name = 'bulkstatus'; $this->tab = 'administration'; $this->version = '1.0'; parent::__construct(); $this->displayName = $this->l('Bulk status edition'); $this->description = $this->l('Mass status changes'); $this->_html = ''; } public function install() { if (!parent::install()) return false; return true; } function uninstall() { if (parent::uninstall() == false) return false; return true; } function getContent() { $expeditor = False; if(is_dir(dirname(__FILE__).'/../expeditor')) { $m = Module::getInstanceByName('expeditor'); if($m->active) { $expeditor = True; } } global $cookie; $this->_html = '


'; $this->_displayForm(); if((Tools::getValue('submitFilter') || Tools::getValue('submitExport')) and (Tools::getValue('filterState') || Tools::getValue('date_from') || Tools::getValue('date_to'))) { $states = array(); foreach(Tools::getValue('filterState') as $s) { $states[] = (int) $s; } $orders = array(); if(count($states) > 0) { foreach($states as $state) { foreach(Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->ExecuteS(' SELECT id_order FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'orders o WHERE '.$state.' = ( SELECT id_order_state FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'order_history oh WHERE oh.id_order = o .id_order ORDER BY date_add DESC, id_order_history DESC LIMIT 1 ) '.(Tools::getValue('date_from')?' AND date_add >= "'.pSQL(Tools::getValue('date_from')).'"':'').(Tools::getValue('date_to')? ' AND date_add < "'.pSQL(Tools::getValue('date_to')).'"':'').' ORDER BY invoice_date ASC ') as $o) { $orders[] = $o['id_order']; } } } else { foreach(Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->ExecuteS(' SELECT id_order FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'orders o WHERE '.(Tools::getValue('date_from')?' date_add >= "'.pSQL(Tools::getValue('date_from')).'"':'').(Tools::getValue('date_to')? (Tools::getValue('date_from')?' AND ':'').' date_add < "'.pSQL(Tools::getValue('date_to')).'"':'').' ORDER BY invoice_date ASC ') as $o) { $orders[] = $o['id_order']; } } if(Tools::getValue('submitFilter')) { $this->_html .= '

'; if($expeditor) { $this->_html .= ''; } $this->_html .= ' '; foreach($orders as $order_id) { $order = new Order($order_id); $customer = new Customer($order->id_customer); $carrier = new Carrier($order->id_carrier, $cookie->id_lang); $weight = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getRow(' SELECT SUM(product_weight * product_quantity) AS `weight` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'order_detail` WHERE `id_order` = '.(int) $order_id.' '); $this->_html .= ''; if($expeditor) { $this->_html .= ''; } $this->_html .= ''; } $this->_html .= '
'.$this->l('ID').' '.$this->l('ID Customer').' '.$this->l('Customer').' '.$this->l('Carrier').' '.$this->l('Date').' '.$this->l('Total').''.$this->l('Package weight (Expeditor INET)').'
'.$order_id.' '.$order->id_customer.' '.$customer->lastname.' '.$customer->firstname.' '.$carrier->name.' '.$order->date_add.' '.$order->total_paid_real.'

'; $this->_html .= ' '; $this->_html .= '

'; } else { foreach(glob(dirname(__FILE__).'/*.csv') as $filename) { unlink($filename); } $fname = Tools::passwdGen(10).'.csv'; $f = fopen(dirname(__FILE__).'/'.$fname, 'w'); fwrite($f, 'id_order;id_customer;customer;carrier;date;total'."\n"); foreach($orders as $order_id) { $order = new Order($order_id); $customer = new Customer($order->id_customer); $carrier = new Carrier($order->id_carrier, $cookie->id_lang); fputcsv($f, array( $order_id, $order->id_customer, $customer->lastname.' '.$customer->firstname, $carrier->name, $order->date_add, $order->total_paid_real, ), ';'); } fclose($f); $this->_html .= '
'.$this->l('Export to CSV').' '.$this->l('Click here to download the file').'

'; } } elseif (isset($_POST['submitStatus']) and Tools::getValue('orderState') and Tools::getValue('order')) { $orders = Tools::getValue('order'); foreach($orders as $id_order) { if(Tools::getValue('noMail')) { Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS(' INSERT INTO `'._DB_PREFIX_.'order_history` VALUES ( DEFAULT, '.(int) $cookie->id_employee.', '.(int) $id_order.', '.(int) Tools::getValue('orderState').', NOW() ) '); } else { $history = new OrderHistory(); $history->id_order = (int) $id_order; $history->changeIdOrderState((int) Tools::getValue('orderState'), (int) $id_order); $history->addWithemail(); } if($expeditor) { $expeditor_state = Configuration::getInt('EXPEDITOR_STATE_EXP'); if(is_array($expeditor_state)) { $expeditor_state = array_values($expeditor_state); $expeditor_state = $expeditor_state[0]; } if($expeditor_state == Tools::getValue('orderState') && isset($_POST['weight_'.$id_order])) { Db::getInstance()->Execute('INSERT INTO `'._DB_PREFIX_.'expeditor` VALUES (DEFAULT, '.$id_order.', '.intval(Tools::getValue('weight_'.$id_order)).', 0, 0, NOW(), NOW())'); } } } $this->_html .= '
'.$this->displayConfirmation($this->l('Status updated successfully')); } return $this->_html; } private function _displayForm() { global $cookie; $this->_html .= '
'.$this->l('Filter orders').'

'; $this->_html .='
'; } }