success = @mkdir(_PS_PROD_IMG_DIR_.$this->getImgFolder(), 0755, true) || @chmod(_PS_PROD_IMG_DIR_.$this->getImgFolder(), 0755); // Create an index.php file in the new folder if ($success && !file_exists(_PS_PROD_IMG_DIR_.$this->getImgFolder().'index.php') && file_exists($this->source_index)) return @copy($this->source_index, _PS_PROD_IMG_DIR_.$this->getImgFolder().'index.php'); } return true; } /** * Returns the path to the image without file extension * * @return string path */ public function getImgPath() { if (!$this->id) return false; $path = $this->getImgFolder().$this->id; return $path; } /** * Returns the path to the folder containing the image in the new filesystem * * @param mixed $id_image * @return string path to folder */ public static function getImgFolderStatic($id_image) { if (!is_numeric($id_image)) return false; $folders = str_split((string)$id_image); return implode('/', $folders).'/'; } /** * Move all legacy product image files from the image folder root to their subfolder in the new filesystem. * If max_execution_time is provided, stops before timeout and returns string "timeout". * If any image cannot be moved, stops and returns "false" * * @param int max_execution_time * @return mixed success or timeout */ public static function moveToNewFileSystem($max_execution_time = 0) { $start_time = time(); $image = null; $tmp_folder = 'duplicates/'; foreach (scandir(_PS_PROD_IMG_DIR_) as $file) { // matches the base product image or the thumbnails if (preg_match('/^([0-9]+\-)([0-9]+)(\-(.*))?\.jpg$/', $file, $matches)) { // don't recreate an image object for each image type if (!$image || $image->id !== (int)$matches[2]) $image = new Image((int)$matches[2]); // image exists in DB and with the correct product? if (Validate::isLoadedObject($image) && $image->id_product == (int)rtrim($matches[1], "-")) { // create the new folder if it does not exist if (!$image->createImgFolder()) return false; // if there's already a file at the new image path, move it to a dump folder // most likely the preexisting image is a demo image not linked to a product and it's ok to replace it $new_path = _PS_PROD_IMG_DIR_.$image->getImgPath().(isset($matches[3]) ? $matches[3] : '').'.jpg'; if (file_exists($new_path)) { if(!file_exists(_PS_PROD_IMG_DIR_.$tmp_folder)) { @mkdir(_PS_PROD_IMG_DIR_.$tmp_folder, 0755); @chmod(_PS_PROD_IMG_DIR_.$tmp_folder, 0755); } $tmp_path = _PS_PROD_IMG_DIR_.$tmp_folder.basename($file); if (!@rename($new_path, $tmp_path) || !file_exists($tmp_path)) return false; } // move the image if (!@rename(_PS_PROD_IMG_DIR_.$file, $new_path) || !file_exists($new_path)) return false; } } if ((int)$max_execution_time != 0 && (time() - $start_time > (int)$max_execution_time - 4)) return 'timeout'; } return true; } public static function testFileSystem() { $safe_mode = ini_get('safe_mode'); if ($safe_mode) return false; $folder1 = _PS_PROD_IMG_DIR_.'testfilesystem/'; $test_folder = $folder1.'testsubfolder/'; if (file_exists($test_folder)) { @rmdir($test_folder); @rmdir($folder1); } if (file_exists($test_folder)) return false; @mkdir($test_folder, 0755, true); @chmod($test_folder, 0755); if (!is_writeable($test_folder)) return false; @rmdir($test_folder); @rmdir($folder1); if (file_exists($folder1)) return false; return true; } /** * Returns the path where a product image should be created (without file format) * * @return string path */ public function getPathForCreation() { if (!$this->id) return false; if (Configuration::get('PS_LEGACY_IMAGES')) { if (!$this->id_product) return false; $path = $this->id_product.'-'.$this->id; } else { $path = $this->getImgPath(); $this->createImgFolder(); } return _PS_PROD_IMG_DIR_.$path; } }