* @copyright 2007-2011 PrestaShop SA * @version Release: $Revision: 7288 $ * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php Academic Free License (AFL 3.0) * International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA */ if (!defined('_PS_VERSION_')) exit; class CanadaPost extends CarrierModule { public $id_carrier; private $_html = ''; private $_postErrors = array(); private $_webserviceTestResult = ''; private $_webserviceError = ''; private $_fieldsList = array(); private $_calculModeList = array(); private $_dimensionUnit = ''; private $_weightUnit = ''; private $_dimensionUnitList = array('CM' => 'CM', 'IN' => 'IN', 'CMS' => 'CM', 'INC' => 'IN'); private $_weightUnitList = array('KG' => 'KGS', 'KGS' => 'KGS', 'LBS' => 'LBS', 'LB' => 'LBS'); private $_moduleName = 'canadapost'; /* ** Construct Method ** */ public function __construct() { $this->name = 'canadapost'; $this->tab = 'shipping_logistics'; $this->version = '0.5'; $this->author = 'PrestaShop'; $this->limited_countries = array('ca'); parent::__construct (); $this->displayName = $this->l('Canada Post Carrier'); $this->description = $this->l('Offer your customers, different delivery methods with Canada Post'); if (self::isInstalled($this->name)) { // Loading Var $warning = array(); $this->loadingVar(); // Check cURL option availibility if (!is_callable('curl_exec')) $warning[] = "'".$this->l('cURL option')."', "; // Check Configuration Values foreach ($this->_fieldsList as $keyConfiguration => $name) if (!Configuration::get($keyConfiguration) && !empty($name)) $warning[] = '\''.$name.'\' '; // Check calcul mode if (!Configuration::get('CP_CARRIER_CALCUL_MODE')) Configuration::updateValue('CP_CARRIER_CALCUL_MODE', 'onepackage'); // Checking Unit $this->_dimensionUnit = $this->_dimensionUnitList[strtoupper(Configuration::get('PS_DIMENSION_UNIT'))]; $this->_weightUnit = $this->_weightUnitList[strtoupper(Configuration::get('PS_WEIGHT_UNIT'))]; if (!$this->_weightUnit || !$this->_weightUnitList[$this->_weightUnit]) $warning[] = $this->l('\'Weight Unit (LB or KG).\'').' '; if (!$this->_dimensionUnit || !$this->_dimensionUnitList[$this->_dimensionUnit]) $warning[] = $this->l('\'Dimension Unit (CM or IN).\'').' '; // Generate Warnings if (count($warning)) $this->warning .= implode(' , ',$warning).$this->l('must be configured to use this module correctly').' '; } } public function loadingVar() { // Loading Fields List $this->_fieldsList = array( 'CP_CARRIER_ACCOUNT' => $this->l('Canada Post account'), 'CP_CARRIER_PACKAGING_WEIGHT' => $this->l('Packaging weight'), 'CP_CARRIER_HANDLING_FEE' => $this->l('Handling fee'), 'CP_CARRIER_ADDRESS1' => '', 'CP_CARRIER_ADDRESS2' => '', 'CP_CARRIER_POSTAL_CODE' => '', 'CP_CARRIER_CITY' => '', 'CP_CARRIER_STATE' => '', 'CP_CARRIER_COUNTRY' => '', 'CP_CARRIER_CALCUL_MODE' => '', ); // Loading calcul mode list $this->_calculModeList = array( 'onepackage' => $this->l('All items in one package'), 'split' => $this->l('Split one item per package') ); } /* ** Install / Uninstall Methods ** */ public function install() { // Install SQL include(dirname(__FILE__).'/sql-install.php'); foreach ($sql as $s) if (!Db::getInstance()->Execute($s)) return false; // Install Carriers $this->installCarriers(); // Install Module if (!parent::install() OR !$this->registerHook('updateCarrier')) return false; return true; } public function uninstall() { // Uninstall Carriers Db::getInstance()->autoExecute(_DB_PREFIX_.'carrier', array('deleted' => 1), 'UPDATE', '`external_module_name` = \'canadapost\' OR `id_carrier` IN (SELECT DISTINCT(`id_carrier`) FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'cp_rate_service_code`)'); // Uninstall Config foreach ($this->_fieldsList as $keyConfiguration => $name) if (!Configuration::deleteByName($keyConfiguration)) return false; // Uninstall SQL include(dirname(__FILE__).'/sql-uninstall.php'); foreach ($sql as $s) if (!Db::getInstance()->Execute($s)) return false; // Uninstall Module if (!parent::uninstall() OR !$this->unregisterHook('updateCarrier')) return false; return true; } public function installCarriers() { // Unactive all CanadaPost Carriers Db::getInstance()->autoExecute(_DB_PREFIX_.'cp_rate_service_code', array('active' => 0), 'UPDATE'); // Get all services availables $rateServiceList = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('SELECT * FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'cp_rate_service_code`'); foreach ($rateServiceList as $rateService) if (!$rateService['id_carrier']) { $config = array( 'name' => $rateService['service'], 'id_tax_rules_group' => 0, 'active' => true, 'deleted' => 0, 'shipping_handling' => false, 'range_behavior' => 0, 'delay' => array('fr' => $rateService['delay'], 'en' => $rateService['delay'], Language::getIsoById(Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT')) => $rateService['delay']), 'id_zone' => 1, 'is_module' => true, 'shipping_external' => true, 'external_module_name' => $this->_moduleName, 'need_range' => true ); $id_carrier = $this->installExternalCarrier($config); Db::getInstance()->autoExecute(_DB_PREFIX_.'cp_rate_service_code', array('id_carrier' => (int)($id_carrier), 'id_carrier_history' => (int)($id_carrier)), 'UPDATE', '`id_cp_rate_service_code` = '.(int)($rateService['id_cp_rate_service_code'])); } } public static function installExternalCarrier($config) { $carrier = new Carrier(); $carrier->name = $config['name']; $carrier->id_tax_rules_group = $config['id_tax_rules_group']; $carrier->id_zone = $config['id_zone']; $carrier->active = $config['active']; $carrier->deleted = $config['deleted']; $carrier->delay = $config['delay']; $carrier->shipping_handling = $config['shipping_handling']; $carrier->range_behavior = $config['range_behavior']; $carrier->is_module = $config['is_module']; $carrier->shipping_external = $config['shipping_external']; $carrier->external_module_name = $config['external_module_name']; $carrier->need_range = $config['need_range']; $languages = Language::getLanguages(true); foreach ($languages as $language) { if ($language['iso_code'] == 'fr') $carrier->delay[(int)$language['id_lang']] = $config['delay'][$language['iso_code']]; if ($language['iso_code'] == 'en') $carrier->delay[(int)$language['id_lang']] = $config['delay'][$language['iso_code']]; if ($language['iso_code'] == Language::getIsoById(Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT'))) $carrier->delay[(int)$language['id_lang']] = $config['delay'][$language['iso_code']]; } if ($carrier->add()) { $groups = Group::getGroups(true); foreach ($groups as $group) Db::getInstance()->autoExecute(_DB_PREFIX_.'carrier_group', array('id_carrier' => (int)($carrier->id), 'id_group' => (int)($group['id_group'])), 'INSERT'); $rangePrice = new RangePrice(); $rangePrice->id_carrier = $carrier->id; $rangePrice->delimiter1 = '0'; $rangePrice->delimiter2 = '10000'; $rangePrice->add(); $rangeWeight = new RangeWeight(); $rangeWeight->id_carrier = $carrier->id; $rangeWeight->delimiter1 = '0'; $rangeWeight->delimiter2 = '10000'; $rangeWeight->add(); $zones = Zone::getZones(true); foreach ($zones as $zone) { Db::getInstance()->autoExecute(_DB_PREFIX_.'carrier_zone', array('id_carrier' => (int)($carrier->id), 'id_zone' => (int)($zone['id_zone'])), 'INSERT'); Db::getInstance()->autoExecuteWithNullValues(_DB_PREFIX_.'delivery', array('id_carrier' => (int)($carrier->id), 'id_range_price' => (int)($rangePrice->id), 'id_range_weight' => NULL, 'id_zone' => (int)($zone['id_zone']), 'price' => '0'), 'INSERT'); Db::getInstance()->autoExecuteWithNullValues(_DB_PREFIX_.'delivery', array('id_carrier' => (int)($carrier->id), 'id_range_price' => NULL, 'id_range_weight' => (int)($rangeWeight->id), 'id_zone' => (int)($zone['id_zone']), 'price' => '0'), 'INSERT'); } // Copy Logo if (!copy(dirname(__FILE__).'/carrier.jpg', _PS_SHIP_IMG_DIR_.'/'.(int)$carrier->id.'.jpg')) return false; // Return ID Carrier return (int)($carrier->id); } return false; } /* ** Global Form Config Methods ** */ public function getContent() { $this->_html .= '

' . $this->l('Canada Post Carrier').'

'; if (!empty($_POST) AND Tools::isSubmit('submitSave')) { $this->_postValidation(); if (!sizeof($this->_postErrors)) $this->_postProcess(); else foreach ($this->_postErrors AS $err) $this->_html .= '
nok '.$err.'
'; } $this->_displayForm(); return $this->_html; } private function _displayForm() { $this->_html .= '
'.$this->l('Canada Post Module Status').''; $alert = array(); $this->_webserviceTestResult = $this->webserviceTest(); if (!Configuration::get('CP_CARRIER_ACCOUNT')) $alert['generalSettings'] = 1; if (Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT * FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'cp_rate_service_code` WHERE `active` = 1') < 1) $alert['deliveryServices'] = 1; if (!$this->_webserviceTestResult) $alert['webserviceTest'] = 1; if (!is_callable('curl_exec')) $alert['curl'] = 1; if (!count($alert)) $this->_html .= ''.$this->l('Canada Post Carrier is configured and online!').''; else { $this->_html .= ''.$this->l('Canada Post Carrier is not configured yet, you must:').''; $this->_html .= '
'.(isset($alert['generalSettings']) ? '' : '').' 1) '.$this->l('Fill the "General Settings" form'); $this->_html .= '
'.(isset($alert['deliveryServices']) ? '' : '').' 2) '.$this->l('Select your available delivery service'); $this->_html .= '
'.(isset($alert['webserviceTest']) ? '' : '').' 3) '.$this->l('Webservice test connection').($this->_webserviceError ? ' : '.$this->_webserviceError : ''); $this->_html .= '
'.(isset($alert['curl']) ? '' : '').' 4) '.$this->l('cURL is enabled'); } $this->_html .= '
'; $this->_html .= $this->_displayFormConfig(); } private function _postValidation() { if (Tools::getValue('section') == 'general') $this->_postValidationGeneral(); elseif (Tools::getValue('section') == 'category') $this->_postValidationCategory(); elseif (Tools::getValue('section') == 'product') $this->_postValidationProduct(); } private function _postProcess() { if (Tools::getValue('section') == 'general') $this->_postProcessGeneral(); elseif (Tools::getValue('section') == 'category') $this->_postProcessCategory(); elseif (Tools::getValue('section') == 'product') $this->_postProcessProduct(); } /* ** General Form Config Methods ** */ private function _displayFormConfig() { $html = '

'; if (isset($_GET['id_tab'])) $html .= ''; return $html; } private function _displayFormGeneral() { global $cookie; $configCurrency = new Currency((int)Configuration::get('PS_CURRENCY_DEFAULT')); $html = '

'.$this->l('General configuration').' :

'.Tools::safeOutput(Tools::getValue('ps_weight_unit', Configuration::get('PS_WEIGHT_UNIT'))).'

'.$this->l('Localization configuration').' :

'.$this->l('The weight unit of your shop (eg. kg or lbs)').'

'.$this->l('The dimension unit of your shop (eg. cm or in)').'

'.$this->l('Address configuration').' :

' . $this->l('Select country from within the list.') . '

'; $id_country_current = 0; $statesList = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS(' SELECT `id_state`, `id_country`, `name` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'state` WHERE `active` = 1 ORDER BY `id_country`, `name` ASC'); foreach ($statesList as $v) { if ($id_country_current != $v['id_country']) { if ($id_country_current != 0) $html .= ''; $html .= '
'.$this->l('There is no state configuration for this country').'

'.$this->l('Service configuration').' :

' . $this->l('Using the calcul mode "All items in one package" will automatically use default packaging size and delivery services. Specifics configurations for categories or product won\'t be use.') . '

'; $rateServiceList = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('SELECT * FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'cp_rate_service_code`'); foreach($rateServiceList as $rateService) $html .= ' '.$rateService['service'].' '.($this->webserviceTest($rateService['code']) ? '('.$this->l('Available').')' : '('.$this->l('Not available').')').'
'; $html .= '

' . $this->l('Choose the delivery service which will be available for customers.') . '

'; return $html; } private function _postValidationGeneral() { // Check configuration values if (Tools::getValue('cp_carrier_account') == NULL) $this->_postErrors[] = $this->l('Your Canada Post account is not specified'); elseif (Tools::getValue('cp_carrier_postal_code') == NULL) $this->_postErrors[] = $this->l('Your Zip / Postal code is not specified'); elseif (Tools::getValue('cp_carrier_city') == NULL) $this->_postErrors[] = $this->l('Your city is not specified'); elseif (Tools::getValue('cp_carrier_country') == NULL OR Tools::getValue('cp_carrier_country') == 0) $this->_postErrors[] = $this->l('Your country is not specified'); // Check Canada Post webservice availibity if (!$this->_postErrors) { // Unactive all Canada Post Carriers Db::getInstance()->autoExecute(_DB_PREFIX_.'cp_rate_service_code', array('active' => 0), 'UPDATE'); // If no errors appear, the carrier is being activated, else, the carrier is being deactivated if (!$this->_postErrors) { // Get available services $serviceSelected = Tools::getValue('service'); // Active available carrier if ($serviceSelected) foreach ($serviceSelected as $ss) { $id_carrier = Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT `id_carrier` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'cp_rate_service_code` WHERE `id_cp_rate_service_code` = '.(int)($ss)); Db::getInstance()->autoExecute(_DB_PREFIX_.'cp_rate_service_code', array('active' => 1), 'UPDATE', '`id_cp_rate_service_code` = '.(int)($ss)); } } // All new configurations values are saved to be sure to test webservices with it Configuration::updateValue('CP_CARRIER_ACCOUNT', Tools::getValue('cp_carrier_account')); Configuration::updateValue('CP_CARRIER_PACKAGING_WEIGHT', Tools::getValue('cp_carrier_packaging_weight')); Configuration::updateValue('CP_CARRIER_HANDLING_FEE', Tools::getValue('cp_carrier_handling_fee')); Configuration::updateValue('CP_CARRIER_ADDRESS1', Tools::getValue('cp_carrier_address1')); Configuration::updateValue('CP_CARRIER_ADDRESS2', Tools::getValue('cp_carrier_address2')); Configuration::updateValue('CP_CARRIER_POSTAL_CODE', Tools::getValue('cp_carrier_postal_code')); Configuration::updateValue('CP_CARRIER_CITY', Tools::getValue('cp_carrier_city')); Configuration::updateValue('CP_CARRIER_STATE', Tools::getValue('cp_carrier_state')); Configuration::updateValue('CP_CARRIER_COUNTRY', Tools::getValue('cp_carrier_country')); Configuration::updateValue('CP_CARRIER_CALCUL_MODE', Tools::getValue('cp_carrier_calcul_mode')); Configuration::updateValue('PS_WEIGHT_UNIT', $this->_weightUnitList[strtoupper(Tools::getValue('ps_weight_unit'))]); Configuration::updateValue('PS_DIMENSION_UNIT', $this->_dimensionUnitList[strtoupper(Tools::getValue('ps_dimension_unit'))]); if (isset($this->_weightUnitList[strtoupper(Tools::getValue('ps_weight_unit'))])) $this->_weightUnit = $this->_weightUnitList[strtoupper(Tools::getValue('ps_weight_unit'))]; if (isset($this->_dimensionUnitList[strtoupper(Tools::getValue('ps_dimension_unit'))])) $this->_dimensionUnit = $this->_dimensionUnitList[strtoupper(Tools::getValue('ps_dimension_unit'))]; if (!$this->webserviceTest()) $this->_postErrors[] = $this->l('Prestashop could not connect to Canada Post webservices').' :
'.($this->_webserviceError ? $this->_webserviceError : $this->l('No error description found')); } } private function _postProcessGeneral() { // Saving new configurations if (Configuration::updateValue('CP_CARRIER_ACCOUNT', Tools::getValue('cp_carrier_account')) AND Configuration::updateValue('CP_CARRIER_PACKAGING_WEIGHT', Tools::getValue('cp_carrier_packaging_weight')) AND Configuration::updateValue('CP_CARRIER_HANDLING_FEE', Tools::getValue('cp_carrier_handling_fee')) AND Configuration::updateValue('CP_CARRIER_POSTAL_CODE', Tools::getValue('cp_carrier_postal_code')) AND Configuration::updateValue('CP_CARRIER_CITY', Tools::getValue('cp_carrier_city')) AND Configuration::updateValue('CP_CARRIER_STATE', Tools::getValue('cp_carrier_state')) AND Configuration::updateValue('CP_CARRIER_COUNTRY', Tools::getValue('cp_carrier_country')) AND Configuration::updateValue('CP_CARRIER_CALCUL_MODE', Tools::getValue('cp_carrier_calcul_mode')) AND Configuration::updateValue('PS_WEIGHT_UNIT', $this->_weightUnitList[strtoupper(Tools::getValue('ps_weight_unit'))]) AND Configuration::updateValue('PS_DIMENSION_UNIT', $this->_dimensionUnitList[strtoupper(Tools::getValue('ps_dimension_unit'))])) $this->_html .= $this->displayConfirmation($this->l('Settings updated')); else $this->_html .= $this->displayErrors($this->l('Settings failed')); } /* ** Category Form Config Methods ** */ private function _getPathInTab($id_category) { global $cookie; $category = Db::getInstance()->getRow(' SELECT id_category, level_depth, nleft, nright FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'category WHERE id_category = '.(int)$id_category); if (isset($category['id_category'])) { $categories = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS(' SELECT c.id_category, cl.name, cl.link_rewrite FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'category c LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'category_lang cl ON (cl.id_category = c.id_category) WHERE c.nleft <= '.(int)$category['nleft'].' AND c.nright >= '.(int)$category['nright'].' AND cl.id_lang = '.(int)($cookie->id_lang).' ORDER BY c.level_depth ASC LIMIT '.(int)($category['level_depth'] + 1)); $n = 1; $pathTab = array(); $nCategories = (int)sizeof($categories); foreach ($categories AS $category) $pathTab[] = htmlentities($category['name'], ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8'); return $pathTab; } } private function _getChildCategories($categories, $id, $path = array(), $pathAdd = '') { $html = ''; if ($pathAdd != '') $path[] = $pathAdd; if (isset($categories[$id])) foreach ($categories[$id] as $idc => $cc) { $html .= ''; $html .= $this->_getChildCategories($categories, $idc, $path, $cc['infos']['name']); } return $html; } private function _isPostCheck($id_cp_rate_service_code) { $services = Tools::getValue('service'); if ($services) foreach ($services as $s) if ($s == $id_cp_rate_service_code) return 1; return 0; } private function _displayFormCategory() { global $cookie; // Check if the module is configured if (!$this->_webserviceTestResult) return '

'.$this->l('You have to configure "General Settings" tab before using this tab.').'

'; // Display header $html = '

'.$this->l('In this tab, you can set a specific configuration for each category.').'

'; // Loading config list $configCategoryList = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('SELECT * FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'cp_rate_config` WHERE `id_category` > 0'); if (!$configCategoryList) $html .= ''; foreach ($configCategoryList as $k => $c) { // Category Path $path = ''; $pathTab = $this->_getPathInTab($c['id_category']); foreach ($pathTab as $p) { if (!empty($path)) { $path .= ' > '; } $path .= $p; } // Loading config currency $configCurrency = new Currency($c['id_currency']); // Loading services attached to this config $services = ''; $servicesTab = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS(' SELECT ursc.`service` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'cp_rate_config_service` urcs LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'cp_rate_service_code` ursc ON (ursc.`id_cp_rate_service_code` = urcs.`id_cp_rate_service_code`) WHERE urcs.`id_cp_rate_config` = '.(int)$c['id_cp_rate_config']); foreach ($servicesTab as $s) $services .= $s['service'].'
'; // Display line $alt = 0; if ($k % 2 != 0) $alt = ' class="alt_row"'; $html .= ' '; } $html .= '
'.$this->l('ID Config').' '.$this->l('Category').' '.$this->l('Additional charges').' '.$this->l('Services').' '.$this->l('Actions').'
'.$this->l('There is no specific Canada Post configuration for categories at this point.').'
'.$c['id_cp_rate_config'].' '.$path.' '.$c['additional_charges'].' '.$configCurrency->sign.' '.$services.'

'; // Add or Edit Category Configuration if (Tools::getValue('action') == 'edit' && Tools::getValue('section') == 'category') { // Loading config $configSelected = Db::getInstance()->getRow('SELECT * FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'cp_rate_config` WHERE `id_cp_rate_config` = '.(int)(Tools::getValue('id_cp_rate_config'))); // Category Path $path = ''; $pathTab = $this->_getPathInTab($configSelected['id_category']); foreach ($pathTab as $p) { if (!empty($path)) { $path .= ' > '; } $path .= $p; } $html .= '

'.$this->l('Update a rule').' ('.$this->l('Add a rule').' ?)


'; $rateServiceList = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('SELECT * FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'cp_rate_service_code`'); foreach($rateServiceList as $rateService) { $configServiceSelected = Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT `id_cp_rate_service_code` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'cp_rate_config_service` WHERE `id_cp_rate_config` = '.(int)(Tools::getValue('id_cp_rate_config')).' AND `id_cp_rate_service_code` = '.(int)($rateService['id_cp_rate_service_code'])); $html .= '_isPostCheck($rateService['id_cp_rate_service_code']) == 1 || $configServiceSelected > 0) ? 'checked="checked"' : '').' /> '.$rateService['service'].'
'; } $html .= '

' . $this->l('Choose the delivery service which will be available for customers.') . '

'; } else { $html .= '

'.$this->l('Add a rule').'

'; $rateServiceList = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('SELECT * FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'cp_rate_service_code`'); foreach($rateServiceList as $rateService) $html .= '_isPostCheck($rateService['id_cp_rate_service_code']) == 1) ? 'checked="checked"' : '').' /> '.$rateService['service'].'
'; $html .= '

' . $this->l('Choose the delivery service which will be available for customers.') . '

'; } return $html; } private function _postValidationCategory() { // Check post values if (Tools::getValue('id_category') == NULL) $this->_postErrors[] = $this->l('You have to select a category.'); if (!$this->_postErrors) { $id_cp_rate_config = Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT `id_cp_rate_config` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'cp_rate_config` WHERE `id_category` = '.(int)Tools::getValue('id_category')); // Check if a config does not exist in Add case if ($id_cp_rate_config > 0 && Tools::getValue('action') == 'add') $this->_postErrors[] = $this->l('This category already has a specific Canada Post configuration.'); // Check if a config exists and if the IDs config correspond in Upd case if (Tools::getValue('action') == 'edit' && (!isset($id_cp_rate_config) || $id_cp_rate_config != Tools::getValue('id_cp_rate_config'))) $this->_postErrors[] = $this->l('An error occurred, please try again.'); // Check if a config exists in Delete case if (Tools::getValue('action') == 'delete' && !isset($id_cp_rate_config)) $this->_postErrors[] = $this->l('An error occurred, please try again.'); } } private function _postProcessCategory() { // Init Var $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $services = Tools::getValue('service'); // Add Script if (Tools::getValue('action') == 'add') { $addTab = array( 'id_product' => 0, 'id_category' => (int)(Tools::getValue('id_category')), 'id_currency' => (int)(Configuration::get('PS_CURRENCY_DEFAULT')), 'additional_charges' => pSQL(Tools::getValue('additional_charges')), 'date_add' => pSQL($date), 'date_upd' => pSQL($date) ); Db::getInstance()->autoExecute(_DB_PREFIX_.'cp_rate_config', $addTab, 'INSERT'); $id_cp_rate_config = Db::getInstance()->Insert_ID(); foreach ($services as $s) { $addTab = array('id_cp_rate_service_code' => pSQL($s), 'id_cp_rate_config' => (int)$id_cp_rate_config, 'date_add' => pSQL($date), 'date_upd' => pSQL($date)); Db::getInstance()->autoExecute(_DB_PREFIX_.'cp_rate_config_service', $addTab, 'INSERT'); } // Display Results if ($id_cp_rate_config > 0) $this->_html .= $this->displayConfirmation($this->l('Settings updated')); else $this->_html .= $this->displayErrors($this->l('Settings failed')); } // Update Script if (Tools::getValue('action') == 'edit' && Tools::getValue('id_cp_rate_config')) { $updTab = array( 'id_currency' => (int)(Configuration::get('PS_CURRENCY_DEFAULT')), 'additional_charges' => pSQL(Tools::getValue('additional_charges')), 'date_upd' => pSQL($date) ); $result = Db::getInstance()->autoExecute(_DB_PREFIX_.'cp_rate_config', $updTab, 'UPDATE', '`id_cp_rate_config` = '.(int)Tools::getValue('id_cp_rate_config')); Db::getInstance()->Execute('DELETE FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'cp_rate_config_service` WHERE `id_cp_rate_config` = '.(int)Tools::getValue('id_cp_rate_config')); foreach ($services as $s) { $addTab = array('id_cp_rate_service_code' => pSQL($s), 'id_cp_rate_config' => (int)Tools::getValue('id_cp_rate_config'), 'date_add' => pSQL($date), 'date_upd' => pSQL($date)); Db::getInstance()->autoExecute(_DB_PREFIX_.'cp_rate_config_service', $addTab, 'INSERT'); } // Display Results if ($result) $this->_html .= $this->displayConfirmation($this->l('Settings updated')); else $this->_html .= $this->displayErrors($this->l('Settings failed')); } // Delete Script if (Tools::getValue('action') == 'delete' && Tools::getValue('id_cp_rate_config')) { $result1 = Db::getInstance()->Execute('DELETE FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'cp_rate_config` WHERE `id_cp_rate_config` = '.(int)Tools::getValue('id_cp_rate_config')); $result2 = Db::getInstance()->Execute('DELETE FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'cp_rate_config_service` WHERE `id_cp_rate_config` = '.(int)Tools::getValue('id_cp_rate_config')); // Display Results if ($result1) $this->_html .= $this->displayConfirmation($this->l('Settings updated')); else $this->_html .= $this->displayErrors($this->l('Settings failed')); } } /* ** Product Form Config Methods ** */ private function _displayFormProduct() { global $cookie; // Check if the module is configured if (!$this->_webserviceTestResult) return '

'.$this->l('You have to configure "General Settings" tab before using this tab.').'

'; // Display header $html = '

'.$this->l('In this tab, you can set a specific configuration for each product.').'

'; // Loading config list $configProductList = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('SELECT * FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'cp_rate_config` WHERE `id_product` > 0'); if (!$configProductList) $html .= ''; foreach ($configProductList as $k => $c) { // Loading Product $product = new Product((int)$c['id_product'], false, (int)$cookie->id_lang); // Loading config currency $configCurrency = new Currency($c['id_currency']); // Loading services attached to this config $services = ''; $servicesTab = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS(' SELECT ursc.`service` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'cp_rate_config_service` urcs LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'cp_rate_service_code` ursc ON (ursc.`id_cp_rate_service_code` = urcs.`id_cp_rate_service_code`) WHERE urcs.`id_cp_rate_config` = '.(int)$c['id_cp_rate_config']); foreach ($servicesTab as $s) $services .= $s['service'].'
'; // Display line $alt = 0; if ($k % 2 != 0) $alt = ' class="alt_row"'; $html .= ' '; } $html .= '
'.$this->l('ID Config').' '.$this->l('Product').' '.$this->l('Additional charges').' '.$this->l('Services').' '.$this->l('Actions').'
'.$this->l('There is no specific Canada Post configuration for products at this point.').'
'.$c['id_cp_rate_config'].' '.$product->name.' '.$c['additional_charges'].' '.$configCurrency->sign.' '.$services.'

'; // Add or Edit Product Configuration if (Tools::getValue('action') == 'edit' && Tools::getValue('section') == 'product') { // Loading config $configSelected = Db::getInstance()->getRow('SELECT * FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'cp_rate_config` WHERE `id_cp_rate_config` = '.(int)(Tools::getValue('id_cp_rate_config'))); $product = new Product((int)$configSelected['id_product'], false, (int)$cookie->id_lang); $html .= '

'.$this->l('Update a rule').' ('.$this->l('Add a rule').' ?)


'; $rateServiceList = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('SELECT * FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'cp_rate_service_code`'); foreach($rateServiceList as $rateService) { $configServiceSelected = Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT `id_cp_rate_service_code` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'cp_rate_config_service` WHERE `id_cp_rate_config` = '.(int)(Tools::getValue('id_cp_rate_config')).' AND `id_cp_rate_service_code` = '.(int)($rateService['id_cp_rate_service_code'])); $html .= '_isPostCheck($rateService['id_cp_rate_service_code']) == 1 || $configServiceSelected > 0) ? 'checked="checked"' : '').' /> '.$rateService['service'].'
'; } $html .= '

' . $this->l('Choose the delivery service which will be available for customers.') . '

'; } else { $html .= '

'.$this->l('Add a rule').'

'; $rateServiceList = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('SELECT * FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'cp_rate_service_code`'); foreach($rateServiceList as $rateService) $html .= '_isPostCheck($rateService['id_cp_rate_service_code']) == 1) ? 'checked="checked"' : '').' /> '.$rateService['service'].'
'; $html .= '

' . $this->l('Choose the delivery service which will be available for customers.') . '

'; } return $html; } private function _postValidationProduct() { // Check post values if (Tools::getValue('id_product') == NULL) $this->_postErrors[] = $this->l('You have to select a product.'); if (!$this->_postErrors) { $id_cp_rate_config = Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT `id_cp_rate_config` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'cp_rate_config` WHERE `id_product` = '.(int)Tools::getValue('id_product')); // Check if a config does not exist in Add case if ($id_cp_rate_config > 0 && Tools::getValue('action') == 'add') $this->_postErrors[] = $this->l('This product already has a specific Canada Post configuration.'); // Check if a config exists and if the IDs config correspond in Upd case if (Tools::getValue('action') == 'edit' && (!isset($id_cp_rate_config) || $id_cp_rate_config != Tools::getValue('id_cp_rate_config'))) $this->_postErrors[] = $this->l('An error occurred, please try again.'); // Check if a config exists in Delete case if (Tools::getValue('action') == 'delete' && !isset($id_cp_rate_config)) $this->_postErrors[] = $this->l('An error occurred, please try again.'); } } private function _postProcessProduct() { // Init Var $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $services = Tools::getValue('service'); // Add Script if (Tools::getValue('action') == 'add') { $addTab = array( 'id_product' => (int)(Tools::getValue('id_product')), 'id_category' => 0, 'id_currency' => (int)(Configuration::get('PS_CURRENCY_DEFAULT')), 'additional_charges' => pSQL(Tools::getValue('additional_charges')), 'date_add' => pSQL($date), 'date_upd' => pSQL($date) ); Db::getInstance()->autoExecute(_DB_PREFIX_.'cp_rate_config', $addTab, 'INSERT'); $id_cp_rate_config = Db::getInstance()->Insert_ID(); foreach ($services as $s) { $addTab = array('id_cp_rate_service_code' => pSQL($s), 'id_cp_rate_config' => (int)$id_cp_rate_config, 'date_add' => pSQL($date), 'date_upd' => pSQL($date)); Db::getInstance()->autoExecute(_DB_PREFIX_.'cp_rate_config_service', $addTab, 'INSERT'); } // Display Results if ($id_cp_rate_config > 0) $this->_html .= $this->displayConfirmation($this->l('Settings updated')); else $this->_html .= $this->displayErrors($this->l('Settings failed')); } // Update Script if (Tools::getValue('action') == 'edit' && Tools::getValue('id_cp_rate_config')) { $updTab = array( 'id_currency' => (int)(Configuration::get('PS_CURRENCY_DEFAULT')), 'additional_charges' => pSQL(Tools::getValue('additional_charges')), 'date_upd' => pSQL($date) ); $result = Db::getInstance()->autoExecute(_DB_PREFIX_.'cp_rate_config', $updTab, 'UPDATE', '`id_cp_rate_config` = '.(int)Tools::getValue('id_cp_rate_config')); Db::getInstance()->Execute('DELETE FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'cp_rate_config_service` WHERE `id_cp_rate_config` = '.(int)Tools::getValue('id_cp_rate_config')); foreach ($services as $s) { $addTab = array('id_cp_rate_service_code' => pSQL($s), 'id_cp_rate_config' => (int)Tools::getValue('id_cp_rate_config'), 'date_add' => pSQL($date), 'date_upd' => pSQL($date)); Db::getInstance()->autoExecute(_DB_PREFIX_.'cp_rate_config_service', $addTab, 'INSERT'); } // Display Results if ($result) $this->_html .= $this->displayConfirmation($this->l('Settings updated')); else $this->_html .= $this->displayErrors($this->l('Settings failed')); } // Delete Script if (Tools::getValue('action') == 'delete' && Tools::getValue('id_cp_rate_config')) { $result1 = Db::getInstance()->Execute('DELETE FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'cp_rate_config` WHERE `id_cp_rate_config` = '.(int)Tools::getValue('id_cp_rate_config')); $result2 = Db::getInstance()->Execute('DELETE FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'cp_rate_config_service` WHERE `id_cp_rate_config` = '.(int)Tools::getValue('id_cp_rate_config')); // Display Results if ($result1) $this->_html .= $this->displayConfirmation($this->l('Settings updated')); else $this->_html .= $this->displayErrors($this->l('Settings failed')); } } /* ** Help Config Methods ** */ private function _displayHelp() { return '

'.$this->l('Welcome to the PrestaShop Canada Post Module configurator.').'

'.$this->l('This section will help you to understand how to configure this module correctly.').'

1. '.$this->l('General Settings').'

'.$this->l('See below for the description of each field :').'

'.$this->l('Your Canada Post Account').' : '.$this->l('You must subscribe to Canada Post website at this address').' http://www.canadapost.ca

'.$this->l('Zip / Postal Code').' : '.$this->l('This field must be the Zip / Postal code of your package starting point.').'

'.$this->l('Country').' : '.$this->l('This field must be the country of your package starting point.').'

'.$this->l('Delivery Service').' : '.$this->l('These checkboxes correspond to the delivery services you want to be available (when there is no specific configuration for the product or the category product).').'

2. '.$this->l('Categories Settings').'

'.$this->l('This section allows you to define a specific Canada Post configuration for each product category (such as Additional charges).').'

3. '.$this->l('Products Settings').'

'.$this->l('This section allows you to define a specific Canada Post configuration for each product (such as Additional charges).').'

'; } public function hookupdateCarrier($params) { if ((int)($params['id_carrier']) != (int)($params['carrier']->id)) { $serviceSelected = Db::getInstance()->getRow('SELECT * FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'cp_rate_service_code` WHERE `id_carrier` = '.(int)$params['id_carrier']); $update = array('id_carrier' => (int)($params['carrier']->id), 'id_carrier_history' => pSQL($serviceSelected['id_carrier_history'].'|'.(int)($params['carrier']->id))); Db::getInstance()->autoExecute(_DB_PREFIX_.'cp_rate_service_code', $update, 'UPDATE', '`id_carrier` = '.(int)$params['id_carrier']); } } public function displayInfoByCart() { } /* ** Front Methods ** */ public function getCartCurrencyRate($id_currency_origin, $id_cart) { $conversionRate = 1; $cart = new Cart($id_cart); if ($id_currency_origin > 0 && $cart->id_currency != $id_currency_origin) { $currencyOrigin = new Currency((int)$id_currency_origin); $conversionRate /= $currencyOrigin->conversion_rate; $currencySelect = new Currency((int)$cart->id_currency); $conversionRate *= $currencySelect->conversion_rate; } return $conversionRate; } public function getOrderShippingCostHash($wsParams) { $paramHash = ''; $productHash = ''; foreach ($wsParams['products'] as $product) { if (!empty($productHash)) $productHash .= '|'; $productHash .= $product['id_product'].':'.$product['id_product_attribute'].':'.$product['cart_quantity']; } foreach ($wsParams as $k => $v) if ($k != 'products') $paramHash .= '/'.$v; return md5($productHash.$paramHash.Configuration::get('CP_CARRIER_CALCUL_MODE')); } public function getOrderShippingCostCache($wsParams) { // Get Cache $row = Db::getInstance()->getRow(" SELECT * FROM `"._DB_PREFIX_."cp_cache` WHERE `id_cart` = ".(int)($wsParams['id_cart'])." AND `id_carrier` = ".(int)($this->id_carrier)." AND `hash` = '".pSQL($wsParams['hash'])."'"); if ($row['id_currency']) { // Check Currency Rate And Calcul $conversionRate = $this->getCartCurrencyRate($row['id_currency'], (int)$wsParams['id_cart']); $row['total_charges'] = $row['total_charges'] * $conversionRate; // Return Cache return $row; } return false; } public function saveOrderShippingCostCache($wsParams, $wscost) { $is_available = 1; if (!$wscost) $is_available = 0; $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $cart = new Cart((int)$wsParams['id_cart']); $insert = array( 'id_cart' => (int)($wsParams['id_cart']), 'id_carrier' => (int)($this->id_carrier), 'hash' => pSQL($wsParams['hash']), 'id_currency' => (int)($cart->id_currency), 'total_charges' => pSQL($wscost), 'is_available' => (int)($is_available), 'date_add' => pSQL($date), 'date_upd' => pSQL($date) ); Db::getInstance()->autoExecute(_DB_PREFIX_.'cp_cache', $insert, 'INSERT'); } public function loadShippingCostConfig($product) { // Init var $config = array(); // Check if there is a specific product configuration if ($product['id_product'] > 0) { $productConfiguration = Db::getInstance()->getRow('SELECT * FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'cp_rate_config` WHERE `id_product` = '.(int)($product['id_product'])); if ($productConfiguration['id_cp_rate_config']) { $servicesConfiguration = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS(' SELECT urcs.*, ursc.`id_carrier` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'cp_rate_config_service` urcs LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'cp_rate_service_code` ursc ON (ursc.`id_cp_rate_service_code` = urcs.`id_cp_rate_service_code`) WHERE `id_cp_rate_config` = '.(int)($productConfiguration['id_cp_rate_config'])); foreach ($servicesConfiguration as $service) $productConfiguration['services'][$service['id_cp_rate_service_code']] = $service; return $productConfiguration; } } // Check if there is a specific category configuration if ($product['id_category_default'] > 0) { $categoryConfiguration = Db::getInstance()->getRow('SELECT * FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'cp_rate_config` WHERE `id_category` = '.(int)($product['id_category_default'])); if ($categoryConfiguration['id_cp_rate_config']) { $servicesConfiguration = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS(' SELECT urcs.*, ursc.`id_carrier` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'cp_rate_config_service` urcs LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'cp_rate_service_code` ursc ON (ursc.`id_cp_rate_service_code` = urcs.`id_cp_rate_service_code`) WHERE `id_cp_rate_config` = '.(int)($categoryConfiguration['id_cp_rate_config'])); foreach ($servicesConfiguration as $service) $categoryConfiguration['services'][$service['id_cp_rate_service_code']] = $service; return $categoryConfiguration; } } // Return general config $servicesConfiguration = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('SELECT * FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'cp_rate_service_code` WHERE `active` = 1'); foreach ($servicesConfiguration as $service) $config['services'][$service['id_cp_rate_service_code']] = $service; return $config; } public function getWebserviceShippingCost($wsParams) { // Init var $cost = 0; // Calcul mode condition if (Configuration::get('CP_CARRIER_CALCUL_MODE') == 'onepackage') { $width = 0; $height = 0; $depth = 0; $weight = 0; $id_product = ''; foreach ($wsParams['products'] as $product) { if ($product['width'] && $product['width'] > $width) $width = $product['width']; if ($product['height'] && $product['height'] > $height) $height = $product['height']; if ($product['depth'] && $product['depth'] > $depth) $depth = $product['depth']; if ($product['weight']) $weight += ($product['weight'] * $product['quantity']); $id_product = $product['id_product'].','; } $weight += Tools::getValue('cp_carrier_packaging_weight', Configuration::get('CP_CARRIER_PACKAGING_WEIGHT')); // Get service in adequation with carrier and check if available $servicesConfiguration = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('SELECT * FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'cp_rate_service_code` WHERE `active` = 1'); foreach ($servicesConfiguration as $service) $config['services'][$service['id_cp_rate_service_code']] = $service; $serviceSelected = Db::getInstance()->getRow('SELECT * FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'cp_rate_service_code` WHERE `id_carrier` = '.(int)($this->id_carrier)); if (!isset($config['services'][$serviceSelected['id_cp_rate_service_code']])) return false; $wsParams['service'] = $serviceSelected['service']; $wsParams['package_list'] = array(); $wsParams['package_list'][] = array( 'width' => ($width > 0 ? $width : 7), 'height' => ($height > 0 ? $height : 3), 'depth' => ($depth > 0 ? $depth : 5), 'weight' => ($weight > 0 ? $weight : .5), 'quantity' => 1, 'id_product' => $id_product, ); } else { // Getting shipping cost for each product foreach ($wsParams['products'] as $product) { // Load specific configuration $config = $this->loadShippingCostConfig($product); // Get service in adequation with carrier and check if available $serviceSelected = Db::getInstance()->getRow('SELECT * FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'cp_rate_service_code` WHERE `id_carrier` = '.(int)($this->id_carrier)); if (!isset($config['services'][$serviceSelected['id_cp_rate_service_code']])) return false; // Load param product $wsParams['service'] = $serviceSelected['service']; $wsParams['package_list'][] = array( 'width' => ($product['width'] ? $product['width'] : 1), 'height' => ($product['height'] ? $product['height'] : 1), 'depth' => ($product['depth'] ? $product['depth'] : 1), 'weight' => ($product['weight'] > 0.1 ? $product['weight'] : 0.1), 'quantity' => $product['quantity'], 'id_product' => $product['id_product'], ); // If Additional charges if (isset($config['id_currency']) && isset($config['additional_charges'])) { $conversionRate = 1; $conversionRate = $this->getCartCurrencyRate((int)($config['id_currency']), (int)$wsParams['id_cart']); $cost += ($config['additional_charges'] * $conversionRate); } } } // If webservice return a cost, we add it, else, we return the original shipping cost $result = $this->getCanadaPostShippingCost($wsParams); if ($result['connect'] && $result['cost'] > 0) return ($cost + $result['cost'] + Tools::getValue('cp_carrier_handling_fee', Configuration::get('CP_CARRIER_HANDLING_FEE'))); return false; } public function getOrderShippingCost($params, $shipping_cost) { // Init var $address = new Address($params->id_address_delivery); if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($address)) { // If address is not loaded, we take data from shipping estimator module (if installed) global $cookie; $address->id_country = $cookie->id_country; $address->id_state = $cookie->id_state; $address->postcode = $cookie->postcode; } $recipient_country = Db::getInstance()->getRow('SELECT `iso_code` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'country` WHERE `id_country` = '.(int)($address->id_country)); $recipient_state = Db::getInstance()->getRow('SELECT `iso_code` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'state` WHERE `id_state` = '.(int)($address->id_state)); $shipper_country = Db::getInstance()->getRow('SELECT `iso_code` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'country` WHERE `id_country` = '.(int)(Configuration::get('CP_CARRIER_COUNTRY'))); $shipper_state = Db::getInstance()->getRow('SELECT `iso_code` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'state` WHERE `id_state` = '.(int)(Configuration::get('CP_CARRIER_STATE'))); $products = $params->getProducts(); // Webservices Params $wsParams = array( 'id_cart' => $params->id, 'id_address_delivery' => $params->id_address_delivery, 'recipient_address1' => $address->address1, 'recipient_address2' => $address->address2, 'recipient_postalcode' => $address->postcode, 'recipient_city' => $address->city, 'recipient_country_iso' => $recipient_country['iso_code'], 'recipient_state_iso' => $recipient_state['iso_code'], 'shipper_address1' => Configuration::get('CP_CARRIER_ADDRESS1'), 'shipper_address2' => Configuration::get('CP_CARRIER_ADDRESS2'), 'shipper_postalcode' => Configuration::get('CP_CARRIER_POSTAL_CODE'), 'shipper_city' => Configuration::get('CP_CARRIER_CITY'), 'shipper_country_iso' => $shipper_country['iso_code'], 'shipper_state_iso' => $shipper_state['iso_code'], 'products' => $params->getProducts() ); $wsParams['hash'] = $this->getOrderShippingCostHash($wsParams); // Check cache $cache = $this->getOrderShippingCostCache($wsParams); if ($cache['id_cp_cache'] > 0) { if ($cache['is_available'] == 0) return false; if ($cache['total_charges']) return $cache['total_charges']; } // Get Webservices Cost and Cache it $wscost = $this->getWebserviceShippingCost($wsParams); $this->saveOrderShippingCostCache($wsParams, $wscost); if ($wscost > 0) return $wscost + $shipping_cost; return false; } public function getOrderShippingCostExternal($params) { return $this->getOrderShippingCost($params, 23); } /* ** Webservices Methods ** */ public function webserviceTest($service = '') { // Check API Key if (!Configuration::get('CP_CARRIER_ACCOUNT')) return false; // Example Params for testing $shipper_country = Db::getInstance()->getRow('SELECT `iso_code` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'country` WHERE `id_country` = '.(int)(Configuration::get('CP_CARRIER_COUNTRY'))); $shipper_state = Db::getInstance()->getRow('SELECT `iso_code` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'state` WHERE `id_state` = '.(int)(Configuration::get('CP_CARRIER_STATE'))); $wsParams = array( 'recipient_address1' => Configuration::get('CP_CARRIER_ADDRESS1'), 'recipient_address2' => Configuration::get('CP_CARRIER_ADDRESS2'), 'recipient_postalcode' => Configuration::get('CP_CARRIER_POSTAL_CODE'), 'recipient_city' => Configuration::get('CP_CARRIER_CITY'), 'recipient_country_iso' => $shipper_country['iso_code'], 'recipient_state_iso' => $shipper_state['iso_code'], 'shipper_address1' => Configuration::get('CP_CARRIER_ADDRESS1'), 'shipper_address2' => Configuration::get('CP_CARRIER_ADDRESS2'), 'shipper_postalcode' => Configuration::get('CP_CARRIER_POSTAL_CODE'), 'shipper_city' => Configuration::get('CP_CARRIER_CITY'), 'shipper_country_iso' => $shipper_country['iso_code'], 'shipper_state_iso' => $shipper_state['iso_code'], 'package_list' => array( array('width' => 10, 'height' => 3, 'depth' => 10, 'weight' => 0.75, 'quantity' => 1, 'id_product' => 1), array('width' => 3, 'height' => 3, 'depth' => 3, 'weight' => 0.75, 'quantity' => 1, 'id_product' => 2), ), ); // Unit or Large Test if (!empty($service)) $servicesList = array(array('service' => $service)); else $servicesList = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('SELECT `service` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'cp_rate_service_code`'); // Testing Service foreach ($servicesList as $service) { // Sending Request $service = $service['service']; $wsParams['service'] = $service; $delivery = Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT `result` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'cp_cache_test` WHERE `hash` = \''.pSQL(md5($this->getXml($wsParams).$service)).'\''); if ($delivery) $delivery = unserialize($delivery); else $resultTab = $this->sendRequest($wsParams); // Finding the good delivery service if (isset($resultTab->ratesAndServicesResponse->product)) foreach ($resultTab->ratesAndServicesResponse->product as $d) if (strtolower((string)$d->name) == strtolower($service)) { $delivery = array(); $delivery['name'] = (string)$d->name; $delivery['rate'] = (string)$d->rate; } // Return results if ($delivery) { Db::getInstance()->autoExecute(_DB_PREFIX_.'cp_cache_test', array('hash' => pSQL(md5($this->getXml($wsParams).$service)), 'result' => pSQL(serialize($delivery)), 'date_add' => pSQL(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')), 'date_upd' => pSQL(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))), 'INSERT'); return true; } if (isset($resultTab->error->statusMessage) && (string)$resultTab->error->statusMessage != '') $this->_webserviceError = $this->l('Error').' '.(string)$resultTab->error->statusCode.' : '.(string)$resultTab->error->statusMessage; else { $this->_webserviceError = $this->l('Canada Post Webservice seems to be down, please wait a few minutes and try again.'); return false; } } return false; } public function getCanadaPostShippingCost($wsParams) { // Check Arguments if (!$wsParams) return array('connect' => false, 'cost' => 0); // Sending Request $resultTab = $this->sendRequest($wsParams); // Finding the good delivery service if (isset($resultTab->ratesAndServicesResponse->product) && $resultTab->ratesAndServicesResponse->product) foreach ($resultTab->ratesAndServicesResponse->product as $d) if (strtolower((string)$d->name) != '' && strtolower((string)$d->name) == strtolower($wsParams['service'])) { $delivery = array(); $delivery['name'] = (string)$d->name; $delivery['rate'] = (string)$d->rate; } if (!isset($delivery)) return array('connect' => false, 'cost' => 0); // Check currency $conversionRate = $this->getCartCurrencyRate(Currency::getIdByIsoCode('CAD'), $wsParams['id_cart']); // Return results return array('connect' => true, 'cost' => $delivery['rate'] * $conversionRate); } public function sendRequest($wsParams) { // POST Request $errno = $errstr = $result = ''; $xml = $this->getXml($wsParams); if (is_callable('curl_exec')) { // Curl Request $ch = curl_init("http://sellonline.canadapost.ca"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 60); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PORT, 30000); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $xml); $result = curl_exec($ch); } else { // FsockOpen Request $timeout = 5; $fp = fsockopen("http://sellonline.canadapost.ca:30000", "80", $errno, $errstr, $timeout); if ($fp) { $request = "POST HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $request .= "Host: sellonline.canadapost.ca\r\n"; $request .= "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"; $request .= "Connection: Close\r\n"; $request .= "Content-length: ".strlen($xml)."\r\n\r\n"; $request .= $xml."\r\n\r\n"; fwrite($fp, $request); stream_set_blocking($fp, TRUE); stream_set_timeout($fp,$timeout); $info = stream_get_meta_data($fp); $result = ''; while ((!feof($fp)) && (!$info['timed_out'])) { $result .= fgets($fp, 4096); $info = stream_get_meta_data($fp); } if ($info['timed_out']) { $this->_webserviceError = $this->l('Canada Post Webservice timed out.'); return false; } } else { $this->_webserviceError = $this->l('Could not connect to CanadaPost.com'); return false; } } // Get xml from HTTP Result $data = strstr($result, ' $p) { // KG, LB, OU conversions if ($this->_weightUnit == 'LB' || $this->_weightUnit == 'LBS') $p['weight'] = round($p['weight'] / 2.20462262); // Replace in template $search = array( '[[Quantity]]', '[[PackageWeight]]', '[[Length]]', '[[Width]]', '[[Height]]', '[[Name]]', ); $replace = array( $p['quantity'], $p['weight'], $p['width'], $p['height'], $p['depth'], 'Product '.$p['id_product'], ); $xmlPackageList .= str_replace($search, $replace, $xmlPackageTemplate); } // Template Xml $search = array( '[[IsoCode]]', '[[UserLogin]]', '[[ShipFromPostalCode]]', '[[ItemsPrice]]', '[[ShipToCity]]', '[[ShipToStateCode]]', '[[ShipToCountryCode]]', '[[ShipToPostalCode]]', '[[PackageList]]', ); $replace = array( 'EN', Configuration::get('CP_CARRIER_ACCOUNT'), $wsParams['shipper_postalcode'], 10, $wsParams['recipient_city'], $wsParams['recipient_state_iso'], $wsParams['recipient_country_iso'], $wsParams['recipient_postalcode'], $xmlPackageList, ); $xmlTemplate = @file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__).'/xml.tpl'); $xml = str_replace($search, $replace, $xmlTemplate); // Return return $xml; } }