* @copyright 2007-2011 PrestaShop SA * @version Release: $Revision: 8783 $ * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php Academic Free License (AFL 3.0) * International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA */ if (!defined('_PS_VERSION_')) exit; require_once(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . "dejala/dejalaconfig.php"); require_once(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . "dejala/dejalautils.php"); require_once(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . "dejala/dejalacarrierutils.php"); require_once(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . "dejala/dejalacart.php"); require_once(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . "dejala/calendarutils.php"); /** * This module enables the interractions with dejala.com carrier services **/ class Dejala extends CarrierModule { const INSTALL_SQL_FILE = 'install.sql'; public $DEJALA_DEBUG = FALSE; public $dejalaConfig; public $id_lang ; private $wday_labels ; private static $INSTANCE = NULL ; public static function getInstance() { if (!self::$INSTANCE) { self::$INSTANCE = new Dejala(); } return self::$INSTANCE; } public function __construct() { global $cookie ; //TODO Iso code of countries where the module can be used, if none module available for all countries $this->limited_countries = array('fr'); $this->name = 'dejala'; $this->tab = 'shipping_logistics'; $this->version = 1.4; $this->internal_version = '1.3'; $this->id_lang = (!isset($cookie) OR !is_object($cookie)) ? (int)(Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT')) : (int)($cookie->id_lang); $this->wday_labels = array($this->l('Sunday'), $this->l('Monday'), $this->l('Tuesday'), $this->l('Wednesday'), $this->l('Thursday'), $this->l('Friday'), $this->l('Saturday')); parent::__construct(); // The parent construct is required for translations $this->page = basename(__FILE__, '.php'); $this->displayName = $this->l('Dejala.com : Courier delivery'); $this->description = $this->l('Lets Dejala.com handle your deliveries by courier'); // load configuration only if installed if ($this->id) { if (true !== extension_loaded('curl')) { $this->warning = $this->l('The Dejala module requires php extension cURL to function properly. Please install the php extension "cURL"'); } $this->dejalaConfig = new DejalaConfig(); $this->dejalaConfig->loadConfig(); // Update table schema if (!isset($this->dejalaConfig->internal_version) || $this->dejalaConfig->internal_version < $this->internal_version) { $this->unregisterHook('cart') ; $res = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('SELECT * FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'dejala_cart` LIMIT 1') ; if ($res) { if (!array_key_exists('cart_date_upd', (int)$res[0])) { Db::getInstance()->Execute('ALTER TABLE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'dejala_cart` ADD COLUMN cart_date_upd DATETIME DEFAULT 0;'); } if (!array_key_exists('delivery_price', (int)$res[0])) { Db::getInstance()->Execute('ALTER TABLE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'dejala_cart` ADD COLUMN delivery_price FLOAT DEFAULT NULL;'); } } $this->dejalaConfig->internal_version = $this->internal_version ; $this->dejalaConfig->saveConfig() ; } } } /** * install dejala module */ public function install() { if (!file_exists(dirname(__FILE__).'/'.self::INSTALL_SQL_FILE)) return (false); elseif (!$sql = file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__).'/'.self::INSTALL_SQL_FILE)) return (false); $sql = str_replace(array('PREFIX_', 'ENGINE_TYPE'), array(_DB_PREFIX_, _MYSQL_ENGINE_), $sql); $sql = preg_split("/;\s*[\r\n]+/",$sql); foreach ($sql as $query) if (!empty($query)) { if (!Db::getInstance()->Execute(trim($query))) return (false); } if (parent::install() == false OR $this->registerHook('updateOrderStatus') == false OR $this->registerHook('extraCarrier') == false OR $this->registerHook('processCarrier') == false) return (false); $this->dejalaConfig = new DejalaConfig(); if (!$this->dejalaConfig->saveConfig()) return (false); DejalaCarrierUtils::createDejalaCarrier($this->dejalaConfig) ; return (true); } public function uninstall() { // If Dejala is default carrier, try to set another one as default $djlCarrier = DejalaCarrierUtils::getCarrierByName($this->name) ; if (Configuration::get('PS_CARRIER_DEFAULT') == (int)($djlCarrier->id)) { $carriers = Carrier::getCarriers($cookie->id_lang, true, false, false, NULL, Carrier::PS_CARRIERS_AND_CARRIER_MODULES_NEED_RANGE); foreach($carriers as $carrier) { if ($carrier['active'] AND !$carrier['deleted'] AND ($carrier['external_module_name'] != $this->name)) { Configuration::updateValue('PS_CARRIER_DEFAULT', (int)$carrier['id_carrier']); break ; } } } $djlCarrier->deleted = 1; if (!$djlCarrier->update()) return false; $this->dejalaConfig->uninstall(); if (!parent::uninstall() OR !$this->unregisterHook('updateOrderStatus') OR !$this->unregisterHook('extraCarrier') OR !$this->unregisterHook('processCarrier')) return false; return true; } /** * Data validation for module configuration **/ public function _postValidation() { $errors = array(); $method = Tools::getValue('method'); if ($method == 'signin') { if (empty($_POST['login'])) $errors[] = $this->l('login is required.'); if (empty($_POST['password'])) $errors[] = $this->l('password is required.'); if (empty($_POST['country'])) $errors[] = $this->l('country is required.'); } elseif ($method == 'register') { if (empty($_POST['login'])) $errors[] = $this->l('login is required.'); if (empty($_POST['login']) OR !Validate::isEmail($_POST['login'])) $errors[] = $this->l('login must be a valid e-mail address.'); if (empty($_POST['password'])) $errors[] = $this->l('password is required.'); if (empty($_POST['store_name'])) $errors[] = $this->l('Shop name is required.'); if (empty($_POST['country'])) $errors[] = $this->l('country is required.'); } elseif ($method == 'products') { $products = array(); $djlUtil = new DejalaUtils(); $responseArray = $djlUtil->getStoreProducts($this->dejalaConfig, $products); if ('200' != $responseArray['status']) $products = array(); foreach ($_POST as $key=>$value) { if (0 === strpos($key, 'margin_')) { $this->mylog( "key=" . substr($key, 7) ); $productID = (int)(substr($key, 7)); if ( is_null($_POST[$key]) || (0 == strlen($_POST[$key])) ) $_POST[$key] = 0; $_POST[$key] = str_replace(',', '.', $_POST[$key]); $_POST[$key] = str_replace(' ', '', $_POST[$key]); if (!Validate::isFloat($_POST[$key])) { $errors[] = $value . ' ' . $this->l('is not a valid margin.'); } $margin = (float)($_POST[$key]); foreach ($products as $l_product) { if ((int)$l_product['id'] == (int)$productID) { $product = (int)$l_product; break; } } if ($product) { $vat_factor = (1+ ($product['vat'] / 100)); $public_price = round($product['price']*$vat_factor, 2); $public_price = round($public_price + $margin, 2); if ($public_price < 0) $errors[] = $value . ' ' . $this->l('is not a valid margin.'); } } } } return ($errors); } /** * Module configuration request processing **/ public function _postProcess() { global $smarty; $errors = array(); $method = Tools::getValue('method'); if ($method == 'signin') { $djlUtil = new DejalaUtils(); $this->dejalaConfig->mode = 'TEST'; $this->dejalaConfig->login = Tools::getValue('login'); $this->dejalaConfig->password = Tools::getValue('password'); $this->dejalaConfig->country = Tools::getValue('country'); $this->dejalaConfig->serviceURL = str_replace('.fr', '.'.$this->dejalaConfig->country, $this->dejalaConfig->serviceURL); $this->dejalaConfig->sandboxServiceURL = str_replace('.fr', '.'.$this->dejalaConfig->country, $this->dejalaConfig->sandboxServiceURL); $storeAttr = array(); $response = $djlUtil->ping($this->dejalaConfig, 'TEST'); if ($response['status'] == 200) { $this->dejalaConfig->saveConfig(); } else { if ($response['status'] == 401) $errors[] = $this->l('An error occurred while authenticating your account on Dejala.com. Your credentials were not recognized.'); else $errors[] = $this->l('Unable to process the action.') . '(' . $response['status'] . ')'; $this->dejalaConfig->login = null; $this->dejalaConfig->password = null; } } elseif ($method == 'register') { $djlUtil = new DejalaUtils(); $this->dejalaConfig->mode = 'TEST'; $this->dejalaConfig->login = Tools::getValue('login'); $this->dejalaConfig->password = Tools::getValue('password'); $this->dejalaConfig->country = Tools::getValue('country'); $this->dejalaConfig->serviceURL = str_replace('.fr', '.'.$this->dejalaConfig->country, $this->dejalaConfig->serviceURL); $this->dejalaConfig->sandboxServiceURL = str_replace('.fr', '.'.$this->dejalaConfig->country, $this->dejalaConfig->sandboxServiceURL); $this->dejalaConfig->storeUrl = Dejala::getHttpHost(true, true) ; $response = $djlUtil->createInstantStore($this->dejalaConfig, Tools::getValue('store_name')); if ($response['status'] == 201) $this->dejalaConfig->saveConfig(); elseif ($response['status'] == 409) $errors[] = $this->l('Please choose another login'); elseif ($response['status'] == 403) $errors[] = $this->l('Dejala Server cannot be reached by your Prestashop server. This is most likely due to a limit set by your hosting provider. Please contact their technical support and ask if your server is authorized to initiate outbound HTTP connections.'); else $errors[] = $this->l('Unable to process the action.') . '(' . $response['status'] . ')'; $this->dejalaConfig->loadConfig(); } elseif ($method == 'location') { $djlUtil = new DejalaUtils(); $response = $djlUtil->setStoreLocation($this->dejalaConfig, $_POST); if ($response['status'] != 200) $errors[] = $this->l('An error occurred while updating location'); } elseif ($method == 'contact') { $djlUtil = new DejalaUtils(); $response = $djlUtil->setStoreContacts($this->dejalaConfig, $_POST); if ($response['status'] != 200) $errors[] = $this->l('An error occurred while updating contacts'); } elseif ($method == 'processes') { $djlUtil = new DejalaUtils(); $response = $djlUtil->setStoreProcesses($this->dejalaConfig, $_POST); if ($response['status'] != 200) $errors[] = $this->l('An error occurred while updating processes'); } elseif ($method == 'products') { $djlUtil = new DejalaUtils(); $response = $djlUtil->setStoreProducts($this->dejalaConfig, $_POST); if ($response['status'] != 200) $errors[] = $this->l('An error occurred while updating products'); } elseif ($method == 'technical_options') { $maxSatuses = (int)$_POST['status_max']; if ($maxSatuses > 30) $maxSatuses = 30; $selectedTriggers=array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $maxSatuses; $i++) { $l_val = Tools::getValue('status_'.$i); if ($l_val) $selectedTriggers[] = $l_val; } $trigerringStatuses = implode(',', $selectedTriggers); $this->dejalaConfig->trigerringStatuses = htmlentities($trigerringStatuses, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); $this->dejalaConfig->saveConfig(); $this->dejalaConfig->loadConfig(); } elseif ($method == 'delivery_options') { $djlUtil = new DejalaUtils(); $response = $djlUtil->setStoreCalendar($this->dejalaConfig, $_POST); if ($response['status'] != 200) $errors[] = $this->l('An error occurred while updating products'); $m_attributes['nb_days_displayed'] = htmlentities(Tools::getValue('nb_days'), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); $m_attributes['delivery_delay'] = htmlentities(Tools::getValue('delivery_delay'), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); $m_attributes['delivery_partial'] = htmlentities(Tools::getValue('delivery_partial'), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); $response = $djlUtil->setStoreAttributes($this->dejalaConfig, $m_attributes); if ($response['status'] != 200) $errors[] = $this->l('An error occurred while updating products'); } elseif ($method == 'golive') { $djlUtil = new DejalaUtils(); $response = $djlUtil->goLive($this->dejalaConfig, $_POST); } elseif ($method == 'switchMode') { $l_mode = Tools::getValue('mode'); if ( ('PROD' == $l_mode) || ('TEST' == $l_mode) ) { $this->dejalaConfig->mode = $l_mode; $this->dejalaConfig->saveConfig(); } } elseif ($method == 'switchActive') { $l_active = Tools::getValue('visibility_status'); if (($l_active == "visible") || ($l_active == "invisible")) { $this->dejalaConfig->visibility_status = $l_active; $this->dejalaConfig->saveConfig(); } if ($l_active == "visible_limited") { $l_active_list = Tools::getValue('visible_users_list'); if ($l_active_list == "") { $this->dejalaConfig->visible_users_list = ""; $this->dejalaConfig->saveConfig(); $errors[] = $this->l('You must provide at least one email address to restrict Dejala\'s visibility.'); } else { $this->dejalaConfig->visibility_status = $l_active; $this->dejalaConfig->visible_users_list = $l_active_list; $this->dejalaConfig->saveConfig(); } } } else $errors[] = $this->l('Unable to process the action.'); return ($errors); } public function getContent() { global $smarty; $smarty->assign('country', $this->dejalaConfig->country); $output = $this->display(__FILE__, 'dejala_header.tpl'); if (!empty($_POST)) { $errors = $this->_postValidation(); if (!count($errors)) $errors = $this->_postProcess(); if (count($errors)) foreach ($errors AS $err) $output .= '
'. $err .'
'; else { $method = Tools::getValue('method'); $output .= '
'.$this->l('Settings updated').(($method == 'signin' OR $method == 'register' OR $method == 'golive') ? '' : '').'
'; } } $output = $output . $this->displayForm(); return ($output); } public function displayForm() { global $smarty, $cookie; $errors = array(); $outputMain = ''; $smarty->assign("djl_mode", $this->dejalaConfig->mode); $smarty->assign("disabled", ''); if ($this->dejalaConfig->mode == 'PROD') $smarty->assign("disabled", 'disabled="disabled"'); if (true !== extension_loaded('curl')) { $errors[] = $this->l('This module requires php extension cURL to function properly. Please install the php extension "cURL" first.'); $smarty->assign("disabled", 'disabled="disabled"'); } $registered = TRUE; if ((0 == strlen($this->dejalaConfig->login)) || (0 == strlen($this->dejalaConfig->password))) $registered= FALSE; if ($registered) { $djlUtil = new DejalaUtils(); $responsePing = $djlUtil->ping($this->dejalaConfig, $this->dejalaConfig->mode); if (200 != $responsePing['status']) { if (401 == $responsePing['status']) $errors[] = $this->l('An error occurred while authenticating your account on Dejala.com. Your credentials were not recognized.'); else $errors[] = $this->l('An error occurred while authenticating your account on Dejala.com. This may be due to a temporary network or platform problem. Please try again later or contact Dejala.com'); unset($_GET['cat']); $registered= FALSE; } } $smarty->assign("registered", $registered?"1":"0"); if (!isset($_GET['cat']) || ($_GET['cat']==='home') || ($_GET['cat']==='')) $currentTab="home"; else $currentTab=$_GET['cat']; $smarty->assign("currentTab", $currentTab); $smarty->assign("moduleConfigURL", 'index.php?tab=AdminModules&configure=dejala&token='.$_GET['token']); $smarty->assign("formAction", Tools::safeOutput($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])); $outputMenu = $this->display(__FILE__, 'dejala_menu.tpl'); if ($currentTab==='home') { $smarty->assign("login", html_entity_decode(Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_EMAIL'), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); if ($registered) { $smarty->assign("visibility_status", $this->dejalaConfig->visibility_status); $smarty->assign("visible_users_list", $this->dejalaConfig->visible_users_list); $smarty->assign("store_login", html_entity_decode($this->dejalaConfig->login, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); $smartifyErrors = $this->smartyfyStoreAttributes(); if (isset($smartifyErrors) && count($smartifyErrors)) $errors = $smartifyErrors; } else { $shopName = Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_NAME'); if (strlen($shopName) >= 15) $shopName = substr($shopName, 0, 15); $smarty->assign("store_name", html_entity_decode($shopName, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); } $outputMain = $this->display(__FILE__, 'dejala_home.tpl'); } elseif ($currentTab==='contacts') { $contacts = array(); $djlUtil = new DejalaUtils(); $responseArray = $djlUtil->getStoreContacts($this->dejalaConfig, $contacts); if ('200' == $responseArray['status']) { foreach ($contacts as $contactName=>$contactData) { foreach ($contactData as $key=>$value) { $smarty->assign($contactName.'_'.$key, $value); } } } $outputMain = $this->display(__FILE__, 'dejala_contacts.tpl'); } elseif ($currentTab === 'location') { $location = array(); $djlUtil = new DejalaUtils(); $responseArray = $djlUtil->getStoreLocation($this->dejalaConfig, $location); if ('200' == $responseArray['status']) { foreach ($location as $key=>$value) $smarty->assign($key, $value); $outputMain = $this->display(__FILE__, 'dejala_location.tpl'); } } elseif ($currentTab==='processes') { $processes = array(); $djlUtil = new DejalaUtils(); $responseArray = $djlUtil->getStoreProcesses($this->dejalaConfig, $processes); if ('200' == $responseArray['status']) { foreach ($processes as $key=>$value) $smarty->assign($key, $value); $outputMain = $this->display(__FILE__, 'dejala_processes.tpl'); } } elseif ($currentTab==='prices') { $products = array(); $djlUtil = new DejalaUtils(); $responseArray = $djlUtil->getStoreProducts($this->dejalaConfig, $products); if ('200' == $responseArray['status']) { //price = price_HT*(inv_vat) foreach ($products as &$product) { $vat_factor = (1+ ($product['vat'] / 100)); $product['price_notax'] = number_format($product['price'], 2, '.', ''); $product['price'] = number_format(round($product['price']*$vat_factor, 2), 2, '.', ''); $product['public_price'] = number_format(round($product['price'] + $product['margin'], 2), 2, '.', ''); $product['public_price_notax'] = number_format(round($product['public_price']/$vat_factor, 2), 2, '.', ''); } $smarty->assign('products', $products); $outputMain = $this->display(__FILE__, 'dejala_products.tpl'); } } elseif ($currentTab === 'accounting') { $smartifyErrors = $this->smartyfyStoreAttributes(); if (isset($smartifyErrors) && count($smartifyErrors)) $errors = $smartifyErrors; $djlUtil = new DejalaUtils(); $deliveries = array(); $responseArray = $djlUtil->getStoreDeliveries($this->dejalaConfig, $deliveries); if ('200'==$responseArray['status']) { foreach ($deliveries as &$delivery) { $delivery['creation_date'] = date('d/m/Y', $delivery['creation_utc']); $delivery['creation_time'] = date('H\hi', $delivery['creation_utc']); if (isset($delivery['shipping_start_utc'])) { $delivery['shipping_date'] = date('d/m/Y', $delivery['shipping_start_utc']); $delivery['shipping_start'] = date('H\hi', $delivery['shipping_start_utc']); $delivery['shipping_stop'] = date('H\hi', (int)($delivery['shipping_start_utc']) + 3600*(int)($delivery['timelimit']) ); } else { $delivery['shipping_date'] = ''; $delivery['shipping_start'] = ''; $delivery['shipping_stop'] = ''; } if (isset($delivery['delivery_utc'])) { $delivery['delivery_date'] = date('d/m/Y', $delivery['delivery_utc']); $delivery['delivery_time'] = date('H\hi', $delivery['delivery_utc']); } } $smarty->assign('formAction', __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'modules/' . $this->name . '/deliveries_csv.php'); $smarty->assign('defaultDateFrom', date('01/m/Y')); $smarty->assign('defaultDateTo', date('d/m/Y')); $smarty->assign('deliveries', $deliveries); $outputMain = $this->display(__FILE__, 'dejala_deliveries.tpl'); } } elseif ($currentTab==='delivery_options') { $outputMain = $this->displayDeliveryOptions(); } elseif ($_GET['cat']==='technical_options') { $states = $this->getOrderStates(); $triggers = explode(',', $this->dejalaConfig->trigerringStatuses); $orderStatuses = array(); foreach ($states as $status) { $m_status['id'] = (int)$status['id_order_state']; $m_status['label'] = $status['name']; if (in_array($status['id_order_state'], $triggers)) $m_status['checked'] = '1'; else $m_status['checked'] = '0'; $orderStatuses[] = $m_status; } $smarty->assign('statuses', $orderStatuses); $smarty->assign('trigerringStatuses', $this->dejalaConfig->trigerringStatuses); $outputMain = $this->display(__FILE__, 'dejala_technical_options.tpl'); } $outputErr = ''; if (count($errors)) foreach ($errors AS $err) $outputErr .= '
'. $err .'
'; $output = $outputErr; $output = $output . $outputMenu; $output = $output . $outputMain; $output = $output . $this->display(__FILE__, 'dejala_footer.tpl'); return $output; } // put in smarty context store attributes function smartyfyStoreAttributes() { global $smarty; $errors = array(); $djlUtil = new DejalaUtils(); $storeAttrs = array(); $response = $djlUtil->getStoreAttributes($this->dejalaConfig, $storeAttrs); if (200 != $response['status']) $errors[] = $this->l('An error occurred while getting store, please try again later or contact Dejala.com'); else { $smarty->assign("account_balance", $storeAttrs['account_balance']); $smarty->assign("store_name", $storeAttrs['name']); // Check if account exists in production $responsePing = $djlUtil->ping($this->dejalaConfig, 'PROD'); if ('200' == $responsePing['status']) $smarty->assign('isLiveReady', '1'); else { $smarty->assign('isLiveReady', '0'); if (isset($storeAttrs['attributes']) && isset($storeAttrs['attributes']['request_live']) && ($storeAttrs['attributes']['request_live']=='true')) $smarty->assign('isLiveRequested', '1'); else $smarty->assign('isLiveRequested', '0'); } } return ($errors); } function getOrderStates(){ global $cookie; $states = OrderState::getOrderStates($this->id_lang); return ($states); } function displayDeliveryOptions(){ global $smarty; /* Au moment du choix du créneau Pour déterminer le créneau de départ proposé : - Aller sur le prochain créneau libre - Ajouter le délai de traitement de la commande - Aller sur le prochain créneau libre - Le marchand configure l ouverture de sa boutique en weedkay (hStart-hStop) + exception (date fermeture) tous produits confondus On fait le min au moment de l afichage des creneaux dispo => trouver une slideBar avec deux curseurs */ $output = ''; $djlUtil = new DejalaUtils(); $response = $djlUtil->getStoreAttributes($this->dejalaConfig, $store); if ($response['status'] == 200) { $smarty->assign('nb_days', $store['attributes']['nb_days_displayed']); $smarty->assign('delivery_delay', $store['attributes']['delivery_delay']); if (isset($store['attributes']['delivery_partial'])) $smarty->assign('delivery_partial', $store['attributes']['delivery_partial']); } $wday_selected = array(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1); $smarty->assign('timetable_css', _MODULE_DIR_.$this->name.'/timetable.css'); $smarty->assign("timetable_js", _MODULE_DIR_.$this->name.'/timetable.js'); $smarty->assign("weekdayLabels", $this->wday_labels); $smarty->assign("weekdaySelected", $wday_selected); $calendar = array(); $response = $djlUtil->getStoreCalendar($this->dejalaConfig, $calendar); if ($response['status'] == 200) { $smarty->assign("calendar", $calendar); $smarty->assign("timetableTpl", dirname(__FILE__)."/dejala_picking_timetable.tpl"); } $output = $output . $this->display(__FILE__, 'dejala_delivery_options.tpl'); return ($output); } /** * Retourne FALSE si un des produits du cart n'est pas en stock, retourne FALSE sinon **/ function isCartOutOfStock($cart) { $products = $cart->getProducts(); foreach ($products as $product) { $this->mylog('product:'); $this->mylog($this->logValue($product, 1)); $orderedQuantity = (_PS_VERSION_ < "" ? (int)($product['quantity']) : (int)($product['cart_quantity'])); $productQuantity = (int)($product['stock_quantity']); if ( ($productQuantity < $orderedQuantity) || ($productQuantity <= 0) ) return (TRUE); } return (FALSE); } /** ** Affiche le transporteur Dejala.com dans la liste des transporteurs sur le Front Office */ public function hookExtraCarrier($params) { global $smarty, $defaultCountry; $cart = $params['cart']; $cookie = $params['cookie']; $this->hooklog("ExtraCarrier", $params); // Check if Dejala should be visible if ($this->dejalaConfig->visibility_status == "invisible") return ; if (($this->dejalaConfig->visibility_status == "visible_limited") && ((int)($cookie->id_customer) > 0)) { $customer = new Customer((int)($cookie->id_customer)); if (!in_array($customer->email, preg_split("/[\s,]+/", $this->dejalaConfig->visible_users_list))) return ; } $djlUtil = new DejalaUtils(); $responseGetStore = $djlUtil->getStoreAttributes($this->dejalaConfig, $store); if ($responseGetStore['status']!='200') return ; $isCartOutOfStock = '0'; if ($this->isCartOutOfStock($cart)) $isCartOutOfStock = '1'; $this->mylog('isCartOutOfStock=' . $isCartOutOfStock . ''); $acceptPartial = true; if (!isset($store['attributes']) || !isset($store['attributes']['delivery_partial']) || ($store['attributes']['delivery_partial'] != '1')) $acceptPartial = false; if ( ($isCartOutOfStock == '1') && !$acceptPartial) return ; $electedProduct = $this->getDejalaProduct($cart) ; // Get id zone if (isset($cart->id_address_delivery) AND $cart->id_address_delivery) $id_zone = (int)Address::getZoneById((int)($cart->id_address_delivery)); else $id_zone = (int)$defaultCountry->id_zone; $djlCarrier = DejalaCarrierUtils::getCarrierByName($this->name) ; $this->mylog("electedCarrier=" . $this->logValue($djlCarrier,1)); if ($djlCarrier == null) return null ; // Calcul des dates dispo $productCalendar = $electedProduct['calendar']['entries']; // MFR090831 - add picking time : the store is open to (stop_hour - picking time), it is more natural to merchants to set opening hours instead of dejala delivery time if ($electedProduct['pickingtime']) $pickingtime = (int)($electedProduct['pickingtime']); else $pickingtime = $electedProduct['timelimit']; $djlUtil = new DejalaUtils(); $storeCalendar = array(); $calendar = array(); $response = $djlUtil->getStoreCalendar($this->dejalaConfig, $storeCalendar); $this->mylog("productCalendar=" . $this->logValue($productCalendar,1)); $this->mylog("storeCalendar=" . $this->logValue($storeCalendar,1)); $this->mylog("response['status']=" . $response['status']); if ($response['status'] == 200) { foreach ($storeCalendar['entries'] as $weekday=>$calEntry) { if (isset($productCalendar[$weekday])) { $calendar[$weekday]["weekday"] = $weekday; $calendar[$weekday]["start_hour"] = max((int)($productCalendar[$weekday]["start_hour"]), (int)($calEntry["start_hour"])); // MFR090831 - manage picking time : the store is open to (stop_hour - picking time) $calendar[$weekday]["stop_hour"] = min((int)($productCalendar[$weekday]["stop_hour"]-1), (int)($calEntry["stop_hour"] - $pickingtime)); if ($calendar[$weekday]["stop_hour"] < $calendar[$weekday]["start_hour"]) unset($calendar[$weekday]); } } } // Calcul de la date de démarrage pour les créneaux : // Avancement jusque jour dispo & ouvert // Ajout du temps de préparation : 0.5 jour ou 1 nb de jours // Ajustement de l'heure sur l'ouverture ou l'heure suivante xxh00 $deliveryDelay = $store['attributes']['delivery_delay']; $skipCurDay = false ; $calUtils = new CalendarUtils(); $all_exceptions = array_merge($storeCalendar['exceptions'], $electedProduct['calendar']['exceptions']); $dateUtc = $calUtils->getNextDateAvailable(time(), $calendar, $all_exceptions); if ($dateUtc == NULL) return ; if ($deliveryDelay > 0) { if ($skipCurDay) $dateUtc = $calUtils->skipCurDay($dateUtc); $dateUtc = $calUtils->addDelay($dateUtc, $deliveryDelay, $calendar, $all_exceptions); } if ($dateUtc == NULL) return ; $dateUtc = $calUtils->adjustHour($dateUtc, $calendar); $this->mylog("calendar=" . $this->logValue($calendar,1)); $this->mylog("starting date=" . $this->logValue(date("d/m/Y - H:i:s", $dateUtc),1)); $today = getDate(); $ctime = time(); $nbDeliveryDates = $deliveryDelay = $store['attributes']['nb_days_displayed']; $iDate = 0; $dates = array(); $balladUtc = $dateUtc; do { $wd = date("w", $balladUtc); if ((int)($calendar[$wd]['stop_hour']) < (int)($calendar[$wd]['start_hour'])) continue ; $dates[$iDate]['value'] = date("Y/m/d", $balladUtc); $dates[$iDate]['ts'] = $balladUtc ; $dates[$iDate]['label'] = $this->wday_labels[$wd] . " " . date("j", $balladUtc); $dates[$iDate]['start_hour'] = (int)($calendar[$wd]['start_hour']); $dates[$iDate]['stop_hour'] = (int)($calendar[$wd]['stop_hour']); $balladUtc = strtotime(date("Y-m-d", $balladUtc) . " +1 day"); $balladUtc = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m', $balladUtc), date('d', $balladUtc), date('Y', $balladUtc)); $balladUtc = $calUtils->getNextDateAvailable($balladUtc, $calendar, $all_exceptions); $iDate++; } while (($iDate < $nbDeliveryDates) && ($balladUtc)); // impossibilité de trouver un jour dispo if (!isset($dates[0])) return ; $now = (int)(date("H", $ctime)) ; if ((int)($dates[0]['stop_hour']) > $now && (int)($dates[0]['start_hour']) < $now) $dates[0]['start_hour'] = $now ; elseif ((int)($dates[0]['ts']) == $now && (int)($dates[0]['stop_hour']) < $now) array_shift($dates) ; $this->mylog("date$=" . $this->logValue($dates,1)); $smarty->assign('nb_days', $nbDeliveryDates); $smarty->assign('dates', $dates); for ($i=0; $i < 24; $i++) { $endHour = (($i+$electedProduct['timelimit'])%24); if ($endHour == 0) $endHour = 24; $hourLabels[] = $i . 'h-' . $endHour . 'h'; } $smarty->assign('hourLabels', $hourLabels); $smarty->assign('timetable_css', _MODULE_DIR_.$this->name.'/timetable.css'); $smarty->assign("timetable_js", _MODULE_DIR_.$this->name.'/timetable.js'); $this->mylog("electedCarrier->id=" . $this->logValue($djlCarrier->id)); $mCarrier = $djlCarrier; $row['id_carrier'] = (int)($djlCarrier->id); $row['name'] = $this->l('Dejala.com'); $row['delay'] = $this->l('When you want... Dispatch rider') . ', ' . $electedProduct['timelimit'].'H' ; $row['price'] = $cart->getOrderShippingCost($djlCarrier->id); $row['price_tax_exc'] = $cart->getOrderShippingCost($djlCarrier->id, false); $row['img'] = _MODULE_DIR_.$this->name.'/dejala_carrier.gif'; $resultsArray[] = $row; $smarty->assign('carriers', $resultsArray); $smarty->assign('my_carrier_selected', (isset($cart->id_carrier) && $cart->id_carrier == $djlCarrier->id)) ; $smarty->assign('product', $electedProduct); $djlCart = new DejalaCart($cart->id); $setDefaultDate = TRUE; if ($djlCart && isset($djlCart->shipping_date) && !empty($djlCart->shipping_date)) { $mShippingDate = $djlCart->shipping_date; $this->mylog("shipping_date=" . $this->logValue($mShippingDate)); $m_day = date("d", $mShippingDate); $m_hour = date("H", $mShippingDate); $deliveryDateSelected = date("Y/m/d", $mShippingDate); $this->mylog("shipping_date=" . $this->logValue($deliveryDateSelected)); foreach ($dates as $l_key=>$l_date) { if ($l_date['value'] == $deliveryDateSelected) { $smarty->assign("deliveryDateIndexSelected", $l_key); $smarty->assign("deliveryDateSelected", $deliveryDateSelected); $smarty->assign("deliveryHourSelected", $m_hour); $setDefaultDate = FALSE; } } } if ($setDefaultDate) { $smarty->assign("deliveryDateIndexSelected", 0); $smarty->assign("deliveryDateSelected", date("Y/m/d", $dateUtc)); $smarty->assign("deliveryHourSelected", (int)(date("H", $dateUtc))); } $smarty->assign("isCartOutOfStock", $isCartOutOfStock); if (!$isCartOutOfStock) { $buffer = $this->display(__FILE__, 'dejala_carrier.tpl'); $buffer = $buffer . $this->display(__FILE__, 'dejala_timetable.tpl'); } else { $smarty->assign('nostock_info', $this->l('I will select my shipping date when my product is available.')); $buffer = $this->display(__FILE__, 'dejala_carrier_nostock.tpl'); } return $buffer; } public function displayInfoByCart($id_cart) { $this->hooklog("displayInfoByCart", $id_cart); $this->myLog("POST=" . $this->logValue($_POST)); $this->myLog('dejala_action=' . Tools::getValue('dejala_action') ); if (Tools::getValue('dejala_action')=='order') { $this->myLog('inside - id_cart=' . $id_cart); $mOrderId = (int)Order::getOrderByCartId($id_cart); $mOrder = new Order($mOrderId); $this->placeOrder($mOrder); } $djlCart = new DejalaCart($id_cart); if ($djlCart && isset($djlCart->id_dejala_product) && isset($djlCart->shipping_date)) { $mDejalaProductID = $djlCart->id_dejala_product; $mShippingDate = $djlCart->shipping_date; echo '

'; if ($djlCart->mode !== 'PROD') echo 'MODE : TEST
'; if (!empty($mShippingDate) && ($mShippingDate != 0)) echo $this->l('Shipping date selected') . ' : ' .date('d/m/Y',$mShippingDate). ', ' . $this->l('starting at') . ' : ' .date('H\hi', $mShippingDate) .'
'; else echo $this->l('Shipping date not yet selected by the customer') .'
'; if ( ($djlCart->id_delivery) && Validate::isUnsignedId($djlCart->id_delivery) ) { $l_delivery = array(); $l_delivery['id'] = $djlCart->id_delivery; $djlUtil = new DejalaUtils(); $response = $djlUtil->getDelivery($this->dejalaConfig, $l_delivery, $djlCart->mode); if ($response['status'] == 200) { if ($l_delivery && $l_delivery['status'] && $l_delivery['status']['labels'] && $l_delivery['status']['labels'][Language::getIsoById((int)$this->id_lang)]) echo $this->l('Order') . ' ' . $l_delivery['status']['labels'][Language::getIsoById((int)$this->id_lang)].'
'; else echo $this->l('Order sent to Dejala') . '
'; } } else { $_html = ''; $_html .= '
'; $_html .= ''; $_html .= ''; $_html .= '

'; echo $_html . ''; } echo '

'; } } public static function wtf($var, $arrayOfObjectsToHide=null, $fontSize=11) { $text = print_r($var, true); if (is_array($arrayOfObjectsToHide)) { foreach ($arrayOfObjectsToHide as $objectName) { $searchPattern = '#('.$objectName.' Object\n(\s+)\().*?\n\2\)\n#s'; $replace = "$1--> HIDDEN - courtesy of wtf() <--)"; $text = preg_replace($searchPattern, $replace, $text); } } // color code objects $text = preg_replace('#(\w+)(\s+Object\s+\()#s', '$1$2', $text); // color code object properties $text = preg_replace('#\[(\w+)\:(public|private|protected)\]#', '[$1:$2]', $text); echo '
'; } public function hookProcessCarrier($params) { // FO: Temporary. Necessary to go around the product's cart re-instanciation bug. global $cart ; $cartParams = $params['cart']; $this->hooklog("processCarrier", $params) ; // Process the cart for storage in dejala_cart. $errors = array(); $dejalaCarrierID = (int)Tools::getValue('dejala_id_carrier'); $carrierID = (int)Tools::getValue('id_carrier'); $dejalaProductID = (int)Tools::getValue('dejala_id_product'); if ( !empty($dejalaCarrierID) && !empty($carrierID) && ((int)($dejalaCarrierID) == (int)($carrierID)) ) { $id_cart = (int)($cartParams->id); $product = $this->getDejalaProduct($cartParams, $dejalaProductID) ; $timelimit = 10; if (isset($product['timelimit'])) $timelimit = (int)($product['timelimit']); /* manage shipping preferences */ $date_shipping = 'NULL'; if (isset($_POST['shipping_day']) AND !empty($_POST['shipping_day']) AND (10 <= strlen($_POST['shipping_day'])) ) { $shippingHour = (int)($_POST['shipping_hour']); $shipping_day = $_POST['shipping_day']; $ship_year = (int)(substr($shipping_day, 0, 4)); $ship_month = (int)(substr($shipping_day, 5, 2)); $ship_day = (int)(substr($shipping_day, 8, 2)); $shippingTime = mktime($shippingHour, 0, 0, $ship_month, $ship_day, $ship_year); // check that delivery date is in the future (5 min delay) if ($shippingTime > time() - 5 * 60) $date_shipping = $shippingTime; } $djlCart = $this->getDejalaCart($cartParams->id) ; $djlCart->shipping_date = $date_shipping; $djlCart->id_dejala_product = $dejalaProductID; $djlCart->id_delivery = NULL; $djlCart->mode = $this->dejalaConfig->mode; // Dirty cheat as the cart updates itself right after this. // This saves one full round trip to the server. $djlCart->cart_date_upd = date('Y-m-d H:i:s') ; $djlCart->save() ; } // FO: VERY DIRTY HACK.... Re-assign the global cart to what it was before. $cart = $cartParams ; } /** * Keep as a precaution if a hook is still registered */ public function hookCart($param) { return ; } /** * Appelé après la modification d'une commande **/ public function hookUpdateOrderStatus($params) { $this->hooklog("hookUpdateOrderStatus", $params); // class OrderState $newOrderStatus = $params["newOrderStatus"]; $currentOrderStatusID = $newOrderStatus->id; $this->mylog("newOrderStatus=" . $this->logValue($newOrderStatus)); $this->mylog("found currentOrderStatusID=" . $currentOrderStatusID); $triggeringStatusList = html_entity_decode(Configuration::get('DJL_TRIGERRING_STATUSES'), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); $this->mylog("triggeringStatusList=" . $triggeringStatusList); $triggeringStatuses = explode(",", $triggeringStatusList); $orderID = $params["id_order"]; if ((NULL !== $orderID) && (TRUE === in_array($currentOrderStatusID, $triggeringStatuses))) { $mOrder = new Order($orderID); $this->placeOrder($mOrder); } } public function placeOrder($mOrder) { $orderID = (int)$mOrder->id; $this->myLog("placeOrder()"); $this->myLog("mOrder->id_carrier=".$mOrder->id_carrier); $mCarrier = new Carrier($mOrder->id_carrier); $this->myLog("mCarrier->name=".$mCarrier->name); if ($mCarrier->name != $this->name) return ; $this->myLog("placeOrder()"); $cartId = $mOrder->id_cart; $djlCart = $this->getDejalaCart($cartId); $this->myLog("djlCart->id_delivery=" . $djlCart->id_delivery); if (!$djlCart->id_delivery) { $this->myLog("id_delivery is not filled"); $delivery = array(); $this->getInfoFromOrder($orderID, $delivery); $this->mylog("Sending delivery=" . $this->logValue($delivery)); $djlUtil = new DejalaUtils(); $response = $djlUtil->orderDelivery($this->dejalaConfig, $delivery, $djlCart->mode); $statusCode = $response['status']; $this->mylog("send orderID=" . $orderID); $this->mylog("sendOrder status_code=" . $statusCode); $this->mylog("sendOrder response=" . $response['response']); $this->mylog("sendOrder delivery=" . $this->logValue($delivery, 1)); // update status after sending... if ("201" === $statusCode) { $this->mylog("updating dejala cart cart_id=" . $cartId); if (Validate::isUnsignedId($delivery['id'])) { $this->mylog("updating dejala cart id_delivery=" . $delivery['id']); $djlCart->id_delivery = $delivery['id']; $djlCart->update(); } if (is_null($mOrder->shipping_number) || (0 === strlen($mOrder->shipping_number))) { $this->myLog('setting Order->shipping_number to ' . $delivery['tracking_number']); $mOrder->shipping_number = $delivery['tracking_number']; $mOrder->save(); } $this->myLog("OK - Order sent to dejala.com"); } else { // Do nothing : Keep previous status $this->myLog("NOK - Problem sending Order to dejala.com"); } } } public function getInfoFromOrder($orderID, &$delivery) { $mOrder = new Order((int)$orderID); if (NULL !== $mOrder) { $mDeliveryAddress = new Address($mOrder->id_address_delivery); if (NULL !== $mDeliveryAddress) { // receiver address information $delivery["receiver_firstname"]=$mDeliveryAddress->firstname; $delivery["receiver_name"]=$mDeliveryAddress->lastname; if ($mDeliveryAddress->company) $delivery["receiver_company"]=$mDeliveryAddress->company; $delivery["receiver_address"]=$mDeliveryAddress->address1; if ($mDeliveryAddress->address2) $delivery["receiver_address2"]=$mDeliveryAddress->address2; $delivery["receiver_zipcode"]=$mDeliveryAddress->postcode; $delivery["receiver_city"]=$mDeliveryAddress->city; if ($mDeliveryAddress->phone_mobile) $delivery["receiver_cellphone"]=$mDeliveryAddress->phone_mobile; if ($mDeliveryAddress->phone) $delivery["receiver_phone"]=$mDeliveryAddress->phone; if ($mDeliveryAddress->other) $delivery["receiver_comments"]=$mDeliveryAddress->other; } $delivery["packet_reference"]=$mOrder->id; $id_cart = (int)$mOrder->id_cart; /* set weight */ $cart = new Cart($id_cart); $delivery['weight'] = (float)($cart->getTotalWeight()); /* set dejalaProductID and sender_availability = shipping date */ $djlCart = new DejalaCart($id_cart); if (!is_null($djlCart) && !is_null($djlCart->id)) { $mDejalaProductID = (int)$djlCart->id_dejala_product; $delivery["product_id"] = (int)($mDejalaProductID); $mShippingDate = $djlCart->shipping_date; if ( is_null($mShippingDate) || empty($mShippingDate) ) $mShippingDate = 0; $delivery["shipping_start_utc"]=$mShippingDate; } } return ($delivery); } public function getOrderShippingCostExternal($cart) { return $this->getOrderShippingCost($cart, 0); } public function getOrderShippingCost($cart, $shipping_cost) { return $this->getDejalaProductPrice($cart) ; } private function getDejalaCart($cartId) { return DejalaCart::getInstance($cartId) ; } private function getDejalaProductPrice($cart) { $djlCart = $this->getDejalaCart($cart->id) ; if (isset($djlCart->delivery_price) && $cart->date_upd <= $djlCart->cart_date_upd) return $djlCart->delivery_price ; $product = $this->getDejalaProduct($cart) ; return $product["price"] ; } private function getDejalaProduct($cart, $productId = -1) { // echo "Date : " . $cart->date_upd . "
" ; $djlCart = $this->getDejalaCart($cart->id) ; if (isset($djlCart->delivery_price) && $cart->date_upd <= $djlCart->cart_date_upd && isset($djlCart->product)) if ($productId >= 0 && $djlCart->product["id"] == $productId) return $djlCart->product ; $djlUtil = new DejalaUtils(); $responseGetStore = $djlUtil->getStoreAttributes($this->dejalaConfig, $store); if ($responseGetStore['status']!='200') return ; $isCartOutOfStock = '0'; if ($this->isCartOutOfStock($cart)) $isCartOutOfStock = '1'; $this->mylog('isCartOutOfStock=' . $isCartOutOfStock . ''); $acceptPartial = true; if (!isset($store['attributes']) || !isset($store['attributes']['delivery_partial']) || ($store['attributes']['delivery_partial'] != '1')) $acceptPartial = false; if ( ($isCartOutOfStock == '1') && !$acceptPartial) return ; $address = new Address($cart->id_address_delivery) ; // ask dejala.com for a quotation $quotation["receiver_name"] = $address->lastname; $quotation["receiver_firstname"] = $address->firstname; $quotation["receiver_company"] = $address->company; $quotation["receiver_address"] = $address->address1; $quotation["receiver_address2"] = $address->address2; $quotation["receiver_zipcode"] = $address->postcode; $quotation["receiver_city"] = $address->city; $quotation["receiver_phone"] = $address->phone; $quotation["receiver_phone_mobile"] = $address->phone_mobile; $quotation["receiver_comments"] = $address->other; $quotation["timelimit"] = 10; $quotation["weight"] = (float)($cart->getTotalWeight()); $quotation["price"] = $cart->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::BOTH_WITHOUT_SHIPPING) ; $quotation["module_version"] = $this->internal_version ; $quotation["platform"] = "PS " . _PS_VERSION_ ; $this->mylog("asking for quotation=" . $this->logValue($quotation,1)); $products = array(); $responseArray = $djlUtil->getStoreQuotation($this->dejalaConfig, $quotation, $products); if ($responseArray['status']!='200') return $shipping_cost; $this->mylog("found quotation=" . $this->logValue($responseArray['response'],1)); $electedProduct = NULL; foreach ($products as $key=>$product) if ( is_null($electedProduct) || ((int)($electedProduct['priority']) > (int)($key)) ) $electedProduct = $product; if (is_null($electedProduct)) return $shipping_cost; $djlCart->id_dejala_product = (int)$electedProduct["id"]; $djlCart->id_delivery = NULL; $djlCart->mode = $this->dejalaConfig->mode; $vat_factor = (1+ ($electedProduct['vat'] / 100)); $priceTTC = round(($electedProduct['price']*$vat_factor) + $electedProduct['margin'], 2); $priceHT = round($priceTTC/$vat_factor, 2); $djlCart->delivery_price = $priceHT ; $djlCart->cart_date_upd = $cart->date_upd ; $djlCart->product = $electedProduct ; $djlCart->save() ; return $electedProduct ; } public function mylog($msg) { if ($this->DEJALA_DEBUG) { require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/MyLogUtils.php"); $myFile = dirname(__FILE__) . "/logFile.txt"; MyLogUtils::myLog($myFile, $msg); } } // get a string of a value for Log purposes public function logValue($mvalue, $lvl=0) { if (!$this->DEJALA_DEBUG) return (""); require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/MyLogUtils.php"); return (MyLogUtils::logValue($mvalue, $lvl)); } public function hooklog($hookname, $params) { $this->mylog($hookname); $this->mylog("\r\nparams" . $this->logValue($params), 1); } // Stolen from PS 1.3 for backwards compatibility in PS 1.2.5 public static function getHttpHost($http = false, $entities = false) { $host = (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST'] : $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); if ($entities) $host = htmlspecialchars($host, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); if ($http) $host = (Configuration::get('PS_SSL_ENABLED') ? 'https://' : 'http://').$host; return $host; } }