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2016-01-04 12:48:08 +01:00

373 lines
9.5 KiB
Executable File

* file listing
* @author Logan Cai (cailongqun [at] yahoo [dot] com [dot] cn)
* @link
* @since 22/April/2007
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "class.file.php");
class manager
var $currentFolderPath;
var $sessionAction = null; //object to session action
var $flags = array('no'=>'noFlag', 'cut'=>'cutFlag', 'copy'=>'copyFlag');
var $forceFolderOnTop = false; //forced to have folder shown on the top of the list
var $currentFolderInfo = array(
var $lastVisitedFolderPathIndex = 'ajax_last_visited_folder';
var $folderPathIndex = "path";
var $calculateSubdir = true;
var $fileTypes = array(
array(array("exe", "com"), "fileExe", SEARCH_TYPE_EXE, 0),
array(array("gif", "jpg", "png", "bmp", "tif"), "filePicture", SEARCH_TYPE_IMG, 1),
array(array("zip", "sit", "rar", "gz", "tar"), "fileZip", SEARCH_TYPE_ARCHIVE, 0),
array(array("htm", "html", "php", "jsp", "asp", 'js', 'css'), "fileCode", SEARCH_TYPE_HTML, 1),
array(array("mov", "ram", "rm", "asx", "dcr", "wmv"), "fileVideo", SEARCH_TYPE_VIDEO, 1),
array(array("mpg", "avi", "asf", "mpeg"), "fileVideo", SEARCH_TYPE_MOVIE, 1),
array(array("aif", "aiff", "wav", "mp3", "wma"), "fileMusic", SEARCH_TYPE_MUSIC, 1),
array(array("swf", 'flv'), "fileFlash", SEARCH_TYPE_FLASH, 1),
array(array("ppt"), "filePPT", SEARCH_TYPE_PPT, 0),
array(array("rtf"), "fileRTF", SEARCH_TYPE_DOC, 0),
array(array("doc"), "fileWord", SEARCH_TYPE_WORD, 0),
array(array("pdf"), "fileAcrobat", SEARCH_TYPE_PDF, 0),
array(array("xls", "csv"), "fileExcel", SEARCH_TYPE_EXCEL, 0),
array(array("txt"), "fileText", SEARCH_TYPE_TEXT, 1),
array(array("xml", "xsl", "dtd"), "fileXml", SEARCH_TYPE_XML, 1)
* constructor
* @path the path to a folder
* @calculateSubdir force to get the subdirectories information
function __construct($path = null, $calculateSubdir=true)
$this->calculateSubdir = $calculateSubdir;
$this->forceFolderOnTop = CONFIG_SYS_FOLDER_SHOWN_ON_TOP;
if (!is_null($path))
$this->currentFolderPath = $path;
}elseif (isset($_GET[$this->folderPathIndex]) && file_exists($_GET[$this->folderPathIndex]) && !is_file($_GET[$this->folderPathIndex]) )
$this->currentFolderPath = $_GET[$this->folderPathIndex];
elseif (isset($_SESSION[$this->lastVisitedFolderPathIndex]) && file_exists($_SESSION[$this->lastVisitedFolderPathIndex]) && !is_file($_SESSION[$this->lastVisitedFolderPathIndex]))
$this->currentFolderPath = $_SESSION[$this->lastVisitedFolderPathIndex];
$this->currentFolderPath = CONFIG_SYS_DEFAULT_PATH;
$this->currentFolderPath = (isUnderRoot($this->currentFolderPath)?backslashToSlash((addTrailingSlash($this->currentFolderPath))):CONFIG_SYS_DEFAULT_PATH);
if ($this->calculateSubdir)
{// keep track of this folder path in session
$_SESSION[$this->lastVisitedFolderPathIndex] = $this->currentFolderPath;
if (is_dir($this->currentFolderPath))
$file = new file($this->currentFolderPath);
$folderInfo = $file->getFileInfo();
if (sizeof($folderInfo))
$this->currentFolderInfo['path'] = $this->currentFolderPath;
$this->currentFolderInfo['friendly_path'] = transformFilePath($this->currentFolderPath);
$this->currentFolderInfo['type'] = "folder";
//$this->currentFolderInfo['flag'] = $folderInfo['flag'];
if ($calculateSubdir && !file_exists($this->currentFolderPath))
die(ERR_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND . $this->currentFolderPath);
function setSessionAction(&$session)
$this->sessionAction = $session;
* constructor
function manager($path = null, $calculateSubdir=true)
$this->__construct($path, $calculateSubdir);
* get current folder path
* @return string
function getCurrentFolderPath()
return $this->currentFolderPath;
* get the list of files and folders under this current fold
* @return array
function getFileList()
$outputs = array();
$files = array();
$folders = array();
$tem = array();
$dirHandler = @opendir($this->currentFolderPath);
if ($dirHandler)
while (false !== ($file = readdir($dirHandler)))
if ($file != '.' && $file != '..')
$flag = $this->flags['no'];
if ($this->sessionAction->getFolder() == $this->currentFolderPath)
{//check if any flag associated with this folder or file
$folder = addTrailingSlash(backslashToSlash($this->currentFolderPath));
if (in_array($folder . $file, $this->sessionAction->get()))
if ($this->sessionAction->getAction() == "copy")
$flag = $this->flags['copy'];
$flag = $this->flags['cut'];
if (is_dir($path) && isListingDocument($path) )
if (!$this->calculateSubdir)
$folder = $this->getFolderInfo($path);
$folder['flag'] = $flag;
$folders[$file] = $folder;
$outputs[$file] = $folders[$file];
}elseif (is_file($path) && isListingDocument($path))
$obj = new file($path);
$tem = $obj->getFileInfo();
if (sizeof($tem))
$fileType = $this->getFileType($file);
foreach($fileType as $k=>$v)
$tem[$k] = $v;
$this->currentFolderInfo['size'] += $tem['size'];
$tem['path'] = backslashToSlash($path);
$tem['type'] = "file";
$tem['flag'] = $flag;
$files[$file] = $tem;
$outputs[$file] = $tem;
$tem = array();
if ($this->forceFolderOnTop)
uksort($folders, "strnatcasecmp");
uksort($files, "strnatcasecmp");
$outputs = array();
foreach($folders as $v)
$outputs[] = $v;
foreach ($files as $v)
$outputs[] = $v;
uksort($outputs, "strnatcasecmp");
trigger_error('Unable to locate the folder ' . $this->currentFolderPath, E_NOTICE);
return $outputs;
* get current or the specified dir information
* @param string $path
* @return array
function getFolderInfo($path=null)
if (is_null($path))
return $this->currentFolderInfo;
$obj = new manager($path, false);
return $obj->getFolderInfo();
* return the file type of a file.
* @param string file name
* @return array
function getFileType($fileName, $checkIfDir = false)
$ext = strtolower($this->_getExtension($fileName, $checkIfDir));
foreach ($this->fileTypes as $fileType)
if (in_array($ext, $fileType[0]))
return array("cssClass" => $fileType[1], "fileType" => $fileType[2], "preview" => $fileType[3], 'test'=>5);
if (!empty($fileName))
{//this is folder
if (empty($ext))
if (is_dir($fileName))
return array("cssClass" => ($checkIfDir && $this->isDirEmpty($fileName)?'folderEmpty':"folder") , "fileType" => "Folder", "preview" => 0, 'test'=>1);
return array("cssClass" => "fileUnknown", "fileType" => SEARCH_TYPE_UNKNOWN, "preview" => 0, 'test'=>2);
return array("cssClass" => "fileUnknown", "fileType" => SEARCH_TYPE_UNKNOWN, "preview" => 0, 'test'=>3, 'ext'=>$ext , 'filename'=>$fileName);
{//this is unknown file
return array("cssClass" => "fileUnknown", "fileType" => SEARCH_TYPE_UNKNOWN, "preview" => 0, 'test'=>4);
* return the predefined file types
* @return arrray
function getFileTypes()
return $this->fileTypes;
* print out the file types
function printFileTypes()
foreach($fileTypes as $fileType)
if (isset($fileType[0]) && is_array($fileType[0]))
foreach($fileType[0] as $type)
echo $type. ",";
* Get the extension of a file name
* @param string $file
* @return string
* @copyright this function originally come from Andy's php
function _getExtension($file, $checkIfDir = false)
if ($checkIfDir && file_exists($file) && is_dir($file))
return '';
return @substr(@strrchr($file, "."), 1);
function isDirEmpty($path)
$dirHandler = @opendir($path);
if ($dirHandler)
while (false !== ($file = readdir($dirHandler)))
if ($file != '.' && $file != '..')
return false;
return true;