192 lines
5.8 KiB
Executable File

* 2007-2015 PrestaShop
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* @author PrestaShop SA <contact@prestashop.com>
* @copyright 2007-2015 PrestaShop SA
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php Academic Free License (AFL 3.0)
* International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA
* Allow to create tickets - 'WSI2_CreationEtiquette'
class MRDownloadPDF implements IMondialRelayWSMethod
public $class_name = __CLASS__;
private $_fields = array(
'list' => array(
'Enseigne' => array(
'required' => true,
'value' => '',
'regexValidation' => '#^[0-9A-Z]{2}[0-9A-Z ]{6}$#'),
'Expeditions' => array(
'required' => true,
'value' => '',
'regexValidation' => '#^[0-9]{8}(;[0-9]{8})*$#'),
'Langue' => array(
'required' => true,
'value' => '',
'regexValidation' => '#^[A-Z]{2}$#'),
'Security' => array(
'required' => true,
'value' => '',
'regexValidation' => '#^[0-9A-Z]{32}$#')));
private $_mondialrelay = null;
private $_fieldsList = array();
private $_webServiceKey = '';
private $_markCode = '';
private $Expeditions = '';
private $_resultList = array(
'error' => array(),
'success' => array());
private $_webserviceURL = '';
public function __construct($params, $object)
$this->Expeditions = $params['Expeditions'];
$this->_mondialrelay = $object;
$this->_webServiceKey = $this->_mondialrelay->account_shop['MR_KEY_WEBSERVICE'];
$this->_markCode = $this->_mondialrelay->account_shop['MR_CODE_MARQUE'];
$this->class_name = Tools::strtolower($this->class_name);
$this->_webserviceURL = MondialRelay::MR_URL.'webservice/Web_Services.asmx?WSDL';
public function __destruct()
* Initiate the data needed to be send properly
* Can manage a list of data for multiple request
public function init()
$this->_fields['list']['Enseigne']['value'] = $this->_mondialrelay->account_shop['MR_ENSEIGNE_WEBSERVICE'];
$this->_fields['list']['Expeditions']['value'] = $this->Expeditions;
$this->_fields['list']['Langue']['value'] = $this->_mondialrelay->account_shop['MR_LANGUAGE'];
$this->_fieldsList[] = $this->_fields;
* Generate the MD5 key for each param list
private function _generateMD5SecurityKey()
foreach ($this->_fieldsList as &$rootCase)
$concatenationValue = '';
foreach ($rootCase['list'] as $paramName => &$valueDetailed)
if ($paramName != 'Texte' && $paramName != 'Security')
$valueDetailed['value'] = Tools::strtoupper($valueDetailed['value']);
if (preg_match($valueDetailed['regexValidation'], $valueDetailed['value'], $matches))
$concatenationValue .= $valueDetailed['value'];
elseif ((!Tools::strlen($valueDetailed['value']) && $valueDetailed['required']) || Tools::strlen($valueDetailed['value']))
$error = $this->_mondialrelay->l('This key').' ['.$paramName.'] '.$this->_mondialrelay->l('hasn\'t a valide value format').' : '.$valueDetailed['value'];
$this->_resultList['error'][] = $error;
$concatenationValue .= $this->_webServiceKey;
$rootCase['list']['Security']['value'] = Tools::strtoupper(md5($concatenationValue));
* Manage the return value of the webservice, handle the errors or build the
* succeed message
private function _parseResult($client, $result, $params)
$errors = &$this->_resultList['error'][];
$success = &$this->_resultList['success'][];
$result = $result->WSI2_GetEtiquettesResult;
if (($errorNumber = $result->STAT) != 0)
$errors[] = $this->_mondialrelay->l('There is an error number : ', $this->class_name).$errorNumber;
$errors[] = $this->_mondialrelay->l('Details : ', $this->class_name).
$baseURL = 'http://www.mondialrelay.fr';
$success['URL_PDF_A4'] = $baseURL.$result->URL_PDF_A4;
$success['URL_PDF_A5'] = $baseURL.$result->URL_PDF_A5;
$success['URL_PDF_10x15'] = $baseURL.str_replace('format=A4', 'format=10x15', $result->URL_PDF_A4);
* Send one or multiple request to the webservice
public function send()
if ($client = new SoapClient($this->_webserviceURL))
$client->soap_defencoding = 'UTF-8';
$client->decode_utf8 = false;
foreach ($this->_fieldsList as $rootCase)
$params = $this->_getSimpleParamArray($rootCase['list']);
$result = $client->WSI2_GetEtiquettes($params);
$this->_parseResult($client, $result, $params);
throw new Exception($this->_mondialrelay->l('The Mondial Relay webservice isn\'t currently reliable'));
* Return the fields list
public function getFieldsList()
return $this->_fieldsList['list'];
* Return the result of one or multiple sent requests
public function getResult()
return $this->_resultList;
private function _getSimpleParamArray($fields)
$params = array();
foreach ($fields as $keyName => $valueDetailed)
$params[$keyName] = $valueDetailed['value'];
return $params;