Srv Bebeboutik 6c0978166c add modules
2016-01-04 12:49:26 +01:00

97 lines
2.8 KiB
Executable File

if (!defined('_PS_BASE_URL_'))
define('_PS_BASE_URL_', Tools::getShopDomain(true));
$id_lang = Tools::getValue('id_lang');
if (!$id_lang
|| !in_array($id_lang, array(2,3))
) {
$id_lang = 2;
$catalog = new Catalog();
// $catalog->debug();
class Catalog
private $_xml;
private $_debug;
public $id_lang;
public $currentTime;
public function __construct(){
$this->_xml ="";
public function setContent($id_lang)
global $cookie;
$dom = new DomDocument();
if ($id_lang == 2) {
$site_version = 'fr';
} else if ($id_lang == 3) {
$site_version = 'es';
if (Tools::getValue('future') && Tools::getValue('future') == 1)
$sales = Sale::getSales(TRUE, NULL, NULL, TRUE, FALSE, Configuration::get('PRIVATESALES_SHOW_PUBLIC'), '`date_start` DESC', NULL, $filter_type, $site_version);
$sales = Sale::getSales(TRUE, NULL, NULL, 'current', FALSE, Configuration::get('PRIVATESALES_SHOW_PUBLIC'), '`date_start` DESC', NULL, $filter_type, $site_version);
foreach ($sales as $sale) {
$sql = 'SELECT value FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'privatesale_extrafield_sale WHERE id_field = 2 AND id_lang = '.(int) $id_lang.' AND id_sale = ' . $sale->id;
if ($value = Db::getInstance()->getValue($sql)){
$sale->reduction = $value;
$sale->reduction = "Non défini";
$this->setXml($sales, false, $id_lang);
public function displayContent($id_lang)
header('Content-type: text/xml');
echo $this->_xml;
public function setXml($items, $rss=false, $id_lang){
$this->_xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>';
// Catalog
$this->_xml .= '<catalogue>';
//Shop details
$this->_xml .= '<infos_boutique>';
$this->_xml .= '<logo></logo>';
$this->_xml .= '<nom></nom>';
$this->_xml .= '<url></url>';
$this->_xml .= '</infos_boutique>';
foreach ($items as $item) {
// $this->_xml .= '<id_vente>'.$item->id.'</id_vente>';
$this->_xml .= '<nom_vente><![CDATA['.$item->title[(int) $id_lang].']]></nom_vente>';
$this->_xml .= '<description><![CDATA['.$item->description[(int) $id_lang].']]></description>';
$this->_xml .= '<date_debut>'.$item->date_start.'</date_debut>';
$this->_xml .= '<date_fin>'.$item->date_end.'</date_fin>';
$this->_xml .= '<reduction>'.$item->reduction.'</reduction>';
$this->_xml .= '<image_vente>'.$item->id.'/liston_'.(int) $id_lang.'.jpg</image_vente>';
$this->_xml .= '</catalogue>';