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2016-01-04 12:49:26 +01:00

172 lines
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Executable File

'description'=>"Get the contacts from a MSN People",
* MSN Plugin
* Imports user's contacts from MSN People
* @author OpenInviter
* @version 1.4.4
class msn extends OpenInviter_Base
private $login_ok=false;
public $showContacts=true;
public $internalError=false;
protected $timeout=30;
protected $userAgent='Mozilla/4.1 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Symbian OS; Nokia 3650;424) Opera 6.10 [en]';
public $debug_array=array(
'post_login'=>'function OnBack()',
* Login function
* Makes all the necessary requests to authenticate
* the current user to the server.
* @param string $user The current user.
* @param string $pass The password for the current user.
* @return bool TRUE if the current user was authenticated successfully, FALSE otherwise.
function login($user,$pass)
if (!$this->init()) return false;
if ($this->checkResponse('initial_get',$res))
return false;
preg_match('#name\=\"PPFT\" id\=\"(.+)\" value\=\"(.+)\"#U',$res,$matches);
if ($this->checkResponse('post_login',$res)) $this->updateDebugBuffer('login_post',"{$post_elements}",'POST',true,$post_elements);
return false;
return true;
* Get the current user's contacts
* Makes all the necesarry requests to import
* the current user's contacts
* @return mixed The array if contacts if importing was successful, FALSE otherwise.
public function getMyContacts()
if (!$this->login_ok)
return false;
else $url=$this->login_ok;
if ($this->checkResponse('url_people',$res)) $this->updateDebugBuffer('url_people',$url,'GET');
return false;
$maxNumberContacts_bulk=$this->getElementString($res,'id="lh" class="SecondaryText">','<');
$maxNumberContacts_array=explode(" ",$maxNumberContacts_bulk);
foreach ($maxNumberContacts_array as $item) if (is_numeric(str_replace(')','',$item))) $maxNumberContacts=max(intval(str_replace(')','',$item)),$maxNumberContacts);
if (empty($maxNumberContacts)) return array();
while ($contor<=$maxNumberContacts)
if (preg_match_all("#class\=\"BoldText\" href\=\"\/contactinfo\.aspx\?contactid\=(.+)\"\>#U",$res,$matches))
if (!empty($matches[1]))
foreach($matches[1] as $id)
if (!empty($res))
preg_match_all('#mkt\=\"(.+)\" id\=\"(.+)\"\>(.+)\<#U',$res,$emails);
if ((!empty($name)) AND (!empty($emails[2]))) $contacts[$emails[2]]=array('first_name'=>$name,'email_1'=>$emails[2]);
foreach ($contacts as $email=>$name) if (!$this->isEmail($email)) unset($contacts[$email]);
return $this->returnContacts($contacts);
* Terminate session
* Terminates the current user's session,
* debugs the request and reset's the internal
* debudder.
* @return bool TRUE if the session was terminated successfully, FALSE otherwise.
public function logout()
if (!$this->checkSession()) return false;
$url_logout=html_entity_decode($this->getElementString($res,'<a id="SignOutLink" href="','"'));
return true;