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2016-01-04 12:48:08 +01:00

364 lines
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Executable File

* 2007-2011 PrestaShop
* This source file is subject to the Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
* obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
* to so we can send you a copy immediately.
* Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer
* versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your
* needs please refer to for more information.
* @author PrestaShop SA <>
* @copyright 2007-2011 PrestaShop SA
* @version Release: $Revision: 7610 $
* @license Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
* International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA
class CurrencyCore extends ObjectModel
public $id;
/** @var string Name */
public $name;
/** @var string Iso code */
public $iso_code;
/** @var string Iso code numeric */
public $iso_code_num;
/** @var string Symbol for short display */
public $sign;
/** @var int bool used for displaying blank between sign and price */
public $blank;
/** @var string Conversion rate from euros */
public $conversion_rate;
/** @var boolean True if currency has been deleted (staying in database as deleted) */
public $deleted = 0;
/** @var int ID used for displaying prices */
public $format;
/** @var int bool Display decimals on prices */
public $decimals;
/** @var int bool active */
public $active;
protected $fieldsRequired = array('name', 'iso_code', 'sign', 'conversion_rate', 'format', 'decimals');
protected $fieldsSize = array('name' => 32, 'iso_code' => 3, 'iso_code_num' => 3, 'sign' => 8);
protected $fieldsValidate = array('name' => 'isGenericName', 'iso_code' => 'isLanguageIsoCode', 'iso_code_num' => 'isNumericIsoCode', 'blank' => 'isInt', 'sign' => 'isGenericName',
'format' => 'isUnsignedId', 'decimals' => 'isBool', 'conversion_rate' => 'isFloat', 'deleted' => 'isBool', 'active' => 'isBool');
protected $table = 'currency';
protected $identifier = 'id_currency';
/** @var Currency Current currency */
static protected $current = NULL;
/** @var array Currency cache */
static protected $currencies = array();
protected $webserviceParameters = array(
'objectsNodeName' => 'currencies',
* Overriding check if currency with the same iso code already exists.
* If it's true, currency is doesn't added.
* @see ObjectModelCore::add()
public function add($autodate = true, $nullValues = false)
return Currency::exists($this->iso_code) ? false : parent::add();
* Check if a curency already exists.
* @param int|string $iso_code int for iso code number string for iso code
* @return boolean
public static function exists ($iso_code)
if (is_int($iso_code))
$id_currency_exists = Currency::getIdByIsoCodeNum($iso_code);
$id_currency_exists = Currency::getIdByIsoCode($iso_code);
if ($id_currency_exists){
return true;
} else {
return false;
public function getFields()
$fields['name'] = pSQL($this->name);
$fields['iso_code'] = pSQL($this->iso_code);
$fields['iso_code_num'] = pSQL($this->iso_code_num);
$fields['sign'] = pSQL($this->sign);
$fields['format'] = (int)($this->format);
$fields['decimals'] = (int)($this->decimals);
$fields['blank'] = (int)($this->blank);
$fields['conversion_rate'] = (float)($this->conversion_rate);
$fields['deleted'] = (int)($this->deleted);
$fields['active'] = (int)($this->active);
return $fields;
public function deleteSelection($selection)
if (!is_array($selection) OR !Validate::isTableOrIdentifier($this->identifier) OR !Validate::isTableOrIdentifier($this->table))
foreach ($selection AS $id)
$obj = new Currency((int)($id));
$res[$id] = $obj->delete();
foreach ($res AS $value)
if (!$value)
return false;
return true;
public function delete()
if ($this->id == Configuration::get('PS_CURRENCY_DEFAULT'))
$result = Db::getInstance()->getRow('SELECT `id_currency` FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'currency WHERE `id_currency` != '.(int)($this->id).' AND `deleted` = 0');
if (!$result['id_currency'])
return false;
Configuration::updateValue('PS_CURRENCY_DEFAULT', $result['id_currency']);
$this->deleted = 1;
return $this->update();
* Return formated sign
* @param string $side left or right
* @return string formated sign
public function getSign($side=NULL)
if (!$side)
return $this->sign;
$formated_strings = array(
'left' => $this->sign.' ',
'right' => ' '.$this->sign
$formats = array(
1 => array('left' => &$formated_strings['left'], 'right' => ''),
2 => array('left' => '', 'right' => &$formated_strings['right']),
3 => array('left' => &$formated_strings['left'], 'right' => ''),
4 => array('left' => '', 'right' => &$formated_strings['right']),
return ($formats[$this->format][$side]);
* Return available currencies
* @return array Currencies
public static function getCurrencies($object = false, $active = 1)
$tab = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'currency`
WHERE `deleted` = 0
'.($active == 1 ? 'AND `active` = 1' : '').'
ORDER BY `name` ASC');
if ($object)
foreach ($tab as $key => $currency)
$tab[$key] = Currency::getCurrencyInstance($currency['id_currency']);
return $tab;
public static function getPaymentCurrenciesSpecial($id_module)
return Db::getInstance()->getRow('
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'module_currency` mc
WHERE mc.`id_module` = '.(int)($id_module));
public static function getPaymentCurrencies($id_module)
return Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'module_currency` mc
LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'currency` c ON c.`id_currency` = mc.`id_currency`
WHERE c.`deleted` = 0
AND mc.`id_module` = '.(int)($id_module).'
AND c.`active` = 1
ORDER BY c.`name` ASC');
public static function checkPaymentCurrencies($id_module)
return Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->ExecuteS('
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'module_currency` mc
WHERE mc.`id_module` = '.(int)($id_module));
public static function getCurrency($id_currency)
return Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getRow('
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'currency`
WHERE `deleted` = 0
AND `id_currency` = '.(int)($id_currency));
public static function getIdByIsoCode($iso_code)
$result = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getRow('
SELECT `id_currency`
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'currency`
WHERE `deleted` = 0
AND `iso_code` = \''.pSQL($iso_code).'\'');
return $result['id_currency'];
public static function getIdByIsoCodeNum($iso_code)
$result = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getRow('
SELECT `id_currency`
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'currency`
WHERE `deleted` = 0
AND `iso_code_num` = \''.pSQL($iso_code).'\'');
return (int)$result['id_currency'];
* Refresh the currency conversion rate
* The XML file define conversion rate for each from a default currency ($isoCodeSource).
* @param $data XML content which contains all the conversion rates
* @param $isoCodeSource The default currency used in the XML file
* @param $defaultCurrency The default currency object
public function refreshCurrency($data, $isoCodeSource, $defaultCurrency)
// fetch the conversion rate of the default currency
$conversion_rate = 1;
if ($defaultCurrency->iso_code != $isoCodeSource)
foreach ($data->currency AS $currency)
if ($currency['iso_code'] == $defaultCurrency->iso_code)
$conversion_rate = round((float)$currency['rate'], 6);
if ($defaultCurrency->iso_code == $this->iso_code)
$this->conversion_rate = 1;
if ($this->iso_code == $isoCodeSource)
$rate = 1;
foreach ($data->currency AS $obj)
if ($this->iso_code == strval($obj['iso_code']))
$rate = (float) $obj['rate'];
$this->conversion_rate = round($rate / $conversion_rate, 6);
* @deprecated
public static function refreshCurrenciesGetDefault($data, $isoCodeSource, $idCurrency)
$defaultCurrency = new Currency($idCurrency);
/* Change defaultCurrency rate if not as currency of feed source */
if ($defaultCurrency->iso_code != $isoCodeSource)
foreach ($data->currency AS $obj)
if ($defaultCurrency->iso_code == strval($obj['iso_code']))
$defaultCurrency->conversion_rate = round((float)($obj['rate']), 6);
return $defaultCurrency;
public static function getDefaultCurrency()
$id_currency = (int)Configuration::get('PS_CURRENCY_DEFAULT');
if ($id_currency == 0)
return false;
return new Currency($id_currency);
public static function refreshCurrencies()
// Parse
if (!$feed = Tools::simplexml_load_file(''))
return Tools::displayError('Cannot parse feed.');
// Default feed currency (EUR)
$isoCodeSource = strval($feed->source['iso_code']);
if (!$default_currency = self::getDefaultCurrency())
return Tools::displayError('No default currency');
$currencies = self::getCurrencies(true);
foreach ($currencies as $currency)
$currency->refreshCurrency($feed->list, $isoCodeSource, $default_currency);
public static function getCurrent()
global $cookie;
if (!self::$current)
if (isset($cookie->id_currency) AND $cookie->id_currency)
self::$current = new Currency((int)($cookie->id_currency));
self::$current = new Currency((int)(Configuration::get('PS_CURRENCY_DEFAULT')));
return self::$current;
public static function getCurrencyInstance($id)
if (!array_key_exists($id, self::$currencies))
self::$currencies[(int)($id)] = new Currency((int)($id));
return self::$currencies[(int)($id)];