525 lines
19 KiB
Executable File
525 lines
19 KiB
Executable File
* The core of the OpenInviter system
* Contains methods and properties used by all
* the OpenInivter plugins
* @author OpenInviter
* @version 1.7.6
class openinviter
public $pluginTypes=array('email'=>'Email Providers','social'=>'Social Networks');
private $version='1.9.6';
private $configStructure=array(
private $statsDB=false;
private $configOK;
private $basePath='';
private $availablePlugins=array();
private $currentPlugin=array();
public function __construct()
private function checkConfig()
foreach ($this->configStructure as $option=>$details)
if (!isset($this->settings[$option])) $to_add[$option]=$details['default'];
if ($ok) if ($details['required'] AND empty($this->settings[$option])) { $this->internalError="`{$option}` is not defined in config.php";$ok=false; }
if (!empty($to_add))
foreach ($to_add as $option=>$value) $this->settings[$option]=$value;
if (is_writable($file_path))
return $ok;
private function arrayToText($array)
foreach ($array as $key=>$val)
if($flag) $text.=",\n";
if (is_array($val)) $text.='array('.$this->arrayToText($val).')';
elseif (is_bool($val)) $text.=($val?'true':'false');
else $text.="\"{$val}\"";
private function statsCheck()
if (!$this->settings['stats']) return true;
if (!file_exists($db_file))
if (!is_writable($this->basePath)) { $this->internalError="Unable to write stats. ".$this->basePath." is not writable";return false; }
if (!$this->statsOpenDB()) { $this->internalError="Unable to create the stats database.";return false; }
$this->statsQuery("CREATE TABLE oi_imports (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, service VARCHAR(16), contacts INTEGER, insert_dt DATETIME, insert_ip VARCHAR(15))");
$this->statsQuery("CREATE TABLE oi_messages (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, service VARCHAR(16), type CHAR(1), messages INTEGER, insert_dt DATETIME, insert_ip VARCHAR(15))");
elseif (!is_readable($db_file)) { $this->internalError="Unable to open stats database. {$db_file} is not readable.";return false; }
elseif (!is_writable($db_file)) { $this->internalError="Unable to write stats. {$db_file} is not writable";return false; }
elseif (!$this->statsOpenDB()) { $this->internalError="Unable to open the stats database.";return false; }
return true;
private function statsOpenDB()
if (!$this->settings['stats']) return true;
if (function_exists('sqlite_open'))
if ($this->statsDB=sqlite_open($this->basePath.'/openinviter_stats.sqlite',0666)) return true;
return false;
private function statsRecordImport($contacts)
if (!$this->settings['stats']) return true;
if (!$this->statsDB) if (!$this->statsOpenDB()) return false;
$this->statsQuery("INSERT INTO oi_imports (service,contacts,insert_dt,insert_ip) VALUES ('{$this->plugin->service}','{$contacts}','".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."','{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}')");
private function statsRecordMessages($msg_type,$messages)
if (!$this->settings['stats']) return true;
if (!$this->statsDB) if (!$this->statsOpenDB()) return false;
$this->statsQuery("INSERT INTO oi_messages (service,type,messages,insert_dt,insert_ip) VALUES ('{$this->plugin->service}','{$msg_type}','{$messages}','".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."','{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}')");
public function statsQuery($query)
if (!$this->settings['stats']) return false;
if (!$this->statsDB)
if (!$this->statsCheck()) return false;
if (!$this->statsOpenDB()) return false;
return sqlite_query($this->statsDB,$query,SQLITE_ASSOC);
* Start internal plugin
* Starts the internal plugin and
* transfers the settings to it.
* @param string $plugin_name The name of the plugin being started
public function startPlugin($plugin_name,$getPlugins=false)
if (!$getPlugins) $this->currentPlugin=$this->availablePlugins[$plugin_name];
if (file_exists($this->basePath."/postinstall.php")) { $this->internalError="You have to delete postinstall.php before using OpenInviter";return false; }
elseif (!$this->configOK) return false;
elseif (!$this->statsCheck()) return false;
elseif ($this->settings['hosted'])
if (!file_exists($this->basePath."/plugins/_hosted.plg.php")) $this->internalError="Invalid service provider";
if (!class_exists('_hosted')) require_once($this->basePath."/plugins/_hosted.plg.php");
if ($getPlugins)
$this->servicesLink=new _hosted($plugin_name);
$this->plugin=new _hosted($plugin_name);
elseif (file_exists($this->basePath."/plugins/{$plugin_name}.plg.php"))
if (!class_exists($plugin_name)) require_once($this->basePath."/plugins/{$plugin_name}.plg.php");
$this->plugin=new $plugin_name();
if (file_exists($this->basePath."/conf/{$plugin_name}.conf"))
if (empty($enable)) $this->internalError="Invalid service provider";
if (!empty($messageDelay)) $this->plugin->messageDelay=$messageDelay; else $this->plugin->messageDelay=1;
if (!empty($maxMessages)) $this->plugin->maxMessages=$maxMessages; else $this->plugin->maxMessages=10;
else { $this->internalError="Invalid service provider";return false; }
return true;
* Stop the internal plugin
* Acts as a wrapper function for the stopPlugin
* function in the OpenInviter_Base class
public function stopPlugin($graceful=false)
* Login function
* Acts as a wrapper function for the plugin's
* login function.
* @param string $user The username being logged in
* @param string $pass The password for the username being logged in
* @return mixed FALSE if the login credentials don't match the plugin's requirements or the result of the plugin's login function.
public function login($user,$pass)
if (!$this->checkLoginCredentials($user)) return false;
return $this->plugin->login($user,$pass);
* Get the current user's contacts
* Acts as a wrapper function for the plugin's
* getMyContacts function.
* @return mixed The result of the plugin's getMyContacts function.
public function getMyContacts()
if ($contacts!==false) $this->statsRecordImport(count($contacts));
return $contacts;
* End the current user's session
* Acts as a wrapper function for the plugin's
* logout function
* @return bool The result of the plugin's logout function.
public function logout()
return $this->plugin->logout();
public function writePlConf($name_file,$type)
if (!file_exists($this->basePath."/conf")) mkdir($this->basePath."/conf",0755,true);
if ($type=='social') file_put_contents($this->basePath."/conf/{$name_file}.conf",'<?php $enable=true;$autoUpdate=true;$messageDelay=1;$maxMessages=10;?>');
elseif($type=='email') file_put_contents($this->basePath."/conf/{$name_file}.conf",'<?php $enable=true;$autoUpdate=true; ?>');
elseif($type=='hosted') file_put_contents($this->basePath."/conf/{$name_file}.conf",'<?php $enable=false;$autoUpdate=true; ?>');
* Get the installed plugins
* Returns information about the available plugins
* @return mixed An array of the plugins available or FALSE if there are no plugins available.
public function getPlugins($update=false,$required_details=false)
if ($required_details)
if (file_exists($cache_rpath))
if (time()-$cache_rts<=$this->settings['plugins_cache_time']) $valid_rcache=true;
if ($valid_rcache) return $returnPlugins;
if (!$update)
if (file_exists($cache_path))
if (time()-$cache_ts<=$this->settings['plugins_cache_time']) $valid_cache=true;
if (!$valid_cache)
foreach ($temp as $file) $array_file[basename($file,'.plg.php')]=$file;
if (!$update)
if ($this->settings['hosted'])
if ($this->startPlugin('_hosted',true)!==FALSE) { $plugins=array();$plugins['hosted']=$this->servicesLink->getHostedServices(); }
else return array();
if (isset($array_file['_hosted'])) unset($array_file['_hosted']);
if ($update==TRUE OR $this->settings['hosted']==FALSE)
if (count($array_file)>0)
if (!empty($plugins['hosted'])) { $reWriteAll=true;$plugins=array(); }
foreach ($plugins as $key=>$vals)
foreach ($vals as $key2=>$val2)
if (!isset($array_file[$key2])) unset($vals[$key2]);
if (empty($vals)) unset($plugins[$key]);
else $plugins[$key]=$vals;
foreach ($array_file as $plugin_key=>$file)
if (filemtime($file)>$cache_ts OR $reWriteAll)
foreach($modified_files as $plugin_key=>$file)
if (file_exists($this->basePath."/conf/{$plugin_key}.conf"))
if ($enable AND $update==false)
{ include($file); if ($this->checkVersion($_pluginInfo['base_version'])) $plugins[$_pluginInfo['type']][$plugin_key]=$_pluginInfo; }
elseif ($update==true)
{ include($file); if ($this->checkVersion($_pluginInfo['base_version'])) $plugins[$_pluginInfo['type']][$plugin_key]=array_merge(array('autoupdate'=>$autoUpdate),$_pluginInfo); }
{ include($file);if ($this->checkVersion($_pluginInfo['base_version'])) $plugins[$_pluginInfo['type']][$plugin_key]=$_pluginInfo; $this->writePlConf($plugin_key,$_pluginInfo['type']);}
foreach ($plugins as $key=>$val) if (empty($val)) unset($plugins[$key]);
if (!$update)
if ((!$valid_cache) AND (empty($modified_files)) AND (!$this->settings['hosted'])) touch($this->settings['cookie_path'].'/'.$this->settings['plugins_cache_file']);
if (!$this->settings['hosted']) $returnPlugins=$plugins;
else $returnPlugins=(!empty($plugins['hosted'])?$plugins['hosted']:array());
if ($required_details)
if (!$valid_rcache)
foreach($returnPlugins as $types=>$plugins)
foreach($plugins as $plugKey=>$plugin)
if (!empty($plugin['imported_details']))
{ if (!in_array($required_details,$plugin['imported_details'])) unset($returnPlugins[$types][$plugKey]); }
else unset($returnPlugins[$types][$plugKey]);
if (!empty($returnPlugins))
return $returnPlugins;
if (!empty($returnPlugins))
foreach ($returnPlugins as $type=>$type_plugins)
return $returnPlugins;
* Send a message
* Acts as a wrapper for the plugin's
* sendMessage function.
* @param string $session_id The OpenInviter user's session ID
* @param string $message The message being sent to the users
* @param array $contacts An array of contacts that are going to receive the message
* @return mixed -1 if the plugin doesn't have an internal sendMessage function or the result of the plugin's sendMessage function
public function sendMessage($session_id,$message,$contacts)
if ($internal) return false;
if (!method_exists($this->plugin,'sendMessage')) { $this->statsRecordMessages('E',count($contacts));return -1; }
if ($sent!==false) $this->statsRecordMessages('I',count($contacts));
return $sent;
* Find out if the contacts should be displayed
* Tells whether the current plugin will display
* a list of contacts or not
* @return bool TRUE if the plugin displays the list of contacts, FALSE otherwise.
public function showContacts()
return $this->plugin->showContacts;
* Check version requirements
* Checks if the current version of OpenInviter
* is greater than the plugin's required version
* @param string $required_version The OpenInviter version that the plugin requires.
* @return bool TRUE if the version if equal or greater, FALSE otherwise.
public function checkVersion($required_version)
if (version_compare($required_version,$this->version,'<=')) return true;
return false;
* Find out the version of OpenInviter
* Find out the version of the OpenInviter
* base class
* @return string The version of the OpenInviter base class.
public function getVersion()
return $this->version;
* Check the provided login credentials
* Checks whether the provided login credentials
* match the plugin's required structure and (if required)
* if the provided domain name is allowed for the
* current plugin.
* @param string $user The provided user name.
* @return bool TRUE if the login credentials match the required structure, FALSE otherwise.
private function checkLoginCredentials($user)
if ($this->currentPlugin['requirement'])
if ($this->currentPlugin['requirement']=='email' AND !$is_email)
$this->internalError="Please enter the full email, not just the username";
return false;
elseif ($this->currentPlugin['requirement']=='user' AND $is_email)
$this->internalError="Please enter just the username, not the full email";
return false;
if ($this->currentPlugin['allowed_domains'] AND $is_email)
foreach ($this->currentPlugin['allowed_domains'] as $domain)
if (preg_match($domain,$user_domain)) { $temp=true;break; }
if (!$temp)
$this->internalError="<b>{$user_domain}</b> is not a valid domain for this provider";
return false;
return true;
public function getPluginByDomain($user)
$user_domain=explode('@',$user);if (!isset($user_domain[1])) return false;
foreach ($this->availablePlugins as $plugin=>$details)
if ($details['allowed_domains']) $patterns=$details['allowed_domains']; elseif (isset($details['detected_domains'])) $patterns=$details['detected_domains'];
foreach ($patterns as $domain_pattern)
if (preg_match($domain_pattern,$user_domain)) return $plugin;
return false;
* Gets the OpenInviter's internal error
* Gets the OpenInviter's base class or the plugin's
* internal error message
* @return mixed The error message or FALSE if there is no error.s
public function getInternalError()
if (isset($this->internalError)) return $this->internalError;
if (isset($this->plugin->internalError)) return $this->plugin->internalError;
return false;
* Get the current OpenInviter session ID
* Acts as a wrapper function for the plugin's
* getSessionID function.
* @return mixed The result of the plugin's getSessionID function.
public function getSessionID()
return $this->plugin->getSessionID();