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2016-01-04 12:48:08 +01:00

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Executable File

* Swift Mailer Message Encoder
* Please read the LICENSE file
* @copyright Chris Corbyn <>
* @author Chris Corbyn <>
* @package Swift_Message
* @license GNU Lesser General Public License
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../ClassLoader.php";
* Encodes strings in a variety of formats and detects some encoding formats
* @package Swift_Message
* @author Chris Corbyn <>
class Swift_Message_Encoder
* A regular expression which matches valid e-mail addresses (including some unlikely ones)
const CHEAP_ADDRESS_RE = '(?#Start of dot-atom
End of dot-atom)(?:@(?#Start of domain)[-0-9A-Za-z]+(?:\.[-0-9A-Za-z]+)*(?#End of domain))?';
* A singleton of this class
* @var Swift_Message_Encoder
protected static $instance = null;
* Retreive an instance of the encoder as a singleton.
* New instances are never ever needed since it's monostatic.
* @return Message_Encoder
public static function instance()
if (self::$instance === null)
self::$instance = new Swift_Message_Encoder();
return self::$instance;
* Break a string apart at every occurence of <add@ress> and return an array
* This method does NOT remove any characters like a preg_split() would do.
* Elements matching an address start with "a" followed by the numeric index
* @param string The input string to separate
* @return array
public function addressChunk($input)
$elements = 0;
while (preg_match('/^(.*?)(<' . self::CHEAP_ADDRESS_RE . '>)/s', $input, $matches))
if (!empty($matches[1])) $ret[($elements++)] = $matches[1];
$ret[('a' . ($elements++))] = $matches[2];
$input = substr($input, strlen($matches[0]));
if ($input != "") $ret[($elements++)] = $input; //Whatever is left over
return $ret;
* Break a string apart at every occurence of <xxxyyy> and return an array
* This method does NOT remove any characters like a preg_split() would do.
* Elements matching a quoted string start with "a" followed by the numeric index
* @param string The input string to separate
* @return array
public function quoteChunk($input)
$elements = 0;
while (preg_match('/^(.*?)(<[\x20-\x3A\x3C-\x7E]*>)/s', $input, $matches))
if (!empty($matches[1])) $ret[($elements++)] = $matches[1];
$ret[('a' . ($elements++))] = $matches[2];
$input = substr($input, strlen($matches[0]));
if ($input != "") $ret[($elements++)] = $input; //Whatever is left over
return $ret;
* Return the base64 encoded version of the string
* @param string The input string to encode
* @param int The maximum length of each line of output (inc CRLF)
* @param int The maximum length of the first line in the output (for headers)
* @param boolean Whether email addresses between < and > chars should be preserved or not
* @param string The line ending
* @return string
public function base64Encode($data, $chunk=76, $init_chunk=0, $headers=false, $le="\r\n")
$ret = "";
$chunk -= 2;
$chunk = $this->getHcf($chunk, 4);
if ($init_chunk >= 2)
$init_chunk -= 2;
$init_chunk = $this->getHcf($init_chunk, 4);
if ($headers) $data = $this->quoteChunk($data);
else $data = array($data);
foreach ($data as $key => $string)
$key = (string) $key;
if ($key{0} == 'a') //This is an address
if ($init_chunk && $init_chunk < (strlen($string)+2)) $ret .= $le;
$ret .= $le . $string;
$string = $this->rawBase64Encode($string);
if ($init_chunk > 2)
$ret .= substr($string, 0, $init_chunk) . $le;
$string = substr($string, $init_chunk);
elseif ($init_chunk) $ret .= $le;
$ret .= trim(chunk_split($string, $chunk, $le)) . $le;
$init_chunk = 0;
return trim($ret);
* Return the base64 encoded version of a string with no breaks
* @param The input string to encode
* @return string
public function rawBase64Encode($string)
return $string = base64_encode($string);
* Return the base64 encoded version of a file
* @param Swift_File The file input stream
* @param int Max line length
* @param string The line ending
* @return Swift_Cache_OutputStream
* @throws Swift_FileException If the file cannot be read
public function base64EncodeFile(Swift_File $file, $chunk=76, $le="\r\n")
$cache = Swift_CacheFactory::getCache();
$chunk -= 2;
$chunk = $this->getHcf($chunk, 4);
$loop = false;
//We have to read in multiples of 3 bytes but avoid doing such small chunks that it takes too long
while (false !== $bytes = $file->read(8190))
if ($loop) $cache->write("b64", $le);
$loop = true;
$next = chunk_split($this->rawBase64Encode($bytes), $chunk, $le);
$next = trim($next);
$cache->write("b64", $next);
return $cache->getOutputStream("b64");
* Return the quoted printable version of the input string
* @param string The input string to encode
* @param int The maximum length of each line of output (inc CRLF)
* @param int The maximum length of the first line in the output (for headers)
* @param boolean Whether email addresses between < and > chars should be preserved or not
* @param string The line ending
* @return string
public function QPEncode($data, $chunk=76, $init_chunk=0, $headers=false, $le="\r\n")
$ret = "";
if ($headers) $data = $this->quoteChunk($data);
else $data = array($data);
$trailing_spaces = chr(9) . chr(32);
foreach ($data as $key => $string)
$key = (string) $key;
if ($key{0} == 'a') //An address
if ($init_chunk && $init_chunk < (strlen($string)+3)) $ret .= "=";
$ret .= $le . $string;
$lines = explode($le, $string);
foreach ($lines as $n => $line)
$lines[$n] = $this->rawQPEncode(rtrim($line, $trailing_spaces));
$string = implode($le, $lines);
if ($init_chunk > 3)
if (preg_match('/^.{1,'.($init_chunk-5).'}[^=]{2}(?!=[A-F0-9]{2})/', $string, $matches)
|| preg_match('/^.{1,'.($init_chunk-6).'}([^=]{0,3})?/', $string, $matches))
$ret .= $this->fixLE($matches[0] . "=", $le); //fixLE added 24/08/07
$string = substr($string, strlen($matches[0]));
elseif ($init_chunk) $ret .= "=";
while (preg_match('/^.{1,'.($init_chunk-5).'}[^=]{2}(?!=[A-F0-9]{2})/', $string, $matches)
|| preg_match('/^.{1,'.($chunk-6).'}([^=]{0,3})?/', $string, $matches)
|| (strlen($string) > 0 && $matches = array($string)))
$ret .= $this->fixLE($le . $matches[0] . "=", $le); //fixLE added 24/08/07
$string = substr($string, strlen($matches[0]));
$init_chunk = 0;
if (substr($ret, -1) == "=") return trim(substr($ret, 0, -1));
else return trim($ret);
* Return the QP encoded version of a string with no breaks
* @param string The input to encode
* @param boolean True if the data we're encoding is binary
* @return string
public function rawQPEncode($string, $bin=false)
$ret = "";
if (!$bin)
$string = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r"), "\n", $string);
$string = str_replace("\n", "\r\n", $string);
$len = strlen($string);
for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++)
$val = ord($string{$i});
//9, 32 = HT, SP; 10, 13 = CR, LF; 33-60 & 62-126 are ok
// 63 = '?'; 95 = '_' and need encoding to go in the headers
if ((!$bin && ($val == 32 || $val == 9 || $val == 10 || $val == 13))
|| ($val >= 33 && $val <= 60) || ($val >= 62 && $val <= 126)
&& $val != 63)
$ret .= $string{$i};
$ret .= sprintf("=%02X", $val);
return $ret;
* Return a file as a quoted printable encoded string
* @param Swift_File The file to encode
* @param int Max line length
* @param string The line ending
* @return Swift_Cache_OutputStream
* @throws Swift_FileException If the file cannot be read
public function QPEncodeFile(Swift_File $file, $chunk=76, $le="\r\n")
$cache = Swift_CacheFactory::getCache();
while (false !== $bytes = $file->readln())
$next = $this->rawQPEncode($bytes, true);
preg_match_all('/.{1,'.($chunk-6).'}([^=]{0,3})?/', $next, $next);
if (count($next[0])) $cache->write("qp", $this->fixLE(implode("=" . $le, $next[0]), $le));
return $cache->getOutputStream("qp");
* Encode a string as 7bit ascii
* @param string Input data to encode
* @param int Max line length
* @param string The line ending
* @return string
public function encode7Bit($data, $chunk=76, $le="\r\n")
return $this->fixLE(wordwrap($data, $chunk-2, $le, 1), $le);
* Return a 7bit string from a file
* @param Swift_File The file stream to read from
* @param int The max line length
* @param string The line ending
* @return Swift_Cache_OutputStream
* @throws Swift_FileException If the file cannot be read
public function encode7BitFile(Swift_File $file, $chunk=76, $le="\r\n")
$cache = Swift_CacheFactory::getCache();
$ret = "";
while (false !== $bytes = $file->read(8192)) $ret .= $bytes;
$cache->write("7b", $this->fixLE(wordwrap($ret, $chunk-2, $le, 1), $le));
return $cache->getOutputStream("7b");
* Return the 8bit encoded form of a string (unchanged there-abouts)
* @param string Input data to encode
* @param int Maximum line length
* @param string The line ending
* @return string
public function encode8Bit($data, $chunk=76, $le="\r\n")
return $this->fixLE(wordwrap($data, $chunk-2, $le, 1), $le);
* Return a 8bit string from a file
* @param Swift_File The file stream to read from
* @param int Max line length (including CRLF)
* @param string The line ending
* @return Swift_Cache_OutputStream
* @throws Swift_FileException If the file cannot be read
public function encode8BitFile(Swift_File $file, $chunk=76, $le="\r\n")
$cache = Swift_CacheFactory::getCache();
$ret = "";
while (false !== $bytes = $file->read(8192)) $ret .= $bytes;
$cache->write("8b", $this->fixLE(wordwrap($ret, $chunk-2, $le, 1), $le));
return $cache->getOutputStream("8b");
* Keeps lines longer than 76 characters trimmed down to size
* This currently does not convert other string encodings into 7bit
* @param string The data to make safe for headers (defaults to RFC 2822 standards)
* @param int maximum length of lines returned
* @param int The maximum length of the first line
* @param string The Line ending
* @return string
public function header7BitEncode($data, $chunk=76, $init_chunk=0, $le="\r\n")
$data = $this->encode7BitPrintable($data);
$ret = "";
if ($init_chunk > 2)
$data_wrapped = wordwrap($data, $init_chunk, $le);
$lines = explode($le, $data_wrapped);
$first_line = array_shift($lines);
$ret .= $first_line . $le;
$data = preg_replace("~^[ \t]~D", "", substr($data, strlen($first_line)));
elseif ($init_chunk) $ret .= $le;
$ret .= wordwrap($data, $chunk-2, $le);
return trim($ret);
* Strip out any characters which are not in the ASCII 7bit printable range
* @param string The string to clean
* @return string
public function encode7BitPrintable($data)
return preg_replace('/[^\x20-\x7E]/', '', $data);
* Detect if a string contains multi-byte non-ascii chars that fall in the UTF-8 ranges
* @param string Data to detect UTF-8 sequences in
* @return boolean
public function isUTF8($data)
return preg_match('%(?:
[\xC2-\xDF][\x80-\xBF] # non-overlong 2-byte
|\xE0[\xA0-\xBF][\x80-\xBF] # excluding overlongs
|[\xE1-\xEC\xEE\xEF][\x80-\xBF]{2} # straight 3-byte
|\xED[\x80-\x9F][\x80-\xBF] # excluding surrogates
|\xF0[\x90-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]{2} # planes 1-3
|[\xF1-\xF3][\x80-\xBF]{3} # planes 4-15
|\xF4[\x80-\x8F][\x80-\xBF]{2} # plane 16
)+%xs', $data);
* This function checks for 7bit *printable* characters
* which excludes \r \n \t etc and so, is safe for use in mail headers
* Actual permitted chars [\ !"#\$%&'\(\)\*\+,-\.\/0123456789:;<=>\?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\[\\\]\^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{\|}~]
* Ranges \x00-\x1F are printer control sequences
* \x7F is the ascii delete character
* @param string Data to check against
* @return boolean
public function is7BitPrintable($data)
return (!preg_match('/[^\x20-\x7E]/', $data));
* Check that a string does not contain any evil characters for headers.
* @param string The string to check
* @return boolean
public function isHeaderSafe($data)
return ($this->is7BitPrintable($data) && strpos($data, ";") === false);
* If the characters fall exclusively in the 7bit ascii range, return true
* @param string Input to check
* @return boolean
public function is7BitAscii($data)
return (!preg_match('/[^\x01-\x7F]/', $data));
* Encode a string for RFC 2047 compatability (url-encode)
* @param string The input for encoding
* @param string The charset used
* @param string The language used
* @param int The maximum line length
* @param int The maximum length of the first line
* @param string The line ending
* @return string
public function rfc2047Encode($str, $charset="iso-8859-1", $language="en-us", $chunk=76, $le="\r\n")
$lang_spec = "";
if (!$this->is7BitPrintable($str))
$lang_spec = $charset . "'" . $language . "'";
$str = $lang_spec . str_replace("+", "%20", urlencode($str));
preg_match_all('~.{1,'.($chunk-6).'}([^%]{0,3})~', $str, $matches);
if (count($matches[0])) return implode($le, $matches[0]);
* Fixes line endings to be whatever is specified by the user
* SMTP requires the CRLF be used, but using sendmail in -t mode uses LF
* This method also escapes dots on a start of line to avoid injection
* @param string The data to fix
* @return string
protected function fixLE($data, $le)
$data = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r"), "\n", $data);
if ($le != "\n") $data = str_replace("\n", $le, $data);
return $data = str_replace($le . ".", $le . "..", $data);
protected function getHcf($value, $factor)
return ($value - ($value % $factor));