/* * 2007-2015 PrestaShop * * NOTICE OF LICENSE * * This source file is subject to the Academic Free License (AFL 3.0) * that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt. * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL: * http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email * to license@prestashop.com so we can send you a copy immediately. * * DISCLAIMER * * Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer * versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your * needs please refer to http://www.prestashop.com for more information. * * @author PrestaShop SA * @copyright 2007-2015 PrestaShop SA * @version Release: $Revision: 16986 $ * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php Academic Free License (AFL 3.0) * International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA */ function getNumeric(val) { var reg=new RegExp("[0-9]+","g"); var res = reg.exec(val); if(isNaN(res)) return 0; else return res; } function checkToDisplayRelayList() { if (typeof PS_MRData != 'undefined') { //============================================================ // auto display fancybox if radio already check //============================================================ PS_MRSelectedRelayPoint['relayPointNum'] = PS_MRData.pre_selected_relay; // PS_VERSION < '1.5' if (PS_MRData.PS_VERSION < '1.5') { // Bind id_carrierX to an ajax call $.each(PS_MRData.carrier_list, function(i, carrier) { PS_MRCarrierMethodList[carrier.id_carrier] = carrier.id_mr_method; if ($('#id_carrier' + carrier.id_carrier).attr('checked')) { PS_MRSelectedRelayPoint['carrier_id'] = carrier.id_carrier; PS_MRDisplayWidget(carrier.id_carrier); } }); } else if (PS_MRData.PS_VERSION >= '1.5' && typeof PS_MRData.carrier != 'undefined' ) { // 1.5 way var carrier_selected = $('input[class=delivery_option_radio]:checked').val(); $.each(PS_MRData.carrier_list, function(i, carrier) { PS_MRCarrierMethodList[carrier.id_carrier] = carrier.id_mr_method; if (carrier.id_carrier+',' == carrier_selected || carrier.id_carrier == carrier_selected) { overrideUpdateExtraCarrier(carrier_selected, id_address); PS_MRSelectedRelayPoint['carrier_id'] = carrier.id_carrier; PS_MRDisplayWidget(carrier.id_carrier); } }); } //============================================================ // Handle input click of the other input to hide the previous relay point list displayed $('input[name=id_carrier], input.delivery_option_radio').click(function(e){ displayPickupPlace(0); }); } //return false; } function isMRCarrier(id_carrier){ var carrier_list = PS_MRData.carrier_list; for(i in carrier_list){ var MR_carrier = carrier_list[i]; if(MR_carrier.id_carrier == id_carrier) { return MR_carrier; } } return false; } function hideRelaySelectedBox(_this){ // Hide MR input if one of them is not selected if (PS_MRCarrierMethodList[_this.val()] == undefined){ // 1.5 way var id = getNumeric(_this.val()); if(PS_MRCarrierMethodList[id] == undefined) { displayPickupPlace(0); PS_MRSelectedRelayPoint['carrier_id'] = 0; PS_MRDisplayWidget(0); PS_MRSelectedRelayPoint['relayPointNum'] = 0; } else { PS_MRSelectedRelayPoint['carrier_id'] = id; PS_MRDisplayWidget(id); } } else { PS_MRSelectedRelayPoint['carrier_id'] = _this.val(); PS_MRDisplayWidget(_this.val()); } return false; } function PS_MRDisplayWidget(carrier_id) { var dlv_mode = ''; $.each(PS_MRData.carrier_list, function(i, carrier) { if (carrier.id_carrier == carrier_id) dlv_mode = carrier.dlv_mode; PS_MRSelectedRelayPoint['relayPointNum'] = -1; PS_MRAddSelectedCarrierInDB(carrier_id); } ); if(carrier_id) { if(dlv_mode!='LD1' && dlv_mode!='LDS' && dlv_mode!='HOM') { loadMR_Map("#Zone_Widget", dlv_mode); $("#link_zone_widget").click(); if(PS_MRSelectedRelayPoint['relayPointNum'] == -1) PS_MRSelectedRelayPoint['relayPointNum'] = 0; } else displayPickupPlace(0); } return false; } function overrideUpdateExtraCarrier(id_delivery_option, id_address) { if(PS_MRData.PS_VERSION < '1.5') return false; var url = ""; var method = 'updateExtraCarrier'; var params = ''; if(typeof(orderOpcUrl) !== 'undefined') { method = 'updateCarrierAndGetPayments'; params += '&recyclable='+(($('#recyclable:checked').val() != undefined)? 1:0); params += '&gift='+(($('#gift:checked').val() != undefined)? 1:0); params += '&gift_message='+$('#gift_message').val(); params += '&delivery_option['+id_address+']='+id_delivery_option; url = orderOpcUrl; } else url = orderUrl; $.ajax({ type: 'POST', headers: { "cache-control": "no-cache" }, url: url + '?rand=' + new Date().getTime(), async: false, cache: false, dataType : "json", data: 'ajax=true' +'&method='+method +params +'&id_address='+id_address +'&id_delivery_option='+id_delivery_option +'&token='+static_token +'&allow_refresh=1', success: function(jsonData) { //$('#HOOK_EXTRACARRIER_'+id_address).html(jsonData['content']); return false; } }); return false; } function displayPickupPlace(info) { var id = "relay_point_selected_box"; if(!info) { $('#'+id).hide(); $('#'+id).remove(); return false; } if (PS_MRData.PS_VERSION < '1.5') { var block_carrier = $('#carrierTable'); } else { var block_carrier = $('.delivery_options_address'); } if($('#'+id).length !== 0) { $('#'+id).html('


'+info); $('#'+id).show(); } else { $('


').insertAfter(block_carrier); } return false; } function PS_MRAddSelectedCarrierInDB(id_carrier) { // Make the request $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: _PS_MR_MODULE_DIR_ + 'ajax.php', data: {'method' : 'addSelectedCarrierToDB', 'id_carrier' : id_carrier, 'id_mr_method' : PS_MRCarrierMethodList[id_carrier], 'mrtoken' : mrtoken}, success: function(json) { return false; } }); return false; } $(document).ready(function() { // 1.5 OPC Validation - Warn user to select a relay point $('.payment_module a').live('click', function() { if (typeof PS_MRData != 'undefined') { if (PS_MRData.PS_VERSION >= '1.5' && PS_MRData.carrier && PS_MRSelectedRelayPoint['carrier_id']!=0) { var _return = !(!PS_MRSelectedRelayPoint['carrier_id'] || !PS_MRSelectedRelayPoint['relayPointNum']); if (!_return) alert(PS_MRTranslationList['errorSelection']); return _return; } } }); // If MR carrier selected, check MR relay point is selected too $('input[name=processCarrier], button[name=processCarrier]').click(function(){ var carrier_selected = $('input[class=delivery_option_radio]:checked').val(); if (PS_MRSelectedRelayPoint['carrier_id']+',' == carrier_selected || PS_MRSelectedRelayPoint['carrier_id'] == carrier_selected) { var _return = !(PS_MRSelectedRelayPoint['carrier_id'] && !PS_MRSelectedRelayPoint['relayPointNum']); if (!_return) alert(PS_MRTranslationList['errorSelection']); return _return; } }); if (typeof PS_MRData != 'undefined') { if (PS_MRData.PS_VERSION < '1.5') { $('input[name="id_carrier"]').click(function(){ checkToDisplayRelayList(); }); } } if ($('input[name="id_carrier"]').length) { var _tmp_id_carrier = $('input[name="id_carrier"]').val(); if ($('#id_carrier' + parseInt(_tmp_id_carrier)).length) { $('#id_carrier' + parseInt(_tmp_id_carrier)).click(); } } });