29693){ $reference = $data[0]; // A $quantity = (int)$data[1]; // JP $id_product = existsRefInDatabase($reference); if($id_product){ $product = new Product($id_product); $product->quantity = (int)$quantity; $product->update(); setQuantity($product->id, 0, (int)$quantity); } } $row++; echo $row."
"; ob_end_flush(); flush(); ob_start(); } fclose($handle); echo "Import terminé"; }else{ echo "prob ouverture"; } function existsRefInDatabase($reference){ $row = Db::getInstance()->getRow(' SELECT `id_product` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product` p WHERE p.reference = "'.$reference.'"'); return $row['id_product']; } function utf8EncodeArray($array){ return (is_array($array) ? array_map('utf8_encode', $array) : utf8_encode($array)); } function setQuantity($id_product, $id_product_attribute, $quantity, $id_shop = null){ if (!Validate::isUnsignedId($id_product)) return false; $context = Context::getContext(); // if there is no $id_shop, gets the context one if ($id_shop === null && Shop::getContext() != Shop::CONTEXT_GROUP) $id_shop = (int)$context->shop->id; $depends_on_stock = StockAvailable::dependsOnStock($id_product); //Try to set available quantity if product does not depend on physical stock if (!$depends_on_stock) { $id_stock_available = (int)StockAvailable::getStockAvailableIdByProductId($id_product, $id_product_attribute, $id_shop); if ($id_stock_available) { $stock_available = new StockAvailable($id_stock_available); $stock_available->quantity = (int)$quantity; $stock_available->update(); } else { $out_of_stock = StockAvailable::outOfStock($id_product, $id_shop); $stock_available = new StockAvailable(); $stock_available->out_of_stock = (int)$out_of_stock; $stock_available->id_product = (int)$id_product; $stock_available->id_product_attribute = (int)$id_product_attribute; $stock_available->quantity = (int)$quantity; if ($id_shop === null) $shop_group = Shop::getContextShopGroup(); else $shop_group = new ShopGroup((int)Shop::getGroupFromShop((int)$id_shop)); // if quantities are shared between shops of the group if ($shop_group->share_stock) { $stock_available->id_shop = 0; $stock_available->id_shop_group = (int)$shop_group->id; } else { $stock_available->id_shop = (int)$id_shop; $stock_available->id_shop_group = 0; } $stock_available->add(); } } }