* @copyright 2007-2011 PrestaShop SA * @version Release: $Revision: 9079 $ * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php Open Software License (OSL 3.0) * International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA */ class WebserviceSpecificManagementImagesCore implements WebserviceSpecificManagementInterface { protected $objOutput; protected $output; protected $wsObject; /** * @var string The extension of the image to display */ protected $imgExtension = 'jpg'; /** * @var array The type of images (general, categories, manufacturers, suppliers, stores...) */ private $imageTypes = array( 'general' => array( 'header' => array(), 'mail' => array(), 'invoice' => array(), 'store_icon' => array(), ), 'products' => array(), 'categories' => array(), 'manufacturers' => array(), 'suppliers' => array(), 'stores' => array() ); /** * @var string The image type (product, category, general,...) */ private $imageType = NULL; /** * @var int The maximum size supported when uploading images, in bytes */ private $imgMaxUploadSize = 3000000; /** * @var array The list of supported mime types */ protected $acceptedImgMimeTypes = array('image/gif', 'image/jpg', 'image/jpeg', 'image/pjpeg', 'image/png', 'image/x-png'); /** * @var string The product image declination id */ protected $productImageDeclinationId = NULL; /** * @var boolean If the current image management has to manage a "default" image (i.e. "No product available") */ protected $defaultImage = false; /** * @var string The file path of the image to display. If not null, the image will be displayed, even if the XML output was not empty */ public $imgToDisplay = null; public $imageResource = null; // ------------------------------------------------ // GETTERS & SETTERS // ------------------------------------------------ public function setObjectOutput(WebserviceOutputBuilderCore $obj) { $this->objOutput = $obj; return $this; } public function getObjectOutput() { return $this->objOutput; } public function setWsObject(WebserviceRequestCore $obj) { $this->wsObject = $obj; return $this; } public function getWsObject() { return $this->wsObject; } /* * This method need $this->imgToDisplay to be set if output don't needs to be XML */ public function getContent() { if ($this->output != '') return $this->objOutput->getObjectRender()->overrideContent($this->output); // display image content if needed else if ($this->imgToDisplay) { $imageResource = false; $types = array('jpg' => array('function' => 'imagecreatefromjpeg', 'Content-Type' => 'image/jpeg'), 'gif' => array('function' => 'imagecreatefromgif', 'Content-Type' => 'image/gif') ); if (array_key_exists($this->imgExtension, $types)) $imageResource = @$types[$this->imgExtension]['function']($this->imgToDisplay); if(!$imageResource) throw new WebserviceException(sprintf('Unable to load the image "%s"', str_replace(_PS_ROOT_DIR_, '[SHOP_ROOT_DIR]', $this->imgToDisplay)), array(47, 500)); else { if (array_key_exists($this->imgExtension, $types)) $this->objOutput->setHeaderParams('Content-Type', $types[$this->imgExtension]['Content-Type']); return file_get_contents($this->imgToDisplay); } } } public function manage() { $this->manageImages(); return $this->wsObject->getOutputEnabled(); } /** * Management of images URL segment * * @return boolean */ private function manageImages() { /* * available cases api/... : * * images ("types_list") (N-1) * GET (xml) * images/general ("general_list") (N-2) * GET (xml) * images/general/[header,+] ("general") (N-3) * GET (bin) * PUT (bin) * * * images/[categories,+] ("normal_list") (N-2) ([categories,+] = categories, manufacturers, ...) * GET (xml) * images/[categories,+]/[1,+] ("normal") (N-3) * GET (bin) * PUT (bin) * DELETE * POST (bin) (if image does not exists) * images/[categories,+]/[1,+]/[small,+] ("normal_resized") (N-4) * GET (bin) * images/[categories,+]/default ("display_list_of_langs") (N-3) * GET (xml) * images/[categories,+]/default/[en,+] ("normal_default_i18n") (N-4) * GET (bin) * POST (bin) (if image does not exists) * PUT (bin) * DELETE * images/[categories,+]/default/[en,+]/[small,+] ("normal_default_i18n_resized") (N-5) * GET (bin) * * images/product ("product_list") (N-2) * GET (xml) (list of image) * images/product/[1,+] ("product_description") (N-3) * GET (xml) (legend, declinations, xlink to images/product/[1,+]/bin) * images/product/[1,+]/bin ("product_bin") (N-4) * GET (bin) * POST (bin) (if image does not exists) * images/product/[1,+]/[1,+] ("product_declination") (N-4) * GET (bin) * POST (xml) (legend) * PUT (xml) (legend) * DELETE * images/product/[1,+]/[1,+]/bin ("product_declination_bin") (N-5) * POST (bin) (if image does not exists) * GET (bin) * PUT (bin) * images/product/[1,+]/[1,+]/[small,+] ("product_declination_resized") (N-5) * GET (bin) * images/product/default ("product_default") (N-3) * GET (bin) * images/product/default/[en,+] ("product_default_i18n") (N-4) * GET (bin) * POST (bin) * PUT (bin) * DELETE * images/product/default/[en,+]/[small,+] ("product_default_i18n_resized") (N-5) * GET (bin) * */ /* Declinated *ok GET (bin) *ok images/product ("product_list") (N-2) *ok GET (xml) (list of image) *ok images/product/[1,+] ("product_description") (N-3) * GET (xml) (legend, declinations, xlink to images/product/[1,+]/bin) *ok images/product/[1,+]/bin ("product_bin") (N-4) *ok GET (bin) * POST (bin) (if image does not exists) *ok images/product/[1,+]/[1,+] ("product_declination") (N-4) *ok GET (bin) * POST (xml) (legend) * PUT (xml) (legend) * DELETE *ok images/product/[1,+]/[1,+]/bin ("product_declination_bin") (N-5) * POST (bin) (if image does not exists) *ok GET (bin) * PUT (bin) * images/product/[1,+]/[1,+]/[small,+] ("product_declination_resized") (N-5) *ok GET (bin) *ok images/product/default ("product_default") (N-3) *ok GET (bin) *ok images/product/default/[en,+] ("product_default_i18n") (N-4) *ok GET (bin) * POST (bin) * PUT (bin) * DELETE *ok images/product/default/[en,+]/[small,+] ("product_default_i18n_resized") (N-5) *ok GET (bin) * * */ // Pre configuration... if (isset($this->wsObject->urlSegment)) for ($i = 1; $i < 6; $i++) if (count($this->wsObject->urlSegment) == $i) $this->wsObject->urlSegment[$i] = ''; $this->imageType = $this->wsObject->urlSegment[1]; switch ($this->wsObject->urlSegment[1]) { // general images management : like header's logo, invoice logo, etc... case 'general': return $this->manageGeneralImages(); break; // normal images management : like the most entity images (categories, manufacturers..)... case 'categories': case 'manufacturers': case 'suppliers': case 'stores': switch ($this->wsObject->urlSegment[1]) { case 'categories': $directory = _PS_CAT_IMG_DIR_; break; case 'manufacturers': $directory = _PS_MANU_IMG_DIR_; break; case 'suppliers': $directory = _PS_SUPP_IMG_DIR_; break; case 'stores': $directory = _PS_STORE_IMG_DIR_; break; } return $this->manageDeclinatedImages($directory); break; // product image management : many image for one entity (product) case 'products': return $this->manageProductImages(); break; // images root node management : many image for one entity (product) case '': $this->output .= $this->objOutput->getObjectRender()->renderNodeHeader('image_types', array()); foreach (array_keys($this->imageTypes) as $imageTypeName) { $more_attr = array( 'xlink_resource' => $this->wsObject->wsUrl.$this->wsObject->urlSegment[0].'/'.$imageTypeName, 'get' => 'true', 'put' => 'false', 'post' => 'false', 'delete' => 'false', 'head' => 'true', 'upload_allowed_mimetypes' => implode(', ', $this->acceptedImgMimeTypes) ); $this->output .= $this->objOutput->getObjectRender()->renderNodeHeader($imageTypeName, array(), $more_attr, false); } $this->output .= $this->objOutput->getObjectRender()->renderNodeFooter('image_types', array()); return true; break; default: $exception = new WebserviceException(sprintf('Image of type "%s" does not exists', $this->wsObject->urlSegment[1]), array(48, 400)); throw $exception->setDidYouMean($this->wsObject->urlSegment[1], array_keys($this->imageTypes)); } } /** * Management of general images * * @return boolean */ private function manageGeneralImages() { $path = ''; $alternative_path = ''; switch ($this->wsObject->urlSegment[2]) { // Set the image path on display in relation to the header image case 'header': if (in_array($this->wsObject->method, array('GET','HEAD','PUT'))) $path = _PS_IMG_DIR_.'logo.jpg'; else throw new WebserviceException('This method is not allowed with general image resources.', array(49, 405)); break; // Set the image path on display in relation to the mail image case 'mail': if (in_array($this->wsObject->method, array('GET','HEAD','PUT'))) { $path = _PS_IMG_DIR_.'logo_mail.jpg'; $alternative_path = _PS_IMG_DIR_.'logo.jpg'; } else throw new WebserviceException('This method is not allowed with general image resources.', array(50, 405)); break; // Set the image path on display in relation to the invoice image case 'invoice': if (in_array($this->wsObject->method, array('GET','HEAD','PUT'))) { $path = _PS_IMG_DIR_.'logo_invoice.jpg'; $alternative_path = _PS_IMG_DIR_.'logo.jpg'; } else throw new WebserviceException('This method is not allowed with general image resources.', array(51, 405)); break; // Set the image path on display in relation to the icon store image case 'store_icon': if (in_array($this->wsObject->method, array('GET','HEAD','PUT'))) { $path = _PS_IMG_DIR_.'logo_stores.gif'; $this->imgExtension = 'gif'; } else throw new WebserviceException('This method is not allowed with general image resources.', array(52, 405)); break; // List the general image types case '': $this->output .= $this->objOutput->getObjectRender()->renderNodeHeader('general_image_types', array()); foreach (array_keys($this->imageTypes['general']) as $generalImageTypeName) { $more_attr = array( 'xlink_resource' => $this->wsObject->wsUrl.$this->wsObject->urlSegment[0].'/'.$this->wsObject->urlSegment[1].'/'.$generalImageTypeName, 'get' => 'true', 'put' => 'true', 'post' => 'false', 'delete' => 'false', 'head' => 'true', 'upload_allowed_mimetypes' => implode(', ', $this->acceptedImgMimeTypes) ); $this->output .= $this->objOutput->getObjectRender()->renderNodeHeader($generalImageTypeName, array(), $more_attr, false); } $this->output .= $this->objOutput->getObjectRender()->renderNodeFooter('general_image_types', array()); return true; break; // If the image type does not exist... default: $exception = new WebserviceException(sprintf('General image of type "%s" does not exists', $this->wsObject->urlSegment[2]), array(53, 400)); throw $exception->setDidYouMean($this->wsObject->urlSegment[2], array_keys($this->imageTypes['general'])); } // The general image type is valid, now we try to do action in relation to the method switch($this->wsObject->method) { case 'GET': case 'HEAD': $this->imgToDisplay = ($path != '' && file_exists($path)) ? $path : $alternative_path; return true; break; case 'PUT': if ($this->writePostedImageOnDisk($path, NULL, NULL)) { if ($this->wsObject->urlSegment[2] == 'header') { list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize(_PS_IMG_DIR_.'logo.jpg'); Configuration::updateValue('SHOP_LOGO_WIDTH', (int)round($width)); Configuration::updateValue('SHOP_LOGO_HEIGHT', (int)round($height)); } $this->imgToDisplay = $path; return true; } else throw new WebserviceException('Error while copying image to the directory', array(54, 400)); break; } } private function manageDefaultDeclinatedImages($directory, $normal_image_sizes) { $this->defaultImage = true; // Get the language iso code list $langList = Language::getIsoIds(true); $langs = array(); $defaultLang = Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT'); foreach ($langList as $lang) { if ($lang['id_lang'] == $defaultLang) $defaultLang = $lang['iso_code']; $langs[] = $lang['iso_code']; } // Display list of languages if($this->wsObject->urlSegment[3] == '' && $this->wsObject->method == 'GET') { $this->output .= $this->objOutput->getObjectRender()->renderNodeHeader('languages', array()); foreach ($langList as $lang) { $more_attr = array( 'xlink_resource' => $this->wsObject->wsUrl.'images/'.$this->imageType.'/default/'.$lang['iso_code'], 'get' => 'true', 'put' => 'true', 'post' => 'true', 'delete' => 'true', 'head' => 'true', 'upload_allowed_mimetypes' => implode(', ', $this->acceptedImgMimeTypes), 'iso'=>$lang['iso_code'] ); $this->output .= $this->objOutput->getObjectRender()->renderNodeHeader('language', array(), $more_attr, false); } $this->output .= $this->objOutput->getObjectRender()->renderNodeFooter('languages', array()); return true; } else { $lang_iso = $this->wsObject->urlSegment[3]; $image_size = $this->wsObject->urlSegment[4]; if ($image_size != '') $filename = $directory.$lang_iso.'-default-'.$image_size.'.jpg'; else $filename = $directory.$lang_iso.'.jpg'; $filename_exists = file_exists($filename); return $this->manageDeclinatedImagesCRUD($filename_exists, $filename, $normal_image_sizes, $directory);// @todo : [feature] @see todo#1 } } private function manageListDeclinatedImages($directory, $normal_image_sizes) { // Check if method is allowed if ($this->wsObject->method != 'GET') throw new WebserviceException('This method is not allowed for listing category images.', array(55, 405)); $this->output .= $this->objOutput->getObjectRender()->renderNodeHeader('image_types', array()); foreach ($normal_image_sizes as $image_size) $this->output .= $this->objOutput->getObjectRender()->renderNodeHeader('image_type', array(), array('id' => $image_size['id_image_type'], 'name' => $image_size['name'], 'xlink_resource'=>$this->wsObject->wsUrl.'image_types/'.$image_size['id_image_type']), false); $this->output .= $this->objOutput->getObjectRender()->renderNodeFooter('image_types', array()); $this->output .= $this->objOutput->getObjectRender()->renderNodeHeader('images', array()); if ($this->imageType == 'products') { $ids = array(); $images = Image::getAllImages(); foreach ($images as $image) $ids[] = $image['id_product']; $ids = array_unique($ids, SORT_NUMERIC); asort($ids); foreach ($ids as $id) $this->output .= $this->objOutput->getObjectRender()->renderNodeHeader('image', array(), array('id' => $id, 'xlink_resource'=>$this->wsObject->wsUrl.'images/'.$this->imageType.'/'.$id), false); } else { $nodes = scandir($directory); foreach ($nodes as $node) { // avoid too much preg_match... if ($node != '.' && $node != '..' && $node != '.svn') { if ($this->imageType != 'products') { preg_match('/^(\d+)\.jpg*$/Ui', $node, $matches); if (isset($matches[1])) { $id = $matches[1]; $this->output .= $this->objOutput->getObjectRender()->renderNodeHeader('image', array(), array('id' => $id, 'xlink_resource'=>$this->wsObject->wsUrl.'images/'.$this->imageType.'/'.$id), false); } } } } } $this->output .= $this->objOutput->getObjectRender()->renderNodeFooter('images', array()); return true; } private function manageEntityDeclinatedImages($directory, $normal_image_sizes) { $normal_image_size_names = array(); foreach ($normal_image_sizes as $normal_image_size) $normal_image_size_names[] = $normal_image_size['name']; // If id is detected $object_id = $this->wsObject->urlSegment[2]; if (!Validate::isUnsignedId($object_id)) throw new WebserviceException('The image id is invalid. Please set a valid id or the "default" value', array(60, 400)); // For the product case if ($this->imageType == 'products') { // Get available image ids $available_image_ids = array(); // New Behavior $languages = Language::getLanguages(); foreach ($languages as $language) foreach (Image::getImages($language['id_lang'], $object_id) as $image) $available_image_ids[] = $image['id_image']; // Old Behavior $nodes = scandir($directory); foreach ($nodes as $node) // avoid too much preg_match... if ($node != '.' && $node != '..' && $node != '.svn') { preg_match('/^'.intval($object_id).'-(\d+)\.jpg*$/Ui', $node, $matches); if (isset($matches[1])) $available_image_ids[] = $matches[1]; } // If an image id is specified if ($this->wsObject->urlSegment[3] != '') { if ($this->wsObject->urlSegment[3] == 'bin') { $currentProduct = new Product($object_id); $this->wsObject->urlSegment[3] = $currentProduct->getCoverWs(); } if (!Validate::isUnsignedId($object_id) || !in_array($this->wsObject->urlSegment[3], $available_image_ids)) throw new WebserviceException('This image id does not exist', array(57, 400)); else { // Check for new image system $image_id = $this->wsObject->urlSegment[3]; $path = implode('/', str_split((string)$image_id)); $image_size = $this->wsObject->urlSegment[4]; if (file_exists($directory.$path.'/'.$image_id.(strlen($this->wsObject->urlSegment[4]) > 0 ? '-'.$this->wsObject->urlSegment[4] : '').'.jpg')) { $filename = $directory.$path.'/'.$image_id.(strlen($this->wsObject->urlSegment[4]) > 0 ? '-'.$this->wsObject->urlSegment[4] : '').'.jpg'; $orig_filename = $directory.$path.'/'.$image_id.'.jpg'; } else // else old system or not exists { $orig_filename = $directory.$object_id.'-'.$image_id.'.jpg'; $filename = $directory.$object_id.'-'.$image_id.'-'.$image_size.'.jpg'; } } } // display the list of declinated images else if ($this->wsObject->method == 'GET' || $this->wsObject->method == 'HEAD') { if ($available_image_ids) { $this->output .= $this->objOutput->getObjectRender()->renderNodeHeader('image', array(), array('id'=>$object_id)); foreach ($available_image_ids as $available_image_id) $this->output .= $this->objOutput->getObjectRender()->renderNodeHeader('declination', array(), array('id'=>$available_image_id, 'xlink_resource'=>$this->wsObject->wsUrl.'images/'.$this->imageType.'/'.$object_id.'/'.$available_image_id), false); $this->output .= $this->objOutput->getObjectRender()->renderNodeFooter('image', array()); } else { $this->objOutput->setStatus(404); $this->wsObject->setOutputEnabled(false); } } } // for all other cases else { $orig_filename = $directory.$object_id.'.jpg'; $image_size = $this->wsObject->urlSegment[3]; $filename = $directory.$object_id.'-'.$image_size.'.jpg'; } // in case of declinated images list of a product is get if ($this->output != '') return true; // If a size was given try to display it elseif (isset($image_size) && $image_size != '') { // Check the given size if ($this->imageType == 'products' && $image_size == 'bin') $filename = $directory.$object_id.'-'.$image_id.'.jpg'; elseif (!in_array($image_size, $normal_image_size_names)) { $exception = new WebserviceException('This image size does not exist', array(58, 400)); throw $exception->setDidYouMean($image_size, $normal_image_size_names); } if (!file_exists($filename)) throw new WebserviceException('This image does not exist on disk', array(59, 500)); // Display the resized specific image $this->imgToDisplay = $filename; return true; } // Management of the original image (GET, PUT, POST, DELETE) elseif (isset($orig_filename)) { $orig_filename_exists = file_exists($orig_filename); return $this->manageDeclinatedImagesCRUD($orig_filename_exists, $orig_filename, $normal_image_sizes, $directory); } else { return $this->manageDeclinatedImagesCRUD(false, '', $normal_image_sizes, $directory); } } /** * Management of normal images (as categories, suppliers, manufacturers and stores) * * @param string $directory the file path of the root of the images folder type * @return boolean */ private function manageDeclinatedImages($directory) { // Get available image sizes for the current image type $normal_image_sizes = ImageType::getImagesTypes($this->imageType); switch ($this->wsObject->urlSegment[2]) { // Match the default images case 'default': return $this->manageDefaultDeclinatedImages($directory, $normal_image_sizes); break; // Display the list of images case '': return $this->manageListDeclinatedImages($directory, $normal_image_sizes); break; default: return $this->manageEntityDeclinatedImages($directory, $normal_image_sizes); break; } } private function manageProductImages() { $this->manageDeclinatedImages(_PS_PROD_IMG_DIR_); } /** * Management of normal images CRUD * * @param boolean $filename_exists if the filename exists * @param string $filename the image path * @param array $imageSizes The * @param string $directory * @return boolean */ private function manageDeclinatedImagesCRUD($filename_exists, $filename, $imageSizes, $directory) { switch ($this->wsObject->method) { // Display the image case 'GET': case 'HEAD': if ($filename_exists) $this->imgToDisplay = $filename; else throw new WebserviceException('This image does not exist on disk', array(61, 500)); break; // Modify the image case 'PUT': if ($filename_exists) if ($this->writePostedImageOnDisk($filename, NULL, NULL, $imageSizes, $directory)) { $this->imgToDisplay = $filename; return true; } else throw new WebserviceException('Unable to save this image.', array(62, 500)); else throw new WebserviceException('This image does not exist on disk', array(63, 500)); break; // Delete the image case 'DELETE': if ($filename_exists) { // Delete products image in DB if ($this->imageType == 'products') { $image = new Image((int)$this->wsObject->urlSegment[3]); return $image->delete(); } else return $this->deleteImageOnDisk($filename, $imageSizes, $directory); } else throw new WebserviceException('This image does not exist on disk', array(64, 500)); break; // Add the image case 'POST': if ($filename_exists) throw new WebserviceException('This image already exists. To modify it, please use the PUT method', array(65, 400)); else { if ($this->writePostedImageOnDisk($filename, NULL, NULL, $imageSizes, $directory)) return true; else throw new WebserviceException('Unable to save this image', array(66, 500)); } break; default : throw new WebserviceException('This method is not allowed', array(67, 405)); } } /** * Delete the image on disk * * @param string $filePath the image file path * @param array $imageTypes The differents sizes * @param string $parentPath The parent path * @return boolean */ private function deleteImageOnDisk($filePath, $imageTypes = NULL, $parentPath = NULL) { $this->wsObject->setOutputEnabled(false); if (file_exists($filePath)) { // delete image on disk @unlink($filePath); // Delete declinated image if needed if ($imageTypes) { foreach ($imageTypes as $imageType) { if ($this->defaultImage) // @todo products images too !! $declination_path = $parentPath.$this->wsObject->urlSegment[3].'-default-'.$imageType['name'].'.jpg'; else $declination_path = $parentPath.$this->wsObject->urlSegment[2].'-'.$imageType['name'].'.jpg'; if (!@unlink($declination_path)) { $this->objOutput->setStatus(204); return false; } } } return true; } else { $this->objOutput->setStatus(204); return false; } } /** * Write the image on disk * * @param string $basePath * @param string $newPath * @param int $destWidth * @param int $destHeight * @param array $imageTypes * @param string $parentPath * @return string */ private function writeImageOnDisk($basePath, $newPath, $destWidth = NULL, $destHeight = NULL, $imageTypes = NULL, $parentPath = NULL) { list($sourceWidth, $sourceHeight, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($basePath); if (!$sourceWidth) throw new WebserviceException('Image width was null', array(68, 400)); if ($destWidth == NULL) $destWidth = $sourceWidth; if ($destHeight == NULL) $destHeight = $sourceHeight; switch ($type) { case 1: $sourceImage = imagecreatefromgif($basePath); break; case 3: $sourceImage = imagecreatefrompng($basePath); break; case 2: default: $sourceImage = imagecreatefromjpeg($basePath); break; } $widthDiff = $destWidth / $sourceWidth; $heightDiff = $destHeight / $sourceHeight; if ($widthDiff > 1 AND $heightDiff > 1) { $nextWidth = $sourceWidth; $nextHeight = $sourceHeight; } else { if ((int)(Configuration::get('PS_IMAGE_GENERATION_METHOD')) == 2 OR ((int)(Configuration::get('PS_IMAGE_GENERATION_METHOD')) == 0 AND $widthDiff > $heightDiff)) { $nextHeight = $destHeight; $nextWidth = (int)(($sourceWidth * $nextHeight) / $sourceHeight); $destWidth = ((int)(Configuration::get('PS_IMAGE_GENERATION_METHOD')) == 0 ? $destWidth : $nextWidth); } else { $nextWidth = $destWidth; $nextHeight = (int)($sourceHeight * $destWidth / $sourceWidth); $destHeight = ((int)(Configuration::get('PS_IMAGE_GENERATION_METHOD')) == 0 ? $destHeight : $nextHeight); } } $borderWidth = (int)(($destWidth - $nextWidth) / 2); $borderHeight = (int)(($destHeight - $nextHeight) / 2); // Build the image if ( !($destImage = imagecreatetruecolor($destWidth, $destHeight)) || !($white = imagecolorallocate($destImage, 255, 255, 255)) || !imagefill($destImage, 0, 0, $white) || !imagecopyresampled($destImage, $sourceImage, $borderWidth, $borderHeight, 0, 0, $nextWidth, $nextHeight, $sourceWidth, $sourceHeight) || !imagecolortransparent($destImage, $white) ) throw new WebserviceException(sprintf('Unable to build the image "%s".', str_replace(_PS_ROOT_DIR_, '[SHOP_ROOT_DIR]', $newPath)), array(69, 500)); // Write it on disk $imaged = false; switch ($this->imgExtension) { case 'gif': $imaged = imagegif($destImage, $newPath); break; case 'png': $imaged = imagepng($destImage, $newPath, 7); break; case 'jpeg': default: $imaged = imagejpeg($destImage, $newPath, 90); break; } imagedestroy($destImage); if (!$imaged) throw new WebserviceException(sprintf('Unable to write the image "%s".', str_replace(_PS_ROOT_DIR_, '[SHOP_ROOT_DIR]', $newPath)), array(70, 500)); // Write image declinations if present if ($imageTypes) { foreach ($imageTypes as $imageType) { if ($this->defaultImage) $declination_path = $parentPath.$this->wsObject->urlSegment[3].'-default-'.$imageType['name'].'.jpg'; else { if ($this->imageType == 'products') { $declination_path = $parentPath.$this->wsObject->urlSegment[2].'-'.$this->productImageDeclinationId.'-'.$imageType['name'].'.jpg'; } else $declination_path = $parentPath.$this->wsObject->urlSegment[2].'-'.$imageType['name'].'.jpg'; } if (!$this->writeImageOnDisk($basePath, $declination_path, $imageType['width'], $imageType['height'])) throw new WebserviceException(sprintf('Unable to save the declination "%s" of this image.', $imageType['name']), array(71, 500)); } } return $newPath; } /** * Write the posted image on disk * * @param string $sreceptionPath * @param int $destWidth * @param int $destHeight * @param array $imageTypes * @param string $parentPath * @return boolean */ private function writePostedImageOnDisk($receptionPath, $destWidth = NULL, $destHeight = NULL, $imageTypes = NULL, $parentPath = NULL) { if ($this->wsObject->method == 'PUT') { if (isset($_FILES['image']['tmp_name']) AND $_FILES['image']['tmp_name']) { $file = $_FILES['image']; if ($file['size'] > $this->imgMaxUploadSize) throw new WebserviceException(sprintf('The image size is too large (maximum allowed is %d KB)', ($this->imgMaxUploadSize/1000)), array(72, 400)); // Get mime content type $mime_type = false; if (Tools::isCallable('finfo_open')) { $const = defined('FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE') ? FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE : FILEINFO_MIME; $finfo = finfo_open($const); $mime_type = finfo_file($finfo, $file['tmp_name']); finfo_close($finfo); } elseif (Tools::isCallable('mime_content_type')) $mime_type = mime_content_type($file['tmp_name']); elseif (Tools::isCallable('exec')) $mime_type = trim(exec('file -b --mime-type '.escapeshellarg($file['tmp_name']))); if (empty($mime_type) || $mime_type == 'regular file') $mime_type = $file['type']; if (($pos = strpos($mime_type, ';')) !== false) $mime_type = substr($mime_type, 0, $pos); // Check mime content type if (!$mime_type || !in_array($mime_type, $this->acceptedImgMimeTypes)) throw new WebserviceException('This type of image format not recognized, allowed formats are: '.implode('", "', $this->acceptedImgMimeTypes), array(73, 400)); // Check error while uploading elseif ($file['error']) throw new WebserviceException('Error while uploading image. Please change your server\'s settings', array(74, 400)); // Try to copy image file to a temporary file if (!$tmpName = tempnam(_PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_, 'PS') OR !move_uploaded_file($_FILES['image']['tmp_name'], $tmpName)) throw new WebserviceException('Error while copying image to the temporary directory', array(75, 400)); // Try to copy image file to the image directory else { $result = $this->writeImageOnDisk($tmpName, $receptionPath, $destWidth, $destHeight, $imageTypes, $parentPath); } @unlink($tmpName); return $result; } else throw new WebserviceException('Please set an "image" parameter with image data for value', array(76, 400)); } elseif ($this->wsObject->method == 'POST') { if (isset($_FILES['image']['tmp_name']) AND $_FILES['image']['tmp_name']) { $file = $_FILES['image']; if ($file['size'] > $this->imgMaxUploadSize) throw new WebserviceException(sprintf('The image size is too large (maximum allowed is %d KB)', ($this->imgMaxUploadSize/1000)), array(72, 400)); require_once(_PS_ROOT_DIR_.'/images.inc.php'); if ($error = checkImageUploadError($file)) throw new WebserviceException('Image upload error : '.$error, array(76, 400)); if (isset($file['tmp_name']) AND $file['tmp_name'] != NULL) { if ($this->imageType == 'products') { $product = new Product((int)$this->wsObject->urlSegment[2]); if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($product)) throw new WebserviceException('Product '.(int)$this->wsObject->urlSegment[2].' doesn\'t exists', array(76, 400)); $image = new Image(); $image->id_product = (int)($product->id); $image->position = Image::getHighestPosition($product->id) + 1; if (!$image->add()) throw new WebserviceException('Error while creating image', array(76, 400)); if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($product)) throw new WebserviceException('Product '.(int)$this->wsObject->urlSegment[2].' doesn\'t exists', array(76, 400)); } // copy image if (!isset($file['tmp_name'])) return false; if ($error = checkImage($file, $this->imgMaxUploadSize)) throw new WebserviceException('Bad image : '.$error, array(76, 400)); if ($this->imageType == 'products') { $image = new Image($image->id); if (!(Configuration::get('PS_OLD_FILESYSTEM') && file_exists(_PS_PROD_IMG_DIR_.$product->id.'-'.$image->id.'.jpg'))) $image->createImgFolder(); if (!$tmpName = tempnam(_PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_, 'PS') OR !move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $tmpName)) throw new WebserviceException('An error occurred during the image upload', array(76, 400)); elseif (!imageResize($tmpName, _PS_PROD_IMG_DIR_.$image->getExistingImgPath().'.'.$image->image_format)) throw new WebserviceException('An error occurred while copying image', array(76, 400)); else { $imagesTypes = ImageType::getImagesTypes('products'); foreach ($imagesTypes AS $imageType) if (!imageResize($tmpName, _PS_PROD_IMG_DIR_.$image->getExistingImgPath().'-'.stripslashes($imageType['name']).'.'.$image->image_format, $imageType['width'], $imageType['height'], $image->image_format)) $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while copying image:').' '.stripslashes($imageType['name']); } @unlink($tmpName); $this->imgToDisplay = _PS_PROD_IMG_DIR_.$image->getExistingImgPath().'.'.$image->image_format; } elseif ($this->imageType == 'categories') { if (!$tmpName = tempnam(_PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_, 'PS') OR !move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $tmpName)) throw new WebserviceException('An error occurred during the image upload', array(76, 400)); elseif (!imageResize($tmpName, $receptionPath)) throw new WebserviceException('An error occurred while copying image', array(76, 400)); @unlink(_PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_.$tmpName); $this->imgToDisplay = $receptionPath; } return true; } } } else throw new WebserviceException('Method '.$this->wsObject->method.' is not allowed for an image resource', array(77, 405)); } }